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Estudo da remoção e degradação dos corantes Remazol Black B e Remazol Red RB 133%, e do Fármaco Ganciclovir, com aplicação de Processos Oxidativos AvançadosCristina da Silva, Lêda 31 January 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009 / A contaminação das águas dos rios, mares, lagos e oceanos têm sido um dos maiores
problemas da sociedade moderna, causado em parte pelas atividades industriais. Nesse
contexto, o processamento têxtil é gerador de uma grande quantidade de efluente
caracterizado por uma elevada carga orgânica, cor acentuada e compostos químicos
tóxicos, que, dependendo do corante empregado, pode também conter substâncias
mutagênicas, carcinogênicas e genotóxicas. Outra importante fonte de contaminação dos
corpos hídricos são os produtos farmacêuticos, considerados em sua maioria como
contaminantes refratários. Atualmente, existem vários processos de tratamentos para esses
dois tipos de poluentes, entre os quais os processos oxidativos avançados (POA), que vêm
sendo largamente estudados, e que apresentam como vantagem a possibilidade de uma
total degradação dos poluentes. No presente estudo, foram aplicados três tipos de POA:
processos Fenton (H2O2/Fe2+), foto-Fenton (H2O2/Fe2+/UV) e TiO2/UV. Para o corante
têxtil Remazol Black B e o fármaco antiviral Ganciclovir foram empregados os processos
Fenton e foto-Fenton; e para o corante Remazol Red RB 133% foram empregados os
processo foto-Fenton e TiO2/UV. Planejamentos fatoriais completos 23 foram utilizados
para aperfeiçoar as condições experimentais. No caso do Remazol Black B, a eficiência
dos processos na descoloração do corante e na redução do carbono orgânico total obedece
à seguinte ordem: foto-Fenton luz UVA > foto-Fenton luz visível > Fenton, comprovando
que a radiação da luz UVA é a mais eficiente na geração de radicais hidroxilas. Para o
corante Remazol Red RB 133% com o processo foto-Fenton, foram constatados efeitos
similares das lâmpadas luz UVA e luz visível para a descoloração do corante; e no
processo com o TiO2/UV, foi constatada uma alta remoção do corante; uma fragmentação
total da molécula, e nenhuma toxidade nas amostras do corante sem e com tratamento. Os
resultados com o Ganciclovir indicaram a possível formação de um complexo entre o íon
Fe2+ e a molécula do Ganciclovir, que depende da presença do H2O2. Os resultados
revelaram também que a reação foto-Fenton foi mais efetiva para a remoção e degradação
do fármaco, frente à reação de Fenton
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Effect of spray droplet size on pronamide control of annual bluegrass (Poa annua L.) and the role of absorption and translocation in the mechanism of pronamide resistanceIgnes, Martin 09 December 2022 (has links) (PDF)
Annual bluegrass (Poa annua L.) is a problematic weed in turfgrass that has evolved resistance to twelve different herbicide sites of action. The mitotic-inhibiting herbicide pronamide has both pre- and post-emergence activity on susceptible annual bluegrass populations. Still, post-emergence activity may be compromised in some resistant populations due to the lack of root uptake or an unknown foliar resistance mechanism. Spray droplet size may affect foliar and soil deposition of pronamide, thus potentially explaining variation in population control or differential foliar and root uptake. Pronamide, flazasulfuron, and pronamide + flazasulfuron deposition were quantified on annual bluegrass as affected by spray-droplet size. The efficacy of these herbicide treatments in resistant (R) and susceptible (S) annual bluegrass populations was then evaluated with two droplet sizes (400 and 1000 μm). Absorption and translocation of pronamide were investigated in R and S populations following foliar-only and soil-only pronamide applications.
