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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reaktiv effekt i Dala Energis framtida mellanspänningsnät / Reactive power in the future medium voltage grid of Dala Energi

Welbourn, Mark January 2019 (has links)
Dala Energi has large-scale plans for grid development and wants to have a better understanding of their current reactive power levels along with a future prognosis based on their plans. Changes in line inductance, shunt capacitance, area and placement put Dala Energi on the path to higher charging currents and higher reactive power generation. In addition to causing concerns in their own grid, the increased reactive power generation can present challenges for the owner of the overlying grid. Transmission of reactive power upwards is not permitted in the current contract. Dala Energi’s grid is divided into 3 separate regions with a total of 19 larger substations, 12 of which are points of connection with the overlying grid. At times, 8 of the substations have transmitted reactive power upward and soon it will be all 12. Region 1, where the 20-kV grid is located, is the biggest problem-area today, with upward-transmissions of 1 to 3 MVAr quite common and a considerable increase expected. Region 3 contains more than double the underground cable as the other two areas and might have had much greater side effects from the high shunt capacitance were it not for 3 industrial customers who consume a large portion of reactive power. In the coming years, however, Region 3 is expected to have capacitive reactive power levels nearly equal to those of Region 1. The combined reactive power baseline for all regions is expected to drop by 8.24 MVAr in the coming years. The owner of the overlying grid controls Dala Energi’s 5 largest capacitor banks which have a rated capacity of 11.6 MVAr. With the entire capacity almost always connected, the upward transmission of reactive power becomes much greater. It would be very advisable to meet with the owner, discuss interaction between the two grids and examine the details of the current contract. Compensation for excessive generation of reactive power is needed and is going to be essential in the future. The short-term variation of reactive power levels is so great that the use of fixed rating shunt reactors is ill-advised, especially under the current contract. Compensation with variable shunt reactors is recommended.

Analys av elnät för begränsning av reaktiv effekt / Analysis of electricity grid for limiting of reactive power

Hudji, Muadh January 2019 (has links)
Ystad Energi har ansvaret över elnätet i Ystads kommun. Med ökande efterfråga om el har samhället blivit sårbart. Därför jobbar myndigheterna och elleverantörer alltid för att säkerställa en trygg och säker elleverans. Variationer i energibehovet under de olika årstider sätter elsystemet i en svår situation gällande elleveranssäkerhet. Ystad Energi har noterat att elnätet matar ut reaktiv effekt mot överliggande nät under sommarperioden. Vilket kan påverka förlusterna och systemets drifttillstånd i både lokal – och regionnät. Därför fokuserar detta arbete på att utföra analyser av reaktiv effekt i nätledningarna som ligger mellan fördelningsstationerna och nätstationerna, d.v.s. i 10.7 kV – nivå av den s.k. distributionsnätet. För att minska elavbrott i systemet på grund av väder och annan yttre påverkan har Ystad Energi grävt ner alla ledningar i nätet. Datainsamlingen från Ystad Energi visar att den reaktiva effektinmatningen ökar mest under sommaren jämfört med andra årstider. Utifrån vetenskapliga teorier och tidigare arbeten anses kablifiering som en viktig orsak till reaktiv effektinmatning i ett elsystem. Datainsamlingen visar även avsevärda variationer i energiförbrukningen mellan vinter- och sommarhalvåret, där energiförbrukningen är mycket lägre under sommaren på grund av klimatet och livsstilen. Därför leder detta till spänningsförhöjning i elnätet som vidare kan leda till kapacitiv reaktiv effektgenerering. I arbetet utförs även analyser på nätet med anslutna produktionsanläggningar såsom vindkraft som kan påverka effektflödet i nätet. Rapporten skall presentera vilka möjliga lösningar som kan vara lämpliga för att minska den reaktiva effekten i nätet. Kraven som ställs från myndigheterna kring reaktiv effekt redovisas även i rapporten. / Ystad Energy is responsible for the power grid in Ystad municipality. With increasing demand for electricity, society has become more vulnerable. Therefore, authorities and electricity suppliers always work to ensure safe and secure electricity supply. Variations in energy demand and climate change put the electrical system in a difficult situation regarding electricity supply safety. Ystad Energy has noted that the power grid has high values of reactive power over a part of year, which may affect the losses and system operating conditions in both local and regional networks. Therefore, this work focuses on performing reactive power analysis in the power cables located between the high voltage substations and the low voltage substations, i.e. in the 10.7 kV level of the distribution network. All overhead lines in Ystad municipality are already buried in the ground to reduce line faults in the system due to weather and other influences. The data collection from Ystad Energy shows that the reactive power input increases most during the summer. Underground cables are considered an important cause that contributes to reactive power input in an electrical system. Data collection also shows significant variations in energy consumption between the winter and summer months, where energy consumption is much lower in the summer due to the climate and human habits. Therefore, this leads to a voltage increase in the mains that can further lead to a capacitive reactive power generation. In the project, an analysis of the power grid has been performed, considering the current grid topology. Simulations of different scenarios with production plants, such as wind power, which can affect the power flow in the network, are also carried out. It was proved that the reactive power in the grid is produced by the underground cables. The report also presents some possible solutions that may be appropriate to reduce the reactive power in the network.

