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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aminoácidos como coadjuvantes da adubação foliar e do uso do glifosato na cultura de soja / Amino acids addition to foliar fertilization and use of glyphosate in soybean

Lambais, George Rodrigues 17 June 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a influência dos fertilizantes foliares a base de aminoácidos livres na utilização conjunta de práticas agrícolas como a aplicação de glifosato e a adubação no solo com P e K em soja BRS 255 RR. As avaliações foram realizadas nos parâmetros biométricos, nutricionais, metabólicos e produtivos através das variáveis: altura, valor SPAD (clorofilas), área foliar, biomassa aérea (massa fresca e seca de folhas e caules), macronutrientes e micronutrientes nas folhas, atividade da nitrato redutase (NR), glutamina sintetase (GS), concentração de proteínas totais solúveis (PTS), número de vagens, massa fresca e seca de vagens, massa média de 100 grãos, massa total de grãos, teores de lipídeos e proteínas acumulados nos grãos. Foram conduzidos dois experimentos em paralelo, com os produtos Ajifol e Flororgan, em ambiente natural utilizando vasos de polietileno com capacidade para 20 litros. O delineamento utilizado foi em blocos casualizados, onde cada unidade experimental foi constituída de três plantas de soja por vaso preenchido com 20 kg de substrato (Latossolo vermelho distrófico argiloso). A adubação no solo com P e K (1,00 e 0,24 g kg-1, respectivamente) foi realizada 30 dias antes da semeadura. As aplicações do Ajifol (1,0 L ha-1), Flororgan (2,5 L ha-1) e glifosato (0,3 L ha-1) foram realizadas via pulverização foliar no estádio fenológico V5, referente aos 35 dias após a germinação. As amostragens de altura e SPAD foram realizadas em três épocas diferentes durante o ciclo vegetativo da planta (7, 15 e 30 dias após a pulverização foliar). No estádio fenológico R1 (início do florescimento) coletou-se uma planta inteira de cada parcela para as análises morfológicas, nutricionais e metabólicas. As duas plantas restantes em cada parcela serviram para analisar os parâmetros de produção. Os principais resultados obtidos para os aminoácidos presentes nas formulações dos produtos, foram o aumento na altura das plantas aos 7 e 15 dias após suas aplicações, quando associados a adubação no solo. Além de atuarem como antiestressantes impedindo a diminuição nos teores de clorofilas através da aplicação de glifosato. Os resultados das análises nutricionais comprovaram a ação quelatizante desses aminoácidos, principalmente para o K, B, Fe e Cu. As melhores respostas através da aplicação dos aminoácidos foram para a atividade da NR, GS e concentração de PTS nas folhas. Tivemos uma redução de lipídeos acumulados nos grãos em função das aplicações com aminoácidos isolados ou em conjunto com adubação. Por outro lado, constatamos um aumento de lipídeos através da aplicação em conjunto com glifosato e adubação. Além dos aminoácidos influenciarem positivamente o armazenamento de proteínas nas sementes quando associados ao glifosato. / The objective of this work was to verify the influence of foliar fertilizer on basis of free amino acids combined with the application of glyphosate and fertilization of soil with P and K on soybean (BRS 255 RR). The evaluations were performed on biometric, nutritional, metabolic and productive parameters using the following variables: Height, SPAD values (chlorophylls), leaf area, biomass (fresh and dry weight of leaves and stems), macronutrients and micronutrients in leaves, activity of nitrate reductase (NR), glutamine synthetase (GS), concentration of total soluble protein (TSP), number of pods, fresh and dry weight of pods, 100 grains average weight, total weight of grains, concentration of lipids and proteins accumulated in the grains. Two experiments were conducted in parallel with the products Ajifol and Flororgan in natural environment using polyethylene pots (20 L). A randomized blocks design was used, where each experimental unit was cultivated with three soybean plants per pot filled with 20 kg of substrate (dystrophic clayey Red Latosol). The soil fertilization with P and K (1,00 and 0,24 g kg-1, respectively) was carried out 30 days before sowing. The applications of Ajifol (1,0 L ha-1), Flororgan (2,5 L ha-1) and glyphosate (0,3 L ha-1) were performed by foliar sprays at the V5 developmental stage, corresponding to 35 days after germination. Samples for height and SPAD were taken at three different times during the vegetative stage of plant (7, 15 and 30 days after foliar spraying). At the phenological stage R1 (early flowering) one entire plant of each plot was collected for morphological, nutritional and metabolic analysis. The remaining two plants were used for analyses of production parameters. The application of amino acids increased plant height after 7 and 15 days after foliar spraying, when associated with soil fertilization. They acted moreover as antistress substances preventing a decrease in the levels of chlorophyll caused by application of glyphosate. Nutritional analysis indicated the formation of chelates of these amino acids mainly with K, B, Fe and Cu. The main effects of amino acids applications were higher for NR, GS and TSP concentrations in leaves. A reduction in lipids accumulated in the seeds through sole application of amino acids, as well as in conjunction with fertilization was identified. On the other hand increasing values were found when the amino acids were associated with both glyphosate and fertilization. The amino acids increased the protein storage in seeds when applied in conjunction with glyphosate.

Métodos combinados para destanização e conservação pós-colheita de caquis \'Giombo\' / Combined methods for astringency removal and postharvest storage of Giombo persimmon

