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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Power line sensor networks for enhancing power line reliability and utilization

Yang, Yi 20 May 2011 (has links)
Over the last several decades, electricity consumption and generation have continually grown. Investment in the Transmission and Distribution (T&D) infrastructure has been minimal and it has become increasingly difficult and expensive to permit and build new power lines. At the same time, a growing increase in the penetration of renewable energy resources is causing an unprecedented level of dynamics on the grid. Consequently, the power grid is congested and under stress. To compound the situation, the utilities do not possess detailed information on the status and operating margins on their assets in order to use them optimally. The task of monitoring asset status and optimizing asset utilization for the electric power industry seems particularly challenging, given millions of assets and hundreds of thousands of miles of power lines distributed geographically over millions of square miles. The lack of situational awareness compromises system reliability, and raises the possibility of power outages and even cascading blackouts. To address this problem, a conceptual Power Line Sensor Network (PLSN) is proposed in this research. The main objective of this research is to develop a distributed PLSN to provide continuous on-line monitoring of the geographically dispersed power grid by using hundreds of thousands of low-cost, autonomous, smart, and communication-enabled Power Line Sensor (PLS) modules thus to improve the utilization and reliability of the existing power system. The proposed PLSN specifically targets the use of passive sensing techniques, focusing on monitoring the real-time dynamic capacity of a specific span of a power line under present weather conditions by using computational intelligence technologies. An ancillary function is to detect the presence of incipient failures along overhead power lines via monitoring and characterizing the electromagnetic fields around overhead conductors. This research integrates detailed modeling of the power lines and the physical manifestations of the parameters being sensed, with pattern recognition technologies. Key issues of this research also include design of a prototype PLS module with integrated sensing, power and communication functions, and validation of the Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) technology integrated to this proposed PLSN.

