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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Breaking the Time Preference : A study of home delivery

Alvinsson, Gustav January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund. E-handel ökar ständigt, och med det även frakt av ehandelsvaror. Frakten som skrivs om i den här studien syftar till den frakt som sker mellan en återförsäljare och en slutkonsument. Denna är i texten kallad last-mile delivery. Denna är identifierad som mycket kostnadsbärande för återförsäljare och därför har ansträngningar gjorts för att ta reda på vad som driver konsumentpreferenser vid frakt av ehandelsvaror. För att bredda det här fältet och den nuvarande kunskapen inom område har den här studien introducerat tidspreferensteori som underlag och adderat betalningsfördröjning som attribut vid last-mile delivery för att se vilken effekt detta har på preferenser vid fraktval. Syfte. Syftet med den här studien är att ta reda på hur en fördröjd betalning kan påverka preferenserna för olika last-mile delivery-alternativ. Överlag syftar också studien till att bredda kunskapen inom området. Detta görs alltså med introduktionen av tidspreferensteori till området. Metod. Studien är en experimentstudie med en ansluten enkät. Enkäten gjordes i tre utföranden och skickades ut i tre distinkta experimentgrupper. Därefter testades datan med ett icke-parametriskt proportionstest för att se om det fanns någon signifikant mängd svar som stödjer att en fördröjd betalning påverkar konsumentens val av last-mile delivery-alternativ. Resultat. Resultaten av studien visar att det inte finns någon koppling mellan en fördröjd betalning och ändrade konsumentbeteenden i fraktpreferenser. Överlag så valdes fraktalternativet med lägst frakt. Detta är något som går igen i flera tidigare studier där man kommit fram till att fraktkostnad och leveranshastighet är de två mest betydelsefulla aspekterna av frakten. Det enda scenariot som visade någon förändring i preferens var då produkten vid köpet var en dyr sådan. Huruvida preferensskiftet går att tillskriva den fördröjda betalningen förblir oklart, men inte osannolikt. Slutsatser. Slutsatsen till studien blir att trots tidspreferens och fördröjd betalning användes i studien så gav de inget mervärde. Resultatet blev i linje med tidigare resultat. Att tidspreferensteorin inte höll för fraktpreferenserna kan haft att göra med studiedesignen. En framtida studie hade kunnat göra ett mer ingående arbete och fokusera ännu mer på tidspreferensen för att hitta nya resultat / Background. E-commerce is ever expanding, and with it, so is last-mile delivery. Last-mile delivery is the last part of any delivery from a retailer or etailer (online retailer) to a consumer. Last-mile delivery is one of the most costly parts of the supply chain for many etailers and as such efforts have been made to understand what drives preferences for last-mile delivery. To broaden this field, this study will introduce time preference theory to the last-mile delivery and examine if delayed payment of an online purchase has any effect on the last-mile deliver preferences.  Objectives. The objectives of this study are to examine if delayed payment of online purchases has any effect on the last-mile delivery preference for consumers, as well as broaden the knowledge on last-mile delivery preferences in general. This is done with the inclusion of time preference theory as an underlying theory.  Methods. The study is carried out through the use of an experiment study with an experiment survey. The survey was made into three different versions, distributed to three different experiment groups. The data was then tested with a non-parametric proportion test with varying values of proportion to see whether there was any significant proportion of the replies that were in favor of delay of payment having any effect on the consumer preference.   Results. The results of the study showed that consumers generally choose the last-mile delivery option with the lowest delivery fee. This is in line with previous findings which concluded that delivery fee and delivery speed are the two most important factors for consumers. The only case in which consumers indicated that there was any effect of the payment delay was in the case of an expensive product. Even then it is hard to rule out that it was not something else that brought this result.   Conclusions. The concluding findings of the study is that while time preference was added as an attribute for last-mile delivery, it had little to no effect. This may have been because of the study design of this study. For future research on the topic, examining time preference in a greater depth may give different findings from this study.


FAUSZ, JAMES K. 07 July 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Relationships among folk song preferences of grade five students

Baltagi, Ibrahim H. 19 September 2006 (has links)
No description available.

