Spelling suggestions: "subject:"precast"" "subject:"recast""
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Consolos de concreto moldados em duas etapas: influência do tratamento da interface e da adição de fibras de aço / Concrete corbels cast in two stages: influence of treatment of the interface and the addition of steel fibersOliveira, Edilene Muniz de 29 August 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-08-29 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / Concrete corbels are among the most used components to connect precast elements. Series
production is often prejudiced by the necessity of making corbels in different positions in
precast elements. To reduce this obstacle and rationalize the production, execution of concrete
corbels cast in two stages can be a good alternative. The researche reported here intended to
evaluate different procedures of making concrete corbels cast in two stages, being column
cast firstly and, after removing formwork, corbels can be cast. Concrete corbels with and
without steel fibers, both with horizontal stirrups and with steel fibers replacing it, with
varying the treatment of joint and the shape of the connect the main steel bars to the column
were analyzed. To do so, experimental and analytical analyses of concrete corbels cast
monolithically and in two distinct phases were carried out. In the tests, the strength, vertical
and horizontal displacements in relation to the column, the opening of cracks and strains of
main steel and horizontal stirrups were determined. From these tests it was observed that the
ultimate strength of monolithic corbels increased significantly when steel fibers were added to
concrete, even when they replaced the horizontal stirrups, but this increase did not occur in
concrete corbels cast in two stages. However, it was observed that steel fibers could replace
the horizontal stirrups without damage to the bearing capacity. Besides, the presence of
horizontal stirrups increased the ultimate strength of the concrete corbels without steel fibers
cast in two stages. It was also observed that the opening of the joint between the corbel and
the column was also influenced by the presence of horizontal stirrups for concrete corbels cast
in two stages and monolithic concrete corbels. In the other hand, steel fibers added to the
concrete did not affect the opening of the joint corbel-column of corbel cast in two stages, but
substantially reduced this opening in monolithic corbels. Finally, it was observed that the
treatment of the interface had little significance in the ultimate strength of the concrete corbels
cast in two stages, but it influenced the opening of this interface, although only in concrete
corbels with horizontal stirrups. / Os consolos de concreto estão entre os componentes das ligações mais utilizados entre os
elementos pré-moldados. A produção em série é muitas vezes prejudicada pela necessidade da
confecção de consolos em diferentes posições nas peças pré-moldadas. Visando reduzir esse
entrave, otimizando a produção, a execução de consolos de concreto moldados em duas etapas
pode ser uma boa alternativa. Essa pesquisa intencionou avaliar diferentes procedimentos de
confecção de consolos de concreto moldados em duas etapas, onde molda-se primeiramente o
pilar e após a desfôrma, moldam-se os consolos. Foram analisados consolos com e sem a
incorporação de fibras metálicas, tanto com armadura de costura como em substituição a ela,
variando o tratamento da junta e a forma da ligação do tirante do consolo ao pilar. Para tanto,
foram realizadas análises experimental e analítica de consolos moldados monoliticamente e
em fases distintas. Nos ensaios, foram determinadas a força, o deslocamento vertical e
horizontal do consolo em relação ao pilar, a abertura de fissuras e as deformações da
armadura do tirante e armadura de costura. A força última dos consolos monolíticos aumentou
significativamente quando foi incorporado fibras metálicas ao concreto, inclusive quando
estas foram em substituição da armadura de costura. Já nos consolos moldados em duas etapas
não ocorreu esse aumento, no entanto, observou-se que as fibras metálicas poderiam substituir
a armadura de costura sem prejuízo à capacidade resistente. A presença da armadura de
costura elevou a força última dos consolos de concreto sem fibras, moldados em duas etapas.
A abertura na interface entre o consolo e o pilar também é influenciada pela presença da
armadura de costura, tanto nos consolos moldados em duas etapas quanto nos consolos
monolíticos. Já as fibras metálicas adicionadas ao concreto não influenciaram a abertura da
interface consolo-pilar dos consolos moldados em duas etapas, mas reduziram
substancialmente nos consolos monolíticos. O tratamento da interface teve pouca
significância na força última dos consolos moldados em duas etapas. Já na abertura dessa
interface, verificou-se influência apenas em consolos com armadura de costura presentes.
