Spelling suggestions: "subject:"physicochemical."" "subject:"hysicochemical.""
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Contribution à l’étude du vieillissement de membranes échangeuses d’ions utilisées dans les procédés d’électrodialyse pour l’industrie agroalimentaire / Contribution to the study of aging of ion exchange membranes used in the electrodialysis process for the food industryGhalloussi-Alloui, Rim 05 December 2012 (has links)
Une étude comparative des caractéristiques statiques, dynamiques et structurale a été menée sur 8 membranes échangeuses d'ions (MEIs), 4 neuves (MEIN) et les mêmes usagées (MEIU) après 2 ans de fonctionnement en ED dans l'industrie agroalimentaire. L'objectif essentiel était de mieux connaître les mécanismes de vieillissement in situ. Nous avons donc mesuré pour chacune de ces MEIs la capacité d'échange, la teneur en eau, la perméabilité ionique, la conductivité électrique, le nombre de transport, l'angle de contact, le courant limite, le module d'Young et la résistance à la traction. Aussi, nous avons effectué des analyses d'IRTF, de MEB et d'EDX. Cette étude nous a permis de conclure que (i) la MEC2 est restée presque stable après les 2 ans d'ED, alors que la MEA1 s'est très fortement dégradée. D'une manière générale, les MEAs sont plus sensibles au vieillissement que les MECs, (ii) les sites fonctionnels sulfoniques s'éliminent de la MEC. Nous ne pouvons pas affirmer ce mécanisme dans le cas des MEAs, mais nous soupçonnons un phénomène d'empoisonnement des sites fonctionnels, (iii) les MEAs se colmatent en surfaces avec des ampleurs différentes entre la MEA1 et la MEA2 / A comparative study of static characteristics, dynamic and structural was conducted on 8 ion-exchange membranes (MEIS), 4 new (IEMN) and the same used (IEMU) after two years of ED operation in the food industry. The main objective was to better understand the mechanisms of in situ ageing. We therefore measured for each IEMs exchange capacity, water content, ionic permeability, electrical conductivity, transport number, contact angle, current limit, Young's modulus and tensile strength. Therefore, we performed analysis of FTIR, SEM and EDX. This study concluded that (i) CEM2 remained almost stable after 2 years of ED, while AEM1 has sharply deteriorated. In general, the AEMs are more susceptible to ageing than CEMs, (ii) the sulfonic functional sites are eliminated from the CEMs. We cannot confirm this mechanism in the case of AEMs, but we suspect a poisoning phenomenon of functional sites, (iii) the AEMs fouled in surfaces with different degrees between AEM1 and AEM2
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Influence de traitements physico-chimiques des renforts sur le comportement mécanique des composites à base de co-produits de bois / Influence of physico-chemical treatments of the reinforcements on the mechanical behaviour of wood-polymer compositesSaulnier, Florence 12 December 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur le traitement de la farine de bois et son utilisation comme renforts de composites à matrice polymère. En effet, l’incompatibilité entre le bois, hydrophile, et les polymères, généralement hydrophobes, est la principale difficulté de mise en oeuvre des composites bois-polymère. Un traitement des renforts bois est alors nécessaire pour améliorer les propriétés mécaniques et hygroscopiques des composites. Un traitement par fluoration directe est ici proposé pour diminuer le caractère hydrophile du bois et augmenter son adhésion avec la matrice polymère. Après une phase de développement et de réglage du traitement, une caractérisation physico-chimique de la farine de bois non-traitée ou fluorée a été réalisée afin d’observer l’effet de la fluoration. Le greffage de fluor sur les constituants du bois a été validé, et une diminution du nombre des sites de sorption de l’eau dans le bois a été constatée. Cette réduction a conduit à une diminution de la teneur en eau du bois après fluoration. En outre, la structure physique des particules et le comportement thermique du bois n’ont pas été modifiés par le traitement. Des composites bois-polyester ont été fabriqués par moulage par compression à chaud, avec des renforts non-traités et fluorés. Ceux-ci ont été testés en traction, en flexion, et en fluage afin d’observer l’influence du traitement sur les propriétés mécaniques des composites. Par ailleurs, une caractérisation hygroscopique a également été conduite. Les résultats montrent que la fluoration directe des renforts permet d’améliorer les propriétés mécaniques et hygroscopiques des composites bois-polyester. / This thesis focuses on the treatment of wood flour used as reinforcement for polymer matrix composites. Indeed, the lack of compatibility between the hydrophilic wood and the hydrophobic polymers is the major difficulty encountered when processing wood-polymer composites. The treatment of the wood reinforcements is necessary to improve the mechanical and hygroscopic properties of the composites. Here, we proposed to apply direct fluorination to wood flour in order to reduce its hydrophilic character and then improve its compatibility with polymer matrix. Physicochemical characterization of the non-treated and fluorinated wood flours was carried out to observe the fluorination effects. The success of the fluorine grafting onto the wood components was confirmed by chemical analyses. Moreover, significant decrease in the number of moisture adsorption sites in wood was observed. This reduction led to a decrease in the equilibrium moisture content of wood after direct fluorination. In addition, the physical structure of the particles and the thermal behaviour of the wood were not modified by the treatment. Wood-polyester composites were processed by hot compression moulding with non-treated and fluorinated reinforcements. These composites were characterized by tensile, flexural and creep tests. Furthermore, a hygroscopic characterisation was also carried out. The results showed an improvement of the mechanical and hygroscopic properties of the composites with the reinforcements fluorination.
