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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An investigation of fuel optimal terminal descent

Rea, Jeremy Ryan 16 October 2012 (has links)
Current renewed interest in exploration of the moon, Mars, and other planetary objects is driving technology development in many fields of space system design. In particular, there is a desire to land both robotic and human missions on the moon and elsewhere. The core of a successful landing is a robust guidance, navigation, and control system (GN&C). In particular, the landing guidance system must be able to deliver the vehicle from an orbit above the planet to a desired soft landing, while meeting several constraints necessary for the safety of the vehicle. In addition, due to the performance limitations of current launch vehicles, it is desired to minimize the amount of propellant used during the landing. To make matters even more complicated, the landing site may change in real-time in order to avoid previously undetected hazards which become apparent during the landing maneuver. The Apollo program relied heavily on the eyes of the astronauts to avoid such hazards through manual control. However, for missions to the lunar polar regions, poor lighting conditions will make this much more difficult; for robotic missions, this is not an option. It is desired to find a solution to the landing problem such that the fuel used is minimized while meeting constraints on the initial state, final state, bounded thrust acceleration magnitude, and bounded pitch attitude. With the assumptions of constant gravity and negligible atmosphere, the form of the optimal steering law is found, and the equations of motion are integrated analytically, resulting in a system of five equations in five unknowns. When the pitch over constraint is ignored, it is shown that this system of equations can be reduced analytically to two equations in two unknowns. In addition, when an assumption of a constant thrust acceleration magnitude is made, this system can be reduced further to one equation in one unknown. It is shown that these unknowns can be bounded analytically. An algorithm is developed to quickly and reliably solve the resulting one-dimensional bounded search. The algorithm is used as a real-time guidance and is applied to lunar and Mars landing test cases. / text

Modulares Planungskonzept für Logistikstrukturen und Produktionsstätten kompetenzzellenbasierter Netze

Horbach, Sebastian 12 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Kompetenzzellenbasierte (regionale) Netze stellen besondere Anforderungen an die Planung von Logistikstrukturen und Produktionsstätten. Das Planungskonzept für Netze (PlaNet) wurde entwickelt, um Kompetenzzellen als den kleinsten Leistungseinheiten in solchen Netzen, ein Regelwerk für die Lösung typischer Planungsfälle zur Verfügung zu stellen. PlaNet ist modular aufgebaut. Seine Komponenten leiten sich aus den Komponenten des Systems Engineering ab. Der Schwerpunkt der Betrachtung liegt auf den Komponenten Produktionsdatenmodell (PDM) und Netzplanungsassistent (NPA). Das Produktionsdatenmodell bildet das System kompetenzzellenbasiertes Netz ab und greift auf das Sichtenkonzept als Ordnungsrahmen zurück. Der Netzplanungsassistent gibt instrumentelle Unterstützung und verbindet kommerzielle und eigenentwickelte Softwarelösungen mittels eines Schnittstellenkonzeptes über eine zentrale Produktionsdatenbank (PDB). / Competence-cell based (regional) networks put special requirements on the planning of Logistics Structures and Production Plants. The Planning Concept for Networks (PlaNet) was developed to provide Competence Cells as the smallest producing units with a framework for solving typical planning problems. PlaNet has a modular structure. Its components are derived from the components of Systems engineering. In this paper the focus is on the Production Data Model and the Net Planning Assistant. The Production Data Model maps the system "Competence-cell based network" and uses the view concept as structuring framework. The Net Planning Assistant provides instrumental support and connects comercial and proprietary software tools via a Production Database with the help of a uniform interface concept.

