Spelling suggestions: "subject:"planets anda satellite"" "subject:"planets ando satellite""
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A Physical Model-based Correction for Charge Traps in the Hubble Space Telescope’s Wide Field Camera 3 Near-IR Detector and Its Applications to Transiting Exoplanets and Brown DwarfsZhou, Yifan, Apai, Dániel, Lew, Ben W. P., Schneider, Glenn 04 May 2017 (has links)
The Hubble Space Telescope Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) near-IR channel is extensively used in time-resolved observations, especially for transiting exoplanet spectroscopy as well as. brown dwarf and directly imaged exoplanet rotational phase mapping. The ramp effect is the dominant source of systematics in the WFC3 for time-resolved observations, which limits its photometric precision. Current mitigation strategies are based on empirical fits and require additional orbits to help the telescope reach a thermal equilibrium. We show that the ramp-effect profiles can be explained and corrected with high fidelity using charge trapping theories. We also present a model for this process that can be used to predict and to correct charge trap systematics. Our model is based on a very small number of parameters that are intrinsic to the detector. We find that these parameters are very stable between the different data sets, and we provide best-fit values. Our model is tested with more than 120 orbits (similar to 40 visits) of WFC3 observations. and is proved to be able to provide near photon noise limited corrections for observations made with both staring and scanning modes of transiting exoplanets as well as for starting-mode observations of brown dwarfs. After our model correction, the light curve of the first orbit in each visit has the same photometric precision as subsequent orbits, so data from the first orbit no longer need. to. be discarded. Near-IR arrays with the same physical characteristics (e.g., JWST/NIRCam) may also benefit from the extension of this model if similar systematic profiles are observed.
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ON THE COMPOSITION OF YOUNG, DIRECTLY IMAGED GIANT PLANETSMoses, J. I., Marley, M. S., Zahnle, K., Line, M. R., Fortney, J. J., Barman, T. S., Visscher, C., Lewis, N. K., Wolff, M. J. 23 September 2016 (has links)
The past decade has seen significant progress on the direct detection and characterization of young, self-luminous giant planets at wide orbital separations from their host stars. Some of these planets show evidence for disequilibrium processes like transport-induced quenching in their atmospheres; photochemistry may also be important, despite the large orbital distances. These disequilibrium chemical processes can alter the expected composition, spectral behavior, thermal structure, and cooling history of the planets, and can potentially confuse determinations of bulk elemental ratios, which provide important insights into planet-formation mechanisms. Using a thermo/photochemical kinetics and transport model, we investigate the extent to which disequilibrium chemistry affects the composition and spectra of directly imaged giant exoplanets. Results for specific "young Jupiters" such as HR 8799 b and 51 Eri b are presented, as are general trends as a function of planetary effective temperature, surface gravity, incident ultraviolet flux, and strength of deep atmospheric convection. We find that quenching is very important on young Jupiters, leading to CO/CH4 and N-2/NH3 ratios much greater than, and H2O mixing ratios a factor of a few less than, chemical-equilibrium predictions. Photochemistry can also be important on such planets, with CO2 and HCN being key photochemical products. Carbon dioxide becomes a major constituent when stratospheric temperatures are low and recycling of water via the H-2 + OH reaction becomes kinetically stifled. Young Jupiters with effective temperatures less than or similar to 700 K are in a particularly interesting photochemical regime that differs from both transiting hot Jupiters and our own solar-system giant planets.