Distributed control system for demand response by servers

Hall, Joseph Edward 01 December 2015 (has links)
Within the broad topical designation of “smart grid,” research in demand response, or demand-side management, focuses on investigating possibilities for electrically powered devices to adapt their power consumption patterns to better match the availability of intermittent renewable energy sources, especially wind. Devices such as battery chargers, heating and cooling systems, and computers can be controlled to change the time, duration, and magnitude of their power consumption while still meeting workload constraints such as deadlines and rate of throughput. This thesis presents a system by which a computer server, or multiple servers in a data center, can estimate the power imbalance on the electrical grid and use that information to dynamically change the power consumption as a service to the grid. Implementation on a testbed demonstrates the system with a hypothetical but realistic usage case scenario of an online video streaming service in which there are workloads with deadlines (high-priority) and workloads without deadlines (low-priority). The testbed is implemented with real servers, estimates the power imbalance from the grid frequency with real-time measurements of the live outlet, and uses a distributed, real-time algorithm to dynamically adjust the power consumption of the servers based on the frequency estimate and the throughput of video transcoder workloads. Analysis of the system explains and justifies multiple design choices, compares the significance of the system in relation to similar publications in the literature, and explores the potential impact of the system.

Energy and environmental contexts of cities, transportation systems, and emerging vehicle technologies : how plug-in electric vehicles and urban design influence energy consumption and emissions

Nichols, Brice G. 19 March 2014 (has links)
This thesis is divided into two parts. The first evaluates the role of the built environment in life-cycle energy consumption, by comparing different neighborhood and city styles. Through a holistic modeling and accounting framework, this work identifies the largest energy-consuming sectors, among residential and commercial buildings, personal vehicles and transit trips, and supporting infrastructure (roads, sidewalks, parking lots, water pipes, street lighting). Life-cycle energy calculations include operational energy use (e.g., gasoline for vehicles, electricity and natural gas for buildings) and embodied energy used to produce materials and construct buildings and infrastructure. Case study neighborhoods in Austin, Texas, and larger-scale regional models suggest that building energy demands comprise around 50% of life-cycle energy demands, while transportation demands (from driving and infrastructure alike) contribute around 40%, across all cases. However, results also suggest that population density and average residential unit size play a major role in defining per-capita energy consumption. Operational demands made up about 90% of life-cycle energy demands, suggesting that v most urban energy savings can be obtained from reduced personal vehicle trips and more efficient vehicles and buildings. Case study comparisons suggest that neighborhoods and regions with greater density and higher share of multi-family housing units tend to reduce operational (and thus life-cycle) energy demands with less travel demand and decreased home and work energy use, per capita. The second part of this modeled plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) emissions impacts in Texas, by considering four possible vehicle adoption scenarios (where PEVs make up 1, 5, 10, and 25% of total passenger vehicles). The analysis anticipates PEV electricity demand and emissions rates, based on current Texas power grid data. Results indicate that PEV emissions depend significantly on which specific power plants are used to power the vehicles, but that PEVs' average per-mile emissions rates for NO[subscript x], PM, and CO₂ are all likely to be lower than today's average passenger car, when today's average mix is used. Power produced from 100% coal plants could produce 14 times as much NO[subscript x], 3,200 times as much SO₂, nearly 10 times as much CO₂ and CO₂eq, 2.5 times as much PM₁₀, and VOCs, and nearly 80 times the NO₂ compared to a grid with 100% natural gas plants. / text

Contribution au dimensionnement et à la gestion par optimisation de systèmes de stockage d'énergie pour les réseaux électriques ferroviaires / Contribution to optimal sizing and management of energy storage systems for railway electrification systems

