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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Metapopulations dynamics and sex-specific resource allocation in Silene dioica

Peedu, Elisabet January 2018 (has links)
Rising archipelagos provide unique settings for the study of the temporal and spatial dynamics of their biota. This offers the possibility to study the ecology and genetics of early successional processes; both between islands that differ in age and within islands when already established organisms have to keep pace with the changing environment. I have worked in the Skeppsvik Archipelago housing about 100 islands that due to land uplift vary in age, thus representing various stages of primary succession. I have utilized a naturally created metapopulation of Silene dioica, which in this archipelago is a dominant plant of the deciduous border, offering the possibility to study subpopulations on islands of different ages and in different phases of primary succession. Many plant species exist as metapopulations, which consists of many local populations which may differ in size and degree of connectivity. Metapopulations are further characterized by recurrent colorizations and extinctions of local populations, meaning that a species continually must disperse and relocate to allow for persistence in this system. For a dioecious plant species, gene flow is in the shape of seeds and pollen and to allow for the persistence of populations, it is necessary that levels of seed dispersal and pollen gene flow are enough to ensure both colonisation, establishment and subsequent population growth. Levels of seed dispersal and pollen gene flow is in turn influenced by how the two sexes partition resources between reproduction, growth and survival. In paper I, I combined a field survey, a common garden experiment and a nine-year demographic study to assess the demographic consequences of sex-specific resource allocation and to investigate if differential costs of reproduction may be a driver in the evolution of sexual dimorphism in dioecious Silene dioica. Significant somatic intersexual dimorphism was found with females being the larger sex, both in terms of above – and belowground biomass. Furthermore, the reproductive effort of females exceeds that of males across a growing season which largely confirms what has been observed earlier in dioecious, herbaceous plant species. According to the cost of reproduction hypothesis, high reproductive investment should result in trade-offs with somatic and/or life-history traits. Somatic trade-offs were not observed, and instead I found strong, positive associations between reproductive investment and vegetative growth in both males and females. Compensation mechanisms were found in both sexes although females are generally more efficient at compensating their reproductive costs. At the end of a flowering season, after having paid the current costs of reproduction, females are better than males at provisioning perennial roots and rosettes potentially influencing the ability to set future flower buds and winter survival. Trade-offs were found between current and future reproduction and survival, but this is condition dependent and compensation through frequency of flowering plays an important role. The cost of reproduction hypothesis appears to play some role in driving the somatic and demographic sexual dimorphisms observed in this system but sexual selection acting on males will be a fruitful avenue for future research. In paper II, I investigated the population genetic consequences of metapopulation dynamics in Silene dioica. The occurrence of islands in different phases of primary succession together with successional gradients across islands, makes it possible to investigate the genetic dynamics occurring in an age-structured metapopulation across several hierarchical levels. Genetic diversity and differentiation were estimated in eight young, recently colonised populations and in ten populations of an intermediate successional stage. Young populations were less genetically diverse compared to older populations, indicating that bottlenecks, created by small founding groups derived from a limited number of source populations, reduce the genetic diversity within newly founded populations. The observation of strong genetic structure both between islands and between patches with islands, indicates that gene flow is restricted across several spatial levels in this system. However, the lack of statistically significant differences in genetic differentiation between young and intermediate populations, indicates that levels of gene flow may not be high enough to reduce the genetic differentiation that arise from the initial founder event. The patterns of sexual dimorphism and the roles of males and females in Silene dioica have evolved to allow persistence in an ecological and population context of this species. The nature of this habitat, where islands rise up from the sea creating new environments for colonisation while at the same time, autogenic primary succession processes eventually leads to extinction, means that S. dioica continuously must relocate within successional phases for its persistence. The obvious success of this dioecious plant is apparent as it is one of the few dominant species in the deciduous border. This suggests that levels of seed dispersal and gene flow are sufficient enough to allow for establishment and persistence of island populations and that the sexual dimorphisms that have evolved in this metapopulation system act to increase levels of gene flow. The "live hard – die young" strategy, with extensive flowering bouts, which we find in the males may have evolved as a way of maintaining sufficient levels of genetic diversity in the metapopulation but will only be a possible strategy if there are continuous opportunities for re-establishments. Thus, the continuous land uplift that is occurring in the northern part of the Gulf of Bothnia may very well be a prerequisite for the long-term