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Análise estrutural de galpões atirantados de concreto pré-moldado / Structural analysis of sheds with tied portal frames of precast concreteAndreilton de Paula Santos 08 June 2010 (has links)
Os galpões de concreto pré-moldado, formados por pórticos atirantados, são muito utilizados, no Brasil. Porém, para o projeto dessas estruturas, a bibliografia é limitada. Além disso, vários critérios de projeto são adaptados dos relativos a estruturas de concreto moldado no local e de múltiplos pavimentos. O objetivo deste trabalho é contribuir para a análise desse tipo de estrutura, introduzindo conceitos que dificilmente são considerados na prática, tais como: rigidez da ligação viga-pilar, análise não-linear física e geométrica, deformação excessiva e fluência. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida por meio de análises estruturais, usando modelos de galpões comuns na prática. Cada conceito citado anteriormente foi analisado em exemplos. A rigidez da ligação viga-pilar foi avaliada com base no parâmetro de restrição à rotação, \'alfa\'R. A não-linearidade física (NLF) do concreto foi considerada pelo método de Branson. Para a não-linearidade geométrica (NLG), foram utilizados os parâmetros \'alfa\' e o processo P.\'delta\'. A deformação excessiva, incluindo a fluência, foi discutida tendo em conta os aspectos normativos. Constatou-se que a ligação viga-pilar pode ter comportamento semi-rígido em alguns casos, mas, se corretamente dimensionada, apresenta, de fato, comportamento rígido. A consideração da NLF apresentou resultados melhores que a análise elástica linear, sendo possível, para o exemplo estudado, utilizar um coeficiente redutor de inércia igual a 0,5, para as vigas e para os pilares do pórtico. Concluiu-se, também, que a consideração da NLG deve ser feita sistematicamente para esse tipo de estrutura, uma vez que alguns exemplos apresentaram acréscimos de momentos superiores a 10% e \'alfa\' > \'alfa\' lim. Além disso, observou-se que a verificação do estado limite de deformação excessiva (ELS-DEF) pode ser determinante na escolha das seções transversais do pórtico, sendo obrigatória a consideração da fluência. Nesse sentido, o presente trabalho contribui para a literatura técnica sobre a análise estrutural dos galpões atirantados, auxiliando projetistas no cálculo dessas estruturas e servindo de referência nos cursos sobre esse assunto. / Sheds of precast concrete formed by tied portal frames are widely used in Brazil. However, there are few works on the design of these structures. In addition, several design criteria are adapted from those relative to the structures of cast in place concrete and multi-storey buildings. The objective of this work is to contribute to the analysis of this type of structure, introducing concepts that are hardly seen in practice, such as: rigidity of beam-column connection, physics and geometric nonlinear analysis, excessive deformation, and creep. The research was developed by mean of structural analysis, using models of sheds common in practice. Each concept previously mentioned was analyzed in examples. The stiffness of the beam-column connection was evaluated with base on the restriction parameter of the rotation, \'alfa\'R. The physics non-linearity (PNL) of concrete was considered by the method of Branson. For the geometric non-linearity (GNL) the parameter \'alfa\' and the process P.\'delta\' were used. The excessive deformation including creep was discussed taking in account the aspects of brazilian codes. It was found that the beam-column connection may have semi-rigid behavior in some cases, but, if properly designed, it has in fact rigid behavior. The consideration of the PNL had better results than the linear elastic analysis, and, for the sample studied, was possible to use a reduction coefficient of inertia equal to 0.5 for the beams and columns of the portal frame. It was also concluded that the consideration of GNL should be done systematically for this type of structure, since as some examples showed increase of moments above 10% and \'alfa\' > \'alfa\' lim. Furthermore, it was observed that the verification of deflection serviceability can be decisive in the choice of the portal frame cross sections, being obligatory the consideration of creep. In this sense, the present work contributes to the technical literature on the structural analysis of the tied portal frame sheds, helping engineers in the design of these structures and serving as reference in courses about this subject.
