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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Procedimentos de projeto e execução de pavimentos permeáveis visando retenção e amortecimento de picos de cheias. / Design and built procedures of porous pavements with porpose to retaining an reducing downstream floodings.

Afonso Luís Corrêa de Virgiliis 12 November 2009 (has links)
O trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar procedimentos de projeto e execução de obras de pavimentos permeáveis visando sua aplicação prática como medidas compensatórias de drenagem urbana com a finalidade de retenção e amortecimento de picos de enchentes em cidades densamente urbanizadas. Os procedimentos propostos se baseiam na experiência adquirida para a implementação de dois tipos de pavimentos permeáveis; um com revestimento constituído de blocos intertravados de concreto e outro com revestimento de concreto asfáltico poroso, conhecido como camada porosa de atrito. Para subsidiar o trabalho uma pista experimental foi construída como área de estacionamento nas dependências do Centro Tecnológico de Hidráulica CTH na Universidade de São Paulo onde foi realizado o experimento. O local do estacionamento atua como um reservatório subsuperficial de águas pluviais sendo que sua estrutura, constituída de agregados granulares, abriga no interior de seus vazios a água infiltrada pelas camadas do pavimento. Recomenda-se, após os estudos, que os procedimentos e seqüências de atividades de projeto e execução de obras de pavimentos permeáveis sejam contemplados pelo poder público e privado como solução alternativa em diferentes empreendimentos urbanos como grandes áreas públicas ou particulares, estacionamentos, parques, quadras esportivas, passeios, calçamentos e ruas de pouca solicitação de tráfego entre outros. / The present work intents to show design and built procedures, of porous pavements; by paying attention on its practical appliances as compensatory option in urban drainage with purpose to retaining rainfall water by storage, reducing downstream flooding in cities with great urban density. The procedures here proposed are based in the know how acquired for the construction of two kinds of porous pavements: one built with interlocked concrete blocks and the other built with porous asphalt. In order to aid the present work, an experimental field was built as parking area inside the propriety of CTH Centro Tecnologico de Hidraulica in State University of Sao Paulo where the tests and experiments were made. The parking area is a reservoir structure where rain water is stored inside courses of aggregates. The storage volume is in the void space between particles of material that comes by infiltration trough the pavement layer. The commendation, after the studies, is that procedures and activities of design and build of porous pavements could be observed by government and private sector as alternative solution in many kinds of urban projects such as large public and private lots, parking areas sport fields side walks and streets, with low capacity of traffic loads, and so forth.

Investigação do desempenho de diferentes estruturas microporosas tubulares na retenção de bactérias em suspensão por microfiltração tangencial / Investigation of the performance of diferent micro-porous tubular structures in the retention of bacteria emulsion by crossflow microfiltration

