Spelling suggestions: "subject:"2positive view"" "subject:"0positive view""
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[pt] Desde o fim do século XX, um grande número de publicações
tratando das mudanças políticas, econômicas, tecnológicas
e sociais que
estão ocorrendo no mundo. Todas essas macro-mudanças têm
também transformações no plano micro (ou subjetivo), o que
não passou
despercebido por vários autores. A maioria destes,
todavia, lança sobre o
sujeito contemporâneo um olhar bastante crítico e
negativo. Discordando
desta postura, neste trabalho procuro refletir sobre as
subjetivas na atualidade a partir de um olhar positivo.
Para alcançar esse
objetivo, parti de uma pesquisa qualitativa realizada com
16 usuários de
programas interativos da Internet. Nesta pesquisa,
procurei indícios de
transformações subjetivas a partir do uso que eles faziam
desses programas.
Os resultados revelaram que havia muitas semelhanças entre
características subjetivas por mim detectadas em meus
entrevistados e
aquelas do sujeito contemporâneo tal como descritas por
Sherry Turkle,
principalmente no que diz respeito à experiência de
multiplicidade que ela
interpretou como a co-existência de múltiplos eus. Um
problema, no entanto,
se configurava para mim. Turkle havia partido de um modelo
patológico - o
transtorno de múltipla personalidade - para caracterizar
esse sujeito. Por isso
mesmo, baseando-me no trabalho de Ian Hacking sobre
personalidade, procurei desconstruir a idéia de Turkle de
que é possível
despatologizar um modelo patológico e dele fazer uso para
descrever uma
organização subjetiva sadia. Feito isso, passei à
apresentação de alguns
conceitos de Donald Winnicott, um autor que conseguiu
olhar de modo positivo
para características subjetivas resultantes de um contexto
negativo, o da Segunda Guerra Mundial. Inspirando-me em
suas idéias,
procurei mostrar que a Internet pode servir para o sujeito
atual como um
espaço potencial, um espaço para o brincar. Munida de
todas essas reflexões,
retornei à pesquisa e pude mostrar que, dado que nos chats
os usuários
podem ter muitos nicks e ser anônimos, neles eles têm a
chance de brincar e
experimentar ser mais de um sem que isso implique a
existência de múltiplos
eus. Finalmente, argumento que, dessa brincadeira, pode
surgir algo bem mais interessante: uma identidade virtual
estável. / [en] Since the end of the 20th century, a large number of
publications has dealt
with the political, economical and technological changes
that have been going on.
All of theses macro-changes have also generated
transformations on the micro
(or subjective) level, a fact which has been registered by
several authors. Most of
these, however, tend to view the contemporary subject from
a negative and
critical perspective. Disagreeing with the latter
position, in the present work I try
to analyze the contemporary subjective transformations
from a positive viewpoint.
In order to reach this objective, I departed from a
qualitative investigation
conducted with 16 users of interactive programs on the
Internet, looking for
indications of subjective transformations in the use they
made of such programs.
Results revealed many similarities between the subjective
characteristics I was
able to detect in my interviewees and those of the
contemporary subject as
described by Sherry Turkle. This was true mainly in what
concerns the
experience of multiplicity, which she has interpreted as
the co-existence of
multiple selves. Such an interpretation, however, seemed
problematic to me. In
order to describe the contemporary subject, Turkle had
based her reasoning on a
pathological model - that of the multiple personality
disorder. Resorting to Ian
Hacking´s work on multiple personalities, I tried to
deconstruct Turkle´s idea that
it is possible to use a pathological model in a non-
pathological way to describe a
healthy subjective organization. Then, I proceeded with
the presentation of a few
concepts proposed by Donald Winnicott, an author who
managed to see in a
positive light a number of subjective characteristics that
resulted from an
undoubtedly negative context, that of World War II.
Inspired by his ideas, I tried to
show that the Internet may be used by the contemporary
subject as a potential
space, a space for play. Having in mind all these
reflections and discussions, I reexamined
the results of the investigation which acted as a point of
departure. It
was able to show that, because on chats users can have
many nicknames and
be anonymous, on them they have the opportunity to play
and experiment being
more than one. Nevertheless, this does not imply the
existence of multiple
selves. Finally, I argue that, from this kind of play may
emerge something much
more interesting: a stable virtual identity.