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ACCESS I. AN OPTICAL TRANSMISSION SPECTRUM OF GJ 1214b REVEALS A HETEROGENEOUS STELLAR PHOTOSPHERERackham, Benjamin, Espinoza, Néstor, Apai, Dániel, López-Morales, Mercedes, Jordán, Andrés, Osip, David J., Lewis, Nikole K., Rodler, Florian, Fraine, Jonathan D., Morley, Caroline V., Fortney, Jonathan J. 10 January 2017 (has links)
GJ. 1214b is the most studied sub-Neptune exoplanet to date. Recent measurements have shown its near-infrared transmission spectrum to be flat, pointing to a high-altitude opacity source in the exoplanet 's atmosphere, either equilibrium condensate clouds or photochemical hazes. Many photometric observations have been reported in the optical by different groups, though simultaneous measurements spanning the entire optical regime are lacking. We present an optical transmission spectrum (4500-9260 angstrom) of GJ. 1214b in 14 bins, measured with Magellan/IMACS repeatedly over three transits. We measure a mean planet-to-star radius ratio of Rp R-s = 0.1146. 2 x 10(-4) and mean uncertainty of sigma(R-p/R-s) = 8.7 x 10(-4) in the spectral bins. The optical transit depths are shallower on average than observed in the near-infrared. We present a model for jointly incorporating the effects of a composite photosphere and atmospheric transmission through the exoplanet's limb (the CPAT model), and use it to examine the cases of absorber and temperature heterogeneities in the stellar photosphere. We find the optical and near-infrared measurements are best explained by the combination of (1) photochemical haze in the exoplanetary atmosphere with a mode particle size r = 0.1 mu m and haze-forming efficiency f(haze) = 10% and (2) faculae in the unocculted stellar disk with a temperature contrast Delta T= 354(-46)(+46) K, assuming 3.2% surface coverage. The CPAT model can be used to assess potential contributions of heterogeneous stellar photospheres to observations of exoplanet transmission spectra, which will be important for searches for spectral features in the optical.
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Probabilistic Constraints on the Mass and Composition of Proxima bBixel, Alex, Apai, Dániel 21 February 2017 (has links)
Recent studies regarding the habitability, observability, and possible orbital evolution of the indirectly detected exoplanet Proxima b have mostly assumed a planet with M similar to 1.3 M-circle plus, a rocky composition, and an Earth-like atmosphere or none at all. In order to assess these assumptions, we use previous studies of the radii, masses, and compositions of super-Earth exoplanets to probabilistically constrain the mass and radius of Proxima. b, assuming an isotropic inclination probability distribution. We find it is similar to 90% likely that the planet's density is consistent with a rocky composition; conversely, it is at least 10% likely that the planet has a significant amount of ice or an H/He envelope. If the planet does have a rocky composition, then we find expectation values and 95% confidence intervals of < M >(rocky) = 1.63(-0.72)(+1.66) M-circle plus for its mass and < R >(rocky) = 1.07(-0.31)(+0.38) R-circle plus for its radius.
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Effects of Bulk Composition on the Atmospheric Dynamics on Close-in ExoplanetsZhang, Xi, Showman, Adam P. 08 February 2017 (has links)
Earths and mini Neptunes likely have a wide range of atmospheric compositions, ranging from low molecular mass atmospheres of H-2 to higher molecular atmospheres of water, CO2, N-2, or other species. Here we systematically investigate the effects of atmospheric bulk compositions on temperature and wind distributions for tidally locked sub-Jupiter-sized planets, using an idealized 3D general circulation model (GCM). The bulk composition effects are characterized in the framework of two independent variables: molecular weight and molar heat capacity. The effect of molecular weight dominates. As the molecular weight increases, the atmosphere tends to have a larger day-night temperature contrast, a smaller eastward phase shift in the thermal phase curve, and a smaller zonal wind speed. The width of the equatorial super-rotating jet also becomes narrower, and the "jet core" region, where the zonal-mean jet speed maximizes, moves to a greater pressure level. The zonal-mean zonal wind is more prone to exhibit a latitudinally alternating pattern in a higher molecular weight atmosphere. We also present analytical theories that quantitatively explain the above trends and shed light on the underlying dynamical mechanisms. Those trends might be used to indirectly determine the atmospheric compositions on tidally locked sub-Jupiter-sized planets. The effects of the molar heat capacity are generally small. But if the vertical temperature profile is close to adiabatic, molar heat capacity will play a significant role in controlling the transition from a divergent flow in the upper atmosphere to a jet-dominated flow in the lower atmosphere.
