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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Untersuchungen zur molekularen Interaktion und Zellkommunikation am Beispiel der Inkompatibilitätsloki von Ustilago maydis

Tönnis, Manuel. January 2002 (has links) (PDF)
München, Techn. Univ., Diss., 2002.

Differentiation in reproductive potential and chemical communication of reproductive status in workers and queens of the ant Myrmecia gulosa / Differenzierung des reproduktiven Potentials und chemische Kommunikation des reproduktiven Status von Arbeiterinnen und Königinnen der Ameise Myrmecia gulosa

Dietemann, Vincent January 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Division of reproductive labour in societies represents a topic of interest in evolutionary biology at least since Darwin. The puzzle of how helpers can be selected for, in spite of their reduced fertility has found an explanation in the kin selection theory: workers can overcome the cost of helping and of forgiving direct reproduction by rearing sufficiently related individuals. However, in the Hymenoptera, little is known on the proximate mechanisms that regulate the division of labour in colonies. Our knowledge is based on several "primitive" ants from the subfamily Ponerinae and two highly eusocial Hymenoptera species. In the former, the dominance hierarchies allowing for the establishment of individuals as reproductives are well understood. In contrast, the pheromonal mechanisms that help maintain their reproductive status are not understood. Similarly in "higher" ants, pheromonal regulation mechanisms of worker reproduction by queens remain largely unknown. The aim of this study is to determine the modalities of production, distribution and action, as well as the identity of the queen pheromones affecting worker reproduction in the ant Myrmecia gulosa. This species belongs to the poorly studied subfamily Myrmeciinae, which is endemic to the Australian region. The subfamily represents, together with the Ponerinae, the most "primitive" ants: their morphology is close to that of the hypothetical ancestor of ants, and the specialisation of queens is weaker than that of "higher" ants. Simple regulation mechanisms were therefore expected to facilitate the investigation. The first step in this study was to characterise the morphological specialisation of queens and workers, and to determine the differences in reproductive potential associated with this specialisation. This study contributes to our understanding of the link between regulation of division of reproductive labour and social complexity. Furthermore, it will help shed light on the reproductive biology in the poorly known subfamily Myrmeciinae. Queens were recognised by workers on the basis of cuticular as well as gland extracts or products. What is the exact function of the multiple pheromones identified and how they interact remains to be determined. This could help understand why queen "signal" in a "primitive" ant with weakly specialised queens such as M. gulosa appears to be as complex as in highly eusocial species. Primer pheromones act on workers? physiology and have long-term effect. Whether workers of M. gulosa reproduce or not is determined by the detection of a queen pheromone of this type. Direct physical contact with the queen is necessary for workers to detect this pheromone. Thus, the colony size of M. gulosa is compatible with a simple system of pheromone perception by workers based on direct physical contact with the queen. When prevented from establishing physical contact with their queen, some workers start to reproduce and are policed by nestmates. The low volatility of the cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs), their repartition over the entire cuticle and the existence of queen and worker specific CHC profiles suggest that these chemicals constitute a queen pheromone. Importance of HC versus non-HC compounds was confirmed by bioassaying purified fraction of both classes of chemicals. This study demonstrates for the first time that purified HCs indeed are at the basis of the recognition of reproductive status. This supports the idea that they are also at the basis of the recognition of queens by their workers. As CHCs profiles of workers and queens become similar with acquisition of reproductive status, they represent honest fertility markers. These markers could be used as signals of the presence of reproductives in the colonies, and represent the basis of the regulation of division of reproductive labour. / In der Evolutionsbiologie