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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Molecular dynamics simulations of polyelectrolyte brushes

Narayanan Nair, Arun Kumar January 2006 (has links)
This thesis studies strong, completely charged polyelectrolyte brushes. Extensive molecular dynamics simulations are performed on different polyelectrolyte brush systems using local compute servers and massively parallel supercomputers. The full Coulomb interaction of charged monomers, counterions, and salt ions is treated explicitly. The polymer chains are anchored by one of their ends to a uncharged planar surface. The chains are treated under good solvent conditions. Monovalent salt ions (1:1 type) are modelled same as counterions. The studies concentrate on three different brush systems at constant temperature and moderate Coulomb interaction strength (Bjerrum length equal to bond length): <br><br> The first system consists of a single polyelectrolyte brush anchored with varying grafting density to a plane. Results show that chains are extended up to about 2/3 of their contour length. The brush thickness slightly grows with increasing anchoring density. This slight dependence of the brush height on grafting density is in contrast to the well known scaling result for the osmotic brush regime. That is why the result obtained by simulations has stimulated further development of theory as well as new experimental investigations on polyelectrolyte brushes. This observation can be understood on a semi-quantitative level using a simple scaling model that incorporates excluded volume effects in a free-volume formulation where an effective cross section is assigned to the polymer chain from where couterions are excluded. The resulting regime is called nonlinear osmotic brush regime. Recently this regime was also obtained in experiments. <br><br> The second system studied consists of polyelectrolyte brushes with added salt in the nonlinear osmotic regime. Varying salt is an important parameter to tune the structure and properties of polyelectrolytes. Further motivation is due to a theoretical scaling prediction by Pincus for the salt dependence of brush thickness. In the high salt limit (salt concentration much larger than counterion concentration) the brush height is predicted to decrease with increasing external salt, but with a relatively weak power law showing an exponent -1/3. There is some experimental and theoretical work that confirms this prediction, but there are other results that are in contradiction. In such a situation simulations are performed to validate the theoretical prediction. The simulation result shows that brush thickness decreases with added salt, and indeed is in quite good agreement with the scaling prediction by Pincus.<br><br> The relation between buffer concentration and the effective ion strength inside the brush at varying salt concentration is of interest both from theoretical as well as experimental point of view. The simulation result shows that mobile ions (counterions as well as salt) distribute nonhomogeneously inside and outside of the brush. To explain the relation between the internal ion concentration with the buffer concentration a Donnan equilibrium approach is employed. Modifying the Donnan approach by taking into account the self-volume of polyelectrolyte chains as indicated above, the simulation result can be explained using the same effective cross section for the polymer chains. The extended Donnan equilibrium relation represents a interesting theoretical prediction that should be checked by experimental data.<br><br> The third system consist of two interacting polyelectrolyte brushes that are grafted to two parallel surfaces. The interactions between brushes are important, for instance, in stabilization of dispersions against flocculation. In the simulations pressure is evaluated as a function of separation D between the two grafting planes. The pressure behavior shows different regimes for decreasing separation. This behavior is in qualitative agreement with experimental data. At relatively weak compression the pressure behavior obtained in the simulation agrees with a 1/D power law predicted by scaling theory. Beyond that the present study could supply new insight for understanding the interaction between polyelectrolyte brushes. / In dieser Arbeit werden vollständig geladene, starke Polyelektrolytbürsten untersucht. Unter Verwendung lokaler Computeserver