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Ecofisiología de plantas del sotobosque de Nothofagus pumilio : efectos de la apertura del doselSelzer, Luciano Javier 26 March 2014 (has links)
La apertura del dosel del bosque generada por disturbios antrópicos o naturales provoca una alteración en las condiciones ambientales del sistema ecológico, modificando la cantidad y calidad de luz, las precipitaciones, y la temperatura. Los estudios realizados en este trabajo de tesis determinaron algunos de los cambios morfo-fisiológicos que permiten el crecimiento, desarrollo y reproducción de tres especies herbáceas, Osmorhiza depauperata, Phleum alpinum y Poa pratensis, en los ambientes boscosos modificados. Estas especies aumentan su cobertura luego de la cosecha forestal, y podrían evitar la erosión del suelo, y facilitar o competir con las plántulas que podrían contribuir a regenerar el bosque. En el bosque aprovechado forestalmente mediante la prescripción de retención variable se identificaron tres situaciones donde crecieron las plantas de las especies herbáceas: dentro de la retención agregada (RA), en el borde de la retención dispersa con influencia del agregado (BRA), y en la retención dispersa (RD). Además, se seleccionaron plantas del bosque primario (BP). Por otro lado, P. alpinum y P. pratensis fueron expuestas en el invernáculo a tres niveles de radiación incidente (I4: 4%; I26: 26%; I64: 64% de la luz solar incidente fuera del bosque en los diferentes ambientes), y dos niveles de contenido de humedad del suelo (M30: 30-50% y M60: 60-80% de capacidad de campo). Las intensidades lumínicas medidas siguieron el orden: RD > BRA > RA > BP. Las plantas de todas las especies modificaron su morfo-fisiología en los distintos ambientes. Estos cambios incluyeron modificaciones en el largo de las hojas, y por consiguiente su área foliar, aumentando en los ambientes con menor radiación (BP y RA). Asimismo, en estos ambientes disminuyeron el macollaje o la cantidad de tallos. Las plantas también incrementaron la densidad de longitud de raíces en respuesta al incremento en la disponibilidad de luz. Las diferencias entre especies se podrían deber a sus hábitos de crecimiento y a la proporción de raíces finas que producen. En O. depauperata el grado de infección por micorrizas vesículo-arbusculares fue mayor que en las especies de gramíneas P. alpinum y P. pratensis. Para todas las especies se encontró que el grado de infección tendió a incrementarse al aumentar la luz, aunque solo se encontró que fue significativamente menor en BP que en el resto de los ambientes. Todas las especies produjeron mayor cantidad de biomasa por unidad de superficie iv
a medida que aumentó la irradiación: el orden de las especies estuvo inversamente relacionado con el tamaño del área basal, fue mayor en O. depauperata que en P. alpinum y P. pratensis. La cantidad de inflorescencias por unidad de área basal siguió la misma tendencia que la biomasa, y no se encontraron cambios en la proporción de inflorescencias por unidad de biomasa excepto en P. alpinum. En esta especie, esta variable fue menor en BP que en el resto de los ambientes. En P. pratensis el esfuerzo reproductivo fue mayor que en O. depauperata y P. alpinum. En invernáculo se demostró que la variable más importante que modificó el crecimiento de estas plantas fue la luz. El crecimiento disminuyó considerablemente en I4. Al disminuir la irradiación aumentó la proporción de área foliar, mediante un aumento del área foliar específica y un aumento de la proporción de biomasa foliar. Al mismo tiempo, aumentó la proporción de biomasa de tallo, y disminuyó la proporción de biomasa radical. Como resultado de estos cambios, las plantas en I26 lograron mantener una tasa de crecimiento relativa similar o superior a la de I64; sin embargo, dichos cambios no fueron suficientes para mantener la tasa de crecimiento relativa en I4. Asimismo, las especies mostraron cambios típicos a nivel fisiológico: al aumentar la irradiación aumentaron la tasa máxima de fotosíntesis y el punto de compensación lumínico. Se encontraron variaciones temporales que afectaron estos valores. Al aumentar la irradiación disminuyó el contenido de clorofila tanto por unidad de área como de peso fresco, y aumentaron las relaciones clorofila a/b y carotenoides/clorofila. Todos estos resultados indican que O. depauperata, P. alpinum y P. pratensis son capaces de aclimatarse a varias situaciones ambientales. Sin embargo, O. depauperata mostró una mejor capacidad de aclimatación a niveles de irradiación muy bajos, mientras que las especies de gramíneas apenas lograron sobrevivir dado que su crecimiento fue muy lento. / Canopy openings, whether they come from anthropic or natural disturbances, might change the environmental conditions of the ecological system, modifying light quantity and quality, precipitation and temperature. Some morpho-physiological changes that determine growth, development and reproduction of the three study herbaceous species, Osmorhiza depauperata, Phleum alpinum, Poa pratensis, were evaluated in the forest, modified environments. These species increase their coverage after forest harvesting, and could prevent soil erosion, and either facilitate or compete with seedlings that could contribute to regenerate the forest. Three environments where the herbaceous species often grow were identified in a forest previously harvested following the variable retention