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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Perfil de carboidratos de diferentes cultivares de manga durante o desenvolvimento e amadurecimento / Different carbohydrate profile of mango cultivars during development and maturation

Silva, Ana Paula Fioravante Bernardes 12 September 2000 (has links)
A manga é um fruto ainda considerado exótico, onde quase tudo relativo ao seu amadurecimento está por ser esclarecido. Pouco se conhece da sua fisiologia e bioquímica pós colheita. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram avaliar algumas variedades de mangas durante o crescimento e amadurecimento; quanto aos açúcares solúveis, amido e ácido ascórbico; a atividade das enzimas sacarose-fosfato sintase e sacarose sintase durante este mesmo período na manga Van Dyke e o perfil de respiração e etileno das variedades Van Dyke, Tommy Atkins e Haden após a colheita. Os resultados mostraram que os perfis dos açúcares solúveis relativos ao adoçamento e seu metabolismo são altamente dependentes do cultivar e da maturidade fisiológica da manga. A sacarose foi o açúcar predominante em todas as variedades analisadas, sendo que o maior valor encontrado foi de aproximadamente 5% na manga Van Dyke. A frutose foi a hexose predominante na manga madura, e sua relação com a glicose variou de 2,5 a 48 vezes. Os teores de amido existentes quando a manga é colhida, independente da variedade, são muito baixos, menores que 3,0%. As enzimas ligadas ao metabolismo da sacarose, saca rose-fosfato sintase (SPS) e sacarose sintase (SS), tiveram a atividade aumentada na fase de amadurecimento pós colheita no cultivar Van Dyke. O teor de ácido ascórbico, na maioria das variedades diminuiu antes da colheita, exceto a manga Keitt e a manga Tommy Atkins, sendo esta a que apresentou maior teor de ácido ascórbico no fruto maduro. Não houve produção de etileno após o ponto de colheita, e foi encontrado mais de um pico de respiração nas mangas Haden e Van Dyke, resultado atípico de outros frutos climatéricos. / The mango ripening process and the associated physiological and biochemical changes is still poorly known. Also is unknown if the bulk of sugar is accumulated prior or after the onset of ripening. The aim of this work was to evaluate the soluble sugars, starch and ascorbic acid content during the growth and ripening of several mango varietes. The sucrose-phosphate synthase (SPS) and sucrose synthase (SS) activities were evaluated in Van Dyke mango variety. The post harvest respiration and ethylene profiles of the Van Dyke, Tommy Atkins and Haden varieties were analyzed after harvesting. The results shown that the changes on total sugar profiles were highly dependent on the cultivar and physiogical maturity. Sucrose was the predominant sugar in ali analyzed varieties. The fructose amount was 2,5 to 48 times higher than glucose being the predominant hexoses in ripe fruit. The starch content of any variety of harvested mango is too low, with values under 3,0%. The sucrose related enzymes (SPS and SS), showed an increasing activity during the post-harvest ripening of Van Dyke\'s cultivar. For most varieties, the ascorbic acid content decreased before the harvest point, except for Keitt and Tommy Atkins mangos. The highest ascorbic acid content was found in the ripened Tommy fruit. One increase in the ethylene was not detected after harvesting. More than one respiration peak was detected for Haden and Van Dyke\'s varieties, this result is different of the other climacteric fruit\'s one.

Perfil de carboidratos de diferentes cultivares de manga durante o desenvolvimento e amadurecimento / Different carbohydrate profile of mango cultivars during development and maturation

Ana Paula Fioravante Bernardes Silva 12 September 2000 (has links)
A manga é um fruto ainda considerado exótico, onde quase tudo relativo ao seu amadurecimento está por ser esclarecido. Pouco se conhece da sua fisiologia e bioquímica pós colheita. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram avaliar algumas variedades de mangas durante o crescimento e amadurecimento; quanto aos açúcares solúveis, amido e ácido ascórbico; a atividade das enzimas sacarose-fosfato sintase e sacarose sintase durante este mesmo período na manga Van Dyke e o perfil de respiração e etileno das variedades Van Dyke, Tommy Atkins e Haden após a colheita. Os resultados mostraram que os perfis dos açúcares solúveis relativos ao adoçamento e seu metabolismo são altamente dependentes do cultivar e da maturidade fisiológica da manga. A sacarose foi o açúcar predominante em todas as variedades analisadas, sendo que o maior valor encontrado foi de aproximadamente 5% na manga Van Dyke. A frutose foi a hexose predominante na manga madura, e sua relação com a glicose variou de 2,5 a 48 vezes. Os teores de amido existentes quando a manga é colhida, independente da variedade, são muito baixos, menores que 3,0%. As enzimas ligadas ao metabolismo da sacarose, saca rose-fosfato sintase (SPS) e sacarose sintase (SS), tiveram a atividade aumentada na fase de amadurecimento pós colheita no cultivar Van Dyke. O teor de ácido ascórbico, na maioria das variedades diminuiu antes da colheita, exceto a manga Keitt e a manga Tommy Atkins, sendo esta a que apresentou maior teor de ácido ascórbico no fruto maduro. Não houve produção de etileno após o ponto de colheita, e foi encontrado mais de um pico de respiração nas mangas Haden e Van Dyke, resultado atípico de outros frutos climatéricos. / The mango ripening process and the associated physiological and biochemical changes is still poorly known. Also is unknown if the bulk of sugar is accumulated prior or after the onset of ripening. The aim of this work was to evaluate the soluble sugars, starch and ascorbic acid content during the growth and ripening of several mango varietes. The sucrose-phosphate synthase (SPS) and sucrose synthase (SS) activities were evaluated in Van Dyke mango variety. The post harvest respiration and ethylene profiles of the Van Dyke, Tommy Atkins and Haden varieties were analyzed after harvesting. The results shown that the changes on total sugar profiles were highly dependent on the cultivar and physiogical maturity. Sucrose was the predominant sugar in ali analyzed varieties. The fructose amount was 2,5 to 48 times higher than glucose being the predominant hexoses in ripe fruit. The starch content of any variety of harvested mango is too low, with values under 3,0%. The sucrose related enzymes (SPS and SS), showed an increasing activity during the post-harvest ripening of Van Dyke\'s cultivar. For most varieties, the ascorbic acid content decreased before the harvest point, except for Keitt and Tommy Atkins mangos. The highest ascorbic acid content was found in the ripened Tommy fruit. One increase in the ethylene was not detected after harvesting. More than one respiration peak was detected for Haden and Van Dyke\'s varieties, this result is different of the other climacteric fruit\'s one.