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Parental Involvement in Title I Schools: Examining Perspectives of Parents & TeachersJanuary 2020 (has links)
abstract: ABSTRACT
Parental involvement is vital to student success academically as well as socially (Jeynes, 2007; Kim & Hill, 2015). The purpose of this mixed-methods action research study was to examine the perceptions of parental involvement of parents and teachers in a Title I school. A training session intervention, Social Hour, was designed using the Heath and Heath change model (2010) to create an opportunity to learn about parental involvement and educate the school community on the Epstein’s six-types of parental involvement (Epstein, 1987). The goal of the Social Hour workshop was to address the challenges and barriers to parental involvement, previously listed in the literature. Using the lens of Critical Race theory (Blalock, 1967) ensured that the research gives a voice to those who are often marginalized while also helping parents and teachers build a relationship of trust and understanding using principles of Community of Practice (Wenger, 2009). The results of this study indicate that Social Hour-type learning events are significant in the change to perceptions of parental involvement. The participants had a lower level of confidence at the beginning of the session than at the end. Additional qualitative results also suggest a change in attitude after attending the Social Hour. Participants noted they had more energy about parental involvement and were encouraged that parental involvement does not require them to volunteer more; that it is more about being engaged in their child’s education. Overall, participants reported an increase in confidence and had a positive view of parental involvement based on attending the Social Hour workshop.
Keywords: Parental involvement, Critical Race theory, Epstein Six Types of Parental involvement / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Leadership and Innovation 2020
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[pt] A Psicologia Positiva é um movimento caracterizado pelo estudo dos recursos positivos do funcionamento individual, social e organizacional, em conformidade com a visão segundo a qual indivíduos felizes e plenamente realizados tendem a administrar suas vidas de forma bem-sucedida, contribuindo efetivamente para comunidade e as demandas sociais. A Psicologia Positiva adota como missão central a investigação de potencialidades e qualidades humanas, tais como a resiliência, o otimismo, a esperança, o bem-estar, entre outras habilidades interpessoais indicativas da vida saudável. Dentro da visão da Psicologia Positiva, o construto Positividade vem sendo estudado como um compósito das características psicológicas satisfação de vida, autoestima e otimismo. Trata-se de uma tendência do ser humano em avaliar de modo positivo a realidade, as experiências pessoais e interpessoais e o futuro. O estudo das características psicológicas positivas de indivíduos em diferentes faixas etárias é importante pois permite compreender as forças e virtudes necessárias ao desenvolvimento saudável. Especificamente na adolescência, crenças positivas podem conduzir à adaptação bem-sucedida da infância à vida adulta. Este trabalho tem como objetivo investigar evidências iniciais de validade da Escala de Positividade (EP), para uma determinada amostra de adolescentes brasileiros – por considerar de grande importância a avaliação das características positivas no desenvolvimento dos adolescentes. Participaram desta pesquisa 398 adolescentes, com idades entre 11 e 19 anos, estudantes de escolas públicas e privadas da cidade do Rio de Janeiro (RJ) e Região Serrana (RJ). Seus responsáveis legais assinaram um Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido. A coleta de dados ocorreu por meio da aplicação presencial dos seguintes instrumentos: EP, MHI-5, Questionário Sociodemográfico, SDQ, HOPE, PANAS, EAR e LOT-R. Os resultados indicaram uma estrutura unifatorial, apresentada tanto na AFE como na AFC. Os resultados também apontaram correlações entre a EP e os demais instrumentos que avaliaram os construtos constitutivos e correlatos da Positividade. Em relação às características sociodemográficas, não foram encontradas fortes correlações entre os níveis de Positividade e a renda, sexo, tipo de escola ou localidade de moradia. Adolescentes mais novos, no entanto, apresentaram maiores níveis de Positividade do que os mais velhos. / [en] Positive Psychology is a movement characterized by the study of positive resources of individual, social and organizational functioning, in accordance with the view that happy and fully realized individuals tend to manage their lives in a successful way, effectively contributing to the community and social demands. Positive Psychology adopts as its central mission the investigation of human potentialities and qualities, such as resilience, optimism, hope, well-being, among other interpersonal abilities indicative of a healthy life. From Positive Psychology s point of view, the construct Positivity has been studied as a composite of psychological characteristics life satisfaction, self-esteem and optimism. It is a human being inclination to evaluate reality, personal and interpersonal experiences and the future in a positive way. The study of positive psychological characteristics in individuals among different age groups is important since it allows us to comprehend the necessary forces and virtues for a healthy development. Specifically during adolescence, positive beliefs may lead to a well succeeded adaptation of infancy into adult life. This work intends to investigate initial evidences of the Positive Scale (P-Scale) validity, for a sample of Brazilian adolescents – due to the importance of evaluating positive characteristics for their development. The 398 adolescents (ages ranging from 11 to 19 years old) that took part in the research are students of both public and private schools of Rio de Janeiro (RJ) and Região Serrana (RJ). Their legal guardians signed a Free and Informed Consent Form. Data collection occurred through the application of the following instruments: PS, MHI-5, Sociodemographic Questionnaire, SDQ, HOPE, PANAS, EAR e LOT-R. Results indicated a unifactorial structure, presented both in AFE and AFC. Results revealed, among other evidences, correlations between P-Scale and the remaining instruments used for evaluating the constitutive and correlate Positivity constructs. Regarding sociodemographic characteristics, no strong correlations were found between Positivity levels and income, gender, school type or housing location. However, younger adolescents presented higher Positivity levels than older ones.