persistence of this dioecious, perennial plant species. / Landhöjningsprocesser i skärgårdsmiljöer skapar nya habitat som gör det möjligt att studera naturliga populationer i ett rumsligt och tidsmässigt sammanhang. Detta möjliggör studier av ekologi och genetik i tidiga successionsprocesser, både mellan öar som skiljer sig åt åldersmässigt och inom öar, där redan etablerade organismer måste anpassa sig till en föränderlig miljö. Jag har utfört studier i Skeppsviks skärgård som rymmer cirka 100 öar. På grund av landhöjningen så varierar dessa öar i ålder och de representerar således olika stadier i primärsuccession. Jag har använt mig av en naturlig Silene dioica metapopulation lokaliserad i Skeppsviks skärgård. Många växtarter existerar i metapopulationer, vilket består av ett antal lokala populationer som kan skilja sig åt i storlek och grad av anknytning. Metapopulationer kännetecknas även av återkommande koloniseringar och utrotningar av lokala populationer, vilket innebär att en art kontinuerligt måste sprida sig för att garantera sin fortlevnad i detta system. Genflöde inom dioika växtarter är i form av pollen och frön, och för att populationer skall kunna överleva så är det nödvändigt att nivåerna av fröspridning och pollen-genflöde är tillräckliga för att säkerhetsställa både kolonisering, etablering och efterföljande populationstillväxt. Nivåer av fröspridning och pollen-genflöde påverkas i sin tur av hur de två könen partitionerar resurser mellan reproduktion, tillväxt och överlevnad. I den första studien har jag kombinerat en fältundersökning, ett frilandsexperiment och en nioårig demografisk studie för att undersöka de demografiska konsekvenserna av könsspecifik resursallokering och för att utreda om könsspecifika skillnader i reproduktiv kostnad kan vara en drivkraft för evolutionen av sexuell dimorfism hos den dioika växten Silene dioica. Jag upptäckte signifikant somatisk intersexuell dimorfism där honor hade betydligt mer ovanjordisk och underjordisk biomassa jämfört med hanar. Över en växtsäsong så investerar honorna mer resurser i reproduktion, vilket i stor utsträckning bekräftar vad som tidigare har observerats i örtartade, dioika växter. Enligt hypotesen för reproduktiv kostnad så bör en hög investering i reproduktion leda till trade-offs med somatiska egenskaper, t.ex. tillväxt. Jag observerade inga somatiska trade-offs och istället fann jag positiva associationer mellan reproduktion och tillväxt hos både honor och hanar. Båda könen verkar ha utvecklat kompensationsmekanismer, även om honorna generellt är mer effektiva i hur de kompenserar för sina reproduktiva kostnader. Vid slutet av en växtsäsong, efter att ha betalat för de nuvarande reproduktiva investeringarna, så är honor bättre än hanar på att allokera resurser till fleråriga strukturer, såsom bladrosetter och rötter. Detta kan potentiellt påverka hur de anlägger sina knoppanlag för nästkommande år och hur väl de överlever vintern. Trade-offs hittades mellan nuvarande reproduktion och framtida reproduktionsmöjligheter och överlevnad men detta var habitat-specifikt och kompensation med hjälp av hur ofta en växt blommar under sin livstid spelar en viktig roll. Hypotesen för reproduktiv kostnad verkar vara en del av förklaringen till den somatiska och demografiska könsdimorfism som observerats i detta system men sexuell selektion, som verkar på hanar, kan vara ett möjligt område för framtida studier. I den andra studien undersökte jag populationsgenetiska konsekvenser av metapopulationsdynamik i Silene dioica. Förekomsten av öar i olika faser av primär succession tillsammans med olika grader av succession inom öar gör det möjligt att undersöka den genetiska dynamiken som uppträder i en åldersstrukturerad metapopulation över flera hierarkiska nivåer. Genetisk mångfald och differentiering uppskattades i åtta unga, nyligen koloniserade populationer och i tio populationer av ett intermediärt successionsstadium. Unga populationer hade lägre genetisk diversitet jämfört med äldre populationer, vilket indikerar att genetiska flaskhalsar, skapade av fåtal antal koloniserande individer, s.k. founders, som härrör från ett begränsat antal källpopulationer, minskar den genetiska diversiteten inom nybildade populationer. Observationen av stark genetisk strukturering, mellan och inom öar, indikerar att genflödet är begränsat över flera rumsliga nivåer i detta system. Bristen på statistiskt signifikanta skillnader i genetisk differentiering mellan unga och intermediära populationer indikerar emellertid att nivåer av genflöde kanske inte är tillräckligt höga för att minska den genetiska differentieringen som uppstår från den ursprungliga founder-händelsen. Mönstren av sexuell dimorfism och hanarnas och honornas roll har utvecklats för att möjliggöra fortlevnad i ett ekologisk och populationsmässigt sammanhang hos Silene dioica. I denna livsmiljö, där öar stiger upp ur havet och skapar nya miljöer för kolonisering samtidigt som autogena primära successionsprocesser leder till utrotning, måste S. dioica kontinuerligt sprida sig mellan olika successionsfaser för att överleva. Den uppenbara framgången för den här dioika växten är uppenbar eftersom den är en av de få dominerande arterna i lövkanten. Detta tyder på att nivåer av fröspridning och genflöde är tillräckliga för att möjliggöra etablering och beständighet av ö-populationer och att de sexuella dimorfismer som har utvecklats i detta metapopulationssystem verkar för att öka nivåerna av genflöde. "Lev hårt – dö ung" -strategin med omfattande blomningar som vi finner hos hanarna kan ha utvecklats som ett sätt att upprätthålla tillräckliga nivåer av genetisk diversitet i metapopulationen men den kommer endast att vara en möjlig strategi om det finns kontinuerliga möjligheter för re-etableringar. Således kan den kontinuerliga landupphöjningen som förekommer i norra delen av Bottniska viken mycket väl vara en förutsättning för den långsiktiga beständigheten av denna dioika, fleråriga växtart. / <p>Felaktigt angivet "Dissertation for PhD" i kolofon.</p>

