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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tenzometrické závěsy kol Formule Student / Strain Gauge Suspensions of Formula Student

Stariak, Gabriel January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with examinations of forces which are acting from road surface on tyres. The aim is to design and build measuring circuit which measure forces in front suspension. The thesis deals with designing of mathematical model in addition describes problematic of strain gauge sensors, their calibration and verification measure in details. The results are data obtained from static and dynamic measurement and outputs from multi-body system softwares. The results are evaluated and compared at conclusion.

Příprava nanostrukturovaných a nanokompozitních vrstev s matricí plazmového polymeru / Preparation of nanostructured and nanocomposite thin films with plasma polymer matrix

Solař, Pavel January 2014 (has links)
Title: Preparation of nanostructured and nanocomposite thin films with plasma polymer matrix Author: Pavel Solař Department: Department of Macromolecular Physics, MFF, UK Supervisor of the doctoral thesis Prof. RNDr. Hynek Biederman, DrSc., Department of Macromolecular Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague Abstract: This thesis is devoted to study of nanostructured thin films implementing metal and plasma polymer particles and columns. Process of formation of particles from various materials has been studied. The particles size, shape and chemical composition has been characterized relative to the deposition conditions. Transport of metal and plasma polymer particles inside the particle source and from the particle source to substrate has been investigated. The particles were used in composite films especially to produce films with controlled roughness e.g. for investigation of influence of roughness on adhesion of cells. Preparation of columnar films by Glancing Angle Deposition has been studied and the particles have been used as seeds for the columnar growth. Keywords: Nanoparticles, Glancing Angle Deposition, plasma polymer, composite thin film

Sustainable bathroom design / Hållbar badrumsdesign

Johansson, Josefine, Zöllner Wohlfart, Lisa January 2017 (has links)
Skanska is one of the leading construction companies in Sweden when it comes to sustainable construction. Buildings are responsible for 40 % of both the global energy consumption and the global resources. With the current demand on housing, the building pace needs to increase whilst improving on sustainability. The level of industrialisation in the construction sector is still low compared to other sectors. Prefabricated components such as walls or slabs are common and during the last decade, prefabricated bathroom modules (henceforth referred as pods) have been introduced and are now used quite frequently in commercial buildings. A pod is a completely factory manufactured bathroom that is just lifted in place. The aim of this master thesis is to evaluate pods from a sustainable perspective and compare them to a traditional site built bathroom. Data is collected through field studies, interviews, a survey, reference projects and research.The analysis consists of seven key factors, Design, Human Resources, Waste, Time, Transport, Economy and Energy. The analysis resulted in improving four of the seven key factors when using pods; Human resources, waste, time and economy. The main benefit was reduced production time and thereby large cost savings, that for the reference project was 6,6 % of the total project cost. Usually, life cycle costs are not included in the initial costings, which gives a misleading price. Pods are a suitable concept for projects with at least 25-30 bathrooms, where the end user does not affect the design and where there is at least 20 bathrooms for each model. / Skanska är ett av de ledande byggföretagen inom hållbarhet i Sverige. Byggnader står för 40 % av både den globala energianvändningen och de globala resurserna. På grund av dagens rådande bostadsbrist behöver byggtakten öka och samtidigt bli hållbarare. Industrialiseringen inom byggsektorn är jämfört med andra branscher låg, men prefabricerade komponenter såsom väggar och bjälklag används i stor utsträckning. Under det senaste decenniet har även prefabricerade badrumsmoduler blivit allt vanligare i kommersiella projekt. En modul är ett komplett badrum, tillverkat i fabrik, som enbart lyfts på plats och kopplas in. Syftet med arbetet är att utvärdera modulkonceptet ur ett hållbarhetsperspektiv och att jämföra det med ett traditionellt platsbyggt badrum. Data har samlats in genom studiebesök, intervjuer, enkät, referensprojekt och bakgrundsstudier. Analysen baseras på sju nyckeltal, design, personalresurser, spill och förluster, tid, transport, ekonomi samt energi. Användning av moduler resulterar i en förbättring i fyra av sju nyckeltal, personalresurser, spill och förluster, tid och ekonomi. Största fördelen är den förkortade produktionstiden, vilket i sin tur leder till minskade kostnader. För referensprojektet blev kostnadsbesparingarna 6,6 % av den totala projektkostnaden. Vanligtvis är livscykelkostnader i dagsläget inte inräknade i de initiala kalkylerna, vilket ger en missvisande projektkostnad. Moduler är lämpade för projekt med minst 25-30 badrum, där slutanvändaren inte påverkar design och där det är minst 20 badrum per modell.