und massiv paralleler Supercomputer wurden umfangreiche Molekulardynamik Simulationen von verschiedenen Polyelektrolytbürsten Systemen ausgeführt. Die vollständige Coulomb Wechselwirkung zwischen geladenen Monomeren, Gegen- und Salzionen wird explizit berücksichtigt. Die Polymerketten – in gutem Lösungsmittel simuliert – sind mit einem Ende an einer ungeladenen, planaren Grenzfläche verankert. Monovalente Salzionen (1:1) werden identisch wie Gegenionen modelliert. Simulationen bei konstanter Temperatur und moderater Stärke der Coulomb Wechselwirkung (Bjerrum Länge etwa gleich der Bindungslänge) konzentrieren sich auf drei Systeme:<br><br> 1. Polyelektrolytbürsten ohne Salzionen mit variabler Ankerdichte der Ketten<br> Die Simulationsergebnisse zeigen, dass die Polyelektrolytketten bis zu 2/3 ihrer Konturlänge gestreckt sind, wobei die Bürstenhöhe mit zunehmender Ankerdichte leicht wächst. Diese schwache Abhängigkeit steht im Widerspruch zu theoretischen Ergebnissen, die Unabhängigkeit von der Ankerdichte im so genannten osmotischen Regime vorhersagen. In der Folge haben die Simulationen sowohl weitergehende theoretische Überlegungen als auch neue experimentelle Untersuchungen an Polyelektrolytbürsten stimuliert. Zwischenzeitlich konnte die Beobachtung auf semi-quantitativer Ebene auf der Basis eines einfachen Skalenmodells verstanden werden, welches das Eigenvolumen der Polymerketten im Rahmen einer freien Volumen Näherung berücksichtigt. Dabei wird der Kette ein effektiver Querschnitt zugeordnet, von dem Gegenionen ausgeschlossen sind. Das resultierende Regime, in dem nichtlineare Entropie und Elastizität berücksichtigt sind, wird als nichtlinear osmotisches Regime bezeichnet. In der Zwischenzeit konnte dieses Regime auch experimentell verifiziert werden.<br><br> 2. Polyelektrolytbürsten im nichtlinear osmotischen Regime mit variabler Salzkonzentration <br> Struktur und Eigenschaften von Polyelektrolyten können in einfacher Weise durch Veränderung der Salzkonzentration beeinflusst werden. Nach Pincus sollte für starke Salzkonzentration (groß gegenüber der Konzentration der Gegenionen) die Bürstenhöhe mit wachsender Konzentration abnehmen, jedoch nur als relativ schwaches Potenzgesetz mit einem Exponenten -1/3. In der Literatur sind experimentelle und theoretische Ergebnisse bekannt, die diese theoretische Vorhersage bestätigen – allerdings auch solche, die dazu im Widerspruch stehen. In einer solchen Situation sind Simulationen ein geeignetes Mittel, um theoretische Vorhersagen zu überprüfen: In der Tat bestätigen die vorliegenden Simulationsergebnisse in eindeutiger Weise die theoretische Vorhersage von Pincus.<br><br> Das Verhältnis zwischen Buffer Konzentration und effektiver Ionenstärke in der Polymerschicht ist nicht nur von theoretischem Interesse, sondern hat ebenso experimentelle Relevanz. Die Simulationen zeigen, dass die mobilen Ionen innerhalb und außerhalb der Polyelektrolytbürste inhomogen verteilt sind. Ein Erklärungsversuch mit Hilfe des Donnan Gleichgewichts liefert nur für sehr kleine Salzkon-zentrationen befriedigende Übereinstimmung, ansonst ein qualitativ unterschiedliches Verhalten. Wird jedoch das Eigenvolumen der Ketten in ähnlicher Weise wie oben skizziert berücksichtigt, können die Simulationsdaten bei identischer Parameterwahl in nahezu perfekter Übereinstimmung reproduziert werden. Der erweiterte Ansatz für das Donnan Gleichgewicht in konzentrierten Systemen stellt eine interessante theoretische Vorhersage dar, die auch experimentell überprüft werden sollte.<br><br> 3. Wechselwirkung zwischen zwei Polyelektrolytbürsten ohne Salz <br> Repulsive Wechselwirkungen zwischen Polymerbürsten haben in unterschiedlichen Zusammenhängen eine große Bedeutung, so z.B. bei der Stabilisierung von Dispersionen oder bei der Reduzierung von Reibungswiderständen in biologischen Systemen. In den vorgestellten Simulationen von zwei Polyelektrolytbürsten, die an gegenüberliegende Grenzflächen verankert sind, wird der osmotische Druck in Abhängigkeit vom Abstand D der Ankerflächen untersucht. Mit abnehmendem Abstand werden unterschiedliche Regime im Verhalten des Druckes beobachtet. Dieses Verhalten stimmt qualitativ mit experimentellen Ergebnissen überein. Für relativ schwache Überlappung folgt das Verhalten des Drucks dem theoretisch vorhergesagten 1/D Skalengesetz. Darüber hinaus liefert die Simulationsuntersuchung neue Daten zum Verständnis der Wechselwirkung zwischen Polyelektrolyt Bürsten.