On learning and visualizing lexicographic preference trees

Moussa, Ahmed S. 01 January 2019 (has links)
Preferences are very important in research fields such as decision making, recommendersystemsandmarketing. The focus of this thesis is on preferences over combinatorial domains, which are domains of objects configured with categorical attributes. For example, the domain of cars includes car objects that are constructed withvaluesforattributes, such as ‘make’, ‘year’, ‘model’, ‘color’, ‘body type’ and ‘transmission’.Different values can instantiate an attribute. For instance, values for attribute ‘make’canbeHonda, Toyota, Tesla or BMW, and attribute ‘transmission’ can haveautomaticormanual. To this end,thisthesis studiesproblemsonpreference visualization and learning for lexicographic preference trees, graphical preference models that often are compact over complex domains of objects built of categorical attributes. Visualizing preferences is essential to provide users with insights into the process of decision making, while learning preferences from data is practically important, as it is ineffective to elicit preference models directly from users. The results obtained from this thesis are two parts: 1) for preference visualization, aweb- basedsystem is created that visualizes various types of lexicographic preference tree models learned by a greedy learning algorithm; 2) for preference learning, a genetic algorithm is designed and implemented, called GA, that learns a restricted type of lexicographic preference tree, called unconditional importance and unconditional preference tree, or UIUP trees for short. Experiments show that GA achieves higher accuracy compared to the greedy algorithm at the cost of more computational time. Moreover, a Dynamic Programming Algorithm (DPA) was devised and implemented that computes an optimal UIUP tree model in the sense that it satisfies as many examples as possible in the dataset. This novel exact algorithm (DPA), was used to evaluate the quality of models computed by GA, and it was found to reduce the factorial time complexity of the brute force algorithm to exponential. The major contribution to the field of machine learning and data mining in this thesis would be the novel learning algorithm (DPA) which is an exact algorithm. DPA learns and finds the best UIUP tree model in the huge search space which classifies accurately the most number of examples in the training dataset; such model is referred to as the optimal model in this thesis. Finally, using datasets produced from randomly generated UIUP trees, this thesis presents experimental results on the performances (e.g., accuracy and computational time) of GA compared to the existent greedy algorithm and DPA.

Stálost objektu jako metoda pro výzkum vyšších kognitivních funkcí primátů / Object permanence as a method to study higher cognitive functions of primates

Englerová, Kateřina January 2014 (has links)
Object permanence is a cognitive ability, which allows individual to realize the existence of an object even it is not directly accessible to its senses. This ability is essential for successful using of complex cognitive operations. Object permanence is qualitatively and gradually change throughout the development of a child. Congruently, it is not developed to the same level in various species of animals. The aim of this study is to study object permanence in naive rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta), because there is still some uncertainty about the development of this ability in macaques. Our results show that the naive subjects do not have the highest stage of object permanence (and they do not use representative strategy to solve the tasks), however, other results of our team suggest that more experienced individuals are able to achieve the highest stage under certain circumstances. We show that experimental design used to test object permanence can be modified and used also for studying of other cognitive abilities. We test the preferences of macaque monkeys toward novel non-food stimuli. The reactions of different species of animals can vary. The reactions depend on the type of stimuli (food or non-food), but also on the ecology and ethology of the species. Age, sex and personality of the...

Issues in Urban Travel Demand Modelling : ICT Implications and Trip timing choice

