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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Planaridade em grafos: o teorema de Kuratowski / Planarity in graphs : Kuratowski’s theorem

Santos, Emanoel Lázaro de Santana 26 August 2017 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The present dissertation aims to introduce the basic concepts of graph theory to explore the concept of planarity and present a beautiful theorem connected to this theme. Graph theory is a very effective tool for solving problems involving several areas of knowledge. Some of these problems are related to planarity of graphs. Thus, this work presents Kuratowski’s theorem, with the beauty of its demonstration, which provides a necessary and sufficient condition for a graph to be planar, observing if it contains a specific type of subgraph related to complete and split graphs. / A presente dissertaçãoo tem como objetivo introduzir os conceitos básicos da teoria dos grafos para explorar o conceito de planaridade e apresentar um belo teorema ligado a esse tema. A teoria dos grafos é uma ferramenta muito eficaz na resolução de problemas que envolvem diversas áreas de conhecimento. Alguns destes problemas estão relacionados `a planaridade de grafos. Dessa forma, este trabalho apresenta o teorema de Kuratowski, com a beleza de sua demonstra¸c˜ao, que fornece uma condição necessária e suficiente para um grafo ser planar, observando se o mesmo contém um tipo específico de subgrafo relacionado a grafos completos e bipartidos. / São Cristóvão, SE

Circular coloring and acyclic choosability of graphs / Coloration circulaire et coloration acyclique par listes de graphes

Roussel, Nicolas 14 December 2009 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons à la coloration circulaire des graphes planaires. Des bornes supérieures ont été données pour des graphes avec degré maximum borné, avec girth, la longueur de son plus petit cycle, bornée, avec des cycles manquants, etc. Ici nous donnerons de nouvelles bornes pour les graphes avec degré moyen maximum borné. Nous étudions également la coloration totale et la coloration (d,1)-totale de plusieurs familles infinies de graphes. Nous décrivons le nouveau concept de coloration (d,1)-totale circulaire. Enfin, nous discutons les conditions nécessaires pour qu'un graphe planaire admette une coloration acyclique par listes de taille 4. / In this thesis, we study the circular coloring of planar graphs. Upper bounds have been given for graphs with bounded maximum degree, with bounded girth, that is the length of its smallest cycle, with missing cycles, and so on. It has also been studied for graphs with bounded maximum average degree. Here we give new upper bounds for that latter case. We also study the total coloring and ($d,1$)-total labeling of a few infinite families of graphs and describe the new concept of circular ($d,1$)-total labeling of graphs. In the last part, we will discuss conditions for a planar graph to be acyclically $4$-choosable.

Transforming Plane Triangulations by Simultaneous Diagonal Flips

Kaykobad, M Tanvir 13 May 2020 (has links)
We explore the problem of transforming plane triangulations using simultaneous diagonal flips. Wagner showed that any n-vertex plane triangulation can be transformed to any other plane triangulation on equal number of vertices using a finite sequence of diagonal flips. Later on it has been established that O(n) individual flips suffice to complete this transformation. Bose et al. showed that the transformation can also be done in 4 × ( 2 / log 54/53 + 2 / log 6/5 ) logn + 2 ≈ 327.1 log n simultaneous flips. This bound is asymptotically tight. We present two algorithms to improve the leading coefficient of this bound for transforming any plane triangulation into any other. The first of the two algorithms lowers this bound down to 4 × ( 2 / log 12/11 + 2 / log 9/7 ) logn + 2 ≈ 85.8 log n. By processing and preprocessing the interior and exterior of the triangulation’s Hamiltonian cycle parallelly in an interlaced fashion, we make further improvement of the algorithm from ≈ 327.1 log n down to 12 / log 6/5 logn + 2 ≈ 45.6 log n.