stellt die Arbeitsteilung in Sozietäten spätestens seit Darwin ein Interessensgebiet dar. Die Frage nach der Selektion von Helfern, trotz ihrer reduzierten Fruchtbarkeit, hat eine Erklärung in der Verwandenselektionstheorie gefunden: Arbeiterinnen können die Kosten des Helfens und eingeschränkter direkter Fortpflanzung überwinden, indem sie ausreichend verwandte Individuen aufziehen. Bei den Hymenopteren ist über die proximaten Mechanismen, welche die Arbeitsteilung in den Kolonien regulieren, allerdings nur wenig bekannt. Unser Wissen basiert auf den Ergebnissen von wenigen Untersuchungen an einigen "primitiven" Ameisen der Unterfamilie Ponerinae und zwei hochsozialen Hymenoptera-Arten. Bei "primitiven" Ameisenarten sind die Dominanzhierachien welche die Bildung von fortpflanzungsfähigen Individuen erlauben, gut untersucht. Im Gegensatz dazu sind die chemischen Signale, welche ihren reproduktiven Status aufrechterhalten, noch nicht aufgeklärt. Ebenso sind die pheromonellen Regulationsmechanismen der Arbeiterinnenreproduktion durch die Königin in "höherentwickelten" Ameisenarten weitgehend unbekannt. Das Ziel der Studie an Myrmecia gulosa war die Bestimmung der Modalitäten von Produktion, Verbreitung und Funktion der Königinpheromone, sowie Aufklärung ihrer stofflichen Zusammensetzung. Die untersuchte Art gehört zu den bisher wenig beachteten Myrmeciinae und kommt endemisch in Australien vor. Zusammen mit den Ponerinae weist diese Subfamilie die "primitivsten" Ameisenarten auf. Die Morphologie der Ameisen ist angelehnt an die der hypothetischen Vorfahren und ihre soziale Organisation ist weniger komplex als die "höherentwickelter" Arten. Es wurden daher einfache Mechanismen erwartet, die helfen sollten, die Regulation der reproduktiven Arbeitsteilung bei "primitiven" Ameisen mit einer morphologisch spezialisierten Königin zu verstehen. Der erste Teil der Studie sollte die morphologische Spezialisation der Königinnen und der Arbeiterinnen charakterisieren, bzw. den Unterschied im reproduktiven Potential, welcher mit dieser Spezialisierung verbunden ist, bestimmen. Die Untersuchung trägt zum Verständnis der Verknüpfungen zwischen Regulation der reproduktiven Arbeitsteilung und sozialer Komplexität bei. Überdies wird sie helfen, Licht auf die Fortpflanzungsbiologie der wenig bekannten Subfamilie der Myrmeciinae zu werfen. Königinen werden von den Arbeiterinnen aufgrund ihrer kutikulären sowie ihrer exokrinen Extrakte oder Produkte erkannt. Die exakte Funktion der multiplen Pheromone und wie sie interagieren muß noch untersucht werden. Allerdings könnte dies helfen zu verstehen, warum "Königinsignale" bei einer "primitiven" Ameise wie M. gulosa, mit einer wenig spezialisierten Königin, anscheinend komplexer sind, als in höheren eusozialen Arten. Primer-Pheromone wirken sich auf die Physiologie der Arbeiterinnen aus und haben einen Langzeiteffekt. Ob Arbeiterinnen von M. gulosa reproduzieren oder nicht, hängt von der Erkennung eines Königinpheromons dieser Art ab. Nur nach direktem physischen Kontakt mit ihrer Königin nehmen die Arbeiterinnen dieses Pheromon wahr. Daher paßt die Koloniegröße von M. gulosa zu dem einfachen System der Pheromonwahrnehmung basierend auf direktem physischen Kontakt zur Königin. Wenn physischer Kontakt zur Königin unterbunden wird, beginnen einige Arbeiterinnen mit der Reproduktion werden dann aber von Nestgenossen durch "Policing" davon abgehalten. Die geringe Flüchtigkeit von der Kutikuläre Kohlenwasserstoffe (KKW´s), ihre Verteilung über den ganzen Körper und die Existenz von königin- und arbeiterspezifischen KKW-Profilen deuten auf ihre Funktion als Königinpheromon hin. Um die Bedeutung der Komponenten zu unterstreichen, wurden KW-Fraktionen gegen Nicht-KW-Fraktionen in Biotests untersucht. Diese Studie demonstriert zum ersten Mal, dass die KW Fraktion tatsächlich die Basis zur Erkennung des reproduktiven Status bilden. Das unterstützt auch die Idee, dass sie als Grundlage für die Erkennung der Königin durch die Arbeiterinnen dienen. Die Kohlenwasserstoffprofile von Arbeiterinnen und Königin gleichen sich mit Erwerb des reproduktiven Status aneinander an. Sie könnten somit ein ehrliches Erkennungsmerkmal für Fruchtbarkeit darstellen. Diese Merkmale könnten als ehrliches Signal der Anwesenheit reproduktiver Individuen in der Kolonie benutzt werden und die Basis der Regulation der reproduktiven Arbeitsteilung darstellen.

Computeranwendungen in der Chemie : Forschung und Präsentation /

Roth, Henryette Herma Katharina. January 2000 (has links) (PDF)
Univ., Diss.--Erlangen-Nürnberg, 2000.

