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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Collective cognition and decision-making in humans and fish

Clément, Romain Jean Gilbert 23 September 2016 (has links)
Das Zusammenleben in Gruppen ist im Tierreich ein weit verbreitetes Phänomen. Einer der Vorteile des Gruppenlebens könnte die sogenannte „Schwarmintelligenz“ sein, das heißt die Fähigkeit von Gruppen kognitive Probleme zu lösen, die die Problemlösekompetenz einzelner Individuen übersteigt. In der vorliegenden Dissertation untersuchte ich, ob die Gruppengröße beim Menschen und bei Fischen mit einer verbesserten Entscheidungsfindung einhergeht. Beim Menschen analysierte ich zunächst das Abschneiden von Einzelpersonen, die später als Teil einer Gruppe getestet wurden, in einfachen Einschätzungsaufgaben sowie komplizierteren Satz-Rekonstruktionstests. Meine Frage war, ob es Individuen in Gruppen gelingt bessere Entscheidungen zutreffen als das einem durchschnittlichen Individuum der Gruppe alleine möglich wäre und ob Gruppen sogar die Leistung ihres besten Mitglieds in den individuellen Tests überbieten könnten. Tatsächlich konnte ich zeigen, dass Gruppen die Leistung des besten Mitglieds übertreffen, wenn die Problemstellung für Einzelpersonen zu komplex ist oder sich häufig wiederholt. Weiterhin gelang mir zu zeigen, dass Gruppen von Menschen bei einer simulierten Prädationssituation, ähnlich wie es bereits für andere Tierarten beschrieben wurde, anhand von so genannten „Quorum“-Regeln durch non-verbale Kommunikation entscheiden, ob sie bleiben oder flüchten. Dabei dienen einfache Bewegungsmuster als Schlüsselreiz. Individuen einer Gruppe erhöhen durch diesen Mechanismus gleichzeitig ihre echt positiven und verringern ihre falsch positiven Entscheidungen. Beim Guppy, einem Süßwasserfisch aus Trinidad, untersuchte ich in deren natürlichem Habitat, ob die Fähigkeit einzelner Individuen zwischen einer genießbaren und einer ungenießbaren Futterquelle zu unterscheiden, mit der Gruppengröße ansteigt. Meine Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Guppys mit größerer Wahrscheinlichkeit eine genießbare Futterquelle identifizierten, sobald sie Teil einer größeren Gruppe waren. / Group living is a widespread phenomenon. One of its assumed advantages is collective cognition, the ability of groups to solve cognitive problems that are beyond single individuals’ abilities. In this thesis, I investigated whether decision-making improves with group size in both humans and fish, thus using the strengths of each system. In humans, I tested individual performance in simple quantity estimation tasks and a more difficult sentence reconstruction task first alone and then as part of a group. My question was whether groups were able to improve not only on average individual decisions, but also to beat their best members. Indeed, when a given problem is recurrent or too complex for individuals, groups were able to outperform their best members in different contexts. Furthermore, I showed that in a simulated predation experiment, groups of humans decided to stay or to escape using quorum thresholds based on movement behaviour without verbal communication, as has been shown in other animals. This simple movement mechanism allowed individuals in groups to simultaneously increase true positives and decrease false positives. In the guppy, a freshwater fish from Trinidad, I tested in their natural environment whether individuals’ ability to distinguish between an edible and a non-edible food item increases with group size. My results indicate that guppies had better chances to identify the edible food item when part of bigger groups. By investigating several populations with different ecological backgrounds, in particular differing in predation levels, I found that, despite a lower sampling activity in high predation habitats, predation did not affect the improvement of decisions in groups.