Study on Polyelectrolyte Brushes on Silicone Rubber And The Influence Of Hydrophobic Recovery

Tong, Zifeng 28 April 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Polyelectrolyte Building Blocks for Nanotechnology: Atomic Force Microscopy Investigations of Polyelectrolyte-Lipid Interactions, Polyelectrolyte Brushes and Viral Cages

Cuéllar Camacho, José Luis 26 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The work presented here has a multidisciplinary character, having as a common factor the characterization of self-assembled nanostructures through force spectroscopy. Exploring AFM as a tool for characterizing self-assembly and interaction forces in soft matter nanostructures, three different Bio and nonbiological systems where investigated, all of them share the common characteristic of being soft matter molecular structures at the nanoscale. The studied systems in question are: a) Polyelectrolyte – lipid nanocomposites. Single polyelectrolyte adsorption-desorption from supported lipid bilayers, b) Polyelectrolyte brushes and c) Virus-Like particles (VLPs). The scientific interest and industrial applications for each of these different nanostructures is broad, and their potential uses in the near future ranges from smart nanocontainers for drug and gene delivery, surface platforms for molecular recognition to the development of new nanodevices with ultrasensitive external stimuli responsiveness. These nano-structures are constructed following assembly of smaller subunits and belong to representative examples of soft matter in modern nanotechnology. The stability, behavior, properties and long term durability of these self-organized structures depends strongly on the environmental conditions to which they are exposed since their building mechanism is a balance between attractive noncovalent interactions and momentum transmitted collisions due Brownian motion of the solvent molecules. For example a set of long chain molecules firmly attached to one end to a surface will alter their conformation as the space between them is reduced or the environmental conditions are modified (i.e. ionic strength, pH or temperature). For a highly packed condition, this fuzzy surface known as a polyelectrolyte brush will then behave as a responsive material with tunable responsiveness. Thus the objective in the present case was to investigate the change in morphology and the mechanical response of a polyelectrolyte brush to external forces by application of AFM nanoindentations under different ionic strength conditions. The degree of penetration of the AFM tip through the brush will provide insights into the forces exerted by the brush against the tip. Compressions on the brush should aid to characterize its changes in compressibility for different salt concentrations. For the second chosen system, the interaction between two assembled interfaces was investigated at the single molecular level. A multilayered film formed by the consecutive assembly of oppositely charged polyelectrolytes and subsequently coated with a lipid membrane represents a fascinating soft composite material resembling more than a few structural components emerging in living organisms. The fluid bilayer, thus provide a biocompatible interface where additional functionalities can further be integrated (fusion peptides for instance). The smooth polymer cushion confers not only structural flexibility but also adaptability of the chosen substrate properties to be coated. This type of interface could be useful in the development of novel molecular biosensors with single molecule recognition capacities or in the fabrication of assays against pathogenic agents. The aim of this project was to study the molecular binding mechanism between the last polyelectrolyte layer and the lipid head group of the lower lipid leaflet. Understanding this adsorption mechanism between both interfaces, should likewise contribute to improve the fabrication of lipid coated polymeric nano/micro capsules with targeting properties. For example this could be critical in the field of nonviral gene therapy, where the improvement in the design of condensates of nucleic acids and other polymers with lipids (lipoplexes) are of main interest for its posterior use as delivery vectors. Finally, viral capsids were investigated. These naturally occurring assembled nanocontainers within living organisms stand for a remarkable example of nature’s morphological designs. These structures self-assemble from a small number of different proteins occurring in identical copies. The capsid as a self-assembled structure carries multiple functions: compaction of the genome, protection against external chemical threats, target recognition, structural support and finally facilitating the release of the genome into the host cell. It is highly interesting how these different functions are organized within the capsid which consists, for example, in the case of the norovirus of 180 identical copies of one single protein. Therefore, the mechanical stability and elastic properties of virus-like particles of Rubella and Norovirus were investigated by external application of loading forces with an AFM tip. The measurements were performed under conditions relevant for the virus infection mechanism. The applied compressions on these protein shells at pH values mimicking the virus life cycle will aid to learn about possible internal transitions among proteins which may be important for switching between the various functions of the capsid. The choice of two unrelated viral systems with different entry pathways into the cell and with different morphological architectures is expected to reveal crucial information about the stability and mechanical resistance to deformation of these empty membrane-coated and bare viral capsids. This last might provide clues on the stage of particle disassembly and cargo release during the final step of the infection process.