Vertex partition of sparse graphs / Partition des sommets de graphes peu denses

Dross, François 27 June 2018 (has links)
Le Théorème des Quatre Couleurs, conjecturé en 1852 et prouvé en 1976, est à l'origine de l'étude des partitions des sommets de graphes peu denses. Il affirme que toute carte plane peut être coloriée avec au plus quatre couleurs différentes, de telle manière que deux régions qui partagent une frontière aient des couleurs différentes. Énoncé en terme de théorie des graphes, cela veut dire que tout graphe planaire, c'est à dire tout graphe qui peut être représenté dans le plan sans que deux arêtes ne se croisent, peut voir son ensemble de sommets partitionné en quatre ensembles tels que chacun de ces ensembles ne contient pas les deux extrémités d'une même arête. Une telle partition est appelée une coloration propre en quatre couleurs. Dans cette thèse, on s'intéresse à l'étude de la structure des graphes peu denses, selon différentes notions de densité. D'une part, on étudie les graphes planaires sans petits cycles, et d'autre part les graphes dont tous les sous-graphes ont un degré moyen peu élevé. Pour ces classes de graphes, on recherche tout d'abord le plus petit nombre de sommets à retirer pour obtenir une forêt, c'est à dire un graphe sans cycles. Cela peut être vu comme une partition des sommets du graphe en un ensemble induisant une forêt et un ensemble de sommets contenant au plus une fraction donnée des sommets du graphe. La motivation première de cette étude est une conjecture d'Albertson et Berman (1976) comme quoi tout graphe planaire admettrait une telle partition où la forêt contient au moins la moitié des sommets du graphe. Dans un second temps, on s'intéresse aux partitions des sommets de ces graphes en deux ensembles, tels que les sous-graphes induits par ces deux ensembles ont des propriétés particulières. Par exemple, ces sous-graphes peuvent être des graphes sans arêtes, des forêts, des graphes de degré borné, ou des graphes dont les composantes connexes ont un nombre borné de sommets. Ces partitions des sommets sont des extensions de la notion de coloration propre de graphe.On montre, pour différentes classes de graphes peu denses, que tous les graphes de ces classes admettent de telles partitions. On s'intéresse également aux aspect algorithmiques de la construction de telles partitions. / The study of vertex partitions of planar graphs was initiated by the Four Colour Theorem, which was conjectured in 1852, and proven in 1976. According to that theorem, one can colour the regions of any planar map by using only four colours, in such a way that any two regions sharing a border have distinct colours. In terms of graph theory, it can be reformulated this way: the vertex set of every planar graph, i.e. every graph that can be represented in the plane such that edges do not cross, can be partitioned into four sets such that no edge has its two endpoints in the same set. Such a partition is called a proper colouring of the graph.In this thesis, we look into the structure of sparse graphs, according to several notions of sparsity. On the one hand, we consider planar graphs with no small cycles, and on the other hand, we consider the graphs where every subgraph has bounded average degree.For these classes of graphs, we first look for the smallest number of vertices that can be removed such that the remaining graph is a forest, that is a graph with no cycles. That can be seen as a partition of the vertices of the graph into a set inducing a forest and a set with a bounded fraction of the vertices of the graph. The main motivation for this study is a the Albertson and Berman Conjecture (1976), which states that every planar graph admits an induced forest containing at least one half of its vertices.We also look into vertex partition of sparse graphs into two sets both inducing a subgraph with some specific prescribed properties. Exemples of such properties can be that they have no edges, or no cycles, that they have bounded degree, or that they have bounded components. These vertex partitions generalise the notion of proper colouring. We show, for different classes of sparse graphs, that every graph in those classes have some specific vertex partition. We also look into algorithmic aspects of these partitions.