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197 CANDIDATES AND 104 VALIDATED PLANETS IN K2's FIRST FIVE FIELDSCrossfield, Ian J. M., Ciardi, David R., Petigura, Erik A., Sinukoff, Evan, Schlieder, Joshua E., Howard, Andrew W., Beichman, Charles A., Isaacson, Howard, Dressing, Courtney D., Christiansen, Jessie L., Fulton, Benjamin J., Lepine, Sebastien, Weiss, Lauren, Hirsch, Lea, Livingston, John, Baranec, Christoph, Law, Nicholas M., Riddle, Reed, Ziegler, Carl, Howell, Steve B., Horch, Elliott, Everett, Mark, Teske, Johanna, Martinez, Arturo O., Obermeier, Christian, Benneke, Bjorn, Scott, Nic, Deacon, Niall, Aller, Kimberly M., Hansen, Brad M. S., Mancini, Luigi, Ciceri, Simona, Brahm, Rafael, Jordan, Andres, Knutson, Heather A., Henning, Thomas, Bonnefoy, Michael, Liu, Michael C., Crepp, Justin R., Lothringer, Joshua, Hinz, Phil, Bailey, Vanessa, Skemer, Andrew, Defrere, Denis 02 September 2016 (has links)
We present 197 planet candidates discovered using data from the first year of the NASA K2 mission (Campaigns 0-4), along with the results of an intensive program of photometric analyses, stellar spectroscopy, high-resolution imaging, and statistical validation. We distill these candidates into sets of 104 validated planets (57 in multi-planet systems), 30 false positives, and 63 remaining candidates. Our validated systems span a range of properties, with median values of R-P = 2.3 R-circle plus, P = 8.6 days, T-eff = 5300 K, and Kp = 12.7 mag. Stellar spectroscopy provides precise stellar and planetary parameters for most of these systems. We show that K2 has increased by 30% the number of small planets known to orbit moderately bright stars (1-4 R-circle plus, Kp = 9-13. mag). Of particular interest are 76 planets smaller than 2 R-circle plus, 15 orbiting stars brighter than Kp = 11.5. mag, 5 receiving Earth-like irradiation levels, and several multi-planet systems-including 4 planets orbiting the M dwarf K2-72 near mean-motion resonances. By quantifying the likelihood that each candidate is a planet we demonstrate that our candidate sample has an overall false positive rate of 15%-30%, with rates substantially lower for small candidates (<2 R-circle plus) and larger for candidates with radii >8 R-circle plus and/or with P < 3 days. Extrapolation of the current planetary yield suggests that K2 will discover between 500 and 1000 planets in its planned four-year mission, assuming sufficient follow-up resources are available. Efficient observing and analysis, together with an organized and coherent follow-up strategy, are essential for maximizing the efficacy of planet-validation efforts for K2, TESS, and future large-scale surveys.
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SPITZER OBSERVATIONS CONFIRM AND RESCUE THE HABITABLE-ZONE SUPER-EARTH K2-18b FOR FUTURE CHARACTERIZATIONBenneke, Björn, Werner, Michael, Petigura, Erik, Knutson, Heather, Dressing, Courtney, Crossfield, Ian J. M., Schlieder, Joshua E., Livingston, John, Beichman, Charles, Christiansen, Jessie, Krick, Jessica, Gorjian, Varoujan, Howard, Andrew W., Sinukoff, Evan, Ciardi, David R., Akeson, Rachel L. 12 January 2017 (has links)
The recent detections of two transit events attributed to the super-Earth candidate K2-18b have provided the unprecedented prospect of spectroscopically studying a habitable-zone planet outside the solar system. Orbiting a nearby M2.5 dwarf and receiving virtually the same stellar insolation as Earth, K2-18b would be a prime candidate for the first detailed atmospheric characterization of a habitable-zone exoplanet using the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). Here, we report the detection of a third transit of K2-18b near the predicted transit time using the Spitzer Space Telescope. The Spitzer detection demonstrates the periodic nature of the two transit events discovered by K2, confirming that K2-18 is indeed orbited by a super-Earth in a 33 day orbit, ruling out the alternative scenario of two similarly sized, long-period planets transiting only once within the 75 day Kepler Space Telescope (K2) observation. We also find, however, that the transit event detected by Spitzer occurred 1.85 hr (7 sigma) before the predicted transit time. Our joint analysis of the Spitzer and K2 photometry reveals that this early occurrence of the transit is not caused by transit timing variations, but the result of an inaccurate ephemeris due to a previously undetected data anomaly in the K2 photometry. We refit the ephemeris and find that K2-18b would have been lost for future atmospheric characterizations with HST and JWST if we had not secured its ephemeris shortly after the discovery. We caution that immediate follow-up observations as presented here will also be critical for confirming and securing future planets discovered by the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), in particular if only two transit events are covered by the relatively short 27-day TESS campaigns.