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Etude du comportement hydraulique, physico-chimique et microbiologique d'un système de récupération d'eaux de toiture. Evaluation de l'empreinte environnementale / Hydraulic, physicochemical and microbiological study of a roof runoff harvesting system and environmental assessmentVialle, Claire 21 October 2011 (has links)
L'objectif de ces travaux est de contribuer à augmenter la connaissance sur la réutilisation des eaux de ruissellement de toiture. Une maison individuelle située en zone rurale et équipée d'une toiture en tuiles, et un bâtiment collectif situé en zone périurbaine avec une toiture terrasse bitumée, ont été étudiés. Les eaux de pluie collectées sont réutilisées dans l'habitat pour l'alimentation des chasses d'eau. Un suivi analytique a permis l'étude de la qualité de l'eau en plusieurs points des systèmes. Les eaux stockées sont clairement non potables et révèlent une contamination microbiologique très variable. Des pathogènes ont été quantifiés à plusieurs reprises. La qualité de l'eau distribuée ne peut donc pas être garantie au cours de l'année, d'où la recommandation d'une désinfection de l'eau avant distribution. Un suivi hydraulique a permis de déterminer les volumes d'eau potable substitués et les taux de couverture de besoins en eau. Un modèle du comportement hydraulique a été développé puis utilisé pour discuter le dimensionnement des cuves. En présence d'une désinfection, les installations ne sont économiquement pas rentables. En l'absence de désinfection, le bilan économique est positif mais la période de retour sur investissement supérieure à la durée de vie de l'installation. Une première analyse de cycle de vie a été réalisée pour comparer les deux échelles étudiées. Dans les deux cas, les processus les plus impactants sont liés aux consommations électriques de l'éventuelle désinfection ultra-violet et des pompes. En présence d'une désinfection, l'échelle du bâtiment collectif présente des impacts plus faibles. Une deuxième analyse de cycle de vie a été réalisée pour étudier la pertinence de la substitution de l'eau du réseau d'eau public par de l'eau de pluie à l'échelle d'un particulier. Elle n'est pas probante d'un point de vue environnemental. / The aim of this work is to contribute to knowledge on roof runoff reuse. A private house located in rural area with a tiled sloping roof and a research building located in suburban zone with a bituminous flat roof were studied. The collected rainwater is reused for toilet flushing. An analytical monitoring allowed the study of water quality in several points of the systems. Stored rainwater is clearly non drinkable and reveals a very variable microbiological contamination. Pathogenic agents were quantified on several occasions. Distributed water quality cannot thus be guaranteed over the year and a disinfection before distribution is recommended. A hydraulic follow-up made it possible to determine substituted volumes of drinking water by collected rainwater and water saving efficiencies. A model of the hydraulic behaviour of systems was developed then used to discuss dimensioning of the tanks. In the presence of disinfection, the installations are economically not profitable. In the absence of disinfection, the economic assessment is positive but the payback period is longer than the lifespan of the installation. A first life cycle assessment was carried out to compare the two studied scales. In both cases, the more impacting processes are related to electricity consumptions of possible ultra-violet disinfection and the pumps. In the presence of disinfection, the scale of the building presents weaker impacts. A second life cycle assessment was carried out to study the relevance of the substitution of drinking water by rainwater on a private individual scale. It is not convincing of an environmental point of view.