On Incentives affecting Risk and Asset Management of Power Distribution

Wallnerström, Carl Johan January 2011 (has links)
The introduction of performance based tariff regulations along with higher media and political pressure have increased the need for well-performed risk and asset management applied to electric power distribution systems (DS), which is an infrastructure considered as a natural monopoly. Compared to other technical systems, DS have special characteristics which are important to consider. The Swedish regulation of DS tariffs between 1996 and 2012 is described together with complementary laws such as customer compensation for long outages. The regulator’s rule is to provide incentives for cost efficient operation with acceptable reliability and reasonable tariff levels. Another difficult task for the regulator is to settle the complexity, i.e. the balance between considering many details and the manageability. Two performed studies of the former regulatory model, included in this thesis, were part of the criticism that led to its fall. Furthermore, based on results from a project included here, initiated by the regulator to review a model to judge effectible costs, the regulator changed some initial plans concerning the upcoming regulation.   A classification of the risk management divided into separate categories is proposed partly based on a study investigating investment planning and risk management at a distribution system operator (DSO). A vulnerability analysis method using quantitative reliability analyses is introduced aimed to indicate how available resources could be better utilized and to evaluate whether additional security should be deployed for certain forecasted events. To evaluate the method, an application study has been performed based on hourly weather measurements and detailed failure reports over eight years for two DS. Months, weekdays and hours have been compared and the vulnerability of several weather phenomena has been evaluated. Of the weather phenomena studied, heavy snowfall and strong winds significantly affect the reliability, while frost, rain and snow depth have low or no impact. The main conclusion is that there is a need to implement new, more advanced, analysis methods. The thesis also provides a statistical validation method and introduces a new category of reliability indices, RT. / Distribution av elektricitet är att betrakta som ett naturligt monopol och är med stor sannolikhet det moderna samhällets viktigaste infrastruktur – och dess betydelse förutspås öka ytterligare i takt med implementering av teknik ämnad att minska mänsklighetens klimatpåverkan. I Sverige finns det fler än 150 elnätsbolag, vilka är av varierande storleksordning och med helt olika ägarstrukturer. Tidigare var handel med elektricitet integrerat i elnätsbolagens verksamhet, men 1996 avreglerades denna; infrastruktur för överföring separerades från produktion och handel. Införandet av kvalitetsreglering av elnätstariffer under början av 2000-talet och hårdare lagar om bland annat kundavbrottsersättning samt politiskt- och medialt tryck har givit incitament till kostnadseffektivitet med bibehållen god leveranskvalitet. En viktig aspekt är att eldistribution har, jämfört med andra infrastrukturer, flera speciella egenskaper som måste beaktas, vilket beskrives i avhandlingens första del tillsammans med introduktion av risk- och tillförlitlighetsteori samt ekonomisk teori.  Två studier som kan ha bidragit till den förra regleringens fall och en studie vars resultat ändrat reglermyndighetens initiala idé avseende modell för att beräkna påverkbara kostnader i kommande förhandsreglering från 2012 är inkluderade.   Av staten utsedd myndighet övervakar att kunder erbjudes elnätsanslutning och att tjänsten uppfyller kvalitetskrav samt att tariffnivåerna är skäliga och icke diskriminerande. Traditionellt har elnätsföretag mer eller mindre haft tillåtelse till intäkter motsvarande samtliga omkostnader och skälig vinst, så kallad självkostnadsprissättning. Under slutet av 1990-talet började ansvarig myndighet emellertid arbeta mot en reglering av intäktsram som även beaktar kostnadseffektivitet och kundkvalitet. Vid utformande av en sådan reglering måste svåra avvägningar göras. Exempelvis bör elnätsföretags objektiva förutsättningar, såsom terräng och kunder, tas i beaktning samtidigt som modellen bör vara lätthanterlig och konsekvent. Myndigheten ansåg ingen existerande reglermodell vara lämplig att anpassa till svenska förhållanden, så en ny modell utvecklades: Nätnyttomodellen (NNM). För 2003 års tariffer användes denna och beslut om krav på återbetalning till berörda elnätskunder togs, vilka överklagades. En utdragen juridisk process inleddes, där modellen kritiserades hårt av branschen på flera punkter. Två, i avhandlingen inkluderade studier, underbyggde kritisk argumentation mot NNM. Beslut i första instans (Länsrätt) hade inte tagits 2008 då parterna kom överens avseende år 2003-2007. Ett EU-direktiv tvingar Sverige att gå över till förhandsreglering, och i stället för att modifiera NNM och fortsätta strida juridiskt för den, togs beslut att ta fram en helt ny modell. Nätföretagens tillåtna intäktsram kommer förenklat grunda sig på elnätsföretagens kapitalkostnader och löpande kostnader. Därtill, utifrån hur effektivt och med vilken kvalitet nätföretagen bedrivit sin verksamhet, kan tillåten intäktsram justeras.   En systematisk beskrivning av ett elnätsföretags nuvarande riskhantering och investeringsstrategier för olika spänningsnivåer tillhandahålles med syfte att stödja elnätsföretag i utvecklandet av riskhantering och att ge akademiskt referensmaterial baserat på branscherfarenhet. En klassificering av riskhantering uppdelat i olika kategorier och en sårbarhetsanalysmetod samt en ny tillförlitlighetsindexkategori (RT) föreslås i avhandlingen, delvis baserat på genomförd studie. Sårbarhetsanalysens övergripande idé är att identifiera och utvärdera möjliga systemtillstånd med hjälp av kvantitativa tillförlitlighetsanalyser. Målet är att detta skall vara ett verktyg för att nyttja tillgängliga resurser effektivare, t.ex. förebyggande underhåll och semesterplanering samt för att bedöma om förebyggande åtgärder baserat på väderprognoser vore lämpligt. RT är en flexibel kategori av mått på sannolikhet för kundavbrott ≥T timmar, vilket exempelvis är användbart för analys av kundavbrottsersättningslagars påverkan; sådana har exempelvis införts i Sverige och UK under 2000-talet. En statistisk valideringsmetod av tillförlitlighetsindex har tagits fram för att uppskatta statistisk osäkerhet som funktion av antal mätdata ett tillförlitlighetsindexvärde är baseras på.   För att utvärdera introducerad sårbarhetsanalysmetod har en studie utförts baserat på timvisa väderdata och detaljerad avbrottsstatistik avseende åtta år för två olika eldistributionsnät i Sverige. Månader, veckodagar och timmar har jämförts vars resultat exempelvis kan användas för fördelning av resurser mer effektivt över tid. Sårbarhet med avseende på olika väderfenomen har utvärderats. Av de studerade väderfenomen är det blott ymnigt snöfall och hårda vindar, särskilt i kombination, som signifikant påverkar eldistributionssystems tillförlitlighet. Andra studier har visat på sårbarhet även för blixtnedslag (som ej fanns med som parameter i avhandlingen inkluderad studie). Temperatur (t.ex. inverkan av frost), regn och snödjup har således försumbar påverkan. Korrelationsstudier har utförts vilket bland annat visar på ett nästan linjärt samband i Sverige mellan temperatur och elförbrukning, vilket indirekt indikerar att även elförbrukning har försumbar påverkan på leveranskvalitet. Slutligen föreslås ett analysramverk som introducerad sårbarhetsanalys skulle vara en del av. Övergripande idé presenteras, vilket främst skall inspirera för fortsatt arbete; emellertid bör påpekas att introducerad sårbarhetsanalysmetod är en självständig och färdig metod oavsett om föreslagna idéer genomföres eller ej. / QC 20110815