Terra, Felipe de Angelis Monteiro 15 October 2010 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo verificar a possibilidade de combinação de diferentes técnicas de pós-colheita em caquis cv. Giombo destanizados com álcool etílico, visando o aumento da conservação pós-colheita desses frutos através da manutenção da firmeza de polpa durante o armazenamento. Para tanto, aplicou-se o armazenamento refrigerado, associado à aplicação de 1-metilciclopropeno e destanização através de vapores de álcool etílico. No primeiro experimento os frutos foram acondicionados em câmaras de destanização, sendo submetidos à dosagem fixa de álcool etílico (3,50 mL Kg-1) durante 12 horas e a aplicação de uma dosagem fixa de 1000 nL L-1 de 1-metilciclopropeno (1-MCP) também durante 12 horas, sendo que a diferenciação entre os tratamentos foi obtida de acordo com o momento da destanização, da aplicação de 1-MCP e da combinação entre eles. Todos os frutos foram armazenados durante 30 dias sob refrigeração a 5 ± 1°C e 90 ± 5% UR e, posteriormente, em temperatura ambiente (25°C e 90 ± 5% UR) durante 15 dias. No segundo experimento, os frutos de caqui foram acondicionados em câmaras de destanização e submetidos aos mesmos processos do primeiro experimento. Os tratamentos foram obtidos através da combinação entre o momento da destanização e aplicação do 1-MCP e após serem submetidos aos tratamentos, sendo que a aplicação do 1-MCP foi realizada antes, durante ou após a destanização. Os frutos foram armazenados a temperatura ambiente (25 ± 1°C e 90 ± 5% UR) durante 15 dias. As determinações realizadas foram: firmeza de polpa, índice de adstringência, pH, teor de sólidos solúveis, teor de taninos solúveis, cor de casca e cor de polpa. As avaliações foram realizadas antes da aplicação dos tratamentos (caracterização do fruto), 1 dia após o tratamento e a cada 2 dias sucessivamente, durante 15 dias. No primeiro experimento os frutos tratados com 1-MCP e os frutos do controle apresentaram maior firmeza de polpa no final do período de análises em relação aqueles tratados apenas com etanol. Em contrapartida, os frutos que foram submetidos ao etanol apresentaram rápida perda de adstringência enquanto os frutos não tratados e aqueles tratados apenas com 1-MCP se mantiveram adstringentes durante os 15 dias de análises. No segundo experimento, resultados semelhantes aos do primeiro experimento foram obtidos em relação à diminuição da adstringência, com a ressalva de que essa diminuição ocorreu mais lentamente. Em relação à firmeza de polpa dos frutos poucas diferenças foram observadas até o final do período de armazenamento, quando os frutos tratados com 1-MCP se mostraram um pouco mais firmes que os outros. A aplicação de 1-MCP (1000 nL L-1) não interfere na remoção de adstringência com etanol em caquis Giombo armazenados sob refrigeração e a temperatura ambiente, além de permitir a manutenção da firmeza dos frutos. O 1-MCP, quando aplicado isoladamente, retarda o amadurecimento e a remoção natural da adstringência. / The present work had aimed to verify the possibility of combine different postharvest techniques in Giombo persimmon, submitted to astringency removal process with ethyl alcohol, aiming to enhance de postharvest conservation of these fruits trough the maintenance of flesh firmness during storage. To achieve this, different kinds of technologies already in use in postharvest of vegetables products, as cold storage, application of 1-methylcyclopropene and astringency removal using ethyl alcohol, were combined. In a first experiment persimmon were packed in astringency removal chambers, being undertaken to an unchanged dose of ethyl alcohol (3.50 mL Kg-1) during 12 hours and to an application of an unchanged dose of 1,000 nL L-1 of 1- methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) also during 12 hours. The differentiation between treatments was obtained according to the moment of astringency removal process, of 1- MCP application and the combination among them. All fruit were stored during 30 days under refrigeration at 5 ± 1°C e 90 ± 5% RH and after this period the fruits were stored at room temperatures (25°C and 90 ± 5% RH) during 15 days. In the second experiment, as in the previous experiment, fruit were packed in astringency removal chambers and were undertaken to the same procedures already described above, being utilized the same dosages. The treatments were obtained according the moment of astringency removal process and 1-MCP application, being that the 1-MCP application were made before, during or after the astringency removal process. After being undertaken to the treatments, fruit were stored at room temperature (25 ± 1°C and 90 ± 5% RH) during 15 days. The parameters analyzed were pulp firmness, astringency index, pH, soluble solids content, soluble tannins content, peel color and pulp color. The evaluation was performed before treatments application (fruit characterization), at the first day after treatments application and then every other day during 15 days. In the first experiment fruits treated with 1-MCP and fruit from control presented higher flesh firmness at the end of analyses period in relation to those treated only with ethanol. However, fruit undertaken to ethanol presented quick astringency loss while not treated fruits and fruits treated only with 1-MCP maintained astringency during the 15 days of analyses. In the second experiment, the results obtained were similar to those of the first experiment in relation to astringency losses, but in this experiment, astringency loss took a few more days to happen. In relation to fruit flesh firmness few differences were observed until the end of storage period, when fruit treated with 1-MCP were a little firmer than the others. The application of 1-MCP (1,000 nL L-1) does not interfere on ethanol astringency removal of Giombo persimmons previously stored in cold temperatures or not and it decelerate firmness losses on these fruits. The 1-MCP, when applied alone, slows ripening and natural astringency loss.

Ação de bioestimulante nas culturas do amendoinzeiro, sorgo e trigo e interações hormonais entre auxinas, citocininas e giberelinas / Biostimulant action on peanut, sorghum and wheat crops and hormonal interactions among auxins, citokinins and gibberellins

Cáto, Stella Consorte 13 December 2006 (has links)
Hormônios vegetais têm o papel de controlar os diversos processos do desenvolvimento vegetal. A aplicação tanto de biorreguladores quanto de bioestimulantes pode promover alterações durante o desenvolvimento vegetal e, têm sido utilizados com a finalidade de incrementar a produtividade de culturas de interesse econômico. Com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito sobre a germinação de sementes, vigor de plântulas, desenvolvimento radicular e produção de plantas de trigo, amendoinzeiro e sorgo, um bioestimulante líquido contendo cinetina, ácido indolbutírico e ácido giberélico, foi aplicado em concentrações crescentes, via tratamento de sementes. Também, para melhor elucidar as interações entre as classes hormonais dos componentes do bioestimulante, aplicações isoladas e combinadas de auxinas, citocininas e giberelinas foram realizadas utilizando-se de plantas teste de tomateiro (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) do cultivar Micro-Tom. Os experimentos foram conduzidos em casa de vegetação no Departamento de Ciências Biológicas da ESALQ/USP de janeiro de 2004 a agosto de 2005. Os resultados obtidos foram submetidos à regressão polinomial e ao teste de Tukey através do programa SAS. A aplicação conjunta de ácido giberélico, ácido indolbutírico e cinetina ou de Stimulate ® promoveu incrementos significativos sobre o acúmulo de matéria seca nas raízes e nas massas de matéria fresca e seca dos frutos do tomateiro \'Micro-Tom\' com relação ao controle. Stimulate ® nas concentrações de 3,5 a 5,0ml kg-1 de sementes de amendoinzeiro proporcionou aumentos significativos na porcentagem de plântulas normais, no comprimento do hipocótilo e da raiz primária de plântulas, no crescimento radicular vertical e total, na velocidade de crescimento radicular vertical, na massa de matéria seca e número de vagens e grãos por planta do cultivar IAC-Tatu ST. Nos experimentos para avaliação da produção de plantas do híbrido de sorgo 822 da Dow AgroScience, no intervalo de concentrações de 10 a 13ml kg-1 de sementes, o Stimulate ® proporcionou aumentos significativos na massa de matéria seca de parte aérea, de panículas e de grãos e no comprimento de panículas. Stimulate ®, aplicado via tratamento de sementes, no intervalo de concentrações de 3,5 a 5,0ml kg-1 de sementes de trigo, proporcionou aumentos significativos na altura e massa de matéria seca de parte aérea, número de perfilhos e de espigas por planta. Concentrações crescentes do produto proporcionaram aumentos lineares no crescimento radicular vertical e total e na velocidade de crescimento radicular vertical. A porcentagem de plântulas normais, o vigor de plântulas, a produção de grãos por planta e a produtividade não foram influenciadas. / Plant hormones can control several processes of plant development. Application of bioregulators or biostimulants can promote changes during plant development and have been used to increase yield of crops. Aiming to evaluate the effects on seed germination, seedling vigor, root growth and yield of wheat, peanut and sorghum plants, a liquid biostimulant containing kinetin, indolbutyric acid and gibberellic acid, was applied at increasing concentrations, through seed treatment. Also, to better elucidate the interactions among the hormonal classes of the components of the biostimulant, isolated and combined applications of auxin, cytokinin and gibberellin were accomplished on tomato test plants (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) from Micro-Tom cultivar. Experiments were carried out in the greenhouse of the Department of Biological Sciences at ESALQ/USP from January 2004 to August 2005. Data were submitted to polynomial regression and Tukey\'s test through SAS program. Combined applications of gibberellic acid, indolbutyric acid and kinetin or Stimulate ® promoted significative increases on dry matter accumulation on roots and fresh and dry matter mass of fruit of \'Micro-Tom\' ® tomato plants compared to the control. Stimulate ® at the concentrations of 3.5 to 5.0ml kg-1 of peanut seeds significantly increased the percentage of normal seedlings, hypocotyl and primary root length of seedlings, vertical and total root growth, vertical root growth speed, number and dry matter mass of pods and grains per plant of IAC-Tatu ST cultivar. On the experiments to determine production of sorghum plants Dow AgroScienc hybrid 822, Stimulate ® at the concentrations of 10 to 13ml kg-1 of seeds significantly increased dry matter mass of shoot, panicles and grains and panicle length. Stimulate ®, applied by seed treatment, from 3.5 to 5.0ml kg-1 of wheat seeds, promoted significative increases on plant height and shoot dry matter mass, number of tillers and spikes per plant. Increasing concentrations of the product promoted linear increases on vertical and total root growth and vertical root growth speed. The percentage of normal seedlings, seedling vigor, grain production per plant and yield were not influenced.