Börjesson, Maria January 2006 (has links)
Travel demand forecasting is essential for many decisions, such as infrastructure investments and policy measures. Traditionally travel demand modelling has considered trip frequency, mode, destination and route choice. This thesis considers two other choice dimensions, hypothesised to have implications for travel demand forecasting. The first part investigates how the increased possibilities to overcome space that ICT (information and communication technology) provides, can be integrated in travel demand forecasting models. We find that possibilities of modelling substitution effects are limited, irrespective of data source and modelling approach. Telecommuting explains, however, a very small part of variation in work trip frequency. It is therefore not urgent to include effects from telecommuting in travel demand forecasting. The results indicate that telecommuting is a privilege for certain groups of employees, and we therefore expect that negative attitudes from management, job suitability and lack of equipment are important obstacles. We find also that company benefits can be obtained from telecommuting. No evidences that telecommuting gives rise to urban sprawl is, however, found. Hence, there is ground for promoting telecommuting from a societal, individual and company perspective. The second part develops a departure time choice model in a mixed logit framework. This model explains how travellers trade-off travel time, travel time variability, monetary and scheduling costs, when choosing departure time. We explicitly account for correlation in unobserved heterogeneity over repeated SP choices, which was fundamental for accurate estimation of the substitution pattern. Temporal constraints at destination are found to mainly restrict late arrival. Constraints at origin mainly restrict early departure. Sensitivity to travel time uncertainty depends on trip type and intended arrival time. Given appropriate input data and a calibrated dynamic assignment model, the model can be applied to forecast peak-spreading effects in congested networks. Combined stated preference (SP) and revealed preference (RP) data is used, which has provided an opportunity to compare observed and stated behaviour. Such analysis has previously not been carried out and indicates that there are systematic differences in RP and SP data. / QC 20100825

Fuzzy Preferences in the Graph Model for Conflict Resolution

Bashar, Md. Abul January 2012 (has links)
A Fuzzy Preference Framework for the Graph Model for Conflict Resolution (FGM) is developed so that real-world conflicts in which decision makers (DMs) have uncertain preferences can be modeled and analyzed mathematically in order to gain strategic insights. The graph model methodology constitutes both a formal representation of a multiple participant-multiple objective decision problem and a set of analysis procedures that provide insights into them. Because crisp or definite preference is a special case of fuzzy preference, the new framework of the graph model can include---and integrate into the analysis---both certain and uncertain information about DMs' preferences. In this sense, the FGM is an important generalization of the existing graph model for conflict resolution. One key contribution of this study is to extend the four basic graph model stability definitions to models with fuzzy preferences. Together, fuzzy Nash stability, fuzzy general metarationality, fuzzy symmetric metarationality, and fuzzy sequential stability provide a realistic description of human behavior under conflict in the face of uncertainty. A state is fuzzy stable for a DM if a move to any other state is not sufficiently likely to yield an outcome the DM prefers, where sufficiency is measured according to a fuzzy satisficing threshold that is characteristic of the DM. A fuzzy equilibrium, an outcome that is fuzzy stable for all DMs, therefore represents a possible resolution of the conflict. To demonstrate their applicability, the fuzzy stability definitions are applied to a generic two-DM sustainable development conflict, in which a developer plans to build or operate a project inspected by an environmental agency. This application identifies stable outcomes, and thus clarifies the necessary conditions for sustainability. The methodology is then applied to an actual dispute with more than two DMs concerning groundwater contamination that took place in Elmira, Ontario, Canada, again uncovering valuable strategic insights. To investigate how DMs with fuzzy preferences can cooperate in a strategic conflict, coalition fuzzy stability concepts are developed within FGM. In particular, coalition fuzzy Nash stability, coalition fuzzy general metarationality, coalition fuzzy symmetric metarationality, and coalition fuzzy sequential stability are defined, for both a coalition and a single DM. These concepts constitute a natural generalization of the corresponding non-cooperative fuzzy preference-based definitions for Nash stability, general metarationality, symmetric metarationality, and sequential stability, respectively. As a follow-up analysis of the non-cooperative fuzzy stability results and to demonstrate their applicability, the coalition fuzzy stability definitions are applied to the aforementioned Elmira groundwater contamination conflict. These new concepts can be conveniently utilized in the study of practical problems in order to gain strategic insights and to compare conclusions derived from both cooperative and non-cooperative stability notions. A fuzzy option prioritization technique is developed within the FGM so that uncertain preferences of DMs in strategic conflicts can be efficiently modeled as fuzzy preferences by using the fuzzy truth values they assign to preference statements about feasible states. The preference statements of a DM express desirable combinations of options or courses of action, and are listed in order of importance. A fuzzy truth value is a truth degree, expressed as a number between 0 and 1, capturing uncertainty in the truth of a preference statement at a feasible state. It is established that the output of a fuzzy preference formula, developed based on the fuzzy truth values of preference statements, is always a fuzzy preference relation. The fuzzy option prioritization methodology can also be employed when the truth values of preference statements at feasible states are formally based on Boolean logic, thereby generating a crisp preference over feasible states that is the same as would be found using the existing crisp option prioritization approach. Therefore, crisp option prioritization is a special case of fuzzy option prioritization. To demonstrate how this methodology can be used to represent fuzzy preferences in real-world problems, the new fuzzy option prioritization technique is applied to the Elmira aquifer contamination conflict. It is observed that the fuzzy preferences obtained by employing this technique are very close to those found using the rather complicated and tedious pairwise comparison approach.