Bossi, Olivier 13 January 2016 (has links)
L’intégration de systèmes de production décentralisés et de stockage d’énergie dansles réseaux d’électrification ferroviaires est envisagée comme une solution pour améliorerles performances électriques et énergétiques des réseaux électriques ferroviaire qui fontface à une forte augmentation de trafic. Cette solution doit permettre de réduire les coûtsd’investissement et d’exploitation des réseaux ferroviaires (moins de consommation, desrenforcements d’infrastructures limités) par rapport aux solutions conventionnelles.Ces travaux de thèse visent à définir une méthodologie de conception optimale et de gestionénergétique des systèmes de production et de stockage de l’énergie dans un environnementferroviaire. La méthodologie proposée devra constituer pour les ingénieurs une aide à laconception et au dimensionnement des futurs réseaux ferroviaires.Une méthodologie basée sur des modèles d’optimisation non linéaire a été développée.Elle propose une approche originale du traitement des charges mobiles et des dispositifsnon linéaires du réseau (sous-stations, moyens de stockage, rhéostat de freinage) pourl’optimisation. Elle permet de déterminer le dimensionnement et la loi de pilotage optimauxd’un système de stockage intégré à un réseau d’électrification ferroviaire.La méthodologie a été appliquée à une section de réseau urbain électrifiée en 1500Vcontinu. Un système de stockage d’énergie est alors utilisé pour résoudre un problème dequalité d’alimentation et réduire la consommation énergétique. Les résultats obtenus montrentles gains apportés par le stockage et fournissent un guide pour le choix du mode de stockage(batterie, supercondensateur, volant d’inertie) le plus pertinent pour l’application considérée.Des perspectives sont finalement ouvertes pour l’extension de notre méthodologie auxsystèmes de production décentralisés, aux réseaux électrifiés en courant alternatifs et auxautres types de solutions technologiques (FACTS, HVB. . . ). / Integration of decentralized production and energy storage systems into railwayelectrification networks are considered as a solution in order to improve their electrical andenergetic performances when facing a major traffic increase. This solution shall allow to reducethe investment and exploitation costs of railway networks (less energy consumption, lessreinforcement work on infrastructures) compared to conventional solutions.The work presented in this manuscript aim to define a methodology for optimal sizing andenergetic management of energy production and/or storage systems for a railway network. Theproposed methodology must help engineers while designing future railway networks.A methodology based on a non linear optimization model has been developed. A novelapproach of the modeling of mobile loads and non linear components of the network (feedingsubstations, energy storage systems, braking rheostats) is proposed for optimization process.It allows the computation of the optimal sizing and control law of an energy storage systemimplemented in a railway electrification network.This methodology has been applied to a DC 1500V electrified urban network section. Anenergy storage system has been introduced in order to solve power quality issues and to reduceenergy consumption. The results shows the benefits of the energy storage system and providesindications to choose the better energy storage system technology (batteries, super-capacitors,flywheel) for the considered application.Future developments shall be the extension of our methodology to decentralized productionsystems, AC electrified railway networks and other technological solutions (FACTS, HVB...).

Towards Utilization of Distributed On-Chip Power Delivery Against EM Side-Channel Attacks

Khan, Ahmed Waheed 20 April 2018 (has links)
Non-invasive side-channel attacks (SCAs) are potent attacks on a cryptographic circuit that can reveal its secret key without requiring lots of equipment. EM side-channel leakage is typically the derivative of the power consumption profile of a circuit. Since the fluctuations of the supply voltage strongly depend on the topology and features of the power distribution network (PDN), design of the PDN has a direct impact on EM side-channel leakage signature. In this thesis, we explore the security implications of distributed on-chip voltage regulators against EM side-channel attacks. Extensive HFSS simulations have demonstrated that the maximum EM radiation can be reduced by 33 dB and 11 dB, respectively, at the top and bottom sides of an integrated circuit through distributed on-chip voltage regulation. The primary reason is that the power is delivered locally through partially shorter and thinner metal lines as compared to off-chip implementation.

Influence of wind power feed-in and synchronous machine impedances on transient stability of heterogeneous power grids

Gries, Matthias Friedemann 03 December 2021 (has links)
Power grids constitute an essential infrastructure providing and distributing electrical energy. The grid structure is currently subject to rapid changes due to the integration of renewable energy sources. In this development one is confronted with several challenges and opportunities as, for instance, the reduction of inertial masses in the system, the strongly increasing decentralisation of generators, and the fluctuating power feed-in by generators relying on renewable energy sources. In this thesis, models are studied that describe the non-linear power-grid dynamics in the presence of fluctuating power feed-in from renewable energy sources, primarily wind turbines. Realistic features of wind-power feed-in are captured by using real data measured at a research platform located in the North Sea. This approach is applied to test systems provided by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), in which one conventional generator is replaced by a wind turbine. It is found that so-called dead ends and other weakly coupled network parts are particularly prone to power fluctuations and perturbations. In contrast to previous studies, the often pronounced heterogeneities of the power grid elements are taken into account when solving the non-linear power-flow and swing equations. Also reactances between locations of power generation and power feed-in are considered, which causes the link topology in the power grid to correspond to a full graph, where all nodes are effectively connected. Both the grid heterogeneities and the additional generator reactances have a decisive impact on power grid stability. Some structures considered as particularly stable in simplified models are prone to perturbations when utilising the more realistic model and vice versa. By the analysis of various quantities characterising functional grid operation, it is shown that a reliable assessment of power grid stability requires the consideration of heterogeneities and generator reactances.

