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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Maria Vitoria Simas (16510902) 30 August 2023 (has links)
<p>This thesis highlights the use and significance of surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) for forensic applications. Two unique SERS substrates are developed for successful (1) forensic toxicological drug detection in human patient plasma and (2) trace explosive detection.  </p>

AFM force spectroscopies of surfaces and supported plasmonic nanoparticules / Spectroscopie et microscopie à force atomique sur des surfaces et nanoparticules plasmoniques

Craciun, Andra 15 March 2017 (has links)
Dans ce travail de thèse, le microscope à force atomique (AFM) a été utilisé comme outil de manipulation de haute précision pour construire des nanostructures plasmoniques avec des géométries définies et un réglage précis de la distance interparticulaire et également comme technique de spectroscopie d'absorption. Différentes études concernant les phénomènes pertinents pour la manipulation des nanoparticules et émergeant à l'interface substrat-nanoparticules, ont été réalisées. Des expériences de frottement menées sur diverses surfaces d'oxydes ont révélé un nouveau mécanisme de frottement à l’échelle nanométrique, expliqué par un modèle de potentiel d'interaction de type Lennard-Jones modifié. Les propriétés de frottement et d'adhésion de CTAB adsorbé sur silice sont également présentées. Des nano-bâtonnets d'or fonctionnalisés par du CTAB ont été manipulés par AFM afin de construire des nanostructures plasmoniques. La dernière partie de la thèse présente les efforts expérimentaux et théoriques pour démontrer la faisabilité de l'utilisation d'un AFM comme une technique de spectroscopie optoélectronique à base de force. / In this thesis work the atomic force microscope (AFM) was employed first as a high precision manipulation tool for building plasmonic nanostructures with defined geometries and precise tuning of interparticle distance and second as an absorption spectroscopy technique. Different studies regarding phenomena emerging at sample nanoparticle interface relevant for nanoparticle manipulation were performed. Friction experiments conducted on various oxide surfaces revealed a novel nanoscale stick slip friction mechanism, explained by a modified Lennard-Jones-like interaction potential model. Frictional and adhesion properties of CTAB adsorbed on silica are also reported. CTAB functionalized gold nanorods were used for building specific plasmonic particulate nanostructures. The final part of the thesis presents experimental and theoretical efforts to demonstrate the feasibility of using an AFM as a force-based optoelectronic spectroscopy technique.