The role of communication in the foraging process of social bees / Die Rolle der Kommunikation beim Fouragieren von sozialen Bienen

Dornhaus, Anna January 2002 (has links) (PDF)
In the various groups of social bees, different systems of communication about food sources occur. These communication systems are different solutions to a common problem of social insects: efficiently allocating the necessary number of workers first to the task of foraging and second to the most profitable food sources. The solution chosen by each species depends on the particular ecological circumstances as well as the evolutionary history of that species. For example, the outstanding difference between the bumble bee and the honey bee system is that honey bees can communicate the location of profitable food sources to nestmates, which bumble bees cannot. To identify possible selection pressures that could explain this difference, I have quantified the benefits of communicating location in honey bees. I show that these strongly depend on the habitat, and that communicating location might not benefit bees in temperate habitats. This could be due to the differing spatial distributions of resources in different habitats, in particular between temperate and tropical regions. These distributions may be the reason why the mostly temperate-living bumble bees have never evolved a communication system that allows them to transfer information on location of food sources, whereas most tropical social bees (all honey bees and many stingless bees) are able to recruit nestmates to specific points in their foraging range. Nevertheless, I show that in bumble bees the allocation of workers to foraging is also regulated by communication. Successful foragers distribute in the nest a pheromone which alerts other bees to the presence of food. This pheromone stems from a tergite gland, the function of which had not been identified previously. Usage of a pheromone in the nest to alert other individuals to forage has not been described in other social insects, and might constitute a new mode of communicating about food sources. The signal might be modulated depending on the quality of the food source. Bees in the nest sample the nectar that has been brought into the nest. Their decision whether to go out and forage depends not only on the pheromone signal, but also on the quality of the nectar they have sampled. In this way, foraging activity of a bumble bee colony is adjusted to foraging conditions, which means most bees are allocated to foraging only if high-quality food sources are available. In addition, foraging activity is adjusted to the amount of food already stored. In a colony with full honeypots, no new bees are allocated to foraging. These results help us understand how the allocation of workers to the task of food collection is regulated according to external and internal nest conditions in bumble bees. / Innerhalb der sozialen Bienen tritt eine Vielzahl verschiedender Systeme zur Kommunikation über Futterquellen auf. Diese Kommunikationssysteme sind verschiedene Lösungen eines Problems, mit dem alle sozialen Insekten konfrontiert sind: wie lässt sich regulieren, daß die benötigte Anzahl an Arbeiterinnen der Aufgabe des Futtersammelns, und dazu möglichst den besten vorhandenen Futterquellen, zugeteilt wird? Die von einer Art gewählte Lösung hängt von den speziellen ökologischen Rahmenbedingungen, aber auch von der evolutionären Vorgeschichte dieser Art ab. Ein herausragender Unterschied zwischen Honigbienen und Hummeln beispielsweise ist, daß Honigbienen den Ort einer profitablen Futterquelle ihren Nestgenossinnen mitteilen können, was Hummeln nicht tun. Um Selektionsdrücke zu identifizieren, die diesen Unterschied bewirken könnten, habe ich den Nutzen einer solchen Kommunikation quantifiziert. Es zeigt sich, daß dieser Nutzen stark vom Habitat der Bienen abhängt, und daß Kommunikation über den Ort von Futterquellen in temperaten Habitaten unter Umständen keine Vorteile für Bienen bedeutet. Das könnte daran liegen, daß sich die räumliche Verteilung der Ressourcen zwischen Habitaten, und besonders zwischen temperaten Gebieten und den Tropen, unterscheidet. Dieser Umstand könnte der Grund dafür sein, daß die hauptsächlich in temperaten Regionen lebenden Hummeln nie eine Methode zur Kommunikation von Information über den Ort von Futterquellen evolviert haben, während die meisten tropischen sozialen Bienenarten (alle Honigbienen und viele stachellose Bienen) Nestgenossinnen zu bestimmten Orten rekrutieren können. Jedoch stellte sich in meinen Experimenten heraus, daß auch bei Hummeln die Zuordnung von Arbeiterinnen zur Aufgabe des Futtersammelns über Kommunikation reguliert wird. Erfolgreiche Sammlerinnen produzieren ein Pheromon, welches andere Hummeln auf die Präsenz einer Futterquelle aufmerksam macht. Dieses Pheromon stammt aus einer Tergaldrüse am Abdomen, deren Funktion bisher nicht bekannt war. Die Benutzung eines Pheromons zur Kommunikation über Futterquellen im Nest ist von anderen sozialen Insekten bisher nicht bekannt. Das Pheromonsignal wird vermutlich abhängig von der Qualität der Futterquelle moduliert. Hummeln im Nest kosten außerdem den neu eingetragenen Nektar. Ihre Entscheidung auszufliegen und zu sammeln ist sowohl vom Pheromonsignal als auch von der Qualität des von ihnen gekosteten Nektars abhängig. Die Sammelaktivität der Hummelkolonie wird damit an die Sammelbedingungen angepasst – nur wenn profitable Futterquellen vorhanden sind, werden viele Sammlerinnen aktiviert. Zusätzlich hängt die Sammelaktivität von der Vorratssituation im Stock ab. Sind die Honigtöpfe gefüllt, werden keine neuen Arbeiterinnen zum Sammeln aktiviert. Diese Ergebnisse helfen uns zu verstehen, wie bei Hummeln die Anzahl der aktiven Sammlerinnen je nach den Bedingungen innerhalb und außerhalb der Kolonie reguliert wird.