system. They were: within the aggregate retention (RA); on the edge of the dispersed retention under the influence of the aggregate (BRA), and dispersed retention (RD). Plants were also selected from a primary forest (BP). Furthermore, P. alpinum and P. pratensis were exposed to three levels of incident radiation (I4: 4%; I26: 26%, or I64: 64% of ambient sunlight outside the forest in the various environments) and two levels of soil moisture content (M30: 30-50% or M60: 60-80% of field capacity) under greenhouse conditions. Measured light intensities showed the following order: RD > BRA > RA> BP. Plants of all species modified their morpho-physiology in the different environments. These changes included variations in blade length, and subsequently in leaf area, increasing in the environments with lower radiation (BP and RA). Also, tillering and stem numbers decreased in these environments. Plant root length density increased as light availability also increased. Species differences could be due to their growth habits and the proportion of fine roots that they produce. Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae colonization was greater in O. depauperata than in P. alpinum and P. pratensis. It also tended to decrease as light availability decreased for all species. However, it was only significantly lower in BP than in the remaining environments. Increased light availability determined a greater biomass production per unit surface area in all species: the species order was inversely related to size of the basal area. It was greater in O. depauperata than in P. alpinum and P. pratensis. The number of inflorescences per unit basal area followed the same trend as biomass and no changes were found in the proportion of vi
inflorescences per unit biomass, except in P. alpinum. In this species, this variable was lower in BP than in the other environments. Reproductive effort was greater in P. pratensis than in O. depauperata and P. alpinum. Greenhouse experiments showed that light was the major variable that modified growth of the study species. Growth decreased significantly in I4. Increases in specific leaf area and the proportion of leaf biomass determined an increased proportion of leaf area under lower light availability. At the same time, stem biomass proportion increased and that of root biomass decreased. As a result of these changes, plant relative growth rate was similar or greater in I26 than in I64; however, they were not enough to maintain plant relative growth rate in I4. Also, the species showed typical physiological changes: maximum photosynthetic rate and light compensation point increased as light availability also increased. Values for these variables varied with time. Chlorophyll content per unit surface and fresh weight decreased, and chlorophyll a/b and carotenoid/chlorophyll ratios increased, as light availability increased. The results obtained in this study indicate that O. depauperata, P. alpinum and P. pratensis are able to acclimate to various environmental situations. However, O. depauperata showed a better acclimation capacity than the other species to very low levels of light availability, while the grass species just were able to survive under these conditions because of their very slow growth.
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Estudo da descoloração e degradação de corantes azo mediante processo oxidativo avançado: UV/H2O2 / Study of decolorization and degradation of azo dyes by advanced oxidative process : UV/H2O2Adailton Alves 29 September 2009 (has links)
Este estudo teve como objetivo o uso de Processos Oxidativos Avançados (POA\'s), para a descoloração e degradação dos corantes azo (Congo Red) e (Acid Yellow 42) em solução aquosa, sendo realizado em escala de bancada (processo batelada), utilizando-se reator tubular. Utililizou-se o Processo Oxidativo Avançado UV/H2O2, avaliando a influência dos seguintes fatores: concentração dos corantes, pH, temperatura, concentração do H2O2, concentração do NaCl e concentração do Na2SO4. Para a otimização dos parâmetros utilizados nas oxidações dos corantes, um planejamento estatístico (Método Taguchi) foi empregado para selecionar os de melhor eficiência para a efetivação do processo proposto. A forma de verificação dos resultados (fator de resposta) foi mediante a análise da redução do sinal de Absorbância dos corantes, após cada tratamento, pelo método espectrofotométrico, e da redução de TOC. Os resultados mostraram que o processo utilizando o POA contribuiu em uma redução de 96,0 % na Absorbância e 54 % no TOC para o Corante Congo Red e redução de 99,8 % na Absorbância e 85 % no TOC para o Corante Acid Yellow 42. / The aiming of this study was the use of Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOP\'s) to decoloration and degradation of azo dye Congo Red and Acid Yellow 42 (solution aqueous). This process was realized in laboratory scale employing a tubular reactor. The influence of the factors: H2O2, NaCl, and Na2SO4 concentrations, temperature and pH was evalueted. The statistical tool employed to optimize the process was the Taguchi Method. The response factor of this analysis was the reduction of dye absorbance by spectrophotometric. The results showed that AOP\'s contributed to dye reductions of respectively 96% reduction of absorbance and 54 % reduction of TOC to Congo Red ; 99,8% reduction of absorbance and 85% reduction of TOC to Acid Yellow 42.