Boundary layer models of hydrothermal circulation on Earth and Mars

Craft, Kathleen L. 25 August 2008 (has links)
Continental and submarine hydrothermal systems are commonly found around the world. Similar systems that sustain water or other fluids are also likely to exist in planetary bodies throughout the solar system. Also, terrestrial submarine systems have been suggested as the locations of the first life on Earth and may, therefore, provide indications of where to find life on other planetary bodies. The study of these systems is vital to the understanding of planetary heat transfer, chemical cycling, and biological processes; hence hydrothermal processes play a fundamental role in planetary evolution. In this thesis, three particular types of hydrothermal systems are investigated through the development of mathematical models: (1) terrestrial low-temperature diffuse flows at mid-oceanic ridges (MORs), (2) submarine near-axis convection on Earth, and (3) convection driven by magmatic intrusives on Mars. Model set-ups for all systems include a two-dimensional space with a vertical, hot wall, maintained at constant temperature, located adjacent to a water-saturated porous medium at a lower temperature. By assuming that convection occurs vigorously and within a thin layer next to the hot wall, boundary layer theory is applicable. The models provide steady-state, single-phase estimates of the total heat and mass transfer rates in each scenario over permeability ranges of 10<sup>-14</sup> m<sup>2</sup> to 10<sup>-10</sup> m<sup>2</sup> for the submarine systems and 10<sup>-14</sup> m<sup>2</sup> to 10<sup>-8</sup> m<sup>2</sup> for the Martian systems. Heat output results derived from the boundary layer model suggest that diffuse flow on MORs contributes 50% or less of heat output to the ridge system, which falls at the low end of observations. For the near-axis model, results found that heat transfer in the hydrothermal boundary layer was greater than the input from steady state generation of the oceanic crust by seafloor spreading. This suggests that the size of the mushy zone evolves with time. Heat output and fluid flux calculations for Martian systems show that fluid outflow adjacent to a single intrusion is too small to generate observed Martian surface features in a reasonable length of time.

