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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Efeitos da interferência contextual na aprendizagem de habilidades motoras em função de diferentes testes de retenção / Contextual interference effects in the motor skills learning in function of different retention tests learning motor skills

Santos, Jefferson John dos 26 January 2012 (has links)
O objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar o efeito da interferência contextual na aprendizagem de habilidades motoras em função de diferentes testes de retenção. Quatro diferentes intervalos de retenção foram empregados: (10m) 10 minutos (24h) 24 horas, (07d) sete dias, e (30d) 30 dias após a fase de aquisição. Cento e quarenta e quatro estudantes universitários, homens (n=88) e mulheres (n=56), com idade média de 21,9 anos (±3,2), todos voluntários e sem experiência com a tarefa, foram divididos em dois grupos de prática variada: aleatória e blocos. A tarefa consistiu em arremessar dardos de salão em um alvo circular com a mão dominante, a fim de acertar o seu centro. Participantes realizaram a tarefa em três distâncias diferentes do alvo (2,00m, 2,60m e 3,20m). O experimento consistiu de duas fases: aquisição (90 tentativas) e retenção (18 tentativas). O desempenho foi analisado em termos de magnitude (somatória de pontos) e variabilidade (coeficiente de variação dos pontos). Os resultados mostraram que todos os grupos melhoraram o desempenho na fase de aquisição e o mantiveram na fase de retenção. Além disso, concernente ao objetivo deste estudo, nenhuma diferença entre os grupos foi verificada no teste de retenção / The objective of the present study was to investigate the contextual interference effect in the motor skills learning in function of different retention tests. Four different retention intervals were employed: (10m) ten minutes, (24h) twenty-four hours, (07d) seven days, and (30d) thirty days after the acquisition phase. One hundred and forty-four college students, men (n=88) and women (n=56), mean age 21.9 years (±3.2), all volunteers and without experience with the task, were divided into two groups of varied practice: random and blocks. The ask consisted of throwing darts at a circular target (dartboard), with the dominant hand, in order to hit its center. Participants performed the task at three different target distances (2,00m, 2,60m, and 3,20m). The experiment consisted of two phases: acquisition (90 trials) and retention (18 trials). Performance was analyzed by magnitude (sum of points) and variability (coefficient of variation of points). Results showed that all groups improved the performance in the acquisition phase, and that it was kept in the retention test. Moreover, concerned to the aim of this study, no difference between the groups was found in the retention test

Efeitos da interferência contextual na aprendizagem de habilidades motoras em função de diferentes testes de retenção / Contextual interference effects in the motor skills learning in function of different retention tests learning motor skills

Jefferson John dos Santos 26 January 2012 (has links)
O objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar o efeito da interferência contextual na aprendizagem de habilidades motoras em função de diferentes testes de retenção. Quatro diferentes intervalos de retenção foram empregados: (10m) 10 minutos (24h) 24 horas, (07d) sete dias, e (30d) 30 dias após a fase de aquisição. Cento e quarenta e quatro estudantes universitários, homens (n=88) e mulheres (n=56), com idade média de 21,9 anos (±3,2), todos voluntários e sem experiência com a tarefa, foram divididos em dois grupos de prática variada: aleatória e blocos. A tarefa consistiu em arremessar dardos de salão em um alvo circular com a mão dominante, a fim de acertar o seu centro. Participantes realizaram a tarefa em três distâncias diferentes do alvo (2,00m, 2,60m e 3,20m). O experimento consistiu de duas fases: aquisição (90 tentativas) e retenção (18 tentativas). O desempenho foi analisado em termos de magnitude (somatória de pontos) e variabilidade (coeficiente de variação dos pontos). Os resultados mostraram que todos os grupos melhoraram o desempenho na fase de aquisição e o mantiveram na fase de retenção. Além disso, concernente ao objetivo deste estudo, nenhuma diferença entre os grupos foi verificada no teste de retenção / The objective of the present study was to investigate the contextual interference effect in the motor skills learning in function of different retention tests. Four different retention intervals were employed: (10m) ten minutes, (24h) twenty-four hours, (07d) seven days, and (30d) thirty days after the acquisition phase. One hundred and forty-four college students, men (n=88) and women (n=56), mean age 21.9 years (±3.2), all volunteers and without experience with the task, were divided into two groups of varied practice: random and blocks. The ask consisted of throwing darts at a circular target (dartboard), with the dominant hand, in order to hit its center. Participants performed the task at three different target distances (2,00m, 2,60m, and 3,20m). The experiment consisted of two phases: acquisition (90 trials) and retention (18 trials). Performance was analyzed by magnitude (sum of points) and variability (coefficient of variation of points). Results showed that all groups improved the performance in the acquisition phase, and that it was kept in the retention test. Moreover, concerned to the aim of this study, no difference between the groups was found in the retention test

