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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The role of pollinators in generating and maintaining floral polymorphism : phylogeographic and behavioural aspects

De Jager, Marinus Louis 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / Pollinators play a fundamental role in floral evolution. They can exert selection on the flowers they visit in a plethora of different ways, ranging from innate floral preferences to differences in body size and shape and behavioural elements such as flower constancy and learning capacity. Since different pollinators exhibit differences in these characters, shifts between pollinating species are often considered the most likely drivers of floral diversification. While many lines of evidence support this claim, numerous angiosperms pollinated by a single species also exhibit floral variation. Throughout my thesis, I explore and investigate floral diversification in such species in the absence of pollinator shifts. In Chapter 2, I investigate variation in the preference of conspecific male and female pollinators for the floral traits of a sexually deceptive daisy that comprises distinct floral forms. I show that its pollinator exhibits gender-specific variation in floral preferences, and that some floral forms have specialized on the male pollinator. This chapter thus illustrates the importance of intraspecific variation in pollinator preference for floral diversification, an underappreciated mechanism in this field of research. The innate preferences of pollinators are likely to have a genetic basis, especially innate preferences that govern mate choice. Genetic structure within the pollinators of sexually deceptive plants, which mimic female insects to achieve pollination, may thus provide an important source of selection on the plants they pollinate. This depends on an association between genetic divergence and divergent mate preferences, and I explore this intriguing idea in Chapter 3. While pollinators associated with sexually deceptive floral forms did exhibit significant genetic structuring, male pollinators from different phylogeographic clades all exhibited preference for the same sexually deceptive floral form, thus rejecting this hypothesis. Another behavioural attribute of pollinators that may affect floral evolution, particularly in deceptive plant species, is learning ability. Studies on sexually deceptive orchids often report that male pollinators tend to avoid sexually deceptive flowers with experience. In Chapter 4, I systematically investigate learning abilities within male pollinators and the costs they suffer on sexually deceptive floral forms that vary in deceptiveness. Results reveal a positive relationship between the level of floral deceptiveness and the 4 associated mating costs that deceived males suffer. Pollinator learning, however, appears to occur only on the most deceptive floral forms, suggesting a link between the costs suffered to the occurrence of learning. In Chapter 4, I systematically investigate learning abilities within male pollinators and the costs they suffer on sexually deceptive floral forms that vary in deceptiveness. Results reveal a positive relationship between the level of floral deceptiveness and the associated mating costs that deceived males suffer. Pollinator learning, however, appears to occur only on the most deceptive floral forms, suggesting a link between the costs suffered to the occurrence of learning. In Chapter 5, I explore the importance of florivory damage in a polymorphic daisy. Studies on floral evolution often overlook the significance of florivorous visits and focus only on pollinator-mediated selection. I show that floral polymorphism is maintained by antagonistic selection exerted by pollinators and florivores on the same floral traits. Lastly, I focus on evolutionary history to explore similarity in the patterns of South African angiosperm evolution and the pollinator species used throughout my thesis. Molecular dating shows this pollinator exhibits broadly congruent evolutionary patterns to these angiosperms, indicative of a shared biogeography. Taken together, my thesis demonstrates the vast impact of floral visitors, in particular pollinating insects, on the evolution of floral form. / My research was funded by the National Research Foundation of South Africa (NRF) and personal funding was provided by a NRF Innovation scholarship and merit bursaries from the Botany and Zoology department at Stellenbosch University. A WhiteSci Travel Grant and financial support from Prof. Erik Svensson at Lund University also allowed me to present parts of my research at international conference.

Genotypning av laktostolerans (LCT-13910C>T) direkt på blod med realtids-PCR : Utvärdering av Kapa Probe Force / Genotyping of lactase persistence (LCT-13910C>T) directly on blood with real time PCR : Evaluation of Kapa Probe Force