Localización de faltas en sistemas de distribución de energía eléctrica usando métodos basados en el modelo y métodos basados en el conocimiento

Mora Flórez, Juan José 15 December 2006 (has links)
La calidad de energía eléctrica incluye la calidad del suministro y la calidad de la atención al cliente. La calidad del suministro a su vez se considera que la conforman dos partes, la forma de onda y la continuidad. En esta tesis se aborda la continuidad del suministro a través de la localización de faltas. Este problema se encuentra relativamente resuelto en los sistemas de transmisión, donde por las características homogéneas de la línea, la medición en ambos terminales y la disponibilidad de diversos equipos, se puede localizar el sitio de falta con una precisión relativamente alta. En sistemas de distribución, sin embargo, la localización de faltas es un problema complejo y aún no resuelto. La complejidad es debida principalmente a la presencia de conductores no homogéneos, cargas intermedias, derivaciones laterales y desbalances en el sistema y la carga. Además, normalmente, en estos sistemas sólo se cuenta con medidas en la subestación, y un modelo simplificado del circuito. Los principales esfuerzos en la localización han estado orientados al desarrollo de métodos que utilicen el fundamental de la tensión y de la corriente en la subestación, para estimar la reactancia hasta la falta. Como la obtención de la reactancia permite cuantificar la distancia al sitio de falta a partir del uso del modelo, el Método se considera Basado en el Modelo (MBM). Sin embargo, algunas de sus desventajas están asociadas a la necesidad de un buen modelo del sistema y a la posibilidad de localizar varios sitios donde puede haber ocurrido la falta, esto es, se puede presentar múltiple estimación del sitio de falta.Como aporte, en esta tesis se presenta un análisis y prueba comparativa entre varios de los MBM frecuentemente referenciados. Adicionalmente se complementa la solución con métodos que utilizan otro tipo de información, como la obtenida de las bases históricas de faltas con registros de tensión y corriente medidos en la subestación (no se limita solamente al fundamental). Como herramienta de extracción de información de estos registros, se utilizan y prueban dos técnicas de clasificación (LAMDA y SVM). Éstas relacionan las características obtenidas de la señal, con la zona bajo falta y se denominan en este documento como Métodos de Clasificación Basados en el Conocimiento (MCBC). La información que usan los MCBC se obtiene de los registros de tensión y de corriente medidos en la subestación de distribución, antes, durante y después de la falta. Los registros se procesan para obtener los siguientes descriptores: a) la magnitud de la variación de tensión ( dV ), b) la variación de la magnitud de corriente ( dI ), c) la variación de la potencia ( dS ), d) la reactancia de falta ( Xf ), e) la frecuencia del transitorio ( f ), y f) el valor propio máximo de la matriz de correlación de corrientes (Sv), cada uno de los cuales ha sido seleccionado por facilitar la localización de la falta. A partir de estos descriptores, se proponen diferentes conjuntos de entrenamiento y validación de los MCBC, y mediante una metodología que muestra la posibilidad de hallar relaciones entre estos conjuntos y las zonas en las cuales se presenta la falta, se seleccionan los de mejor comportamiento.Los resultados de aplicación, demuestran que con la combinación de los MCBC con los MBM, se puede reducir el problema de la múltiple estimación del sitio de falta. El MCBC determina la zona de falta, mientras que el MBM encuentra la distancia desde el punto de medida hasta la falta, la integración en un esquema híbrido toma las mejores características de cada método. En este documento, lo que se conoce como híbrido es la combinación de los MBM y los MCBC, de una forma complementaria. Finalmente y para comprobar los aportes de esta tesis, se propone y prueba un esquema de integración híbrida para localización de faltas en dos sistemas de distribución diferentes. Tanto los métodos que usan los parámetros del sistema y se fundamentan en la estimación de la impedancia (MBM), como aquellos que usan como información los descriptores y se fundamentan en técnicas de clasificación (MCBC), muestran su validez para resolver el problema de localización de faltas. Ambas metodologías propuestas tienen ventajas y desventajas, pero según la teoría de integración de métodos presentada, se alcanza una alta complementariedad, que permite la formulación de híbridos que mejoran los resultados, reduciendo o evitando el problema de la múltiple estimación de la falta. / Power quality includes the supply and customer support