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A novel mechanism for delivering nutrition: sorghum based fortified blended foods using extrusionPadmanabhan, Natarajan January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Grain Science and Industry / Sajid Alavi / The objective of the study was to investigate extrusion as an alternative processing method and grain sorghum as a viable substitute for corn in fortified blended foods (FBFs) used in nutrition and food assistance programs around the world. In the first part of this study, sorghum-soy blend (SSB), corn-soy blend (CSB) and whole corn-soy blend (WCSB) were developed using extrusion and compared with traditional CSB13 for physico-chemical and sensory properties. After milling of extrudates, average particle size (PS) ranged between 341-447 microns, with 78-85% below 600 microns. In general, Bostwick flow rates (VB=12-23 cm/min) of rehydrated blends (11.75% solids) were within standard specifications but higher than CSB13. Descriptive sensory analysis indicated that the sorghum-based rehydrated blends were significantly less lumpy and had a more uniform texture as compared to corn-based blends and CSB13.
In the second part, the impact of decortication level and process conditions was investigated with respect to sorghum-based extruded blends. Degree of gelatinization of the whole sorghum-soy blend (WSSB) and decorticated sorghum-soy blend (DSSB) extrudates ranged from 93-97%. Expansion ratio (ER=3.6-6.1) was correlated with specific mechanical energy input (SME=145-415 kJ/kg; r=0.99) and average particle size after milling (PS=336-474 microns; r= -0.75). Rehydrated blends at 20% solids concentration provided recommended energy density (0.8 kcal/g) for FBFs. Bostwick flow rates had high correlation (r = -0.91) with pasting data (final viscosity) obtained using rapid visco analyzer (RVA). Addition of oil (5.5%) prior to extrusion was also studied, and resulted in process instabilities and also lower shelf-life as determined via descriptive sensory analysis (rancid and painty attributes) and gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy (hexanal, heptenal and octanal concentrations).
In conclusion, extruded sorghum-soy blends met standard specifications for energy density and consistency (Bostwick flow rate), and were superior in some aspects as compared to extruded corn-soy blends and traditional corn-soy blends (CSB13). Relationships between extrusion mechanical energy input, expansion, particle size after milling and consistency of rehydrated blends were established. Consistency of the rehydrated blends is an extremely important criterion as it affects the ease of ingestion by target consumers (children below 5 years, in this case).
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Performances des procédés physico-chimiques et membranaires pour l'élimination des ions fluorure dans les eaux de forage : application aux eaux tunisiennes / Performances of physico-chemical and membranes processes for the elimination of fluoride ions in drilling waters : application to tunisian watersBen Nasr, Anis 04 October 2013 (has links)
La problématique de l’élimination de l’excès d’ions fluorure présents dans les eaux de forage destinées à la consommation humaine peut être résolue en utilisant plusieurs méthodes. Dans cette thèse, les procédés testés sont : l’adsorption sur des particules d’os de seiche, l’adsorption sur des particules de calcite en présence d’acide acétique, la nanofiltration et l’échange d’ions. L’objectif est d’optimiser les différents procédés pour des solutions modèles en ions fluorure, puis de réaliser pour ces conditions optimales le traitement d’une eau de forage tunisienne. La concentration limite en ions fluorure imposée par la WHO est de 1.5 mg.L-1. Les essais d’adsorption en utilisant l’os de seiche, disponible en Tunisie, sont simples à mettre en œuvre et permettent des traitements à petite échelle avec des coûts très compétitifs en utilisant un matériau non toxique. La défluoration de l'eau souterraine avec l’os de seiche présente une concentration résiduaire en fluorure de 1,3 mg.L-1 (TR = 61,5%). Dans le cas de la précipitation des ions fluorures sous forme de fluorite suivi de microfiltration, l’addition d’acide acétique aux particules de calcite (CaCO3) favorise l’élimination des ions fluorure. La défluoration de l'eau souterraine montre que l’eau traitée présente une concentration résiduaire en fluorure de 1,24 mg.L-1 (TR = 53,7%). En utilisant une résine échangeuse