Influence of turbidity on social structure in guppies, Poecilia reticulata

Borner, Karoline 17 October 2016 (has links)
Umweltveränderungen kommen natürlicherweise vor und viele Spezies waren im Laufe ihrer Evolutionsgeschichte davon betroffen. Durch die Aktivitäten des Menschen jedoch finden diese in höherer Geschwindigkeit und größerem Umfang statt und stellen so für viele Spezies eine neue Herausforderung dar. Einen großen Einfluss auf die Umwelt nimmt der Mensch durch Verschmutzung, welche zu Veränderungen der Physiologie der Organismen und deren Verhalten führen und damit Einfluss auf die Populationsdynamik und letztendlich auf die Biodiversität haben kann. In meiner Dissertation untersuchte ich den Einfluss durch Bergbau ausgelöster Trübung auf das Verhalten und die soziale Struktur des Guppys. Er nutzt soziale Interaktionen für eine höhere Effizienz bei der Nahrungssuche und Räubervermeidung. Die Nutzung sei-nes dafür eingesetzten Sehsinns ist bei Trübung stark eingeschränkt. Ich untersuchte die Reaktion Trübung unerfahrener Fische aus Labor und Feld auf Trübung. Es zeigte sich, dass beide ihre sozialen Interaktionen in trübem Wasser verringerten. Eine zusätzliche Markow-Ketten-Analyse ergab aber auch, dass Laborfische Kontakte zu bestimmten In-dividuen der Gruppe verstärkten und Feldfische ihre initiierten Kontakte behielten. An-schließend studierte ich den Unterschied der sozialen Struktur Trübung erfahrener und - unerfahrener Fische. Trübung erfahrene Fische erhöhten die Gesamtzahl der Interaktio-nen, reduzierten jedoch die Anzahl der initiierten Kontakte im Gegensatz zu unerfahre-nen Fischen. Diese Strukturänderung, vermute ich, erhöht den Zusammenhalt und damit den In-formationsfluss im Schwarm. Die Ergebnisse von Folgeversuchen, nämlich der Erhalt der Paarungsanzahl und die effektivere Vermeidung einer Räuberattrappe bei Trübung er-fahrenen Fischen, unterstützen diese Vermutung. Die Arbeit zeigt, dass Guppys in der Lage sind, sich durch Änderung Ihrer sozialen Struktur an trübe Verhältnisse anzupas-sen. Dies könnte auch Einfluss auf ihre Populationsstruktur haben. / Most species have been subjected to environmental changes during their evolutionary history. However, due to human activity, environmental changes are currently occurring at higher speeds and on a greater scale, presenting new challenges for many species. Pollution, as a major type of human-induced environmental change, may not only affect physiology but also behaviour, thereby affecting population dynamics and consequently biodiversity. The topic of my dissertation is the effect of turbidity from quarrying on the behaviour and social association pattern of the guppy (Poecilia reticulata). Turbidity impairs the fish’s ability to use visual cues during social interactions, which in turn helps increases efficiency of foraging and avoiding predators. I investigated the initial re-sponse of guppies to turbidity and subsequently tested whether turbidity-experienced vs turbidity-inexperienced populations differ in their social association patterns and how they cope with ecological challenges. Both lab-reared and wild-caught guppies that were inexperienced with turbidity reduced social associations in turbid water in con-trast to turbidity-experienced fish. A Markov chain analysis revealed that lab-reared guppies increased associations with particular neighbours. Similarly, wild-caught gup-pies maintained the number of initiated associations under turbid conditions. The in-crease in non-initiated associations suggests a stronger connectivity within the shoal, leading to higher information transmission in a poor visual environment. Additional results showed that this altered social structure enabled turbidity-experienced fish to maintain the frequency of mating attempts in turbidity and to avoid predation risk. This suggests that guppies have the ability to adjust to turbidity, but with major changes in their social structure, which might have an impact on population dynamics.

