Spelling suggestions: "subject:"philosophical c.method"" "subject:"philosophical 20method""
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Corporate leadership and ethics : a paradigmatic test in the context of ethical leadershipBatmanghlich, Cameron Adam January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Wittgenstein's Method in §§109-133 of the Philosophical InvestigationsSchwan, David T. 14 August 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Monoliittisesta trilogiseen tasa-arvoon:tasa-arvo hoitotyön etiikan tutkimuksessaKangasniemi, M. (Mari) 31 May 2007 (has links)
The aim of the study was to open up, define and categorise the concept of equality as a value of nursing ethics research. The goal of the study was to acquire tools that would help to understand the background, meaning and possibilities of the concept of equality in nursing ethics research. The research was positioned in conceptual basic study of nursing ethics, and it followed a philosophical approach, which consisted of three phases: problematisation, explication and argumentation. During problematisation, a systematic review of literature was conducted to define the concept of equality and its theoretical starting points in previous nursing ethics research.
This study characterised the concept of equality in previous nursing ethics research as monolithical liberalistic-individualistic privilegisation. Here, monolithical meant that in previous nursing ethics research, equality had been a key value that was argued through classical but fairly uniformly interpreted theoretical starting points. At times, the status of equality had been so self-evident that its theoretical starting points were sometimes accepted with very little critique and no explicit examination. Liberalistic-individualistic privilegisation manifested itself as emphasising the individual, emphasising the community and as internal conflict of the concept in terms of practical nursing.
The theoretical frame of reference of the study, based on feminist moral philosophy, was defined during explication. It viewed equality as a changing and evolving ethical value, depicting interrelations between people, with different implications in different relationships. In this study, equality was described using the concept of trilogical equality. This means that in addition to monolithical liberalistic-individualistic privilegisation, equality in nursing ethics research calls for taking into account three dimensions defining equality, i.e. the concepts of difference, dependence and power. As a world order principle, difference meant diversity, in which it is significant and valuable in itself. Understanding differences lead to acknowledging the difference and the resulting dependence between individuals or groups. Through redefinition of difference and dependence, power obtained its new meanings, where focus was given to the asymmetry and lack of dominance connected with it. During argumentation, the concept of trilogical equality brought a range of concepts into the study of equality within nursing ethics research, through which the practical encounter of nursing and health care could be approached. The results of the study can be used to develop the range of concepts concerning equality in nursing ethics research and the ethical discussion on it, as well as to develop nursing ethics research and teaching. / Tiivistelmä
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli avata ja jäsentää tasa-arvon käsitettä hoitotyön etiikan tutkimuksen arvona. Tavoitteena oli lisätä ymmärrystä käsitteen taustoista ja näkökulmista. Tutkimus sijoittui hoitotieteen käsitteelliseen perustutkimukseen. Se noudatti filosofista tutkimustapaa, joka muodostui problematisoinnin, eksplikoinnin ja argumentoinnin vaiheista. Problematisoinnin vaiheessa tasa-arvosta rakennettiin viitekehys, jonka avulla analysoitiin aikaisemman hoitotyön etiikan tutkimuksen tasa-arvon käsite. Eksplikoinnin vaiheessa määritettiin feministiseen moraalifilosofiaan perustuva trilogisen tasa-arvon näkökulma. Tämän avulla jäsennettiin, syvennettiin ja kehitettiin edelleen aikaisempaa hoitotyön etiikan tutkimuksen tasa-arvon käsitettä. Argumentoinnin vaiheessa arviointiin trilogisen tasa-arvon näkökulman mahdollisuutta avata hoitotyön etiikan tutkimuksen tasa-arvon käsitettä.
Tämän tutkimuksen mukaan aikaisemman hoitotyön etiikan tutkimuksen tasa-arvon käsite oli luonteeltaan monoliittinen, joka tarkoitti sitä, että tasa-arvo on keskeinen ja itsestään selvä universaaliin ihmisarvoon perustuva arvo. Käsitteelle määritettiin kaksi ulottuvuutta. Ensimmäistä eli teoreettista ulottuvuutta kuvasti liberalistis-individualistinen etuoikeutus. Tällä tarkoitettiin sitä, että yksilö asetetaan tasa-arvon tarkastelussa ensisijaiseen asemaan ja tuota asemaa pyritään turvaamaan distributiivisen tasa-arvon rakenteiden avulla. Toista eli toiminnallista ulottuvuutta kuvasi hajaannus. Hajaannuksella tarkoitettiin sitä, ettei tasa-arvon käsitteen teoreettinen ulottuvuus kyennytkään vastaamaan toiminnallisen ulottuvuuden esiin nostamiin kysymyksiin. Toiminnallinen ulottuvuus jopa haastoi universaalin ihmisarvon ja tasa-arvoa turvaavien rakenteiden toteutumisen. Lisäksi hoitotyön kontekstuaalinen ja konkreettinen kohtaaminen toivat esille käsitteen rajapinnat eli tasa-arvon toiminnallista ulottuvuutta lähellä olevat käsitteet.