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Analyse épistémologique du potentiel créateur de la sélection naturelle ; entre darwinisme et postdarwinismeRichard-Dionne, Étienne 12 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire propose de faire l’analyse épistémologique du pouvoir créateur de la
sélection naturelle. L’objectif sera de déterminer en quelle mesure il est légitime ou non de
lui attribuer un tel pouvoir. Pour ce faire, il sera question de savoir si l’explication
sélectionniste peut répondre à la question de l’origine des formes structurelles du vivant.
Au premier chapitre, nous verrons le raisonnement qui mena Darwin à accorder un pouvoir
créateur à la sélection naturelle. Nous comprendrons alors qu’un cadre exclusivement
darwinien n’est peut-être pas à même de répondre au problème de la nouveauté
évolutionnaire. Au deuxième chapitre, nous verrons dans une perspective darwinienne qu’il
est possible de conserver l’essence de la théorie darwinienne et d’accorder à la sélection
naturelle un pouvoir créateur, bien que deux des piliers darwiniens fondamentaux doivent
être remis en question. Au troisième chapitre, nous verrons dans une perspective
postdarwinienne que le pouvoir cumulatif de la sélection naturelle n’est peut-être pas à
même d’expliquer l’adaptation sur le plan individuel, ce qui remet lourdement en question
le pouvoir créateur de la sélection naturelle. Nous comprendrons alors que le débat, entre
partisans d’une vision positive et partisans d’une vision négative de la sélection naturelle,
dépend peut-être d’un présupposé métaphysique particulier. / This thesis proposes an epistemological analysis of the creative power of natural
selection. The aim will be to determine to what extent it is legitimate or not to give to this
selection such power. To do this, we will have to know if the selectionist explanation can
answer the question of the origin of structural forms of life. In the first chapter, we will see
the reasoning leading Darwin to give a creative power of natural selection. We will then
understand that an exclusively Darwinian framework is maybe unable to address the
problem of evolutionary novelty. In the second chapter, we will see in a Darwinian way
that it is possible to retain the essence of Darwinian theory and to give natural selection a
creative power, although two of the fundamental Darwinians pillars must be questioned. In
the third chapter, we will see in a post-Darwinian way that the cumulative power of natural
selection is maybe unable to explain adaptation at individual level, challenging seriously
the creative power of natural selection. We will then understand that the debate, between
supporters of a positive view and supporters of a negative view of natural selection, may
depend on a particular metaphysical assumption.
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Analyse épistémologique du potentiel créateur de la sélection naturelle ; entre darwinisme et postdarwinismeRichard-Dionne, Étienne 12 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire propose de faire l’analyse épistémologique du pouvoir créateur de la
sélection naturelle. L’objectif sera de déterminer en quelle mesure il est légitime ou non de
lui attribuer un tel pouvoir. Pour ce faire, il sera question de savoir si l’explication
sélectionniste peut répondre à la question de l’origine des formes structurelles du vivant.
Au premier chapitre, nous verrons le raisonnement qui mena Darwin à accorder un pouvoir
créateur à la sélection naturelle. Nous comprendrons alors qu’un cadre exclusivement
darwinien n’est peut-être pas à même de répondre au problème de la nouveauté
évolutionnaire. Au deuxième chapitre, nous verrons dans une perspective darwinienne qu’il
est possible de conserver l’essence de la théorie darwinienne et d’accorder à la sélection
naturelle un pouvoir créateur, bien que deux des piliers darwiniens fondamentaux doivent
être remis en question. Au troisième chapitre, nous verrons dans une perspective
postdarwinienne que le pouvoir cumulatif de la sélection naturelle n’est peut-être pas à
même d’expliquer l’adaptation sur le plan individuel, ce qui remet lourdement en question
le pouvoir créateur de la sélection naturelle. Nous comprendrons alors que le débat, entre
partisans d’une vision positive et partisans d’une vision négative de la sélection naturelle,
dépend peut-être d’un présupposé métaphysique particulier. / This thesis proposes an epistemological analysis of the creative power of natural
selection. The aim will be to determine to what extent it is legitimate or not to give to this
selection such power. To do this, we will have to know if the selectionist explanation can
answer the question of the origin of structural forms of life. In the first chapter, we will see
the reasoning leading Darwin to give a creative power of natural selection. We will then
understand that an exclusively Darwinian framework is maybe unable to address the
problem of evolutionary novelty. In the second chapter, we will see in a Darwinian way
that it is possible to retain the essence of Darwinian theory and to give natural selection a
creative power, although two of the fundamental Darwinians pillars must be questioned. In
the third chapter, we will see in a post-Darwinian way that the cumulative power of natural
selection is maybe unable to explain adaptation at individual level, challenging seriously
the creative power of natural selection. We will then understand that the debate, between
supporters of a positive view and supporters of a negative view of natural selection, may
depend on a particular metaphysical assumption.
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