quality. The supply quality considers two aspects, the wave shape and continuity. In this thesis the fault location problem, topic related with supply continuity is considered. Fault location is a relatively solved problem in power transmission systems, due to the homogeneous characteristics of the power line, measurements in both terminals and also the availability equipment such as fault locators normally included in distance relays. However, in power distribution systems the fault location is a complex problem which remains unsolved. The complexity is mainly because the presence of laterals, load taps, non homogeneous conductors, unbalances in the system and load. In addition, these power systems only have measurements at the substation and a simplified model of the power network. The main efforts to solve this problem have been oriented to the development of impedance based methods. Because of the reactance estimation makes possible the estimation of the distance to the faulted node by using the circuit model, those methods are considered as Model Based Methods (MBM). However the main drawbacks are related to the requirement of a good system model and to the possibility of multiple estimation of the location of the fault due to the three-shape of such networks. As a result, in this thesis an analysis and a comparative test between several MBM frequently cited is presented. In addition, the solution of the fault location is complemented by using methods which use more than the rms values of current and voltage obtained from fault databases. As tool to relate this information with the fault location, two classification techniques are used and tested (LAMDA and SVM). These relate the voltage and current characteristics to the faulted zone and are denoted in this document as Classification Methods Based on the Knowledge (CMBK).The information used by CMBK is obtained from current and voltage fault registers measured at the distribution substation, before, during and after the fault. These registers are pre-processed to obtain the following characteristics or descriptors: a) The magnitude of the voltage variation between the steady states of fault and pre-fault ( dV ), b) the magnitude of the current variation between the steady states of fault and pre-fault ( dI ), c) the magnitude of the apparent power variation between the steady states of fault and pre-fault ( dS ), d) the magnitude of the reactance as seen from the substation ( Xf ), e) the frequency of the transient caused by the fault ( f ), and f) the maximum eigenvalue of the correlation matrix of the currents ( Sv ). By using these descriptors, several training and validation sets were used with CMBK and by means of a proposed methodology it is shown how to relate these sets with the faulted zone and also to select those which offer the best performances.The application results demonstrate how by combining the MBM with the CMBK it is possible to reduce the multiple estimation of the fault location. The CMBK is used to determine the faulted zone while the MBM finds the distance from the measurement point to the faulted node. Thus the integration in a hybrid approach uses the best characteristics of each method. In this document, the term hybrid is used to describe the complementary combination of MBM and CMBK. Finally and aimed to compare the thesis results, an integration hybrid scheme to fault location is proposed and tested in two different power distribution systems. Both, methods which use the system parameters and are based on the impedance estimation (MBM), and those which use the information represented by the signal descriptors and are based in classification techniques (CMBK) have shown the capability to solve the problem of fault location. The two proposed methodologies have advantages and drawbacks, but according to the integration theory presented, high complementarity has been reached. This makes possible the development of a hybrid approach used to avoid or reduces the multiple estimation of the fault location.

Modélisation physique et numérique par la méthode des éléments finis de frontière de la distribution du potentiel et du champ électrique le long d'un isolateur standard de poste 735 KV recouvert de glace /

Volat, Christophe, January 2002 (has links)
Thèse (D.Eng.)-- Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, 2002. / Document électronique également accessible en format PDF. CaQCU

An impact study of DC protection techniques for shipboard power systems

Hamilton, Hymiar, January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Mississippi State University. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. / Title from title screen. Includes bibliographical references.