Estrutura de prática na aprendizagem do golpe de Judô o soto gari: foco no kuzuzhi / Structure of practice in learning judo throwing technique o soto gari: focus on kuzushi

Gomes, Fábio Rodrigo Ferreira 21 July 2016 (has links)
A luta de Judô tem uma característica dual, em que os lutadores tentam derrubar um ao outro mutuamente, de forma que o ambiente se encontra em constante mudança. Os golpes de projeção do Judô são constituídos de três partes, o kuzushi (desequilíbrio), o tsukuri (preparação) e o kake (finalização), que devem ser executados em sequência. A execução de cada parte influencia a execução da parte subsequente, de maneira que para o sucesso do golpe, colocar o oponente em desequilíbrio (kuzushi) é primordial, visto que é condição para a execução bem-sucedida das partes seguintes. Durante a luta, para desequilibrar o oponente, é comum ocorrer deslocamentos mútuos de empurrar e puxar, que podem ser denominados de deslocamentos pré-kuzushi. Considerando que o kuzushi é fundamental para o sucesso do golpe, e que os deslocamentos pré-kuzushi favorecem a ocorrência efetiva do kuzushi, o objetivo deste estudo foi investigar o efeito da organização de prática na aprendizagem dos deslocamentos pré-kuzushi. Inicialmente foram realizados dois experimentos utilizando o golpe o soto gari: o primeiro experimento com iniciantes e o segundo com participantes não iniciantes (experiência entre três e seis meses de prática). Em cada experimento foram formados três grupos experimentais: o grupo de prática constante (Co), que praticou o golpe o soto gari com somente uma possibilidade de deslocamento pré-kuzushi; o grupo de prática variada por blocos (Bl), que praticou três possibilidades de deslocamentos pré-kuzushi variando-as a cada dez tentativas; e o grupo de prática variada aleatória (Al), que praticou três possibilidades de deslocamentos pré-kuzushi de forma aleatória. O delineamento experimental constou de três fases: pré-teste (3 tentativas), aquisição (250 tentativas) e teste de retenção (3 tentativas, uma semana após o último dia de aquisição). Mediante o uso de vídeo foram analisados os padrões de movimento com relação à configuração total do golpe, aos deslocamentos pré-kuzushi e ao kuzushi no tocante a ação motora e o efeito. No Experimento 1 (iniciantes) o Co apresentou superioridade aos grupos com variabilidade (Bl e Al) nos deslocamentos pré-kuzushi que foi o objeto manipulado na organização da prática, e foi o único grupo a apresentar evolução no efeito do kuzushi. No Experimento 2 (não iniciantes) os grupos com maior variabilidade (Al e Bl) apresentaram superioridade em relação ao grupo Co nos deslocamentos pré-kuzushi; já na ação motora do kuzushi o grupo Al foi superior ao grupo Co e somente os grupos com variabilidade apresentaram melhora no efeito do kuzushi. A partir dos resultados dos Experimentos 1 e 2 foi realizado um terceiro experimento, em que foi adicionado um novo grupo experimental aos três grupos do Experimento 1, Co-Al (grupo constante-aleatória), que praticou 50% iniciais da aquisição de forma constante e os 50% restantes de forma variada aleatória. Os resultados apresentaram superioridade do grupo Co-Al em relação a todos os outros grupos (Co, Bl e Al) no teste de retenção para configuração total do golpe. Concluiu-se que a prática constante ou experiência anterior antes da prática variada é importante na aprendizagem dos deslocamentos pré-kuzushi que influencia a configuração total do golpe. Provavelmente se beneficiando do que foi adquirido no aprendizado