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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Minimal Interference from Possessor Phrases in the Production of Subject-Verb Agreement

Nicol, Janet L., Barss, Andrew, Barker, Jason E. 02 May 2016 (has links)
We explore the language production process by eliciting subject-verb agreement errors. Participants were asked to create complete sentences from sentence beginnings such as The elf's/elves' house with the tiny window/windows and The statue in the eirs/elves' gardens. These are subject noun phrases containing a head noun and controller of agreement (statue), and two nonheads, a "local noun" (window(s)/garden(s)), and a possessor noun (elf's/elves'). Past research has shown that a plural nonhead noun (an "attractor") within a subject noun phrase triggers the production of verb agreement errors, and further, that the nearer the attractor to the head noun, the greater the interference. This effect can be interpreted in terms of relative hierarchical distance from the head noun, or via a processing window account, which claims that during production, there is a window in which the head and modifying material may be co-active, and an attractor must be active at the same time as the head to give rise to errors. Using possessors attached at different heights within the same window, we are able to empirically distinguish these accounts. Possessors also allow us to explore two additional issues. First, case marking of local nouns has been shown to reduce agreement errors in languages with "rich" inflectional systems, and we explore whether English speakers attend to case. Secondly, formal syntactic analyses differ regarding the structural position of the possessive marker, and we distinguish them empirically with the relative magnitude of errors produced by possessors and local nouns. Our results show that, across the board, plural possessors are significantly less disruptive to the agreement process than plural local nouns. Proximity to the head noun matters: a possessor directly modifying the head noun induce a significant number of errors, but a possessor within a modifying prepositional phrase did not, though the local noun did. These findings suggest that proximity to a head noun is independent of a "processing window" effect. They also support a noun phrase-internal, case-like analysis of the structural position of the possessive ending and show that even speakers of inflectionally impoverished languages like English are sensitive to morphophonological case-like marking.

Nabytí od neoprávněného / Acquisition of property from unlawful possessor

Hradil, Aleš January 2014 (has links)
ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY FROM UNLAWFUL POSSESSOR In my diploma thesis I deal with the issue of the acquisition of property from unlawful possessor as an exception to the traditional civil law principle nemo plus iuris ad alium transferre potest quam ipse habet (also called as nemo dat rule), the principle, which lays down that no one can transfer more rights than he has himself. The topic is extremely actual since as of 1st of January 2014 the Act No. 89/2012 Coll., The Civil Code, which - in comparison to the previous legislation - provides diametric changes in the understanding and in the legislation of the property acquisition from unlawful possessor, became effective. Until the adoption of the new Civil Code, the legislation in this area was inadequate and due to dichotomy between Civil and Commercial Code it was also fragmented. The thesis is composed of an introduction, five main chapters (which are further divided into sub-chapters) and a conclusion. Each chapter deals with different aspects of acquisition of property from unlawful possessor. In the first introductory part I give my thesis some theoretical fundamentals and define basic terminology used in this paper: property, good faith. I'm also trying to analyze nemo plus iuris principle and conflict of protection of property rights with the...

Seltene Erwerbung aus Privatbesitz / Die Aufnahmeurkunde Kaspar von Stielers in die Fruchtbringende Gesellschaft aus dem Jahr 1668

Bürger, Thomas 15 January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Seit einigen Jahren wird die Erforschung der Fruchtbringenden Gesellschaft (1617-1680) von der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig gefördert. Die Fruchtbringende Gesellschaft, vor 390 Jahren in Weimar gegründet, war die bedeutendste kulturpolitische Vereinigung im Deutschland des 17. Jahrhunderts.

Nabytí od neoprávněného / Acquisition of property from a person not authorised to dispose of it

Máchová, Šárka January 2016 (has links)
Erwerb vom Nichtberechtigten Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Problematik des Erwerbs des Eigentums vom Nichtberechtigten, das ein Durchbrechen des Prinzips, dass niemand mehr Recht übertragen kann, als er selbst hat, vorstellt. Das Problem wird sowohl aus der juristisch-theoretischen Sicht als auch aus der juristisch-philosophischen behandelt, wenn der Konflikt zwischen dem Schutz des guten Glaubens, des Verkehrsschutzes und dem Schutz des Eigentums, als ein das in der Charta verankerten Grundrechte, gelöst wurde. Das gegenwärtige Bürgerliche Gesetzbuch führt das Institut des gutgläubigen Erwerbs wieder in die tschechische Rechtsordnung ein und das sowohl für die Rechtsgeschäfte zwischen Kaufleuten als auch zwischen Zivil-Personen. Zu dieser Problematik wurde schon vieles verfasst. Nichts desto trotz gibt es immer noch Streitfragen in diesem Bereich. Im Zusammenhang mit der neuen Regelung entstand auch eine Reihe von Teilproblemen, auf die hinzudeuten ist. Einige von ihnen wurden unter anderem durch einige Mängel in der tschechischen Regelung verursacht, die in den Kontrast zu der besser durgeführten deutschen Regelung gestellt wurden. Die folgende Arbeit ist in vier Hauptkapitel gegliedert, die weiter in Unterkapiteln geteilt wurden. Das erste Kapitel widmet sich den theoretischen Grundbegriffen, wie...