On the relevance of adhesion : applications to Saturn's rings

January 2006 (has links)
Since their discovery in 1610 by Galileo Galilei, Saturn's rings continue to fascinate both experts and amateurs. Countless numbers of icy grains in almost Keplerian orbits reveal a wealth of structures such as ringlets, voids and gaps, wakes and waves, and many more. Grains are found to increase in size with increasing radial distance to Saturn. Recently discovered "propeller" structures in the Cassini spacecraft data, provide evidence for the existence of embedded moonlets. In the wake of these findings, the discussion resumes about origin and evolution of planetary rings, and growth processes in tidal environments. In this thesis, a contact model for binary adhesive, viscoelastic collisions is developed that accounts for agglomeration as well as restitution. Collisional outcomes are crucially determined by the impact speed and masses of the collision partners and yield a maximal impact velocity at which agglomeration still occurs. Based on the latter, a self-consistent kinetic concept is proposed. The model considers all possible collisional outcomes as there are coagulation, restitution, and fragmentation. Emphasizing the evolution of the mass spectrum and furthermore concentrating on coagulation alone, a coagulation equation, including a restricted sticking probability is derived. The otherwise phenomenological Smoluchowski equation is reproduced from basic principles and denotes a limit case to the derived coagulation equation. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the relevance of adhesion to force-free granular gases and to those under the influence of Keplerian shear is investigated. Capture probability, agglomerate stability, and the mass spectrum evolution are investigated in the context of adhesive interactions. A size dependent radial limit distance from the central planet is obtained refining the Roche criterion. Furthermore, capture probability in the presence of adhesion is generally different compared to the case of pure gravitational capture. In contrast to a Smoluchowski-type evolution of the mass spectrum, numerical simulations of the obtained coagulation equation revealed, that a transition from smaller grains to larger bodies cannot occur via a collisional cascade alone. For parameters used in this study, effective growth ceases at an average size of centimeters. / Seit ihrer Entdeckung im Jahre 1610 durch Galileo Galilei faszinieren die Ringe des Saturn sowohl Laien als auch Experten. Planetare Ringe finden sich in der Äquatorialebene aller vier Riesenplaneten unseres Sonnensystems und sind eines der eindruckvollsten Beispiele granularer Gase. Darunter gehören die Saturnringe zu den Bekanntesten. Sie bergen eine Vielzahl von Strukturen und erstrecken sich über mehr als 240 000 Kilometer, wobei sie weit weniger als 100 Meter dick sind. Unzählige kleinerer Körper bewegen sich auf leicht exzentrischen Kepler-ähnlichen Bahnen um den Zentralplaneten und bestehen dabei vorwiegend aus Eis. Die seit Juli 2004 im Orbit um den Saturn befindliche Raumsonde Cassini liefert atemberaubende Bilder und Daten, die nicht nur neue