Décomposition arborescente des graphes planaires et routage compact

Dieng, Youssou 29 June 2009 (has links)
Savoir comment transmettre une information est fondamental dans un réseau. Il est essentiel que chaque entité du réseau soit capable de décider localement, avec sa vue du réseau, du chemin par lequel l'information doit passer. Ainsi, il est souvent utile d'étudier la topologie du réseau, modélisée par un graphe, pour répondre à ces exigences. Nous nous intéressons dans un premier temps, à la décomposition arborescente des graphes planaires. En effet, comme dans beaucoup de problèmes de graphes, l'étude de la topologie des graphes nous conduit à procéder à une décomposition du graphe afin d'exploiter les propriétés structurelles qui en découlent. En suite, nous nous sommes aussi intéressés à la structure des graphes qui excluent un mineur H, en particulier le graphe K_{2,r}. Ces travaux nous ont permis d'améliorer les bornes actuelles connues sur la largeur arborescente de ces graphes. Dans la dernière partie, nous abordons le problème du routage compact. Nous nous sommes intéressés aux schémas de routage de plus courts chemins utilisant des adresses, des tables de routage de tailles optimales de O(log n) bits, où n est le nombre de sommets du graphe. Nous proposons un tel schéma de routage pour une famille de graphes valués contenant les arbres et les graphes planaire-extérieurs. / In a network, it is crucial to know how to construct an efficent routing scheme. It is fundamental for each entity with its local knowledge of the network, to be able to decide on which link to forward messages. Thus, it is important to sutdy the underlying network topology in order to design routing schemes. In the first part of this thesis, we construct a new tree-decomposition for planar graphs. In fact, as in many graph problems, the study of the graph structure leads to do a tree-decomposition for exploiting structural propertys of the graphs. In second part, we studied the structure of H-minor free graphs, in particular whenever H = K_{2,r}. Our results improve upon previous known bounds about the tree-width of K_{2,r}-minor free graphs. At last, we treat the problème of compact routing scheme. More precisely, we are interested in shortest-path routing schemes that use O(\log n) bits for addresses, headers and routing tables, where n is the number of vertices in the graph. We propose such a routing scheme for a large family of weighted graphs including outerplanar graphs.

Vertex coloring of graphs via the discharging method / Coloration des sommets des graphes par la méthode de déchargement