Ouyang, Hui 19 May 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Adsorption and Grafting of Polyelectrolytes at Solid-Liquid Interfaces

Houbenov, Nikolay 06 August 2005 (has links) (PDF)
A novel strategy for fabrication of responsive functional polymer films is based on grafting of several different functional polymers onto a solid substrate at high grafting density, resulting in varied types of polymer brushes. Such an arrangement suggests many interesting applications of the multicomponent polymer brushes, regarding their versatile adaptive surfaces, capable for responding to changes of solvent polarity, pH, temperature, electromagnetic field and other stimuli, generally by reversible swelling. Mixed amphiphilic polystyrene-poly(2-vynil pyridine) (PS-P2VP) brushes are an example for responsive class of smart materials, which can switch between hydrophilic and hydrophobic energetic state upon changes in the quality of surrounding media. The switching of wettability was found to operate in a broad range and was selectively controlled in organic solvents and in aqueous solutions. Another example for an adaptive/switching behavior is addressed to a polymer brush with a remarkable response to the pH and the ionic strength variations of the aqueous solutions. Combination of weak polyacrylic acid, PAA, and weak polybase, P2VP, in the anchored layer allowed one with a small shift of the pH, to obtain a significant effect on the surface and the interfacial properties of the material. Both type of polymer brushes were examined as adsorbing materials for nanoparticles and charged synthetic- and bio-macromolecules. Their adaptive properties were successively linked to the results of the adsorption experiments. The simplest case was adsorption of nano-particles, functionalised with strong ionic groups, onto binary, PAA-P2VP, polyelectrolyte brushes. Maintaining a constant charge density of the adsorbing component (strong polyelectrolyte effect), allowed one to cause and manipulate a privileged swelling of one of the weak polyelectrolyte brush layers, without affecting the adsorbate properties, and to regulate the thickness of adsorbed layer only by the pH signal. In the case of adsorption of macromolecules with tuneable electrical charge (polyampholytes and proteins), the system became more complicated, regarding their environmentally responsive properties, similar to that exhibited by the polymer brushes. The driving forces were regulated by the switching performance of the brush, simply by adjusting the pH and/or ionic strength conditions. The adsorbed amount and morphological changes of polyampholyte layers were investigated as function of pH and was performed on mixed amphiphilic and binary polyelectrolyte brushes. A special emphasis was set on the binary brush capability to take the control over the interfacial performance of attaching proteins. It was found, that the sharp environmental response of the adsorbent (the polymer brush) strongly influences the morphology of adsorbed protein layers, their thickness and properties. Changing the polarity of the substrate allowed one to regulate the adsorption processes qualitatively and quantitatively. The significant aggregation of protein molecules on PS-P2VP brush and their disassembly on PAA-P2VP brush at the same solvent conditions, we devote to the hydrophobic-hydrophilic transition, occurred at the surface by replacing PS with PAA. The protein aggregates, monitored on the surface of PS-P2VP, sufficiently decrease their size, when switching the brush energetic state from hydrophobic to hydrophilic by adjusting the pH of the media. This effect was found to be well controlled by the brush switching phenomenon in hydrophilic-hydrophobic direction and vice versa. In conclusion, we showed how the structural reorganization in thin polymer brush layers of different type may dramatically affect their surface properties. The adaptive behavior in response of external stimuli was found to be a basis for highly specific interactions, depending on geometric factors, conformational state and environment.