Polimorfismo genético de citocinas na população do Rio de Janeiro / Genetic polymorphism of cytokines in the population Rio de Janeiro

Gustavo Milson Fabricio da Silva 19 March 2009 (has links)
Citocinas são moléculas que controlam e modulam a atividade de numerosas células por se ligarem a seus receptores específicos. As diferenças observadas na produção de citocinas entre indivíduos podem ser, pelo menos em parte, explicadas pelos polimorfismos genéticos como o polimorfismo de um único nucleotídeo (SNP). Em 181 indivíduos saudáveis não-aparentados da cidade do Rio de Janeiro (região Sudeste - Brasil), nós analisamos os polimorfismos de citocinas em genes que codificam para Fator de Necrose Tumoral-alfa (TNF-a), Fator de Crescimento Transformante-beta (TGF-b), Interleucina-10, Interleucina-6 e Interferon-gama (IFN-g). Reação em cadeia da polimerase utilizando-se iniciadores sequencia-específicos foi realizada com auxílio do kit comercial CytGen (One Lambda Inc. Canoga Park, CA, USA). Ao todo, 8 polimorfismos foram analisados: TNF-a (-308G/A); TGF-b (códon 10C/T, códon 25C/G); IL-10 (-1082A/G, -819T/C, -592A/C); IL-6 (-174C/G) e IFN-g (+874T/A). Os dados observados foram comparados a três grupos de população de diferentes regiões do Brasil (São Paulo, Paraná e Bahia) e a três populações de outros continentes (Itália, Eslováquia e Negros Norte-Americanos). O teste qui-quadrado foi utilizado para as comparações. Nossa análise da população do Rio de Janeiro mostrou que os as freqüências alélicas em IL-10, IL-6 e IFN-g são desigualmente distribuídos entre Brancos, Mulatos e Negros (p<0,05). A comparação com populações de outras regiões do Brasil revelou que Rio de Janeiro e Bahia possuem freqüências alélicas e genotípicas de TGF-b (códon 25) estatisticamente diferentes (p=0,004 e p=0,002, respectivamente). Ainda, a freqüência alélica na população do Rio de Janeiro é significativamente diferente quando comparada à população da Itália [IL-6 (-174), p=0,0092; e IFN-g (+874) p=0,0418)]; Eslováquia [IL-10(-1082), p=0,006; IL-6(-174), p=0,0002; e IFN-g(+874), p=0,0335]; e Afro-Americanos [IL-10(-819), p=0,0446; IL-6(-174), p<0,0001; e IFN-g(+874), p<0,0001]. Adicionalmente, observamos que a diferença na distribuição dos haplótipos em IL-10 (-1082/-819/-592) na população do Rio de Janeiro em comparação com a da Itália (p=0,0293) e Afro-Americanos (p=0,0025) é significativa. Portanto, concluímos que os polimorfismos em IL-10, IL-6 e IFN-g estão distribuídos de acordo com a etnia na população do Rio de Janeiro. A população do Rio de Janeiro possui freqüências de polimorfismos diferentes das populações de Bahia, Itália, Eslováquia e Afro-Americanos, mas semelhantes à população de São Paulo/Paraná. Nossas observações poderão ser úteis para futuros estudos e associação entre polimorfismos genéticos de citocinas e doenças na população do Rio de Janeiro. / Cytokines are molecules that control and modulate the activities of numerous target cells via binding to specific receptors. The observed differences in the cytokine production among individuals can be, at least, explained by genetic polymorphisms like single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP). In 181 unrelated healthy Brazilian individuals from Rio de Janeiro City, we investigated the polymorphisms of cytokine genes encoding Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha (TNFA), Transforming Growth Factorbeta (TGFB), Interleukin (IL)-10, IL-6, and Interferon-gamma (IFNG). Polymerase chain reaction using sequence-specific primers genotyping was performed for these gene cytokines using the avaiable comercial kit CytGen (One Lambda Inc., CA, USA). Eight polymorphisms were tested: TNF-a (-308G/A); TGF-b (códon 10C/T, códon 25C/G); IL-10 (-1082A/G, -819T/C, -592A/C); IL-6 (-174G/C) and IFN-g (+874T/A). Chi-square test was used for comparisons. Observed data were compared to three other populations from different regions of Brazil (São Paulo, Paraná and Bahia) and three populations of other countries (Italy, Slovakia and North American Blacks). Our analysis from Rio de Janeiro population showed that the alleles frequencies in IL-10, IL-6 and IFN-g are unevenly distributed among Whites, Blacks and Mulatos (p<0.05). The comparison with populations from other regions of Brazil showed that Rio de Janeiro and Bahia have genotypic and allelic frequencies of TGF-b (códon 25) statistically different (p=0,004 and p=0,002, respectively). Also, the allelic frequency in the population of Rio de Janeiro is significantly different when compared to the population of Italy [IL-6 (-174), p=0.0092, and IFN-g (+874), p=0.0418] ; Slovak [IL-10 (-1082), p=0006; IL-6 (-174), p=0.0002, and IFN-g (+874), p=0.0335] and Afro-Americans [IL-10 (-819), p=0.0446, IL-6 (-174), p<0.0001, and IFN-g (+874), p<0.0001]. Additionally, we observed that the distribution of haplotypes in IL-10 (-1082/-819/-592) in the population of Rio de Janeiro in comparison with that of Italy (p = 0.0293) and Afro-Americans (p =0,0025) is statistically different. Therefore, we conclude that the polymorphisms in IL-10, IL-6 and IFN-g are distributed according to ethnicity in the population of Rio de Janeiro. The population of Rio de Janeiro have different frequencies of polymorphisms of the population of Bahia, Italy, Slovak and Afro-American, but similar to the population of São Paulo/Paraná. Our observations may be useful for future studies in association between genetic polymorphisms of cytokines and disease in the Rio de Janeiro population.