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Pré-fabricados em argamassa armada: material, técnica e desenho de componentes desenvolvidos por Lelé / Precast on ferrocement: material, technique and design of components developed by LeléCristina Câncio Trigo 06 April 2009 (has links)
Esta pesquisa objetiva documentar e analisar informações sobre projetos e processos desenvolvidos por João Filgueiras Lima, Lelé, para componentes pré-fabricados em argamassa armada sob o enfoque do desempenho nas fases de produção, montagem e uso final. A natureza descritiva desta pesquisa permitiu a sistematização do conhecimento nela reportado e analisado com base no estudo de documentos históricos e trabalhos técnicos, observação e entrevistas semi-estruturadas e livres. A escolha dos componentes que são objeto de estudo da dissertação (viga da escola e casca da creche) se deu com base na adequação do desenho ao seu material e à sua técnica construtiva e a oportunidade de evolução do projeto. Os componentes são analisados qualitativamente, com base nos seguintes requisitos de desempenho relativos às suas funções no edifício: desempenho estrutural, construtibilidade, adequação ao uso final. Destacam-se as interfaces entre os componentes de argamassa armada analisados e os demais componentes, elementos e subsistemas da construção. / This research aims to document and analyze information stemmed from projects and processes developed by João Filgueiras Lima, Lelé, to examine the performance stages of production, assembly and final use of the precasted components on ferrocement. The descriptive nature of this research led to the systematization and analysis of the knowledge reported on historical documents and technical works, observation, semi-structured and unstructured interviews. The election of the object of study (the beam of the school and shell of the nursery school), was based on the adequacy of the design to the material employed and to the constructive technique applied as well as on the opportunity of evolution of the project. The components are qualitatively analyzed, based on the following performance requirements: structural performance, constructibility and adequacy for final use. Interfaces between the components of ferrocement analyzed and other components, subsystems and elements of construction are also explored.
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Análise experimental estática e dinâmica da rigidez de ligações viga-pilar de concreto pré-moldado / Static and dynamic experimental analysis of precast concrete beam-to-column connection stiffnessAlmeida, Sandra Freire de 18 October 2010 (has links)
Em estruturas de concreto pré-moldado, as ligações usualmente apresentam comportamento semi-rígido, apesar desse tipo de vinculação não ser sempre considerado no projeto e análise das estruturas. Ensaios dinâmicos para a determinação da rigidez da ligação apresentam a vantagem de serem não-destrutivos e a possibilidade de serem utilizados na verificação das condições reais de vínculo ou para a avaliação da necessidade de um eventual reforço estrutural. Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de um método para a análise da deformabilidade de estruturas de concreto baseado em ensaios dinâmicos, focalizando a semi-rigidez das ligações de elementos pré-moldados. Os objetos de estudo específicos são as ligações viga-pilar com capacidade de transmissão de forças e momentos. Em uma etapa preliminar desta pesquisa, realizaram-se ensaios-piloto em diferentes modelos de estruturas de concreto e de aço, em tamanho real e reduzido, com diferentes condições de contorno, para avaliar os instrumentos, equipamentos e sensores disponíveis. A partir da verificação da metodologia experimental proposta, realizou-se um estudo comparativo dos resultados obtidos com ensaios estáticos e dinâmicos em um modelo reduzido de pórtico de concreto pré-moldado, utilizando métodos diretos na obtenção da rigidez da ligação entre os elementos. Na confecção das ligações viga-pilar, foram empregados dispositivos usuais, tais como: dente e consolo, chumbador, almofada de apoio e preenchimento com graute e, posteriormente, aplicados reforços por inserção de laminado de PRFC inseridos no concreto de cobrimento, que permitiu o incremento da resistência e da rigidez à flexão das ligações. A metodologia experimental para determinar a rigidez da ligação viga-pilar envolveu procedimentos diretos, com ensaios dinâmicos de vibração forçada e sinais medidos por acelerômetros, e ensaios estáticos usuais em que se utilizam transdutores de deslocamento e clinômetros. Os resultados dos ensaios com os modelos de concreto, corroborados pelos resultados dos modelos metálicos, demonstram a validade da utilização da metodologia experimental dinâmica para determinação direta da rigidez de ligações. As conclusões obtidas aplicam-se diretamente ao projeto das estruturas e à prática da investigação estrutural, dentro do ambiente acadêmico e da indústria. / Usually