Erkenntnisse liefern, sondern auch alte Fragestellungen neu aufleben lassen. Dazu gehört z.B. die Frage nach dem Ursprung und den Entwicklungsstufen planetarer Ringe. Kürzlich, im äusseren A-Ring entdeckte Kleinmonde, deren Existenz schon viel früher postuliert wurde, weisen auf eventuell stattfindende Wachstumsprozesse hin. Da sich planetare Ringe jedoch hauptsächlich innerhalb der sogenannten Roche-Zone des jeweiligen Planeten befinden, ist ein effektives, allein auf gravitativen Wechselwirkungen beruhendes Größenwachstum nicht zu erwarten. Der Einfluß von Teilchenadhäsion auf diese Prozesse ist bis dato fraglich. Im Rahmen dieser Dissertation ist ein Kontaktmodell für adhäsive, viskoelastische Binärstöße granularer Teilchen entwickelt worden, welches sowohl deren Agglomeration als auch Restitution gestattet. Chakateristisch für granulare Materie ist die dissipative Wechselwirkung der einzelnen Teilchen untereinander. Dieser Energieverlust wird gewöhnlich mittels des Restitutionskoeffizienten erfaßt, der das Verhältnis von Relativgeschwindigkeiten nach zu vor dem Stoß darstellt. Dieser Parameter ermöglicht es, Agglomeration und Restitution nicht nur qualitativ sondern auch quantitativ voneinander zu unterscheiden. Ferner ergibt sich eine maximale Impaktgeschwindigkeit, bei der eine Agglomeration noch immer möglich ist. Basierend auf der Existenz derartiger Grenzgeschwindigkeiten für Agglomeration und Fragmentation, wurde in dieser Dissertation ein selbstkonsistentes, kinetisches Strukturbildungsmodell vorgestellt und im Hinblick auf die Koagulation von Teilchen weitergehend untersucht. Eine Koagulationsgleichung, die einer eingeschränkten Haftwahrscheinlichkeit Rechnung trägt, ist analytisch hergeleitet worden. Aus ihr läßt sich die allgemein bekannte, aber ansonsten phenomenologische Smoluchowski Gleichung als ein Grenzfall ableiten, bei dem jeder mögliche Kontakt zur Koagulation führt. Qualitative und quantitative Untersuchungen der Relevanz von Adhäsion in kräftefreien und Kepler-gescherten Systemen beziehen sich auf die Stabilität von Zwei-Teilchen-Agglomeraten, die Wahrscheinlichkeit eines gegenseitigen "Einfangens" beider Teilchen, und die zeitliche Entwicklung der Größenverteilung unter Berücksichtigung der im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit eingeführten Kollisionsdynamik. Dabei ergab sich ein kritischer Abstand zum Zentralkörper, der das ansonsten in diesem Rahmen benutzte Roche Kriterium erweitert. Numerische Simulationen der vorgestellten Koagulationsgleichung zeigen deutlich, daß im Vergleich zu Smoluchowski-ähnlichem Verhalten, ein kollisionsbasiertes Wachstum von kleineren zu größeren Körpern nicht notwendigerweise auftritt. Lediglich Größen von Zentimetern konnten an dieser Stelle erreicht werden. Die Relevanz von adhäsiven Teilchenwechselwirkungen konnte damit nachgewiesen werden. Vermögen diese auch nicht für ein effektives Wachstum aufzukommen, so sind sie dennoch von Bedeutung für die kollektive Dynamik planetarer Ringe.

Évolution de la porosité des grains : une solution aux problèmes de formation planétaire ? / Evolution of grain porosity during growth : a solution to planetary formation barriers?