Přiměřenost trestní sankce: Komparace trestání dopravních trestných činů a přiléhajících dopravních přestupků spáchaných pod vlivem návykových látek v České a Slovenské republice. / Adequacy of penal sanction: Comparison of punishing traffic criminal offences and decumbent traffic administrative offences committed under influence of addictive substances in Czech and Slovak republic.

Mikuš, Michal January 2017 (has links)
Adequacy of penal sanction: Comparison of punishing traffic criminal offences and decumbent traffic administrative offences committed under influence of addictive substances in Czech and Slovak republic. Master's Thesis Michal Mikuš Summary. This thesis makes survey on a punishing adequacy of traffic offences committed under influence of alcohol and the other addictive substances. The theoretical basis, that knowledge is necessary prerequisite for reviewing punishing adequacy, like theories of punishment, purpose of punishment and a principle of adequacy, are in the theoretical part of the thesis. In the special part of the thesis is comparison of valid and effective law in the Czech and Slovak Republic. The practical part of the thesis is composed of an analysis of decisions delivered by the County Traffic Inspectorate Banská Bystrica, County Traffic Inspectorate Bratislava I., Banská Bystrica County Court, Bratislava I. County Court, City Hall of Zlín, City Hall of Prague, Zlín County Court and the Prague 2 Circuit Court. The analysis is composed not only of punishment adequacy review, but also of the all substantive and procedural deficiencies, that occurred in the decisions of particular state's body. At the end is provided comparison of analysis outcomes, which stemmed from decisions of national...

Debating Poverty - Christian and Non-Christian Perspectives on the Social Question in Britain, 1880 - 1914 / Die Debatte um die Soziale Frage in Großbritannien 1880 - 1914. Christliche und Nicht-Christliche Perspektiven

Maser, Angelika 04 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Nouvelle méthodologie générique permettant d’obtenir la probabilité de détection (POD) robuste en service avec couplage expérimental et numérique du contrôle non destructif (CND) / New generic methodology to obtain robust In-Service Probability Of Detection (POD) coupling experimental and numerical simulation of Non-Destructive Test (NDT)

Reseco Bato, Miguel 17 May 2019 (has links)
L’évaluation des performances des procédures de Contrôle Non Destructifs (CND) en aéronautique est une étape clé dans l’établissement du dossier de certification de l’avion. Une telle démonstration de performances est faite à travers l’établissement de probabilités de détection (Probability Of Detection – POD), qui intègrent l’ensemble des facteurs influents et sources d’incertitudes inhérents à la mise en œuvre de la procédure. Ces études, basées sur des estimations statistiques faites sur un ensemble représentatif d’échantillons, reposent sur la réalisation d’un grand nombre d’essais expérimentaux (un minimum de 60 échantillons contenant des défauts de différentes tailles, qui doivent être inspectés par au moins 3 opérateurs [1]), afin de recueillir un échantillon suffisant pour une estimation statistique pertinente. Le coût financier associé est élevé, parfois prohibitif, et correspond majoritairement à la mise en œuvre des maquettes servant aux essais. Des travaux récents [2-5] ont fait émerger une approche de détermination de courbes POD utilisant la simulation des CND, notamment avec le logiciel CIVA. L’approche, dite de propagation d’incertitudes, consiste à : - Définir une configuration nominale d’inspection, - Identifier l’ensemble des paramètres influents susceptibles de varier dans l’application de la procédure, - Caractériser les incertitudes liées à ces paramètres par des lois de probabilités, - Réaliser un grand nombre de simulations par tirage aléatoire des valeurs prises par les paramètres variables selon les lois de probabilités définies. Le résultat de cet ensemble de simulations constitue enfin la base de données utilisée pour l’estimation des POD. Cette approche réduit de façon très importante les coûts d’obtention des POD mais est encore aujourd’hui sujette à discussions sur sa robustesse vis-à-vis des données d’entrée (les lois de probabilité des paramètres incertains) et sur la prise en compte des facteurs humains. L’objectif de cette thèse est de valider cette approche sur des cas d’application AIRBUS et d’en améliorer la robustesse afin de la rendre couramment utilisable au niveau industriel, notamment en la faisant accepter par les autorités de vol (FAA et EASA). Pour ce faire le thésard devra mener des campagnes de validations des codes de simulation des CND, mettre en œuvre la méthodologie décrite plus haut sur les cas d’application AIRBUS, puis proposer et mettre en œuvre des stratégies d’amélioration de la robustesse de la méthode vis-à-vis des données d’entrée et des facteurs liés à l’humain. / The performance assessment of non-destructive testing (NDT) procedures in aeronautics is a key step in the preparation of the aircraft's certification document. Such a demonstration of performance is done through the establishment of Probability of Detection (POD) laws integrating all sources of uncertainty inherent in the implementation of the procedure. These uncertainties are due to human and environmental factors in In-Service maintenance tasks. To establish experimentally these POD curves, it is necessary to have data from a wide range of operator skills, defect types and locations, material types, test protocols, etc. Obtaining these data evidences high costs and significant delays for the aircraft manufacturer. The scope of this thesis is to define a robust methodology of building POD from numerical modeling. The POD robustness is ensured by the integration of the uncertainties through statistical distributions issued from experimental data or engineering judgments. Applications are provided on titanium beta using high frequency eddy currents NDT technique. First, an experimental database will be created from three environments: laboratory, A321 aircraft and A400M aicraft. A representative sample of operators, with different certification levels in NDT technique, will be employed. Multiple inspection scenarios will be carried out to analyze these human and environmental factors. In addition, this study will take into account the impact of using different equipments in the HFEC test. This database is used, subsequently, to build statistical distributions. These distributions are the input data of the simulation models of the inspection. These simulations are implemented with the CIVA software. A POD module, based on the Monte Carlo method, is integrated into this software. This module will be applied to address human and ergonomic influences on POD. Additionally this module will help us to understand in a better way the equipment impact in POD curves. Finally, the POD model will be compared and validated with the experimental results developed.