Asking about and Predicting Consumer Preference: Implications for New Product Development

Joo, Jaewoo 24 July 2013 (has links)
Designers do not merely develop concepts; they are increasingly involved in testing product concepts and learning consumer preference. However, designers’ decision making processes in these tasks have been little studied. In the two essays, I apply decision making frameworks to concept testing and preference learning to study consumer’s and designer’s biases. In my first essay, I study consumer bias in concept testing. When consumers test new products, they are often asked to choose which product they prefer. However, a choice question can elicit biased preference because consumers simply choose the product that is superior on the attribute serving their purchase purpose. My studies show that when consumers are asked to predict which product they will enjoy more, they are more likely to prefer the product that actually reflects their consumption utility. These findings suggest that making trade-offs is avoided in the choice question, but is encouraged in the enjoyment prediction question. Thus, a simple change of question format, in otherwise identical product comparisons, elicits different answers. This holds true when product attributes are easy to evaluate; when product attributes are hard to evaluate, changing question format does not affect consumer choice. My second essay examines designer bias in preference learning. When designers predict consumer preference for a product, they often base their predictions on consumer preference for similar products. However, this categorization-based strategy can result in biased predictions because categorical similarity is not diagnostic for preference prediction. I conducted two studies by applying a Multiple Cue Probability Learning experiment to a designer’s prediction task. I found that when subjects used a sequential learning strategy, making a sequence of predictions and receiving feedback, they increased prediction accuracy by 14% on average. When they made predictions with multiple sets, with a break between each set during which they reflected on what they had learned, their prediction accuracy further improved by 7% on average. In sum, I demonstrate bias and propose approaches to avoid them in two design tasks. My two essays show that the decision making frameworks are crucial in understanding and improving the successful outcome of the design process.

Asking about and Predicting Consumer Preference: Implications for New Product Development

Joo, Jaewoo 24 July 2013 (has links)
Designers do not merely develop concepts; they are increasingly involved in testing product concepts and learning consumer preference. However, designers’ decision making processes in these tasks have been little studied. In the two essays, I apply decision making frameworks to concept testing and preference learning to study consumer’s and designer’s biases. In my first essay, I study consumer bias in concept testing. When consumers test new products, they are often asked to choose which product they prefer. However, a choice question can elicit biased preference because consumers simply choose the product that is superior on the attribute serving their purchase purpose. My studies show that when consumers are asked to predict which product they will enjoy more, they are more likely to prefer the product that actually reflects their consumption utility. These findings suggest that making trade-offs is avoided in the choice question, but is encouraged in the enjoyment prediction question. Thus, a simple change of question format, in otherwise identical product comparisons, elicits different answers. This holds true when product attributes are easy to evaluate; when product attributes are hard to evaluate, changing question format does not affect consumer choice. My second essay examines designer bias in preference learning. When designers predict consumer preference for a product, they often base their predictions on consumer preference for similar products. However, this categorization-based strategy can result in biased predictions because categorical similarity is not diagnostic for preference prediction. I conducted two studies by applying a Multiple Cue Probability Learning experiment to a designer’s prediction task. I found that when subjects used a sequential learning strategy, making a sequence of predictions and receiving feedback, they increased prediction accuracy by 14% on average. When they made predictions with multiple sets, with a break between each set during which they reflected on what they had learned, their prediction accuracy further improved by 7% on average. In sum, I demonstrate bias and propose approaches to avoid them in two design tasks. My two essays show that the decision making frameworks are crucial in understanding and improving the successful outcome of the design process.