Olfactory recognition and behavioural avoidance of angiosperm non-host volatiles by conifer bark beetles /

Zhang, Qing-He. January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, 2001. / Includes bibliographical references.

Genetically Tailored Yeast Strains for Cell-based Biosensors in White Biotechnology

Groß, Annett 28 February 2017 (has links) (PDF)
This work was performed in the framework of two application-oriented research projects that focus on the generation and evaluation of fluorescent Saccharomyces (S.) cerevisiae-based sensor and reporter cells for white biotechnology as well as the extension of the conventional single-cell/single-construct principle of ordinary yeast biosensor approaches. Numerous products are currently generated by biotechnological processes which require continuous and precise process control and monitoring. These demands are only partially met by physical or physiochemical sensors since they measure parameters off-line or use surrogate parameters that consequently provide only indirect information about the actual process performance. Biosensors, in particular whole cell-based biosensors, have the unique potential to near-line and long-term monitor parameters such as nutrient availability during fermentation processes. Moreover, they allow for the assessment of an analyte’s biological relevance. Prototype yeast sensor and reporter strains derived from common laboratory strains were transformed with multicopy expression plasmids that mediate constitutive or inducible expression of a fluorescence reporter gene. Performance of these cells was examined by various qualitative and quantitative detection methods – representative of putative transducer technologies. Analyses were performed on the population level by microplate reader-based fluorometry and Western blot as well as on the single-cell level by fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry. ‘Signature’ promoters that are activated or repressed during particular nutrient-limited growth conditions were selected in order to generate yeast nutrient sensor strains for monitoring the biological availability of nitrogen, phosphorus or sulphur. For each category, at least one promoter mediating at least threefold changed green fluorescence levels between sensor cells in non-limited and nutrient-limited conditions was identified. Sensor strains were evaluated in detail regarding sensitivity, analyte selectivity and the ability to restore basic fluorescence after shift from nutrient-limited to non-limited conditions (regeneration). The applicability for bioprocess monitoring purposes was tested by growth of yeast nutrient sensor cells in microalgae media and supernatants. Despite successful proof of principle, numerous challenges still need to be solved to realise prospective implementation in this field of white biotechnology. The major drawback of plasmid-borne detection constructs is a high fluorescence variance between individual cells. By generation of a nitrogen sensor strain with a genome-integrated detection construct, uniform expression on the single-cell level and simultaneous maintenance of basic properties (ability of fluorescence induction/regeneration and lack of cross-reactivity) was achieved. However, due to the singular detection construct per cell, significantly weaker overall fluorescence was observed. The traditional single-cell/single-construct approach was expanded upon in two ways. Firstly, a practical dual-colour sensor strain was created by simultaneous, constitutive expression of a red fluorescence reporter gene in green fluorescent nitrogen sensor cells. Secondly, an innovative cellular communication and signal amplification system inspired by the natural S. cerevisiae pheromone system and mating response was established successfully. It features the yeast pheromone alpha-factor as a trigger and alpha-factor-responsive reporter cells which express a fluorescence reporter gene from the pheromone-inducible FIG1 promoter as an output signal. The system was functional both with synthetic and cell-secreted alpha-factor, provided that recombinant cells were deleted for the alpha-factor protease Bar1p. Integration of amplifier cells which secrete alpha-factor in response to stimulation with the pheromone itself could increase the system\'s sensitivity further. Signal amplification was demonstrated for phosphorus sensor cells as a proof of concept. Therefore, the alpha-factor-based cellular communication and signal amplification system might be useful in applications that suffer from poor signal yield. Due to its modular design, the system could be applied in basically any cell-based biosensor or sensor-actor system. Immobilisation of the generated sensor and reporter cells in transparent natural polymers can be beneficial considering biosensor fabrication. Functionality of sensor and reporter cells in calcium-alginate beads or nano-printed arrays was successfully demonstrated. For the latter setup, fluorescence scanning and software-assisted fluorescence quantification was applied as a new detection method. In an experiment using an agarose-based two-compartment setup proposed by Jahn, 2011, properties of the alpha-factor-based cellular communication and signal amplification system after immobilisation were tested. These studies provide an initial experimental basis for an appropriate geometry of miniaturised immobilisation matrices with fluorescent yeast sensor and reporter cells in prospective biosensor designs.