Case stacking below the surface: On the possessor case alternation in Udmurt

Assmann, Anke, Edygarova, Svetlana, Georgi, Doreen, Klein, Timo, Weisser, Philipp 08 August 2018 (has links)
In this paper we investigate the case split on the possessor in Udmurt. Traditionally, the choice between ablative and genitive possessor case is said to be driven by the grammatical function (GF) of the XP containing the possessor. We argue that the case split is not driven by GFs; rather, it is determined by the case value of the XP that contains the possessor. Importantly, there is no evidence which points to a possessor raising analysis in Udmurt. Instead, we present an analysis according to which the possessor always bears genitive but may be assigned another structural case by an external head. Due to a morphological constraint, stacked case features fuse into a single feature set in the postsyntactic morphological component. If accusative and genitive stack on the possessor, only the default semantic case marker, i.e., the ablative marker, can realize the resulting feature set. In any other context the genitive marker is chosen. We thus claim that there is no abstract ablative on the possessor; instead, the morphological ablative marker realizes a combination of two abstract structural cases.

Ar solidarioji didesnio pavojaus šaltinio valdytojo atsakomybė (LR CK 6.270 str. 3 d.), su šį šaltinį neteisėtai užvaldžiusiu asmeniu, nepažeidžia žalos atlyginimo procese dalyvaujančių asmenų interesų pusiausvyros? / Whether the joint and several liability (CC of LT 6.270 art. 3 p.) of the PPHO with the person who seized that object unlawfully, infringes the balance of interests of the parties in a process of reparation for damages?

Skulščius, Vytautas 19 June 2014 (has links)
LR Konstitucinis Teismas savo išaiškinimuose yra pažymėjęs, kad dėl neteisėtų veiksmų nukentėjusiam asmeniui visais atvejais yra užtikrinama galimybė reikalauti teisingo žalos atlyginimo ir jį gauti, o teisingumo ir teisinės valstybės principai sąlygoja, kad įstatyminės poveikio priemonės garantuotų asmenų teisėtų interesų pusiausvyrą. LR CK 6.270 str. 3 d. numato, kad didesnio pavojaus šaltinio valdytojas (toliau – DPŠV), laikomas solidariai atsakingu su neteisėtai didesnį pavojaus šaltinį užvaldžiusiu asmeniu atvejais, kai dėl šaltinio praradimo yra ir paties valdytojo kaltės, bei tai, kad atlyginęs žalą DPŠV, gauna regreso teisę į neteisėtai didesnio pavojaus šaltinį užvaldžiusį asmenį. Toks teisinis reguliavimas gali sąlygoti, kad DPŠV dėl neatsargumo praradęs tą šaltinį, gali būti priverstas atsakyti ta pačia apimtimi, kaip ir tyčiniais nusikalstamais veiksmais žalą sukėlę asmenys. Todėl kyla abejonė, ar CK 6.270 str. 3 d. ta apimtimi, kuri numato solidariąją DPŠV atsakomybę, nepažeidžia asmenų teisėtų interesų pusiausvyros. Magistro darbe buvo nustatyta ir tiriama: DPŠV atsakomybės požymiai ir atribojimas nuo kitų atsakomybės rūšių; solidariosios atsakomybės problematika deliktiniuose santykiuose; DPŠV ir nukentėjusiojo asmens teisėti interesai Lietuvoje. Darbe vertinama, kaip skirtingose valstybėse gali būti derinami asmens, valdančio objektą, kuris pagal Lietuvos teisę laikomas didesnio pavojaus šaltiniu, ir nukentėjusiojo dėl to šaltinio asmens interesai. Buvo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania has held in it’s decisions, that the constitutional imperative for compensation for material and moral damage is inherent in the Constitution enshrined the principle of justice that laws must be provided with all the necessary legal preconditions for just compensation of damages to victims. However, the constitutional principles of justice and the rule of law, also implies that the measures established, have to meet the legitimate and universally important objectives and guarantee of balance of legitimate interests. There is 6.270 Art. 3 p. in Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania which provides that the possessor of a potentially hazardous object (hereinafter PPHO), the latter and the person who seized the potentially hazardous object unlawfully, shall be held jointly and severally liable for the damage caused by that object, in cases where the loss of possession of a potentially hazardous object results also from the fault (as well negligence) of the possessor. Upon having compensated for the damage, the PPHO shall acquire a right of recourse for the recovery of sums paid against the person who unlawfully seized the potentially hazardous object. Having regard to the legal regulation, there is possibility of situation where the PPHO which contributed fractional share in loss of possession of potentially hazardous object should be liable for the damage caused by intentional criminal acts made by third parties. Moreover... [to full text]