A comparative analysis of the coverage of the South African electrical energy crisis during the period 2005-2010 by Cape Town newspapers

Holtzhausen, Jacobus Petrus 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Electrical energy has become an indispensable part of the modern world, supporting industries and economic systems. Any disruption of supply is felt immediately in all spheres of life. The operation of a power system is a complex process involving rotating machines that may fail from time even though they are maintained regularly. The overhead transmission system is likewise prone to faults caused by environmental factors such as pollution and lightning. Power authorities therefore operate their systems in such a way that they have sufficient reserve capacity available to allow for contingencies. In the last decade of the previous century a condition developed, for various reasons, that the reserve margin was too small in the South African electricity supply system. At the end of 2005, a spate of failures occurred at Koeberg power station and later in 2007 serious coal supply problems developed at the large power stations in Mpumalanga, aggravating the situation. This research project focuses on the complexity of the task of the reporter when reporting on occurrences such as these. It is required to convey the factual situation to the readers, avoiding alarmism and sensationalism. At the same time the reporter also has a role to play in educating the readers. It was a difficult task, seeing that the reporters were not necessary versed in the technical field. They therefore had to rely on Eskom’s spokespersons. In this project newspaper clippings of various Western Cape newspapers containing the word Eskom were analysed. The method of analysis was content analysis. Firstly the quantitative content analysis was used to obtain distribution of articles over the period and among newspapers. Thereafter the topics covered and the types of article were obtained for the various newspapers and years. Next articles for 2006 and 2008 were investigated using qualitative content analysis. Certain attributes in the articles were detected manually and a profile was obtained for each newspaper for each year period. Questionnaires were sent to reporters responsible for some of the articles and to a technical expert who was consulted regularly by the news reporters. It was found that the number of articles and style of presentation vary among the newspapers. There is evidence of framing of Eskom as incompetent. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Elektriese energie het ¢n onontbeerlike deel van die moderne wêreld geword wat nywerhede en ekonomiese stelsels ondersteun. Enige onderbreking van toevoer word onmiddellik in alle lewensfere gevoel. Die werking van kragstelsel is komplekse proses met roterende masjiene en ander toerusting wat onderworpe aan faling is, selfs al word dit in stand gehou. Die oorhoofse transmissiestelsel is ook onderworpe aan foute wat deur omgewingsfaktore soos besoedeling en weerlig veroorsaak word. Kragvoorsieners bedryf daarom hul stelsels so dat hulle voldoende reserwekapasiteit het om toe te laat vir gebeurlikhede. In die laaste dekade van die vorige eeu het die toestand, om verskeie redes, ontwikkel dat die reserwemarge in die Suid-Afrikaanse stelsel te klein geword het. Teen die einde van 2005 het reeks falings by Koeberg kragstasie plaasgevind en later in 2007 het ernstige steenkoolvoorsieningsprobleme by die groot kragstasies in Mpumalanga ontstaan en dus die situasie vererger. Hierdie navorsingsprojek fokus op die kompleksiteit van die taak van die verslaggewer as oor sulke gebeure verslag gedoen word. Dit word vereis om die feitelike situasie oor te dra sonder alarmisme en sensasie. Terselfdertyd moet die verslaggewer ook rol speel om die lesers op te voed. Dit is moeilike taak daar die verslaggewers nie noodwendig belese in die tegniese vakgebied is nie. Hulle moes dus staatmaak op Eskom se spreekbuise. In hierdie projek is koerantuitknipsels van verskeie Wes-Kaapse koerante wat die woord Eskom bevat, ontleed. Die metode wat gebruik is, is inhoudsanalise. Eerstens is kwantitatiewe inhoudsanalise gebruik om die verspreiding van artikels oor die tydperk en tussen die koerante te verkry. Daarna is die onderwerpe wat gedek is verkry vir die onderskeie koerante en jare. Vervolgens is artikels van 2006 en 2008 ondersoek deur kwalitatiewe inhoudsanalise te doen. Sekere kenmerke is in die artikels opgespoor en profiel is verkry vir elke koerant en elke jaarperiode. Vraelyste is aan verslaggewers wat sommige artikels geskryf het en ook aan tegniese deskundige wat gereeld deur verslaggewers genader is, gestuur. Dit is bevind dat die getal artikels en die styl van aanbieding wissel tussen die koerante Daar is ook tekens van raming van Eskom as onbekwaam.