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Estudo da descoloração e degradação de corantes azo mediante processo oxidativo avançado: UV/H2O2 / Study of decolorization and degradation of azo dyes by advanced oxidative process : UV/H2O2Alves, Adailton 29 September 2009 (has links)
Este estudo teve como objetivo o uso de Processos Oxidativos Avançados (POA\'s), para a descoloração e degradação dos corantes azo (Congo Red) e (Acid Yellow 42) em solução aquosa, sendo realizado em escala de bancada (processo batelada), utilizando-se reator tubular. Utililizou-se o Processo Oxidativo Avançado UV/H2O2, avaliando a influência dos seguintes fatores: concentração dos corantes, pH, temperatura, concentração do H2O2, concentração do NaCl e concentração do Na2SO4. Para a otimização dos parâmetros utilizados nas oxidações dos corantes, um planejamento estatístico (Método Taguchi) foi empregado para selecionar os de melhor eficiência para a efetivação do processo proposto. A forma de verificação dos resultados (fator de resposta) foi mediante a análise da redução do sinal de Absorbância dos corantes, após cada tratamento, pelo método espectrofotométrico, e da redução de TOC. Os resultados mostraram que o processo utilizando o POA contribuiu em uma redução de 96,0 % na Absorbância e 54 % no TOC para o Corante Congo Red e redução de 99,8 % na Absorbância e 85 % no TOC para o Corante Acid Yellow 42. / The aiming of this study was the use of Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOP\'s) to decoloration and degradation of azo dye Congo Red and Acid Yellow 42 (solution aqueous). This process was realized in laboratory scale employing a tubular reactor. The influence of the factors: H2O2, NaCl, and Na2SO4 concentrations, temperature and pH was evalueted. The statistical tool employed to optimize the process was the Taguchi Method. The response factor of this analysis was the reduction of dye absorbance by spectrophotometric. The results showed that AOP\'s contributed to dye reductions of respectively 96% reduction of absorbance and 54 % reduction of TOC to Congo Red ; 99,8% reduction of absorbance and 85% reduction of TOC to Acid Yellow 42.
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Molecular Phylogeny of Poa L. sensu lato (Poaceae) with a Focus on West Asian SpeciesAmiri, Neda January 2016 (has links)
Poa L., is known as a highly diverse cosmopolitan genus with taxonomic difficulties that includes unknown species and species with uncertain affinities mainly in West Asia and North Africa. Poa also exhibits a close relationship with two West Asian genera, Eremopoa Roshev. and Oreopoa H. Scholz & Parolly. This study was conducted to: 1) fill the gap of information on the affinities between Poa species with an emphasis on West Asian Poa; 2) revise and evaluate the accuracy of traditional infrageneric classification of West Asian Poa; and 3) clarify the relationship between Poa and two allied genera of Poaceae Barnhart, Eremopoa and Oreopoa. DNA molecular evidence from present phylogenetic analyses of West Asian species of Poa, Eremopoa and Oreopoa, resulted in some great findings as follow: I) Poa caucasica Trin., which is currently assigned to subsection Nivicolae of section Poa from subgenus Poa resolved as a unique new distinct lineage within Poa. II), New treatments are suggested for Poa densa Troitsky, Poa masenderana Freyn & Sint., Poa cenisia All., Poa psychrophila Boiss. & Heldr. and Poa lipskyi. III) Three unclassified species of Poa pseudobulbosa, Poa diversifolia and Poa aitchisonii are assigned here to subgenus Poa and supersection Poa. IV), The present molecular evidence supports inclusion of Eremopoa in Poa and confirms reduction of Eremopoa to a level of subgenus of Poa. V) Present phylogenetic analyses also indicate that monotypic genus Oreopoa H. Scholz & Parolly is part of Poa. These findings require an urgent modification in subgeneric and sectional classification of the genus Poa.