Seltene Erwerbung aus Privatbesitz: Die Aufnahmeurkunde Kaspar von Stielers in die Fruchtbringende Gesellschaft aus dem Jahr 1668

Bürger, Thomas 15 January 2008 (has links)
Seit einigen Jahren wird die Erforschung der Fruchtbringenden Gesellschaft (1617-1680) von der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig gefördert. Die Fruchtbringende Gesellschaft, vor 390 Jahren in Weimar gegründet, war die bedeutendste kulturpolitische Vereinigung im Deutschland des 17. Jahrhunderts.

Pronominal Complex Predicates in Colloquial Persian

Kazeminejad, Ghazaleh 01 January 2014 (has links)
Pronominal complex predicates in colloquial Persian are periphrastic constructions with an idiosyncratic syntactic pattern. They show a peculiar behavior compared to the regular agreement system in Persian, and they are the only construction in Persian which requires the obligatory presence of a pronominal enclitic. This work is an attempt to analyze this construction in order to find its function. For this purpose, a lexical semantic classification of them was proposed, which helped in presenting a new analysis. It was found out that this construction is used to express a particular diathesis in which the topic of the sentence (determined according to Givón’s topicality hierarchy) is an indirect participant. I proposed a hybrid dual-layer agreement system which includes a morphosyntactic and a semantic layer. The pronominal enclitic was analyzed as a phrasal affix and agreement marker by reference to Givón’s (1976) and Anderson’s (2005) arguments. The construction was analyzed to be an instance of the external possessor construction proposed by Haig (2008), which is observed in Iranian languages. The classification of the data clarified the mapping of semantics onto syntax. The proposed analysis could be added to and unified with the current analysis of Persian complex predicates (Bonami and Samvelian, 2009).

Adnominal Possession and Ditransitives

Kupula, Mikko January 2008 (has links)
This dissertation presents the findings of an investigation of adnominal possession and ditransitives on the basis of data from Modern Greek. The general thesis of the dissertation is that possessive DPs constitute nominal counterparts to ditransitive constructions. Greek ditransitives consist of double object constructions and prepositional dative constructions, which are analyzed as low applicatives; the former with possessive properties, the latter with locative. Double object constructions, unlike prepositional datives, are associated with restrictions concerning animacy, affectedness and number features on the recipient. A-movement (a)symmetries in ditransitives are argued to reduce to underlying phase structure and the movement properties of the applicative head. The dissertation shows that the possessive/locative dichotomy associated with Greek ditransitives is reproducible in the realm of adnominal possession. Prenominal possessors pattern both syntactically and semantically with dative recipients in double object constructions, while postnominal possessors display affiliation with PP-recipients in prepositional dative constructions. Binding diagnostics furthermore indicate two distinct Small Clause structures for Greek possessive DPs, syntactically identical with the structure of ditransitives.

Die strafbaarheid van furtum possessionis in die Suid-Afrikaanse reg

Roos, Cornelius Johannes 09 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Theft in South African law is one of the most well-known common law crimes. It is also one of the crimes in respect of which opinions vary considerably. Furtum possessionis is one of the manifestations of the crime of theft at common law. The general requirements of furtum possessionis were already established in Roman law. Emphasis was not placed on the taker of the thing but on the particular position of the person who was deprived of the property. This approach was also followed in Roman-Dutch law. Fur tum possessionis in South African law can be defined as follows: It is the unlawful and intentional appropriation by the owner or someone else of a movable corporeal thing in commercio, in circumstances in which the possessor of the thing has a valid right of retention of the thing, with the intention of depriving the possessor permanently of control of the thing. Theft in the form of furtum possessionis differs in an important respect from theft in the form of the removal of a thing. In the case of removal the complainant can also be a person acting as a holder, that is someone exercising control of the thing on behalf of the owner. In the case of furtum possessionis the complainant is the person with the right of retention and from whose possession the thing is taken away. The accused either possesses the thing as an owner or as a holder before possession of the thing was transferred to the complainant. Mere possession is not enough. The possession of the complainant has to be accompanied by a right to retention. Furthermore the possession of the thing has to be lawful / Criminal & Procedural Law / LL.M. (Criminal & Procedural Law)

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