Renata Natsumi Haneda 29 March 2006 (has links)
Neste trabalho são apresentados resultados experimentais do processo de filtração tangencial de uma suspensão in natura (soro de leite) aplicada na retenção de bactérias do grupo coliforme. No estudo do processo de separação utilizaram-se tubos microporosos de -alumina (Al2O3) e membranas comerciais de tamanho médio de poros no valor de 0,8 e 1,2m. Os tubos microporosos cerâmicos foram sinterizados à temperatura entre 1400 e 1450ºC, os quais foram caracterizados pela técnica de porosimetria por intrusão de mercúrio, constatando o tamanho médio de poros de 0,3 a 0,5µm. Após a sinterização, os tubos cerâmicos foram sujeitos à impregnação com citrato de prata (material bactericida). As membranas comerciais também passaram pelo mesmo processo de impregnação. Com o uso da técnica de microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) foi realizada uma caracterização da morfologia e da composição dos meios microporosos. Ensaios experimentais do processo de microfiltração foram realizados com soro de leite, com o objetivo de estudar a influência de parâmetros fluidodinâmicos tais como: número de Reynolds e pressão transmembrana, além de analisar a retenção da bactéria, Escherichia coli, em regime de escoamento para Reynolds entre 2700 e 32000 e pressões transmembrana entre 1 e 4 bar. O permeado foi analisado seguindo normas da 20ª. Edição dos Métodos Padrões para Análise de Água e Esgoto, e todos os experimentos seguiram padrões de segurança para minimizar a possibilidade de contaminação do meio junto à análise do material filtrado. A manutenção fisiológica das bactérias foi controlada com os parâmetros de pH e temperatura, respectivamente mantidos entre 6 e 7,0 e de 25 - 30ºC ± 1 ºC. Nestas condições de escoamento, da solução e do meio filtrante, o processo foi considerado satisfatório com vazões transmembrana entre 10 L/(h.m2) e 120 L/(h.m2). / This work reports experimental results of the crossflow microfiltration of emulsion (whey of milk) applied in the microrganism retention of the coliform group. In the study of the separation process were used micro-porous tubes of -alumina (Al2O3) and commercial membranes of average size pores of 0,8 and 1,2m. The micro-porous tubes were sinterised with temperature between 1400 and 1450 ºC and after, were characterized by technique of porosimetry for mercury intrusion, verifing average size of pores between 0,3 and 0,5µm. After the sintering, the ceramic tubes were treated with a citrate of silver solution (bactericidal substance), and submitted to synthesis for removed the organic matters. The commercial membranes were also impregnated by this process. With the scanning eletronic microscopy made the characterization of the morfology and micro-porous structures composition. Experimental tests of the crossflow microfiltration process were performed with whey of milk, with objective to study the influence of fluid dynamics parameters (Reynolds number and flux transmembrane) and to analyse the bacteria retention in turbulent regime, having Re between 2700 and 32000, transmembrane pressure (enters 1 to 4bar) and transmembrane flux between 0,5 and 300 L/h.m2. The permeate was analysed by the 20ª. Edition of the Standard Methods for Examination of Water, and all the experiments followed standards of security to restrict the possibility of contamination of the permeated and the atmosphere. The physiology of the bacteria was controlled by parameters of pH and temperature, respectively keeped between 6 and 7,0 and of 25 - 30ºC ± 1 ºC. In the conditions of flow, of the solution and system flow, the retention was considerated satisfactory with transmembrane flux between 10 L/(h.m2) and 120L/(h.m2).