Chen, Min 17 November 2010 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons à differentes colorations des sommets d’un graphe et aux homomorphismes de graphes. Nous nous intéressons plus spécialement aux graphes planaires et aux graphes peu denses. Nous considérons la coloration propre des sommets, la coloration acyclique, la coloration étoilée, lak-forêt-coloration, la coloration fractionnaire et la version par liste de la plupart de ces concepts.Dans le Chapitre 2, nous cherchons des conditions suffisantes de 3-liste colorabilité des graphes planaires. Ces conditions sont exprimées en termes de sous-graphes interdits et nos résultats impliquent plusieurs résultats connus.La notion de la coloration acyclique par liste des graphes planaires a été introduite par Borodin, Fon-Der Flaass, Kostochka, Raspaud, et Sopena. Ils ont conjecturé que tout graphe planaire est acycliquement 5-liste coloriable. Dans le Chapitre 3, on obtient des conditions suffisantes pour qu’un graphe planaire admette une k-coloration acyclique par liste avec k 2 f3; 4; 5g.Dans le Chapitre 4, nous montrons que tout graphe subcubique est 6-étoilé coloriable.D’autre part, Fertin, Raspaud et Reed ont montré que le graphe de Wagner ne peut pas être 5-étoilé-coloriable. Ce fait implique que notre résultat est optimal. De plus, nous obtenons des nouvelles bornes supérieures sur la choisissabilité étoilé d’un graphe planaire subcubique de maille donnée.Une k-forêt-coloration d’un graphe G est une application ¼ de l’ensemble des sommets V (G) de G dans l’ensemble de couleurs 1; 2; ¢ ¢ ¢ ; k telle que chaque classede couleur induit une forêt. Le sommet-arboricité de G est le plus petit entier ktel que G a k-forêt-coloration. Dans le Chapitre 5, nous prouvons une conjecture de Raspaud et Wang affirmant que tout graphe planaire sans triangles intersectants admet une sommet-arboricité au plus 2.Enfin, au Chapitre 6, nous nous concentrons sur le problème d’homomorphisme des graphes peu denses dans le graphe de Petersen. Plus précisément, nous prouvons que tout graphe sans triangles ayant un degré moyen maximum moins de 5=2 admet un homomorphisme dans le graphe de Petersen. En outre, nous montrons que la borne sur le degré moyen maximum est la meilleure possible. / In this thesis, we are interested in various vertex coloring and homomorphism problems of graphs with special emphasis on planar graphs and sparsegraphs. We consider proper vertex coloring, acyclic coloring, star coloring, forestcoloring, fractional coloring and the list version of most of these concepts.In Chapter 2, we consider the problem of finding sufficient conditions for a planargraph to be 3-choosable. These conditions are expressed in terms of forbiddensubgraphs and our results extend several known results.The notion of acyclic list coloring of planar graphs was introduced by Borodin,Fon-Der Flaass, Kostochka, Raspaud, and Sopena. They conjectured that everyplanar graph is acyclically 5-choosable. In Chapter 3, we obtain some sufficientconditions for planar graphs to be acyclically k-choosable with k 2 f3; 4; 5g.In Chapter 4, we prove that every subcubic graph is 6-star-colorable. On theother hand, Fertin, Raspaud and Reed showed that the Wagner graph cannot be5-star-colorable. This fact implies that our result is best possible. Moreover, weobtain new upper bounds on star choosability of planar subcubic graphs with givengirth.A k-forest-coloring of a graph G is a mapping ¼ from V (G) to the set f1; ¢ ¢ ¢ ; kgsuch that each color class induces a forest. The vertex-arboricity of G is the smallestinteger k such that G has a k-forest-coloring. In Chapter 5, we prove a conjecture ofRaspaud and Wang asserting that every planar graph without intersecting triangleshas vertex-arboricity at most 2.Finally, in Chapter 6, we focus on the homomorphism problems of sparse graphsto the Petersen graph. More precisely, we prove that every triangle-free graph withmaximum average degree less than 5=2 admits a homomorphism to the Petersengraph. Moreover, we show that the bound on the maximum average degree in ourresult is best possible.

Colorations de graphes sous contraintes / Graph coloring under constraints

Hocquard, Hervé 05 December 2011 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons à différentes notions de colorations sous contraintes. Nous nous intéressons plus spécialement à la coloration acyclique, à la coloration forte d'arêtes et à la coloration d'arêtes sommets adjacents distinguants.Dans le Chapitre 2, nous avons étudié la coloration acyclique. Tout d'abord nous avons cherché à borner le nombre chromatique acyclique pour la classe des graphes de degré maximum borné. Ensuite nous nous sommes attardés sur la coloration acyclique par listes. La notion de coloration acyclique par liste des graphes planaires a été introduite par Borodin, Fon-Der Flaass, Kostochka, Raspaud et Sopena. Ils ont conjecturé que tout graphe planaire est acycliquement 5-liste coloriable. De notre côté, nous avons proposé des conditions suffisantes de 3-liste coloration acyclique des graphes planaires. Dans le Chapitre 3, nous avons étudié la coloration forte d'arêtes des graphes subcubiques en majorant l'indice chromatique fort en fonction du degré moyen maximum. Nous nous sommes également intéressés à la coloration forte d'arêtes des graphes subcubiques sans cycles de longueurs données et nous avons également obtenu une majoration optimale de l'indice chromatique fort pour la famille des graphes planaires extérieurs. Nous avons aussi présenté différents résultats de complexité pour la classe des graphes planaires subcubiques. Enfin, au Chapitre 4, nous avons abordé la coloration d'arêtes sommets adjacents distinguants en déterminant les majorations de l'indice avd-chromatique en fonction du degré moyen maximum. Notre travail s'inscrit dans la continuité de celui effectué par Wang et Wang en 2010. Plus précisément, nous nous sommes focalisés sur la famille des graphes de degré maximum au moins 5. / In this thesis, we are interested in various coloring of graphs under constraints. We study acyclic coloring, strong edge coloring and adjacent vertex-distinguishing edge coloring.In Chapter 2, we consider acyclic coloring and we bound the acyclic chromatic number by a function of the maximum degree of the graph. We also study acyclic list coloring. The notion of acyclic list coloring of planar graphs was introduced by Borodin, Fon-Der Flaass, Kostochka, Raspaud, and Sopena. They conjectured that every planar graph is acyclically 5-choosable. We obtain some sufficient conditions for planar graphs to be acyclically 3-choosable.In Chapter 3, we study strong edge coloring of graphs. We prove some upper bounds of the strong chromatic index of subcubic graphs as a function of the maximum average degree. We also obtain a tight upper bound for the minimum number of colors in a strong edge coloring of outerplanar graphs as a function of the maximum degree. We also prove that the strong edge k-colouring problem, when k=4,5,6, is NP-complete for subcubic planar bipartite graphs with some girth condition. Finally, in Chapter 4, we focus on adjacent vertex-distinguishing edge coloring, or avd-coloring, of graphs. We bound the avd-chromatic number of graphs by a function of the maximum average degree. This work completes a result of Wang and Wang in 2010.