A cross layer analysis of harq protocols in wireless networks / Uma análise entre-camadas de protocolos harq em redes sem fio

Burich, Mariano Eduardo 06 June 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho estuda as potenciais melhorias na eficiência energética e vazão do método híbrido de requisição automática de retransmissão (Hybrid Automatic Retransmission Request, HARQ). A análise inclui as camadas física (PHY) e de acesso ao meio (MAC). É investigada a relação de compromisso gerada pelo HARQ, o qual demanda uma menor potência de transmissão para uma certa probabilidade de falha alvo ao custo de mais acessos ao canal. Uma vez que a competição para acesso ao canal na camada MAC é bastante custosa em termos de energia e atraso, os resultados mostram que a utilização do HARQ leva a uma grande melhoria de performance devido ao menor número de nós competidores – uma consequência da redução na potência de transmissão necessária. Contra-intuitivamente, esta análise leva à conclusão que retransmissões podem diminuir o atraso, melhorando a performance do sistema. Finalmente, são também investigados valores ótimos para o número de retransmissões permitidas, visando maximizar vazão ou/e eficiência energética. / This work studies the potential improvements in terms of energy efficiency and throughput of a hybrid automatic retransmission request (HARQ) mechanism. The analysis includes both the physical (PHY) and medium access (MAC) layers. We investigate the trade-off provided by HARQ, which demands reduced transmit power for a given target outage probability at the cost of more accesses to the channel. Since the competition for channel access at the MAC layer is very expensive in terms of energy and delay, our results show that HARQ leads to great performance improvements due to the decrease in the number of contending nodes – a consequence of the reduced required transmit power. Counter-intuitively, our analysis leads to the conclusion that retransmissions may decrease the delay, improving the system performance. Finally, we investigate the optimum values for the number of allowed retransmissions in order to maximize either the throughput or the energy efficiency.

Operação flexível de conversores trifásicos conectados à rede elétrica / Strategy for flexible operation of three-phase converters connected on Grid-tie

Luz, Alessandro Lucindo da 13 November 2017 (has links)
Submitted by ALESSANDRO LUCINDO DA LUZ null (aledaluz@hotmail.com) on 2018-01-10T01:24:32Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Operacao flexivel conversores_ALuz.pdf: 10997918 bytes, checksum: 18fe1f6d3eba73d11bf63fab8cf0a0be (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Marlene Zaniboni null (zaniboni@bauru.unesp.br) on 2018-01-10T11:41:48Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 luz_al_me_bauru.pdf: 10997918 bytes, checksum: 18fe1f6d3eba73d11bf63fab8cf0a0be (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-01-10T11:41:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 luz_al_me_bauru.pdf: 10997918 bytes, checksum: 18fe1f6d3eba73d11bf63fab8cf0a0be (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-11-13 / Este trabalho de mestrado descreve uma estratégia de operação multifuncional e flexível aplicado a conversores trifásicos CC-CA (inversores) conectados à rede de distribuição de energia elétrica. A estratégia proposta é capaz de injetar potência ativa na rede e compensar correntes de distúrbios (reativos, desbalanço e harmônicos) simultaneamente. O maior objetivo desta operação flexível é de melhorar a Qualidade de Energia Elétrica em um ponto de acoplamento comum (PAC) permitindo a compensação total ou parcial destes distúrbios ou fatores que degradam a Qualidade de Energia Elétrica. O fator de potência é o principal fator de qualidade a ser observado e ele é calculado através da Teoria da Potência Conservativa – CPT. Entretanto, com base no fator de potência medido pelo lado da rede de distribuição e o fator de potência desejado, um coeficiente de compensação – k é calculado para o ajuste das correntes de compensação dos distúrbios que geram a potência não ativa. / This paper depicts a multifunctional and flexible control strategy applied in three-phase inverters, which are connected to the distribution network. The proposed strategy is able to inject active power into the electrical grid and compensate current disturbances (reactive, harmonics and unbalance) simultaneously. The main goal of this flexible strategy is to improve the Power Quality at the point of common coupling (PCC) allowing full or partial compensation of disturbances. Power factor is the main quality index observed and it is calculated according to Conservative Power Theory - CPT. Therefore, based on the power factor measured in the grid side and the desired value for the power factor, a compensation coefficient - k is calculated continuously adjusting the amplitude of the compensation current.