d’ions Purolite A520E, la défluoration de l'eau souterraine montre que l’eau traitée présente une concentration résiduaire en fluorure de 1,2 mg.L-1 (TR = 54%). La nanofiltration permet de traiter des volumes importants d’eau et les taux de rétention des ions fluorure sont satisfaisants (88% et 57%) / The issue of the removal of excess fluoride ions present in well water for human consumption can be solved using several methods. In this PhD thesis, four processes have been tested: adsorption using cuttlefish bone particles, adsorption on calcite particles with acid acetic addition, nanofiltration and ion exchange. The aim is to optimize the different processes by using model solutions of fluoride ions, and to treat a Tunisian groundwater at these optimal conditions. The limiting concentration given by the WHO is 1,5 mg.L-1. The adsorption using cuttlefish bone, available in Tunisia, is simple to implement and provides treatment at small scale with very competitive costs by using a non-toxic material. Defluorination of groundwater shows that the water treated with cuttlefish bones has a residual fluoride concentration of 1.3 mg L-1 (TR = 61.5%). In the case of precipitation of fluoride ions in the form of fluorite followed by microfiltration, the addition of acetic acid to the particles of calcite (CaCO3) promotes the removal of fluoride. Defluorination groundwater shows that the treated water has a residual fluoride concentration of 1.24 mg L-1 (TR = 53.7 %). Using a ion exchange resin Purolite A520E, defluorination groundwater shows that water treated has a residual fluoride concentration of 1.2 mg L-1 (TR = 54%). Nanofiltration is particularly interesting as it allows the treatment of large volumes. The retention of fluoride ions are again satisfactory (88% and 57%)
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Propriedades físico-químicas e citotoxicidade de materiais obturadores de canais radiculares de dentes permanentes / Physicochemical properties and cytotoxicity of root canal filling materials of permanent teethMarques, Fernanda Vicioni 06 June 2018 (has links)
O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar as propriedades físico-químicas e citotoxicidade quatro cimentos endodônticos, com diferentes bases químicas, utilizados na rotina clínica do Cirurgião-dentista. Foram utilizados os cimentos AH Plus®, BioRoot RCS®, Endomethasone N® e Sealapex®. Foram realizados os testes físico-químicos de tempo de endurecimento, radiopacidade e escoamento, segundo a especificação nº 57 da ANSI/ADA (2012). Para o teste de citotoxicidade, foram coletadas amostras sanguíneas de seis doadores voluntários adultos, com idade entre 18 e 35 anos, de ambos os gêneros. Foi realizada a cultura de células primárias de linfócitos do sangue periférico humano em contato com o eluato dos cimentos obturadores, e a viabilidade celular foi analisada por meio do ensaio de MTT. Cada teste foi realizado em triplicata, tanto para propriedades físico-químicas como para o ensaio do MTT, sendo os resultados analisados empregando o programa GraphPad Prism 5®, por meio do teste Oneway ANOVA e pós-teste de Tukey, com nível de significância de 5%. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, tanto o AH Plus® quanto o BioRoot RCS® apresentaram tempo de endurecimento de 1450 minutos e 255 minutos, respectivamente; Endomethasone N® não tem tempo de endurecimento citado pelo fabricante, e Sealapex® não tomou presa no período do estudo (168 horas). Para o teste de radiopacidade, todos os materiais avaliados apresentaram radiopacidade acima de 3 mm alumínio, como recomendado pela especificação nº 57 da ANSI/ADA (2012). Para o teste de escoamento, segundo a ISO 6876:2012, um cimento endodôntico não deve apresentar um diâmetro inferior a 17 mm. Observamos a maior média para AH Plus® (39,68 mm), seguido em ordem decrescente por Sealapex® (35,73 mm), Endomethasone N® (34,22 mm) e BioRoot RCS® (23,81 mm). Quanto à viabilidade celular, Endomethasone N® foi citotóxico sobre os linfócitos em todas as concentrações (p<0,05). Sealapex® apresentou menor viabilidade celular na diluição de 1:32 (3,125mg/mL) (p<0,05). AH Plus® e BioRoot® não demonstrou citotoxicidade em nenhuma das concentrações avaliadas (p>0,05). Podemos concluir que todos os materiais avaliados atenderam aos parâmetros estabelecidos pela ANSI/ADA para os testes físico-químicos realizados. Além disso, o Endomethasone N® apresentou citotoxicidade sobre os linfócitos humanos, e os demais materiais analisados apresentaram