Synthetic notions of curvature and applications in graph theory

Shiping, Liu 11 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The interaction between the study of geometric and analytic aspects of Riemannian manifolds and that of graphs is a very amazing subject. The study of synthetic curvature notions on graphs adds new contributions to this topic. In this thesis, we mainly study two kinds of synthetic curvature notions: the Ollivier-Ricci cuvature on locally finite graphs and the combinatorial curvature on infinite semiplanar graphs. In the first part, we study the Ollivier-Ricci curvature. As known in Riemannian geometry, a lower Ricci curvature bound prevents geodesics from diverging too fast on average. We translate this Riemannian idea into a combinatorial setting using the Olliver-Ricci curvature notion. Note that on a graph, the analogue of geodesics starting in different directions, but eventually approaching each other again, would be a triangle. We derive lower and upper Ollivier-Ricci curvature bounds on graphs in terms of number of triangles, which is sharp for instance for complete graphs. We then describe the relation between Ollivier-Ricci curvature and the local clustering coefficient, which is an important concept in network analysis introduced by Watts-Strogatz. Furthermore, positive lower boundedness of Ollivier-Ricci curvature for neighboring vertices imply the existence of at least one triangle. It turns out that the existence of triangles can also improve Lin-Yau\'s curvature dimension inequality on graphs and then produce an implication from Ollivier-Ricci curvature lower boundedness to the curvature dimension inequality. The existence of triangles prevents a graph from being bipartite. A finite graph is bipartite if and only if its largest eigenvalue equals 2. Therefore it is natural that Ollivier-Ricci curvature is closely related to the largest eigenvalue estimates. We combine Ollivier-Ricci curvature notion with the neighborhood graph method developed by Bauer-Jost to study the spectrum estimates of a finite graph. We can always obtain nontrivial estimates on a non-bipartite graph even if its curvature is nonpositive. This answers one of Ollivier\'s open problem in the finite graph setting. In the second part of this thesis, we study systematically infinite semiplanar graphs with nonnegative combinatorial curvature. Unlike the previous Gauss-Bonnet formula approach, we explore an Alexandrov approach based on the observation that the nonnegative combinatorial curvature on a semiplanar graph is equivalent to nonnegative Alexandrov curvature on the surface obtained by replacing each face by a regular polygon of side length one with the same facial degree and gluing the polygons along common edges. Applying Cheeger-Gromoll splitting theorem on the surface, we give a metric classification of infinite semiplanar graphs with nonnegative curvature. We also construct the graphs embedded into the projective plane minus one point. Those constructions answer a question proposed by Chen. We further prove the volume doubling property and Poincare inequality which make the running of Nash-Moser iteration possible. We in particular explore the volume growth behavior on Archimedean tilings on a plane and prove that they satisfy a weak version of relative volume comparison with constant 1. With the above two basic inequalities in hand, we study the geometric function theory of infinite semiplanar graphs with nonnegative curvature. We obtain the Liouville type theorem for positive harmonic functions, the parabolicity. We also prove a dimension estimate for polynomial growth harmonic functions, which is an extension of the solution of Colding-Minicozzi of a conjecture of Yau in Riemannian geometry.