Economics of Ancillary Services for Electricity: Managing Uncertain Power Generation and Grid Operation in the Distribution Network

Zipf, Michael Markus 09 July 2021 (has links)
The ancillary services are of immanent importance for secure and reliable network operation. As a result of the energy turnaround in Germany, conventional power plant capacities that have so far provided these ancillary services will significantly be reduced. Particularly with regard to frequency control and grid operation, it has already become apparent today that high costs can be expected if current practice and market conditions are maintained. The aim of this thesis is to investigate options for a cost-efficient transformation of the electricity system with a focus on the ancillary services frequency control and grid operation. In a first step, the ancillary services and their development in the recent past is addressed. In a second step, the effects of different cooperation between network operators on network operation are investigated. Here it is shown that in the medium term an intensified cooperation on transmission grid operator level has a positive impact on the operation of the grid. In the long term, it is necessary for distribution system operators to cooperate more closely in order to ensure cost-efficient and secure network operation. In a third step, options for the market design of balancing power markets are examined. The results show that it is necessary to make tendering times more flexible so that renewable energies can participate in the markets and, at the same time, more players can participate in these markets. With these adjustments it is possible to significantly reduce the cost of balancing power to levels below those of 2014. Finally, it is examined which market inefficiencies may occur in more flexible balancing markets due to strategic bidding behavior. Especially in the upward markets it can be seen that increasing market inefficiencies are to be expected, which, however, can be limited by increased international cooperation and the participation of renewable energies.

Future Nordic Grid Frequency Quality : A quantitative simulation study of current and potential frequency control methods with emphasis on synthetic inertia

Arvidsson, Emil January 2021 (has links)
The power grid faces stability problems due to loss of inertia. The ancillary services balancing the system must be improved to maintain stability. In contrast to earlier studies, this thesis estimates how the future grid frequency quality in both the short and long term is affected by different control methods, using an ensemble of quality measures. The thesis uses conventional one-area models for the power grid and FCR-N (frequency containment reserve – normal operation) but develops new models for FCR-D (– disturbed operation), FFR (fast frequency reserve), and synthetic inertia (SI). To acquire proper input data the thesis uses an inverse model of the power grid to compute the momentary load disturbance, i.e., the difference between load and generation, from the grid frequency. The thesis makes a difference between proportional and derivative SI, where the latter is the one commonly associated with the term SI. The results show that derivative SI can improve some quality measures but requires very high power capacity. In contrast, proportional SI improves almost every measure the most, for a fraction of the required capacity. Derivative SI is therefore worth less from a system perspective. However, it is shown that the quality measures improved by derivative SI are related to hydropower wear and tear, making it more interesting for hydro power owners. Moreover, FFR gives no benefit to long time quality measures. Considering the short-term analysis where a large disturbance occurs, FFR gives almost no benefit and risks worsening the stability. Also, for the large disturbance, proportional SI performs the best. The results are limited by the small number of simulations that were performed and can only provide indications of trends. A more solid conclusion, however, is that one cannot expect transmission system operators (TSO) to introduce an ancillary service that builds on derivative SI.

Scenarios for future power balance in bidding zone 3 in Sweden year 2040.

Caliskan, Hevi January 2020 (has links)
This is a master thesis performed on behalf of WSP, aiming to investigate scenarios for future energy balances in bidding zone 3 in Sweden during year 2040, based on different production alternatives and consumption scenarios. This report aims to highlight the challenges of transitioning to a more electrified energy system where a greater proportion of renewable sources, mainly from hydro, wind, solar and bioenergy, are integrated into the energy system. Increasing the share of weather-dependent electricity production, such as solar- and wind power, set higher standard on the ability to maintain system balance and guaranteeing sufficient power when consumption is high. Higher consumption will be caused by increased electrification of different sectors, and urbanization, which will be necessary in order to achieve climate goals. Production from other power sources, import of electricity from other bidding zones, and flexibility will have to be considered when the demand for electricity cannot be met by solely the production that takes place in bidding zone 3. In this study, EXCEL is used to build a model that calculates future energy balances and presents the extent that future imports of electricity and flexibility, that will be needed to supply enough electricity to bidding zone 3 in the year 2040. With four different production alternatives and three consumption scenarios, 12 different cases of future energy balances are presented.

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