Modèles à facteurs latents pour les études d'association écologique en génétique des populations / Latent factor models for ecological association studies in population genetics

Frichot, Eric 26 September 2014 (has links)
Nous introduisons un ensemble de modèles à facteurs latents dédié à la génomique du paysage et aux tests d'associations écologiques. Cela comprend des méthodes statistiques pour corriger des effets d'autocorrélation spatiale sur les cartes de composantes principales en génétique des populations (spFA), des méthodes pour estimer rapidement et efficacement les coefficients de métissage individuel à partir de matrices de génotypes de grande taille et évaluer le nombre de populations ancestrales (sNMF) et des méthodes pour identifier les polymorphismes génétiques qui montrent de fortes corrélations avec des gradients environnementaux ou avec des variables utilisées comme des indicateurs pour des pressions écologiques (LFMM). Nous avons aussi développé un ensemble de logiciels libres associés à ces méthodes, basés sur des programmes optimisés en C qui peuvent passer à l'échelle avec la dimension de très grand jeu de données, afin d'effectuer des analyses de structures de population et des cribles génomiques pour l'adaptation locale. / We introduce a set of latent factor models dedicated to landscape genomics and ecological association tests. It includes statistical methods for correcting principal component maps for effects of spatial autocorrelation (spFA); methods for estimating ancestry coefficients from large genotypic matrices and evaluating the number of ancestral populations (sNMF); and methods for identifying genetic polymorphisms that exhibit high correlation with some environmental gradient or with the variables used as proxies for ecological pressures (LFMM). We also developed a set of open source softwares associated with the methods, based on optimized C programs that can scale with the dimension of very large data sets, to run analyses of population structure and genome scans for local adaptation.

Polimorfismo genético de citocinas na população do Rio de Janeiro / Genetic polymorphism of cytokines in the population Rio de Janeiro

