Spelling suggestions: "subject:"phase transitions."" "subject:"chase transitions.""
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Dinâmica de populações: modelo predador-presa estocástico e difusivo em um reticulado / Dynamic population: Predator-prey stochastic and difusive model on a latticeÁttila Leães Rodrigues 29 January 2009 (has links)
Estudamos o modelo predador-presa estocástico definido em uma rede com interações entre os primeiros vizinhos, cada sítio podendo assumir três estados: vazio, ocupado por presa e ocupado por predador. Introduzimos ainda um parâmetro que controla a possibilidade de difuãao dos estados, a difusão é permitida entre quaisquer estados. O modelo exibe uma fase oscilante, uma fase não-oscilante e uma fase absorvente. As duas primeiras fases possibilitam a coexistência entre as espécies biológicas enquanto na fase absorvente a rede é totalmente preenchida por presas e o sistema fica preso nessa configuração. Determinamos a linha de transição da fase não-oscilante para a fase absorvente por meio de simulações dependentes do tempo. Também, determinamos a linha de transição da fase oscilante para a fase não-oscilante através da análise das funções de autocorrelação das séries temporais de presas e predadores. Além disso, estudamos o modelo por meio de aproximações de campo médio dinâmico. Concluímos que a inclusão da difusão no modelo predador-presa leva a uma maior região de coexistência das espécies no diagrama de fases. Nossos resultados sugerem que o componente difusivo é irrevelevante quanto ao comportamento crítico, pois ele não exclui o modelo da classe de universalidade da percolação direcionada. / We have studied the predator-prey stochastic model defined on a lattice with first neighbour interactions. Each site of the lattice may assume one of three states: vacant, occupied by prey and occupied by predator. We have introduced a parameter that controls the possibility of difusion among sites. The model shows an oscilating phase, a non-oscilating phase and an absorbing phase. In the first two phases the system exhibits coexistence of biological species while in the absorbing phase the lattice is filled with prey and the system becomes trapped. We have determined the transition line between the non-oscilating and absorbing phases using time-dependent simulations. We have also determined the transition lines between oscilating and non-oscilating phases using time-autocorrelation functions of the prey time-series. In addition, we have studied the model by means of dynamical mean-field aproximations. We conclude that the introduction of diffusion in the predator-prey model leads to a larger region of coexistence in the phase diagram. Our results suggest that difusion is irrelevant for the critical behavior since it does not change the universatility class of the model.
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In this thesis I will outline various quantum phase transitions in 2D models of magnets that are amenable to simulation with quantum Monte Carlo techniques. The key player in this work is the theory of deconfined criticality, which generically allows for zero temperature quantum phase transitions between phases that break distinct global symmetries. I will describe models with different symmetries including SU(N), SO(N), and "easy-plane" SU(N) and I will demonstrate how the presence or absence of continuous transitions in these models fits together with the theory of deconfined criticality.
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Brisures de symétrie dans des superespaces cristallographiques : aspects structuraux et dynamiques / Broken symmetry within crystallographic superspaces : structural and dynamical aspectsMariette, Céline 26 June 2013 (has links)
Les cristaux apériodiques possèdent la propriété d’avoir un ordre à grande distance mais sans la symétrie de translation. Ces cristaux se décrivent dans des superespaces cristallographiques de dimension supérieure à trois. Dans ce mémoire, nous nous intéressons plus particulièrement aux brisures de symétrie présentes dans de tels espaces cristallographiques en considérant la famille prototype de n-alcane/urée. Des études par diffraction de rayons X sur sources synchrotron révèlent de multiples solutions structurales impliquant des changements ou non de la dimension du groupe de superespace. Une fois la caractérisation du paramètre d’ordre et de la brisure de symétrie faite nous présentons les phénomènes prétransitionnels critiques associés à ces transitions de phase de type groupe/sous-groupe. La diffusion cohérente de neutrons et la diffusion de rayons X inélastiques permettent une analyse dynamique des différentes excitations dans ces matériaux (phonons, phasons). Les composés d’inclusion avec des molécules invitées courtes (alcane CnH2n+2 avec n variant de 7 à 13) révèlent à température ambiante des phases « quasi-liquides » uni-dimensionnelles. Ce désordre dynamique le long de la direction d'incommensurabilité de ces matériaux génère à basse température des solutions structurales nouvelles (composite monoclinique intermodulé, ancrages commensurables). / Aperiodic crystals have the property to possess long range order without translational symmetry. These crystals are described within the formalism of superspace crystallography. In this manuscript, we will focus on symmetry breakings which take place in such crystallographic superspace groups, considering the prototype family of n-alkane/urea. Studies performed by X-ray diffraction using synchrotron sources reveal multiple structural solutions implying or not changes of the dimension of the superspace. Once the characterization of the order parameter and of the symmetry breaking is done, we present the critical pretransitionnal phenomena associated to phase transitions of group/subgroup types. Coherent neutron scattering and X-ray scattering allow a dynamical analysis of different kind of excitations in these materials (phonons, phasons). The inclusion compounds with short guest molecules (alkane CnH2n+2, n varying from 7 to 13) show at room temperature unidimensional “liquid-like” phases. The dynamical disorder along the incommensurate direction of these materials generates new structural solutions at low temperature (intermodulated monoclinic composite, commensurate lock-in).
