Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cplasma cells"" "subject:"8plasma cells""
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Audinių kepenų morfologiniai pokyčiai / Morfological changes in the mink liverPranskūnienė, Laura 05 March 2014 (has links)
Audinių augintojai susiduria su įvairiomis problemomis taip pat ir kepenų ligomis, nes jos labai paplito tarp kailinių žvėrelių. Sergamumas turi neigiamą įtaka našumui, kailių kokybei, gyvybingumui. Todėl ieškoma susirgimo priežaščių ir būdų, kaip normalizuoti kailinių žvėrelių medžiagų apykaitą ir sumažinti sergamumą.
Darbo tikslas: ištirti X ūkyje auginamų audinių kepenų pokyčių dažnumą ir patologinius morfologinius pokyčius.
Darbo uždaviniai:
• Nustatyti kepenų patologijų dažnumą audinėms ir įvertinti veiksnius, lemiančius kepenų pokyčius
• Įvertinti tiriamų audinių makroskopinius ir mikroskopinius kepenų pakitimus,
• Ištirti hepatozių, hepatitų pasireiškimą, atliekant patologinį anatominį ir histologinį tyrimus
• Susieti plazmocitų infiltraciją kepenyse su kitais nustatomais pokyčiais organuose.
Darbo atlikimo metodika: Patologiniam tyrimui buvo naudojami audinių lavonėliai, kurie buvo pristatyti į patologijos skyrių po eutanazijos ir kailiuko nudyrimo. Atlikti histologiniai ir morfologiniai kepenų tyrimai. Skrodžiant audines makroskopiškai įvertinta kepenų ir kitų organų (inkstų ir blužnies) patologiniai pokyčiai.
Histologiniai preparatai dažyti hematoksilinu – eozinu.
Rezultatai. Kepenų pakitimai nustatyti 93 proc. tirtų audinių. Dažniausiai pasitaikęs kepenų pokytis buvo – lipidozė 78 proc.. Taip pat buvo nustatyta negausi plazminių ląstelių infiltracija 17 proc., hepatitas 48 proc., nekrozė 30 proc., ląstelių pabrinkimas 17 proc., hepatocitų degeneracija 7proc... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Work object : to investigate in the most common liver patomorphological and patohistological findings in X farm minks liver tissue. Work tasks: • To determine the frequency of liver pathology and evaluation of the factors leading to the minks liver changes. • To investigate microscopical and morphological changes the liver tissue. • To investigate the occurrence of liver hepatosis and hepatitis during the anatomical and pathological research. Material and methods of the research. 50 mink autopsies have been performed. Detailed investigation of liver pathologic changes were done. Hematoxylin eosin had been used as a staining method of histological sections. Changes of plasmacytosis in liver had been analysed microscopically and morphologically. Results and findings. It was found that liver pathologies in mink are frequent. Established over 93 % cases from investigated minks. Mostly diagnosed liver changes in mink lipidosis 78 %. Also have been diagnosed plasma cells infiltration also called plasmacytosis 17 %, hepatitis 48 %, necrosis 30 %, cell swelling 17 %, hepatocytes degeneration 7 %, amyloidosis 4 %. Together with a plasmocytosis some other pathologies was present: liver lipidosis and inflammation 75 %, cell swelling 25%, hemosiderosis and necrosis 50 %.