Tutkimus tuotti näkökulman, jossa tasa-arvo ymmärrettiin siten, että se on muuttuva ja muuntuva ihmisten suhteita ja välejä kuvaava eettinen arvo. Lisäksi se saa eri suhteissa erilaiset merkitykset. Tätä kuvattiin eron, riippuvuuden ja vallan käsitteillä ja sitä kutsuttiin trilogisen tasa-arvon näkökulmaksi. Näkökulmassa ero merkitsi yksilöihin tai ryhmiin liittyvää itsessään arvokasta ja merkityksellistä epähierarkkista moninaisuutta. Ihmisten eroista ja erilaisuudesta johtuen ihmiset ymmärrettiin toisistaan väistämättä riippuvaisiksi. Riippuvuus ymmärrettiin myönteisenä olemisen perusedellytyksenä, johon sisältyvä valta oli luonteeltaan vastuullista, asymmetristä ja dominoimatonta. Trilogisen tasa-arvon näkökulma avasi tasa-arvon käsitettä sekä teoreettisen että toiminnallisen ulottuvuuden kautta. Tutkimuksen tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää hoitotyön etiikan tutkimuksen tasa-arvoa koskevan käsitteistön ja siitä käytävän eettisen keskustelun kehittämiseen sekä hoitotyön etiikan tutkimukseen ja opettamiseen.
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Corporate leadership and ethics: a paradigmatic test in the context of ethical leadership.Batmanghlich, Cameron A. January 2012 (has links)
The full text will be made available at the end of the embargo period.
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Filosofia da linguagem do século XX no conceito de direito de Herbert HartCampos, Fernando Rosa January 2018 (has links)
A presente dissertação de mestrado tenta estabelecer como e em qual medida o Conceito de Direito de Herbert Hart é influenciado por teorias da linguagem do século XX. Com este objetivo, são primeiro analisadas as passagens do livro e as considerações do autor que indicam uma influência de teses próprias da filosofia da linguagem em sua obra. Após, são expostas algumas intepretações do tema, tanto no sentido de concordar que existe esta relação entre as teses de Hart e a filosofia da linguagem do século 20, quanto no sentido de negar este vínculo. Especial atenção é atribuída a interpretação de Ronald Dworkin do tema, tendo em vista a sua relevância histórica e o fato do autor reconhecer a vinculação referida e a utilizá-la como base para críticas das teses do Conceito de direito. Estabelecidas estas interpretações divergentes, são então expostas as principais ideias e propostas dos filósofos da linguagem do ambiente acadêmico de Oxford, tendo em vista a relação e proximidade de Hart a estes autores. Expostas estas teses, diferentes pontos da carreira bibliográfica de Hart são analisados, com o objetivo de traçar a relação dos escritos do autor com as teorias recém vistas e de tentar estabelecer a evolução da linha argumentativa que culminou no Conceito de Direito. Uma vez que os argumentos dessa obra forem analisados e um entendimento específico dessas teses for defendido, as críticas de Dworkin e de outros autores são revistas. Este exercício, por fim, mostra como o entendimento defendido neste trabalho serve também como defesa contra algumas caracterizações da obra de Hart que considero equivocadas. / The main goal of this paper is to establish to what extent the work “The Concept of Law” was influenced by philosophical theories of language from the 20th century. First are considered some passages of this work, together with some pronouncements of its author Herbert Hart that appear to confirm that his theses were so influenced. Then are shown some interpretations that recognize the influence between the author and theses from the philosophy of language, together with other interpretations that deny this relationship. Special attention is given to the perception of Ronald Dworkin of the subject given its historical relevance and the fact that it recognize a relationship between these theses and uses it as basis for criticism of the arguments expressed in The Concept of Law. Once these distinctive interpretations are stablished, the main ideas and goals of the Oxford language philosophers, given their relationship and proximity to Hart, are exposed. Once these theses are dealt with, varied moments of the bibliography of Herbert Hart are considered in order to show the connection between his works and the language theses here exposed. After these point are considered and a distinct understanding of the subject is developed the criticism of Dworkin and other authors are retaken. This last point aims to show how the understanding developed in this paper also develops a defense of Hart’s theory from some mischaracterizations of his work.
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