Garcia, Anthony 04 September 2018 (has links)
Dans les disques protoplanétaires, les grains micrométriques croissent jusqu'à atteindre des tailles de planétésimaux avant de finalement former des planètes. Cependant,des études dynamiques ont montré qu'une fois que les grains atteignent une taille critique, ils dérivent rapidement vers l'étoile et y sont accrétés. Ce problème est connu comme la barrière de dérive radiale. De plus, des expériences en laboratoire ont montré que les grains peuvent fragmenter ou rebondir et ainsi arrêter la croissance avant les tailles kilométriques.Afin de passer outre ces barrières, plusieurs méthodes ont été proposés comme les pièges à particules (dans les vortex ou les sillons planétaires) qui demandent des évolutions dynamiques à grande échelle. Dans ce travail, nous choisissons d'étudier les propriétés intrinsèques de la poussière pendant leur croissance et plus particulièrement leur porosité.Nous développons un modèle d'évolution de la porosité pendant la croissance en fonction de la masse des grains pour plusieurs régimes d'expansion/compression (Kataoka et al. 2013, Okuzumi et al. 2012) et l'implémentons dans notre code SPH bifluide (Barrière-Fouchet et al. 2005). Nous trouvons que la croissance des grains poreux est accélérée en comparaison aux grains compacts et leur taille peut atteindre plusieurs kilomètres. De surcroît,la dérive est légèrement ralentie pour les grains poreux qui peuvent croître jusqu'à de plus grandes tailles avant de commencer à dériver vers l'étoile. Nous constatons aussi que les grains des régions externes du disque grossissent plus que quand l'effet de la porosité est négligé. Ces deux mécanismes peuvent aider les grains à outrepasser la barrière de dérive radiale, notamment en passant dans le régime de traînée de Stokes, et ainsi former des planétésimaux.Nous étudions aussi l'effet de la fragmentation et du rebond sur le comportement des grains. En considérant un seuil de fragmentation constant, nous observons que la croissance de grains poreux est retardée un temps par la fragmentation mais qu'elle se poursuit vers de grandes tailles et par conséquent, permet de passer outre les problèmes dus à la fragmentation et à la dérive radiale. Cependant, les grains très poreux sont plus fragiles et peuvent se fragmenter plus facilement entraînant une accrétion massive des poussières dans l'étoile. De plus, nous montrons que les effets du rebond peuvent être négligés devant ceux de la fragmentation.Enfin, nous observons également que la taille des monomères et du paramètre de viscosité turbulente peut avoir une influence sur l'évolution de la porosité et donc de la poussière dans le disque.La porosité permet donc de favoriser la croissance des grains et accélérer le découplage des grains. Les grains très poreux peuvent être plus sensibles à la fragmentation.Cependant, les effets collectifs de la poussière couplés à la porosité peuvent aider les grains à outrepasser les barrières de formation planétaire. La barrière de rebond peut être négligée dans le cas de grains poreux devant les autres barrières. Enfin,l'intensité de la turbulence altère la croissance et ainsi le devenir de la poussière.La taille des monomères modifie le facteur de remplissage sans toutefois impacter le découplage des grains dans les parties internes / In protoplanetary discs, micron-sized grains should grow up to planetesimal sizes in order to ultimately form planets. However, dynamical studies show that once they reach a critical size, they drift rapidly into the accreting star. This is known as the radial-drift barrier. Moreover, laboratory experiments have shown that grains can fragment or bounce, stopping the growth towards planetesimal sizes.In order to overcome those barriers, several methods have been proposed such as particles traps (e.g. vortices or planet gaps) which all involve large-scale dynamics.In this work, we choose to investigate the intrinsic properties of the grains during their growth, in particular their porosity.We thus consider the growth of grains with variable porosity as a function of their mass in several regimes of compression/expansion (Kataoka et al. 2013, Okuzumiet al. 2012) and implement it in our 3D SPH two-fluid code (Barrière-Fouchetet al. 2005).We find that growth is accelerated for porous grains that can reach kilometersizes. On the other hand, drift is slightly slowed down for porous grains that can grow up to larger sizes before drifting towards the star. As a result, grains in the outer regions of the disc reach larger sizes than when porosity is neglected. Those two mechanisms can help grains overcome the radial-drift barrier and form planetesimals.The Stokes drag regime appears to play a substantial part in maintaining grains in the disc.Considering a constant fragmentation threshold, we also find out that growth is delayed because of fragmentation but reaching large sizes and thus overcoming problems due to fragmentation and radial drift is still possible. However, very fluffy grains are fragile and can be easily disrupted leading to a massive accretion of dust into the star. Moreover, we show that the effects due to dust bouncing can be neglected compared to fragmentation.Finally, we investigate the influence of the size of monomers and -parameter on the evolution of porosity and then dust in the disc.Dust growth is accelerated by porosity and thus promotes grains decoupling. Very fluffy grains are more affected by fragmentation. However, dust collective effects and porosity can help grains to overcome planet formation barriers. Besides,the bouncing barrier can be neglected in the case of porous dust compared to other barriers. Finally, the intensity of turbulence can alter the growth and so the outcome of dust. The size of monomers modifies the grain filling factor without impacting dust decoupling in the inner parts of the disc