Folkesson, Carl, Christensson, Ola January 2016 (has links)
Hos vuxna individer förekommer två fenotyper gällande produktionen av laktas, vilka kallas laktostolerans och laktosintolerans. Vid laktosintolerans produceras otillräckliga mängder laktas vilket framkallar symptom som magsmärtor och flatulens vid intagandet av mjölkprodukter. En enbaspolymorfism (LCT-13910C>T) har kopplats till laktostolerans hos nordvästeuropéer och kan genotypas med smältkurveanalys i realtids-PCR. På Laboratoriemedicin vid Länssjukhuset Ryhov används idag en metod vid genotypning av LCT-13910C>T där extraktion av DNA från blod krävs innan analys. Anledningen till detta är att DNA-polymeraset som ingår enzymmixen LightCycler® FastStart DNA Master HybProbe endast fungerar med rent DNA-templat. Med en annan enzymmix, Kapa Probe Force, ska analys kunna göras direkt på blod. För att utvärdera enzymmixen jämfördes resultat från befintlig metod och resultat från metod med Kapa Probe Force, gällande förmågan att identifiera genotyperna LCT-13910C/C, C/T och T/T samt med avseende på imprecision. Vid jämförelse mellan metoderna samstämde resultatet i avseende på genotyp till 100 % utifrån specificerade smälttemperaturer (Tm) för respektive genotyp angivna i kitet för primer/prober. Däremot syntes lägre fluorescensnivå på smältopparna i metod med Kapa Probe Force, men påverkade inte tolkning av smältkurvorna. En lägre prov-till-prov-variation sågs även i resultatet från metod med Kapa Probe Force gentemot befintlig metod. / Among adults two phenotypes are found with regards to production of lactase, these are termed lactase persistence and lactose intolerance. Lactose intolerance is characterized by a low production of lactase, which leads to symptoms such as stomach ache and flatulence after the consumption of dairy products. A single nucleotide polymorphism (LCT-13910C>T) has been correlated with the occurrence of lactase persistence in northwestern Europeans. Genotyping of LCT-13910C>T is possible with melting curve analysis in real time PCR. The currently used method for genotyping of LCT-13910C>T at Ryhov County Hospital requires the extraction of DNA template from blood, due to the fact that the DNA-polymerase in the kit LightCycler® FastStart DNA Master HybProbe requires pure DNA template for analysis. With another DNA-polymerase, included in the kit Kapa Probe Force, analysis on crude samples such as pure blood should be possible. Evaluation of Kapa Probe Force included comparison of the results from both methods with regards to identification of genotypes LCT-13910C/C, C/T and T/T and with regard to imprecision. The results from Kapa Probe Force were 100 % consistent with the results from existing method and acquired melting temperatures (Tm) were all within the accepted ranges specified in the kit of primers and probes. The fluorescence of melting curves acquired with Kapa Probe Force was significantly lower, however this had no effect when it came to interpreting the results. A lower variation could also be seen between samples with Kapa Probe Force compared to existing method.

Identification of SNPs associated with robustness and greater reproductive success in the South African merino sheep using SNP chip technology