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Audinių inkstų patologijų dažnumas ir patologiniai morfologiniai pakitimai x žverėlių ūkyje / Mink kidney pathology rate ant pathologic morphologic changes in x farmServanski, Robert 05 March 2014 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas: išsiaiškinti audinių inkstų patomorfologinius pokyčius ir inkstų pokyčių dažnumą žverėlių ūkyje. Taipogi nustatyti patologinius anatominius inkstų pakitimus, įvertinti mikroskopinius audinių inkstų pokyčius. Įvertinti ryšį tarp plazmocitozės su kitais morfologiniais pokyčiais. Tyrime atlikta, 50 audinių skrodimai. Atliktas detalus inkstų patologinių pokyčių tyrimas. Histologinėms sekcijoms dažymui naudoti hematoksilinas eozinas ir sirijaus raudonasis. Plazmocitozės pakitimai, inkstuose buvo analizuojami mikroskopiškai ir morfologiškai. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad inkstų patologijos audinėms yra dažnos žverėlių ūkyje Lietuvoje. Nustatyta 88 % atvėjai iš tirtų audinių. Dažniausiai diagnozuoti inkstų pokyčiai, buvo plazminių ląstelių infiltracija, dar vadinama plazmocitozė 36%. Taip pat buvo diagnozuoti skirtingų tipų glomerulonefritai: minimalių pokyčių nefropatija 2%, ūmus nefritas 8%, židininė segmentinė glomerulosklerozė 14%, endokapiliarinis proliferacinis glomerulonefritas 6%, intersticinis nefritas 6%. Kartu su glomerulonefritais buvo ir kitų patologijų: inkstų lipidozė 6%, baltymų degeneracija 18%, Kanalėlių nekrozė 4%, Inksto infarktas 2%, Hemosiderozė 6%, podagra 2 % amiloidozė 2%, ir perivaskulitas 4%. / Mink kidney pathology rate ant pathologic morphologic changes in x farm.
Kaunas, 2014
The coverage of work 43 table 6 picture 22
Reading list of : 55 sources
Objectives and tasks of the research work to investigate mink kidney patomorphological changes and kidney alteration rate in x farm. Also establish patological anatomical kidney alterations, evaluate microscopic mink renal variation. Plasmacytosis infiltration in kidney evaluate connection with others pathologic morphologic alterations.
Material and methods of the research. 50 mink autopsies have been performed. Detailed investigation of renal pathologic changes were done. Hematoxylin eosin and sirius red had been used as a staining method of histological sections. Changes of plasmacytosis in kidneys had been analysed microscopically and morphologically.
Results and findings. It was found that renal pathologies in mink are frequent in X farm in Lithuania. Established over 88 % cases from investigated minks. Mostly diagnosed renal changes in mink was plasma cells infiltration also called plasmacytosis 36 %. Also have been diagnosed different types of GN : minimal change disease 2%, acute nephritis 8%, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGN) 14%, endocapillary proliferative (EPGN) 6%, intersticial nephritis 6%.
Together with a glomerulonephritis some other pathologies was present: renal lipidosis 6%, cell swelling 18%, tubular necrosis 4%, renal infarct 2%, hemosiderosis 6%, gout 2 % amiloidosis 2%, and perivasculitis... [to full text]
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Natural history and pathogenesis of IgG4-related diseaseCulver, Emma L. January 2015 (has links)
IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) is a systemic fibro-inflammatory condition characterised by elevated serum IgG4 and an abundance of IgG4 plasma cells in involved organs. The natural history of disease and pathogenic mechanisms are poorly understood, and are explored in this thesis. The diagnosis of IgG4-RD is a challenge. Evidence to support a serum IgG4 level of 2.8g/l in differentiating IgG4-RD from non-IgG4-RD conditions, a serum IgG1:IgG4 ratio of 0.24 in differentiating IgG4-sclerosing cholangitis from primary sclerosing cholangitis with elevated serum IgG4, and the role of serum IgE in those with a history of allergy and atopy is provided. Furthermore, observational data highlighting new environmental risk factors and disease associations are revealed. Despite being considered a benign corticosteroid-responsive condition, evidence for disease relapse, organ dysfunction and failure, malignancy and mortality in a prospective cohort is shown. Patterns of disease presentation and levels of serum IgG4 and IgE at diagnosis are used to identify those who relapse and develop multi-organ disease. A single antigen initiating disease has yet to be found. Polyclonal IgG4 responses to multiple environmental antigens in IgG4-RD are reported, and evidence against Helicobacter pylori plasminogen binding peptide as a microbial antigen is shown. Novel HLA class II associations, linked to disease susceptibility in a UK cohort provide support for immune-mediated pathogenesis. Gene expression analysis implicates cytokines in driving IgG4 switch and proliferation, chemokines in trafficking and homing of lymphocytes to end organs, complement proteins in the classical and lectin pathways, and members of the TGF-beta pathway as putative immune drivers of disease. Differences in the phenotype of IgG1 and IgG4 B cells in health and IgG4-RD are reported, including responses to complement activation and immune complexes. Finally, elevated IgE levels, the presence of IgE-positive mast cells in involved tissues, and up-regulation of the Fc-Epsilon receptor on the surface of IgG4 cells, support the role of an IgE-mediated response.