viabilidade celular em níveis aceitáveis / The present study had as objective to evaluate the physicochemical properties and cytotoxicity of four root canal sealers with different chemical bases, used in the clinical routine of the Dentistry. The AH Plus®, BioRoot RCS®, Endomethasone N® and Sealapex® cements were used. The physicochemical tests of setting time, radiopacity and flowability were performed according to ANSI/ADA specification (nº 57). For the cytotoxicity test, blood samples were collected from six adult voluntary donors, aged 18-35 years, of both genders. Primary human lymphocyte cell cultures were placed in contact with the eluate from the plug cements, and cell viability was analyzed by the MTT assay. Each test was performed in triplicate, both for physicochemical properties and for the MTT assay. The results were analyzed using the GraphPad Prism 5® program, using the Oneway ANOVA test and Tukey\'s post-test, with a significance level of 5%. According to the results obtained, both AH Plus® and BioRoot RCS® presented setting time of 1450 minutes and 255 minutes, respectively; Endomethasone N® does not have setting time quoted by the manufacturer, and Sealapex® did not set in the study period (168 hours). For the radiopacity test, all evaluated materials had radiopacity above 3 mm aluminum, as recommended by the ANSI/ADA specification (nº 57). For the flow test, according to ISO 6876:2012, an endodontic cement must not have a diameter of less than 17mm. We observed the highest mean for AH Plus® (39.68 mm), followed in descending order by Sealapex® (35.73 mm), Endomethasone N® (34.22 mm) and BioRoot RCS® (23.81 mm). Regarding cell viability, Endomethasone N® was cytotoxic on lymphocytes at all concentrations (p <0.05). Sealapex® presented lower cell viability at 1:32 dilution (3.125 mg / mL) (p <0.05). AH Plus® and BioRoot® showed no cytotoxicity at any of the concentrations evaluated (p> 0.05). We can conclude that all materials evaluated met the parameters established by ANSI/ADA for the physicochemical tests performed. In addition, Endomethasone N® showed cytotoxicity on human lymphocytes, and the other materials analyzed presented cell viability at acceptable levels
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"Estudo da interação entre amido de mandioca e gomas e efeito de sua aplicação em bebida láctea fermentada" /Leite, Tatiana Dias. January 2009 (has links)
Resumo: Amidos e gomas são hidrocolóides usados freqüentemente em alimentos para conferir textura apropriada, controlar a umidade e a mobilidade da água. Estudos têm relatado que a interação de gomas e amidos em sistemas alimentícios pode alterar o inchamento dos grânulos, as propriedades de gelatinização e reológicas dos amidos. Em bebidas lácteas fermentadas, a maioria dos polissacarídeos de interesse comercial é incompatível com as proteínas do leite em solução, e desta forma, os hidrocolóides tipicamente utilizados são amido e carragena. Neste trabalho foi avaliado o efeito da adição das gomas xantana, carboximetilcelulose sódica e carragena (nas concentrações de 0,15, 0,25, 0,35 e 0,45% - p/v) nas propriedades de pasta, térmicas, de poder de inchamento (PI), reológicas e na microscopia do amido de mandioca, bem como o efeito de misturas de amido de mandioca e as referidas gomas nas propriedades reológicas de bebidas lácteas fermentadas. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que a goma carragena (CAR) praticamente não modifica as propriedades do amido em função da inexistência de interações entre a referida goma e o amido de mandioca; já a goma xantana (GX) envolve praticamente por completo os grânulos de amido, possivelmente através da formação de pontes de hidrogênio, promovendo desta forma aumentos nas viscosidades de pasta, poder de inchamento, nos módulos G' e G" e diminuição na tendência a retrogadação; a carboximetilcelusose sódica (CMC), por sua vez, aumenta drasticamente as viscosidades e o poder de inchamento do amido devido a sua grande capacidade de retenção de água e não a sua interação com o amido de mandioca. Nas bebidas lácteas fermentadas, as misturas quando empregadas praticamente não modificaram seu comportamento reológico, exceto para as bebidas elaboradas a partir das misturas amido - goma xantana, onde observou-se... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Starches and gums are hydrocolloids frequently used in food systems to provide proper texture, moisture and water mobility. Studies have reported that the gum and starch interaction in food systems can modify the granule swelling, the gelatinization and rheological properties of starches. In fermented dairy beverages, the majority of commercial interest polysaccharides is not compatible with milk proteins in solution, consequently, starch and carrageenan are the hydrocolloids typically used. In this work, the effect of gum addition such as xanthan, sodium carboxymethyl cellulose and carrageenan was evaluated (in the concentrations of 0,15, 0,25, 0,35 and 0.45% - w/v) in paste, thermal, swelling power (SP), rheological and microscopy properties of cassava starch, as well as the effect of mixtures of cassava starch and the referred gums in rheological properties of fermented dairy beverages. The results suggest that carrageenan gum (CAR) practically does not modify the starch properties since there is no interaction between this gum and cassava starch. Xanthan gum (GX) seems to involve the starch granules completely, possibly through the formation of hydrogen bonds, which increases paste viscosities, swelling power, increased the modulus G' and G" and decreased retrogradation behavior. Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), in turn, drastically increases viscosities and the starch swelling power due to its great capacity of water retention and not to the interaction with the cassava starch. In fermented dairy beverages, the gum - starch mixtures practically didn't modify its rheological behavior, except for beverages with mixtures xanthan gum - starch, where an initial reduction in the shear stress as deformation rate was increased, followed by a gradual increase, suggesting a possible incompatibility between cassava starch, xanthan gum and milk proteins. Keywords: Cassava starch... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Orientador: Célia Maria Landi Franco / Coorientador: Ana Lúcia Barretto Penna / Banca: Ivo Mottin Demiate / Banca: Roger Darros Barbosa / Mestre
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[pt] Desde o século passado estuda-se no Brasil a seqüência de
resultante da decomposição de uma rocha. Estes perfis de
alteração são desde
então objetos de estudo de vários autores pela grande
importância que
apresentam na Engenharia Geotécnica, principalmente em
países de clima
tropical, como o Brasil. Os diferentes tipos e graus de
intemperismo que ocorrem
em um perfil de solo residual afetam o comportamento
geotécnico dos materiais
resultantes. O conhecimento detalhado de sua gênese pode
contribuir para um
melhor entendimento do seu comportamento geomecânico. A
dissertação visa contribuir para uma definição de
características bio-físicoquímico-
mineralógicas e microestruturais que possam servir como
da evolução do grau de intemperismo de um dado perfil de
solo residual. Tal tipo
de estudo compreende parte de investigações requeridas
para o
desenvolvimento de um modelo de comportamento de solos
residuais onde seja
possível incluir efeitos de grau de intemperização.
Investigações neste sentido
estão sendo efetuadas dentro do projeto PRONEX-Rio
intitulado Geotecnia
Aplicada à Avaliação, Prevenção e Remediação de Problemas
Ambientais, em
desenvolvimento junto ao Núcleo de Geotecnia Ambiental do
que se enquadra na linha de pesquisa Geotecnia Ambiental
do Setor de
Geotecnia do DEC/PUC-Rio. / [en] Since the last century, the resultant layers sequence of
rock decomposition
is studied in Brazil. For the great importance that
present in Geotechnical
Engineering, these alteration profiles are objects of
study of some authors, since
then, mainly in countries of tropical climate, as Brazil.
The different weathering
types and degrees that occur in a residual soil profile
affect the geotechnical
behavior of the resultant materials. The knowledge
detailed of its gênesis can
contribute for the better agreement of its geomecanical
behavior. The present
dissertation aims at to contribute for a definition of bio-
and micromorphological characterization that can serve as
indicating of the evolution of weathering degree of a
residual soil profile. This
study is a part of required inquiries for development of a
residual soil behavior
model where it is possible to include effect of weathering
degree. This
investigation are being effected in the project PRONEX-Rio
intitled Geotechnic
Applied to the Evaluation, Prevention and Remediation of
Ambient Problems, in
development in the Nucleus of Environmental Geotechnic of
DEC/PUC-Rio and it
is in the research line of Environmental Geotechnic of the
Sector DEC/PUC-Rio.