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A contratação de um empresa privada de ensino pela rede pública municipal de Poá-SP (gestão 2005-2008): a voz dos professores do ensino fundamental IMirandola, Claudia Barbosa Santana 11 May 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T14:32:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2010-05-11 / Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo / This work is the report of a master degree research in the Post-
Graduate Program Education: Curriculum, of Public Policies and Curricular and
Educational Reform research group, performed in the municipality of Poá - SP.
After contracting the company Sol Soft s e Livros Ltda. in 2006, the municipal
school system began to receive a didactic and pedagogical package named
Sistema Objetivo Municipal de Ensino (SOME). The package contract
included the supply of study material to the students as well as orientation
manual and qualifying programs to the teachers. The aim of this research is to
understand how the contract process of the company was and how teachers
gave meaning to their practice after this process. The research started from a
documental analysis based on the reading of laws and decrees that regulate the
process of municipalization of basic education in the State of São Paulo and the
documents related to the public selection process for contracting the company.
There were also observation of pedagogical meetings and hearing of twenty
one teachers of the first level of basic education through the use of
questionnaires. The bibliographical research was based on J. Gimeno
Sacristán, Paulo Freire, Michael W. Apple, Henry Giroux and Lisete Arelaro and
has contributed to the constitution of hypotheses and instrumental analysis. It
was possible to understand how teachers, as direct authors of their pedagogical
practice, deal daily with teaching based on study guides. The conclusion is that
the low number of students enrolled at private schools compared to those
enrolled at the municipal public school network, the absence of infrastructure in
the town which would enable full responsibility for basic education and the
available financial resources are factors that contribute to turn the public school
network into a target market for educational product companies / Este trabalho é um relatório de uma pesquisa de mestrado do
Programa Educação: Currículo na linha de pesquisa Políticas Públicas e
Reformas Educacionais e Curriculares, realizada no município de Poá-SP. A
partir de 2006, depois de contratar a Editora Sol Soft s e Livros Ltda., o
município passou a receber um pacote didático pedagógico sob a denominação
Sistema Objetivo Municipal de Ensino (SOME). A contratação inclui o
fornecimento de material apostilado para os alunos, manual orientador e
capacitação para os professores. Por meio dessa pesquisa quisemos
compreender como foi o processo de contratação da empresa e como os
professores deram significado à sua prática docente a partir dessa contratação.
Nossa pesquisa partiu de uma análise documental baseada na leitura de leis e
decretos que abordam o processo de municipalização do Ensino Fundamental
no Estado de São Paulo e dos documentos que fizeram parte do processo de
concorrência pública para a contratação da empresa. Realizamos também,
observações em reuniões pedagógicas e demos voz a vinte e uma professoras
do Ensino Fundamental I por meio de aplicação de questionários. A pesquisa
bibliográfica baseada em J. Gimeno Sacristán, Paulo Freire, Michael W. Apple,
Henry Giroux e Lisete Arelaro contribuiu para a composição dos argumentos e
para a análise dos instrumentos. Pudemos compreender como os professores,
como autores diretos da prática pedagógica, lidam com uma proposta
apostilada de ensino no cotidiano. Concluímos que o baixo número de alunos
matriculados nas escolas da rede privada em relação ao número de alunos
matriculados na rede pública municipal, a ausência de infraestrutura do
município para assumir a responsabilidade do Ensino Fundamental e os
recursos financeiros disponíveis tornaram a rede pública, alvo de mercado de
empresas de produtos didáticos
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Influence of Annual Bluegrass on Putting Green Trueness and Control of Weedy Poa Species in Kentucky Bluegrass and Creeping Bentgrass TurfRana, Sandeep Singh 08 December 2016 (has links)
Annual bluegrass (Poa annua L.) and roughstalk bluegrass (Poa trivialis L.) are among the most troublesome grass weeds on golf courses throughout the United States. Herbicides for selective control of these weeds in cool-season fairways are limited and ineffective. Methiozolin is a new isoxazoline herbicide that controls annual bluegrass on putting greens and shows promise for possible weed control in fairways. Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) is among the most common turfgrass species used for golf fairways in the Northern United States and its response to methiozolin has scarcely been tested. A 2.5-yr field study was conducted at four Virginia locations to evaluate methiozolin efficacy for selective annual bluegrass and roughstalk bluegrass control in creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L.) or Kentucky bluegrass fairways. Another study evaluated the response of 110 Kentucky bluegrass varieties to three rates of methiozolin.
