Spelling suggestions: "subject:"most harvest"" "subject:"most parvest""
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Doenças pós-colheita em citros: potencial do Lentinula edodes, Agaricus blazei, ácido jasmônico, albedo (Citrus sinensis var. Valência) e flavedo (Citrus aurantifolia var. Tahiti) no controle e na indução de resistência / Post-harvest citrus diseases: Potential of the Lentinula edodes, Agaricus blazei, jasmonic acid, mesocarp (Citrus sinensis var. Valência) and epicarp (Citrus aurantifolia var. Tahiti) in the control and in the resistance inductionLeonardo Toffano 24 January 2006 (has links)
O Brasil é considerado o maior produtor de citros e o maior exportador de suco de laranja. Doenças de pós-colheita representam uma grande perda na citricultura, sendo que para muitos frutos a serem exportados, existe uma exigência para que os mesmos estejam isentos de resíduos químicos. Em relação a alguns patógenos de importância em pós-colheita podemos destacar, Guignardia citricarpa (Mancha-pretados- citros), Penicillium digitatum (Bolor-verde) e Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (Antracnose). Dada a importância econômica que representa esse complexo de doenças dos frutos cítricos, tanto em termos de comprometimento da qualidade dos frutos, limitações às exportações e dificuldade de controle, a busca de alternativas adicionais que possam viabilizar a capacidade produtiva dos produtores e garantir a obtenção de frutos com excelentes padrões de qualidade torna-se imprescindível. Nesse contexto, pode-se inserir o emprego de medidas de controle alternativas que não englobam o controle químico clássico. Sob esse ponto de vista inclui-se o controle através do uso de agentes bióticos e abióticos e a indução de resistência em plantas. Portanto neste trabalho, foi estudada a viabilidade do controle de doenças pós-colheita em citros, envolvendo a ação direta sobre os patógenos através do uso dos extratos etanólicos de albedo (mesocarpo) de laranja doce (Citrus sinensis var. Valência) e flavedo (exocarpo ou epicarpo) de limão-Tahiti (Citrus aurantifolia Swing var. Tahiti). O extrato do albedo apresentou efeito antifúngico sobre G. citricarpa e o flavedo do limão Tahiti sobre C. gloeosporioides, além de se demonstrar a existência de compostos voláteis com efeito tóxico. A segunda parte envolveu o controle e a indução de resistência em frutos, através do uso dos agentes bióticos Lentinula edodes e Agaricus blazei e do agente abiótico ácido jasmônico. Foi possível observar que o extrato aquoso do albedo (C. sinensis), flavedo (C. aurantifolia), L. edodes e A. blazei diminuíram o aparecimento de novas lesões causadas por G. citricarpa, porém não apresentaram efeitos sobre P. digitatum e C. gloeosporioides em frutos de C. sinensis var. Valência quando tratados em pós-colheita. Dessa maneira, no presente trabalho demonstrou-se a viabilidade de um possível controle alternativo de doenças pós-colheita em citros, buscando-se novos agentes que atuem como indutores de resistência ou de controle direto sobre os fitopatógenos. / Brazil is considered the biggest citrus producer and the biggest orange juice exporter. Post-harvest diseases represent a great loss in the citriculture, and for many fruits to be exported they should be free of chemical residues. In relation to some pathogens of importance in post-harvest it can be mentioned Guignardia citricarpa (black-spot-ofcitrus), Penicillium digitatum (green-mold) and Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (anthracnose). Because of the economical importance that represents this disease complex in citric fruits, in terms of compromising fruit quality, limitations to the exports and control difficulties, the search for alternative control measures that can make possible improve the producing capacity of the producers and the obtaining of fruits with excellent quality are indispensable. Thus, in this context it can be included measures of alternative control that do not include the chemical control. Under this point of view, control include the use of biotic and abiotic agents and the resistance induction in plants. Therefore, it was studied the viability of the control of post-harvest diseases in citrus, involving the direct action on the patogens by using ethanolic extracts of albedo (mesocarp) of sweet orange (Citrus sinensis var. Valência) and flavedo (exocarp or epicarp) of lemon-Tahiti (Citrus aurantifolia Swing var. Tahiti). The results showed that the extract of the albedo exhibited antifungal activity on G. citricarpa and the flavedo of the "Tahiti" lemon on C. gloeosporioides, and it was also demonstrated the existence of volatile compounds toxic to the fungus. The second part involved the control and resistance induction in the fruits, by using the biotic agents Lentinula edodes and Agaricus blazei and the abiotic agent jasmonic acid. It was possible to observe that the aqueous extracts from the albedo (C. sinensis), flavedo (C. aurantifolia), L. edodes and A. blazei reduced the formation of new lesions caused by G. citricarpa, however they did not exhibit effects on P. digitatum and C. gloeosporioides in fruits of C. sinensis var. Valência when treated in post-harvest. Thus, in the present work it was demonstrated the viability of possible alternative control measures of diseases in post-harvest of citrus, indicating the need of looking for new agents to act as resistance inducers or agents to directly control on the phytopathogens.