precast concrete connections are considered as perfect joints (pinned or rigid), however the real behavior can be intermediate what is called semi-rigid. The use of dynamic tests is an advantage to obtain stiffness values without damaging the structure and can be used to assess the real boundary conditions or verify the need for structural strengthening. This research aims to develop a dynamic experimental procedure to determine the beam-to-column connection stiffness of precast concrete structures directly from accelerometer measured data. The preliminary tests were carried on specimens of real size or reduced scale, as well as concrete or steel connection specimens with different boundary conditions. The experimental tests were conducted in a reduced scale concrete frame composed of precast columns and beam. The frame was tested through dynamic and static methods in order to obtain the beam-to-column stiffness value directly. The beam was connected to the columns by pinned connections, formed by support cushions and dowels. In addition, the connections were strengthened by embedding CFRP strips in the lateral concrete cover, according to NSM technique (Near-Surface Mounted). Experimental static and dynamic tests were done at different loading steps. The results obtained with concrete and steel models show good agreement between static and dynamic tests.
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Development of Design Guidelines for CIP Joint Connections with U-bar ReinforcementHanks, Richard Aaron 01 May 2011 (has links)
The interstate highway system is vitally dependent upon current and future bridges. These bridges must be designed economically to continue the serviceability with limited maintenance. For precast bridge construction a portion of the design must consider the bridge connections. Some current connections have proved insufficient in serviceability as there is uncontrolled cracking. In other connections there are uncertainties in the calculations (or lack of calculations) which require design guidelines.
This thesis presents design recommendations for precast decking u-bar reinforcement in tension which results from negative moment over a pier. Testing results from the University of Tennessee were analyzed to determine the design recommendations. The calculated capacity of the specimens was determined first by strut and tie modeling by AASHTO and ACI, but was shown to be insufficient.
Proposed changes to the current calculation of the strut width as specified in AASHTO and ACI STM methods were discussed in order to match the test results. However, strut and tie modeling demonstrated that the design for the lacer bar was inadequate. Since the strut and tie modeling method resulted in an inaccurate lacer bar size, another method was developed.
A triangular shape develops from the flow of forces in the connection joint zone; as a result, a free body diagram (FBD) was developed from the concrete triangular shape. This diagram showed how the forces flow in the in-situ joint as well as how they are resisted. A formula was developed from the FBD to determine the capacity of the joint which accurately reflected the capacities from tests.
A FBD was also made of the lacer bar utilizing the forces and geometry calculated from the capacity calculations. A computer analysis program was used to determine the forces in the lacer bar. The lacer bar could then be designed since the required forces to resist (moment and shear) were known.
A comparison of the strut and tie model to the triangular method led to the conclusion that both can determine the longitudinal reinforcement spacing, joint overlap length, and concrete strength, but only the triangular method can determine a more sufficient lacer bar size.
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Base Isolation of a Chilean Masonry House: A Comparative StudyHusfeld, Rachel L. 16 January 2010 (has links)
The objective of this study is to reduce the interstory drifts, floor accelerations,
and shear forces experienced by masonry houses subject to seismic excitation. Ambient
vibration testing was performed on a case study structure in Maip�, Chile, to identify
characteristics of the system. Upon creating a multiple degree-of-freedom (MDOF)
model of the structure, the effect of implementing several base isolation techniques is
assessed. The isolation techniques analyzed include the use of friction pendulum
systems (FPS), high-damping rubber bearings (HDRB), two hybrid systems involving
HDRB and shape memory alloys (SMA), and precast-prestressed pile (PPP) isolators.
The dynamic behavior of each device is numerically modeled using analytical
formulations and experimental data through the means of fuzzy inference systems (FIS)
and S-functions. A multiobjective genetic algorithm is utilized to optimize the
parameters of the FPS and the PPP isolation systems, while a trial-and-error method is
employed to optimize characteristic parameters of the other devices.