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Editorial: Metabolic conditions of chronic inflammatory diseasesSaalbach, Anja, Kunz, Manfred 06 February 2025 (has links)
No description available.
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Etude du mécanisme d'action chez l'homme d'un peptide immunomodulateur de la maladie lupique / Study ot the mechanism of action in humans of an immunomodulator of lupus diseaseWilhelm, Maud 05 September 2016 (has links)
Le lupus érythémateux disséminé est une maladie autoimmune systémique déclenchée par une combinaison de facteurs génétiques, hormonaux et environnementaux. Il se caractérise notamment par la présence d’autoanticorps dirigés principalement contre des éléments nucléaires. Les traitements proposés aux patients sont essentiellement palliatifs et non curatifs et engendrent de nombreux effets secondaires indésirables. Des nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques plus spécifiques sont basées sur l’utilisation de peptides dérivés d’autoantigènes. Le peptide P140, découvert au laboratoire, est un candidat prometteur dans ce domaine. Il correspond à la séquence 131-151 de la protéine splicéosomale U1-70K et est chimiquement phosphorylé sur le résidu sérine 140. Son administration à des souris lupiques MRL/lpr diminue la sévérité des symptômes sans effet immunosuppresseur. Il est actuellement évalué chez l’homme dans un essai clinique de phase III. Le mécanisme d’action du peptide P140 commence à être bien connu chez la souris lupique. Récemment, mon équipe à montré que le peptide P140 affecte directement ou indirectement deux formes d’autophagie, la macroautophagie et l’autophagie médiée par les chaperonnes (CMA). De plus, il réduit l’expression des molécules du CMH-II ce qui conduirait à une baisse de la présentation antigénique et à une diminution de l’activation des LT autoréactifs. Finalement, une baisse de la production des autoanticorps, notamment des anticorps reconnaissant l’ADN double brin est observée suite à l’injection du peptide aux souris. L’objectif de mon projet de thèse a été de consolider ces résultats et également d’étudier le mode d’action du peptide chez l’homme puisque ceci n’avait pas encore été fait. Nous avons démontré que comme chez la souris, le peptide P140 réduit l’expression des molécules du CMH-II à la surface des LB de patients lupiques. De plus, nous avons montré que plus le score d’activité de la maladie est élevé, plus l’effet du peptide sur l’expression du CMH-II est important. En revanche, bien que nous ayons confirmé la dérégulation de la macroautophagie dans les LT CD8+ de patients, le peptide P140 ne semble pas affecter ce processus cellulaire. Nous étudions actuellement l’effet du peptide sur la CMA. Enfin, nous avons montré que chez la souris MRL/lpr et chez l’homme, le peptide P140 réduit le nombre de plasmablastes. Cette altération de la différenciation des LB conduit à une baisse de la production des IgM et des IgG, ce qui explique son effet bénéfique sur la maladie lupique. / Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a systemic autoimmune disease triggered by genetic, hormonal and environmental factors. It is mainly characterized by the presence of autoantibodies directed against nuclear elements. Most of current treatments proposed to patients are palliative and not curative and lead to numerous side effects. New therapeutical strategies are based on the use of peptides derivated from autoantigens. The P140 peptide discovered in our laboratory is a promising candidate. It corresponds to the 131-151 sequence of the U1-70K spliceosomal protein and is phosphorylated on ser140 residue. Its administration to MRL/lpr lupus-prone mice reduces symptom severity without immunosuppressive effect. It is currently evaluated in phase III of clinical trial. The mechanism of action of P140 peptide has been mostly elucidated in lupus mice. Recently, my team has shown that P140 peptide affects direclty or indireclty macroautophagy and chaperone-mediated autophagy (CMA), two major forms of autophagy. Furthermore, it reduces the expression of MHC class II molecules, which leads to the decrease of antigenic peptide presentation and activation of autoreactive