Концентрације антихипертензивних лекова код давалаца крви / Koncentracije antihipertenzivnih lekova kod davalaca krvi / The concentration of antihypertensive drugs in blood donors

Budakov Obradović Zorana 12 December 2014 (has links)
<p>UVOD: Učestalost kardiovaskularnih bolesti je visoka i predstavlja jedan od najče&scaron;ćih uzročnika morbiditeta i mortaliteta. Među evropskim zemljama najvi&scaron;i mortalitet od kardiovaskularnih bolesti beleži se u Srbiji. Hipertenzivna bolest je hronično oboljenje i često zahteva dugotrajnu medikamentoznu terapiju antihipertenzivnim lekovima. Osobe koje boluju od arterijske hipertenzije, koja je stabilna i dobro kontrolisana antihipertenzivnim lekovima, a čija doza nije menjana poslednje četiri nedelje, mogu biti davaoci krvi. MATERIJAL I METODE: Istraživanje je sprovedeno tokom 2012. godine na teritoriji grada Novog Sada i JužnoBačkog okruga. Prikupljeno je 450 uzoraka krvi od dobrovoljnih davalaca, oba pola, starosti od 18 do 65 godina, koji boluju od hipertenzivne bolesti, a koji u cilju terapije koriste antihipertenzivne lekove. Prikupljeni uzorci plazme analizirani su metodom tečne hromatografije visokih performansi (HPLC). REZULTATI: Analizom je utvrđeno prisustvo antihipertenzivnih lekova, iznad limita kvantifikacije, u 47 uzoraka. Prisustvo metoprolola je utvrđeno u 35, a bisoprolola u 12 uzoraka. U preostalim uzorcima zabeleženo je prisustvo ispitivanih lekova u količinama koje su bile iznad limita detekcije, ali ispod limita kvantifikacije. Detektovane koncentracije metoprolola se nalaze u terapijskom rasponu i za očekivati je da bi kod primaoca bili merljivi znaci efekta leka. Kod niskih detektovanih koncentracija bisoprolola verovatnoća pojave terapijskog efekta je mala i ne može se isključiti, jer bisprolol pokazuje terapijske efekte u rasponu koncentracija od 0,01 do 0,06 mcg/mL. ZAKLJUČAK: Vremenski period privremenog prestanka uzimanja antihipertenzivnih lekova za većinu ispitivanih lekova je odgovarajući i iznosi 24 časa pre davanja krvi. Period privremenog prekidanja terapije od 24 časa pre davanja krvi za metoprolol i bisoprolol potrebno je korigovati u smislu njegovog produženja i implementacija u Vodiče za selekciju i odabir davalaca krvi.</p> / <p>INTRODUCTION: The incidence of cardiovascular diseases is high and is one of the most common causes of morbidity and mortality among European countries. The highest mortality from cardiovascular diseases is recorded in Serbia. A hypertensive disease is a chronic condition and often requires a long-term medicamentous therapy using antihypertensive medications. Persons suffering from arterial hypertension, which is stable and well controlled when using antihypertensive medications, can be blood donors, providing that the dosage has not been changed in the last four weeks of the treatment. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study was conducted during 2012. in the city of Novi Sad area and the South Backa District. 450 blood samples were collected from volunteer donors of both sexes, aged 18. to 65., all suffering from a hypertensive disease, who used antihypertensive medications for the purpose of the therapy. The collected plasma samples were analyzed using the method of high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). RESULTS: The analysis revealed the presence of antihypertensive drugs, that were above the limit of quantification, in 47 samples. The presence of metoprolol was determined in 35 samples, and bisoprolol was present in 12 samples. The remaining samples recorded the presence of the tested drugs in amounts that were above the detection limit, but below the limit of quantification. The detected concentrations of metoprolol are in the therapeutic range, and it is to be expected that a recipient would show measurable signs of drug effect. Regarding the low detected values of bisoprolol, the probability of a therapeutic effect is small and can not be excluded, since bisoprolol shows therapeutic effects in the concentration range of 0.01 to 0.06 mcg/mL. CONCLUSION: The period of time to temporary withdraw the dosage of antihypertensive drugs in most investigated medications proved to be appropriate and is 24 hours prior to blood donation. The period of time to temporary interrupt therapy of 24 hours before giving blood for metoprolol and bisoprolol analysis should be corrected in terms of its extension and implementation in the Blood donors selection guide.</p>