Gustavo Milson Fabricio da Silva 19 March 2009 (has links)
Citocinas são moléculas que controlam e modulam a atividade de numerosas células por se ligarem a seus receptores específicos. As diferenças observadas na produção de citocinas entre indivíduos podem ser, pelo menos em parte, explicadas pelos polimorfismos genéticos como o polimorfismo de um único nucleotídeo (SNP). Em 181 indivíduos saudáveis não-aparentados da cidade do Rio de Janeiro (região Sudeste - Brasil), nós analisamos os polimorfismos de citocinas em genes que codificam para Fator de Necrose Tumoral-alfa (TNF-a), Fator de Crescimento Transformante-beta (TGF-b), Interleucina-10, Interleucina-6 e Interferon-gama (IFN-g). Reação em cadeia da polimerase utilizando-se iniciadores sequencia-específicos foi realizada com auxílio do kit comercial CytGen (One Lambda Inc. Canoga Park, CA, USA). Ao todo, 8 polimorfismos foram analisados: TNF-a (-308G/A); TGF-b (códon 10C/T, códon 25C/G); IL-10 (-1082A/G, -819T/C, -592A/C); IL-6 (-174C/G) e IFN-g (+874T/A). Os dados observados foram comparados a três grupos de população de diferentes regiões do Brasil (São Paulo, Paraná e Bahia) e a três populações de outros continentes (Itália, Eslováquia e Negros Norte-Americanos). O teste qui-quadrado foi utilizado para as comparações. Nossa análise da população do Rio de Janeiro mostrou que os as freqüências alélicas em IL-10, IL-6 e IFN-g são desigualmente distribuídos entre Brancos, Mulatos e Negros (p<0,05). A comparação com populações de outras regiões do Brasil revelou que Rio de Janeiro e Bahia possuem freqüências alélicas e genotípicas de TGF-b (códon 25) estatisticamente diferentes (p=0,004 e p=0,002, respectivamente). Ainda, a freqüência alélica na população do Rio de Janeiro é significativamente diferente quando comparada à população da Itália [IL-6 (-174), p=0,0092; e IFN-g (+874) p=0,0418)]; Eslováquia [IL-10(-1082), p=0,006; IL-6(-174), p=0,0002; e IFN-g(+874), p=0,0335]; e Afro-Americanos [IL-10(-819), p=0,0446; IL-6(-174), p<0,0001; e IFN-g(+874), p<0,0001]. Adicionalmente, observamos que a diferença na distribuição dos haplótipos em IL-10 (-1082/-819/-592) na população do Rio de Janeiro em comparação com a da Itália (p=0,0293) e Afro-Americanos (p=0,0025) é significativa. Portanto, concluímos que os polimorfismos em IL-10, IL-6 e IFN-g estão distribuídos de acordo com a etnia na população do Rio de Janeiro. A população do Rio de Janeiro possui freqüências de polimorfismos diferentes das populações de Bahia, Itália, Eslováquia e Afro-Americanos, mas semelhantes à população de São Paulo/Paraná. Nossas observações poderão ser úteis para futuros estudos e associação entre polimorfismos genéticos de citocinas e doenças na população do Rio de Janeiro. / Cytokines are molecules that control and modulate the activities of numerous target cells via binding to specific receptors. The observed differences in the cytokine production among individuals can be, at least, explained by genetic polymorphisms like single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP). In 181 unrelated healthy Brazilian individuals from Rio de Janeiro City, we investigated the polymorphisms of cytokine genes encoding Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha (TNFA), Transforming Growth Factorbeta (TGFB), Interleukin (IL)-10, IL-6, and Interferon-gamma (IFNG). Polymerase chain reaction using sequence-specific primers genotyping was performed for these gene cytokines using the avaiable comercial kit CytGen (One Lambda Inc., CA, USA). Eight polymorphisms were tested: TNF-a (-308G/A); TGF-b (códon 10C/T, códon 25C/G); IL-10 (-1082A/G, -819T/C, -592A/C); IL-6 (-174G/C) and IFN-g (+874T/A). Chi-square test was used for comparisons. Observed data were compared to three other populations from different regions of Brazil (São Paulo, Paraná and Bahia) and three populations of other countries (Italy, Slovakia and North American Blacks). Our analysis from Rio de Janeiro population showed that the alleles frequencies in IL-10, IL-6 and IFN-g are unevenly distributed among Whites, Blacks and Mulatos (p<0.05). The comparison with populations from other regions of Brazil showed that Rio de Janeiro and Bahia have genotypic and allelic frequencies of TGF-b (códon 25) statistically different (p=0,004 and p=0,002, respectively). Also, the allelic frequency in the population of Rio de Janeiro is significantly different when compared to the population of Italy [IL-6 (-174), p=0.0092, and IFN-g (+874), p=0.0418] ; Slovak [IL-10 (-1082), p=0006; IL-6 (-174), p=0.0002, and IFN-g (+874), p=0.0335] and Afro-Americans [IL-10 (-819), p=0.0446, IL-6 (-174), p<0.0001, and IFN-g (+874), p<0.0001]. Additionally, we observed that the distribution of haplotypes in IL-10 (-1082/-819/-592) in the population of Rio de Janeiro in comparison with that of Italy (p = 0.0293) and Afro-Americans (p =0,0025) is statistically different. Therefore, we conclude that the polymorphisms in IL-10, IL-6 and IFN-g are distributed according to ethnicity in the population of Rio de Janeiro. The population of Rio de Janeiro have different frequencies of polymorphisms of the population of Bahia, Italy, Slovak and Afro-American, but similar to the population of São Paulo/Paraná. Our observations may be useful for future studies in association between genetic polymorphisms of cytokines and disease in the Rio de Janeiro population.