Adsorption and Grafting of Polyelectrolytes at Solid-Liquid Interfaces

Houbenov, Nikolay 29 August 2005 (has links)
A novel strategy for fabrication of responsive functional polymer films is based on grafting of several different functional polymers onto a solid substrate at high grafting density, resulting in varied types of polymer brushes. Such an arrangement suggests many interesting applications of the multicomponent polymer brushes, regarding their versatile adaptive surfaces, capable for responding to changes of solvent polarity, pH, temperature, electromagnetic field and other stimuli, generally by reversible swelling. Mixed amphiphilic polystyrene-poly(2-vynil pyridine) (PS-P2VP) brushes are an example for responsive class of smart materials, which can switch between hydrophilic and hydrophobic energetic state upon changes in the quality of surrounding media. The switching of wettability was found to operate in a broad range and was selectively controlled in organic solvents and in aqueous solutions. Another example for an adaptive/switching behavior is addressed to a polymer brush with a remarkable response to the pH and the ionic strength variations of the aqueous solutions. Combination of weak polyacrylic acid, PAA, and weak polybase, P2VP, in the anchored layer allowed one with a small shift of the pH, to obtain a significant effect on the surface and the interfacial properties of the material. Both type of polymer brushes were examined as adsorbing materials for nanoparticles and charged synthetic- and bio-macromolecules. Their adaptive properties were successively linked to the results of the adsorption experiments. The simplest case was adsorption of nano-particles, functionalised with strong ionic groups, onto binary, PAA-P2VP, polyelectrolyte brushes. Maintaining a constant charge density of the adsorbing component (strong polyelectrolyte effect), allowed one to cause and manipulate a privileged swelling of one of the weak polyelectrolyte brush layers, without affecting the adsorbate properties, and to regulate the thickness of adsorbed layer only by the pH signal. In the case of adsorption of macromolecules with tuneable electrical charge (polyampholytes and proteins), the system became more complicated, regarding their environmentally responsive properties, similar to that exhibited by the polymer brushes. The driving forces were regulated by the switching performance of the brush, simply by adjusting the pH and/or ionic strength conditions. The adsorbed amount and morphological changes of polyampholyte layers were investigated as function of pH and was performed on mixed amphiphilic and binary polyelectrolyte brushes. A special emphasis was set on the binary brush capability to take the control over the interfacial performance of attaching proteins. It was found, that the sharp environmental response of the adsorbent (the polymer brush) strongly influences the morphology of adsorbed protein layers, their thickness and properties. Changing the polarity of the substrate allowed one to regulate the adsorption processes qualitatively and quantitatively. The significant aggregation of protein molecules on PS-P2VP brush and their disassembly on PAA-P2VP brush at the same solvent conditions, we devote to the hydrophobic-hydrophilic transition, occurred at the surface by replacing PS with PAA. The protein aggregates, monitored on the surface of PS-P2VP, sufficiently decrease their size, when switching the brush energetic state from hydrophobic to hydrophilic by adjusting the pH of the media. This effect was found to be well controlled by the brush switching phenomenon in hydrophilic-hydrophobic direction and vice versa. In conclusion, we showed how the structural reorganization in thin polymer brush layers of different type may dramatically affect their surface properties. The adaptive behavior in response of external stimuli was found to be a basis for highly specific interactions, depending on geometric factors, conformational state and environment.

Polyelectrolyte Building Blocks for Nanotechnology: Atomic Force Microscopy Investigations of Polyelectrolyte-Lipid Interactions, Polyelectrolyte Brushes and Viral Cages