T cells. Finally, a reduction of autoantibodies levels against double stranded DNA is shown after P140 injection in mice. The aim of my thesis project was to consolidate these data and to study the mode of action of P140 in humans since this was not done until now. We have shown that like in lupus-prone mice, P140 peptide reduces expression of MHC-II molecules on the surface of B cells from SLE patients. Furthermore, we have demonstrated that higher the disease activity score was, higher the effect of P140 peptide was. Unfortunately, although we confirmed the dysregulation of macroautophagy in CD8+ T cells from SLE patients, P140 peptide does not seem to affect this cellular process. We are currently studying the effect of the peptide on CMA. Finally, we have shown that in both MRL/lpr mice and humans, P140 peptide reduces the number of plasmabasts. This alteration of B cell differentiation lead to the decrease of IgM and IgG production, thus explaining the P140’ benefical effect on the course of lupus disease.
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Defensins and cytokines in inflammatory bowel disease /Rahman, Arman, January 2007 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Univ., 2007. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.
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Estudo de conjugação do anticorpo anti-CD20 para marcação com radionuclídeos metálicos ou lantanídeos / The study of conjugation of anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody for labeling with metalic or lanthanides radionuclidesAKANJI, AKINKUNMI G. 17 November 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Pedro Silva Filho (pfsilva@ipen.br) on 2017-11-17T17:17:04Z
No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2017-11-17T17:17:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Linfomas são cânceres que se iniciam a partir da transformação maligna de um linfócito no sistema linfático. Os linfomas são divididos em duas categorias principais: os linfomas de Hodgkin e todos os outros linfomas, denominados linfomas não-Hodgkin (LNH). Os pacientes com LNH são comumente tratados com radioterapia apenas ou combinada com quimioterapia utilizando-se de anticorpo monoclonal anti-CD20, principalmente o rituximab (MabThera®). O uso de anticorpos monoclonais (Acm) conjugados à quelantes bifuncionais radiomarcados com radionuclídeos metálicos ou lantanídeos é uma realidade de tratamento para portadores de LNH pelo princípio de radioimunoterapia (RIT). Este estudo concentrou-se nas condições de conjugação do anticorpo monoclonal rituximab (MabThera®) com grupamentos quelantes bifuncionais DOTA e DTPA. Na marcação dos Acm conjugados com lutécio-177, foram estudadas as condições de pré-purificação do Acm, condições de conjugação, determinação de número de quelantes acoplados à molécula do anticorpo, purificação do anticorpo conjugado, radiomarcação do anticorpo conjugado, com lutécio-177, purificação do anticorpo marcado, a ligação específica in vitro dos compostos marcados às células Raji, e distribuição biológica em camundongos BALB/c sadios. As três metodologias empregadas na pré-purificação do anticorpo (diálise, cromatografia de exclusão molecular com coluna Sephadex G-50 e ultrafiltração) demonstram-se eficientes e proporcionaram recuperação da amostra superior a 90%. A metodologia de ultrafiltração foi considerada a mais simples e prática, podendo ser aplicada a procedimentos rotineiros de produção de radiofármacos. Além disso, proporcionou a recuperação final de amostra de 97% em microlitros. Nas conjugações do anticorpo com os quelantes DOTA e DTPA em razões molares diferentes do Acm:quelante, observou-se número de grupamentos quelantes acoplados à molécula do Acm proporcional à razão molar estudada. Quando foi avaliada a influência de condições diferentes de conjugação no número de quelantes acoplados à molécula do Acm, não foram observadas diferenças significativas, com resultados de pureza radioquímica (PR) inferior a 80% em todas as condições estudadas. Na comparação de métodos de purificação do Acm conjugado, a abordagem inédita apresentada neste estudo, na qual a cromatografia de exclusão molecular foi combinada com a