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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Produktdesign av eSmart : system för avläsning av elförbrukning i realtid

Rantala, Andreas, Martinez, Elkin January 2010 (has links)
<p>Denna rapport behandlar ett projekt i produktutveckling åt företaget eSmart. FöretageteSmart är ett nystartat företag som tagit fram utrustning för mätning av elförbrukning irealtid.Projektet är ett examensarbete på 30 högskolepoäng på avancerad nivå i ämnetproduktutveckling som genomförts av Andreas Rantala och Elkin Martinez på MälardalensHögskola.Huvudproblemet vi ställs inför i detta projekt är att systemet i nuläget endast består avelektriska komponenter som behöver en kapsling med ett formspråk som väcker intresse ochsom bidrar till att enheterna uppfattas som en modern teknisk konsumentprodukt. Kapslingenskall bidra till företagets profilering samtidigt som den skall ta hänsyn till tillverkningsmässigaoch ekonomiska faktorer.Förutom kapslingen till den nuvarande tekniska lösningen och de elektriska komponenter denbestår av vill eSmart få förslag på hur en framtida displayenhet till systemet skulle kunnautformas för att höja systemets interaktivitet och användarvänlighet.Projektet har resulterat förutom denna rapport i en konstruktionslösning för kapslingen somanvänds för både sändare och mottagarenhet. Resultatet presenteras i form av CAD filer,renderade fotorealistiska bilder, ritningsunderlag för konstruktion samt en fysisk modell.Dessutom presenteras ett koncept för en displayenhet som utvecklar eSmarts design profiloch som höjer systemets användarvänlighet och ökar interaktiviteten. Resultatet presenteras iform av CAD filer, renderade fotorealistiska bilder samt en fysisk modell. Dessutom beskrivsvilka funktioner enheten är tänkt att inneha.</p> / <p>This report describes a project in product development for the company eSmart. ESmart is arecently started company that has developed a device for measuring electricity consumptionin real time.The project is a master thesis degree in product development conducted by Andreas Rantalaand Elkin Martinez at Mälardalen University.The main challenge we face in this project is that the system currently has only electricalcomponents that need an enclosure with a design that arouses the consumer’s interest andhelps the device to be perceived as a modern technology product. The housing will contributeto the company's profile while it will take into account production and economic factors for itsmanufacturing.In addition to the housing for the electrical components the current system consists of,eSmart want us to present a concept on how a future display unit to the system could bedesigned to enhance the system's interactivity and usability.In addition to this report, this project has resulted in a design solution for the enclosure forthe the transmitter and the receiver units. The results are presented in the form of CAD files,rendered photo‐realistic images, manufacturing drawings and a physical model.We also present a concept for a display unit that develops eSmarts design profile and thatincreases the system's usability and interactivity. The results are presented in the form of CADfiles, rendered photorealistic images as well as a physical model. Furthermore we describewhat functions the device is supposed to have.</p>