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Estudos fisiológicos e tecnológicos de couve-flor e rúcula minimamente processadas. / Physiological and technological studies of fresh-cut cauliflower and salad rocket.José Maria Monteiro Sigrist 12 February 2003 (has links)
Este trabalho teve por finalidade avaliar os efeitos de temperatura nos metabolismos de couves-flores e rúculas inteiras e minimamente processadas e diferentes materiais de embalagem na sua qualidade. No primeiro experimento, couves-flores, seus floretes, rúculas e suas folhas foram mantidos a 1º, 5º e 11ºC e determinados suas taxas de respiração, produção de etileno e quocientes de temperatura (Q10). No segundo, os floretes foram colocados em embalagens de filmes de polietileno de baixa densidade (PEBD), poliolefínicos coextrusados (PD 941 e Clysar) e de policloreto de vinila, PVC esticável de 12 e 20 mm, envolvendo bandejas de poliestireno expandido mantidos a 5ºC. Análises físicas, químicas, físico-químicas, microbiológicas e sensoriais foram realizadas. No terceiro, folhas de rúculas foram colocadas em embalagens de filme de polietileno de baixa densidade (PEBD), laminado de polipropileno/polietileno (PP/PE), poliolefínicos coextrusados (PD 900 e Clysar) e de policloreto de vinila, PVC esticável de 20 mm, envolvendo bandejas de poliestireno expandido e armazenados a 5ºC. Análises físicas, químicas, físico-químicas, microbiológicas e sensoriais foram realizadas. As taxas respiratórias das couves-flores inteiras e minimamente processadas foram iguais em quaisquer das temperaturas estudadas e sempre decrescentes até o 16º dia. A 1º e a 5ºC, tiveram a mesma taxa respiratória, diferindo das mantidas a 11ºC. Na faixa de 1º a 11ºC, o Q10 foi o mesmo para floretes e couves-flores; 2,1 e 2,2, respectivamente. Comportamento distinto tiveram as rúculas inteiras e as folhas soltas, pois, a 1ºC e a 5ºC, as taxas respiratórias foram significativamente iguais. A 11ºC, a partir do 4º dia, as folhas soltas começaram a apresentar taxas de respiração superiores às das inteiras, chegando a ser o dobro nos 14º e 16º dias de armazenamento. O Q10 médio para as rúculas inteiras situou-se ao redor de 3,54 e para as folhas soltas, 5,74, na faixa de 1º a 11ºC. Não foi detectada produção de etileno. As embalagens para floretes de couves-flores tiveram pouca ou nenhuma influência em seu pH, acidez, ºBrix, luminosidade, croma, Hue e firmeza. A embalagem PD 941 foi a melhor por manter uma atmosfera modificada próxima à da recomendada para couves-flores (2-3% O2 e CO2 < 5%) e permitir menores perdas de vitamina C e melhores notas para vários atributos sensoriais de qualidade. Todas as embalagens mantiveram níveis de coliformes totais, bolores e leveduras bem abaixo dos limites permitidos pela Legislação Brasileira. As folhas de rúculas apresentaram níveis de coliformes totais ao redor de 10 5 UFC/g de produto no 10º dia a 5ºC, tornando-as impróprias para o consumo. Nestes 10 dias, as embalagens de PEBD e PP/PE se destacaram em relação às outras por reterem melhor a vitamina C e a coloração verde das folhas, por alcançarem melhores valores para sólidos solúveis, firmeza, presença de odor estranho, qualidade geral das folhas, deterioração e murchamento. As atmosferas modificadas desenvolvidas no interior destas embalagens, 5 a 7% O2 e 10 a 15% CO2, talvez sejam as mais indicadas para a conservação de rúculas minimamente processadas a 5ºC. / This work aimed at evaluating the effects of temperature on the metabolism of minimally processed and intact cauliflowers and salad rockets, and of different packaging materials on the quality of cauliflower florets and loose salad rocket minimally processed leaves. In the first experiment, intact cauliflowers, florets, intact salad rockets and loose salad rocket leaves were held at 1º, 5º and 11ºC and their respiration rates, ethylene production and temperature quotients (Q10) determined. In the second experiment, the florets were packed in low density polyethylene film (PEBD), co-extruded polyolefins (PD 941 and Clysar AFG) and in 12 and 20 mm polyvinyl chloride (PVC) overwrapping expanded polystyrene trays, and maintained at 5ºC/85-95% relative humidity for 14 days. In the third experiment, loose salad rocket leaves were held under the same conditions in bags of low density polyethylene film (PEBD), laminated polypropylene/polyethylene film (PP/PE), co-extruded polyolefins, PD 900 and Clysar HP and in expanded polystyrene trays overwrapped with 20 mm polyvinyl chloride (PVC). In the second and third experiments, physical, chemical, physical-chemical, microbiological and sensory analyses were performed. The respiration rates of both intact and fresh-cut cauliflowers declined over the 