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Résultats exacts et mécanismes de fusion pour les systèmes bidimensionnels / Exact results and melting theories in two-dimensional systemsSalazar, Robert 13 December 2017 (has links)
Les systèmes de nombreuses particules peuvent présenter des comportements variés en fonction du type d’interaction entre ses composants.Dans certaines situations, des structures macroscopiques hautement ordonnées peuvent émerger de telles interactions. Le problème de l’identification des mécanismes qui activent l’ordre microscopique dans les systèmes bidimensionnels a fait l’objet d’études théoriques et expérimentales. Il y a plusieurs décennies, il a été montré que les systèmes bidimensionnels avec des interactions de paramètres d’ordre suffisamment court et d’ordre continu n’ont pas d’ordre à longue portée (ils n’ont pas de phase solide). D’autre part, des études numériques sur des systèmes sans ordre positionnel ont montré que de tels systèmes pourraient présenter des transitions de phase. Cette contradiction apparente dans les systèmes bidimensionnels a été expliquée dans la transition KT (Kosterlitz-Thouless) proposée pour le modèle XY. Depuis lors, on a commencé à observer que les systèmes sans ordre positionnel pouvaient montrer des transitions de phase quand ils avaient un ordre de demi-longue portée (ODLP). Ce type d’ordre est associé à l’ordre d’orientation du système qui est perdu lorsque les défauts topologiques activés par les fluctuations thermiques sont divisés en paires produisant une transition. D’autre part, les systèmes bidimensionnels avec ordre de position à la température T = 0 peuvent être fusionnés dans un scénario comprenant trois phases : solide / hexatique / liquide dont les transitions sont dues à la division en deux étapes de défauts topologiques à deux températures différentes (Théorie de Kosterlitz-Thouless-Halperin-Nelson-Young KTHNY).Ce travail se concentre sur l’ étude du plasma d’un composant bidimensionnel (PUC2d), un système classique de N charges ponctuelles identiques qui interagissent à travers un potentiel électrique et immergées dans une surface bidimensionnelle avec densité de charge opposée. Le système est un cristal à T = 0 qui commence à fondre si T est suffisamment élevé. Si le potentiel d’interaction entre les particules est logarithmique,alors le système dans le plan et la sphère a une solution exacte pour une valeur spéciale de T située dans la phase fluide. Dans cette étude, un formalisme analytique est utilisé pour déterminer exactement les propriétés thermodynamiques et structurelles qui permettent de suivre le comportement du PUC2d en la phase désordonnée jusqu’`a ce que celui-ci cristallise avec la restriction de N pas très grand. Par le formalisme, nous trouvons des connexions intéressantes avec l’ensemble de Ginibre défini dans la théorie des matrices aléatoires.Nous avons effectué des simulations de Monte Carlo pour modéliser le PUC2d avec des interactions potentiel en inverse de distance et des conditions aux limites périodiques dans le plan. Trois phases sont identifiées incluant la phase hexatique pour des systèmes suffisamment grands. Nous avons déterminé par l’analyse de taille finie et la méthode multi-histogramme que la transition hexatique/ liquide est de premier ordre faible. Finalement,une étude statistique sur les arrangements de défauts (clusters) lors de la fusion cristalline est effectuée, confirmant en détail la théorie de KTHNY et décrivant des alternatives pour la détection de transitions en deux dimensions. / Many particle systems may exhibit interesting properties depending on the interaction between their constituents. Among them, it is possible to find situations where highly ordered microscopic structures may emerge from these interactions. The central problem to identify the mechanisms which activate the ordered particle arrangements has been the subject matter of theoretical and experimental studies. In the past decades, it was rigorously proved that systems in two dimensions with sufficiently short-range interactions and continuous degrees of freedom do not have long-range order. In contrast, numerical studies of systems featuring