Neutrální genetická variabilita a struktura populací kamzíka horského na Slovensku / Neutral genetic variability and structure in chamois populations in Slovakia

Hájková, Andrea January 2011 (has links)
The Tatra chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra tatrica), an endemic mountain ungulate, occurs in the High Tatra Mts. (northern Slovakia and southern Poland). In the second part of the 20th century several chamois introductions occurred in Slovakia: Tatra chamois (from the High Tatra Mts.) were introduced into the Low Tatra Mts., while Alpine chamois (R. r. rupicapra) into the Veľká Fatra and Slovenský raj Mts. The High Tatra Mts. population underwent several population declines (bottlenecks) and all other Slovak populations were founded from only a few individuals (founder effect). Moreover, because the Low Tatra, Veľká Fatra and Slovenský raj are neighbouring mountain ranges, there is a potential risk of migration and hybridisation between the subspecies. Using 18 microsatellite loci, we studied neutral genetic variability, structure and potential hybridisation in chamois populations in Slovakia. The study is based on 193 samples: 95 tissue and 5 blood samples, and 88 faecal and 5 hair samples. Low genetic variability was found in all populations, the lowest one in High Tatra Mts. population. High values of fixation index, the number of private alleles, and factorial correspondence analysis indicated strong differentiation between the studied populations. Bayesian clustering divided Slovak chamois...

Standortspezifische Entwicklung von Buchenwaldgesellschaften im nordostdeutschen Tiefland, dargestellt am Beispiel des Melzower Buchennaturwaldes

Rüffer, Olaf 11 December 2018 (has links)
Gegenstand der Dissertation bildet eine echte Zeitreihenuntersuchung eines Tiefland-Buchenwaldes im nordostdeutschen Tiefland. Dieser Wald wurde Ende der 1920er Jahre aus der forstlichen Nutzung entlassen und entstand aus einem Anfang des 19. Jahrhunderts stockenden Eichenwald. Ende der 1950er bzw. der 1960er Jahre wurden drei kompakte Versuchsflächen zur Erfassung der Bestockungsstruktur in dem vorherrschenden Altbaum-Hallenstadium eingerichtet. Im Jahre 2012 gelang es diese alten Versuchsflächen zu identifizieren und einer Wiederholungsinventur zu unterziehen. Der Buchenwald hatte sich zwischenzeitlich erneuert und zu drei unterschiedlichen Tiefland-Buchenwaldökosystemen entwickelt. Als Voraussetzung für die Veränderungsanalyse der Bestockung und des Totholzes wurde eine georeferenzierte Arbeitsweise (EPSG Code 25833) gewählt. Dies ermöglichte die Nutzung des digitalen Geländemodells DGM 2m, historischer und aktueller Luftbilder und Laserdaten, und daraus abgeleiteter normalisierter Oberflächenmodelle zur Visualisierung der stattgefundenen Waldentwicklung. Aufbauend auf georeferenzierten standörtlich-vegetationskundlichen Untersuchungen konnten mittels geostatistischer und statistischer Verfahren die standörtlichen Ursachen für die natürliche Entwicklung der drei unterschiedlichen Buchen(misch)waldökosysteme herausgearbeitet werden. Eine populationsgenetische Inventur der Buchen, Winter- und Sommerlinden sowie eine lichtökologische Studie ergänzt die Untersuchung. / The subject of this dissertation is a real time series investigation of a lowland beech forest in the north-eastern lowlands of Germany. This forest was released from forestry at the end of the 1920s and emerged from an oak forest that had felled at the beginning of the 19th century. At the end of the 1950s and 1960s, three compact experimental areas were set up to record the stocking structure in the predominant old tree hall stage. In 2012, it was possible to identify these old experimental areas and to subject them to a repeat inventory. The beech forest had meanwhile been renewed and developed into three different lowland beech forest ecosystems. A georeferenced working method (EPSG Code 25833) was chosen as a prerequisite for the change analysis of the stocking and deadwood. This enabled the use of the digital terrain model DGM 2m, historical and current aerial photographs and laser data, and derived normalized surface models to visualize the forest development. Based on georeferenced site-vegetation investigations, geostatistical and statistical methods were used to identify the local causes for the natural development of the three different beech (mixed) forest ecosystems. A population genetic inventory of the beeches, winter and summer lime trees as well as a light-ecological study completed the investigation.

