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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Patterns of water table dynamics and runoff generation in a watershed with preferential flow networks

Anderson, Axel Edward 05 1900 (has links)
Our understanding of subsurface flow depends on assumptions of how event characteristics and spatial scale affect the relationships between subsurface water velocity, discharge, water table dynamics, and runoff response. In this thesis, three chapters explore some of these patterns for a hillslope and small watershed in coastal British Columbia. In the first chapter, tracers were applied under natural and steady state conditions to determine the relationship between lateral tracer velocities and various hillslope and event characteristics; such as hillslope subsurface flow, rainfall intensity, water table level, hillslope length, and antecedent condition. The results showed that preferential flow made up a large percentage of the subsurface flow from the gauged hillslope. Flow velocities as measured by tracers were affected by slope length and boundary conditions. The flow velocity was most closely related to the rainfall intensity, and changes in flow velocity were large compared to the changes in the water table. In the second chapter, the preferential flow features that transmitted water during steady state were investigated by staining the soil with a food dye solution and excavating the soil. These data were used to explore the link between the topographical factors (slope and contributing area), the network of preferential features and soil properties. The contributing area appeared to be an indicator of the size of the preferential features and their connectivity. In the final manuscript chapter, water table level and stream discharge measurements were used to determine if areas within a watershed with runoff dominated by preferential flow could be grouped based on the observable physical information such as slope, contributing area, distance to stream, and vegetation. Preferential flow made the water table responses dynamic and thus, distinct zones could not be identified. Models of the water table – runoff were not able to predict the water table response for other sites with similar physical characteristics. Even though there was high variability in the results, the patterns and relationships revealed in this thesis conform to existing conceptual models of hillslope subsurface preferential flow. These patterns and relationships may be useful in developing or validating numerical models.

Patterns of water table dynamics and runoff generation in a watershed with preferential flow networks

Anderson, Axel Edward 05 1900 (has links)
Our understanding of subsurface flow depends on assumptions of how event characteristics and spatial scale affect the relationships between subsurface water velocity, discharge, water table dynamics, and runoff response. In this thesis, three chapters explore some of these patterns for a hillslope and small watershed in coastal British Columbia. In the first chapter, tracers were applied under natural and steady state conditions to determine the relationship between lateral tracer velocities and various hillslope and event characteristics; such as hillslope subsurface flow, rainfall intensity, water table level, hillslope length, and antecedent condition. The results showed that preferential flow made up a large percentage of the subsurface flow from the gauged hillslope. Flow velocities as measured by tracers were affected by slope length and boundary conditions. The flow velocity was most closely related to the rainfall intensity, and changes in flow velocity were large compared to the changes in the water table. In the second chapter, the preferential flow features that transmitted water during steady state were investigated by staining the soil with a food dye solution and excavating the soil. These data were used to explore the link between the topographical factors (slope and contributing area), the network of preferential features and soil properties. The contributing area appeared to be an indicator of the size of the preferential features and their connectivity. In the final manuscript chapter, water table level and stream discharge measurements were used to determine if areas within a watershed with runoff dominated by preferential flow could be grouped based on the observable physical information such as slope, contributing area, distance to stream, and vegetation. Preferential flow made the water table responses dynamic and thus, distinct zones could not be identified. Models of the water table – runoff were not able to predict the water table response for other sites with similar physical characteristics. Even though there was high variability in the results, the patterns and relationships revealed in this thesis conform to existing conceptual models of hillslope subsurface preferential flow. These patterns and relationships may be useful in developing or validating numerical models.