lack of positional order in two dimensions showed evidence of phase transitions. This apparent contradiction was explained by the Kosterlitz-Thouless (KT)-transition for the XY-model showing that transitions may take place in positional isotropic bidimensional systems if they still have quasi-long range (QLR) order. Such QLR order associated to the orientational order of the system, is lost when topological defects activated by thermal fluctuations begin to unbind in pairs producing a transition. On the other hand, two-dimensional systems with positional order at vanishing temperature may show a melting scenario including three phases solid/hexatic/fluid with transitions driven by a unbinding mechanism of topological defects according to the Kosterlitz-Thouless-Halperin-Nelson-Young (KTHNY)-theory.This work is focused on the study of the two dimensional one component plasma 2dOCPa system of N identical punctual charges interacting with an electric potential in a two-dimensional surface with neutralizing background. The system is a crystal at vanishing temperature and it melts at sufficiently high temperature. If the interaction potential is logarithmic, then the system on the flat plane and the sphere is exactly solvable at a special temperature located at the fluid phase. We use analytical approaches to compute exactly thermodynamic variables and structural properties which enables to study the crossover behaviour from a disordered phases to crystals for small systems finding interesting connections with the Ginibre Ensemble of the random matrix theory.We perform numerical Monte Carlo simulations of the 2dOCP with inverse power law interactions and periodic boundary conditions finding a hexatic phase for sufficiently large systems. It is found a weakly first order transition for the hexatic/fluid transition by using finite size analysis and the multi-histogram method. Finally, a statistical analysis of clusters of defects during melting confirms in a detailed way the predictions of the KTHNY-theory but also provides alternatives to detect transitions in two-dimensional systems.
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DNA-Based Materials: From Single Molecules to Liquid CrystalsGyawali, Prabesh 03 March 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Development of lattice density functionals and applications to structure formation in condensed matter systemsBakhti, Benaoumeur 05 February 2014 (has links)
Lattice Density Functional Theory is a powerful method to treat equilibrium structural properties and non-equilibrium kinetics of condensed matter systems. In this thesis an approach based on Markov chains is followed to derive exact density functionals for interacting particles in one-dimension. First, hard rod mixtures on a lattice are considered. For the treatment of this system, certain sets of site occupation numbers are introduced. These sets reflect zero-dimensional or one-particle cavities in continuum treatments, which can hold at most one particle. The exact functional follows from rather simple probabilistic arguments. Thereby the derivation simplifies an earlier, more complicated treatment. A rearrangement of the functional casts it into a form according to lattice fundamental measure theory. This makes it possible to systematically setup approximate density functionals in higher dimensions, which become exact under dimensional reduction. In the next step, the theory is extended to hard rod mixtures with contact interactions. Finally, hard rods with arbitrary nearest-neighbor interactions extending over two rod lengths are studied. For those interactions, two types of zero-dimensional cavities need to be introduced. The first one is a one-particle cavity corresponding to a set of occupation numbers with at most one occupation number being nonzero. The second type is a two-particle cavity, which is a cavity that cannot hold more than two particles, that means at most two occupation numbers can be one in the corresponding set. In order to account for time-dependent kinetics, a lattice version of Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory is followed and applied to hard rods with contact interactions.