do deslocamento pré-kuzushi, os grupos Co e Co-Al nos iniciantes e o grupo Al nos não iniciantes apresentaram melhora no item efeito do kuzushi, posicionando o oponente desequilibrado / The judo contest has a dual feature, when the fighters try to throw each other, so that the environment is constantly changing. The Judo throwing techniques are consisted of three parts, the kuzushi (unbalance), the tsukuri (preparation) and kake (finishing), which must be performed in that sequence. The execution of each part influences the execution of the subsequent part. Thus, to let the opponent unbalanced (kuzushi) is essential for the successful implementation of the next parts. During the fight, to unbalance the opponent, it is common mutual displacements of push and pull movements, which can be called pre-kuzushi displacements. Considering that the kuzushi is crucial to the success of the throwing technique, and that pre-kuzushi displacements facilitate the effective occurrence of kuzushi, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of the practice organization in learning pre-kuzushi displacements. Initially two experiments were carried out using the o soto gari technique: the first experiment with beginners and the second with participants not beginners (experience between three and six months of practice). Each experiment was composed by three groups: the constant practice group (Co), which performed the o soto gari technique with only one pre-kuzushi displacement; the blocked varied practice group (Bl), which practiced three possible pre-kuzushi displacements varying every ten trials; and random varied practice group (Al), which practiced three possible pre-kuzushi displacements at random. The experimental design consisted of three phases: Pre-test (3 tries), Acquisition (250 attempts) and Retention Test (3 tries, a week after the last day of Acquisition). The movement patterns were analyzed using recorded videos, considering the total configuration of the throwing technique, the pre-kuzushi displacements and the kuzushi concerning motor action and effect. In the Experiment 1 (beginners) Co showed superior results to the groups with practice variability (Bl and Al) in the pre-kuzushi displacements that was the aspect manipulated in the practice organization, and it was the only group to present progress in the effect of kuzushi. In the Experiment 2 (not beginners) the groups with practice variability (Al and Bl) were superior to Co in pre-kuzushi displacement; Al was superior to Co in relation to the motor action of kuzushi and only the variability of practice groups (AI and BI) showed improvement in the effect of kuzushi. Based on the results of Experiments 1 and 2 it was conducted a third experiment, adding a new experimental group to the three groups of Experiment 1 - Co-Al (constant-random group) that practiced 50% initial acquisition trials constantly and the remaining 50% randomly. The results showed superiority of Co-Al compared to all other groups (Co, Al and Bl) in the retention test for total configuration of the throwing technique. It was concluded that the constant practice or previous experience before the variable practice is important in learning pre-kuzushi displacements that influences the total configuration of the throwing technique. Probably by benefiting from what was acquired in learning pre-kuzushi displacement, Co and Co-Al in beginners and Al in the non-beginners showed improvement relative to the effect of kuzushi, positioning the opponent unbalanced