Annual bluegrass has long been presumed to impact putting green trueness, or the ability of the greens canopy to provide a smooth and directionally-consistent ball roll. Although much research has evaluated the impact of greens management on ball roll distance, no peer-reviewed research has evaluated how canopy surface factors, such as weedy annual bluegrass, will influence ball roll direction. Laboratory and field research was conducted to elucidate and overcome experimental errors that may be limiting assessment of ball directional imprecision caused by greens canopy anomalies. Techniques to minimize experimental error were employed in field studies at two Virginia golf courses to determine the influence of annual bluegrass on ball directional imprecision, bounce, and acceleration.
Study results suggest that annual bluegrass patches in a creeping bentgrass putting surface can cause subtle increases in ball directional imprecision and bounce but several sources of error must be controlled before these effects can be measured. By using a mechanical putter to avoid directional errors associated with simulated-putt devices, selecting golf balls with balanced centers of gravity, eliminating legacy or "tracking" effects of repeated ball rolls via canopy brushing, and scoring ball direction 30 cm prior to terminal acceleration, we were able to detect an increase in ball directional imprecision of 8 mm m⁻¹ when balls rolled over a single patch of annual bluegrass compared to adjacent rolls on visually-pure creeping bentgrass.
In herbicide efficacy studies, methiozolin-only treatments did not significantly injure creeping bentgrass or Kentucky bluegrass, reduce quality, or reduce normalized difference vegetative index regardless of application timings and rates. In general, fall applications of methiozolin reduced roughstalk bluegrass and annual bluegrass cover more than the spring-only treatments. At 1 year after the last treatment, methiozolin at 1500 g ha⁻¹ applied four times in fall at 2-wk intervals for two consecutive years controlled roughstalk bluegrass and annual bluegrass ≥85% and more consistently than other herbicides or treatment regimes. Spanning 110 Kentucky bluegrass varieties, a commercially-acceptable threshold of 30% Kentucky bluegrass injury required between 3.4 to more than 10 times the methiozolin rate needed for annual bluegrass control. Results indicate that annual bluegrass increases directional imprecision and bounce of golf balls rolling across a greens canopy. Methiozolin could be a viable herbicide for managing annual and roughstalk bluegrass in Kentucky bluegrass and creeping bentgrass fairways but weed control efficacy may be dependent on application timing. By measuring small differences in ball directional imprecision as influenced by greens canopy factors, future research efforts will aim to help turf managers choose appropriate greens management techniques. / Ph. D. / Annual bluegrass and roughstalk bluegrass are among the most troublesome grass weeds on golf courses throughout the United States. Both these weedy bluegrass species reduces the aesthetics and playability of golf turf, including fairways, tees, and putting greens. Since both annual bluegrass and roughstalk bluegrass favors growing conditions very similar to that of desirable cool-season grasses, especially Kentucky bluegrass and creeping bentgrass – the most prominent cool-season grasses on golf courses throughout the Northern USA, selective removal of these weedy bluegrass species from the desirable turf sward is very difficult. Moreover, genetic similarity of annual bluegrass and roughstalk bluegrass to Kentucky bluegrass accentuates the difficulty in selective control even more.