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CORRALLING A DISTANT PLANET WITH EXTREME RESONANT KUIPER BELT OBJECTSMalhotra, Renu, Volk, Kathryn, Wang, Xianyu 15 June 2016 (has links)
The four longest period Kuiper Belt objects have orbital periods close to integer ratios with each other. A hypothetical planet with an orbital period of similar to 17,117 years and a semimajor axis similar to 665 au would have N/1 and N/2 period ratios with these four objects. The orbital geometries and dynamics of resonant orbits constrain the orbital plane, the orbital eccentricity, and the mass of such a planet as well as its current location in its orbital path.
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An HST/STIS Optical Transmission Spectrum of Warm Neptune GJ 436bLothringer, Joshua D., Benneke, Björn, Crossfield, Ian J. M., Henry, Gregory W., Morley, Caroline, Dragomir, Diana, Barman, Travis, Knutson, Heather, Kempton, Eliza, Fortney, Jonathan, McCullough, Peter, Howard, Andrew W. 17 January 2018 (has links)
GJ 436b is a prime target for understanding warm Neptune exoplanet atmospheres and a target for multiple James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) Guaranteed Time Observation programs. Here, we report the first space-based optical transmission spectrum of the planet using two Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) transit observations from 0.53 to 1.03 mu m. We find no evidence for alkali absorption features, nor evidence of a scattering slope longward of 0.53 mu m. The spectrum is indicative of moderate to high metallicity (similar to 100-1000x solar), while moderate-metallicity scenarios (similar to 100x. solar) require aerosol opacity. The optical spectrum also rules out some highly scattering haze models. We find an increase in transit depth around 0.8 mu m in the transmission spectra of three different sub-Jovian exoplanets (GJ 436b, HAT-P-26b, and GJ 1214b). While most of the data come from STIS, data from three other instruments may indicate this is not an instrumental effect. Only the transit spectrum of GJ 1214b is well fit by a model with stellar plages on the photosphere of the host star. Our photometric monitoring of the host star reveals a stellar rotation rate of 44.1 days and an activity cycle of 7.4 years. Intriguingly, GJ 436 does not become redder as it gets dimmer, which is expected if star spots were dominating the variability. These insights into the nature of the GJ 436 system help refine our expectations for future observations in the era of JWST, whose higher precision and broader wavelength coverage will shed light on the composition and structure of GJ 436b's atmosphere.
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Atmospheric Circulations of Hot Jupiters as Planetary Heat EnginesKoll, Daniel D. B., Komacek, Thaddeus D. 31 January 2018 (has links)
Because of their intense incident stellar irradiation and likely tidally locked spin states, hot Jupiters are expected to have wind speeds that approach or exceed the speed of sound. In this work, we develop a theory to explain the magnitude of these winds. We model hot Jupiters as planetary heat engines and show that hot Jupiters are always less efficient than an ideal Carnot engine. Next, we demonstrate that our predicted wind speeds match those from three-dimensional numerical simulations over a broad range of parameters. Finally, we use our theory to evaluate how well different drag mechanisms can match the wind speeds observed with Doppler spectroscopy for HD 189733b and HD 209458b. We find that magnetic drag is potentially too weak to match the observations for HD 189733b, but is compatible with the observations for HD 209458b. In contrast, shear instabilities and/or shocks are compatible with both observations. Furthermore, the two mechanisms predict different wind speed trends for hotter and colder planets than currently observed. As a result, we propose that a wider range of Doppler observations could reveal multiple drag mechanisms at play across different hot Jupiters.
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