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Anderson Localization in high dimensional lattices / Localisation d'Anderson sur des réseaux en grande dimensionTarquini, Elena 12 December 2016 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est d'investiguer le comportement de la localisation d'Anderson en grande dimension. Dans la première partie nous étudions les Matrices de Lévy, un modèle de matrices aléatoires avec interactions à longue portée qui présente une forte analogie avec le problème de la localisation d'Anderson sur des structures en arbre, représentatives du comportement en dimension infinie. Nous établissons l'équation qui détermine la transition de localisation et nous obtenons le diagramme de phase. Nous investiguons en suite le comportement inhabituel de la phase délocalisée. Avec des arguments basés sur la méthode supersymmétrique et sur le mouvement brownien de Dyson, nous montrons que la distribution des écarts entre valeurs propres est la même que dans le cas GOE dans toute la phase délocalisée et elle est de type Poisson dans la phase localisée. Notre analyse numérique confirme ce résultat, valable dans la limite thermodynamique, et fournit des informations sur le comportement d'autres quantités comme la statistique des vecteurs propres. De plus, les résultats numériques révèlent que l'échelle caractéristique qui gouverne les effets de taille finie diverge beaucoup plus vite qu'une loi de puissance quand on s'approche de la transition, et elle est déjà très grande loin du point critique. Dans la seconde partie nous étudions numériquement le comportement du modèle d'Anderson en dimension de 3 à 6 en utilisant la méthode de la matrice de transfert, la diagonalisation exacte, et une technique approximée de Groupe de Renormalisation pour fort désordre. Les résultats suggèrent que la dimension critique supérieure de la localisation d'Anderson est infinie. Nous discutons aussi les implications possibles de ce scénario sur le comportement inhabituel de la phase délocalisée des modèles représentatifs de la limite de dimension infinie, comme les matrices de Lévy et le modèle d'Anderson sur des structures en arbre. / In this thesis, we investigate the behavior of Anderson Localization in high dimension. In the first part we study Lévy Matrices (LMs), a Random Matrix model with long-range hopping presenting strong analogy with the problem of Anderson Localization on tree-like structure, representative of the limit of infinite dimensionality. We establish the equation determining the localization transition and obtain the phase diagram. We investigate then the unusual behavior of the delocalized phase. Using arguments based on supersymmetric field theory and Dyson Brownian motion we show that the eigenvalue statistics is the same one as of the Gaussian orthogonal ensemble in the whole delocalized phase and is Poisson-like in the localized phase. Our numerical analysis confirms this result, valid in the limit of infinitely large LMs, and provides information on the behavior of other observables like the wave-functions statistics. At the same time, numerical results also reveal that the characteristic scale governing finite size effects diverges much faster than a power law approaching the transition and is already very large far from it. This leads to a very wide crossover region in which the system looks as if it were in a mixed phase. In the second part we study numerically the behavior of the Anderson Model in dimension from 3 to 6 through exact diagonalization, Transfer Matrix method and an approximate Strong Disorder Renormalization Group technique. The results we find suggest that the upper critical dimension of Anderson Localization is infinite. Finally, we discuss the possible implications of this scenario on the anomalous behavior of the delocalized phase of models representative of the limit of infinite dimension, like Lévy Matrices and the Anderson model on tree-like structures.
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Phase Diagrams and Kinetics of Solid-Liquid Phase Transitions in Crystalline Polymer BlendsMatkar, Rushikesh Ashok January 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Exploring the Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Low Dimensional Hybrid Transition Metal Halide Perovskite DerivativesHolzapfel, Noah Philip January 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Влияние магнитного поля на фазовые переходы и структуру растворов и расплавов гибкоцепных полимеров : магистерская диссертация / The Effect of a Magnetic Field on Phase Transitions and Structure of Solutions and Melts of Flexible Chain PolymersЖернов, И. В., Zhernov, I. V. January 2016 (has links)
Методами точек помутнения, поляризационной микроскопии и рентгеноструктурного анализа изучены фазовые переходы систем ПЭ – о-ксилол, ПЭ – н-гексан, ПЭ – хлороформ, ПЭ – о-дихлорбензол, ПЭГ – 1,4-диоксан и ПЭГ – толуол, а также структура выделенных их них полимерных образований в магнитном поле и в его отсутствие.
Построены фазовые диаграммы систем. Установлено, что магнитное поле приводит к повышению температур кристаллизации растворов и расплавов ПЭ и ПЭГ.
Обнаружено, что в растворах ПЭГ в магнитном поле образуются сферолиты существенно меньших размеров, чем в отсутствие магнитного поля.
Определены степени кристалличности образцов ПЭ и ПЭГ, выделенных из растворов и расплавов. Показано, что магнитное поле увеличивает степень кристалличности ПЭГ, но не влияет на степень кристалличности ПЭ. / Phase transitions of the PE – xylol, PE – hexane, PE – chloroform, PE – dichlorobenzene, PEG – 1,4-dioxane and PEG – toluene systems, and also the structure of the polymers separated from these systems have been studied using the
cloud-point method, polarizing microscopy and the X-ray diffraction under magnetic field and in its absence.
Phase diagrams of these systems are constructed. It is shown that the magnetic field leads to the increase in polymer crystallization temperatures from solutions and melts.
It is revealed that the sizes of spherulites formed in PEG solutions under magnetic field are significantly smaller, than that in the magnetic field absence.
The crystallinity degree of the PE and PEG samples separated from solutions and melts was determined. It was shown that the magnetic field increases the crystallinity degree of PEG, but doesn't influence on the PE crystallinity degree.
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