Large Surface Area of Graphene with Controlled Interlayer Spacing

Hara Sudhan Thangavelu, Hari January 2022 (has links)
Unique layered structure with excellent electrical, mechanical, thermal, and optical properties gives graphene widespread application. Graphene based materials are extensively studied in the field of energy storage such as batteries, hydrogen storage and supercapacitors (SC’s). High surface area, electrical conductivity and mechanical flexibility are notable properties for the materials used in energy conversion systems. Porous spaced graphene oxide (PGO) structures were synthesized by hydrothermal and solvothermal reaction between GO and various pillaring molecules include Tetrakis (4-aminophenyl) methane (TKAm), Ethylenediamine (EDA), 2-Amino-5-diethylaminopentane (ADAP) and 2-Aminoethyl trimethylammonium chloride hydrochloride (ATA). Pristine GO shows interlayer distance of 7.2 Å. Characterisation techniques such as XRD, SEM, FTIR, BET and TGA were used understand the properties of these PGO. In contrast, these pillared structures show interlayer distance greater than of the pristine GO. Notably, GO/TKAm show interlayer distance of 14.30 Å. These pillared structures are considered to solve the restacking and aggregation issues found in 2D porous structures. Since these pillaring molecules help to achieve 3D porous network. Pristine GO shows only surface area of 14 m2/g whereas these materials also show excellent surface area as well. GO/TKAm shows high surface area of 450 m2/g. Followed it GO/ATA shows surface area of 106 m2/g. GO/pillared structures show low sheet resistance which means good electrical conductivity. Ultimately, these pillared structures not only solve the issues in 2D porous systems but also improve the surface area, mechanical stability, and electrical conductivity of those systems by means of 3D porous interconnected structures. All these excellent properties make them a great candidate for the energy conversion systems. / Unik skiktad struktur med utmärkta elektriska, mekaniska, termiska och optiska egenskaper ger grafen en utbredd tillämpning. Grafenbaserade material studeras omfattande inom området energilagring såsom batterier, vätelagring och superkondensatorer (SC). Hög yta, elektrisk ledningsförmåga och mekanisk flexibilitet är anmärkningsvärda egenskaper för de material som används i energiomvandlingssystem. Porösa grafenoxidstrukturer (PGO) syntetiserades genom hydrotermisk och solvotermisk reaktion mellan GO och olika pelarmolekyler inkluderar tetrakis (4-aminofenyl) metan (TKAm), etylendiamin (EDA), 2-amino-5-dietylaminopentan (ADAP) och 2 Aminoetyltrimetylammoniumkloridhydroklorid (ATA). Pristine GO visar mellanskiktsavstånd på 7,2 Å. Karakteriseringstekniker som XRD, SEM, FTIR, BET och TGA användes för att förstå egenskaperna hos dessa PGO. Däremot visar dessa pelarstrukturer mellanskiktsavståndet större än det för den orörda GO. Noterbart visar GO / TKAm mellanskiktsavstånd på 14.30 Å. Dessa pelarstrukturer anses lösa omstaplings- och aggregeringsproblemen som finns i 2D-porösa strukturer. Eftersom dessa pelarmolekyler hjälper till att uppnå 3Dporöst nätverk. Pristine GO visar endast en yta på 14 m2 / g medan dessa material också visar utmärkt yta också. GO / TKAm visar hög yta på 450 m2 / g. Följde den visar GO/ATA en yta på 106 m2/g. GO / pelarstrukturer visar lågt plåtmotstånd vilket innebär god elektrisk ledningsförmåga. I slutändan löser dessa pelarstrukturer inte bara problemen i 2D-porösa system utan förbättrar också ytarean, den mekaniska stabiliteten och den elektriska ledningsförmågan hos dessa system med hjälp av 3D-porösa sammankopplade strukturer. Alla dessa utmärkta egenskaper gör energiomvandlingssystem.

Microscopic Surface Textures Created by Interfacial Flow Instabilities

Gu, Jing 01 August 2013 (has links)
In nature, microscopic surface textures impact useful function, such as the drag reduction of shark skin (Dean & Bhushan, 2010) and superhydrophobicity of the lotus leaf(Pan, Kota, Mabry, & Tuteja, 2013). In this study, we explore these phenomena by re-creating microscopic surface textures via the method of interfacial flow instability in drying polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) acetone solutions. In general, PVDF films can be made using either spin coating or electrospray deposition with various weight concentrations in acetone. In order to study the morphology of the porous structure of PVDF films, wet deposition samples were fabricated by spin coating or near-field electrospray. Possible theories are discussed and examined to explain the formation of these porous structures resulting in development of a well-controlled method to create porous PVDF films with various pore sizes and pore densities. All samples are characterized and found to exhibit superhydrophobicity and drag reduction. To connect porous PVDF film morphology to the established field of dry particle fabrication, PVDF particle synthesis by far-field electrospray is also reviewed and discussed. An established method to generate polymer particles of different morphologies in other polymers (Almeria-Diez, 2012) by electrospray drying is confirmed using PVDF as well. Due to the ability of scalable and re-configurable electrospray, the microscopic surface textures can be applied to areas of any size to reduce drag or impart water-repelling properties.