Irradiação de alface (Lactuca Sativa, L.) aspectos microbiológicos e sensoriais / Lettuce irradiation (Lactuca Sativa, L.) microbiological and sensorial aspects

Tsuhako, Vanessa Provenzano 25 April 2005 (has links)
A demanda crescente por alimentos frescos tem incentivado o comércio de vegetais minimamente processados, que são disponibilizados já prontos para o consumo. No entanto, apesar de sanitizados, eles retêm a maioria de sua microbiota natural, inclusive patógenos: O armazenamento sob refrigeração favorece o crescimento de microrganismos psicrotrófilos, inclusive patogênicos como a Listeria monocytogenes. A ingestão de alimentos contaminados por L. monocytogenes pode representar um risco a gestantes e seus fetos, indivíduos com imunodeficiência adquirida e outras doenças que comprometam o sistema imunológico. Métodos alternativos de descontaminação que não empregam alta temperatura, como a irradiação, podem reduzir a população de microrganismos patogênicos e deteriorantes, sem causar alterações substanciais nas características sensoriais e fisico-químicas do alimento. Os objetivos desta pesquisa foram avaliar o efeito da radiação gama sobre L. monocytogenes inoculada artificialmente em uma mistura de 4 variedades de alface minimamente processada (Americana, Crespa, Lisa e Crespa Roxa); avaliar seu efeito nas variedades das folhas de alface, em separado, através do teste sensorial de aceitação e determinar a vida de prateleira do vegetal através do teste sensorial de aceitação e de acompanhamento microbiológico. População de L. monocytogenes (7 log UFC/g de alface) foi inoculada em mistura das 4 variedades de alface, já citadas, e expostas a 0,3; 0,6; 0,9 e 1,2 kGy sob refrigeração. Os valores D10 para a L. monocytogenes em salada de alface minimamente processada e irradiada variaram de 0,18 a 0,21 kGy. A análise sensorial e acompanhamento microbiológico indicam que a vida de prateleira das diferentes variedades, quando armazenadas a 10 ºC, foi de 5 e 7 dias para a Americana irradiada e não irradiada, respectivamente; de 10 dias para as amostras não irradiada e irradiada da variedade Crespa; de 3 e 7 dias para a Lisa não irradiada e irradiada, respectivamente e de 4 dias e 5 dias para alface Crespa roxa não irradiada e irradiada, respectivamente. As amostras irradiadas foram mais estáveis microbiologicamente. O processo de irradiação mostrou ser factível para a melhora da inocuidade e qualidade desse alimento. / The increasing demand for fresh foods have stimulated the marketing of minimally processed vegetables. However, these products maintain most of their natural microbiota even after being sanitized, including pathogenic microorganisms. Refrigerated storage allows the growth of psycrotrophic microorganisms and among them the pathogen Listeria monocytogenes. The ingestion of food contaminated with L. monocytogenes may represent a risk to pregnant women and their fetuses and to immunocompromised people. Non-thermal alternative processes for food preservation, such as irradiation, can reduce pathogenic and spoilage microorganism populations without imparing substantial changes in sensory, physical or chemical attributes. The aims of this research were to evaluate the effect of gamma radiation on L. monocytogenes artificially inoculated on minimally processed lettuce, to evaluate its effect on lettuce leaves through acceptance sensory test and to determine the irradiated vegetable shelf life through sensory and microbiological tests. A mixture of 4 types of lettuce (Iceberg, Boston, Loose-leaf and Red loose-leaf) were artificially inoculated with L. monocytogenes (7 log UFC/g lettuce) and then exposed to 0.3; 0.6; 0.9 and 1.2 kGy, under refrigeration. The D10 values for L. monocytogenes varied from 0.18 to 0.21 kGy. Sensory and microbiological tests indicated that the shelf life of Iceberg lettuce stored at 7ºC was 5 and 7 days for the irradiated and non-irradiated samples, respectively, and for the irradiated and non-irradiated Loose-leaf lettuce samples were 10 days. For the non-irradiated Boston sample, the shelf life was 3 days and for the irradiated 7 days. Red loose-leaf showed 5 and 4 days of shelf lives for the irradiated and non-irradiated, respectively. Irradiated samples presented better microbiological quality than non-irradiated ones. The irradiation is feasible process to improve quality and safety of lettuce leaves.