Using numerical simulations to identify observational signatures of self-gravitating protostellar discs

Hall, Cassandra January 2017 (has links)
In this thesis, I study numerical and semi-analytical models of self-gravitating protostellar discs, with the aim of furthering our understanding of the role of disc-self gravity in planet formation. At the time of writing, the ALMA era of observational astronomy is upon us. Therefore, I place my research into this context with synthetic images of both numerical and semi-analytical models. I begin with an examination into the apparent lack of convergence, with increasing resolution, of the fragmentation boundary in Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations of a protostellar disc. I run a suite of SPH with different numerical implementations, and find that even very similar implementations can fundamentally change the final answer. I analyse a suite of SPH simulations that fragment to form gravitationally bound objects, with the motivation of informing future population synthesis model development. I find that fragment-fragment and fragment-disc interaction dominates the orbital evolution of the system even at very early times, and any attempt to produce a population of objects from the gravitational instability process must include these interactions. Before a disc fragments, it will go through a self-gravitating phase. If the disc cools globally on a timescale such that it is balanced by heating due to gravitational stresses, the disc will be in a state of quasi-equilibrium. So long as the disc mass is sufficiently low, and spirals are sufficiently tightly wound, then angular momentum transport can be described by the local approximation, for which there is an analytical description. Using this analytical description, I develop an existing 1D model into 3D, and examine a wide range of parameter space for which disc self-gravity produces significant non-axisymmetry. Using radiative transfer calculations coupled with synthetic observations, I determine that there is a very narrow range of parameter space in which a disc will have sufficiently large gravitational stresses so as to produce detectable spirals, but the stresses not be so large as to cause the disc to fragment. By developing a simple analytical prescription for dust, I show that this region of parameter space can be broadened considerably. However, it requires grains that are large enough to become trapped by pressure maxima in the disc, so I conclude that if self-gravitating spiral arms are detected in the continuum, it is likely that at least some grain growth has taken place.

Modélisation de l'interaction entre le champ magnétique d'une étoile et une planète extrasolaire proche / Interaction of a close-in extrasolar planet with the magnetic field of its host star

Laine, Randy Olivier 17 July 2013 (has links)
La découverte de nombreuses planètes extrasolaires depuis 1995 est une source d’inspiration pour les modèles de formation et évolution des systèmes solaires. Une fraction de ces planètes ont un demi-grand axe inférieur à 0.1 UA; une planète qui migre à proximité de son étoile subit donc d’abord un fort vent solaire et, après son entrée dans la magnétosphère stellaire, un fort champ magnétique. Nous étudions séparemment l’interaction entre ces planètes et la composante périodique et indépendente du temps du champ magnétique dipolaire stellaire. L’interaction périodique est associée à des courants induits confinés dans la planète. Nous étudions deux effets qui pourraient augmenter le moment angulaire d’une planète gaseuse géante qui migre vers son étoile: un torque de Lorentz qui transferre du moment angulaire de la rotation de l’étoile vers l’orbite de la planète et une perte de masse induite par la dissipation ohmique dans la planète qui peut donner du moment angulaire à la planète lorsque cette masse est accrétée sur l’étoile. Nous modellisons l’interaction indépendente du temps comme un modèle d’inducteur unipolaire, dans lequel le courant induit circule dans une boucle fermée formée par la planète, le flux de tube, et le pied du flux de tube dans l’atmosphère stellaire. Nous calculons de fa con cohérente la dissipation ohmique dans la planète et le pied du flux de tube ainsi que le couple de Lorentz. Nous utilisons alors ce modèle pour expliquer l’aspect enflé de certaines planètes géantes. Finalement, nous suggérons que ce modèle permettrait également d’estimer la conductivité électrique des super-Terres qui interagissent magnétiquement avec leur étoile. / The numerous and diverse extrasolar planets detected since 1995 provide much inspiration for planetary astrophysics. A fraction of these extrasolar planets orbit their host stars at semi-major axes less than 0.1 AU; a planet which has migrated toward its host star would thus first encounter a strong magnetized wind and, as it enters the stellar magnetosphere, strong magnetic fields. We model the interaction of such a close-in extrasolar planet with the dipolar magnetic field of its host star and study separately the time-dependent and independent components. The time-dependent interaction gives rise to Eddy currents confined in the planet. We investigate two effects that may transfer angular momentum to a planet approaching its host TTauri star through type II migration: a Lorentz torque that transfers angular momentum from the stellar spin to the planetary orbit and a mass loss induced by the ohmic dissipation in the planet, which may transfer angular momentum to the planet as the gas is accreted onto the star. We model the time-independent interaction with the unipolar inductor model, which allows the current induced in the planet to flow along a closed loop constituted by the planet, the flux tube, and its footprint on the stellar atmosphere. We self-consistently calculate the ohmic dissipation in the planet and the star and the associated Lorentz torque. We then suggest that the ohmic dissipation may provide the extra energy needed to explain some planets with inflated radii. Finally, we propose that the model may also be used to remotely infer the electric conductivity of the outer layers of super-Earths interacting magnetically with their host stars.