Fisiologia do amadurecimento, senescência e comportamento respiratório de goiabas \'Kumagai\' e \'Pedro Sato\' / Physiology of ripening, senescence and respiratory behavior of Kumagai and Pedro Sato guava

Cavalini, Flavia Cristina 06 February 2009 (has links)
O amadurecimento e a senescência tem sido diretamente relacionados ao climatério do CO2 e do etileno. No entanto, estudos recentes têm demonstrado que algumas transformações pós-colheita ocorrem independentemente desses eventos e que muitos frutos não se enquadram nas definições clássicas de padrão de atividade respiratória, indicando a necessidade de maiores estudos a respeito da fisiologia do amadurecimento e senescência de frutos. O comportamento respiratório de goiabas é contraditório, servindo como modelo para estes estudos. O uso de reguladores do amadurecimento pode auxiliar na definição do comportamento respiratório de goiabas Kumagai e Pedro Sato. Tendo-se em vista o estabelecido, conduziu-se a etapa 1, com o intuito de determinar índices que indiquem o início da senescência. A etapa 2 visou determinar o comportamento respiratório de goiabas das variedades Kumagai e Pedro Sato submetidas à aplicação de acelerador (etileno) e retardadores (1-MCP e AVG) do amadurecimento. Na etapa 1, as goiabas recém colhidas foram tratadas com fungicida e mantidas em câmara a 23 ± 1oC e 85% UR até a completa senescência. Na etapa 2, os frutos foram submetidos à aplicação de AVG, 1- MCP e etileno e então armazenados em câmara a 23 ± 1oC e 85% UR até a completa senescência. Frutos sem reguladores vegetais foram utilizados como controle. Os frutos foram avaliados a cada dois dias em ambas as etapas. O delineamento estatístico utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado e os resultados foram submetidos à análise de dados longitudinais, devido ao caráter quantitativo imposto pelo fator tempo de armazenamento. As curvas também foram submetidas à análise do erro padrão da média. As diferenças entre dois tratamentos maiores que as somas de dois erros padrões foram consideradas significativas. Os teores de acetaldeído, etanol e o extravasamento de eletrólitos foram os índices que mais contribuíram para distinguir o amadurecimento da senescência. O aumento brusco apresentado nos teores de acetaldeído e etanol indica início do metabolismo fermentativo, comportamento característico de senescência, além do aumento no extravasamento de eletrólitos, sugerir descompartimentação celular. Os frutos da variedade Pedro Sato não podem ser classificados como climatéricos, nem tão pouco como não climatéricos, pois apesar de amadurecerem, apresentaram pico de produção de etileno após o amadurecimento dos mesmos, além de não responderem à aplicação de etileno exógeno. Apesar das goiabas Kumagai responderem à aplicação de etileno, não se observou comportamento climatério na produção de CO2 e de C2H4, desta forma, esta variedade não pode ser enquadrada nas classificações de padrão de atividade respiratória em uso. / Ripening and senescence have been directly related to CO2 and ethylene climacteric behavior. However, recent studies have shown that some postharvest processes occurs independently of those events and that many fruits are not frame in the definitions of respiratory activity traditional pattern, indicating the need for more studies on fruit ripening and senescence physiology. Guavas fruit respiratory behavior is contradictory and serves as a model for these studies. The use of ripening regulators can help in defining the respiratory behavior of Kumagai and Pedro Sato guavas. Consequently, the step 1 has been conducted, with the intention of determining indicators that indicate the beginning of the senescence. The step 2 aimed to determine the respiratory behavior of guava fruits of Kumagai and Pedro Sato cultivars subjected to the application of accelerator (ethylene) and retardants (1-MCP and AVG) of the ripening. In step 1, the newly harvested guavas were treated with fungicide and kept at 23 ± 1oC and 85% RH to complete senescence. In step 2, the fruits were submitted to AVG, 1-MCP and ethylene application and then stored at 23 ± 1oC and 85% RH to complete senescence. Fruit without ripening regulators were used as controls. The fruits were evaluated every two days in both steps. The experimental design was completely randomized and the results were submitted to longitudinal data analysis, due to the quantity of samples imposed by the storage time factor. The curves have been subjected to average standard error analysis. Differences between two treatments larger than the sum of two errors patterns were considered significant. The levels of acetaldehyde, ethanol and ion leakage were indices that contributed most to distinguish ripening from senescence. The increase made in levels of acetaldehyde and ethanol suggests fermentative metabolism, characteristic senescence behavior, beyond the increase in ion leakage, suggests cell decompartmentalization. The fruits of Pedro Sato cultivar can not be classified as climacteric, nor as non-climacteric, because despite they ripen, they show an ethylene production peak after their ripening, and besides do not respond to exogenous ethylene. Even though Kumagai guava fruits reply to ethylene application, there was no climacteric behavior observed during CO2 and C2H4 production thus this variety can not be framed in the respiratory climacteric pattern rankings in use.

Ação de bioestimulante nas culturas do amendoinzeiro, sorgo e trigo e interações hormonais entre auxinas, citocininas e giberelinas / Biostimulant action on peanut, sorghum and wheat crops and hormonal interactions among auxins, citokinins and gibberellins