Irradiação de alface (Lactuca Sativa, L.) aspectos microbiológicos e sensoriais / Lettuce irradiation (Lactuca Sativa, L.) microbiological and sensorial aspects

Vanessa Provenzano Tsuhako 25 April 2005 (has links)
A demanda crescente por alimentos frescos tem incentivado o comércio de vegetais minimamente processados, que são disponibilizados já prontos para o consumo. No entanto, apesar de sanitizados, eles retêm a maioria de sua microbiota natural, inclusive patógenos: O armazenamento sob refrigeração favorece o crescimento de microrganismos psicrotrófilos, inclusive patogênicos como a Listeria monocytogenes. A ingestão de alimentos contaminados por L. monocytogenes pode representar um risco a gestantes e seus fetos, indivíduos com imunodeficiência adquirida e outras doenças que comprometam o sistema imunológico. Métodos alternativos de descontaminação que não empregam alta temperatura, como a irradiação, podem reduzir a população de microrganismos patogênicos e deteriorantes, sem causar alterações substanciais nas características sensoriais e fisico-químicas do alimento. Os objetivos desta pesquisa foram avaliar o efeito da radiação gama sobre L. monocytogenes inoculada artificialmente em uma mistura de 4 variedades de alface minimamente processada (Americana, Crespa, Lisa e Crespa Roxa); avaliar seu efeito nas variedades das folhas de alface, em separado, através do teste sensorial de aceitação e determinar a vida de prateleira do vegetal através do teste sensorial de aceitação e de acompanhamento microbiológico. População de L. monocytogenes (7 log UFC/g de alface) foi inoculada em mistura das 4 variedades de alface, já citadas, e expostas a 0,3; 0,6; 0,9 e 1,2 kGy sob refrigeração. Os valores D10 para a L. monocytogenes em salada de alface minimamente processada e irradiada variaram de 0,18 a 0,21 kGy. A análise sensorial e acompanhamento microbiológico indicam que a vida de prateleira das diferentes variedades, quando armazenadas a 10 ºC, foi de 5 e 7 dias para a Americana irradiada e não irradiada, respectivamente; de 10 dias para as amostras não irradiada e irradiada da variedade Crespa; de 3 e 7 dias para a Lisa não irradiada e irradiada, respectivamente e de 4 dias e 5 dias para alface Crespa roxa não irradiada e irradiada, respectivamente. As amostras irradiadas foram mais estáveis microbiologicamente. O processo de irradiação mostrou ser factível para a melhora da inocuidade e qualidade desse alimento. / The increasing demand for fresh foods have stimulated the marketing of minimally processed vegetables. However, these products maintain most of their natural microbiota even after being sanitized, including pathogenic microorganisms. Refrigerated storage allows the growth of psycrotrophic microorganisms and among them the pathogen Listeria monocytogenes. The ingestion of food contaminated with L. monocytogenes may represent a risk to pregnant women and their fetuses and to immunocompromised people. Non-thermal alternative processes for food preservation, such as irradiation, can reduce pathogenic and spoilage microorganism populations without imparing substantial changes in sensory, physical or chemical attributes. The aims of this research were to evaluate the effect of gamma radiation on L. monocytogenes artificially inoculated on minimally processed lettuce, to evaluate its effect on lettuce leaves through acceptance sensory test and to determine the irradiated vegetable shelf life through sensory and microbiological tests. A mixture of 4 types of lettuce (Iceberg, Boston, Loose-leaf and Red loose-leaf) were artificially inoculated with L. monocytogenes (7 log UFC/g lettuce) and then exposed to 0.3; 0.6; 0.9 and 1.2 kGy, under refrigeration. The D10 values for L. monocytogenes varied from 0.18 to 0.21 kGy. Sensory and microbiological tests indicated that the shelf life of Iceberg lettuce stored at 7ºC was 5 and 7 days for the irradiated and non-irradiated samples, respectively, and for the irradiated and non-irradiated Loose-leaf lettuce samples were 10 days. For the non-irradiated Boston sample, the shelf life was 3 days and for the irradiated 7 days. Red loose-leaf showed 5 and 4 days of shelf lives for the irradiated and non-irradiated, respectively. Irradiated samples presented better microbiological quality than non-irradiated ones. The irradiation is feasible process to improve quality and safety of lettuce leaves.