Ontogenetic environments and female mate choice in guppies, Poecilia reticulata

Macario, Alessandro January 2013 (has links)
Theoretical models of sexual selection assume that female mating preferences are fixed and variation found between individuals resulting solely from allelic variation at specific loci coding for sexual preferences. For the last decade, an increasing number of studies have demonstrated that individual phenotypic variation in preferences was common across a wide range of taxa and induced by the environmental context and the females’ condition. Further, developmental stages of life are crucial in the formation of behaviours in general and have proven to be determinant to learn sexual preferences in some species that dispense care for their young. However, very little studies have analysed how the early social and physical environments shape female mate choice in species that lack parental care. In this thesis, I used guppies (Poecilia reticulata), firstly, to investigate the influence of various aspects of the social environment provided by males during two ontogenetic phases. Secondly, I explored whether learned preferences in a foraging context during development could be transferred into a mating context. Considering the early social environment, I explored three distinctive features potentially displayed by males and that females might experience while growing. Females were reared with different values of a sexual trait not genetically preferred in the population (orange colour) and different values of a trait for which they had innate predisposition (total colour area). In both cases, females were exposed to the different treatments for the whole developmental period or for its later phase. My results indicated that females changed their sexual behaviours in response to both type of traits experienced, reversing sometimes their genetic preferences. Moreover, the timing of exposure seemed to be a key factor in the acquisition of preferences as females exposed only to the later part of development with different values of total colour didn’t rely anymore on colour patterns to discriminate among males. In a third body of experiment, I examined whether the overall phenotypic variance exhibited by males during whole development, independently of the values of a specific sexual cue, mediated female’s behaviours. In a context of high variance, female became choosier relatively to those experiencing less variance. As a response, males switched mating tactics and attempted more forced copulations. In its final part, my thesis searched for a link that might have arisen, owing to developmental conditions, between preferences using the same sensory modality in two behavioural contexts. Maturing females were given food that was associated to a certain colour and subsequently tested for both their coloured preference in a foraging and a sexual context. Although no foraging preference for the corresponding colour was detected, females that experienced a yellow stimulus preferred yellower males compared to females with other experiences. Taken together these results suggest that developmental conditions and especially the social environment play a pivotal role in the process of mate choice. Under some circumstances, learned mate preferences override genetically-based preferences highlighting the importance of non-genetic mechanisms. Accordingly, it is urgent to integrate in the study of sexual selection and reproductive isolation this dimension. In guppies, for instance, the effect of early social life might contribute to the maintenance of colour pattern polymorphism found in males.

The behavioural ecology of the Trinidadian guppy, Poecilia reticulata, as an invasive species

Deacon, Amy E. January 2011 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the guppy, Poecilia reticulata, as an invasive species. Its non-native distribution, the biology behind its success and the reasons for its introduction are examined. A worldwide email survey revealed that the guppy is established in at least 73 countries outside of its native range and that mosquito control schemes and the release of unwanted aquarium fish are the two primary routes of introduction. Knowledge gaps were identified; primarily the scarcity of scientific evidence for negative impacts of guppy introductions and similarly for mosquito control efficacy. Replicated mesocosm experiments demonstrated that female guppies are capable of routinely establishing populations, and that these retain behavioural viability over several generations. The first mesocosm study suggested that founders with very different evolutionary histories were equally good at establishing populations. The second mesocosm study suggested that monandrous females were extremely successful at establishing behaviourally viable populations, with no decline in behavioural variation. The effectiveness of guppies as mosquito control agents was examined in two related foraging experiments. The first study found little evidence for the presence of ‘prey switching’ in guppies, questioning the validity of previous work advocating their introduction to stabilise prey populations. The second study revealed a preference for non-vector mosquito larvae in a two-prey system. However, both mosquito species were consumed equally readily when habitat complexity increased. The presence of conspecifics affected female foraging behaviour. The presence of males reduced the strength of prey preference in the first study, and the presence of conspecifics of either sex removed prey preference in the second. Both demonstrate that multi-prey systems have important implications for the efficacy of poeciliids in biological control. Despite severe demographic bottlenecks, their adaptability and ability to rapidly increase in numbers enable guppies to establish and persist when introduced. Such bottlenecks are typical of introduction scenarios, warning that particular caution should be exerted when introducing this species, or other livebearing fish, to natural water bodies.