Estrutura de prática na aprendizagem do golpe de Judô o soto gari: foco no kuzuzhi / Structure of practice in learning judo throwing technique o soto gari: focus on kuzushi

Fábio Rodrigo Ferreira Gomes 21 July 2016 (has links)
A luta de Judô tem uma característica dual, em que os lutadores tentam derrubar um ao outro mutuamente, de forma que o ambiente se encontra em constante mudança. Os golpes de projeção do Judô são constituídos de três partes, o kuzushi (desequilíbrio), o tsukuri (preparação) e o kake (finalização), que devem ser executados em sequência. A execução de cada parte influencia a execução da parte subsequente, de maneira que para o sucesso do golpe, colocar o oponente em desequilíbrio (kuzushi) é primordial, visto que é condição para a execução bem-sucedida das partes seguintes. Durante a luta, para desequilibrar o oponente, é comum ocorrer deslocamentos mútuos de empurrar e puxar, que podem ser denominados de deslocamentos pré-kuzushi. Considerando que o kuzushi é fundamental para o sucesso do golpe, e que os deslocamentos pré-kuzushi favorecem a ocorrência efetiva do kuzushi, o objetivo deste estudo foi investigar o efeito da organização de prática na aprendizagem dos deslocamentos pré-kuzushi. Inicialmente foram realizados dois experimentos utilizando o golpe o soto gari: o primeiro experimento com iniciantes e o segundo com participantes não iniciantes (experiência entre três e seis meses de prática). Em cada experimento foram formados três grupos experimentais: o grupo de prática constante (Co), que praticou o golpe o soto gari com somente uma possibilidade de deslocamento pré-kuzushi; o grupo de prática variada por blocos (Bl), que praticou três possibilidades de deslocamentos pré-kuzushi variando-as a cada dez tentativas; e o grupo de prática variada aleatória (Al), que praticou três possibilidades de deslocamentos pré-kuzushi de forma aleatória. O delineamento experimental constou de três fases: pré-teste (3 tentativas), aquisição (250 tentativas) e teste de retenção (3 tentativas, uma semana após o último dia de aquisição). Mediante o uso de vídeo foram analisados os padrões de movimento com relação à configuração total do golpe, aos deslocamentos pré-kuzushi e ao kuzushi no tocante a ação motora e o efeito. No Experimento 1 (iniciantes) o Co apresentou superioridade aos grupos com variabilidade (Bl e Al) nos deslocamentos pré-kuzushi que foi o objeto manipulado na organização da prática, e foi o único grupo a apresentar evolução no efeito do kuzushi. No Experimento 2 (não iniciantes) os grupos com maior variabilidade (Al e Bl) apresentaram superioridade em relação ao grupo Co nos deslocamentos pré-kuzushi; já na ação motora do kuzushi o grupo Al foi superior ao grupo Co e somente os grupos com variabilidade apresentaram melhora no efeito do kuzushi. A partir dos resultados dos Experimentos 1 e 2 foi realizado um terceiro experimento, em que foi adicionado um novo grupo experimental aos três grupos do Experimento 1, Co-Al (grupo constante-aleatória), que praticou 50% iniciais da aquisição de forma constante e os 50% restantes de forma variada aleatória. Os resultados apresentaram superioridade do grupo Co-Al em relação a todos os outros grupos (Co, Bl e Al) no teste de retenção para configuração total do golpe. Concluiu-se que a prática constante ou experiência anterior antes da prática variada é importante na aprendizagem dos deslocamentos pré-kuzushi que influencia a configuração total do golpe. Provavelmente se beneficiando do que foi adquirido no aprendizado do deslocamento pré-kuzushi, os grupos Co e Co-Al nos iniciantes e o grupo Al nos não iniciantes apresentaram melhora no item efeito do kuzushi, posicionando o oponente desequilibrado / The judo contest has a dual feature, when the fighters try to throw each other, so that the environment is constantly changing. The Judo throwing techniques are consisted of three parts, the kuzushi (unbalance), the tsukuri (preparation) and kake (finishing), which must be performed in that sequence. The execution of each part influences the execution of the subsequent part. Thus, to let the opponent unbalanced (kuzushi) is essential for the successful implementation of the next parts. During the fight, to unbalance the opponent, it is common mutual displacements of push and pull movements, which can be called pre-kuzushi displacements. Considering that the kuzushi is crucial to the success of the throwing technique, and that pre-kuzushi displacements facilitate the effective occurrence of kuzushi, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of the practice organization in learning pre-kuzushi displacements. Initially two experiments were carried out using the o soto gari technique: the first experiment with beginners and the second with participants not beginners (experience between three and six months of practice). Each experiment was composed by three groups: the constant practice group (Co), which performed the o soto gari technique with only one pre-kuzushi displacement; the blocked varied practice group (Bl), which practiced three possible pre-kuzushi displacements varying every ten trials; and random varied practice group (Al), which practiced three possible pre-kuzushi displacements at random. The experimental design consisted of three phases: Pre-test (3 tries), Acquisition (250 attempts) and Retention Test (3 tries, a week after the last day of Acquisition). The movement patterns were analyzed using recorded videos, considering the total configuration of the throwing technique, the pre-kuzushi displacements and the kuzushi concerning motor action and effect. In the Experiment 1 (beginners) Co showed superior results to the groups with practice variability (Bl and Al) in the pre-kuzushi displacements that was the aspect manipulated in the practice organization, and it was the only group to present progress in the effect of kuzushi. In the Experiment 2 (not beginners) the groups with practice variability (Al and Bl) were superior to Co in pre-kuzushi displacement; Al was superior to Co in relation to the motor action of kuzushi and only the variability of practice groups (AI and BI) showed improvement in the effect of kuzushi. Based on the results of Experiments 1 and 2 it was conducted a third experiment, adding a new experimental group to the three groups of Experiment 1 - Co-Al (constant-random group) that practiced 50% initial acquisition trials constantly and the remaining 50% randomly. The results showed superiority of Co-Al compared to all other groups (Co, Al and Bl) in the retention test for total configuration of the throwing technique. It was concluded that the constant practice or previous experience before the variable practice is important in learning pre-kuzushi displacements that influences the total configuration of the throwing technique. Probably by benefiting from what was acquired in learning pre-kuzushi displacement, Co and Co-Al in beginners and Al in the non-beginners showed improvement relative to the effect of kuzushi, positioning the opponent unbalanced