Sandenbergh, Lise 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Reproduction and robustness traits are integral in ensuring sustainable, efficient and profitable sheep farming. Increases in genetic gain of reproduction and robustness traits are however, hampered by low heritability coupled with the difficulty in quantification of these traits for traditional selective breeding strategies. The aim of the current study was therefore to identify genomic regions underlying variation in reproduction traits and elucidate quantitative trait loci (QTL) and/or genes associated with reproductive traits. The Elsenburg Merino flock has been divergently selected for the ability to raise multiple offspring and has resulted in a High and a Low line that differ markedly with regard to reproductive output and other robustness traits. The flock thus served as an ideal platform to identify genomic regions subject to selection for reproductive traits. To pinpoint genomic regions subject to selection, a whole-genome genotyping platform, the OvineSNP50 chip, was selected to determine the genotype of more than 50 000 SNPs spread evenly across the ovine genome. The utility of the OvineSNP50 chip was determined for the Elsenburg Merino flock as well as additional South African Merino samples and three other important South African sheep breeds, the Blackheaded Dorper, South African Mutton Merino (SAMM) and the Namaqua Afrikaner. Although genotyping analysis of the Elsenburg Merino flock indicated some signs of poor genotype quality, the overall utility of the genotype data were successfully demonstrated for the South African Merino and the other two commercial breeds, the Dorper and SAMM. Genotyping results of the Namaqua Afrikaner and possibly other indigenous African breeds may be influenced by SNP ascertainment bias due to the limited number of indigenous African breeds used during SNP discovery. Analysis of pedigree, phenotypic records and SNP genotype data of the Elsenburg Merino cohort used in the current study, confirmed that the lines are phenotypically as well as genetically distinct. Numerous putative genomic regions subject to selection were identified by either an FST outlier approach or a genomic scan for regions of homozygosity (ROH) in the High and Low lines. Although annotated genes with putative roles in reproduction were identified, the exact mechanism of involvement with variation in reproduction traits could not be determined for all regions and genes. Putative ROH overlapped with QTL for several reproduction, milk, production and parasite resistance traits, and sheds some light on the possible function of these regions. The overlap between QTL for production and parasite resistance with putative ROH may indicate that several, seemingly unrelated traits add to the net-reproduction and may have been indirectly selected in the Elsenburg Merino flock. A SNP genotyping panel based solely on reproduction traits may therefore be ineffective to capture the variation in all traits influencing reproduction and robustness traits. A holistic selection strategy taking several important traits, such as robustness, reproduction and production into account may as such be a more effective strategy to breed animals with the ability to produce and reproduce more efficiently and thereby ensure profitable and sustainable sheep farming in South Africa. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Reproduksie- en gehardheids-eienskappe is noodsaaklik om volhoubare, doeltreffende en winsgewende skaapboerdery te verseker. ‘n Toename in genetiese vordering in reproduksie- en gehardheids-eienskappe word egter bemoeilik deur lae oorerflikhede tesame met die probleme in kwantifisering van hierdie eienskappe vir tradisionele selektiewe diereteelt strategieë. Die doel van die huidige studie was dus om gebiede in die genoom onderliggend tot variasie in reproduksie-eienskappe te identifiseer en die rol van verwante kwantitatiewe eienskap loki (KEL) en/of gene met reproduktiewe eienskappe te bepaal. Die Elsenburg Merinokudde is uiteenlopend geselekteer vir die vermoë om meerlinge groot te maak en het gelei tot 'n Hoë en 'n Lae lyn wat merkbaar verskil ten opsigte van reproduksie-uitsette en ander gehardheids-eienskappe. Die kudde het dus gedien as 'n ideale platform om genomiese areas onderhewig aan seleksie vir reproduksie-eienskappe te identifiseer. Om vas te stel waar genomiese areas onderhewig aan seleksie gevind kan word, is ‘n heel-genoom genotiperingsplatform, die OvineSNP50 skyfie, gekies om die genotipes van meer as 50 000 enkel nukleotied polimorfismes (ENPs) eweredig versprei oor die skaap genoom, te bepaal. Die nut van die OvineSNP50 skyfie is bepaal vir die Elsenburg Merinokudde sowel as addisionele Suid-Afrikaanse Merinos en drie ander belangrike Suid-Afrikaanse skaaprasse, die Swartkop Dorper, Suid-Afrikaanse Vleismerino (SAVM) en die Namakwa Afrikaner. Hoewel genotipe resultate van die Elsenburg Merino kudde sommige tekens van swak genotipe gehalte getoon het, kon die algehele nut van die genotipering resultate vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Merino en die ander twee kommersiële rasse, die Dorper en SAVM, bevestig word. Genotipering resultate van die Namakwa Afrikaner en moontlik ook ander inheemse Afrika rasse kan deur ENP vasstellingspartydigheid beïnvloed word as gevolg van die beperkte aantal inheemse Afrika rasse gebruik tydens ENP ontdekking. Ontleding van stamboom inligting, fenotipe rekords en ENP genotipe data van die Elsenburg Merino-kohort gebruik in die huidige studie, het bevestig dat die lyne fenotipies asook geneties verskil. Talle vermeende genomiese areas onderhewig aan seleksie is geïdentifiseer deur 'n FST uitskieter benadering of deur ‘n genomiese skandering vir gebiede van homogositeit (GVH) in die Hoë en Lae lyne. Hoewel geannoteerde gene met potensiële rolle in reproduksie geïdentifiseer is, kan die presiese meganisme van betrokkenheid by variasie in reproduksie-eienskappe nie bevestig word vir al die gebiede en gene nie. Vermeende GVH oorvleuel met KEL vir 'n paar reproduksie-, melk-, produksie- en parasietweerstand-eienskappe, en werp daarom lig op die moontlike funksie van hierdie gebiede. Die oorvleueling tussen KEL vir produksie en parasietweerstand met vermeende GVH kan daarop dui dat 'n hele paar, skynbaar onverwante, eienskappe bydrae tot net-reproduksie, wat indirek geselekteer mag wees in die Elsenburg Merino-kudde. ‘n ENP genotiperingspaneel uitsluitlik gebaseer op reproduksie-eienskappe mag daarom onvoldoende wees om die variasie in alle eienskappe wat betrekking het op reproduksie- en gehardheids-eienskappe, in te sluit. ‘n Holistiese seleksie strategie wat verskeie belangrike eienskappe, soos gehardheid, reproduksie en produksie in ag neem, mag ‘n meer effektiewe strategie wees om diere te teel met die vermoë om in 'n meer doeltreffende manier te produseer en reproduseer en om daardeur winsgewende en volhoubare skaapboerdery in Suid-Afrika te verseker.