Integrated management of groundwater and dependent ecosystems in a Finnish esker

Rossi, P. M. (Pekka M.) 27 May 2014 (has links)
Abstract Groundwater, a key part of the hydrological cycle, is under increasing pressure from different land uses and changing climate. However, less attention has been paid to integrated groundwater management than surface waters. This thesis combined hydrological and socio-economic research for the case study of the Rokua esker aquifer in order to update current concepts of groundwater management. The Rokua area contains groundwater-dependent lakes and a periodic water level decline has raised concerns about the future of these lakes. Peatland drainage in the vicinity of the aquifer has been accused of changing the aquifer conditions. Groundwater discharge from the esker aquifer to drained peatland was studied to identify relevant hydrological processes for groundwater-surface water interactions. The results revealed a connection between the aquifer and the peatland whereby groundwater can enter the ditches through seepage or preferential flow. Modeling was used to determine critical factors in the management of the esker aquifer-peatland system. The results showed that climate and land use can affect esker groundwater, while peatland drainage in the vicinity can have similar impacts to groundwater abstraction and drought. Peatland restoration by filling in drainage ditches could possibly restore the aquifer groundwater levels. However, for the Rokua aquifer, which will possibly experience less severe dry periods in the future, extensive drainage restoration is currently too major, uncertain, and expensive a measure relative to the expected benefits. Multi-criteria decision analysis was used to identify ways of facilitating stakeholder involvement and learning in groundwater management. The results obtained with this participatory process confirmed that it can foster learning on complicated groundwater issues and collaboration in a process encompassing disputes and diverse interests. The decision analysis process led to the initiation of dialogue on more integrated management, where the preferences of all stakeholders were discussed and taken into account. Overall, this thesis shows how different aspects of aquifer management, such as land use, climate, ecological and economic values, and stakeholder preferences, can all be taken into account using a combined method which reduces the mistrust between opposing interests through research and information, resulting in more robust future planning. / Tiivistelmä Pohjaveteen, hydrologisen kierron avainosaan, kohdistuu kasvavia paineita eri maankäytön muodoista ja ilmastonmuutoksesta. Pohjaveden hallintaan ei kuitenkaan ole kiinnitetty tarvittavaa huomiota. Tässä väitöstyössä yhdistettiin hydrologista ja sosioekonomista tutkimusta Rokuan harjualueella pohjaveden hallintakonseptin päivittämiseksi. Rokuan alueella on useita pohjavedestä riippuvaisia järviä, joiden vedenpinta on kausittain laskenut voimakkaasti. Pintojen lasku on kasvattanut paikallisten huolta järvien tilasta. Harjua ympäröivät metsäojitetut turvemaat, ja ojituksia on syytetty pohjaveden tilan ja sitä kautta myös järvien tilan heikkenemisestä. Työn ensimmäisessä osassa tutkittiin pohjaveden hydrologisia purkautumisprosesseja harjun pohjavesiesiintymästä ojitetulle suoalueelle. Tulokset osoittivat hydraulisen yhteyden akviferin ja turvemaan välillä: pohjavesi pääsi purkautumaan metsäojiin joko suotautumalla tai turpeen kaksoishuokoisuusrakenteiden kautta. Seuraavassa vaiheessa työtä pohjavesimallinnusta käytettiin määrittämään kriittisiä pohjaveden tilaan vaikuttavia tekijöitä pohjavesi-turvemaa-systeemissä. Mallinnustulosten perusteella niin ilmasto kuin maankäyttökin vaikuttavat kumpikin suoraan pohjaveden pinnankorkeuden tilaan. Turvemaiden ojituksilla pohjavesialueella voi olla samoja vaikutuksia pohjaveden pinnankorkeuden tasoihin kuin pohjaveden otolla tai kuivilla kausilla. Turvemaiden ennallistaminen ojia täyttämällä voi osittain palauttaa vedenpinnan tasoja pohjavesialueella. Rokuan harjualueen tapauksessa suuren mittakaavan oja-alueiden ennallistaminen todettiin kuitenkin liian epävarmaksi ja kalliiksi toimenpiteeksi hyötyihin nähden, varsinkin jos kuivien kausien vaikutus suurilla harjualueilla heikkenee tulevaisuudessa sademäärien kasvun myötä. Työn kolmannessa osassa käytettiin monitavoitearviointia eri sidosryhmien osallistamiseen ja oppimiseen pohjavesien hallinnassa. Osallistavasta prosessista saadut tulokset vahvistivat, että menetelmää voidaan käyttää oppimisen edesauttamiseen vaikeissa pohjavesiasioissa sekä yhteistyön muodostamiseen ristiriitaisessa ja monimutkaisessa tapauksessa. Monitavoitearvioinnin prosessi johti keskustelun avaukseen yhtenäisemmän suunnittelun puolesta, joka ottaa huomioon eri sidosryhmien näkökulmat ja tuo ne osaksi keskustelua. Tämä väitöstyö osoitti miten eri pohjavesialueen hallintaan tarvittavat näkökulmat, kuten maankäyttö, ilmasto, ekologiset ja ekonomiset arvot, sekä sidosryhmien mielipiteet voidaan kaikki ottaa huomioon yhdistämällä eri metodeja. Näin tutkimuksella ja informoinnilla vähennetään epäluottamusta eri intressitahojen välillä ja luodaan pohja vakaammalle pohjavesialueiden tulevaisuuden suunnittelulle.