The interplay between sexual selection, inbreeding and inbreeding avoidance in the guppy, Poecilia reticulata

Zajitschek, Susanne, Biological, Earth & Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science, UNSW January 2008 (has links)
Inbreeding can have profound negative effects on individuals by reducing fertility and viability. In populations, inbreeding depression can reduce growth rates and increases extinction risk. The aims of this thesis are to investigate inbreeding depression in male guppies (Poecilia reticulata) and to study the evolution of mechanisms for inbreeding avoidance in females, using guppies from a feral population in Queensland, Australia. Male guppies are highly polymorphic in their sexual ornamentation, indeed they show one of the most extreme polymorphisms observed in nature. Female guppies exhibit complex mate choice based on preferences for ornamentation, as well as social context. I aim is to examine how these factors of inbreeding avoidance alter sexual selection. In male guppies I found strong inbreeding depression in male sperm numbers, which is amplified under semi-natural compared to laboratory conditions (Chapter 2). Moreover, inbreeding depression results in low fertility under sperm competition: an experiment using artificial insemination techniques reveals that highly inbred males are heavily disadvantaged in gaining paternity (Chapter 3). On population level, inbreeding depression is manifest in reduced growth rates, predominantly in the early stages of inbreeding (Chapter 4). Population growth at inbreeding coefficients f=0.375-0.59 did not seem to lead to inbreeding depression, whereas lower levels of inbreeding reduced population growth. Although the growth rates in inbred populations appear normal, severe inbreeding depression is uncovered after outbred immigrants are added. Specifically, male immigrants are most efficient in short-term genetic rescue, probably due to insemination of large numbers of females whereas females are limited in the number of eggs they can produce (Chapter 4). Male ornamental traits show significant inbreeding depression in semi-natural conditions only (Chapters 2 & 3). Inbreeding avoidance mechanisms seem to have evolved in females: they prefer courtship displays of non-inbred males (Chapter 2), unfamiliar males (Chapter 5) and males with rare patterns (Chapter 6). This preference might increase the mating success of immigrants, and may have evolved to facilitate the avoidance of inbreeding. Together with context-independent preferences for ornament combinations (Chapter 6), it also offers an explanation for the maintenance of polymorphism in this species.

The interplay between sexual selection, inbreeding and inbreeding avoidance in the guppy, Poecilia reticulata

Zajitschek, Susanne, Biological, Earth & Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science, UNSW January 2008 (has links)
Inbreeding can have profound negative effects on individuals by reducing fertility and viability. In populations, inbreeding depression can reduce growth rates and increases extinction risk. The aims of this thesis are to investigate inbreeding depression in male guppies (Poecilia reticulata) and to study the evolution of mechanisms for inbreeding avoidance in females, using guppies from a feral population in Queensland, Australia. Male guppies are highly polymorphic in their sexual ornamentation, indeed they show one of the most extreme polymorphisms observed in nature. Female guppies exhibit complex mate choice based on preferences for ornamentation, as well as social context. I aim is to examine how these factors of inbreeding avoidance alter sexual selection. In male guppies I found strong inbreeding depression in male sperm numbers, which is amplified under semi-natural compared to laboratory conditions (Chapter 2). Moreover, inbreeding depression results in low fertility under sperm competition: an experiment using artificial insemination techniques reveals that highly inbred males are heavily disadvantaged in gaining paternity (Chapter 3). On population level, inbreeding depression is manifest in reduced growth rates, predominantly in the early stages of inbreeding (Chapter 4). Population growth at inbreeding coefficients f=0.375-0.59 did not seem to lead to inbreeding depression, whereas lower levels of inbreeding reduced population growth. Although the growth rates in inbred populations appear normal, severe inbreeding depression is uncovered after outbred immigrants are added. Specifically, male immigrants are most efficient in short-term genetic rescue, probably due to insemination of large numbers of females whereas females are limited in the number of eggs they can produce (Chapter 4). Male ornamental traits show significant inbreeding depression in semi-natural conditions only (Chapters 2 & 3). Inbreeding avoidance mechanisms seem to have evolved in females: they prefer courtship displays of non-inbred males (Chapter 2), unfamiliar males (Chapter 5) and males with rare patterns (Chapter 6). This preference might increase the mating success of immigrants, and may have evolved to facilitate the avoidance of inbreeding. Together with context-independent preferences for ornament combinations (Chapter 6), it also offers an explanation for the maintenance of polymorphism in this species.