Family-centered Care Delivery: Comparing Models of Primary Care Service Delivery in Ontario

Mayo-Bruinsma, Liesha 04 May 2011 (has links)
Family-centered care (FCC) focuses on considering the family in planning/implementing care and is associated with increased patient satisfaction. Little is known about factors that influence FCC. Using linear mixed modeling and Generalized Estimating Equations to analyze data from a cross-sectional survey of primary care practices in Ontario, this study sought to determine whether models of primary care service delivery differ in their provision of FCC and to identify characteristics of primary care practices associated with FCC. Patient-reported scores of FCC were high, but did not differ significantly among primary care models. After accounting for patient characteristics, practice characteristics were not significantly associated with patient-reported FCC. Provider-reported scores of FCC were significantly higher in Community Health Centres than in Family Health Networks. Higher numbers of nurse practitioners and clinical services on site were associated with higher FCC scores but scores decreased as the number of family physicians at a site increased.

Family-centered Care Delivery: Comparing Models of Primary Care Service Delivery in Ontario

Mayo-Bruinsma, Liesha 04 May 2011 (has links)
Family-centered care (FCC) focuses on considering the family in planning/implementing care and is associated with increased patient satisfaction. Little is known about factors that influence FCC. Using linear mixed modeling and Generalized Estimating Equations to analyze data from a cross-sectional survey of primary care practices in Ontario, this study sought to determine whether models of primary care service delivery differ in their provision of FCC and to identify characteristics of primary care practices associated with FCC. Patient-reported scores of FCC were high, but did not differ significantly among primary care models. After accounting for patient characteristics, practice characteristics were not significantly associated with patient-reported FCC. Provider-reported scores of FCC were significantly higher in Community Health Centres than in Family Health Networks. Higher numbers of nurse practitioners and clinical services on site were associated with higher FCC scores but scores decreased as the number of family physicians at a site increased.

Family-centered Care Delivery: Comparing Models of Primary Care Service Delivery in Ontario

Mayo-Bruinsma, Liesha 04 May 2011 (has links)
Family-centered care (FCC) focuses on considering the family in planning/implementing care and is associated with increased patient satisfaction. Little is known about factors that influence FCC. Using linear mixed modeling and Generalized Estimating Equations to analyze data from a cross-sectional survey of primary care practices in Ontario, this study sought to determine whether models of primary care service delivery differ in their provision of FCC and to identify characteristics of primary care practices associated with FCC. Patient-reported scores of FCC were high, but did not differ significantly among primary care models. After accounting for patient characteristics, practice characteristics were not significantly associated with patient-reported FCC. Provider-reported scores of FCC were significantly higher in Community Health Centres than in Family Health Networks. Higher numbers of nurse practitioners and clinical services on site were associated with higher FCC scores but scores decreased as the number of family physicians at a site increased.

Family-centered Care Delivery: Comparing Models of Primary Care Service Delivery in Ontario

Mayo-Bruinsma, Liesha January 2011 (has links)
Family-centered care (FCC) focuses on considering the family in planning/implementing care and is associated with increased patient satisfaction. Little is known about factors that influence FCC. Using linear mixed modeling and Generalized Estimating Equations to analyze data from a cross-sectional survey of primary care practices in Ontario, this study sought to determine whether models of primary care service delivery differ in their provision of FCC and to identify characteristics of primary care practices associated with FCC. Patient-reported scores of FCC were high, but did not differ significantly among primary care models. After accounting for patient characteristics, practice characteristics were not significantly associated with patient-reported FCC. Provider-reported scores of FCC were significantly higher in Community Health Centres than in Family Health Networks. Higher numbers of nurse practitioners and clinical services on site were associated with higher FCC scores but scores decreased as the number of family physicians at a site increased.