Genetically Tailored Yeast Strains for Cell-based Biosensors in White Biotechnology

Groß, Annett 23 January 2012 (has links)
This work was performed in the framework of two application-oriented research projects that focus on the generation and evaluation of fluorescent Saccharomyces (S.) cerevisiae-based sensor and reporter cells for white biotechnology as well as the extension of the conventional single-cell/single-construct principle of ordinary yeast biosensor approaches. Numerous products are currently generated by biotechnological processes which require continuous and precise process control and monitoring. These demands are only partially met by physical or physiochemical sensors since they measure parameters off-line or use surrogate parameters that consequently provide only indirect information about the actual process performance. Biosensors, in particular whole cell-based biosensors, have the unique potential to near-line and long-term monitor parameters such as nutrient availability during fermentation processes. Moreover, they allow for the assessment of an analyte’s biological relevance. Prototype yeast sensor and reporter strains derived from common laboratory strains were transformed with multicopy expression plasmids that mediate constitutive or inducible expression of a fluorescence reporter gene. Performance of these cells was examined by various qualitative and quantitative detection methods – representative of putative transducer technologies. Analyses were performed on the population level by microplate reader-based fluorometry and Western blot as well as on the single-cell level by fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry. ‘Signature’ promoters that are activated or repressed during particular nutrient-limited growth conditions were selected in order to generate yeast nutrient sensor strains for monitoring the biological availability of nitrogen, phosphorus or sulphur. For each category, at least one promoter mediating at least threefold changed green fluorescence levels between sensor cells in non-limited and nutrient-limited conditions was identified. Sensor strains were evaluated in detail regarding sensitivity, analyte selectivity and the ability to restore basic fluorescence after shift from nutrient-limited to non-limited conditions (regeneration). The applicability for bioprocess monitoring purposes was tested by growth of yeast nutrient sensor cells in microalgae media and supernatants. Despite successful proof of principle, numerous challenges still need to be solved to realise prospective implementation in this field of white biotechnology. The major drawback of plasmid-borne detection constructs is a high fluorescence variance between individual cells. By generation of a nitrogen sensor strain with a genome-integrated detection construct, uniform expression on the single-cell level and simultaneous maintenance of basic properties (ability of fluorescence induction/regeneration and lack of cross-reactivity) was achieved. However, due to the singular detection construct per cell, significantly weaker overall fluorescence was observed. The traditional single-cell/single-construct approach was expanded upon in two ways. Firstly, a practical dual-colour sensor strain was created by simultaneous, constitutive expression of a red fluorescence reporter gene in green fluorescent nitrogen sensor cells. Secondly, an innovative cellular communication and signal amplification system inspired by the natural S. cerevisiae pheromone system and mating response was established successfully. It features the yeast pheromone alpha-factor as a trigger and alpha-factor-responsive reporter cells which express a fluorescence reporter gene from the pheromone-inducible FIG1 promoter as an output signal. The system was functional both with synthetic and cell-secreted alpha-factor, provided that recombinant cells were deleted for the alpha-factor protease Bar1p. Integration of amplifier cells which secrete alpha-factor in response to stimulation with the pheromone itself could increase the system\'s sensitivity further. Signal amplification was demonstrated for phosphorus sensor cells as a proof of concept. Therefore, the alpha-factor-based cellular communication and signal amplification system might be useful in applications that suffer from poor signal yield. Due to its modular design, the system could be applied in basically any cell-based biosensor or sensor-actor system. Immobilisation of the generated sensor and reporter cells in transparent natural polymers can be beneficial considering biosensor fabrication. Functionality of sensor and reporter cells in calcium-alginate beads or nano-printed arrays was successfully demonstrated. For the latter setup, fluorescence scanning and software-assisted fluorescence quantification was applied as a new detection method. In an experiment using an agarose-based two-compartment setup proposed by Jahn, 2011, properties of the alpha-factor-based cellular communication and signal amplification system after immobilisation were tested. These studies provide an initial experimental basis for an appropriate geometry of miniaturised immobilisation matrices with fluorescent yeast sensor and reporter cells in prospective biosensor designs.