ultrafiltração resultou em maior eficiência na purificação e preservação da estrutura do anticorpo. Nos estudos de radiomarcação do anticorpo conjugado com DOTA e DTPA, os imunoconjugados de DTPA apresentaram, de forma geral, maior eficiência de marcação com resultados reprodutíveis quando comparados com os imunoconjugados de DOTA, considerando-se as diferentes razões molares utilizadas. As metodologias cromatográficas empregadas no controle de pureza radioquímica do composto radiomarcado proporcionaram a discriminação das diferentes espécies radioquímicas no meio de marcação. A metodologia de purificação do composto conjugado e radiomarcado utilizada proporcionou a obtenção de compostos com alta pureza radioquímica, 97,4±1,3% (DOTA 1:50) e 98,7±0,2% (DTPA 1:50). Nos estudos de ligação específica às células tumorais Raji, o anticorpo conjugado com quelante DTPA nas razões molares de 1:50 e 1:20 apresentaram perfil semelhante de ligação, com aumento da porcentagem de ligação específica proporcional à concentração celular, enquanto que o imunoconjugado na razão molar de 1:10 apresentou alta porcentagem de ligação não específica. Os resultados obtidos nos estudos de biodistribuição in vivo do anticorpo conjugado e radiomarcado nem sempre se mostraram compatíveis com a biodistribuição de anticorpos radiomarcados íntegros. No caso do quelante DOTA, o imunoconjugado obtido a partir da razão molar 1:20, apresentou melhores características de biodistribuição. No caso do quelante DTPA, a razão molar utilizada pareceu refletir diretamente no clareamento sanguíneo do anticorpo e todas as razões molares utilizadas apresentaram instabilidade in vivo. / Tese (Doutorado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP
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Identification fine des cellules plasmocytaires normales et tumorales dans la moelle osseuse de patients atteints de myélome multiple en cytométrie en flux / Normal and tumoral plasma cells accurate identification in bone marrow of multiple myeloma patients using flow cytometryAlaterre, Elina 03 May 2017 (has links)
Le myélome multiple (MM) est une hémopathie maligne caractérisée par la prolifération d’un clone plasmocytaire tumoral dans la moelle osseuse et d’une accumulation d’une immunoglobuline monoclonale dans le sérum et/ou les urines. La diversité des anomalies cytogénétiques, rendant la maladie plus ou moins agressive, et la variabilité de la réponse au traitement font du MM une maladie hétérogène. Le MM reste incurable dans la majorité des cas avec une médiane de survie de 5 à 7 ans. La rechute après traitement est due à la persistance de cellules tumorales au sein de la moelle osseuse, appelée maladie résiduelle ou en anglais « Minimal Residual Disease » (MRD). La cytométrie en flux multiparamétrique (CFM) est une technique sensible, simple et rapide qui permet d’identifier et de caractériser des cellules d’intérêt dans un échantillon biologique. C’est dans le but de simplifier le suivi de la MRD du MM que nous avons développé une solution complète basée sur la CFM. Cette solution comprend (i) la conception d’un panel à 5 couleurs, composés des anticorps (Ac) anti-CD38, anti-kappa et anti-lambda pour identifier les plasmocytes totaux et de deux pools d’Ac couplés au même fluorochrome (anti-CD19/anti-CD27, pool négatif et anti-CD56/anti-CD117/anti-CD200, pool positif) pour détecter les plasmocytes tumoraux ; (ii) le développement d’un préparateur afin d’automatiser l’ensemble des étapes de préparation de l’échantillon ; et (iii) l’automatisation de l’analyse des résultats de CFM grâce à un logiciel que nous avons créé. Cette solution simple et entièrement automatisée permet d’augmenter la reproductibilité et la productivité, de diminuer le coût du test, sans altérer la sensibilité ou la spécificité. En parallèle de ces travaux, nous avons construit un score de risque simple basé sur l’expression de gènes codant pour des protéines de surface (CD24, CD27, CD36 et CD302) permettant de prédire la survie des patients atteints de MM au diagnostic ainsi qu’à la rechute. / Multiple myeloma (MM) is a hematological malignancy characterized by clonal plasma cell proliferation in bone marrow and abnormal monoclonal