Utilisation of traditional and indigenous foods in the North West Province of South Africa / Sarah Tshepho Pona Matenge

Matenge, Sarah Tshepho Pona January 2011 (has links)
AIM AND OBJECTIVES The main aim of this thesis was to explore the possibilities of promoting the cultivation, utilisation and consumption of indigenous and traditional plant foods (ITPF) among urban and rural communities in the North West Province of South Africa that could possibly lead to increased IK and dietary diversity. The objectives were the following: Assess consumption of TLV in the rural and urban communities. Compare nutritional status of consumers and non-consumers of TLV using data obtained from the Prospective Urban and Rural Epidemiology (PURE-SA) study. Assess the availability, cultivation and consumption patterns of ITPF. Assess indigenous knowledge (IK) within the rural and urban communities. Assess consumers’ views of ITPF in the rural and urban communities. Assess consumers’ acceptance of, preference for and consumption intent of dishes made from cowpea leaves. To compile recipes for the most important ITPF commonly consumed in the study areas in order to promote the cultivation and consumption of ITPF (see Addendum D). STUDY DESIGN Health profile study: For the health profile study, a comparative study was conducted on the baseline data of the population that participated in the PURE-SA study (1004 urban and 1006 rural participants) which follows the health transition in urban and rural subjects over a 12 year period. The baseline data for the North West Province of South Africa were collected from October to December 2005. Utilisation of ITPF study: The study on the utilisation of ITPF used a sequential explanatory study design which involved the collection of quantitative and qualitative data and analyses. The consumer acceptance study consisted of an explorative and experimental phase. Participants were male and female, aged older than 20, residing in the selected communities and knowledgeable on the indigenous and traditional foods of the area. METHODS A variety of quantitative and qualitative research techniques were used. Data were generated through questionnaires, focus groups and individual - and group interviews. Health profile study: Demographic characteristics and frequency of consumption of TLV data were collected by the researcher from 396 randomly selected subjects from participating subjects in the PURE-SA study. An extensive nutritional profile of these subjects was compiled including blood samples, blood pressure, anthropometric measurements and total dietary intake by means of a quantitative food frequency questionnaire. Utilisation of ITPF study: A comparative study was conducted in rural and urban populations of the North West Province. Data were collected by the researcher using a questionnaire (n=396 households), key informant interviews (n=4), and four focus groups. Consumer study: Four focus groups were conducted by the researcher, two in rural and two in urban communities, to investigate consumers’ views about ITPF. Eighty-seven participants were recruited based on a specific purpose rather than randomly. Consumers’ acceptance of, preference for and intended consumption of products made with cowpea leaves were assessed. A 5-point hedonic scale and a 7-point food action rating scale were used for sensory evaluation. RESULTS Health profile study: As expected, rural inhabitants were more likely to consume TLV. However, no household reported to consume TLV more than ten times a month. Factors such as price (affordability) and availability and easy-to-get-to points of purchase were found to be major constraints in the consumption of TLV, especially in urban communities. Urban respondents had significantly higher macronutrient intakes than rural subjects. There was no significant difference between the selected micronutrient intakes between consumers and non-consumers of TLV. Non-consumers of TLV had higher blood lipid levels than consumers from both the rural and urban areas. In the urban subjects the relative risk to develop high blood pressure was higher in non-consumers of TLV than in the consumers. However, the risk ratios of raised serum cholesterol and triglycerides were not significantly different. Utilisation of ITPF study: More plant foods were available and consumed in the rural area than the urban area. However, fewer species were available than expected due to insufficient rainfall, poor soil quality, deforestation and over harvesting. Consumption of indigenous foods was influenced by price, culture, seasonality/availability, accessibility and diversity in markets. A lack of markets for indigenous crops, insufficient rainfall and diseases and pests were cited as the major cultivation problems, followed by a lack of capital to buy farming implements, veld fires and poor soil quality. Consumer study: Based on the qualitative focus group discussions, factors that influence the consumption of ITPF were identified. These factors included benefits and barriers of ITPF consumption. Ways to increase ITFP consumption were also identified. Health and nutrition; tradition and culture; and food safety emerged as drivers for ITPF consumption. A lack of knowledge and skills of food preparation and negative images and unfamiliarity of ITPF acted as barriers. Differences in views existed between older and younger consumers. In general younger consumers found ITF rather revolting and undesirable, humiliating to consume. Sensory evaluation of food samples for the pooled data of the total study population showed that significant differences existed between the acceptability of all attributes, overall acceptance and consumption intent. Socio-demographic backgrounds such as place of residence (urban or rural), levels of education and age were shown to influence the acceptability of food samples and consumption intent. There was no positive association between acceptability of food and gender. CONCLUSIONS Health profile study: This study showed the possibility of beneficial effects of rural diets, however, the lack of knowledge concerning the bioavailability of nutrients from TLV and lack of information on food consumption database, of these vegetables constitute main barriers to obtaining information on nutrient intake. The low frequency of consumption of TLV is of concern. Taking into consideration safe agricultural practices, the promotion of TLV might be a solution towards healthier diets and combating poverty. More research is needed to investigate the health effects of these vegetables. Utilisation of ITPF study: It is evident that there was a limited number of ITPF species cultivated and consumed. Consumers, especially older people, were found to possess extensive knowledge regarding the availability of ITPF species, their habitat and uses, seasonality and potential health benefits. There is a need to intensify education on conservation of natural resources and more studies should be undertaken to document and disseminate traditional food systems. In addition, there is a need to integrate existing health and nutrition interventions with traditional food promotion. Consumer study: The results highlighted the importance of making use of a mixed method approach which made it possible not only to identify factors that influence the consumption of ITPF but also to understand the dynamics thereof from focus group discussions and how they influence acceptability, preference and consumption intent. Important benefits (drivers) of and barriers to ITPF consumption as well as suggestions on how to increase ITPF consumption were identified. Barriers to ITPF consumption and low scores of acceptability provided by younger participants can be connected to misconceptions about ITPF and lack of familiarity with the products. Therefore, a combination of strategies aimed at enhancing individual awareness of the health benefits of ITPF, decreasing barriers and conducting more acceptability studies may have a positive impact on the younger segment of the population. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Consumer Science))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012