Information processing in cellular signaling

Uschner, Friedemann 13 December 2016 (has links)
Information spielt in der Natur eine zentrale Rolle. Als intrinsischer Teil des genetischen Codes ist sie das Grundgerüst jeder Struktur und ihrer Entwicklung. Im Speziellen dient sie auch Organismen, ihre Umgebung wahrzunehmen und sich daran anzupassen. Die Grundvoraussetzung dafür ist, dass sie Information ihrer Umgebung sowohl messen als auch interpretieren können, wozu Zellen komplexe Signaltransduktionswege entwickelt haben. In dieser Arbeit konzentrieren wir uns auf Signalprozesse in S.cerevisiae die von osmotischem Stress (High Osmolarity Glycerol (HOG) Signalweg) und der Stimulation mit α-Faktor (Pheromon Signalweg) angesprochen werden. Wir wenden stochastische Modelle an, die das intrinsische Rauschen biologischer Prozesse darstellen können, um verstehen zu können wie Signalwege die ihnen zur Verfügung stehende Information umsetzen. Informationsübertragung wird dabei mit einem Ansatz aus Shannons Informationstheorie gemessen, indem wir sie als einen Kanal in diesem Sinne auffassen. Wir verwenden das Maß der Kanalkapazität, um die Genauigkeit des Phosphorelays einschränken zu können. In diesem Modell, simuliert mit dem Gillespie Algorithmus, können wir durch die Analyse des Signalverhaltens den Parameterraum zusätzlich stark einschränken. Eine weitere Herangehensweise der Signalverarbeitung beschäftigt sich mit dem “Crosstalk” zwischen HOG und Pheromon Signalweg. Wir zeigen, dass die Kontrolle der Signalspezifizität vor allem bei Scaffold-Proteinen liegt, die Komponenten der Signalkaskade binden. Diese konservierten Motive zellulärer Signaltransduktion besitzen eine geeignete Struktur, um Information getreu übertragen zu können. Im letzten Teil der Arbeit untersuchen wir potentielle Gründe für die evolutionäre Selektion von Scaffolds. Wir zeigen, dass ihnen bereits durch die Struktur des Mechanismus möglich ist, Informationsgenauigkeit zu verbessern und einer verteilten Informationsweiterleitung sowohl dadurch als auch durch ihre Robustheit überlegen sind. / Information plays a ubiquitous role in nature. It provides the basis for structure and development, as it is inherent part of the genetic code. It also enables organisms to make sense of their environments and react accordingly. For this, a cellular interpretation of information is needed. Cells have developed sophisticated signaling mechanisms to fulfill this task and integrate many different external cues with their help. Here we focus on signaling that senses osmotic stress (High Osmolarity Glycerol (HOG) pathway) as well as α-factor stimulation (pheromone pathway) in S.cerevisiae. We employ stochastic modeling to simulates the inherent noisy nature of biological processes to assess how systems process the information they receive. This information transmission is evaluated with an information theoretic approach by interpreting signal transduction as a transmission channel in the sense of Shannon. We use channel capacity to both constrain as well as quantify the fidelity in the phosphorelay system of the HOG pathway. In this model, simulated with the Gillespie Algorithm, the analysis of signaling behavior allows us to constrain the possible parameter sets for the system severely. A further approach to signal processing is concerned with the mechanisms that conduct crosstalk between the HOG and the pheromone pathway. We find that the control for signal specificity lies especially with the scaffold proteins that tether signaling components and facilitate signaling by trans-location to the membrane and shielding against miss-activation. As conserved motifs of cellular signal transmission, these scaffold proteins show a particularly well suited structure for accurate information transmission. In the last part of this thesis, we examine the potential reasons for an evolutionary selection of the scaffolding structure. We show that due to its structure, scaffolds are increasing information transmission fidelity and outperform a distributed signal in this regard.

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