"Consumo de serviço de saúde numa população adscrita ao Programa Saúde da Família na região noroeste do município de São Paulo" / Consume of health supplies in a population attended by the family Health Program in a district of the city of São Paulo

Estorilio, Elisabete Amodio 30 August 2004 (has links)
O PSF emerge para reordenar o modelo de atenção à saúde. Os objetivos deste trabalho são o de estimar o consumo dos serviços de saúde e identificar a capacidade de oferta de serviços da USF. Foram realizadas entrevistas sobre o consumo de serviços de saúde por amostragem na população adscrita a equipe 01 da USF Jd Pirituba no Município de São Paulo. A procura por serviço de saúde nos 15 dias que precederam a entrevista foi de 22%. O local mais procurado foi o Centro de saúde. O principal motivo de procura foi a consulta clínica (51%). A descrição e análise do consumo efetivo da população adscrita às equipes de PSF pode servir como um importante instrumento para o planejamento das ações da USF / Brazil still has a National Health System unable to meet the needs of the population. Since the year 2001 the city of São Paulo established the Family Health Care Program as a structural strategy for the municipal health system. The hypothesis of this research is that the Family Health Care Program, as the other models of health care, offers services without matching the people utilization of health supplies. To stimate the utilization of health care supplies of a population visited by the Family Program (1360 families) and to identify the care services provided by a Family Health Care team are the objetives of this survey. A community inquiry were carried out among a sample from the population assisted by a family health care team in the Distritct of Pirituba located in the north-west of the city of São Paulo. The supervisor and the general phisicyan were also interviewed in order to estimate the services provided by the health team. The results showed an adult population, low level of literacy and low income. Thirthy-one percent was the population having a supplementary private health insurances. Twenty-two percent of the population seek the care of a professional within 15 days before the interview. The primary care services has the skill to be a portal of entry to the health System. People suffering from hypertension, heart disease and depression use more health services than healthy population. Searching for a physician appointment was 51% of the reasons to go to a health service, showing a poor interdiciplinary teamwork culture. Self-medication was very high for those medicine causing important side-effects. Referring patients to a specialist, having access to high-technology procedures and finding a place at hospitals were the main dificultties found by the family health care team. The health care coverage of the family health care team do not consider the utilization of health services by tha area served by them keeping the old fashion way of planning health services. The services they provide are not enough to meet the needs of the population they visit. The metodology of measuring the needs of the population to be attended is one of the ways to organize and plan a better population-based halth care system.

"Consumo de serviço de saúde numa população adscrita ao Programa Saúde da Família na região noroeste do município de São Paulo" / Consume of health supplies in a population attended by the family Health Program in a district of the city of São Paulo

Elisabete Amodio Estorilio 30 August 2004 (has links)
O PSF emerge para reordenar o modelo de atenção à saúde. Os objetivos deste trabalho são o de estimar o consumo dos serviços de saúde e identificar a capacidade de oferta de serviços da USF. Foram realizadas entrevistas sobre o consumo de serviços de saúde por amostragem na população adscrita a equipe 01 da USF Jd Pirituba no Município de São Paulo. A procura por serviço de saúde nos 15 dias que precederam a entrevista foi de 22%. O local mais procurado foi o Centro de saúde. O principal motivo de procura foi a consulta clínica (51%). A descrição e análise do consumo efetivo da população adscrita às equipes de PSF pode servir como um importante instrumento para o planejamento das ações da USF / Brazil still has a National Health System unable to meet the needs of the population. Since the year 2001 the city of São Paulo established the Family Health Care Program as a structural strategy for the municipal health system. The hypothesis of this research is that the Family Health Care Program, as the other models of health care, offers services without matching the people utilization of health supplies. To stimate the utilization of health care supplies of a population visited by the Family Program (1360 families) and to identify the care services provided by a Family Health Care team are the objetives of this survey. A community inquiry were carried out among a sample from the population assisted by a family health care team in the Distritct of Pirituba located in the north-west of the city of São Paulo. The supervisor and the general phisicyan were also interviewed in order to estimate the services provided by the health team. The results showed an adult population, low level of literacy and low income. Thirthy-one percent was the population having a supplementary private health insurances. Twenty-two percent of the population seek the care of a professional within 15 days before the interview. The primary care services has the skill to be a portal of entry to the health System. People suffering from hypertension, heart disease and depression use more health services than healthy population. Searching for a physician appointment was 51% of the reasons to go to a health service, showing a poor interdiciplinary teamwork culture. Self-medication was very high for those medicine causing important side-effects. Referring patients to a specialist, having access to high-technology procedures and finding a place at hospitals were the main dificultties found by the family health care team. The health care coverage of the family health care team do not consider the utilization of health services by tha area served by them keeping the old fashion way of planning health services. The services they provide are not enough to meet the needs of the population they visit. The metodology of measuring the needs of the population to be attended is one of the ways to organize and plan a better population-based halth care system.

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