Fuzzy Preferences in the Graph Model for Conflict Resolution

Bashar, Md. Abul January 2012 (has links)
A Fuzzy Preference Framework for the Graph Model for Conflict Resolution (FGM) is developed so that real-world conflicts in which decision makers (DMs) have uncertain preferences can be modeled and analyzed mathematically in order to gain strategic insights. The graph model methodology constitutes both a formal representation of a multiple participant-multiple objective decision problem and a set of analysis procedures that provide insights into them. Because crisp or definite preference is a special case of fuzzy preference, the new framework of the graph model can include---and integrate into the analysis---both certain and uncertain information about DMs' preferences. In this sense, the FGM is an important generalization of the existing graph model for conflict resolution. One key contribution of this study is to extend the four basic graph model stability definitions to models with fuzzy preferences. Together, fuzzy Nash stability, fuzzy general metarationality, fuzzy symmetric metarationality, and fuzzy sequential stability provide a realistic description of human behavior under conflict in the face of uncertainty. A state is fuzzy stable for a DM if a move to any other state is not sufficiently likely to yield an outcome the DM prefers, where sufficiency is measured according to a fuzzy satisficing threshold that is characteristic of the DM. A fuzzy equilibrium, an outcome that is fuzzy stable for all DMs, therefore represents a possible resolution of the conflict. To demonstrate their applicability, the fuzzy stability definitions are applied to a generic two-DM sustainable development conflict, in which a developer plans to build or operate a project inspected by an environmental agency. This application identifies stable outcomes, and thus clarifies the necessary conditions for sustainability. The methodology is then applied to an actual dispute with more than two DMs concerning groundwater contamination that took place in Elmira, Ontario, Canada, again uncovering valuable strategic insights. To investigate how DMs with fuzzy preferences can cooperate in a strategic conflict, coalition fuzzy stability concepts are developed within FGM. In particular, coalition fuzzy Nash stability, coalition fuzzy general metarationality, coalition fuzzy symmetric metarationality, and coalition fuzzy sequential stability are defined, for both a coalition and a single DM. These concepts constitute a natural generalization of the corresponding non-cooperative fuzzy preference-based definitions for Nash stability, general metarationality, symmetric metarationality, and sequential stability, respectively. As a follow-up analysis of the non-cooperative fuzzy stability results and to demonstrate their applicability, the coalition fuzzy stability definitions are applied to the aforementioned Elmira groundwater contamination conflict. These new concepts can be conveniently utilized in the study of practical problems in order to gain strategic insights and to compare conclusions derived from both cooperative and non-cooperative stability notions. A fuzzy option prioritization technique is developed within the FGM so that uncertain preferences of DMs in strategic conflicts can be efficiently modeled as fuzzy preferences by using the fuzzy truth values they assign to preference statements about feasible states. The preference statements of a DM express desirable combinations of options or courses of action, and are listed in order of importance. A fuzzy truth value is a truth degree, expressed as a number between 0 and 1, capturing uncertainty in the truth of a preference statement at a feasible state. It is established that the output of a fuzzy preference formula, developed based on the fuzzy truth values of preference statements, is always a fuzzy preference relation. The fuzzy option prioritization methodology can also be employed when the truth values of preference statements at feasible states are formally based on Boolean logic, thereby generating a crisp preference over feasible states that is the same as would be found using the existing crisp option prioritization approach. Therefore, crisp option prioritization is a special case of fuzzy option prioritization. To demonstrate how this methodology can be used to represent fuzzy preferences in real-world problems, the new fuzzy option prioritization technique is applied to the Elmira aquifer contamination conflict. It is observed that the fuzzy preferences obtained by employing this technique are very close to those found using the rather complicated and tedious pairwise comparison approach.

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