Carbon Nanotube Based Electrochemical Supercapacitors

Zhou, Chongfu 31 July 2006 (has links)
Several approaches have been used to develop carbon nanotube (CNT) based electrochemical supercapacitors. These approaches include the following: (a) stabilization and carbonization of ternary composites of polyacrylonitrile (PAN), poly (styrene co-acrylonitrile) (SAN) copolymer, and single wall carbon nanotubes (SWNTs); (b) SWNT membranes functionalized with aryl chloride, sodium sulfonate, aryl sulfonic acid, bis(3,5-di-tert-butylphenyl)5-aminobenzene-1,3-dioate, and 4,4 -methylenedianiline; and (c) pyrrole treated SWNTs. In addition nitric acid functionalized and heat-treated SWNT membranes have been studied. The electrochemical supercapacitor behavior of these membrane electrodes has been characterized by cyclic voltammetry, constant current charging-discharging, and impedance analysis in aqueous and ionic liquid electrolytes. Long term performance of selected electrodes has been evaluated. The surface area and pore size distribution was quantified by N2 gas adsorption/desorption and correlated with capacitance performance. The surface functional groups have been characterized by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. CNT electrode/electrolyte interaction has been characterized using contact angle measurements. Electrolyte absorption by the electrodes has also been characterized. Carbonized PAN/SAN/SWNT ternary composites exhibit double layer capacity of over 200 μF/cm2. By comparison, the double layer capacity of classical meso-porous carbons is in the range of 10-50 μF/cm2. The capacitance of functionalized SWNTs is up to 2 times that of the control bucky paper made from unfunctionalized SWNTs. Energy density of functionalized electrodes when evaluated in an ionic liquid is as high as 28 kJ/kg. High capacitance (up to 350 F/g) was obtained for pyrrole-treated functionalized SWNT membranes in 6 M KOH. This value is almost seven times that of the control bucky paper. Correlating the capacitance with surface area and pore size distribution, it was observed that macropores (pore width greater than 50 nm) play an important role for achieving high capacitance.

Escafoldes para implantes ósseos em alumina/hidroxiapatita/biovidro: análises mecânica e in vitro / Scaffolds in alumina, hydroxyapatite and bio-glass for bone implants: mechanical tests and in vitro analysis

Camilo, Claudia Cristiane 16 August 2006 (has links)
Escafoldes em alumina foram fabricados e em suas superfícies impregnou-se biovidro e hidroxiapatita; realizou-se análise das propriedades mecânica e de interação célula-escafolde in vitro. Estruturas porosas denominadas escafoldes são utilizadas como suportes para crescimento de tecidos, devem apresentar poros abertos interconectados, com morfologia, distribuição e quantidade de poros que confiram resistência mecânica e induzam o crescimento ósseo. Os escafoldes simulam a matriz extracelular e são a chave para a engenharia de tecidos que está conceituada na cultura prévia de células com proteínas morfogenéticas, oferecendo suporte para o crescimento celular na formação do tecido maduro. Neste trabalho desenvolveu-se técnica de manufatura onde foram conformados escafoldes como corpos-de-prova em alumina, em hidroxiapatita e em alumina infiltrada com biovidro e hidroxiapatita. Os escafoldes foram submetidos a ensaios mecânicos de compressão e sofreram análise de interação com células in vitro. A morfologia e a concentração da porosidade dos escafoldes foram analisadas por microscopia de varredura eletrônica e apresentaram porosidade volumétrica de aproximadamente 70% e diâmetro médio de poros em torno de 190 µm. Observou-se interação das células mais vigorosas e com pronunciada mitose nos escafoldes infiltrados relativamente aos escafoldes de alumina e hidroxiapatita. Os resultados indicaram resistência mecânica para os corpos infiltrados de 43,27 MPa, valor inferior ao observado nos escafolde de alumina 52,27 MPa e muito superior aos de hidroxiapatita 0,28 MPa. Conclui-se que os escafoldes de alumina infiltrados com biovidro e hidroxiapatita apresentaram uma combinação promissora nas características mecânicas e biológicas in vitro com viabilidade econômica. / Alumina scaffolds were manufactured and surface impregnated with bio-glass and hydroxyapatite; the mechanical properties and the in vitro bone-cell and scaffold interaction were analyzed. Porous matrices are usually denominated as scaffolds in tissue engineering and they are used as supports for the tissue growing; they may have open and interconnected pores, with known porous geometry and distribution and with good mechanical strength and be able to induce the tissue cells growing. Scaffolds can work as extra cell matrices, mimic the desired tissue and are considered as the key for the tissue engineering, offering support for the cellular growing in the formation of mature tissue. In this work, manufacture techniques were developed where scaffolds were conformed in alumina, in hydroxyapatite and in alumina infiltrated with bio-glass and hydroxyapatite, as test bodies. The scaffolds were submitted to mechanical compression tests and to the interaction with bone cells in vitro. The morphology and the concentration of the scaffold porosity were analyzed by scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) and they presented porosity concentration near 70,0 vol% and medium diameter of pores around 190,0 µm. The cells interaction strongest and more vigorous bone cell interaction with pronounced mitosis was observed in the alumina scaffolds infiltrated with bio-glass and hydroxyapatite when compared with the alumina scaffolds and hydroxyapatite scaffolds. The results obtained shown lower values of the mechanical strength for the infiltrated scaffolds (43,27 MPa), higher values for non infiltrated alumina scaffold (52,27 MPa) and very low values for the hydroxyapatite scaffolds (0,28 MPa). As observed, final results shown that alumina scaffolds infiltrated with bio-glass and hydroxyapatite presented a promising combination in the mechanical and biological in vitro characteristics with economic viability.