immunoglobulin accumulation in the serum and/or urine. The heterogeneity of the disease is partly due to the cytogenetic abnormalities diversity making the disease more or less aggressive. MM is incurable in the majority of cases with a median survival between 5 and 7 years. The persistence of abnormal plasma cells in bone marrow after treatment is called minimal residual disease (MRD) and leads to the patient relapse. Multiparametric flow cytometry (MFC) is a sensitive, simple and fast technique to identify and characterize cells of interest in biological samples. In order to simplify MRD follow-up we have developed a complete solution based on MFC. This solution includes (i) the 5-color panel design, composed of anti-CD38, anti-kappa and anti-lambda antibodies (Ab) to identify total plasma cell population and two pools of Ab paired to the same fluorophore (anti-CD19/anti-CD27, negative pool and anti-CD56/anti-CD117/anti-CD200, positive pool) to detect abnormal plasma cells; (ii) the development of a device used to automatically prepare biological samples before MFC; and (iii) the analysis automation of MFC results using a homemade software. This fully automated solution increases reproducibility and productivity, decreases processing and analyzing time as well as test cost, without affecting sensibility and specificity. In parallel, we have built a simple risk score based on gene expression encoding surface proteins (CD24, CD27, CD36 and CD302) providing MM patient outcome at diagnostic and MRD follow-up.
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Ustavení a charakterizace nové myelomové buněčné linie ÚHKT-893 závislé na IL-6 / Establishment and characterization of novel IL-6-dependent myeloma cell line ÚHKT-893Vančurová, Irena January 2011 (has links)
Multiple myeloma is an incurable fatal neoplasm of plasma cells affecting mainly elderly people. There are many research laboratories in the world where multiple myeloma is studied. Permanent cell lines are indispensable tools for both basic and applied research. However, the establishment of new cell lines is difficult with poor success. We established 96 primary cultures of bone marrow samples from myeloma patients. Only one culture succeeded in permanet myeloma cell line. The novel plasmacytic cell line ÚHKT-893 was established from bone marrow sample of 57 years old female relapsed with multiple myeloma of IgGκ isotype. The cell line is however dependent on the continuous presence of interleukin-6 in culture media. ÚHKT-893 cells grow continuously already more than 1 year. The growth of cells was regularly monitored according to growth curves and by measurement of cell viability. Surface antigenic profile was repeatedly determined by flow cytometry. The simultaneous expression of both CD138 and CD38 surface molecules confirmed the plasma cell origin of cells. The establishment of the ÚHKT-893 myeloma cell line will extend the panel of existing myeloma cell lines as a new ex vivo model for the study of the etiology and pathogenesis of multiple myeloma. It will also provide the source of new...
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The roles of TL1A and Pno1 in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritisWang, Xuehai 10 1900 (has links)
La polyarthrite rhumatoïde (PR) est une maladie auto-immune chronique. Elle est caractérisée par une inflammation persistante touchant de multiples petites articulations, causant douleurs, rougeurs, gonflements et déformations. Des études menées auprès de patients et d’animaux ont démontré que certains auto-anticorps, cytokines et enzymes tissue-déstructives sont des médiateurs importants dans le développement de la PR. Au cours des deux dernières décennies, les traitements de fond (DMARDs en anglais) ont été démontrés très efficaces pour traiter la PR. D'autre part, des effets secondaires ont été rapportés pour ces traitements, par exemple l'augmentation du risque d'infections opportunistes. L’objectif de ce travail est d’acquérir des connaissances sur le rôle du TL1A (TNF-like molécule 1 A; TNFSF15) et son partenaire Nob1 (Pno1 ; YOR145c) dans la pathogenèse de la PR afin de découvrir de nouveaux médicaments contre ces molécules dans l'avenir.