Μελέτη του πολυμορφισμού Ile 49 Ser του γονιδίου της αντιμυλλεριανικής ορμόνης (ΑΜΗ) σε γυναίκες με σύνδρομο των πολυκυστικών ωοθηκών (PCOS)

Μπακατσέλου, Αικατερίνη 09 December 2013 (has links)
Το σύνδρομο πολυκυστικών ωοθηκών (PCOS) αποτελεί την πιο συχνή ενδοκρινολογική διαταραχή των γυναικών αναπαραγωγικής ηλικίας που χαρακτηρίζεται από κεντρικού τύπου παχυσαρκία, ακμή, υπερτρίχωση και διαταραχές των εμμηνορησιακών κύκλων που οφείλονται στην υπερανδρογοναιμία και την χρόνια ανωοθυλακιορρηξία. Οι γυναίκες με PCOS αναπτύσσουν και μεταβολικού τύπου διαταραχές όπως η υπερινσουλιναιμία λόγω αντίστασης στην ινσουλίνη, η υπέρταση, ο σακχαρώδης διαβήτης, η δυσλιπιδαιμία και το μεταβολικό σύνδρομο. Τα τελευταία χρόνια γίνονται πολλές γενετικές μελέτες προκειμένου να προσδιορισθούν οι μοριακοί γενετικοί μηχανισμοί που εμπλέκονται στην παθογένεια του ΣΠΩ. Ένας σημαντικός ρυθμιστής της ωοθυλακιογένεσης που πιθανόν να παίζει ρόλο στην παθοφυσιολογία του ΣΠΩ είναι η αντιμυλλεριανική ορμόνη (ΑΜΗ). Eντός του εξωνίου 1 του γονιδίου της ΑΜΗ εδράζεται ο πολυμορφισμός Ιle49Ser (ref SNPID:rs10407022) που συνίσταται στην αλλαγή μιας βάσης θυμίνης (T) από γουανίνη (G) δημιουργώντας τρεις γονότυπους: ομοζυγώτες GG, oμοζυγώτες TT, ετεροζυγώτες GT. Δεδομένου του ρόλου της ΑΜΗ στην παθοφυσιολογία του συνδρόμου των πολυκυστικών ωοθηκών αλλά και της ενδεχόμενης χρήσης της ως διαγνωστικό και προγνωστικό δείκτη του συνδρόμου, ο πολυμορφισμός Ιle49Ser έχει καταστεί αντικείμενο μελέτης. Στην παρούσα μελέτη προσδιορίστηκε ο πολυμορφισμός Ιle49Ser σε 111 γυναίκες με ΣΠΩ και 67 υγιείς μάρτυρες . Από τη στατιστική ανάλυση δεν προέκυψε κάποια στατιστικά σημαντική διαφορά στη συχνότητα των γονοτύπων του πολυμορφισμού Ile49Ser του γονιδίου της ΑΜΗ ανάμεσα στις γυναίκες με ΣΠΩ και του υγιούς πληθυσμού ελέγχου. Από τη στατιστική ανάλυση, επίσης, δεν προέκυψε συσχέτιση των γονοτύπων με κάποια από τις ορμονικές ή κλινικές παραμέτρους των γυναικών με ΣΠΩ. Η απουσία συσχέτισης του πολυμορφισμού Ile49Ser με αυξημένο κίνδυνο για ΣΠΩ δείχνει ότι το σηματοδοτικό μονοπάτι της ΑΜΗ εμπλέκεται στην παθογένεια του συνδρόμου με έναν έμμεσο τρόπο. Ωστόσο περισσότερες μελέτες είναι απαραίτητες προκειμένου να διαλευκανθεί ο ρόλος της ΑΜΗ στην ανθρώπινη ωοθυλακιογένεση, όπως και στην παθοφυσιολογία του συνδρόμου των πολυκυστικών ωοθηκών. / The polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrine disorder of women of reproductive age, characterized by central obesity, acne, hirsutism and disorders of menstrual cycles due to hyperandrogonemia and chronic anovulation. Women with PCOS develop type and metabolic disorders such as hyperinsulinemia due to insulin resistance, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia and metabolic syndrome. Over the last decade there are an increasing number of studies conducted in order to identify the molecular genetic mechanisms that are involved in the pathogenesis of PCOS. AMH seems to be an important regulator of follicle development and may also play a significant role in the pathogenesis of PCOS. The polymorphism Ile49Ser (ref SNPID:rs10407022) is located in exon 1 of AMH gene and results from the conversion of thymine (T) to guanine (G) giving three genotypes: homozygotes TT, GG and heterozygotes GT. Taken as granted the role of AMH in the pathophysiology of PCOS and the possible use of AMH levels as a diagnostic and prognostic marker of the syndrome, recent studies concern the involvement of IIe49Ser polymorphism. The precent study identified the polymorphism Ile49Ser in a cohort of 111 women with PCOS and 67 controls. Genotype frequencies for the AMH Ile49Ser polymorphism were similar in PCOS women and controls. In addition, AMH Ile49 Ser variant was not associated with clinical or hormonal parameters of PCOS women. The absence of an association of AMH Ile49Ser polymorphism with susceptibility to PCOS indicates that the AMH signaling pathway is not directly involved in the pathophysiology of PCOS. More studies should be carried out in order to determine the role of AMH in human ovarian physiology.