NORMA ALICE DA SILVA CARVALHO 26 March 2018 (has links)
[pt] O objetivo desta pesquisa é classificar o perfil de pagamento dos consumidores não-residenciais de energia elétrica, considerando conhecimento armazenado em base de dados de distribuidoras de energia elétrica. A motivação para desenvolvê-la surgiu da necessidade das distribuidoras por um modelo de suporte a formulação de estratégias capazes de reduzir o grau inadimplência. A metodologia proposta consiste em um sistema inteligente híbrido composto por módulos intercomunicativos que usam conhecimentos armazenados em base de dados para segmentar consumidores e, então, atingir o objetivo proposto. O sistema inicia-se com o módulo neural, que aloca as unidades consumidoras em grupos conforme similaridades (valor fatura, consumo, demanda medida/demanda contratada, intensidade energética e peso da conta no orçamento), em sequência, o módulo bayesiano, estabelece um escore entre 0 e 1 que permite predizer o perfil de pagamento das unidades considerando os grupos gerados e os atributos categóricos (atividade econômica, estrutura tarifária, mesorregião, natureza jurídica e porte empresarial) que caracterizam essas unidades. Os resultados revelaram que o sistema proposto estabelece razoável taxa de acerto na classificação do perfil de consumidores e, portanto, constitui uma importante ferramenta de suporte a formulação de estratégias para combate à inadimplência. Conclui-se que, o sistema híbrido proposto apresenta caráter generalista podendo ser adaptado e implementado em outros mercados. / [en] The objective of this research is to classify the non-residential electricity customer payment profiles regarding the knowledge stored in electricity distribution utilities databases. The motivation for development of the work from the need of electricity distribution by a support model to formulate strategies for tackling non-payment and late payment. The proposed methodology consists of a hybrid intelligent system constituted by intercommunicating modules that use knowledge stored in database to customer segmentation and then achieve the proposed objective. The system begins with the neural module, which allocates the consuming units in groups according to similarities (bill amount, consumption, measured demand/contracted demand, energy intensity and share of the electricity bill in the customer s income), in sequence, the Bayesian module establishes a score between 0 and 1 that allows to predict what payment profile of the units considering the generated groups and categorical attributes (business activity, tariff type, business size, mesoregion and company s legal form) that characterize these units. The results showed that the proposed system provides a reasonable success rate when classifying customer profiles and thus constitutes an important tool in the formulation of strategies for tackling non-payment and late payment. In conclusion, the hybrid system proposed here is a generalist one and could usefully be adapted and implemented in other markets.

Caractérisation et modélisation de nouvelles capacités «Through Silicon Capacitors» à forte intégration pour la réduction de consommation et la montée en fréquence dans les architectures 3D de circuits intégrés / Characterization and modeling of new capacitors"Through Silicon Capacitors" highly integrated to reducing consumptionand to allow high frequency operating in 3D integrated circuit