Commercially-available herbicides for selective control of these weedy bluegrass species in cool-season golf fairways are limited and often ineffective for long-term control. Methiozolin (PoaCure®) is a new herbicide that has been extensively studied and shown to control annual bluegrass on golf putting greens and shows promise for possible weed control in fairways. However, PoaCure® has scarcely been tested to selectively and safely control annual bluegrass and roughstalk bluegrass in cool-season golf fairways. Therefore, field research was conducted at four Virginia locations to evaluate PoaCure® efficacy for selective, long-term annual bluegrass and roughstalk bluegrass control in creeping bentgrass or Kentucky bluegrass fairways. To assess the weed-control potential of PoaCure® on a broader spectrum of Kentucky bluegrass varieties grown here in VA and other cool-season grass growing parts of the nation, another field research was conducted to evaluate the response of 110 Kentucky bluegrass varieties to three different field application rates of PoaCure®.
In PoaCure® weed control efficacy studies, PoaCure® by itself did not injure or reduced quality of creeping bentgrass or Kentucky bluegrass regardless of application timings and rates. In general, fall applications of PoaCure® reduced roughstalk bluegrass and annual bluegrass green cover more than the spring-only treatments. At trial completion, which was 2.5 years after trial initiation and 1 year after the last herbicidal treatment, PoaCure® at 82 fl oz/A applied four times in fall at 2-wk intervals for two consecutive years provided ≥85% control of annual bluegrass and roughstalk bluegrass and did so more consistently than other herbicides or treatment regimes in the study. In the tolerance study of 110 Kentucky bluegrass varieties, a commercially-acceptable threshold of 30% injury required between 3.4 to more than 10 times the PoaCure® rate needed for annual bluegrass control. Results from herbicide efficacy and tolerance studies indicate that PoaCure® could be a viable herbicide for managing annual and roughstalk bluegrass in Kentucky bluegrass and creeping bentgrass fairways but weed control efficacy may be dependent on application timing.
In addition to being difficult to control and aesthetically unpleasing to view, annual bluegrass has also long been blamed for missed golf putts. Some researchers have surmised that a golf ball's direction may be altered when the ball traverses an anomaly in the greens surface, such as annual bluegrass, but no scientific studies have tested this assumption. Laboratory and field research was conducted to elucidate and overcome experimental errors that may be limiting assessment of ball directional imprecision caused by greens canopy anomalies. Study results suggest that an isolated patch of annual bluegrass increases ball directional imprecision by 8 mm m<sup>-1</sup> compared to visibly-pure creeping bentgrass and that tools and methodology currently reported in scientific literature are not precise enough to discern these subtle changes in direction.
At Virginia Tech, we devised a new methodology to discern subtle changes in ball roll directional precision and bounce as influenced by an isolated patch of annual bluegrass in an otherwise visually-pure creeping bentgrass canopy. We used a mechanical putter to minimize directional errors associated with commercially-available simulated putt-devices, selected balanced golf balls, eliminated legacy of repeated ball rolls by brushing putting green surface canopy between ball rolls, scored ball direction prior to terminal acceleration with pressuresensitive paper, and used high-speed video and motion tracking software to measure ball wobble and bounce. Results indicate that annual bluegrass increases directional imprecision and bounce of golf balls rolling across a greens canopy.
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Comparison of Efficacy of Ethofumesate Products for Poa annua Control in TurfUmeda, Kai 02 1900 (has links)
Ethofumesate as an emulsifiable concentrate (EC) formulation (Prograss*) demonstrated slightly more activity against Poa annua, though not statistically significant, than the suspension concentrate (SC) herbicide (PoaConstrictor*). Following two applications, P. annua control was equivalent for Prograss at 0.75 lb a.i./A and PoaConstrictor at 1.0 lb a.i./A at approximately one month later. Late season evaluations showed that Prograss at one-half the rate of PoaConstrictor gave acceptable P. annua control. Both products needed to be applied two times at 2.0 lb a.i./A to achieve better than acceptable P. annua control as spring transition occurred.
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Velocity* Herbicide for Poa annua Control in TurfUmeda, Kai 02 1900 (has links)
Velocity* at 20 g a.i./A provided P. annua control better than at 10 g a.i./A. Velocity at 20 or 30 g a.i./A offered similar P. annua control with a single application. Velocity at 20 g a.i./A with the addition of non-ionic surfactant Latron CS-7* or Primo*, P. annua control was almost similar to that of Prograss* at 80%. Velocity at 10 g a.i./A combinations or at 20 g a.i./A without additives gave less than 75% control.
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