Escafoldes para implantes ósseos em alumina/hidroxiapatita/biovidro: análises mecânica e in vitro / Scaffolds in alumina, hydroxyapatite and bio-glass for bone implants: mechanical tests and in vitro analysis

Claudia Cristiane Camilo 16 August 2006 (has links)
Escafoldes em alumina foram fabricados e em suas superfícies impregnou-se biovidro e hidroxiapatita; realizou-se análise das propriedades mecânica e de interação célula-escafolde in vitro. Estruturas porosas denominadas escafoldes são utilizadas como suportes para crescimento de tecidos, devem apresentar poros abertos interconectados, com morfologia, distribuição e quantidade de poros que confiram resistência mecânica e induzam o crescimento ósseo. Os escafoldes simulam a matriz extracelular e são a chave para a engenharia de tecidos que está conceituada na cultura prévia de células com proteínas morfogenéticas, oferecendo suporte para o crescimento celular na formação do tecido maduro. Neste trabalho desenvolveu-se técnica de manufatura onde foram conformados escafoldes como corpos-de-prova em alumina, em hidroxiapatita e em alumina infiltrada com biovidro e hidroxiapatita. Os escafoldes foram submetidos a ensaios mecânicos de compressão e sofreram análise de interação com células in vitro. A morfologia e a concentração da porosidade dos escafoldes foram analisadas por microscopia de varredura eletrônica e apresentaram porosidade volumétrica de aproximadamente 70% e diâmetro médio de poros em torno de 190 µm. Observou-se interação das células mais vigorosas e com pronunciada mitose nos escafoldes infiltrados relativamente aos escafoldes de alumina e hidroxiapatita. Os resultados indicaram resistência mecânica para os corpos infiltrados de 43,27 MPa, valor inferior ao observado nos escafolde de alumina 52,27 MPa e muito superior aos de hidroxiapatita 0,28 MPa. Conclui-se que os escafoldes de alumina infiltrados com biovidro e hidroxiapatita apresentaram uma combinação promissora nas características mecânicas e biológicas in vitro com viabilidade econômica. / Alumina scaffolds were manufactured and surface impregnated with bio-glass and hydroxyapatite; the mechanical properties and the in vitro bone-cell and scaffold interaction were analyzed. Porous matrices are usually denominated as scaffolds in tissue engineering and they are used as supports for the tissue growing; they may have open and interconnected pores, with known porous geometry and distribution and with good mechanical strength and be able to induce the tissue cells growing. Scaffolds can work as extra cell matrices, mimic the desired tissue and are considered as the key for the tissue engineering, offering support for the cellular growing in the formation of mature tissue. In this work, manufacture techniques were developed where scaffolds were conformed in alumina, in hydroxyapatite and in alumina infiltrated with bio-glass and hydroxyapatite, as test bodies. The scaffolds were submitted to mechanical compression tests and to the interaction with bone cells in vitro. The morphology and the concentration of the scaffold porosity were analyzed by scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) and they presented porosity concentration near 70,0 vol% and medium diameter of pores around 190,0 µm. The cells interaction strongest and more vigorous bone cell interaction with pronounced mitosis was observed in the alumina scaffolds infiltrated with bio-glass and hydroxyapatite when compared with the alumina scaffolds and hydroxyapatite scaffolds. The results obtained shown lower values of the mechanical strength for the infiltrated scaffolds (43,27 MPa), higher values for non infiltrated alumina scaffold (52,27 MPa) and very low values for the hydroxyapatite scaffolds (0,28 MPa). As observed, final results shown that alumina scaffolds infiltrated with bio-glass and hydroxyapatite presented a promising combination in the mechanical and biological in vitro characteristics with economic viability.