Two cases are studied: one case involves using eight devices in each isolation
system and optimizing the parameters of each device, resulting in different isolated
periods for each system, while the other case involves using the number of devices and
device parameters that result in a 1.0 sec fundamental period of vibration for each baseisolated
structure. For both cases, the optimized devices are simulated in the numerical
model of the case study structure, which is subjected to a suite of earthquake records.
Numerical results for the devices studied indicate significant reductions in
responses of the base-isolated structures in comparison with their counterparts in the
fixed-base structure. Metrics monitored include base shear, structural shear, interstory drift, and floor acceleration. In particular, the PPP isolation system in the first case
reduces the peak base shear, RMS floor acceleration, peak structural shear, peak
interstory drift, and peak floor acceleration by at least 88, 87, 95, 95, and 94%,
respectively, for all of the Chilean earthquakes considered. The PPP isolation system in
the second case (yielding a 1.0 sec period) and the FPS isolation systems in both cases
also significantly reduce the response of the base-isolated structure from that of the
fixed-base structure.
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Stability of precast prestressed concrete bridge girders considering imperfections and thermal effectsHurff, Jonathan B. 30 June 2010 (has links)
The spans of precast prestressed concrete bridge girders have become longer to provide more economical and safer transportation structures. As the spans have increased, so has the depth of the girders which in turn have increased the slenderness of the girders. Slenderness in a beam or girder would increase the likelihood that a stability failure would occur. Stability failures could pose a danger to construction personnel due to the sudden nature in which a stability failure would occur. Furthermore, stability failures of prestressed concrete girders during construction would cause a detrimental economic impact due to the costs associated with the failure of the girder, the ensuing construction delays, damage to construction equipment and potential closures to highways over which the bridge was being constructed.
An experimental and analytical study was performed to determine the stability behavior of prestressed concrete beams. Two stability phenomenons were investigated: (1) lateral-torsional buckling and (2) global stability. An emphasis was placed on the effects of initial imperfections on the stability behavior; the effect elastomeric bearing pads and support rotational stiffness was investigated. The experimental study involved testing six rectangular prestressed concrete beams for lateral-torsional buckling, a PCI BT-54 for thermal deformations and the same PCI BT-54 for global stability. The 32-ft. long rectangular beams were 4-in. wide and 40-in. deep. The PCI BT-54 had a 100-ft. long span.
A material and geometric nonlinear, incremental load analysis was performed on the six rectangular beams. The nonlinear analyses matched the experimental load versus lateral displacement and load versus rotation behavior, and the analysis predicted the experimental maximum load within an error of 2%. The nonlinear analysis was extrapolated to several different initial imperfection conditions to parametrically study the effect of initial lateral displacement and initial rotation on the inelastic lateral-torsional buckling load. A simplified expression for lateral-torsional stability of beams with initial imperfections was developed. The data from the parametric study were used to develop reduction parameters for both initial sweep and initial rotation.
The rollover stability behavior of the PCI BT-54 was investigated experimentally, and it was found that support end rotations and the elastomeric bearing pads had an adverse effect on the global stability. The nonlinear analysis was employed with the addition of a bearing pad model. It was found that the behavior was sensitive to the bearing pad stiffness properties and the assumption of uniform bearing. From the research, it was apparent that rollover stability was the controlling stability phenomenon for precast prestressed concrete bridge girders, not lateral-torsional buckling.