Drobní zemní savci podél přirozených a antropogenních krajinných bariér / Small terrestrial mammals along natural and anthropogenic landscape barriers

BOHDAL, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
The dissertation summarises the result of the study of small terrestrial mammals (Eulipotyphla, Rodentia) along natural (watercourses) and anthropogenic (road, highway) landscape barriers. It points to an interesting phenomenon of road drainage ditches as a transitional migration environment, further it assesses the level of locomotion activity, the rate of structure of subpopulations and the frequency of crossing watercourses in the case of selected rodent species. It contributes with its results to solving problems concerning the effect of these landscape structures on the species diversity, ground mobility or genetic structure of small terrestrial mammals. ˙˙˙˙

Structure et connectivité de la mégafaune marine à l'échelle d’une région océanique : enjeux pour la gestion durable des tortues vertes dans l'océan Indien occidental / Population structure and connectivity of megafauna at the oceanic region scale : keys issues for sustainable management of marine turtles in the Indian Ocean

Bourjea, Jérôme 02 December 2014 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse s'insère dans une démarche globale d'acquisition des connaissances sur la tortue verte (Chelonia mydas) dans l'océan Indien occidental et ce afin de disposer d'éléments scientifiques essentiels à la mise en place d'une gestion cohérente et efficace de cette espèce menacée. Dans un premier temps, appliquant différentes modèles statistiques, ce travail a visé à établir des données de référence sur l'abondance des tortues vertes femelles en reproduction et les tendances sur le long terme des principales populations. Dans un second temps, il a consisté à déterminer la structure génétique et les relations qui existent entre les différentes populations de cette espèce. Enfin, la conservation des tortues marines étant étroitement liée aux pressions extérieures, ce travail a tenté dans un troisième temps de caractériser les pressions anthropiques qu'elles subissent, et notamment celles liées à la pêche. L'ensemble de ces résultats a permis de réaliser des avancées majeures dans la connaissance de la biologie et de l'écologie de la tortue verte et de disposer d'une vision régionale fiable de l'état de conservation de cette espèce dans l'océan Indien occidental. Leur compilation a ainsi permis d'identifier des zones régionales prioritaires de protection mais aussi des sites de vigilance plus spécifiques comme celui d'Europa. Enfin cette synthèse met en lumière les priorités de recherche et les approches scientifiques à favoriser à l'avenir pour améliorer les connaissances et affiner les priorités de conservation non seulement des tortues marines, mais aussi de la mégafaune marine en général. / This thesis is a comprehensive work aiming to improve scientific knowledge on the green turtle (Chelonia mydas) in order to provide key scientific evidences needed for the implementation of coherent and effective management measures to protect at the Western Indian Ocean scale this threatened species. In a first step, this work aimed to established baseline data on the abundance of green turtles nesting females and long term trends of some key nesting populations of the region by applying different modelling methods. In a second step, this work determined the regional genetic structure of this species and the relationships that exists between the different populations. Finally, the conservation of marine turtles being closely dependant to external pressures, this work tried to characterize theanthropogenic pressures they face, more specifically those related to fishing activities. All these results allowed unraveling some key gaps on the biology and ecology of the green turtle in the region and led to a global vision of the conservation status of this species in the Western Indian Ocean. The compilation of the results enabled the identification of regional priority areas for protection, but also some more specific threatened sites such as Europa. Finally, this synthesis shedslight on research priorities and scientific approaches to be promote in the future to unlock other keyscientific issues and refine conservation priorities, not only of marine turtles, but also of marine megafauna as a whole.

Hybridation et dynamique des populations chez les renouées du Japon: Espèces non-indigènes invasives du genre Fallopia Adans. (Polygonaceae) en Belgique / Hybridization and dynamics of populations of the Japanese knotweeds: Alien invasive species of the genus Fallopia (Polygonaceae) in Belgium