16-day period and were significantly the same at all temperatures studied. At 1º and 5ºC the respiration rates were the same but differed from those (cauliflower and florets) at 11ºC. From 1º to 11ºC, the Q10 for the cauliflowers was 2.2 and for the florets, 2.1. In contrast, the intact and fresh-cut salad rocket respiration rates were the same at 1º and 5ºC. At 11ºC, the fresh-cut salad rocket showed higher respiration rates than the intact ones as from the 4 th day. By the end of the experiment (14 th and 16 th days) the respiration rates of the fresh-cut salad rockets were twice those of the intact salad rockets, whose Q10 was about 3.45 from 1° to 11°C as compared to 5.74 for the fresh cut product. No ethylene production was detected by any sample at any temperature. The packaging materials had little or no effect on pH, titratable acidity, soluble solids, luminosity, chroma, hue and firmness of the florets at 5ºC. PD 941 seemed to be the best packaging for florets, maintaining the atmosphere closest to that recommended for intact cauliflower (2-3%O2, CO2 < 5%), showing the lowest vitamin C losses and the best scores for several of the quality attributes. In general, all the packaging materials kept the yeast and mold counts low and the total coliform counts far below the maximum values permitted by the Brazilian Legislation, during 14 days at 5ºC, except for fresh-cut salad rocket leaves, which presented 10 5 CFU/g total coliforms by the 10 th day, being inappropriate for consumption. For 10 day periods, PEBD and PP/PE were the best packaging materials for green color and vitamin C retention, higher soluble solids, firmness, lack of off-odors, overall quality, decay and shriveling. The modified atmosphere generated inside these packaging materials (5-7% O2, 10-15% CO2) seemed the best for maintaining the quality of fresh-cut salad rockets held at 5ºC.
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Fusarium species in grains : dry matter losses, mycotoxin contamination and control strategies using ozone and chemical compoundsMylona, Kalliopi January 2012 (has links)
This Project identified the relationships between storage conditions, dry matter losses (DMLs) caused by Fusarium species in cereal grains and mycotoxin contamination and assessed novel control strategies for post-harvest grain management including chemical control and ozone. F. graminearum, F. verticillioides and F. langsethiae were inoculated on wheat, maize and oats and stored under environmental conditions where marginal to optimum spoilage and mycotoxin contamination can occur. DMLs were calculated from the CO2 produced and were significantly correlated with deoxynivalenol (DON), zearalenone (ZEA), fumonisins (FUMs) and T-2 and HT-2 toxins respectively. Mycotoxin levels in wheat and maize exceeded the EU legislative limits with 0.9-1% DMLs. Therefore, CO2 monitoring during storage can indicate the level of contamination in a stored batch. Using CO2 production data at different water activity (aw) and temperature conditions, the environmental regimes at which F. langsethiae can grow and contaminate oats with T-2 and HT-2 toxins were identified for the first time. Five acids were examined in vitro and little effect was observed on Fusarium growth, in the aqueous form, while the effect on mycotoxin production varied. Dissolved in ethanol, adipic, fumaric and ferulic acids inhibited fungal growth and controlled DON and FUMs, but T-2 toxin was stimulated by the ethanol. Two garlic essential oils, propyl-propylthiosulfinate (PTS) and propyl propylthiosulfonate (PTSO) were studied for the first time. In vitro, 200 ppm reduced fungal growth (50-100%) and mycotoxin production by >90%. The efficacy was species-dependent. In naturally contaminated oats of 0.93 aw stored for 20 days, 16 ppm PTSO reduced T-2 and HT-2 toxins by 66% and ochratoxin A (OTA) by 88%, while 200 ppm PTS reduced OTA by 95%. In wheat, 100 ppm PTS reduced DON and ZEA and 300 ppm PTS reduced fumonisins by 40-80%. PTSO:PTS (1:1) at 400 and 600 ppm was very effective against DON and ZEA in wheat of 0.92 aw. Ozone (O3) exposure at 200 ppm for 30 min delayed Fusarium spore germination on media of 0.98 aw and inhibited germination at 0.94 aw. O3 was more effective against fungal spores than mycelium and little effect was observed on growing cultures. In vitro, mycotoxin production after exposure depended on the stage of life of the fungi. O3 reduced fungal populations in grains. Mycotoxin production in wet grains treated with 100-200 ppm O3 for 60 min and stored for up to 30 days was reduced or completely inhibited, depending on the species and the exposure system. Simultaneous drying of the grain due to the O3 passage was observed.