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Composição e qualidade de méis de abelha Jandaira (Melipona subnitida), efeitos estocagem e comparação com méis de Apis mellifera / Composition, quality and comparison of Jandaira (Melipona subnitida) and Apis mellifera honeyStramm, Klaus Martin 21 October 2011 (has links)
Objetivos Avaliar a composição e qualidade de méis de abelha Jandaira através de análises físico-químicas; avaliar se os parâmetros apresentados se encaixam nas legislações nacional e internacional para méis de Apis mellifera; analisar os efeitos de estocagens de méis de Jandaira em três diferentes temperaturas (ambiente, geladeira e freezer) e os efeitos de um ano de armazenamento de méis de Jandaira e Apis mellifera de mesma região botânica e a comparação da alteração de seus parâmetros de qualidade. Metodologia Revisão de literatura relativa aos padrões de identidade e qualidade dos méis de Apis mellifera e de abelhas sem ferrão com ênfase na Melipona subnitida. Realização das análises preconizadas pela legislação brasileira para méis de Apis mellifera nas amostras coletadas de Jandaira e Apis, além das análises qualitativas (Fiehe, Lund e Lugol), condutividade elétrica e análise dos açúcares glicose, frutose e sacarose por CLAE. Resultados As amostras de mel de Apis apresentaram-se monoflorais (pólen dominante de Althernanthera sp.) e com parâmetros dentro do preconizado pela legislação vigente, enquanto os de méis de Jandaira apresentaram-se heteroflorais (pólen de Mimosa verrucosa, Mimosa caeselpiniaefolia e Piptadenia moniliforme) a umidade (24,80%) e atividade diastásica (ausente) fora do estabelecido pela legislação vigente para os méis de Apis mellifera. A condutividade elétrica de Apis (284,00 µS.cm-1) foi superior a obtida no mel de Jandaira (102,77µS.cm-1) e a cor do mel de Apis apresentou-se mais escura (26,67 mmPfund), comparada ao mel de Jandaira (7,00 ± 0,00 mmPfund). Determinou-se maior concentração de glicose, frutose e sacarose nos méis de Apis (23,50%, 38,78% e 5,72% respectivamente) do que nos de Jandaira (21,76%, 29,21% e 4,86% respectivamente). Os parâmetros mais afetados em um ano de estocagem em temperatura ambiente foram: HMF, acidez livre, condutividade elétrica e cor. O método de estocagem que melhor conservou as características do produto foi o freezer. Conclusões Os méis de Apis mellifera e Melipona subnitida apresentam diversas diferenças em seus padrões físico-químicos, mais acentuadamente nos valores de umidade e atividade diastásica. As análises do Tempo 0 dos méis de Apis se encaixaram sem exceção nas legislações nacional e internacional vigentes, enquanto as amostras de Jandaira se encontram fora do preconizado para a umidade e atividade diastásica. Após um ano de estocagem em temperatura ambiente com incidência de luz, o mel de Apis conservou melhor suas características físico-químicas em relação ao mel de Jandaira em todos os parâmetros analisados ainda estando em conformidade com a legislação. Quando estocados em diferentes temperaturas, os méis de Jandaira conservaram melhor seus parâmetros nas condições de freezer e geladeira, enquanto sofreram alterações visíveis em temperatura ambiente. / Objectives Evaluate the quality and composition of Jandaira bee\'s honey through the use of physicochemical analyses; find out if the obtained parameters are in concordance with the Apis mellifera honey Legislations established both nationally and internationally; evaluate the effects of storage conditions for Jandaira Honey in three different temperatures (ambient, fridge and freezer) over one year, as well as the storage of Apis mellifera samples from the same botanical region over one year in ambient temperature and the comparison of both kinds of honeys and the alterations of their quality parameters. Metodology Review of the literature asserting the quality and identity parameters of Apis mellifera honey and stingless bees, with emphasis on Melipona subnitida honey. Procedure of the analyses contained in the Brazillian Legislation (2000) for Apis mellifera honey in the collected samples of Apis mellifera and Melipona subnitida honeys, as well as the qualitative analyses (Fiehe, Lund and Lugol), electric conductivity, and quantification of the glucose, fructose and sucrose sugars via HPLC. Results The Apis honey samples were classified as monofloral (Althernantera sp. as dominant pollen) and demonstrated parameters in accord with the current Legislation, while the Jandaira honey samples were classified as heterofloral (nearly even amounts of Mimosa verrucosa, Mimora caeselpinaefolia and Piptadenia moniliforme pollen) displaying moisture (24,80%) and diastase activity (null) in discordance with the established by the current legislation for Apis mellifera honeys. The Apis honey samples presented higher values of electric conductivity (284,00 µS.cm-1) than the obtained in the Jandaira honey samples (102,77µS.cm-1) as well as a darker color (26,67mmPfund) when compared to Jandaira honey (7,00mmPfund). The concentration of the glucose, fructose and sucrose sugars was higher in the Apis honeys (23,50%, 38,78% and 5,72% respectively) than in the Jandaira honey samples (21,76%, 29,21% and 4,86% respectively). The most affected parameters throughout one year of storage were HMF, free acidity, electric conductivity and color. The temperature that conserved better the original characteristics of the product was the freezer. Conclusions The Apis mellifera and Melipona subnitida honey samples displayed several differences in their physicochemical parameters, namely in moisture and diastase activity. At first (Time 0) the Apis honey samples were without exception in accord with the national and international legislations, whereas the Jandaira samples had moisture and diastase activity stray from the protocol, however, after one year of storage in ambient temperature, the Apis honey samples still was in concordance with the legislations in every analyzed parameter and had it\'s physicochemical characteristics better conserved then the Jandaira honey samples. Jandaira also had it\'s own characteristics better conserved in the fridge and freezer, when compared to the notable alterations in the ambient temperature storage.