TL1A est un membre de la famille du TNF. Il déclenche des signaux co-stimulateurs via le récepteur de mort 3 (DR3) et induit la prolifération ainsi que la production des cytokines pro inflammatoires par les lymphocytes. Des données multiples suggèrent l'implication de la cascade TL1A-DR3 dans plusieurs maladies auto-immunes. Donc, nous avons proposé les hypothèses suivantes:1) la production locale de TL1A dans les articulations est un composant d’un cercle vicieux qui aggrave la PR; 2) dans la PR, la production de TL1A dans les organes lymphoïde augmente la production d’auto-anticorps pathogénique. Au cours de ce travail, nous avons démontré que la TL1A aggrave la maladie chez les souris où l’arthrite a été induite par le collagène (AIC). Par ailleurs, nous avons constaté que l’expression de TL1A est élevée dans les tissus atteints de PR ainsi que dans les ganglions lymphatiques drainant de la souris AIC. Mécaniquement, nous avons découvert que la TL1A est induite par le TNF-α et IL-17 produits par les cellules T in vitro. Ces résultats montrent directement que les TL1A-DR3 jouent un rôle essentiel dans la pathogenèse de la PR. De plus, afin de poursuivre notre étude, la TL1A a été génétiquement supprimée dans les souris (TL1A KO). Nous avons montré que les souris TL1A KO n’ont aucune anomalie apparente et aucun dysfonctionnement du système immunitaire dans des conditions normales. Cependant, ces souris manifestent des AIC améliorées et une réduction significative des niveaux d'anticorps, anti-collagène du type II
dans le sérum. Nous avons trouvé que les ganglions lymphatiques de drainage (dLNs) de souris KO étaient plus petites avec une cellularité inférieure comparativement aux souris WT de 14 jours après l’immunisation. De plus, nous avons découvert que le DR3 a été exprimé par les cellules plasmatiques dans l’étape de la différenciation terminale et ces cellules surviennent mieux en présence de TL1A. La conclusion de cette étude apporte des nouvelles connaissances sur le rôle de TL1A qui amplifie les réponses humorales d’AIC. Nous avons suggéré que TL1A pourrait augmenter la réponse d’initiation d'anticorps contre collagène II (CII) ainsi que prolonger la survie des cellules plasmatiques.
Une autre molécule qui nous intéresse est Pno1. Des études antérieures menées chez la levure ont suggéré que Pno1 est essentielle pour la néogénèse du protéasome et du ribosome Le protéasome étant crucial pour la différenciation terminale des cellules plasmatiques pendant les réponses humorales chez les mammifères, nous avons donc supposé que Pno1 joue un rôle dans la production d'anticorps pathogenique dans la PR via la voie du protéasome. Nous avons donc généré des souris génétiquement modifiées pour Pno1 afin d’étudier la fonction de Pno1 in vivo. Cependant, une mutation non-sens dans le Pno1 provoque une létalité embryonnaire à un stade très précoce chez les souris. D'autre part, une réduction de 50% de Pno1 ou une surexpression de Pno1 n’ont aucun effet ni sur le fonctionnent des cellules T et B, ni sur les activités du protéasome ainsi que sur la réponse humorale dans l’AIC. Ces résultats suggèrent que Pno1 est une molécule essentielle sans redondance. Par conséquent, il n’est pas une cible appropriée pour le développement de médicaments thérapeutiques.