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Tesis por compendio / [EN] Chitosan films and coatings have been obtained, by incorporating different essential oils (EO) and using different homogenization conditions of the film forming emulsions, in order to obtain antifungal materials for fruit preservation. The effect of oleic acid (OA) on the stability of the initial emulsions and on the film properties was analysed. Coatings were applied to control fungal decay in strawberries. The blending of chitosan with methylcellulose (MC) was also used in coating applications to tomato plants and fruits to prevent fungal infections. The films' functional properties as a function of their composition were analysed, as well as their antimicrobial activity through in vitro and in vivo tests.
OA incorporation in the chitosan films (1:1 wt. ratio) reduced water vapour permeability (WVP) values to about 50 % of those of net chitosan films, with a small positive effect of the microfluidization process. EO (cinnamon, thyme and basil) did not notably reduced the WVP values of the chitosan films but a significant improvement in water barrier capacity was induced when OA was also added at 1:1 or 1:0.5 CH:OA ratios. In contrast, lipids slightly promoted oxygen permeability of the films. Lipid addition decreased the film stretchability and stiffness, with a lesser impact on the resistance to break, slightly depending on the droplet sizes. Essential oils also modulated the mechanical behaviour of the films, depending on their composition. Thyme and basil EO greatly promoted film stiffness and resistance to break, whereas cinnamon oil slightly reduced these mechanical attributes. Optical properties of the chitosan films were also affected by lipid incorporation. OA reduced the film transparency and gloss depending on the concentration, but provoked small changes in the colour parameters and whiteness index. EO affected transparency to a lesser extent, but had greater impact on the colour coordinates and whiteness index of the chitosan films due to the selective light absorption of their compounds. EO blend with oleic acid mitigated the colour changes in the films. Likewise, blending of OA with EO significantly reduced the losses of volatiles during the film formation due to the promotion of the stability of the film forming emulsions.
Films containing cinnamon EO were effective in reducing the growth of Aspergillus niger, Botrytis cinerea and Rhizopus stolonifer, although thyme and basil EO encapsulated in the films did not exhibit antifungal action against these three fungi. When chitosan-cinnamon EO coatings were applied to strawberries inoculated with R. stolonifer, they reduced the fungal decay of the fruits during 14 days, at 10 °C, at the same time that total coliform counts were maintained at the initial levels.
Chitosan coatings with lemon essential oil were also active at controlling fungal decay in strawberries. These did not significantly affect the physicochemical parameters of strawberries throughout cold storage, while they slowed down the respiration rate of the fruits and enhanced the chitosan antifungal activity against B. cinerea. The coatings, with and without lemon EO, affected the strawberry volatile profile, although it was only sensory appreciated for samples coated with chitosan-lemon oil.
Blend films of CH and MC (1:1) containing oregano EO caused phytotoxic problems at "3 Leaves" stage of tomato plants, although the total biomass and crop yield was not affected. In the "Fruit" stage, the treatments had no negative effects. Coatings reduced the respiration rate of tomatoes, diminished weight loss during postharvest storage and were effective to decrease the fungal decay of tomatoes inoculated with R. stolonifer.