Stella Consorte Cáto 13 December 2006 (has links)
Hormônios vegetais têm o papel de controlar os diversos processos do desenvolvimento vegetal. A aplicação tanto de biorreguladores quanto de bioestimulantes pode promover alterações durante o desenvolvimento vegetal e, têm sido utilizados com a finalidade de incrementar a produtividade de culturas de interesse econômico. Com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito sobre a germinação de sementes, vigor de plântulas, desenvolvimento radicular e produção de plantas de trigo, amendoinzeiro e sorgo, um bioestimulante líquido contendo cinetina, ácido indolbutírico e ácido giberélico, foi aplicado em concentrações crescentes, via tratamento de sementes. Também, para melhor elucidar as interações entre as classes hormonais dos componentes do bioestimulante, aplicações isoladas e combinadas de auxinas, citocininas e giberelinas foram realizadas utilizando-se de plantas teste de tomateiro (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) do cultivar Micro-Tom. Os experimentos foram conduzidos em casa de vegetação no Departamento de Ciências Biológicas da ESALQ/USP de janeiro de 2004 a agosto de 2005. Os resultados obtidos foram submetidos à regressão polinomial e ao teste de Tukey através do programa SAS. A aplicação conjunta de ácido giberélico, ácido indolbutírico e cinetina ou de Stimulate ® promoveu incrementos significativos sobre o acúmulo de matéria seca nas raízes e nas massas de matéria fresca e seca dos frutos do tomateiro \'Micro-Tom\' com relação ao controle. Stimulate ® nas concentrações de 3,5 a 5,0ml kg-1 de sementes de amendoinzeiro proporcionou aumentos significativos na porcentagem de plântulas normais, no comprimento do hipocótilo e da raiz primária de plântulas, no crescimento radicular vertical e total, na velocidade de crescimento radicular vertical, na massa de matéria seca e número de vagens e grãos por planta do cultivar IAC-Tatu ST. Nos experimentos para avaliação da produção de plantas do híbrido de sorgo 822 da Dow AgroScience, no intervalo de concentrações de 10 a 13ml kg-1 de sementes, o Stimulate ® proporcionou aumentos significativos na massa de matéria seca de parte aérea, de panículas e de grãos e no comprimento de panículas. Stimulate ®, aplicado via tratamento de sementes, no intervalo de concentrações de 3,5 a 5,0ml kg-1 de sementes de trigo, proporcionou aumentos significativos na altura e massa de matéria seca de parte aérea, número de perfilhos e de espigas por planta. Concentrações crescentes do produto proporcionaram aumentos lineares no crescimento radicular vertical e total e na velocidade de crescimento radicular vertical. A porcentagem de plântulas normais, o vigor de plântulas, a produção de grãos por planta e a produtividade não foram influenciadas. / Plant hormones can control several processes of plant development. Application of bioregulators or biostimulants can promote changes during plant development and have been used to increase yield of crops. Aiming to evaluate the effects on seed germination, seedling vigor, root growth and yield of wheat, peanut and sorghum plants, a liquid biostimulant containing kinetin, indolbutyric acid and gibberellic acid, was applied at increasing concentrations, through seed treatment. Also, to better elucidate the interactions among the hormonal classes of the components of the biostimulant, isolated and combined applications of auxin, cytokinin and gibberellin were accomplished on tomato test plants (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) from Micro-Tom cultivar. Experiments were carried out in the greenhouse of the Department of Biological Sciences at ESALQ/USP from January 2004 to August 2005. Data were submitted to polynomial regression and Tukey\'s test through SAS program. Combined applications of gibberellic acid, indolbutyric acid and kinetin or Stimulate ® promoted significative increases on dry matter accumulation on roots and fresh and dry matter mass of fruit of \'Micro-Tom\' ® tomato plants compared to the control. Stimulate ® at the concentrations of 3.5 to 5.0ml kg-1 of peanut seeds significantly increased the percentage of normal seedlings, hypocotyl and primary root length of seedlings, vertical and total root growth, vertical root growth speed, number and dry matter mass of pods and grains per plant of IAC-Tatu ST cultivar. On the experiments to determine production of sorghum plants Dow AgroScienc hybrid 822, Stimulate ® at the concentrations of 10 to 13ml kg-1 of seeds significantly increased dry matter mass of shoot, panicles and grains and panicle length. Stimulate ®, applied by seed treatment, from 3.5 to 5.0ml kg-1 of wheat seeds, promoted significative increases on plant height and shoot dry matter mass, number of tillers and spikes per plant. Increasing concentrations of the product promoted linear increases on vertical and total root growth and vertical root growth speed. The percentage of normal seedlings, seedling vigor, grain production per plant and yield were not influenced.

In vitro propagation of Dierama erectum.

Koetle, Motselisi Jane. January 2009 (has links)
Dierama is a genus of plants with a potential to be developed as ornamental plants. It falls under the Iridaceae family and comprises of 44 species. Dierama erectum Hilliard, an attractive species with horticultural potential is mainly found in rough wet grasslands. Its corms are used for enemas and treating stomach ailments in southern African traditional medicine. Due to its habitat transformation by afforestation and the exploitation of its underground parts (corms) in traditional medicine, this plant is among the most vulnerable and rare species within its genus. Seed parasitism by Urodon lilli also hampers its conventional propagation. The increase in demand for ornamental and medicinal plants increases pressure on wild plant populations. Micropropagation is a useful tool for clonal propagation of plants as it does not only help in alleviating pressure on wild plants but an effective micropropagation protocol could also provide a foundation for plant genetic transformation, which could result in the development and introduction of new ornamental varieties into commercial markets. This research was aimed at developing a micropropagation protocol for D. erectum to ensure readily available source material for medicinal and horticultural use as well as serving as an alternative for its conservation. Seed decontamination and germination were successful when 0.2% HgCl2 or 2.5% NaOCl + 1% Benlate® were used. However, for safety reasons, 2.5% NaOCl + 1% Benlate® was used in all subsequent experiments. The shoot regenerative capacity of leaf, hypocotyl and root explants obtained from in vitro germinated seedlings was evaluated by culturing them individually on MS medium supplemented with various concentrations of BA. Only hypocotyl explants produced adventitious shoots. Since no shoots or callus was produced from leaf and root explants, hypocotyl explants were used in the development of a micropropagation protocol. Different types and concentrations of cytokinins (BA, mT, KIN and Z) with or without NAA were evaluated for their effect on adventitious shoot production. Maximum shoot number per explant (4.20 ±0.51) was obtained in MS medium supplemented with 1.0 ìM Z after 8 weeks. This was followed by a combination of KIN (2.0 ìM) and NAA (0.5 ìM) resulting in a production of 3.67 ± 0.81 shoots per explant. For BA treatments, the highest shoot multiplication (3.20 ± 0.22 shoots per explant) was achieved when 2.0 ìM was combined with 1.0 ìM NAA. mT gave maximum shoot production (3.09 ± 0.99 shoots per explant) when 2.0 ìM mT was combined with 2.0 ìM NAA. The effects of photoperiod and light intensity were investigated for the purpose of optimizing shoot multiplication. An average of 12.73 ± 1.03 shoots per explant were obtained after 8 weeks from shoots grown in 16 h light at a 100 ìmol m-2 s-1 light intensity. The 24 h light treatments and a light intensity lower than 100 ìmol m-2 s-1 negatively affected growth and regeneration of D. erectum. These results highlighted the need for evaluating environmental conditions when developing micropropagation protocols. Corm induction experiments were done with the intention of facilitating acclimatization of D. erectum ex vitro. Various concentrations of ancymidol, activated charcoal and sucrose did not promote in vitro corm formation, thus auxins (IAA, IBA and NAA) were tested for their efficiency in rooting. Plants rooted successfully after 8 weeks on MS medium supplemented with 1.0 ìM IBA, yielded the longest roots (4.63 ± 0.70 cm) and an average root number of 2.73 ± 0.40. All NAA treatments resulted in stunted roots. Plants grown in vitro were potted in trays containing a 1:1 ratio of soil: vermiculite and placed in the mist house for 2 weeks. They were then transferred to the greenhouse for further acclimatization. After 2 months, plants had formed corms. The largest corms (0.45 ± 0.026 cm in diameter) were found in plants pre-treated with 0.5 ìM IBA. Maximum plant survival percentage (73%) was also associated with this treatment. A successful micropropagation system for Dierama erectum was therefore developed. The utilisation of this protocol can yield about 15137 plants from one explant in a year. This will expand our existing knowledge about micropropagation of plants in the genus Dierama and will be useful in the conservation of this species. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2009.