Engineering Plasmonic Interactions in Three Dimensional Nanostructured Systems

Singh, Haobijam Johnson January 2016 (has links)
Strong light matter interactions in metallic nanoparticles (NPs), especially those made of noble metals such as Gold and Silver is at the heart of much ongoing research in nanoplasmonics. Individual NPs can support collective excitations (Plasmon’s) of the electron plasma at certain wavelengths, known as the localized surface Plasmon resonance (LSPR) which provides a powerful platform for various sensing, imaging and therapeutic applications. For a collection of NPs their optical properties can be signify cannily different from isolated particles, an effect which originates in the electromagnetic interactions between the localised Plasmon modes. An interesting aspect of such interactions is their strong dependence on the geometry of NP collection and accordingly new optical properties can arise. While this problem has been well considered in one and two dimensions with periodic as well as with random arrays of NPs, three dimensional systems are yet to be fully explored. In particular, there are challenges in the successful de-sign and fabrication of three dimensional (3D) plasmonic metamaterials at optical frequencies. In the work presented in this thesis we present a detail investigation of the theoretical and experimental aspects of plasmonic interactions in two geometrically different three dimensional plasmonic nanostructured systems - a chiral system consisting of achiral plasmonic nanoparticles arranged in a helical geometry and an achiral system consisting of achiral plasmonic nanoparticle arrays stacked vertically into three dimensional geometry. The helical arrangement of achiral plasmonic nanoparticles were realised using a wafer scale technique known as Glancing Angle Deposition (GLAD). The measured chiro-optical response which arises solely from the interactions of the individual achiral plasmonic NPs was found to be one of the largest reported value in the visible. Semi analytical calculation based on couple dipole approximation was able to model the experimental chiro-optical response including all the variabilities present in the experimental system. Various strategies based on antiparticle spacing, oriented elliptical nanoparticles, dielectric constant value of the dielectric template were explored such as to engineer a strong and tunable chiro-optical response. A key point of the experimental system despite the presence of variabilities, was that the measured chiro-optical response showed less than 10 % variability along the sample surface. Additionally we could exploit the strong near held interactions of the plasmonic nanoparticles to achieve a strongly nonlinear circular differential response of two photon photoluminescent from the helically arranged nanoparticles. In addition to these plasmonic chiral systems, our study also includes investigation of light matter interactions in purely dielectric chiral systems of solid and core shell helical geometry. The chiro-optical response was found to be similar for both the systems and depend strongly on their helical geometry. A core-shell helical geometry provides an easy route for tuning the chiro-optical response over the entire visible and near IR range by simply changing the shell thickness as well as shell material. The measured response of the samples was found to be very large and very uniform over the sample surface. Since the material system is based entirely on dielectrics, losses are minimal and hence could possibly serve as an alternative to conventional plasmonic chiro-optical materials. Finally we demonstrated the used of an achiral three dimensional plasmonic nanostructure as a SERS (surface enhance Raman spectroscopy) substrate. The structure consisted of porous 3D metallic NP arrays that are held in place by dielectric rods. For practically important applications, the enhancement factor, as well as the spatial density of the metallic NPs within the laser illumination volume, arranged in a porous 3D array needs to be large, such that any molecule in the vicinity of the metal NP gives rise to an enhanced Raman signal. Having a large number of metallic NPs within the laser illumination volume, increases the probability of a target molecule to come in the vicinity of the metal NPs. This has been achieved in the structures reported here, where high enhancement factor (EF) in conjunction with large surface area available in a three dimensional structure, makes the 3D NP arrays attractive candidates as SERS substrates.

Analyse mathématique de résonances plasmoniques pour des nanoparticules et applications / Mathematical analysis of plasmonics resonances for nanoparticles and applications

Ruiz, Matias 27 June 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l’étude mathématique des interactions entre la lumière et certains types de nanoparticules.À l’échelle du nanomètre, des particules métalliques comme l’or ou l’argent subissent un phénomène de résonance lorsque leurs électrons libres interagissent avec un champ électromagnétique. Cette interaction produit une augmentation du champs électrique proche et lointain, leur permettant d’améliorer la luminosité et la directivité de la lumière, confinant des champs électromagnétiques dans des directions avantageuses. Ce phénomène, appelé "résonances plasmoniques pour des nanoparticules" ouvre une porte sur une large gamme d’applications, des nouvelles techniques d’imagerie médicale à des panneaux solaires efficaces. En utilisant des techniques issues des potentiels de couches et de la théorie de la perturbation,nous proposons une étude de la dispersion d’ondes électromagnétiques par une et plusieurs nanoparticules plasmoniques, dans le cadre quasi-statique, Helmholtz et Maxwell. Nous étudions ensuite certaines applications tel que la génération de chaleur, les métasurfaces et l’imagerie super-résolue. / This thesis deals with the mathematical study of the interactions between light and certain types of nanoparticles. At the nanometer scale, metal particles such as gold or silver undergo a resonance phenomenon when their free electrons interact with an electromagnetic field. This interaction results in an enhancement of the near and far electric field, enabling them to improve the brightness and the directivity of the light, confining electromagnetic fields in advantageous directions. This phenomenon, called "plasmonic resonances for nanoparticles", opens a door to a wide range of applications, from new medical imaging techniques to efficient solar panels. Using layer potentials techniques and perturbation theory, we proposea study of the scattering of electromagnetic waves by one and several plasmonic nanoparticles in the quasi-static, Helmholtz and Maxwell framework. We then study some applications such as heat generation, metasurfaces and super-resolution.

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