Análise molecular da interação entre a α-amilases de Z.subfasciatus e o inibidor de α-amilases de trigo 0.19: aspectos biotecnológicos para o controle de pragas de armazenamento / Molecular analysis of the interaction between α-amylases Z.subfasciatus and wheat α-amylases inhibitors 0.19: biotechnological aspects for controlling storage pests

Magalhães, Claudio Picanço 04 September 2002 (has links)
Sementes de feijão são freqüentemente infestadas por diferentes insetos-praga incluindo Zabrotes subfasciatus, Callosobruchus maculatus e Acanthocelides obtectus. Estratégias visando o controle do ataque desses insetos têm sido desenvolvidas através do estudo de substâncias tóxicas e/ou proteínas antinutricionais que atuem sobre o desenvolvimento destes insetos. Os inibidores protéicos de α-amilases presentes em leguminosas como o feijão comum, bem como em sementes de cereais como o trigo, têm a capacidade de inibir a α-amilase de Z. subfasciatus. O estudo do mecanismo de interação entre os inibidores e as enzimas digestivas de insetos pode propiciar o delineamento de inibidores potentes que atuariam especificamente contra essas pragas. O estudo da interação do inibidor de trigo 0.19 e com a α-amilase de Z. subfasciatus desenvolvido neste trabalho demonstra a atuação de vários componentes de força na superfície de interação entre a enzima e o inibidor, garantindo a estabilidade do complexo. A presença de pontes de hidrogênio, interações hidrofóbicas e ligações iônicas foram evidenciadas. Através da análise da seqüência primaria de outros inibidores de cereais, foi verificado que o inibidor de α-amilase de trigo denominado 0.53 e o inibidor de cevada possivelmente atuam da mesma maneira sobre a α- amilase do inseto. Estes resultados tornam esses inibidores protéicos potenciais candidatos à transformação de plantas de feijão visando o controle do desenvolvimento de Z. subfasciatus durante seu estágio larval. / Several insects included Callosobruchus maculatus, Acanthocelides obtectus and Zabrotes subfasciatus have frequently infest bean seeds. Strategies for the control of these predators have been developed through the study of toxic substances and antinutritional factors, which act on the development of these insects. Proteinaceus Inhibitors of α-amylases present in varieties of beans, as well as in wheat seeds have been demonstrated to be active to the α-amylase of Z. subfasciatus. The study of the mechanism of interaction between these inhibitors and the digestive enzymes can promote a powerful inhibitor that acts specifically against these insect-pest. Studies on the interaction of the inhibitor of wheat kernels 0.19 and Z. subfasciatus α-amylase demonstrated the performance of some intermolecular forces on the surface of the enzyme-inhibitor interaction giving the stability to the complex. The presence of hydrogen bond, hydrophobic interactions and saline bridges had been showed . The analysis of the primary sequences of inhibitors from other cereals allowed to verify that the wheat amylase inhibitor 0.53 and the barley inhibitor possibly act by the same way on the insect a-amylase. These results make these proteinaceus inhibitors potential candidates to be used on the plant transformation for the control of the development of Z. subfasciatus during of larval stage.

Isolamento, caracterização e quantificação de peptídeos y-glutamil sulfurados no feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) / Isolation, characterization and quantification of -glutamyl sulfide peptides in bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)