Alternative Stable States in Size-Structured Communities : Patterns, Processes, and Mechanisms

Schröder, Arne January 2008 (has links)
<p>Alternative stable states have been, based on theoretical findings, predicted to be common in ecological systems. Empirical data from a number of laboratory and natural studies strongly suggest that alternative stable states also occur in real populations, communities and ecosystems. Potential mechanisms involve population size-structure and food-dependent individual development. These features can lead to ontogenetic niche shifts, juvenile recruitment bottlenecks and emergent Allee effects; phenomena that establish destabilising positive feedbacks in a system and hence create alternative stable states.</p><p>I studied the consequences of population size-structure for community dynamics at different scales of system complexity. I performed laboratory and ecosystem experiments. Small poecilliid fishes and planktonic invertebrates with short generation times and life spans were used as model organisms. This allowed me to assess the long-term dynamics of the populations and communities investigated.</p><p>The main experimental results are: (a) An ontogenetic niche shift in individuals of the phantom midge <i>Chaoborus</i> made the population vulnerable to an indirect competitive recruitment bottleneck imposed by cladoceran mesozooplankton via rotifers. Consequentially the natural zooplankton food web exhibited two alternative attractors. (b) Body size determined the success of <i>Poecilia reticulata</i> invading resident population of <i>Heterandria formosa</i> and thus the type of alternative stable state that established. Small invaders were outcompeted by the residents, whereas large invaders excluded their competitor by predating on its recruits. (c) External juvenile and adult mortality altered the internal feedback structure that regulates a laboratory population of <i>H. formosa</i> in such a way that juvenile biomass increased with mortality. This biomass overcompensation in a prey population can establish alternative stable states with top-predators being either absent or present.</p><p>The major conclusion is that size-structure and individual growth can indeed lead to alternative stable states. The considerations of these ubiquitous features of populations offer hence new insights and deeper understanding of community dynamics. Alternative stable states can have tremendous consequences for human societies that utilise the ecological services provided by an ecological system. Understanding the effects of size-structure on alternative stability is thus crucial for sustainable exploitation or production of food resources.</p>

Alternative Stable States in Size-Structured Communities : Patterns, Processes, and Mechanisms