The developmental and genetic basis of explosive pod-shatter in Cardamine hirsuta

Sarchet, Penny January 2012 (has links)
Dispersal is a key trait across biology. Within plants, a variety of explosive seed dispersal mechanisms are seen. Whilst ecological and mechanical studies have described this important evolutionary adaptation in many species, a genetic and developmental understanding of explosive seed dispersal is lacking. In this thesis, the morphology and development of the explosive seed pods of Cardamine hirsuta – a member of the Brassicaceae – are characterised in detail, with reference to its close relative, the model organism A. thaliana. Comparison of fruit morphology between these two species and across other Brassicacean species generated hypotheses regarding the function and polarity of morphological features. In order to identify genes that are necessary for C. hirsuta fruit development, a genetic screen was conducted and a range of mutants identified and subsequently characterised. Analysis of the indehiscent valveless (val) mutant revealed a loss of valve tissue and an expansion of valve margin identity in the silique. Mapping and sequencing identified a mutation in the MADS-box gene FRUITFULL (FUL), which results in a truncated protein, as the likely cause of the val phenotype. Consideration of ful mutants in C. hirsuta and A. thaliana allowed comparison of the genetic patterning of the fruit dehiscence zone in these two species. The genetic interactions between fruit mutants characterised in this thesis and mutants in shoot patterning genes revealed common regulatory networks underlying leaf and fruit development in C. hirsuta. Together, comparison of wild-type and mutant C. hirsuta siliques with those of A. thaliana and other Brassicacean species suggests that specialised cell layers within the valve silique region are of key importance to C. hirsuta’s explosive dehiscence mechanism.

Public relations ve státní správě: Komunikační strategie Prahy 3 / Public relations in public sector: Communication of Prague 3

Kunová, Martina January 2011 (has links)
Master thesis describes public relations, the key communication tools and also devotes space to the media in the Czech Republic. It analyzes in detail the communication of public sector institutions, its specific features and limitations. There are detailed differences between state and local government and debated the communication of politics at the end of the first part. The practical part analyzes the current setting of the communication strategy of the city area Prague 3. It deals with using particular communication tools and their practical application. The next chapter contains PR expert's advices concerning effective public institution communication strategy. The final part evaluates, on the basis of media audit, the overall strategy of city area Prague 3 and passes on the recommendations for a better setup and efficient operation.

Coming-of-Age in American Fiction

ŠOJDELOVÁ, Jana January 2019 (has links)
The Master's Thesis deals with the theme of coming-of-age in American literature. The aim of the theoretical part is to provide theoretical framework and the subsequent examination of common narrative strategies and themes characteristic of this specific genre. We will focus more closely on the three key themes of identity, sexuality and death. In the practical part of this thesis these main themes and their use will be examined in selected novels of American literature; Sylvia Plath's The Bell Jar and Jeffrey Eugenides The Virgin Suicides.

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