Approche inter-couches pour l'économie d'énergie et la fiabilité dans les Réseaux de Capteurs Sans Fil dédiés aux Applications Critiques de Surveillance / Cross-layer approach for energy efficiency and reliability in Wireless Sensor Networks dedicated to Critical Applications of Surveillance

Benzerbadj, Ali 02 July 2018 (has links)
Les Réseaux de Capteurs Sans Fil (RCSFs) constituent une classe particulière des réseaux Ad hoc, faisant l'objet de recherches intensives. Ils sont considérés comme un outil très puissant pour connecter le monde physique et le monde numérique. Ils se composent d'un grand nombre de noeuds capteurs dotés de ressources limitées en termes d'énergie, de portée de capture et de communication, de vitesse de traitement et de capacité de stockage. Ils sont déployés dans un environnement intérieur ou extérieur, et ce dans de nombreux domaines d'application tels que l'armée, l'environnement, la santé, la maison et l'agriculture. La rareté des ressources des noeuds capteurs et la non fiabilité des liaisons sans fil motivent la plupart des problématiques dans le domaine des RCSFs, à savoir l'énergie, la couverture, la connectivité, le routage, la tolérance aux pannes et la sécurité. L'objectif de cette thèse est de proposer un protocole de surveillance inter-couches, à efficacité énergétique et fiable, pour la surveillance des zones sensibles clôturées, tel qu'un site pétrolier ou nucléaire, utilisant les réseaux de capteurs sans fil avec un cycle d'activité, et avec prise en compte des liens asymétriques dus au phénomène de l'irrégularité de la radio. Initialement, le protocole proposé identifie les noeuds de bordure du RCSF pour les utiliser comme nœuds sentinelles, c.-à-d., des noeuds qui sont toujours dans un état actif. Les noeuds restants sont utilisés en tant que noeuds relais avec un cycle d'activité, pendant la phase de routage des alertes vers le noeud puits. Le processus d'identification des noeuds de bordure ainsi que le routage des alertes, sont assurés par le protocole Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing through Symmetrical Links (GPSR-SL) qui est une version améliorée du protocole GPSR, reposant sur un graphe de connectivité représenté sous forme de disques non-unité (N-UDG). Le protocole de surveillance inter-couches proposé a été implémenté et ses performances ont été évaluées en utilisant l'environnement de simulation OMNeT++/Castalia. Les résultats de performance montrent que ce protocole permet d'obtenir un ratio de livraison de paquets plus élevé d'environ 3.63%, une efficacité énergétique et une latence satisfaisante par rapport au même protocole basé sur le GPSR original. / Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are a special class of Ad hoc networks, which are under intensive research.They are considered as a very powerful tool to connect the physical and the digital worlds. They consist of a largenumber of sensor nodes that are characterized with limited resources in terms of energy, range of sensing and communication, processing speed and storage capacity.They are deployed in an indoor or outdoor environment in many application domains such as army, environment, health, home and agriculture. The scarcity of sensor node resources and the unreliability of wireless links drive most of the research issues in the field of WSNs, namely energy, coverage, connectivity, routing, fault tolerance and security. The aim of this thesis is to propose an energyefficient and reliable cross-layer surveillance protocol for sensitive fenced areas, such as oil or nuclear sites, using duty-cycled WSNs with asymmetrical links due to the radio irregularity phenomenon. Initially, the proposed protocol identifies the boundary nodes of the deployedWSN, to be used as sentinel nodes, i.e., nodes that are always in an active state. The remaining nodes are usedas duty-cycled relay nodes during the routing phase to relay alerts towards the sink. The boundary nodes identification process and alert routing are both performed using an enhanced version of the Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing (GPSR) protocol, referred to as GPSR over Symmetrical Links (GPSR-SL) and which relies on a Non Unit Disk Graph (N-UDG). The proposed cross-layer surveillance protocol has been implemented and its performance has been evaluated under the OMNeT++/Castalia simulation environment. Performance results show that this protocol achieves higher Packet Delivery Ratio by up to 3.63%, energy .efficiency and satisfactory latency when compared to the same protocol based on the original GPSR.