The protosolar nebula heritage : the nitrogen isotopic ratio from interstellar clouds to planetary systems / Le patrimoine de la nébuleuse protosolaire : le rapport isotopique de l'azote des nuages interstellaires à des systèmes planétaires

Magalhaes, Victor de Souza 20 December 2017 (has links)
L'existence de molécules interstellaires soulève une question, ces molécules sont-elles les mêmes molécules que nous voyons dans le système Solaire aujourd'hui ? C'est une question toujours ouverte qui implique des conséquences profondes. Il est possible d’éclaircir cette question en étant capables de retracer l'héritage d'un groupe de molécules chimiquement liées, ce que nous appelons un réservoir. Le meilleur outil pour retracer l'héritage des réservoirs sont les rapports isotopiques. L'élément qui montre les plus grandes variations du rapport isotopique dans le système Solaire est l'azote. Ces variations indiquent que le rapport isotopique de l'azote est sensible aux conditions physiques de la formation des étoiles.L'objectif principal de cette thèse est d'identifier les réservoirs d'azote à différents étapes de la formation des étoiles et des planètes. La première étape de cette entreprise était d'identifier le rapport isotopique de la masse principal d'azote du milieu interstellaire local aujourd'hui.Cela a été déterminé égale à 323 ± 30 à partir du rapport CN/C 15 N mesuré dans le disque protoplanétaire autour de TW Hya. Parallèlement à cela, nous avons également mesuré un rapport HCN/HC 15 N=128 ± 36 dans le disque protoplanétaire autour de MWC 480. Ces rapports isotopiques très distinctes mesurées sur les disques protoplanétaires sont une indication claire de la présence d'au moins deux réservoirs d'azote dans les disques protoplanétaires. La façon dont ces réservoirs se séparent est cependant inconnue. Cela pourrait peut-être se produire en raison de réactions de fractionnement chimique ayant lieu dans les cœurs prestellaires. Nous avions donc comme objectif d'obtenir une mesure précise et directe du rapport isotopique de l'azote des molécules d'HCN dans le cœur prestellaire L1498.Pour obtenir cette mesure, l'obstacle le plus important à surmonter était due aux anomalies hyperfines des molécules d'HCN. Ces anomalies hyperfines sont induites par le chevauchement des composants hyperfins. Ceci sont particulièrement sensibles à la densité de colonne d'HCN, mais aussi au champ de vitesses et aux largeurs de raies. Ainsi les anomalies hyperfines sont un outil de mesure de l'abondance d'HCN permettant aussi de sonder la cinématique des cœurs prestellaires.Pour reproduire avec précision les anomalies hyperfines, et ainsi mesurer des densités de colonne précises d'HCN, nous avions besoin d'explorer un espace de paramètres dégénéré de 15 dimensions. Pour minimiser les dégénérescences nous avons obtenu un profil de densité basé sur des cartes du continuum de L1498. Ceci permettant de réduire à 12 dimensions l'espace des paramètres. L'exploration de cet espace de paramètre a été fait grâce à l'utilisation d'un méthode de minimisation MCMC. Grâce à cette exploration, nous avons obtenu HCN/HC 15 N = 338 ± 28 et HCN/H 13 CN = 45 ± 3. Les incertitudes sur ces valeurs sont limités par les erreurs de calibration et sont dé-terminés de manière non arbitraire par le méthode MCMC. Les implications de ces résultats sont discutées dans le chapitre de conclusion,où nous présentons également quelques perspectives sur l'avenir. / The existence of interstellar molecules raises the question, are thesemolecules the same molecules we see on the Solar system today? Thisis still an open question with far reaching consequences. Some lightmay be shed on this issue if we are able to trace the heritage of agroup of chemically linked molecules, a so-called reservoir. The besttool to trace the heritage of reservoirs are isotopic ratios. The elementthat shows the largest isotopic ratio variations in the Solar system isnitrogen. For this is an indication that the isotopic ratio of nitrogen issensitive to the physical conditions during star formation.The main objective of this thesis is to identify the reservoirs of ni-trogen at different stages of star and planet formation. The first stepin this endeavour was to identify the isotopic ratio of the bulk of ni-trogen in the local ISM today. This was determined to be 323 ± 30from the CN/C 15 N ratio in the protoplanetary disk around TW Hya.Along with it we also measured the HCN/HC 15 N= 128 ± 36 in theprotoplanetary disk around MWC 480. This very distinct nitrogen iso-topic ratios on protoplanetary disks are a clear indication that thereare at least two reservoirs of nitrogen in protoplanetary disks. Howthese reservoirs get separated is however unknown. This could pos-sibly happen due to chemical fractionation reactions taking place inprestellar cores. We therefore aimed to obtain an accurate direct mea-surement of the nitrogen isotopic ratio of HCN in the prestellar coreL1498.To obtain this measurement the most important hurdle to overcomewere the hyperfine anomalies of HCN. These hyperfine anomaliesarise due to the overlap of hyperfine components. They are especiallysensitive to the column density of HCN, but also to the velocity fieldand line widths. Thus hyperfine anomalies are a tool to measure theabundance of HCN and to probe the kinematics of prestellar cores.To accurately reproduce the hyperfine anomalies, and thus mea-sure accurate column densities for HCN, we needed to explore adegenerate parameter space of 15 dimensions. To minimise the de-generacies we have derived a density profile based on continuummaps of L1498. This reduced the parameter space to 12 dimensions.The exploration of this parameter space was done through the useof a MCMC minimisation method. Through this exploration we ob-tained HCN/HC 15 N = 338 ± 28 and HCN/H 13 CN = 45 ± 3. Theuncertainties on these values are calibration limited and determinednon-arbitrarily by the MCMC method. Implications of these resultsare discussed in the concluding chapter, where we also present somefuture perspectives.