Giada, Maria de Lourdes Reis 06 October 1995 (has links)
Foi estudada a fração não-protéica de sementes de feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris L. ), tendo por objetivo identificar a presença e conhecer o teor de (γ-glutamil peptídeos sulfurados. Estes peptídeos (γ-glutamil-S-metilcisteína e (γ-glutamil metionina) podem interferir com o doseamento da metionina pelo método da clivagem com brometo de cianogênio e análise do metiltiocianato por cromatografia em fase gasosa. O extrato etanólico contém 21 % do nitrogênio total do feijão. A lavagem do extrato com clorofórmio reduziu o teor de nitrogênio para 5,5%, pela remoção de proteínas co-extraídas. O extrato não-proteico assim obtido foi purificado sucessivamente por resinas de troca catiônica e aniônica, ocorrendo a separação dos constituintes pelos seus valores de pK. A purificação foi acompanhada por testes químicos, cromatografia em camada delgada e análise de aminoácidos. Foi identificada com base nas suas características químicas, a presença de S-metilcisteína, principalmente na forma de dipeptídeo com ácido glutâmico. A quantificação do peptídeo após hidrólise ácida (3h / 110° C), resultou num teor de S-metilcisteína total de 0,67g /100g proteína, que corresponde a aproximadamente 50% do teor de metionina no feijão, determinado por cromatografia de troca iônica. Estes resultados podem indicar que o teor de metiltiocianato total, liberado pela metionina e pela S-metilcisteína do feijão (1 ,6%) (determinado em trabalho anterior), descontado do teor de S-metilcisteína (0 ,7%), equivale à metionina quimicamente disponível, correspondendo a aproximadamente 64% da metionina total presente no feijão. No ensaio de germinação das sementes do feijão foi observado um decréscimo da (γ-glutamil-Smetilcisteína, indicando uma mobilização dos aminoácidos constitutintes. / The non-protein fraction of Phaseolus vulgrias L. seeds has been analysed to obtain information on the identity and level of (γ-glutamyl peptides containing a sulfur amino acid. These peptides (γ-glutamyl-S-methylcysteine and (γ-glutamyl methionine) could interfere with the determination of methionine measured by cleavage with cyanogen bromide and subsequent gas-chromatographic identification of methylthiocyanate. The ethanolic extract of (γ-glutamyl peptides contains 21% of the total seed nitrogen, which decrease to 5,5%, by removing the coextracted bean proteins with chloroform. This non-protein extract was then purified by ion-exchange chromatography on basic and acid resins, taking advantage of the different pK values of the amino acids. The isolation procedure was followed up by chemical analysis, thin layer chromatography and amino acid analysis. Based on their chemical properties we were able to identify the presence of S-methylcysteine, mainly in the form of a dipeptide with glutamic acid. Quantitative analysis of the peptide after acid hydrolysis (3h /110° C) showed a level of 0,67g /total S-methylcysteine /100gbean protein. This content accounted for approximately 50% of the bean methionine content, determined by ion-exchange chromatography. These results might indicate that total methylthiocyanate released from both, methionine and S-methylcysteine of beans, (1,6%) (from a previous paper) subtracted from S-methylcysteine (0,7%) could be recognized as chemically available methionine, corresponding to approximately 64% of total methionine. During seed germination the (γ-glutamyl-S-methylcysteine undergo a degradative process resulting in loss of the dipeptide.

Utilisation of traditional and indigenous foods in the North West Province of South Africa / Sarah Tshepho Pona Matenge