Études des procédés de conversion de la lignine de bois en hydrocarbures liquides et en aérogels / Studies of the conversion processes of the wood lignin to hydrocarbon liquids and aerogels

Grishechko, Liudmila 16 December 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse décrit le développement de procédés utilisables pour valoriser des extraits de bois afin de préparer : (1) des combustibles (hydrocarbures) liquides ; (2) des matériaux poreux avec des applications potentielles dans les domaines de l’énergie et l’environnement, notamment isolation thermique, catalyse, piégeage et séparation de micropolluants. Les extraits de bois en question sont des lignines, associées ou non à des tannins. Les deux types de matériaux sont actuellement peu valorisés, et l’on montre qu’ils peuvent être source de valeur ajoutée au travers des procédés rapportés dans ce mémoire / The present thesis describes the development of processes which can be used for valorizing wood extracts in the aim of preparing: (1) liquid (hydrocarbon) fuels; (2) porous materials with potential energy and environmental applications, namely thermal insulation, catalysis, abatement or separation of micropollutants. The wood extracts in question are lignins, associated or not with tannins. Both kinds of materials are presently poorly valorized, and it is shown here that they can lead to high added-value products through the processes reported in this PhD dissertation


Nováková, Iveta Unknown Date (has links)
Fire resistance is becoming increasingly important along with the development of new concrete types with high strength and dense structure with reduced porosity. Such concrete types are susceptible to fire spalling and extensive crack formation. At the moment, there are a limited number of methods for enhancement of fire resistance of existing structures, which could be applied in underground structures with restricted space and limited air exchange, such as tunnels, underground garages or nuclear powerplants. This work is focused on the development of two methods, and both are dealing with porous structure modification. The first method is intentional heat treatment (IHT) method, suitable for the enhancement of fire resistance of existing structures. The second method emphasized the design of air-entrained concrete (AeA-FiResCrete) with the use of “new generation” air-entraining agents suitable for enhancement of fire resistance of newly designed concrete. Testing of compressive strength, porous structure modification was completed by the analysis of “moisture clog,” which contributes to explosive spalling and extensive cracking. The efficiency of developing methods was verified during large-scale testing according to modified ISO834 (m-ISO) curve. No extensive crack formation or explosive spalling was observed during the exposure period during the large-scale testing of slabs with the applied IHT method. The total thickness of the IHT method with configuration IHT200/2, composed of IHT zone and IHT transition zone, penetrated to the depth of 25,5 to 43,0 mm depending upon various concrete types. Moisture clog in AeA-FiResCrete was more significant than in the case of slabs with applied IHT method, and it could be concluded that the IHT method enhances fire resistance of concrete exposed to elevated temperatures without influencing its compressive strength and durability. Results from AeA-FiResCrete testing showed only a slight improvement of its fire resistance.

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