Dieng, Khadim 23 November 2016 (has links)
La diminution de la longueur de grille des transistors a été le moteur essentiel de l’évolution des circuits intégrés microélectroniques ces dernières décennies. Toutefois, cette évolution des circuits microélectroniques a entrainé une densification des lignes d’interconnexion, donc la génération de fortes pertes, des ralentissements et de la diaphonie sur les signaux transmis, ainsi qu’une augmentation de l’impédance parasite des interconnexions. Cette dernière est néfaste pour l’intégrité de l’alimentation des composants actifs présents dans le circuit. Son augmentation multiplie le risque d’apparition d’erreurs numériques conduisant au dysfonctionnement d’un système. Il est donc nécessaire de réduire l’impédance sur le réseau d’alimentation des circuits intégrés. Pour ce faire, les condensateurs de découplage sont utilisés et placés hiérarchiquement à différents étages des circuits et dans leur intégralité (PCB, package, interposeur, puce).Ces travaux de doctorat s’inscrivent dans le cadre des développements récents des nouvelles solutions d’intégration 3D en microélectronique et ils portent sur l’étude de nouvelles architectures de capacités 3D, très intégrées et à fortes valeurs (>1 nF), élaborées en profondeur dans l’interposeur silicium. Ces composants, inspirés des architectures de via traversant le silicium (TSV, Through Silicon Via), sont nommées Through Silicon Capacitors (TSC). Ils constituent un élément clef pour l’amélioration des performances des alimentations des circuits intégrés car elles pourront réduire efficacement la consommation des circuits grâce à cette intégration directe de composants passifs dans l’interposeur silicium qui sert d’étage d’accueil des puces. Ces composants tridimensionnels permettent en effet d’atteindre de grandes densités de capacité de 35 nF/mm². Les enjeux sont stratégiques pour des applications embarquées et à haut débit et plus généralement dans un environnement économique et sociétal conscient de nos limites énergétiques. De plus ces condensateurs de découplage doivent fonctionner à des fréquences atteignant 2 GHz, voire 4 GHz, qui tendent à maximiser les effets parasites préjudiciables aux performances énergétiques des alimentations. Ceci est rendu possible par l’optimisation de leur intégration et l’utilisation de couches de cuivre avec, une bonne conductivité supérieure à 45 MS/m, comme électrodes.Les technologies d’élaboration des condensateurs TSC ont été développées au sein du CEA-LETI et de STMicroelectronics. Leur comportement électrique restait jusqu’alors mal connu et leurs performances difficiles à quantifier. Les études menées dans cette thèse consistaient à modéliser ces nouveaux composants en prenant en compte les paramètres matériaux et géométriques afin de connaitre les effets parasites. Les modèles électriques établis ont été confrontés à des caractérisations électriques effectuées sur une large bande de fréquence (du DC à 40 GHz). Ainsi ce travail a permis d’optimiser une architecture de capacité et leur intégration dans un réseau d’alimentation d’un circuit intégré 3D a pu montrer leur efficacité pour des opérations de découplage. / The decrease of transistor’s gate length was the key driver of the development of microelectronic integrated circuits in recent decades. However, this development of microelectronic circuits has led to a greater density of interconnection lines, generating high losses, slowdowns and crosstalk on the transmitted signals, and an increase of the parasitic impedance of interconnections lines. The latter is detrimental to the power integrity of the active components in the circuit. Its increase increases the risk of developing numerical errors leading to a system’s malfunction. It is therefore necessary to reduce the impedance of the power distribution network of integrated circuits. To do this, the decoupling capacitors are used and placed hierarchically on different floors of the circuits and in their entirety (PCB, package, interposer, chip).These doctoral works are in the context of recent developments in new 3D integration solutions in microelectronics and they carry on studying new 3D capacitors, highly integrated, presenting high capacitance values (> 1 nF), and developed by using the depth of silicon interposeur level. Inspired from the Through Silicon Vias (TSV), these newly developed 3D capacitors are named Through Silicon Capacitors (TSC). They are a key element for improving the performance of the power integrated circuits because they can efficiently reduce the consumption of circuits thanks to their direct integration in silicon interposer which is used to stack chips. These 3D components allow tor reach high capacitance density up to 35 nF/mm². The issues are strategic for high speed embedded applications and more generally in an economic and societal environment aware of our energy limits. Moreover these decoupling capacitors must operate at frequencies up to 2 GHz or 4 GHz, which tend to maximize the parasitic effects which affect the energy efficiency of power distribution networks. This is made possible by optimizing their integration and by the use of copper layers with a good conductivity higher than 45 MS / m conductivity as electrodes.The technologies used to fabricate the TSC are developed by CEA-LETI and STMicroelectronics. The electrical behavior of those TSC remained hitherto little known and their performances difficult to quantify. The studies conducted in this thesis were to model these new components by taking into account the material and geometrical parameters in order to know the parasitic effects. The established electrical models have faced electrical characterizations carried out over a wide frequency range (DC to 40 GHz). This work allow to optimize the TSC architecture and their integration in a power distribution network (Power Distribution Network - NDS) prove that they are good candidate for decoupling operations.

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