Myka, Jennifer Leigh 01 January 2003 (has links)
The ten extant species in the genus Equus are separated by less than 3.7 million years of evolution. Three lines of investigation were pursued to further characterize equid genome organization. 1.) The Przewalski.s wild horse (E. przewalskii, EPR) has a diploid chromosome number of 2n=66, while the domestic horse (E. caballus, ECA) has 2n=64. A comparative gene map for E. przewalskii was constructed using 46 bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) probes previously mapped to 38 of 44 E. caballus chromosome arms and ECAX. BAC clones were hybridized to metaphase spreads of E. przewalskii and localized by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). No exceptions to homology between E. przewalskii and E. caballus were identified, except for ECA5, a metacentric chromosome with homology to two acrocentric chromosome pairs, EPR23 and EPR24. 2.) The onager (E. hemionus onager, EHO) has a modal diploid chromosome number 2n=56 and a documented chromosome number polymorphism within its population, resulting in individuals with 2n=55. Construction of a comparative gene map of a 2n=55 onager by FISH using 52 BAC probes previously mapped to 40 of 44 E. caballus chromosome arms and ECAX identified multiple chromosome rearrangements between E. caballus and E. h. onager. 3.) A centric fission (Robertsonian translocation) polymorphism has been documented in 5 of the ten extant equid species, namely, E. h. onager, E. h. kulan, E. kiang, E. africanus somaliensis, and E. quagga burchelli. BAC clones containing equine (E. caballus, ECA) genes SMARCA5 (ECA2q21 homologue to human (HSA) chromosome 4p) and UCHL1 (ECA3q22 homologue to HSA4q) were FISH mapped to metaphase spreads for individuals possessing the chromosome number polymorphism. These probes mapped to a single metacentric chromosome and two unpaired acrocentrics showing that the centric fission polymorphism involves the same homologous chromosome segments in each species and has homology to HSA4. These data suggest the polymorphism is either ancient and conserved within the genus or has occurred recently and independently within each species. Since these species are separated by 1-3 million years of evolution, the persistence of this polymorphism would be remarkable and worthy of further investigations.


Siegler, Maxime Andre 01 January 2007 (has links)
The series of compounds [M(H2O)2(15-crown-5)](NO3)2, M = Mg, Mn, Co, Cu and Zn, has been extended to include two new phases for M = Fe and two new phases for M = Ni. The system [M(H2O)2(15-crown-5)](NO3)2 is remarkable for having many high-Z’ phases (Z’ > 1) with similar packing and for having solid-solid phase transitions through which there is no significant loss of crystallinity. The synthesis of the analogous Ni complex was carried out. Single-crystal X-ray diffraction showed that the coordination of the Ni2+ ion is different from that of the other six M2+ ions in the system [M(H2O)2(15-crown- 5)](NO3)2. High temperature phases with high Z’ (8) were isolated for M = Mg, Fe and Zn. The refinements of such phases are challenging because of the lack of information in the diffraction patterns. Full details of the refinements for these three phases are discussed. Six other Ni(II) complexes consisting of Ni2+, NO3-, 15-crown-5 and different solvents were found when efforts were made to synthesize the compound [Ni(H2O)2(15-crown- 5)](NO3)2. In these chemically different environments, the Ni2+ ions are not coordinated by the 15-crown-5 molecules; rather, one-dimensional H-bonded chains are formed from uncomplexed 15-crown-5 molecules and the Ni(II) complexes. Among these six Ni(II) complexes, the compounds [Ni(H2O)6](NO3)2·(15-crown-5)·H2O, [Ni(H2O)6](NO3)2·(15-crown-5)·2H2O and [Ni(H2O)2(MeCN)(NO3)2]·(15-crown- 5)·MeCN were found to have reversible solid-solid phase transitions between structurally related phases. In all of these transitions, no significant crystal damage was detectable. The two latter systems are unusual because their phase sequences include three transitions and four phases between 90 and 295 K and because of the existence of high-Z’ phases. These high-Z’ phases are best depicted as being intermediate to low- and hightemperature phases. A method based on thermal analyses and X-ray diffraction has been developed for studying such sets of phase transitions.