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Efeitos nas características físico-químicas, microbiológicas e sensoriais em amostras de mel de abelhas submetidas à radiação gama / Effects on physicochemical, microbiological and sensory characteristics of honey bee samples submitted to gamma radiationBera, Alexandre 29 April 2010 (has links)
A produção de mel no Brasil tem aumentado consideravelmente e vem ganhando destaque no mercado internacional, consequentemente muitas exigências passaram a fazer parte da cadeia produtiva apícola. Além das análises previstas na legislação brasileira, o mercado externo procura produtos que atendam aos mais rigorosos padrões de qualidade. O mel possui características interessantes devido a sua constituição, porém, existem problemas que podem alterar seu padrão de identidade e qualidade. A aplicação da radiação gama é uma proposta viável que promove a diminuição da carga microbiana sem alterar a constituição e as características físico-químicas, com perdas nutricionais menores quando comparada a outros tratamentos usados em alimentos. Neste estudo, além dos parâmetros físico-químicos exigidos pela legislação brasileira (MAPA), também foram incluídas outras análises pertinentes, inclusive a técnica de espectroscopia no infravermelho com transformada de Fourier (FTIR-ATR). As análises microbiológicas foram realizadas nas amostras de méis puros, nas quais, posteriormente, foram inoculadas cargas microbianas conhecidas para avaliar a ação da radiação gama nas doses de 5 e 10 kGy. O teste triangular foi utilizado na análise sensorial para diferenciar as amostras não-irradiadas das irradiadas. As maiores modificações nas amostras de méis foram, principalmente, nas concentrações de HMF (hidroximetilfurfural) e na atividade diastásica, ocorrendo diminuição significativa em todas as amostras analisadas. Houve redução na carga microbiana a partir da aplicação da dose de 5 kGy, atingindo a ausência com a aplicação de 10 kGy de dose, com exceção do Paenibacillus larvae que mostrou ser mais resistente. A análise sensorial realizada nas amostras de mel e mel irradiado, com doses de 5, 10 e 15 kGy, apontou não haver diferença significativa (5%) entre as amostras controle e irradiadas. A aplicação da radiação gama em méis mostrou ser um método muito útil na descontaminação microbiológica, apresentando poucas alterações no produto com doses de até 10 kGy. / Honey production in Brazil has increased considerably and gaining proeminence on the international market, as a result many demands have become part of the productive honey chain. In addition to the analyses provided for the Brazilian legislation, international market demand products that meet the most stringent quality standards. Honey has interesting characteristics due to its constitution, but even so there are problems that can change some how your identity and quality. The application of gamma radiation is a viable proposal which promotes the reduction of bioburden without changing the constitution and most importantly the physicochemical properties, with smaller nutritional losses when compared to other treatments used in foods. This study beyond the physicochemical parameters required by Brazilian regulation also included other relevant analyses, including FT-IR ATR. Microbiological analyses were carried out on samples of pure honeys and subsequently inoculated microbial known loads to assess the action of gamma radiation in doses of 5 and 10 kGy. The triangular test was used to differentiate the irradiated and not irradiated. samples The major changes that have occurred in samples of honeys were mainly in concentrations of HMF (hydroxymethilfurfural) and diastase activity occurring a significant decrease in all analyzed samples. There was a reduction microbiological from the application of the 5 kGy, reaching absence with 10 kGy dose except Paenibacillus larvae. The sensory analysis conducted on samples of honey and honey irradiated with 5, 10 and 15 kGy doses, pointed out that there is no significant difference (5%) between irradiated and control samples. The application of gamma radiation in honeys proved a very useful method in microbiological decontamination, featuring few changes in the product at doses up to 10 kGy.
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