Produktdesign av eSmart : system för avläsning av elförbrukning i realtid

Rantala, Andreas, Martinez, Elkin January 2010 (has links)
Denna rapport behandlar ett projekt i produktutveckling åt företaget eSmart. FöretageteSmart är ett nystartat företag som tagit fram utrustning för mätning av elförbrukning irealtid.Projektet är ett examensarbete på 30 högskolepoäng på avancerad nivå i ämnetproduktutveckling som genomförts av Andreas Rantala och Elkin Martinez på MälardalensHögskola.Huvudproblemet vi ställs inför i detta projekt är att systemet i nuläget endast består avelektriska komponenter som behöver en kapsling med ett formspråk som väcker intresse ochsom bidrar till att enheterna uppfattas som en modern teknisk konsumentprodukt. Kapslingenskall bidra till företagets profilering samtidigt som den skall ta hänsyn till tillverkningsmässigaoch ekonomiska faktorer.Förutom kapslingen till den nuvarande tekniska lösningen och de elektriska komponenter denbestår av vill eSmart få förslag på hur en framtida displayenhet till systemet skulle kunnautformas för att höja systemets interaktivitet och användarvänlighet.Projektet har resulterat förutom denna rapport i en konstruktionslösning för kapslingen somanvänds för både sändare och mottagarenhet. Resultatet presenteras i form av CAD filer,renderade fotorealistiska bilder, ritningsunderlag för konstruktion samt en fysisk modell.Dessutom presenteras ett koncept för en displayenhet som utvecklar eSmarts design profiloch som höjer systemets användarvänlighet och ökar interaktiviteten. Resultatet presenteras iform av CAD filer, renderade fotorealistiska bilder samt en fysisk modell. Dessutom beskrivsvilka funktioner enheten är tänkt att inneha. / This report describes a project in product development for the company eSmart. ESmart is arecently started company that has developed a device for measuring electricity consumptionin real time.The project is a master thesis degree in product development conducted by Andreas Rantalaand Elkin Martinez at Mälardalen University.The main challenge we face in this project is that the system currently has only electricalcomponents that need an enclosure with a design that arouses the consumer’s interest andhelps the device to be perceived as a modern technology product. The housing will contributeto the company's profile while it will take into account production and economic factors for itsmanufacturing.In addition to the housing for the electrical components the current system consists of,eSmart want us to present a concept on how a future display unit to the system could bedesigned to enhance the system's interactivity and usability.In addition to this report, this project has resulted in a design solution for the enclosure forthe the transmitter and the receiver units. The results are presented in the form of CAD files,rendered photo‐realistic images, manufacturing drawings and a physical model.We also present a concept for a display unit that develops eSmarts design profile and thatincreases the system's usability and interactivity. The results are presented in the form of CADfiles, rendered photorealistic images as well as a physical model. Furthermore we describewhat functions the device is supposed to have.

Ergo Mopp : Från koncept till produkt / Ergo Mop : From concept to product

Kamf, Tobias January 2010 (has links)
<p>This thesis describes the work process and the results for the development of a newkind of ergonomic cleaning mop, ranging from basic concept to a virtually productionready digital prototype. The project was made in cooperation with, Ömer Altun, whowas also the project supervisor, and whose plan it is to launch this new product onthe market in a foreseeable future. The mop is meant to be used by both professionalcleaning staff and ordinary home users. What makes this product unique is that it hasa movable center piece that simplifies the cleaning under low furniture.The work began with the establishment of a product requirements specification andlater a study of similar products and existing functional models was conducted. Afterthese surveys the work began with refining the existing concepts in order to makethem more complete. In consultation with Ömer, further refining of one of these newconcepts was conducted, but was split into seven smaller steps.After the initial refining process, effort shifted into the investigation and selection ofappropriate materials and manufacturing methods. At this stage, two experimentswere also conducted and subsequently used to support the final decisions concerningthe choice of materials and design.When the materials and methods were adopted, a detailed CAD model of the wholeproduct and related technical drawings was made and also a number of FEM-analyseson all critical details, to ensure that performance requirements were met, wasconducted. These CAD models are closer described in detail in the chapter“Detaljkonstruktion”.In the final sections of discussion and evaluation are suggestions for furtherimprovements. And also some evaluation of the work process and the problems andsolutions encountered during the project execution.</p>

Ergo Mopp : Från koncept till produkt / Ergo Mop : From concept to product

Kamf, Tobias January 2010 (has links)
This thesis describes the work process and the results for the development of a newkind of ergonomic cleaning mop, ranging from basic concept to a virtually productionready digital prototype. The project was made in cooperation with, Ömer Altun, whowas also the project supervisor, and whose plan it is to launch this new product onthe market in a foreseeable future. The mop is meant to be used by both professionalcleaning staff and ordinary home users. What makes this product unique is that it hasa movable center piece that simplifies the cleaning under low furniture.The work began with the establishment of a product requirements specification andlater a study of similar products and existing functional models was conducted. Afterthese surveys the work began with refining the existing concepts in order to makethem more complete. In consultation with Ömer, further refining of one of these newconcepts was conducted, but was split into seven smaller steps.After the initial refining process, effort shifted into the investigation and selection ofappropriate materials and manufacturing methods. At this stage, two experimentswere also conducted and subsequently used to support the final decisions concerningthe choice of materials and design.When the materials and methods were adopted, a detailed CAD model of the wholeproduct and related technical drawings was made and also a number of FEM-analyseson all critical details, to ensure that performance requirements were met, wasconducted. These CAD models are closer described in detail in the chapter“Detaljkonstruktion”.In the final sections of discussion and evaluation are suggestions for furtherimprovements. And also some evaluation of the work process and the problems andsolutions encountered during the project execution.