Migration of thymol and carvacrol from CH-MC films in food simulants could overcome the stablished specific migration limit (60 mg/kg) for food contact packaging materials in aqueous and low pH systems if films contain a 1:1 polymer essential oil weight ratio. / [ES] En la presente tesis doctoral se han desarrollado diferentes materiales antifúngicos para su uso en conservación de frutas. Para ello, se han incorporado diferentes aceites esenciales (AE) en recubrimientos y películas de quitosano (Q). Se ha analizado el efecto de la adición de ácido oleico (AO) y las condiciones de homogeneización sobre la estabilidad de las emulsiones y sobre las propiedades de las películas. Se ha estudiado el efecto de los recubrimientos de Q sobre el deterioro fúngico en fresas y el efecto preventivo frente a infecciones fúngicas de las mezclas de metilcelulosa (MC) con Q en plantas de tomate. Se ha estudiado el efecto de la composición de las películas sobre las propiedades funcionales de las mismas, así como su actividad antimicrobiana in vitro e in vivo.
La incorporación de AO en las películas de Q (proporción 1:1) redujo la permeabilidad al agua (PVA) en un 50% comparado con la de Q puro. La microfluidización indujo un efecto positivo sobre dicha reducción. La adición de AE (hoja de canela, tomillo o albahaca) no supuso una disminución notable de los valores de permeabilidad obtenidos para las películas de Q. Cuando se añadió AO a las formulaciones de Q y AE (proporciones 1:1 o 1:2), se promovió una mejora significativa en la PVA de las películas. En cambio, la adición de lípidos aumentó ligeramente la permeabilidad al oxígeno, disminuyó la elasticidad y la rigidez, y produjo un menor impacto sobre la resistencia a la rotura. A su vez, la adición de AE modificó el comportamiento mecánico de las películas. Los AE de tomillo y albahaca aumentaron considerablemente la rigidez y la resistencia a la rotura, mientras que el AE de hoja de canela redujo estos parámetros ligeramente. La adición de lípidos a las películas de Q afectó las propiedades ópticas de las mismas. El AO redujo la transparencia y el brillo, en función de la concentración añadida. La adición de AE tuvo un mayor impacto sobre los parámetros de color y el índice de blancura. Las mezclas de AE y AO mitigaron estos cambios de color. Además, la incorporación de las mezclas AE-OA redujo las pérdidas de volátiles del AE durante la formación de las películas.
Las películas formuladas con el AE de hoja de canela fueron efectivas contra el crecimientos de A. niger, B. cinerea y R. stolonifer, aunque los AE de tomillo y albahaca encapsulados en las películas no mostraron ninguna actividad antifúngica. La aplicación de los diferentes recubrimientos de Q AE de C en fresas inoculadas con R. stolonifer dio lugar a una reducción en el deterioro fúngico de los frutos almacenados durante 14 días a 10°C.
Los recubrimientos de Q-AE de limón también fueron efectivos en el control del deterioro fúngico en fresas. Estos recubrimientos no afectaron significativamente los parámetros físico-químicos de las fresas durante el almacenamiento en refrigeración, disminuyeron la tasa de respiración de los frutos y acentuaron la actividad antifúngica del Q frente a B. cinerea. Tanto los recubrimientos con AE como los de Q puro modificaron el perfil de volátiles de las fresas, aunque estos cambios solo fueron apreciados sensorialmente en el caso de los frutos recubiertos con AE.
Las mezclas de Q y MC que contenían AE de orégano causaron efectos fitotóxicos en plantas de tomate en el estadio "3 hojas", aunque no afectaron a la biomasa total. En el estadio "frutos" los tratamientos no tuvieron ningún efecto negativo. Los recubrimientos redujeron la tasa de respiración de los tomates, disminuyeron la pérdida de peso durante el almacenamiento post-cosecha y fueron efectivos contra el deterioro fúngico de tomates inoculados con R. stolonifer.
La migración de los compuestos fenólicos timol y carvacrol, contenidos en las películas de Q-MC, podría superar el límite de migración específica establecido (60 mg/Kg) para materiales de envase en contacto con alimentos en los casos de sistemas acuosos y d / [CA] En la present tesi doctoral s'han desenvolupat diferents materials antifúngics per al seu ús en conservació de fruites. Per a açò, s'han incorporat diferents olis essencials (OE) en recobriments i pel·lícules de quitosano (Q). S'ha analitzat l'efecte de l'addició d'àcid oleic (AO) i les condicions d'homogeneïtzació sobre l'estabilitat de les emulsions i sobre les propietats de les pel·lícules obtingudes. S'ha estudiat l'efecte dels recobriments de Q sobre la deterioració fúngica en maduixes i l'efecte preventiu enfront d'infeccions fúngiques de les mescles de metilcelulosa (MC) amb Q en plantes de tomaca. S'ha estudiat l'efecte de la composició de les pel·lícules sobre les propietats funcionals de les mateixes, així com la seua activitat antimicrobiana in vitro i in vivo.