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Durability of precast prestressed concrete piles in marine environmentsHolland, Robert Brett 05 July 2012 (has links)
In this research, two phases of work were conducted. First, an investigation into the durability concerns for precast prestressed concrete piles exposed to marine environments was conducted. The investigation characterized the durability concerns of chemical, biological, and physical deterioration mechanisms. The results of this study were used to develop potential high performance marine concretes (HPMC) that would be capable of 100+ year service lives in marine environments. Extensive durability testing and service life modeling of the HPMC was performed. Chloride ingress resistance was investigated using accelerated and long-term test procedures and the results used to perform service life modeling to predict the time before corrosion initiation. Sulfate resistance characterization was performed using multiple techniques to characterize the physical and chemical behavior of binder compositions containing binary or ternary mixes containing cement and supplementary cementitious materials (SCM's) subjected to a sulfate-laden environment. Accelerated carbonation testing and material characterization led to the finding of relationships in the chemical composition of mix designs and the observed durability and the results used to perform corrosion initiation service life modeling. An investigation into the influence of self-healing of cracked concrete led to fundamental findings on the behavior of chloride ingress for cracked concrete structures in marine environments. The results of this research led to the development of concrete mix designs capable of providing service lives over 100 years in Georgia's marine environments, as well as the advancement of the current state of knowledge on the durability characteristics of ternary mix designs.
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Stress monitoring and sweep control studies for innovative prestressed precast archesBlok, Joel Phillip 29 October 2012 (has links)
The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) has completed the design of a signature bridge in Fort Worth, TX. The proposed structure is comprised of precast, post-tensioned concrete network arches. The arches will be cast on their sides and then rotated into the vertical orientation. Concerns exist about the durability and stability of the arches during stressing, handling, and transportation. The rotation process in particular represents a critical period in the life of the arches. A monitoring system was proposed to track stresses in the arches throughout the construction operations. The primary goals of the project are to install vibrating wire gages (VWGs) in the arches prior to casting to monitor the performance of the arches until the bridge is completed. The instrumentation will be used to provide real-time feedback to TxDOT and the contractor during stressing, handling, and bridge construction. This thesis focuses on the results of a preliminary laboratory study conducted in support of the instrumentation initiative. The purpose of the study was two-fold: to establish the capabilities and limitations of the VWGs and to study the buckling behavior of slender concrete elements with unbonded post-tensioning. More than sixty axial load tests were performed on two slender concrete specimens instrumented with VWGs. Observations are made on the accuracy and reliability of the VWGs. In general, the VWGs were found to be both accurate and reliable in measuring structural parameters and reporting trends in behavior, even at low loads. Some apparent errors were identified, but these were attributed to testing inconsistencies and scale factors rather than to gage error. Observations were also made on the buckling behavior of the elements under a variety of axial loading configurations. The effects of the engagement of the tensioned strand with the duct had a significant impact on the behavior. Strand engagement was shown to increase the buckling capacity of the members through stiffening action, but did not necessarily eliminate the risk of instability. Both the gage resolution study and the stability tests are expected to significantly enhance the ability of the research team to support the arch construction operations. / text
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The significance of negative bending moments in the seismic performance of hollow-core flooringWoods, Lisa Joy January 2008 (has links)
Hollow-core flooring units are designed as simply supported members. However, frequently in construction, continuity is established between the units and supporting structure by the addition of insitu topping concrete and steel reinforcement. This change in structural form can result in negative bending moments and axial forces being induced in the floor by seismic and other structural actions. Significant negative moments are induced by load combinations that include the effects of seismic forces due to vertical ground motion. The focus of this research was two failure mechanisms possible under these loading conditions, a flexural failure and a shear failure. Both failure mechanisms were investigated analytically and experimentally.
A brittle flexural failure was observed experimentally in a sub assembly test that contained starter bars and mesh reinforcement in the insitu topping concrete. The failure occurred at loads lower than those predicted using standard flexural theory. It appears that, due to the prestressing and low reinforcement ratio of the topping concrete, the assumption that plane sections remain plane is not appropriate for this situation. It is proposed that a strain concentration factor be introduced to account for the effects of tension stiffening. This factor improves the correlation between observed and predicted flexural strength.
The second failure mode investigated was a flexure shear failure in a negative moment zone. Flexural cracks reduce the shear strength of a reinforced concrete member. Analytical predictions suggest that some hollow-core floor details could be prone to this type of brittle failure. A flexure shear failure was not observed experimentally; however, this does not eliminate the possibility of this failure mode.
A summary of other failure mechanisms possible in hollow-core flooring is also presented. All failure modes should to be considered as part of establishing a hierarchy of failure in the design or retrofit of hollow-core floors.
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