Cuéllar Camacho, José Luis 30 January 2013 (has links)
The work presented here has a multidisciplinary character, having as a common factor the characterization of self-assembled nanostructures through force spectroscopy. Exploring AFM as a tool for characterizing self-assembly and interaction forces in soft matter nanostructures, three different Bio and nonbiological systems where investigated, all of them share the common characteristic of being soft matter molecular structures at the nanoscale. The studied systems in question are: a) Polyelectrolyte – lipid nanocomposites. Single polyelectrolyte adsorption-desorption from supported lipid bilayers, b) Polyelectrolyte brushes and c) Virus-Like particles (VLPs). The scientific interest and industrial applications for each of these different nanostructures is broad, and their potential uses in the near future ranges from smart nanocontainers for drug and gene delivery, surface platforms for molecular recognition to the development of new nanodevices with ultrasensitive external stimuli responsiveness. These nano-structures are constructed following assembly of smaller subunits and belong to representative examples of soft matter in modern nanotechnology. The stability, behavior, properties and long term durability of these self-organized structures depends strongly on the environmental conditions to which they are exposed since their building mechanism is a balance between attractive noncovalent interactions and momentum transmitted collisions due Brownian motion of the solvent molecules. For example a set of long chain molecules firmly attached to one end to a surface will alter their conformation as the space between them is reduced or the environmental conditions are modified (i.e. ionic strength, pH or temperature). For a highly packed condition, this fuzzy surface known as a polyelectrolyte brush will then behave as a responsive material with tunable responsiveness. Thus the objective in the present case was to investigate the change in morphology and the mechanical response of a polyelectrolyte brush to external forces by application of AFM nanoindentations under different ionic strength conditions. The degree of penetration of the AFM tip through the brush will provide insights into the forces exerted by the brush against the tip. Compressions on the brush should aid to characterize its changes in compressibility for different salt concentrations. For the second chosen system, the interaction between two assembled interfaces was investigated at the single molecular level. A multilayered film formed by the consecutive assembly of oppositely charged polyelectrolytes and subsequently coated with a lipid membrane represents a fascinating soft composite material resembling more than a few structural components emerging in living organisms. The fluid bilayer, thus provide a biocompatible interface where additional functionalities can further be integrated (fusion peptides for instance). The smooth polymer cushion confers not only structural flexibility but also adaptability of the chosen substrate properties to be coated. This type of interface could be useful in the development of novel molecular biosensors with single molecule recognition capacities or in the fabrication of assays against pathogenic agents. The aim of this project was to study the molecular binding mechanism between the last polyelectrolyte layer and the lipid head group of the lower lipid leaflet. Understanding this adsorption mechanism between both interfaces, should likewise contribute to improve the fabrication of lipid coated polymeric nano/micro capsules with targeting properties. For example this could be critical in the field of nonviral gene therapy, where the improvement in the design of condensates of nucleic acids and other polymers with lipids (lipoplexes) are of main interest for its posterior use as delivery vectors. Finally, viral capsids were investigated. These naturally occurring assembled nanocontainers within living organisms stand for a remarkable example of nature’s morphological designs. These structures self-assemble from a small number of different proteins occurring in identical copies. The capsid as a self-assembled structure carries multiple functions: compaction of the genome, protection against external chemical threats, target recognition, structural support and finally facilitating the release of the genome into the host cell. It is highly interesting how these different functions are organized within the capsid which consists, for example, in the case of the norovirus of 180 identical copies of one single protein. Therefore, the mechanical stability and elastic properties of virus-like particles of Rubella and Norovirus were investigated by external application of loading forces with an AFM tip. The measurements were performed under conditions relevant for the virus infection mechanism. The applied compressions on these protein shells at pH values mimicking the virus life cycle will aid to learn about possible internal transitions among proteins which may be important for switching between the various functions of the capsid. The choice of two unrelated viral systems with different entry pathways into the cell and with different morphological architectures is expected to reveal crucial information about the stability and mechanical resistance to deformation of these empty membrane-coated and bare viral capsids. This last might provide clues on the stage of particle disassembly and cargo release during the final step of the infection process.

Synthesis, characterization and catalytic activity of immobilized metallic nanoparticles