Tiébré, Marie-Solange 24 October 2007 (has links)
The Japanese knotweeds are invasive alien clonal species originating in Asia (Japan, Korea, Taiwan and Nord of China). They were introduced in Europe at the beginning of the 19th century. They are now some of the most troublesome invasive alien species in Europe and in the United States. In Belgium, a complex of four taxa and a hybrid represents them. All these taxa take part in the pattern of invasion and represent an excellent opportunity for studies of population biology in Western continental Europe. The presence from at least three taxa and a hybrid is confirmed by cytological, genetic and morphological studies. Vegetative reproduction is recognized as the main mode of reproduction and expansion of these taxa in the introduce range. However, interspecific hybridization events are observed confirming the restoration of the sexual reproduction by hybridization within this complex species in Belgium. Hybrid F. x bohemica with various ploidy levels from tetraploid to octoploid is observed. An increase in genotypic and morphological diversity is shown at the hybrid F. x bohemica which missed with the parental species. This could increase the potential of Japanese knotweeds to adapt to the new environment and contribute to the invasive success of these taxa in Belgium. Assignment test indicates a genetic pool differentiated at the hybrid F. x bohemica and not a mixture of the genetic pool of the parental species as expected for hybrid taxa. Hybrid F. x bohemica has always been considered as rare in Belgium and of horticultural origin. An analysis of the spatial distribution shows that hybrid F. x bohemica is widespread in Belgium and that its abundance depends on the areas. An analysis of extent of differentiation between groups of hybrid geographically distant could not provide proof of an independent evolution of hybrid populations under limited gene flow. An analysis of the sexual reproduction capacity and dispersal of seeds shows important production of viable seeds and consequent seed rain. Hybrid seeds may be dispersed beyond 16m, leading the possibility of founding new individuals and to contribute to the invasive success of these taxa. However, a trend towards decreasing germination rate is shown after a cold period. An analysis of the distribution at the landscape scale shows that the dynamics of colonization of habitats patches by Japanese knotweeds rising mainly from clonal propagation in spite of important pressure of propagule. The knotweeds prefer human disturbed habitats with a clear prevalence of communication routes. This leads the possibility of dispersing towards the adjacent habitats patches. A high dynamics of establishment of propagule was not observed at the hybrid plants compared with the parents plants in spite of the increase in genotypic diversity and the consequent pressure of propagule. Lastly, proposals for the integrated management of these taxa are proposed in the Belgium context. Their management will have first to identify hybrids and taxa involved. Emasculation and management of the existing clones represent solutions to prevent flowering and expansion of these taxa. An active management of disturbed habitats may represent alternative to prevent the invasion by Japanese knotweeds / Les renouées du Japon sont des espèces clonales non-indigènes originaires dAsie (Japon, Corée, Taiwan et Nord de la Chine). Elles ont été introduites en Europe au début du 19è siècle. Elles font désormais partie des espèces non-indigènes les plus invasives en Europe et aux Etats Unis. En Belgique, elles sont représentées par un complexe de quatre taxons et un hybride. Tous ces taxons participent à la dynamique dinvasion et représentent un modèle dintérêt pour les études de biologie des populations en Europe continentale occidentale. La présence dau moins trois taxons et un hybride est confirmée par des études cytologiques, génétiques et morphologiques. La reproduction végétative est reconnue comme le principal mode de reproduction et dexpansion de ces taxons dans la zone dintroduction. Toutefois, des phénomènes dhybridation interspécifique sont observés confirmant la restauration de la reproduction sexuée par hybridation au sein de ce complexe despèces en Belgique. Lhybride F. x bohemica avec différents niveaux de ploïdie, du tétraploïde à loctoploïde, est observé. Un accroissement de la diversité génotypique et morphologique qui manquait aux espèces parents est démontré chez lhybride F. x bohemica. Ceci pourrait augmenter le potentiel des renouées du Japon à sadapter au nouvel environnement et contribuer au succès invasif de ces taxons en Belgique. Un test dassignation indique un pool génétique différencié chez lhybride F. x bohemica et non un mélange du pool génétique des espèces parentales comme attendu dans le cadre de taxons hybrides. Lhybride F. x bohemica a toujours été considéré comme rare en Belgique et dorigine horticole. Une analyse de la répartition spatiale montre que lhybride F. x bohemica est très répandu en Belgique et que son abondance dépend des régions. Une analyse de létendue de la différenciation entre groupes dindividus hybrides géographiquement distants na pas pu fournir de preuve dune évolution indépendante des populations hybrides sous un flux de gènes limité. Une analyse de la capacité de reproduction sexuée et de dispersion des graines démontre une production importante de graines viables et une pluie de graines conséquente. Les graines hybrides sont capables de se disperser à plus de 16m, laissant la possibilité de fonder de nouveaux individus et de contribuer au succès invasif de ces taxons. Cependant, une tendance à la diminution du potentiel de germination est observée après une période de froid chez ces taxons. Une analyse de la distribution à léchelle du paysage a permis dinterpréter la dynamique de colonisation des taches dhabitats par les renouées du Japon comme relevant principalement de la propagation clonale malgré une pression de propagule importante. Les renouées du Japon préfèrent les habitats perturbés par lhomme avec une nette prédominance des réseaux linéaires de communications. Ceci laisse ensuite la possibilité de se disperser vers les taches dhabitats adjacents. Une dynamique détablissement de propagules plus importante na pas été observée chez les plants hybrides comparées aux plants parents malgré laccroissement de diversité génotypique et la pression de propagules considérable. Enfin, des pistes pour la gestion intégrée des renouées du Japon en Belgique sont proposées. Cette gestion devra en priorité identifier les hybrides et les taxons en présence. Des mesures démasculation et de gestion des clones existants pourraient constituer une solution pour empêcher la floraison et lexpansion de ces taxons. Une gestion active des habitats perturbés pourrait représenter une alternative pour prévenir linvasion par les renouées du Japon

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