Konstruktionsutvärdering och optimering av strögrep / Design evaluation and optimization of pitchfork

Lisspers, André January 2016 (has links)
This thesis describes the optimization process for the pitchfork developed by the company Sverigegrepen. The work was done at the department of Applied Mechanics at Uppsala University. The project were handed by Ångström Materials Academy together with Sverigegrepen The work included a major prestudy of plastic construction, plastic materials, plastic injection and strength of materials. By applying the laws of beam theory, a mathematical expression could be provided, explaining the behaviour of the pitchforks teeth. By studying the pitchfork with tools such as 3D- CAD and FEA-simulations, an area where high concentrations of stress were found, an area known to have frequent issues with strength. From this data several concepts were created with an increased strength and a better distribution of stress. The plastic material was evaluated and tested to find the most valuable material characteristics. The provided information was used to isolate different functions in plastic materials, which is crucial for the pitchforks further functionality.

Konstruktion av kopplingsmekanism för ett delat skaft : Förslag på konstruktionsförbättringar för produkten SverigeGrepen / Design of a coupling mechanism for a split shaft

Åström, Viktor, Näsman, Erik January 2021 (has links)
Följande examensarbete handlar om att ta fram konstruktionsförslag för en kopplingsmekanism som möjliggör delning av SverigeGrepens stallgrep. Produkten SverigeGrepen är med sin särskilda utformning och låga vikt ett ergonomiskt mockningsredskap. På grund av dess längd och form tillkommer en avgift för skrymmande paket vilket resulterar i en hög fraktkostnad. En lösning på detta problem är att skaftet delas itu, vilket tillåter produkten att fraktas i ett mindre paket. Vid ankomst hos kund monteras produkten med hjälp av kopplingsmekanismen. Lösningen ska innebära en minimal påverkan på egenskaper jämfört med hur produkten ser ut idag, som vikt och hållfasthet. För att erhålla ett teoretiskt underlag för problemet genomfördes en litteraturstudie. Denna behandlade områden som formsprutning och konstruktionsregler, finita elementmetoden, material, konceptval samt tidigare studier. Studien fortsatte med benchmarking och framställandet av en produktkravspecifikation. Dessa användes som grund för att generera olika koncept, där de mest lovande konstruerades i CAD. Metoder för konceptval applicerades, där slutligen två av koncepten valdes att kombineras inför en vidareutveckling. Resultatet av arbetet är ett konstruktionsförslag för en pluggliknande kopplingsmekanism som monteras på skaftets insida. Denna lösning har en låg vikt, klarar vardaglig belastning och tillåter montering av SverigeGrepens delade skaft. / This thesis aim is to develop a design proposal for a coupling mechanism for SverigeGrepen’s mucking tool which enables a splitting of its shaft and thus subsequently offer the ability to reliably mount them back together. SverigeGrepen is a lightweight product with a special design that makes it an ergonomic mucking tool. Due to the products length and shape a package fee is added in conjunction with its shipping which results in a high delivery cost. A proposal to solve this problem is a splitting of its shaft, which allows the product to be shipped in a smaller package. The product is assembled upon arrival at the customer. The solution should also have a minimal negative impact on SverigeGrepen’s existing product, such as its weight and strength. A literature study was conducted to obtain a theoretical basis. The study treated areas such as injection molding and rules for plastic design, as well as the finite element method, materials, concept selection and previous research. The study continued with market research and the development of a product requirement specification. These were used as a basis for generating product concepts, of which the most promising drafts were designed in CAD. Methods for concept selection were applied, where finally two of the concepts were chosen to be combined for further development. The result is a design proposal for a plug-like coupling mechanism that is mounted on the inside of the products shaft parts. The proposed solution offers a low total weight, endure the stress associated with everyday usage and allows the assembly of SverigeGrepen’s splitted shaft parts.

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