Early life cytokines, viral infections and IgE-mediated allergic disease

Larsson, Anna-Karin January 2006 (has links)
<p>Background: The reasons why some individuals become IgE-sensitised and allergic are largely unknown, though genetic- and early life environmental factors seem to be of importance.</p><p>Objective: The overall aim of this thesis was to investigate the relationship between IgE-sensitisation and allergic disease, viral infections, genetic markers and early life cytokines.</p><p>Results: IgE-sensitised children were found to have reduced numbers of IL-12 producing cord blood mononuclear cells (CBMC), whereas children diagnosed with eczema were found to have reduced numbers of IFN-γ producing CBMC. When dividing the children into early onset of IgE-sensitisation and late onset of IgE-sensitisation we found that the children with an early onset had low numbers of PHA-induced IL-4, IL-12 and IFN-γ secreting CBMC. At the age of two there was a general exacerbation of cytokine responses in the IgE-sensitised children, and the results were similar for the children with early onset IgE-sensitisation. Children with a late onset IgE-sensitisation were more similar to the non-sensitised children, but with a specific increase in the response to cat allergen (IL-4 and IFN-γ). The mothers of IgE-sensitised children, were just as their children, found to have an exaggerated cytokine response as compared to mothers of non-sensitised children. Maternal responses correlated well to the responses seen in the child, though the samples were taken two years after delivery.</p><p>Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection in early life was associated to reduced numbers of IL-4, and increased numbers of IFN-γ producing cells at the age of two. No association between CMV seropositivity and IgE-sensitisation was seen. Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection, on the other hand, was inversely correlated with IgE –sensitisation, whereas no statistically significant association to cytokine production could be seen.</p><p>We also showed that the IL12B 1188 C-allele was associated to having a positive skin prick test at the age of two. The rare alleles of the three SNPs investigated (IL12B 1188C, IL12RB1132C and IRF1 1688A) were all associated to low IL-12 production at birth.</p><p>Conclusions: Our results indicate that allergic diseases are complex traits, and that both the genetic and the cytokine background differ between the different allergic diseases. We can also conclude that the time of onset seem to play a role when investigating IgE-sensitisation, and that perhaps early and late onset IgE-sensitisation have partly different causes. CMV and EBV infection early in life are associated to a protective cytokine profile and to protection from IgE-sensitisation, respectively, again indicating the heterogeneity and the complexity of allergic diseases.</p>