Schröder, Arne January 2008 (has links)
Alternative stable states have been, based on theoretical findings, predicted to be common in ecological systems. Empirical data from a number of laboratory and natural studies strongly suggest that alternative stable states also occur in real populations, communities and ecosystems. Potential mechanisms involve population size-structure and food-dependent individual development. These features can lead to ontogenetic niche shifts, juvenile recruitment bottlenecks and emergent Allee effects; phenomena that establish destabilising positive feedbacks in a system and hence create alternative stable states. I studied the consequences of population size-structure for community dynamics at different scales of system complexity. I performed laboratory and ecosystem experiments. Small poecilliid fishes and planktonic invertebrates with short generation times and life spans were used as model organisms. This allowed me to assess the long-term dynamics of the populations and communities investigated. The main experimental results are: (a) An ontogenetic niche shift in individuals of the phantom midge Chaoborus made the population vulnerable to an indirect competitive recruitment bottleneck imposed by cladoceran mesozooplankton via rotifers. Consequentially the natural zooplankton food web exhibited two alternative attractors. (b) Body size determined the success of Poecilia reticulata invading resident population of Heterandria formosa and thus the type of alternative stable state that established. Small invaders were outcompeted by the residents, whereas large invaders excluded their competitor by predating on its recruits. (c) External juvenile and adult mortality altered the internal feedback structure that regulates a laboratory population of H. formosa in such a way that juvenile biomass increased with mortality. This biomass overcompensation in a prey population can establish alternative stable states with top-predators being either absent or present. The major conclusion is that size-structure and individual growth can indeed lead to alternative stable states. The considerations of these ubiquitous features of populations offer hence new insights and deeper understanding of community dynamics. Alternative stable states can have tremendous consequences for human societies that utilise the ecological services provided by an ecological system. Understanding the effects of size-structure on alternative stability is thus crucial for sustainable exploitation or production of food resources.

Assessing the Link Between Coastal Development and the Quality of Fish Habitat in Mangrove Tidal Tributaries

Krebs, Justin Micheal 01 January 2012 (has links)
To assess the potential influence of coastal development on the quality of estuarine habitat for nekton, we characterized land use and the intensity of land development surrounding small tidal tributaries of Tampa Bay. Based on this characterization, we classified tributaries as undeveloped, industrial, urban or man-made (i.e., mosquito-control ditches). Over one-third (37%) of tributaries were determined to be heavily developed, while fewer than one-third (28%) remain relatively undeveloped. We then examined the nekton community from eleven tributaries in watersheds representing the defined land-use classes. Whereas mean nekton density and species richness were both independent of land use, nekton-community structure differed between non-urban (i.e., undeveloped, industrial, ditches) and urban tributaries. In urban tributaries, the community was skewed towards high densities of poeciliid fishes while typically dominant estuarine taxa were in low abundance or nearly absent. Densities of economically important taxa in urban creeks were also only half that observed in most non-urban creeks, but were similar to those observed in mosquito ditches. Furthermore, six of nine common taxa were found to be in relatively poor condition (6-22% smaller in mass), or were rarely collected, in urban creeks. Reproductive output was reduced for both sailfin mollies (i.e., fecundity) and grass shrimp (i.e., very low densities and few ovigerous females) in urban tributaries. Canonical correspondence analysis differentiated non-urban and urban tributaries based on greater impervious surface, less natural mangrove shoreline, higher frequency of hypoxia and lower, more variable salinities in urban tributaries. These characteristics explained 48% of the variation in nekton data, including the high densities of poeciliid fishes, greater energy reserves in sailfin mollies and low densities of several common nekton and economically important taxa from urban creeks. Our results suggest that urban development in coastal areas has the potential to alter the quality of habitat for nekton in small tidal tributaries as reflected by variation in nekton metrics between urban and non-urban tributaries. To further evaluate the link between coastal development fish-habitat quality, we examined the relationship between landscape development intensity (LDI) and the body condition of juvenile sailfin mollies (Poecilia latipinna), a dominant forage fish in tidal tributaries. Morphometric condition, measured as least-square mean dry weight, did not differ statistically among tributaries (P = 0.85). In contrast, biochemical condition, measured as the concentration of triacylglycerol (TAG), the predominant storage lipid, was significantly different among tributaries (P < 0.0001). LDI explained less of the observed variation in TAG content (R2 = 0.18, P = 0.11) than long-term mean salinity (R2 = 0.81, P < 0.0001), which also tended to be lower in more intensively developed watersheds. We hypothesized that urban land use, characterized by considerably greater impervious surface than undeveloped lands, contributed to altered watershed hydrology, high freshwater runoff and low salinities in urbanized creeks. Together these factors appear to foster conditions conducive to lower energetic cost of osmoregulation in urban creeks, and development of a benthic microalgal community of greater nutritional value than the food resources available in non-urban tributaries. To our knowledge, this is one of the first studies to relate urbanization to the condition of resident fishes. While not directly related to coastal urbanization, the level of predation risk within a habitat is a direct measure of habitat quality that could be reflected by the reproductive strategy of potential prey. To evaluate the use of reproductive metrics of fish-habitat quality, we examined reproduction in P. latipinna from eleven tidal tributaries. Our results revealed a gradient along which females produced many, small offspring at one extreme (mean=42 offspring, 17 mg each) and fewer, larger offspring at the other (24 offspring, 29 mg each). Reproductive allotment ranged from 14.9 - 21.5% maternal biomass. Based on our observation of divergent reproductive strategies, we experimentally tested the null hypothesis of no difference in predation risk among tributaries using a novel quantitative approach to estimate predation. We predicted greater risk in tributaries where mollies produced many, small offspring. Tethering confirmed increasing risk from 16.2 ± 5.3% SE to 54.7 ± 3.6% fish lost h-1 across sites in agreement with observed variation in reproduction. Predation was unexpectedly higher than predicted at one of the four sites suggesting that additional factors (e.g., food) had influenced reproduction there. Our results provide insight into the well-studied concept of predator-mediated variation in prey reproduction by quantitatively demonstrating differential risk for mollies exhibiting divergent reproductive strategies. While the observed range of variation in reproductive traits was consistent with previous studies reporting strong predator effects, higher than expected predation in one case may suggest that the prey response does not follow a continuous trajectory of incremental change with increasing predation risk, but may be better defined as a threshold beyond which a significant shift in reproductive strategy occurs.