Wunder, Stefanie 10 June 2013 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wurden Gold- und PlatinNanopartikel in sphärischen Polyelektolyt-Bürsten (SPB) synthetisiert. Diese wurden zu mechanistischen Untersuchungen der p-Nitrophenol-Reduktion mittels Natriumborhydrid herangezogen. Dabei konnte der Mechanismus der Reaktion auf der Oberfläche der Nanopartikel aufgeklärt werden. Die Reaktion folgt einem Langmuir Hinshelwood (LH) Mechanismus. Hierbei adsorbieren beide Edukte auf die Oberfläche, bevor sie im zu p-Aminophenol umgesetzt werden. Nach der Reaktion desorbiert das Reaktionsprodukt. Mittels des LH Modells konnten für verschiedene Temperaturen die intrinsische Geschwindigkeitskonstante, sowie die Adsorptionskonstanten der Edukte bestimmt werden. Mit diesen Daten konnten dann die Enthalpie und Entropie der Adsorption der Edukte und die Aktivierungsenergie berechnet werden. Neben dem Reaktionsmechanismus wurde die Induktionszeit der p-Nitrophenol Reduktion untersucht. Hierbei konnte gezeigt werden, dass diese Totzeit der Reaktion wahrscheinlich auf eine Restrukturierung der Nanopartikeloberfläche zurückzuführen ist. Sie ist unabhängig von den eingesetzten Konzentrationen des Borhydrids, hingegen abhängig von der Konzentration an p-Nitrophenol auf der Oberfläche der Nanopartikel, was auf Restrukturierung der Nanopartikel durch p-Nitrophenol hindeutet. Zudem wurden Hinweise auf eine spontane Rekonstruktion der Nanopartikel gefunden, die unabhängig von der Konzentration des p-Nitrophenols ist. Des Weiteren wurde die katalytische Oxidation von Morin mit Manganoxid Nanopartikeln untersucht. Diese sind in der Polyelektrolytschale der SPB immobilisiert. Analysen der Reaktionskinetik der Morin Oxidation ergaben, dass auch in diesem Fall der LH Mechanismus vorliegt. Hierbei konnten die Adsorptionskonstanten und Geschwindigkeitskonstanten für verschiedene Temperaturen ermittelt werden und somit die Aktivierungsenergie der Oxidation sowie die Adsorptionsenthalpie und Entropie der Edukte. / In this work, gold and platinum nanoparticles were synthesized into spherical polyelectrolyte brushes (SPB) in order to apply them as catalysts for kinetic studies of the reduction of p-nitrophenol by sodium borohydride. It was found that the reaction follows the Langmuir-Hinshelwood (LH) mechanism where both educts must adsorb onto the surface of the catalyst in order to react. Thereby, the rate determining step is the surface reaction of both educts. After the reaction, the product desorbs from the surface and a free active site is formed. With this model the intrinsic reaction rate and the adsorption constants for both educts could be determined. The measurements at different temperatures allowed the calculation of the activation energy and the adsorption enthalpy and entropy of the educts. Besides the reaction mechanism, the induction time of the reaction was analyzed. Here, it was shown that the reason of this delay time is a restructuring of the nanoparticle surface. The induction time is solely dependent on the concentration of p-nitrophenol on the surface of the nanoparticles and independent of the applied concentrations of borohydride. Moreover, hints for a spontaneous reconstruction of the nanoparticles without p-nitrophenol were found. In the second part, the catalytic oxidation of morin by manganese oxide has been studied. These nanoparticles were embedded inside the polyelectrolyte layer of the SPB. These nanoparticles were used for systematic studies of the oxidation of morin with hydrogen peroxide. It was shown that in this case the reaction followed a LH kinetics as well. Here, the intrinsic rate constants and the adsorption constants could be obtained for different temperatures. The activation energy and the adsorption enthalpy and entropy could be determined accordingly. The adsorption enthalpy is exothermic in both cases.