En conclusion, nos études ont révélé que la TL1A n’est pas essentielle pour maintenir les fonctions du système immunitaire dans des conditions normales. En revanche, il joue un rôle critique dans la pathogenèse de la PR en favorisant l'inflammation locale et la réponse humorale contre des auto-antigènes. Par conséquent, une inhibition de la TL1A pourrait être une stratégie thérapeutique pour le traitement de la PR. Au contraire, Pno1 est essentiel pour la fonction normale des cellules. Une délétion totale pourrait entraîner des conséquences graves. Il n’est pas une cible appropriée pour développer des médicaments de la PR. / Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is a chronic autoimmune disease characterized by persistent inflammation of multiple small joints, which manifests pain, redness, swelling, and deformation. Studies with patients and animal models have found that autoantibodies, cytokines and tissue-destructive enzymes are important mediators of the pathogenesis of RA. In the past two decades, biologic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) have achieved great success in the treatment of RA. On the other hand, they are also associated with adverse effect like increasing the chance of opportunistic infections. The aim of present work was to investigate the roles of TNF-like molecule 1A (TL1A; TNFSF15) and partner of Nob1 (Pno1; YOR145c) in the pathogenesis of RA for developing novel drugs based on these molecules in the future.
TL1A is a member of the TNF superfamily. It triggers costimulatory signals though death receptor 3 (DR3) and induces the proliferation and pro-inflammatory cytokine production in lymphocytes. Multiple lines of evidence suggest the implication of TL1A-DR3 signaling in several autoimmune diseases. Therefore, We hypothesized that 1) local TL1A production in the joints is a component of a vicious circle aggravating RA; 2) in RA, TL1A production in lymphoid organs enhances pathogenic autoantibody production. We demonstrated that the TL1A aggravates disease in murine collagen-induced arthritis (CIA). Moreover, we found elevated TL1A expression in RA-affected tissues, as well as in the draining lymph nodes (dLNs) of CIA mice. Mechanistically, we discovered that TL1A induces TNF-α and IL-17 production by T cells in vitro. These findings provided direct evidence that TL1A-DR3 signaling plays a critical role in the pathogenesis of RA. TL1A knockout (TL1A KO) mice were generated to further our study. We showed that TL1A KO mice have no visual anomaly, and no malfunction of immune system under a normal circumstance. However, they display ameliorated CIA and significantly reduced anti-Collagen II antibody levels in sera. We found that the draining lymph nodes (dLNs) from KO mice were smaller in size and lower in cellularity compared with their WT counterparts 14 days after immunization. Furthermore, we discovered that terminally differentiated plasma cells express DR3 and they survive better in the presence of TL1A. Our findings in this study present novel knowledge about the role of
TL1A promoting the humoral responses in CIA; we suggest that TL1A could elevate the initial Ab response against Collagen II (CII), as well as prolong the survival of plasma cells producing such pathogenic Abs.
Another molecule we were interested in present study is Pno1. Previous studies conducted in yeast suggest that Pno1 is essential to the proteasome and ribosome neogenesis. Since proteasome is crucial for the terminal differentiation of plasma cells during the humoral response in mammals, we hypothesized that Pno1 plays a role in the pathogenic Ab production in RA by affecting the proteasome assembly. For this purpose, we generated pno1 gene- modified mice to investigate the function of Pno1 in vivo. However, null-mutation in pno1 causes embryonic lethality in mice at a very early stage. On the other hand, a half amount reduction or overexpression of Pno1 is neither harmful nor useful to the T and B cell function, proteasome activities as well as humoral immune responses in CIA. These findings suggest that Pno1 is a vital molecule with no redundancy and is absolutely required for cell function, but animals can function normally with a small fraction of the normal Pno1 expression level. Thus, it might not be an appropriate target for developing therapeutic drugs.
In conclusion, our studies suggest that TL1A seems not essential in maintaining the immune functions under normal circumstances, but plays critical roles in the pathogenesis of RA by promoting local inflammation and humoral immune responses against autoantigens. Therefore, inhibiting TL1A could be a propitious therapeutic strategy for treating RA. In contrast, Pno1 is vital to the normal cell function, and its disruption could cause disastrous consequences. Thus, it might not be a good drug target for treating RA.
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