Synthetic notions of curvature and applications in graph theory

Shiping, Liu 20 December 2012 (has links)
The interaction between the study of geometric and analytic aspects of Riemannian manifolds and that of graphs is a very amazing subject. The study of synthetic curvature notions on graphs adds new contributions to this topic. In this thesis, we mainly study two kinds of synthetic curvature notions: the Ollivier-Ricci cuvature on locally finite graphs and the combinatorial curvature on infinite semiplanar graphs. In the first part, we study the Ollivier-Ricci curvature. As known in Riemannian geometry, a lower Ricci curvature bound prevents geodesics from diverging too fast on average. We translate this Riemannian idea into a combinatorial setting using the Olliver-Ricci curvature notion. Note that on a graph, the analogue of geodesics starting in different directions, but eventually approaching each other again, would be a triangle. We derive lower and upper Ollivier-Ricci curvature bounds on graphs in terms of number of triangles, which is sharp for instance for complete graphs. We then describe the relation between Ollivier-Ricci curvature and the local clustering coefficient, which is an important concept in network analysis introduced by Watts-Strogatz. Furthermore, positive lower boundedness of Ollivier-Ricci curvature for neighboring vertices imply the existence of at least one triangle. It turns out that the existence of triangles can also improve Lin-Yau\''s curvature dimension inequality on graphs and then produce an implication from Ollivier-Ricci curvature lower boundedness to the curvature dimension inequality. The existence of triangles prevents a graph from being bipartite. A finite graph is bipartite if and only if its largest eigenvalue equals 2. Therefore it is natural that Ollivier-Ricci curvature is closely related to the largest eigenvalue estimates. We combine Ollivier-Ricci curvature notion with the neighborhood graph method developed by Bauer-Jost to study the spectrum estimates of a finite graph. We can always obtain nontrivial estimates on a non-bipartite graph even if its curvature is nonpositive. This answers one of Ollivier\''s open problem in the finite graph setting. In the second part of this thesis, we study systematically infinite semiplanar graphs with nonnegative combinatorial curvature. Unlike the previous Gauss-Bonnet formula approach, we explore an Alexandrov approach based on the observation that the nonnegative combinatorial curvature on a semiplanar graph is equivalent to nonnegative Alexandrov curvature on the surface obtained by replacing each face by a regular polygon of side length one with the same facial degree and gluing the polygons along common edges. Applying Cheeger-Gromoll splitting theorem on the surface, we give a metric classification of infinite semiplanar graphs with nonnegative curvature. We also construct the graphs embedded into the projective plane minus one point. Those constructions answer a question proposed by Chen. We further prove the volume doubling property and Poincare inequality which make the running of Nash-Moser iteration possible. We in particular explore the volume growth behavior on Archimedean tilings on a plane and prove that they satisfy a weak version of relative volume comparison with constant 1. With the above two basic inequalities in hand, we study the geometric function theory of infinite semiplanar graphs with nonnegative curvature. We obtain the Liouville type theorem for positive harmonic functions, the parabolicity. We also prove a dimension estimate for polynomial growth harmonic functions, which is an extension of the solution of Colding-Minicozzi of a conjecture of Yau in Riemannian geometry.

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