Catalytic activity analysis of metallic nanoparticles by model reactions

Gu, Sasa 16 July 2018 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wurden zwei katalytische Modellreaktionen studiert. Zunächst die katalytische Reduktion von p-Nitrophenol (Nip) mit Natriumborhydrid (BH_4^-). Diese verläuft entlang der direkten Route: Dabei wird Nip über p-Hydroxylaminophenol (Hx) zum Produkt p-Aminophenol (Amp) reduziert. Ein kinetisches Modell wird vorgestellt, dass die Reaktion auf Basis des Langmuir-Hinshelwood (LH) Mechanismus beschreibt. Die Lösung der Gleichungen gibt die Nip Konzentration als Funktion der Zeit, welche direkt mit den experimentellen Daten verglichen werden kann. Werden als Katalysator auf sphärischen Polyeletrolytbürsten stabilisierte Gold Nanopartikel (SPB-Au) verwendet, zeigt sich eine gute Übereinstimmung und unterstreicht die Allgemeingültigkeit der direkten Route. Der zweite Teil beschäftigt sich mit der katalytischen Oxidation von 3,3’,5,5’-Tetramethylbenzidin (TMB) durch Wasserstoffperoxid (H_2O_2) an SPB-Pt Nanopartikeln. Dabei wurden die Katalyse mithilfe zweier Modelle analysiert: Michaelis-Menten (MM) und Langmuir-Hinshelwood (LH). Im MM Modell wird die Oxidation von TMB durch die Nanopartikel mit der Peroxidase katalysierten TMB Oxidation unter Annahme des Ping-Pong Mechanismus verglichen. Es wurde gezeigt, dass die häufig verwendete Analyse der initialen Reaktionsraten große Fehler verursacht und zu inkonsistenten Ergebnissen führt. Dies zeigt dass dieses Vorgehen zu Analyse der Oxidation von TMB nicht geeignet ist. Im LH Modell wird angenommen dass H_2O_2 und TMB im ersten Schritt auf der Oberfläche der Nanopartikel adsorbieren. Das LH Modell mit Produktinhibition ermöglicht hierbei eine zufriedenstellende Beschreibung der kinetischen Daten bis zu einem Umsatz von 40 %. Die gesamte Analyse zeigt, dass das Langmuir-Hinshelwood Modell die bessere Näherung zur Beschreibung der Kinetik der Nanopartikel katalysierten TMB Oxidation bietet / In this work, two catalytic model reactions were studied using different metallic nanoparticles in aqueous solution. One is the catalytic reduction of p-nitrophenol (Nip) by sodium borohydride (BH_4^-). The reaction proceeds in the following route: Nip is first reduced to p-hydroxylaminophenol (Hx) which is further reduced to the final product p-aminophenol (Amp). Here we present a full kinetic scheme according to Langmuir-Hinshelwood mechanism (LH). The solution of the kinetic equations gives the concentration of Nip as the function of time, which can be directly compared with the experimental data. Satisfactory agreement is found for reactions catalyzed by Au nanoparticles immobilized in spherical polyelectrolyte brushes (SPB-Au) verifying the validity of the reaction route. In the second part, we present a study on the catalytic oxidation of 3,3’,5,5’-tetramethylbenzidine (TMB) by hydrogen peroxide (H_2O_2) with SPB-Pt nanoparticles. The catalysis was analyzed by two different models: Michaelis-Menten (MM) and Langmuir-Hinshelwood (LH) model. In the MM model, the oxidation of TMB catalyzed by nanoparticles is inferred to the catalysis of peroxidase assuming the Ping-Pong mechanism. It is found that the frequently used analysis with the initial rates introduces large errors and leads to inconsistent results, which indicates that such approach is not suitable to analyze the oxidation of TMB catalyzed by nanoparticles. In the LH model, it is assumed that H_2O_2 and TMB adsorb on the surface of nanoparticles in the first step. The LH model with product inhibition gives satisfactory description of the kinetic data up to a conversion of 40%. The entire analysis demonstrates that the Langmuir-Hinshelwood model provides a superior approach to describe the kinetics of TMB oxidation catalyzed by nanoparticles.

Temperature responsive polymer brushes with clicked rhodamine B: synthesis, characterization and swelling dynamics studied by spectroscopic ellipsometry

Rauch, Sebastian, Eichhorn, Klaus-Jochen, Oertel, Ulrich, Stamm, Manfred, Kuckling, Dirk, Uhlmann, Petra 07 April 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Here, we report on a new temperature responsive polymer brush system with a terminal “click” functionality. Bifunctionalized poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNiPAAm) with distinct functional end groups was synthesized by atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) and grafted to a modified silicon substrate. The presence of the active terminal alkyne functionality is validated using an azide-modified rhodamine B (N3-RhB) via copper(I) catalyzed alkyne–azide cycloaddition (CuAAC). The optical properties and swelling dynamics of an N3-RhB modified PNiPAAm brush are analyzed in dry state and in situ by VIS-spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE). The best-fit results are obtained using a Gaussian oscillator model and are confirmed by UV/VIS-spectroscopy. We observed evidence of interactions between the aromatic residues of the dye and the PNiPAAm amide groups, which significantly affect the swelling behavior of the modified polymer brush. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

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