La incorporació de AO en les pel·lícules de Q (1:1) va reduir la permeabilitat al vapor d'aigua (PVA) en un 50% comparat amb la de Q pur. La microfluidització va induir un petit efecte positiu sobre aquesta reducció. L'addició de AE (fulla de canyella, C, timó, T, i alfàbrega, A) no va suposar una disminució notable dels valors de permeabilitat obtinguts per a les pel·lícules de Q. Quan es va afegir AO a les formulacions de Q i AE, es va promoure una millora significativa en la PVA de les pel·lícules. Per contra, l'addició de lípids va augmentar lleugerament la permeabilitat a l'oxigen, va disminuir l'elasticitat i la rigidesa, i va produir un menor impacte sobre la resistència al trencament. Al seu torn, l'addició de OE va modificar el comportament mecànic de les pel·lícules. Els OE de T i d'A van augmentar considerablement la rigidesa i la resistència al trencament, mentre que l'OE de C va reduir aquests paràmetres lleugerament. L'addició de lípids a les pel·lícules de Q també va afectar les propietats òptiques de les mateixes. L'AO va reduir la transparència i la lluentor, en funció de la concentració afegida. L'addició d'OE va tenir un major impacte sobre el paràmetres de color i l'índex de blancor. Les mescles d'OE i AO van mitigar aquests canvis de color. A més, la incorporació de les mescles OE-AO va reduir les pèrdues de volàtils de l'OE durant la formació de les pel·lícules.
Les pel·lícules formulades amb l'OE de C van ser efectives contra el creixements d'A. niger, B. cinerea i R. stolonifer, encara que els OE de T i A encapsulats en les pel·lícules no van mostrar cap activitat antifúngica. L'aplicació dels diferents recobriments de Q OE de fulla de canyella en maduixes inoculades amb R. stolonifer va donar lloc a una reducció en la deterioració fúngica dels fruits emmagatzemats durant 14 dies a 10°C.
Els recobriments de Q-OE de llimó també van ser efectius en el control de la deterioració fúngica en maduixes. Aquests recobriments no van afectar significativament els paràmetres fisicoquímics de les maduixes durant l'emmagatzematge en refrigeració, van disminuir la taxa de respiració dels fruits i van accentuar l'activitat antifúngica del Q enfront de B. cinerea. Tant els recobriments amb OE com els de Q pur van modificar el perfil de volàtils de les maduixes, encara que aquests canvis sol van ser apreciats sensorialment en el cas dels fruits recoberts amb OE.
Les mescles de Q:MC que contenien OE d'orenga van causar efectes fitotòxics en plantes de tomaca en l'estadi "3 fulles", encara que no van afectar a la biomassa total. En l'estadi "fruits" els tractaments no van tenir cap efecte negatiu. Els recobriments van reduir la taxa de respiració de les tomaques, van disminuir la pèrdua de pes durant l'emmagatzematge post collita i van ser efectius contra la deterioració fúngica de tomaques inoculades amb R. stolonifer.
La migració dels compostos fenòlics timol i carvacrol, continguts en les pel·lícules de Q-MC, podria superar el límit de migració específica establit (60 mg/Kg) per a materials d'envàs en contacte amb aliments en els casos de sistemes aquosos i d / Perdones Montero, Á. (2015). ANTIFUNGAL CHITOSAN-BASED FILMS AND COATINGS CONTAINING ESSENTIAL OILS FOR FRUIT APPLICATIONS [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/59413 / Compendio
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<p dir="ltr">Precision agriculture has been around for many, many years but as technology has rapidly grown with the population, farmers are looking for more ways to improve their operation with the help of these tools. These tools help farmers manage, understand, and decide when, how and what should be done regarding the tough decisions in the field based on their machinery statues. The tools that utilize GPS location and provide farm managers with useful information and feedback on large scales of value in the Harvesting and planting operation. With previous works done focusing on identify state machine activity utilizing GPS location data with the use of loggers and algorithms this study carries on from one field to the next identifying the truth data set for each and the accuracy of the algorithm. The goal is to add a more realistic view to the states identifying turning and transporting throughout the harvesting operation in truth data and from algorithm results. Also diving into truck activity with lower standard GPS tracking to see how accurately they can be predicted to complete the harvesting cycle from vehicle to vehicle. Overall, the combine and grain cart held at 88% accuracy for labeling all state activity during the harvesting operation for multiple fields, while for the model algorithm with the grain trucks having an overall accuracy of 94%.</p>
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