Micropropagation of tulbaghia species.

Ngunge, Viwe Nomzamo Precious. January 2011 (has links)
Tulbaghia (Alliaceae) is a genus of plants with medicinal, ornamental and nutritive value. Different plant parts such as roots, bulbs, leaves and flowers are used in the treatment of a variety of conditions. The bulbs of Tulbaghia violacea are used as a remedy for pulmonary tuberculosis as well as an anthelmintic. Due to the extensive harvesting of plants in this genus, the genus is susceptible to overexploitation and may eventually become threatened with extinction. It was therefore the aim of this study to systematically examine the micropropagation of Tulbaghia ludwigiana and Tulbaghia violacea, as well as to evaluate the antimicrobial and phytochemical properties of micropropagated plants. Seeds of T. ludwigiana and T. violacea were successfully decontaminated using 70% ethanol, 1% Benlate and 3.5% NaOCl. Temperature played a significant role in the germination of both species while light did not play a significant role in this process. Light did not play a significant role in the stomatal density of T. violacea seedlings. Hypocotyls were the regenerative part of the seedlings in both species. A low number of shoots was yielded by the combination of various concentrations of NAA and mTR in the growth medium in both species. There were more isoprenoid cytokinins than there were aromatic cytokinins in each of the seedling sections of T. violacea that were analysed, with tZ being the predominant isoprenoid cytokinin, while BA was the predominant aromatic cytokinin. Shoots of both species were successfully rooted in a medium with IBA, while some shoots had simultaneously rooted during shoot multiplication. Potting soil and vermiculite were used in the acclimatization of both species, where T. violacea plantlets acclimatized successfully. This was not the case for T. ludwigiana. Micropropagated T. violacea plantlets contained higher concentrations of phytochemical compounds and displayed better antibacterial activity than outdoor-grown plants. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2011.

An advanced evaluation of prohexadione-calcium on apple, pear, plum and nectarine trees

Meintjes, Jacobus Johannes 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / Full text to be digitised and attached to bibliographic record. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The control of excessive vegetative growth is important in deciduous fruit orchards. Currently the plant growth regulator prohexadione-calcium (p-Ca) is used to control apple shoot growth in the Untited States of America and some European countries. The effect of P-Ca on the shoot and fruit growth of apples (Malus domestica B.), pears (Pyrus cummunis L.), plums (Prunus sa/icina L.) and nectarines (Prunus persica L.) was evaluated. Inhibition of shoot growth can effect fruit growth. Therefore I did a literature review on the fruit growth of pome- and stone fruit. Split pit, a physiological disorder associated with an increased fruit growth rate in stone fruit, was also investigated. During the course of the 2001 / 2002 season two trials were conducted in the Villiersdorp area of the Western Cape on 'Golden Delicious' and 'Granny Smith' apple trees. Single and multiple applications of P-Ca at different rates, with and without the surfactant Dash®, were applied. One of these trials was continued during the 2002 / 2003 season. In the 2001 / 2002 season, P-Ca reduced shoot growth in both trials on 'Golden Delicious'. The shoot growth of 'Granny Smith' was reduced in both trials where PCa was applied three or four times. There was an improvement in the fruit size of 'Golden Delicious' in both trials, but there was no improvement in the fruit size of 'Granny Smith'. In the 2002 / 2003 season, the single P-Ca application did not reduce shoot growth. Unfortunately 'Golden Delicious' was harvested before any data were obtained. Once again P-Ca had no effect on the fruit size of 'Granny Smith'. Dash® did not improve the effect ofP-Ca. In the 2002 / 2003 season we replicated one trial on five different pear cultivars in the Wolsely area of the Western Cape. Single and multiple applications of P-Ca at different rates were compared to a girdling treatment (2 weeks after full bloom). 'Early Bon Chretien', 'Rosemarie', 'Flamingo', 'Forelle' and 'Packham's Triumph' pear trees were used and Dash®was added to all 0f the treatments. P-Ca reduced shoot growth in all of the pear cultivars. Girdling reduced shoot growth only in 'Forelle'. P-Ca increased fruit set of 'Early Bon Chretien', 'Rosemarie' and 'Forelle', however, this was associated with a reduced fruit size of 'Early Bon Chretien' and 'Rosemarie'. Girdling did not increase fruit set, but increased fruit size of 'Flamingo' and 'Early Bon Chretien'. P-Ca reduced return bloom of 'Packham's Triumph' and 'Forelle', whereas girdling increased return bloom in all the cultivars except 'Packham's Triumph'. In the 2002 / 2003 season, trials were also conducted on 'Pioneer' and 'Songold' plums and 'May Glo' nectarine in the Wemmershoek and Stellenbosch area of the Western Cape. Single applications at different rates of P-Ca were applied. Dash® was added to all of the treatments. The higher rates of P-Ca reduced the shoot growth of 'Pioneer'. P-Ca only reduced shoot growth of 'Songold' initially and but did not reduce shoot growth of 'May Glo'. P-Ca had no influence on fruit size of 'Pioneer', 'Songold' or 'May Glo'. P-Ca did not aggravate the occurrence of split pit. In conclusion, P-Ca reduced shoot growth in apples and pears when applied at the appropriate rates. Although P-Ca reduced shoot growth of 'Pioneer' plum, more research needs to be done on stone fruit to optimise timing and rate of P-Ca applications. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die beheer van oormatige lootgroei is van kardinale belang in vrugtebome. Tans word die plantgroeireguleerder proheksadioon-kalsium (P-Ca) gebruik om die lootgroei van appels te beheer in die Verenigde State van Amerika en sekere lande in Europa. Die effek van P-Ca op lootgroei en vruggrootte is in proewe op appels (Malus domestica B.), pere (Pyrus cummunis L.), pruime (Prunus salicina L.) en nekatriens (Prunus persica L.) geëvalueer. Aangesien lootgroei inhibisie moontlik vruggroei kan vesnel, is 'n literatuurstudie oor die vruggroei van kern-en steenvrugte gedoen. Die ontwikkelling van gesplete pit by steenvrugte ('n fisiologiese defek geassosieer met versnelde vruggroei) is ook ondersoek. Gedurende die 2001 / 2002 seisoen is P-Ca in twee afsonderlike proewe in die Villiersdorp area van die Wes Kaap geëvalueer. Enkel en veelvuldige toedienings van verskeie konsentrasies P-Ca, met en sonder die benatter Dash", is op 'Golden Delicious' en 'Granny Smith' bome toegedien. Een proef is herhaal gedurende die 2002 / 2003 seisoen. In die 2001 /2002 seisoen het die P-Ca behandelings in beide proewe die lootgroei van 'Golden Delicious' verminder. Die lootgroei van 'Granny Smith' is in beide proewe verminder waar P-Ca 3 of 4 keer toegedien is. Die vruggrootte van 'Golden Delicious', maar nie 'Granny Smith' nie, is in beide proewe deur die P-Ca verbeter. In die 2002 / 2003 seisoen kon die enkeltoedienings van P-Ca nie die lootgroei verminder van 'Golden Delicious' of 'Granny Smith' nie. 'Golden Delicious' is geoes voor enige inligting oor die vruggrootte ingesamel kon word. Weereens het PCa geen invloed op die vruggrootte van 'Granny Smith' gehad nie. Dash® het nie die effek van P-Ca verbeter nie.In die 2002 / 2003 seisoen is proewe met P-Ca gedoen op 5 verskillende peer kultivars in die Wolsely area van die Wes Kaap. P-Ca is teen verskillende konsentrasies, met enkel en veelvuldige bespuitings toegedien en vergelyk met 'n ringelerings behandeling (2 weke na volblom). 'Early Bon Chretien', 'Rosemarie', 'Flamingo', 'Forelle' en 'Packham's Triumph' bome is gebruik en die benatter Dash® is by al die behandelings gevoeg P-Ca toedienings het lootgroei verminder in 'Early Bon Chretien', 'Rosemarie', 'Flamingo', 'Forelle' en 'Packham's Triumph'. Ringelering kon slegs die lootgroei van 'Forelle' verminder. P-Ca het die vrugset van 'Early Bon Chretien', 'Rosemarie'en 'Forelle' verhoog. Die toename in vrugset het gelei tot 'n afname in die vruggrootte van 'Early Bon Chretien' en 'Rosemarie'. Ringelering het die vruggrootte van 'Flamingo' en 'Early Bon Chretien' verbeter. P-Ca het 'n afname in die hoeveelheid reproduktiewe knoppe in die volgende seisoen, van 'Packham's Triumph' en 'Forelle' veroorsaak. Ringelering het 'n toename in die hoeveelheid vegetatiewe knoppe in die volgende seisoen gehad vir al die kultivars, behalwe 'Packham's Triumph'. Geduerende dieselfde seisoen is daar ook proewe gedoen op 'Pioneer' en 'Songold' pruime en 'May Glo' nektarienbome in onderskeidelik die Wemmershoek en Stellenbosch areas van die Wes Kaap. Bome is met enkel toedienings van verskillende konsentrasies P-Ca behandel en die benatter Dash® is by al die behandelings bygevoeg. Die hoër dosisse P-Ca het die lootgroei van 'Pioneer' verminder. P-Ca kon slegs die aanvanklike lootgroei op 'Songold' verminder en kon nie lootgroei van 'May Glo' beperk nie. P-Ca het geen invloed op die vruggrootte van 'Pioneer', 'Songold' of 'May Glo' gehad nie. P-Ca het nie die voorkoms van gesplete-pit vererger nie. Om saam te vat kan gesê word dat P-Ca lootgroei op appels en pere goed beperk teen die regte konsentrasies. Alhoewel P-Ca lootgroei suksesvol beheer het op 'Pioneer', moet daar meer werk gedoen word op steenvrugte.