Sobre a dignidade humana: prel?dio para uma abertura das ci?ncias jur?dicas

Moura, Lenice Silveira Moreira de 01 September 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:20:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LeniceSMM.pdf: 1413882 bytes, checksum: 73593dc3c19e51a73b39c682d2951d99 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-09-01 / The thesis aims at discussing and analyzing the Principle of Human Dignity in its multidimensionality, in a way not exclusively individual and anthropocentrical, but rather intersubjective and planetary, which implies to say that such understanding transcends the human itself, in order to contemplate the dignity of an individual connected to the world. In this context, the thesis proposes stretching the disciplinarity of the Law, unfolding the Legal Science to a more thorough perception of the human condition, encompassing the individual, social, anthropolitical and anthropoetical dimensions. It is not about, however, resorting to an abstract idea, but rather undertaking the construction of the concrete universality of such understanding, which translates into contextualizing the face of a planetary identity of the man, also taking into account its triunic nature which encompasses the dialogical and complementary relations amongst individual, society and species / A tese discute e problematiza o Princ?pio da Dignidade Humana em sua multidimensionalidade, de forma n?o exclusivamente individual e antropoc?ntrica, mas intersubjetiva e planet?ria, o que significa dizer que tal compreens?o transcende propriamente o humano, para contemplar a dignidade de um sujeito implicado no mundo. Nesse contexto, a tese prop?e esgar?ar a disciplinaridade do Direito, abrindo as ci?ncias jur?dicas para uma percep??o mais totalizante da condi??o humana, comportando as dimens?es individual, social, antropol?tica e antropo?tica. N?o se trata, entretanto, de fundar-se em uma id?ia abstrata, mas de buscar-se a constru??o da universalidade concreta de tal compreens?o, o que significa contextualizar a face de uma identidade planet?ria do homem, considerando-se, ademais, sua natureza tri?nica que comporta as rela??es dial?gicas e complementares entre indiv?duo, sociedade e esp?cie

Redes de educa??o ambiental: um meio como proposta pedag?gica para o mundo entrela?ado

Carvalho, N?ri Andr?ia Olabarriaga 22 July 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:36:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 NeriAOC_DISSERT.pdf: 1709539 bytes, checksum: 27ae09e0afabc1ceee7d9f41de835f98 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-07-22 / The networks terminology has been growing in different meanings, in which emergent structures coming from one not so recently typology aquired, in the 90 s, fluid shapes impelled by waves without borders of the New Information and Communication Technologies. Ever since, the pattern and the morphology are being multiply and strengthen. With this backdrop, this study deals with the Education for Environment Networks, as a political and social, educative and cultural alternative intervention, as an answer for some contemporary demands. But what are these networks? In wich way they organize themselves to germinate political actions? Where is the core of these actions? What are their limits or potentialities? These are some of the questions that are presented along the study proposed. Therefore, we have in view to unveil the network social and environmental pedagogic dimension, as an alternative proposal towards to the planetary cintzenship formation for persons and coletivity. The study employs the exploration reasearch as the analysis of the organizational reference basis and the dinamics of conections that support the dialogue among the groups that belong to the Education for Environment Networks. We conclude that the networks overcome themselves as a powerfull tool to articulate and moblize people. They establish a potential pedagogic act for political and social intervention, as an alternative proposal for the citizen formation and his world vision. We sinalize that the networks are sometimes limited by the poorness of knowledge that still remains on those who find themselves twisted on them, and on the decreasing optics by those who are absent. / A terminologia redes vem ganhando novos significados, onde estruturas emergentes oriundas de uma n?o t?o recente tipologia adquirem na d?cada de 90 formas fluidas impulsionadas pelas ondas sem fronteiras das Novas Tecnologias de Informa??o e Comunica??o (NTIC). Desde ent?o, o padr?o e a morfologia est?o se multiplicando e se fortalecendo. Com este pano de fundo, este estudo trata das Redes de Educa??o Ambiental, como alternativa de interven??o pol?tica e social, educativa e cultural, em resposta a algumas das demandas da contemporaneidade. Mas o que s?o estas redes? De que forma se organizam para germinarem a??es pol?tcas? Onde est? o cerne destas a??es? Quais seus limites ou potencialidades? S?o estas algumas das quest?es que apresentamos ao longo do estudo proposto. Para tanto, objetivou-se o desvelar da dimens?o pedag?gica socioambiental das Redes, enquanto proposta alternativa contribuinte para a forma??o da cidadania planet?ria de indiv?duos e coletivos. Empresta como refer?ncia de an?lise a pesquisa explorat?ria dos fundamentos organizacionais e as din?micas de conex?o que sustentam o di?logo dos grupos pertencentes ?s Redes de Educa??o Ambiental. Conclu?mos que as Redes superam como articuladoras e mobilizadoras de indiv?duos e coletivos. Instaura-se um potencial pedag?gico e de interven??o pol?tica e social, enquanto proposta alternativa para a forma??o do cidad?o e sua vis?o de mundo. Indicamos que operam por vezes de forma limitada devido ? insipi?ncia do saber que ainda perpetua nos que nela se enredaram e na ?tica descrente dos que nela se fazem ausentes.

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