Matenge, Sarah Tshepho Pona January 2011 (has links)
AIM AND OBJECTIVES The main aim of this thesis was to explore the possibilities of promoting the cultivation, utilisation and consumption of indigenous and traditional plant foods (ITPF) among urban and rural communities in the North West Province of South Africa that could possibly lead to increased IK and dietary diversity. The objectives were the following: Assess consumption of TLV in the rural and urban communities. Compare nutritional status of consumers and non-consumers of TLV using data obtained from the Prospective Urban and Rural Epidemiology (PURE-SA) study. Assess the availability, cultivation and consumption patterns of ITPF. Assess indigenous knowledge (IK) within the rural and urban communities. Assess consumers’ views of ITPF in the rural and urban communities. Assess consumers’ acceptance of, preference for and consumption intent of dishes made from cowpea leaves. To compile recipes for the most important ITPF commonly consumed in the study areas in order to promote the cultivation and consumption of ITPF (see Addendum D). STUDY DESIGN Health profile study: For the health profile study, a comparative study was conducted on the baseline data of the population that participated in the PURE-SA study (1004 urban and 1006 rural participants) which follows the health transition in urban and rural subjects over a 12 year period. The baseline data for the North West Province of South Africa were collected from October to December 2005. Utilisation of ITPF study: The study on the utilisation of ITPF used a sequential explanatory study design which involved the collection of quantitative and qualitative data and analyses. The consumer acceptance study consisted of an explorative and experimental phase. Participants were male and female, aged older than 20, residing in the selected communities and knowledgeable on the indigenous and traditional foods of the area. METHODS A variety of quantitative and qualitative research techniques were used. Data were generated through questionnaires, focus groups and individual - and group interviews. Health profile study: Demographic characteristics and frequency of consumption of TLV data were collected by the researcher from 396 randomly selected subjects from participating subjects in the PURE-SA study. An extensive nutritional profile of these subjects was compiled including blood samples, blood pressure, anthropometric measurements and total dietary intake by means of a quantitative food frequency questionnaire. Utilisation of ITPF study: A comparative study was conducted in rural and urban populations of the North West Province. Data were collected by the researcher using a questionnaire (n=396 households), key informant interviews (n=4), and four focus groups. Consumer study: Four focus groups were conducted by the researcher, two in rural and two in urban communities, to investigate consumers’ views about ITPF. Eighty-seven participants were recruited based on a specific purpose rather than randomly. Consumers’ acceptance of, preference for and intended consumption of products made with cowpea leaves were assessed. A 5-point hedonic scale and a 7-point food action rating scale were used for sensory evaluation. RESULTS Health profile study: As expected, rural inhabitants were more likely to consume TLV. However, no household reported to consume TLV more than ten times a month. Factors such as price (affordability) and availability and easy-to-get-to points of purchase were found to be major constraints in the consumption of TLV, especially in urban communities. Urban respondents had significantly higher macronutrient intakes than rural subjects. There was no significant difference between the selected micronutrient intakes between consumers and non-consumers of TLV. Non-consumers of TLV had higher blood lipid levels than consumers from both the rural and urban areas. In the urban subjects the relative risk to develop high blood pressure was higher in non-consumers of TLV than in the consumers. However, the risk ratios of raised serum cholesterol and triglycerides were not significantly different. Utilisation of ITPF study: More plant foods were available and consumed in the rural area than the urban area. However, fewer species were available than expected due to insufficient rainfall, poor soil quality, deforestation and over harvesting. Consumption of indigenous foods was influenced by price, culture, seasonality/availability, accessibility and diversity in markets. A lack of markets for indigenous crops, insufficient rainfall and diseases and pests were cited as the major cultivation problems, followed by a lack of capital to buy farming implements, veld fires and poor soil quality. Consumer study: Based on the qualitative focus group discussions, factors that influence the consumption of ITPF were identified. These factors included benefits and barriers of ITPF consumption. Ways to increase ITFP consumption were also identified. Health and nutrition; tradition and culture; and food safety emerged as drivers for ITPF consumption. A lack of knowledge and skills of food preparation and negative images and unfamiliarity of ITPF acted as barriers. Differences in views existed between older and younger consumers. In general younger consumers found ITF rather revolting and undesirable, humiliating to consume. Sensory evaluation of food samples for the pooled data of the total study population showed that significant differences existed between the acceptability of all attributes, overall acceptance and consumption intent. Socio-demographic backgrounds such as place of residence (urban or rural), levels of education and age were shown to influence the acceptability of food samples and consumption intent. There was no positive association between acceptability of food and gender. CONCLUSIONS Health profile study: This study showed the possibility of beneficial effects of rural diets, however, the lack of knowledge concerning the bioavailability of nutrients from TLV and lack of information on food consumption database, of these vegetables constitute main barriers to obtaining information on nutrient intake. The low frequency of consumption of TLV is of concern. Taking into consideration safe agricultural practices, the promotion of TLV might be a solution towards healthier diets and combating poverty. More research is needed to investigate the health effects of these vegetables. Utilisation of ITPF study: It is evident that there was a limited number of ITPF species cultivated and consumed. Consumers, especially older people, were found to possess extensive knowledge regarding the availability of ITPF species, their habitat and uses, seasonality and potential health benefits. There is a need to intensify education on conservation of natural resources and more studies should be undertaken to document and disseminate traditional food systems. In addition, there is a need to integrate existing health and nutrition interventions with traditional food promotion. Consumer study: The results highlighted the importance of making use of a mixed method approach which made it possible not only to identify factors that influence the consumption of ITPF but also to understand the dynamics thereof from focus group discussions and how they influence acceptability, preference and consumption intent. Important benefits (drivers) of and barriers to ITPF consumption as well as suggestions on how to increase ITPF consumption were identified. Barriers to ITPF consumption and low scores of acceptability provided by younger participants can be connected to misconceptions about ITPF and lack of familiarity with the products. Therefore, a combination of strategies aimed at enhancing individual awareness of the health benefits of ITPF, decreasing barriers and conducting more acceptability studies may have a positive impact on the younger segment of the population. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Consumer Science))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012

Análise molecular da interação entre a α-amilases de Z.subfasciatus e o inibidor de α-amilases de trigo 0.19: aspectos biotecnológicos para o controle de pragas de armazenamento / Molecular analysis of the interaction between α-amylases Z.subfasciatus and wheat α-amylases inhibitors 0.19: biotechnological aspects for controlling storage pests