Shoot growth control of apple, pear and plum trees with prohexadione-calcium

Smit, Mariska 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Excessive shoot growth of fruit trees may have various negative effects. These include a decrease in fruit set, fruit size, red colour and in return bloom. Cultural practices that are currently in use, such as the use of dwarfing rootstocks, girdling and pruning do not always give sufficient shoot growth control. The use of plant growth retardants, in combination with these cultural practices, offer additional possibilities. Trials were conducted to evaluate the effect of the new plant growth retardant prohexadione-calcium (P-Ca) on apple, pear and plum shoot growth. In addition, the effect of P-Ca on fruit set, fruit size, yield, fruit quality and return bloom were also evaluated. During the 1999/2000 season P-Ca was applied to full bearing twelfth leaf 'Golden Delicious' trees on M793 rootstock, twenty-sixth leaf 'Granny Smith' trees on seedling rootstock, ninth leaf 'Royal Gala' trees on M793 rootstock, seventh leaf 'Rosemarie' trees on seedling rootstock and eighth leaf 'Songold' trees on 'Marianna' rootstock in the Villiersdorp area in the Western Cape (33°59' S, 19°17' E; ca. 365 m a.s.l.; Mediterranean climate). P-Ca was applied at concentrations of 3 x 50, 4 x 50 and 3 x 67 mg.l' to the apple trees. The first application was at petal drop with no surfactant added with any of the treatments. P-Ca was applied at concentrations of2 x 62.5,125,250 and 2 x 125 mg.l" to the pear and plum trees. The first application was at petal drop and pit-hardening for the pear and plum trees respectively. Agral-90 was used as surfactant only with the first spray applied to the pear trees. During the 2000/2001 season the same 'Golden Delicious' and 'Royal Gala' trees were used as in the 1999/2000 season. Thirteenth leaf 'Granny Smith' trees on M793 rootstock in the Villiersdorp area were used. Sixth leaf 'Rosemarie' trees on BP3 rootstock, fifth leaf 'Golden Russet Bose' trees on BP3 rootstock, seventh leaf 'Forelle' trees on BP3 rootstock and 16th leaf 'Packham's Triumph' trees on seedling rootstock in the Wolseley area in the Western Cape were used. P-Ca was again applied at concentrations of 3 x 50,4 x 50 and 3 x 67 mg.l' to the apple trees. The first application in the 'Golden Delicious' and 'Granny Smith' trees was at full bloom and at petal drop in the 'Royal Gala' trees. The last application was at 45 days before harvest. No surfactant was added with any of the sprays. P-Ca was applied at concentrations of 50, 75, 150, 2 x 50,2 x 75 and 3 x 50 mg.l" to the pear trees with the first spray when 4 to 5 leaves were unfolded and the last one 45 days before harvest. Agral-90 was added as surfactant with all the pear sprays. The pear trial also included a girdling treatment. P-Ca effectively inhibited shoot growth of all three apple cultivars in both seasons. Regrowth occurred in both seasons in all the cultivars, therefore it is not clear which treatment(s) is optimal for reducing shoot growth. P-Ca increased fruit size in 'Royal Gala' in the 1999/2000 season and decreased yield expressed as kg fruit harvested 1 em trunk circumference in 'Golden Delicious' in the 2000/2001 season. This reduction in yield can be attributed to the low number of flower clusters in the spring of 2000 following P-Ca treatment in 1999. P-Ca decreased the number of developed seeds in 'Royal Gala' in both seasons and increased the number of seeds with aborted embrios in the 200012001 season. After four weeks of cold storage (± 5°C) and one week at room temperature (± 20°C), P-Ca had no effect on the occurrence of bitter pit in 'Golden Delicious'. The 'Granny Smith' trees were harvested before fruit analysis could be done in the 2000/2001 season. In pear, girdling was not effective in inhibiting shoot growth in any of the cultivars, but P-Ca proved to be an effective inhibitor of shoot growth of 'Rosemarie' and 'Golden Russet Bose', and to a lesser degree 'Packham's Triumph', but not 'Forelle'. Despite the re-growth that occurred ca. four weeks after harvest in 'Rosemarie' in the 2000/20001 season, it appears that a single high rate (250 and 150 mg.l' for the 1999/2000 and 2000/2001 seasons respectively) P-Ca application is more effective than a single low rate or multiple low rates in inhibiting shoot growth. In the 200012001 season P-Ca increased fruit set in 'Rosemarie' and 'Forelle'. In both seasons P-Ca reduced 'Rosemarie' fruit size while girdling increased 'Forelle' and 'Packham's Triumph' fruit size in 2000/2001. P-Ca increased 'Rosemarie' fruit firmness and 'Forelle' fruit colour in the 2000/2001 season and decreased the percentage of 'Packham's Triumph' fruit with cork spot. Girdling increased 'Packham's Triumph' fruit colour and TSS concentration while decreasing fruit firmness in 2000/2001. P-Ca reduced return bloom in 'Forelle' and 'Packham's Triumph' in 2001, while girdling increased 'Golden Russet Bose' and 'Forelle' return bloom. Due to poor flowering and thus low fruit number in 'Golden Russet Bose', fruit set in 2000 could not be determined and no fruit analysis could be done. In 'Songold' all four P-Ca treatments inhibited shoot growth, but the 2 x 125 mg.l' treatment were the most effective, both in terms of total shoot growth and in reduction of the re-growth that occurred ca. two weeks before the first commercial harvest date. P-Ca increased fruit firmness and decreased TSS concentration both at harvest and after four weeks of cold storage at dual temperature (10 days at -O.soC + 18 days at 7.S°C). In conclusion P-Ca is an effective inhibitor of shoot growth of the apples 'Golden Delicious', 'Granny Smith' and 'Royal Gala', the pears 'Rosemarie', 'Golden Russet Bose' and 'Packham's Triumph' and the plum 'Songold', but more work is needed to control re-growth. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Oormatige lootgroei van vrugtebome kan verskeie negatiewe effekte tot gevolg he, insluitende 'n afname in vrugset, vruggrootte, rooi kleur en 'n verlaging in die daaropvolgende jaar se blom. Boordpraktyke soos die gebruik van dwergende onderstamme, ringelering en snoei, beheer nie altyd lootgroei doeltreffend nie. Die gebruik van groeireguleerders, in kombinasie met hierdie boordpraktyke, bied bykomende geleenthede. Proewe is uitgevoer om die effek van die nuwe groeireguleerder proheksadioon-kalsium (PCa) op appel, peer en pruim lootgroei te evalueer. Die effek van P-Ca op vrugset, vruggrootte, opbrengs, vrugkwalitiet en die daaropvolgende jaar se blom is ook geevalueer. Gedurende die 1999/2000 seisoen is P-Ca toegedien aan voldraende twaalfde blad 'Golden Delicious' bome op M793 onderstamme, ses-en-twintigste blad 'Granny Smith' bome op saailing onderstamme, negende blad 'Royal Gala' bome op M793 onderstamme, sewende blad 'Rosemarie' bome op saailing onderstamme en agste blad 'Songold' bome op 'Marianna' onderstamme in die Villiersdorp area in die Wes Kaap (33°25' S, 19°12' 0; ligging ong. 270 m.; Meditereense klimaat). P-Ca is aan die appelbome toegedien teen konsentrasies van 3 x 50, 4 x 50 en 3 x 67 mg.l' met die eerste toediening by blomblaarval. Geen benatter is by enige van die toedienings gevoeg nie. P-Ca is aan die peer- en pruimbome toegedien teen konsentrasies van 2 x 62.5, 125, 250 en 2 x 125 mg.l' met die eerste toediening by blomblaarval en pitverharding vir onderskeidelik die peer- en pruimbome. Agral-90 is as benatter gebruik slegs saam met die eerste toediening op die peerbome. Tydens die 2000/2001 seisoen is dieselfde 'Golden Delicious' en 'Royal Gala' bome gebruik as in die 1999/2000 seisoen. Derde blad 'Granny Smith' bome op M793 onderstamme in die Villiersdorp area is gebruik. Sesde blad 'Rosemarie' bome op BP3 onderstamme, vyfde blad 'Golden Russet Bose' bome op BPI onderstamme, sewende blad 'Forelle' bome op BP3 onderstamme en sestiende blad 'Packham's Triumph' bome op saailing onderstamme in die Wolseley area in die Wes Kaap is gebruik. P-Ca is weereens aan die appelbome toegedien teen konsentrasies van 3 x 50, 4 x 50 en 3 x 67 mg.l". Die eerste toediening aan die 'Golden Delicious' en 'Granny Smith' bome was by volblom en die eerste toediening aan die 'Royal Gala' bome by blomblaarval. Die laaste toediening is 45 dae voor oes gedoen. Geen benatter is met enige van die toedienings bygevoeg nie. P-Ca is aan die peerbome toegedien teen konsentrasies van 50, 75, 150,2 x 50, 2 x 75 en 3 x 50 mg.l' met die eerste toediening toe vier tot vyf blare ontvou was en die laaste een 45 dae voor oes. Agral-90 is as benatter gebruik met al die peer bespuitings. By die peer proef is ook 'n ringeleer behandeling ingesluit. In beide seisoene het P-Ca die lootgroei van al drie appel kultivars verminder. Hergroei het in beide seisoene in al drie kultivars plaasgevind. Dit is dus onduidelik watter behandeling(s) optimaal is vir lootgroei beheer. In die 1999/2000 seisoen het P-Ca 'Royal Gala' vruggrootte verbeter. In die 2000/2001 seisoen is 'Golden Delicious' opbrengs, uitgedruk as kg vrugte geoes / cm stamomtrek, verlaag. Hierdie verlaging in opbrengs kan toegeskryf word aan die lae blom aantal in die lente van 2000 wat gevolg het op die P-Ca behandeling in 1999. In beide seisoene het P-Ca die aantal ontwikkelde sade in 'Royal Gala' verminder terwyl die aantal sade met geaborteerde embrios verhoog is in die 2000/2001 seisoen. Na vier weke koelopberging (± 5°C) en een week by kamertemperatuur (± 20°C) het P-Ca geen effek op die voorkoms van bitterpit in 'Golden Delicious' gehad nie. Die 'Granny Smith' bome is in die 2000/2001 seisoen geoes voordat enige data ingesamel kon word. Ringelering het geen effek op lootgroei gehad in enige van die peer kultivars nie, maar P-Ca het lootgroei effektief beheer in 'Rosemarie' en 'Golden Russet Bose' en tot 'n mindere mate 'Packham's Triumph', maar het geen effek op 'Forelle' lootgroei gehad nie. Ten spyte van die hergroei wat voorgekom het in die 'Rosemarie' bome ongeveer vier weke na oes in die 2000/2001 seisoen, wil dit voorkom asof P-Ca toegedien teen 'n enkele hoe konsentrasie (250 en 150 mg.l' vir die 1999/2000 en 2000/2001 seisoene onderskeidelik) meer effektief was om lootgroei te beheer as 'n enkele lae konsentrasie of veelvuldige lae konsentrasies. P-Ca het vrugset in 'Rosemarie' en 'Forelle' verhoog in die 2000/2001 seisoen. In beide seisoene het P-Ca 'Rosemarie' vruggrootte verlaag terwyl ringelering 'Forelle' en 'Packham's Triumph' vruggrootte verbeter het in die 2000/2001 seisoen. P-Ca het 'Rosemarie' vrugfermheid en 'Forelle' vrugkleur verhoog in die 2000/2001 seisoen en die aantal 'Packham's Triumph' vrugte met kurkvlek verlaag. Ringelering het 'Packham's Triumph' vrugkleur en TSSkonsentrasie verhoog, maar vrugfermheid verlaag in die 2000/2001 seisoen. P-Ca het die aantal blomme in 'Forelle' en 'Packham's Triumph' verlaag in 2001, terwyl ringelering blom in 'Golden Russet Bosc' en 'Forelle' verhoog het. As gevolg van 'n lae blom- en dus vruggetal in 'Golden Russet Bosc' kon vrugset In 2000 nie bepaal word nie en geen vrugontledings kon gedoen word nie. Al vier P-Ca behandelings het lootgroei in 'Songold' beheer, maar die 2 x 12S mg.l' toediening was die effektiefste, beide in terme van totale lootgroei en in beheer van die hergroei wat ongeveer twee weke voor die eerste kommersieele oesdatum plaasgevind het. PCa het vrugfermheid verhoog en die TSS-konsentrasie verlaag, beide tydens oes en na vier weke koelopberging by dubbel temperatuur (10 dae by -O.soC + 18 dae by 7.S0C). Om saam te vat kan gese word dat P-Ca 'n effektiewe inhibeerder van lootgroei van die appels 'Golden Delicious', 'Granny Smith' en 'Royal Gala', die pere 'Rosemarie', 'Golden Russet Bosc' en 'Packham's Triumph' en die pruim 'Songold' is. Meer werk is egter nodig om die hergroei te beheer.