Extreme Worker Polymorphism in the Big-headed Pheidole Ants

Huang, Ming Hua January 2012 (has links)
Polymorphism is the existence of multiple phenotypes within a given species in a population. In social insects, worker polymorphism plays a key role in maximizing the effectiveness of the division of labor. Some ants have an extreme form of worker polymorphism where workers have a broad size range and multiple size modes. Pheidole ants, for example, consist of both highly polymorphic species as well as those with relatively low polymorphism. Here, we examined why different Pheidole species have different degrees of polymorphism and how polymorphism is produced. We thoroughly characterized the worker caste systems of P. spadonia, P. rhea, P. obtusospinosa, and P. tepicana. There were significant differences among the four species in size range, number of size modes, caste ratios, allometry, and caste biomass allocation. An examination of worker caste traits of P. spadonia, P. rhea, and P. obtusospinosa revealed that as head size increased for all three species: (1) mandibles became broader and less serrated, (2) head muscle volume increased, and (3) bite force increased. These traits of large supersoldiers are likely adapted for crushing while those of small minors are likely for cutting. Foraging experiments showed that P. spadonia, P. rhea, and P. obtusospinosa used their workforce in different ways for food processing outside the nest. For P. rhea, the frequency of supersoldiers involved in food processing increased as the processing level required increased. However, P. obtusospinosa supersoldiers were rarely found processing food outside the nest and P. spadonia soldiers assisted in processing dead prey but did not help at all in processing live prey. P. obtusospinosa and P. spadonia workers may be more involved with other colony tasks. This hypothesis was confirmed when field observations of P. obtusospinosa showed supersoldiers participating in head-blocking at their entrance to fend off invading army ants; no other castes exhibited this behavior. Lastly, we tested genetic influences on worker polymorphism. We found that as colony genetic diversity increased (via polyandry), the degree of polymorphism increased. We also showed evidence of paternal genes influences on the development of worker castes in the highly polymorphic P. rhea.

The influence of pharmacogenetic traits and efavirenz levels on treatment outcome in HIV-positive South African women