Claudio Picanço Magalhães 04 September 2002 (has links)
Sementes de feijão são freqüentemente infestadas por diferentes insetos-praga incluindo Zabrotes subfasciatus, Callosobruchus maculatus e Acanthocelides obtectus. Estratégias visando o controle do ataque desses insetos têm sido desenvolvidas através do estudo de substâncias tóxicas e/ou proteínas antinutricionais que atuem sobre o desenvolvimento destes insetos. Os inibidores protéicos de α-amilases presentes em leguminosas como o feijão comum, bem como em sementes de cereais como o trigo, têm a capacidade de inibir a α-amilase de Z. subfasciatus. O estudo do mecanismo de interação entre os inibidores e as enzimas digestivas de insetos pode propiciar o delineamento de inibidores potentes que atuariam especificamente contra essas pragas. O estudo da interação do inibidor de trigo 0.19 e com a α-amilase de Z. subfasciatus desenvolvido neste trabalho demonstra a atuação de vários componentes de força na superfície de interação entre a enzima e o inibidor, garantindo a estabilidade do complexo. A presença de pontes de hidrogênio, interações hidrofóbicas e ligações iônicas foram evidenciadas. Através da análise da seqüência primaria de outros inibidores de cereais, foi verificado que o inibidor de α-amilase de trigo denominado 0.53 e o inibidor de cevada possivelmente atuam da mesma maneira sobre a α- amilase do inseto. Estes resultados tornam esses inibidores protéicos potenciais candidatos à transformação de plantas de feijão visando o controle do desenvolvimento de Z. subfasciatus durante seu estágio larval. / Several insects included Callosobruchus maculatus, Acanthocelides obtectus and Zabrotes subfasciatus have frequently infest bean seeds. Strategies for the control of these predators have been developed through the study of toxic substances and antinutritional factors, which act on the development of these insects. Proteinaceus Inhibitors of α-amylases present in varieties of beans, as well as in wheat seeds have been demonstrated to be active to the α-amylase of Z. subfasciatus. The study of the mechanism of interaction between these inhibitors and the digestive enzymes can promote a powerful inhibitor that acts specifically against these insect-pest. Studies on the interaction of the inhibitor of wheat kernels 0.19 and Z. subfasciatus α-amylase demonstrated the performance of some intermolecular forces on the surface of the enzyme-inhibitor interaction giving the stability to the complex. The presence of hydrogen bond, hydrophobic interactions and saline bridges had been showed . The analysis of the primary sequences of inhibitors from other cereals allowed to verify that the wheat amylase inhibitor 0.53 and the barley inhibitor possibly act by the same way on the insect a-amylase. These results make these proteinaceus inhibitors potential candidates to be used on the plant transformation for the control of the development of Z. subfasciatus during of larval stage.

Isolamento, caracterização e quantificação de peptídeos y-glutamil sulfurados no feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) / Isolation, characterization and quantification of -glutamyl sulfide peptides in bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)

Maria de Lourdes Reis Giada 06 October 1995 (has links)
Foi estudada a fração não-protéica de sementes de feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris L. ), tendo por objetivo identificar a presença e conhecer o teor de (γ-glutamil peptídeos sulfurados. Estes peptídeos (γ-glutamil-S-metilcisteína e (γ-glutamil metionina) podem interferir com o doseamento da metionina pelo método da clivagem com brometo de cianogênio e análise do metiltiocianato por cromatografia em fase gasosa. O extrato etanólico contém 21 % do nitrogênio total do feijão. A lavagem do extrato com clorofórmio reduziu o teor de nitrogênio para 5,5%, pela remoção de proteínas co-extraídas. O extrato não-proteico assim obtido foi purificado sucessivamente por resinas de troca catiônica e aniônica, ocorrendo a separação dos constituintes pelos seus valores de pK. A purificação foi acompanhada por testes químicos, cromatografia em camada delgada e análise de aminoácidos. Foi identificada com base nas suas características químicas, a presença de S-metilcisteína, principalmente na forma de dipeptídeo com ácido glutâmico. A quantificação do peptídeo após hidrólise ácida (3h / 110° C), resultou num teor de S-metilcisteína total de 0,67g /100g proteína, que corresponde a aproximadamente 50% do teor de metionina no feijão, determinado por cromatografia de troca iônica. Estes resultados podem indicar que o teor de metiltiocianato total, liberado pela metionina e pela S-metilcisteína do feijão (1 ,6%) (determinado em trabalho anterior), descontado do teor de S-metilcisteína (0 ,7%), equivale à metionina quimicamente disponível, correspondendo a aproximadamente 64% da metionina total presente no feijão. No ensaio de germinação das sementes do feijão foi observado um decréscimo da (γ-glutamil-Smetilcisteína, indicando uma mobilização dos aminoácidos constitutintes. / The non-protein fraction of Phaseolus vulgrias L. seeds has been analysed to obtain information on the identity and level of (γ-glutamyl peptides containing a sulfur amino acid. These peptides (γ-glutamyl-S-methylcysteine and (γ-glutamyl methionine) could interfere with the determination of methionine measured by cleavage with cyanogen bromide and subsequent gas-chromatographic identification of methylthiocyanate. The ethanolic extract of (γ-glutamyl peptides contains 21% of the total seed nitrogen, which decrease to 5,5%, by removing the coextracted bean proteins with chloroform. This non-protein extract was then purified by ion-exchange chromatography on basic and acid resins, taking advantage of the different pK values of the amino acids. The isolation procedure was followed up by chemical analysis, thin layer chromatography and amino acid analysis. Based on their chemical properties we were able to identify the presence of S-methylcysteine, mainly in the form of a dipeptide with glutamic acid. Quantitative analysis of the peptide after acid hydrolysis (3h /110° C) showed a level of 0,67g /total S-methylcysteine /100gbean protein. This content accounted for approximately 50% of the bean methionine content, determined by ion-exchange chromatography. These results might indicate that total methylthiocyanate released from both, methionine and S-methylcysteine of beans, (1,6%) (from a previous paper) subtracted from S-methylcysteine (0,7%) could be recognized as chemically available methionine, corresponding to approximately 64% of total methionine. During seed germination the (γ-glutamyl-S-methylcysteine undergo a degradative process resulting in loss of the dipeptide.

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