Métodos combinados para destanização e conservação pós-colheita de caquis \'Giombo\' / Combined methods for astringency removal and postharvest storage of Giombo persimmon

Felipe de Angelis Monteiro Terra 15 October 2010 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo verificar a possibilidade de combinação de diferentes técnicas de pós-colheita em caquis cv. Giombo destanizados com álcool etílico, visando o aumento da conservação pós-colheita desses frutos através da manutenção da firmeza de polpa durante o armazenamento. Para tanto, aplicou-se o armazenamento refrigerado, associado à aplicação de 1-metilciclopropeno e destanização através de vapores de álcool etílico. No primeiro experimento os frutos foram acondicionados em câmaras de destanização, sendo submetidos à dosagem fixa de álcool etílico (3,50 mL Kg-1) durante 12 horas e a aplicação de uma dosagem fixa de 1000 nL L-1 de 1-metilciclopropeno (1-MCP) também durante 12 horas, sendo que a diferenciação entre os tratamentos foi obtida de acordo com o momento da destanização, da aplicação de 1-MCP e da combinação entre eles. Todos os frutos foram armazenados durante 30 dias sob refrigeração a 5 ± 1°C e 90 ± 5% UR e, posteriormente, em temperatura ambiente (25°C e 90 ± 5% UR) durante 15 dias. No segundo experimento, os frutos de caqui foram acondicionados em câmaras de destanização e submetidos aos mesmos processos do primeiro experimento. Os tratamentos foram obtidos através da combinação entre o momento da destanização e aplicação do 1-MCP e após serem submetidos aos tratamentos, sendo que a aplicação do 1-MCP foi realizada antes, durante ou após a destanização. Os frutos foram armazenados a temperatura ambiente (25 ± 1°C e 90 ± 5% UR) durante 15 dias. As determinações realizadas foram: firmeza de polpa, índice de adstringência, pH, teor de sólidos solúveis, teor de taninos solúveis, cor de casca e cor de polpa. As avaliações foram realizadas antes da aplicação dos tratamentos (caracterização do fruto), 1 dia após o tratamento e a cada 2 dias sucessivamente, durante 15 dias. No primeiro experimento os frutos tratados com 1-MCP e os frutos do controle apresentaram maior firmeza de polpa no final do período de análises em relação aqueles tratados apenas com etanol. Em contrapartida, os frutos que foram submetidos ao etanol apresentaram rápida perda de adstringência enquanto os frutos não tratados e aqueles tratados apenas com 1-MCP se mantiveram adstringentes durante os 15 dias de análises. No segundo experimento, resultados semelhantes aos do primeiro experimento foram obtidos em relação à diminuição da adstringência, com a ressalva de que essa diminuição ocorreu mais lentamente. Em relação à firmeza de polpa dos frutos poucas diferenças foram observadas até o final do período de armazenamento, quando os frutos tratados com 1-MCP se mostraram um pouco mais firmes que os outros. A aplicação de 1-MCP (1000 nL L-1) não interfere na remoção de adstringência com etanol em caquis Giombo armazenados sob refrigeração e a temperatura ambiente, além de permitir a manutenção da firmeza dos frutos. O 1-MCP, quando aplicado isoladamente, retarda o amadurecimento e a remoção natural da adstringência. / The present work had aimed to verify the possibility of combine different postharvest techniques in Giombo persimmon, submitted to astringency removal process with ethyl alcohol, aiming to enhance de postharvest conservation of these fruits trough the maintenance of flesh firmness during storage. To achieve this, different kinds of technologies already in use in postharvest of vegetables products, as cold storage, application of 1-methylcyclopropene and astringency removal using ethyl alcohol, were combined. In a first experiment persimmon were packed in astringency removal chambers, being undertaken to an unchanged dose of ethyl alcohol (3.50 mL Kg-1) during 12 hours and to an application of an unchanged dose of 1,000 nL L-1 of 1- methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) also during 12 hours. The differentiation between treatments was obtained according to the moment of astringency removal process, of 1- MCP application and the combination among them. All fruit were stored during 30 days under refrigeration at 5 ± 1°C e 90 ± 5% RH and after this period the fruits were stored at room temperatures (25°C and 90 ± 5% RH) during 15 days. In the second experiment, as in the previous experiment, fruit were packed in astringency removal chambers and were undertaken to the same procedures already described above, being utilized the same dosages. The treatments were obtained according the moment of astringency removal process and 1-MCP application, being that the 1-MCP application were made before, during or after the astringency removal process. After being undertaken to the treatments, fruit were stored at room temperature (25 ± 1°C and 90 ± 5% RH) during 15 days. The parameters analyzed were pulp firmness, astringency index, pH, soluble solids content, soluble tannins content, peel color and pulp color. The evaluation was performed before treatments application (fruit characterization), at the first day after treatments application and then every other day during 15 days. In the first experiment fruits treated with 1-MCP and fruit from control presented higher flesh firmness at the end of analyses period in relation to those treated only with ethanol. However, fruit undertaken to ethanol presented quick astringency loss while not treated fruits and fruits treated only with 1-MCP maintained astringency during the 15 days of analyses. In the second experiment, the results obtained were similar to those of the first experiment in relation to astringency losses, but in this experiment, astringency loss took a few more days to happen. In relation to fruit flesh firmness few differences were observed until the end of storage period, when fruit treated with 1-MCP were a little firmer than the others. The application of 1-MCP (1,000 nL L-1) does not interfere on ethanol astringency removal of Giombo persimmons previously stored in cold temperatures or not and it decelerate firmness losses on these fruits. The 1-MCP, when applied alone, slows ripening and natural astringency loss.

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