The interplay between sexual selection, inbreeding and inbreeding avoidance in the guppy, Poecilia reticulata

Zajitschek, Susanne, Biological, Earth & Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science, UNSW January 2008 (has links)
Inbreeding can have profound negative effects on individuals by reducing fertility and viability. In populations, inbreeding depression can reduce growth rates and increases extinction risk. The aims of this thesis are to investigate inbreeding depression in male guppies (Poecilia reticulata) and to study the evolution of mechanisms for inbreeding avoidance in females, using guppies from a feral population in Queensland, Australia. Male guppies are highly polymorphic in their sexual ornamentation, indeed they show one of the most extreme polymorphisms observed in nature. Female guppies exhibit complex mate choice based on preferences for ornamentation, as well as social context. I aim is to examine how these factors of inbreeding avoidance alter sexual selection. In male guppies I found strong inbreeding depression in male sperm numbers, which is amplified under semi-natural compared to laboratory conditions (Chapter 2). Moreover, inbreeding depression results in low fertility under sperm competition: an experiment using artificial insemination techniques reveals that highly inbred males are heavily disadvantaged in gaining paternity (Chapter 3). On population level, inbreeding depression is manifest in reduced growth rates, predominantly in the early stages of inbreeding (Chapter 4). Population growth at inbreeding coefficients f=0.375-0.59 did not seem to lead to inbreeding depression, whereas lower levels of inbreeding reduced population growth. Although the growth rates in inbred populations appear normal, severe inbreeding depression is uncovered after outbred immigrants are added. Specifically, male immigrants are most efficient in short-term genetic rescue, probably due to insemination of large numbers of females whereas females are limited in the number of eggs they can produce (Chapter 4). Male ornamental traits show significant inbreeding depression in semi-natural conditions only (Chapters 2 & 3). Inbreeding avoidance mechanisms seem to have evolved in females: they prefer courtship displays of non-inbred males (Chapter 2), unfamiliar males (Chapter 5) and males with rare patterns (Chapter 6). This preference might increase the mating success of immigrants, and may have evolved to facilitate the avoidance of inbreeding. Together with context-independent preferences for ornament combinations (Chapter 6), it also offers an explanation for the maintenance of polymorphism in this species.

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