Rohrich, Carola Renate 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSC)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South Africa is shouldering the highest burden of HIV-infection. Inter-individual differences in response to antiretroviral treatment (ART) and the limited availability of second and third-line ART regimens call for optimising first-line ART in South African populations. Measuring antiretroviral drug levels in patients may be of clinical value as an intermediate indicator of treatment response and may moreover serve to assess the genetic variation underlying differential drug exposure. This study aimed to determine the effect of SNPs in the CYP2B6 gene and efavirenz (EFV) levels measured in hair on ART outcomes in females of two South African populations. Female Xhosa (XH) (n = 81) and Mixed Ancestry (MA) (n = 53) patients receiving the first-line regimen component EFV for at least three months donated saliva for genomic DNA extraction and 20 strands of hair for determination of EFV concentrations by high performance liquid chromatography. Regulatory and exonic regions in the CYP2B6 gene, which codes for the major metabolising enzyme of EFV, were subjected to bi-directional sequence analysis in 15 XH and 15 MA individuals to assess common genetic variation in these populations. Out of 45 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) identified, 17 SNPs of known or predicted functional importance in EFV metabolism, including four novel SNPs, were genotyped in the entire patient cohort by polymerase chain reaction restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) analysis. All SNPs were tested for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) and maximum likelihood haplotypes and assessed for an association with EFV levels measured in hair, likelihood of developing adverse drug reactions (ADRs) and virological response to EFV-based treatment. After correcting for age and ethnicity, homozygous carriers of c.516G>T (CYP2B6*6) had significantly increased EFV levels (p = 0.0021; mean: 12.0 ng/mg; IQR: 3.95 – 6.99 ng/mg; n = 12), as did heterozygotes of c.983T>C (CYP2B6*18) (p = 0.0005; mean: 7.315 ng/mg; IQR: 6.59 – 15.10 ng/mg; n = 10). No CYP2B6*18 homozygotes were detected. No association between EFV levels and virological response was evident (p = 0.8467), but CYP2B6*6 predicted increased odds of virological failure (VL > 80 copies/ml) after correcting for adherence, race, age, weight, time on treatment, baseline CD4, smoking, alcohol and WHO disease stage (p = 0.0328). Carriers of the CYP2B6*1 allele had increased odds (OR = 5) of favourable treatment outcome (VL < 80 copies/ml). In accordance with other studies, this study provides evidence that genetically predisposed poor metabolisers of EFV may be at increased risk of virological failure, possibly following non-adherence. Concurrently, these patients may be more vulnerable to adverse drug reactions and are more frequent in the XH (13%) than MA (4%). These results should be verified in larger patient cohorts, but contribute to a better understanding of the effect of genetic factors on EFV exposure and ART outcome in two South African populations. The outcomes of this study may thus provide recommendations for prospective studies and impact future clinical decisions. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrika dra die grootste las van MIV-infeksies. Inter-individuele verskille in reaksie op anti-retrovirale terapie (ART) en die beperkte beskikbaarheid van tweede- en derde-linie ART-reekse regverdig die optimisering van eerste-linie ART in Suid-Afrikaanse bevolkings. Meting van antiretrovirale middel-vlakke in pasiënte, as ‘n intermediêre aanduiding van reaksie op behandeling, kan van kliniese belang wees en kan ook die waarde van die bepaling van genetiese variasie, onderliggend aan differensiële blootstelling aan middels, bepaal. Die doel van hierdie studie is om die effek van enkel-nukleotied polimorfismes (SNPs) in die CYP2B6-geen en efavirenz (EFV)-vlakke in hare op ART-uitkoms te bepaal in vroue van twee Suid-Afrikaanse bevolkingsgroepe. Vroulike Xhosa (XH) (n = 81) en Gemengde Herkoms (GH) (n = 53) pasiënte wat EFV as deel van eerste-linie ART vir ten minste drie maande ontvang het, het speekselmonsters vir genomiese DNA-ekstraksie en 20 hare vir die bepaling van EFV-konsentrasies deur hoë werkverrigting vloeistofchromatografie (“HPLC”) geskenk. Regulatoriese en eksoniese areas in die CYP2B6-geen, wat vir die vernaamste metaboliserende ensiem van EFV kodeer, is deur middel van tweerigting-volgordebepalings-analise in 15 XH en 15 GH individue ondersoek om gemeenskaplike genetiese variasie in hierdie bevolkings te bepaal. Uit ‘n totaal van 45 SNPs wat geïdentifiseer is, is 17 SNPs wat bekende of voorspelde belangrike rolle in EFV-metabolisme speel, insluitend vier nuwe SNPs, ondersoek. Hierdie SNPs is in die volledige pasiënt-kohort gegenotipeer deur polimerase-ketting reaksie gebaseerde restriksie fragment lengte-polimorfisme (PKR-RFLP) analise. Alle SNPs is getoets vir Hardy-Weinberg-ewewig (HWE) en maksimum waarskynlikheidshaplotipes en is geassesseer vir assosiasie met EFV-vlakke gemeet in hare, die waarskynlikheid om ongunstige reaksies tot die middel te ontwikkel en virologiese reaksie op EFV-gebaseerde behandeling. Nadat vir ouderdom en herkoms gekorrigeer is, het homosigotiese draers van c.516G>T (CYP2B6*6) beduidend verhoogde EFV-vlakke (p = 0.0021; gemiddeld: 12.0 ng/mg; IQR: 3.95 – 6.99; n=12) getoon, so ook heterosigote vir c.983T>C (CYP2B6*18) (p = 0.0005; gemiddeld: 7.315 ng/mg; IQR: 6.59 – 15.10 ng/mg; n = 10). Geen CYP2B6*18 homosigote is gevind nie. Daarbenewens is geen duidelike assosiasie tussen EFV-vlakke en virologiese reaksie gevind nie (p = 0.8467), maar CYP2B6*6 het verhoogde waarskynlikheid op virologiese mislukking (VL > 80 kopieë/ml) getoon nadat daar vir mddel-getrouheid, ras, ouderdom, gewig, tydsduur van behandeling, basis-CD4, rook, alkohol en Wêreld Gesondheids Organisasie siekte-fase gekorrigeer is (p = 0.0328). Draers van die CYP2B6*1-alleel het verhoogde waarskynlikheid (OR = 5) op gunstige behandelingsuitkomste getoon (VL < 80 kopieë/ml). In ooreenstemming met ander studies verskaf hierdie studie bewyse dat pasiënte wat geneties geneig is tot stadige metabolisme van EFV ‘n hoër risiko kan hê vir virologiese mislukking, wat moontlik ‘n gevolg is van middel-ontrouheid. Hierdie pasiënte kan ook meer geneig wees tot vatbaarheid vir ongunstige middel-reaksie en kom meer voor in die XH (13%) as in die MA (4%). Hierdie resultate moet in groter pasiënt-kohorte gestaaf word, maar dra by tot ‘n beter begrip van die effek van genetiese faktore op blootstelling aan EFV en ART-uitkoms in twee Suid-Afrikaanse bevolkings. Die uitkomste van hierdie studie kan dus as aanbevelings gebruik word vir voornemende studies en ook toekomstige kliniese besluite beïnvloed. / The Medical Research Fund (MRC) for funding this project. The University Centre for Studies in Namibia (TUCSIN) and Deutscher Akademischer Austausch-Dienst (DAAD) for financial support

Bedeutung genetischer Polymorphismen im Beta-1-Adrenorezeptor für die Wirkungen von Metoprolol und Carvedilol / The Role of Genetic Polymorphisms Within the Beta-1-Adrenoceptor Regarding the Effects of Metoprolol amd Carvedilol

Kaup, Julia-Patricia 16 September 2014 (has links)
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