Patterns of water table dynamics and runoff generation in a watershed with preferential flow networks

Anderson, Axel Edward 05 1900 (has links)
Our understanding of subsurface flow depends on assumptions of how event characteristics and spatial scale affect the relationships between subsurface water velocity, discharge, water table dynamics, and runoff response. In this thesis, three chapters explore some of these patterns for a hillslope and small watershed in coastal British Columbia. In the first chapter, tracers were applied under natural and steady state conditions to determine the relationship between lateral tracer velocities and various hillslope and event characteristics; such as hillslope subsurface flow, rainfall intensity, water table level, hillslope length, and antecedent condition. The results showed that preferential flow made up a large percentage of the subsurface flow from the gauged hillslope. Flow velocities as measured by tracers were affected by slope length and boundary conditions. The flow velocity was most closely related to the rainfall intensity, and changes in flow velocity were large compared to the changes in the water table. In the second chapter, the preferential flow features that transmitted water during steady state were investigated by staining the soil with a food dye solution and excavating the soil. These data were used to explore the link between the topographical factors (slope and contributing area), the network of preferential features and soil properties. The contributing area appeared to be an indicator of the size of the preferential features and their connectivity. In the final manuscript chapter, water table level and stream discharge measurements were used to determine if areas within a watershed with runoff dominated by preferential flow could be grouped based on the observable physical information such as slope, contributing area, distance to stream, and vegetation. Preferential flow made the water table responses dynamic and thus, distinct zones could not be identified. Models of the water table – runoff were not able to predict the water table response for other sites with similar physical characteristics. Even though there was high variability in the results, the patterns and relationships revealed in this thesis conform to existing conceptual models of hillslope subsurface preferential flow. These patterns and relationships may be useful in developing or validating numerical models. / Forestry, Faculty of / Graduate

Phosphorus in Preferential Flow Pathways of Forest Soils in Germany.

Julich, Dorit, Feger, Karl-Heinz 27 March 2017 (has links)
The transport of nutrients in forest soils predominantly occurs along preferential flow pathways (PFP). This study investigated the composition of phosphorus (P) forms in PFPs and soil matrix in several temperate beech forests with contrasting soil P contents in Germany. The PFPs were visualized using dye tracer experiments. Stained and unstained soil was sampled from three profile cuts per plot and analyzed for P fractions. The results show that labile P concentrations were highest in the O-layer and had the same range of values at all sites (240–320 mg·kg−1), although total P (TP) differed considerably (530–2330 mg·kg−1). The ratio of labile P to TP was significantly lower in the P-rich soil compared to the medium and P-poor soils. By contrast, the ratio of moderately labile P to TP was highest at the P-rich site. The shifts in P fractions with soil depth were generally gradual in the P-rich soil, but more abrupt at the others. The contents of labile and moderately labile P clearly differed in PFPs compared to soil matrix, but not statistically significant. The studied soils are characterized by high stone contents with low potential for P sorption. However, indications were found that labile organically bound P accumulates in PFPs such as biopores.

Water and nutrient transport dynamics during the irrigation of containerized nursery crops

Hoskins, Tyler Courtney 28 May 2014 (has links)
Increased water- and fertilizer-use-efficiency in containerized crop production, via reduced water loss, enhances crop-available nutrients while reducing non-point source agrichemical contributions in accordance with regulatory standards. Previous studies detailed nutrient leaching patterns throughout crop production seasons, leaving little known about water and dissolved nutrient (solute) movement through soilless substrates during irrigation. The following experiments evaluated fundamental water and solute transport principles through pine-bark based substrates. 1) Ilex crenata Thunb. 'Bennett's Compactum' were grown in 2.7 L containers. Tensiometers detected wetting front (WF) movement throughout the substrate during irrigation. 2) Tracer solution (containing NO3-, PO43- and K+) and deionized water (DI) were applied to substrate-filled columns to characterize tracer breakthrough under saturated and unsaturated conditions. 3) Controlled-release fertilizer (CRF) was topdressed (surface-applied), incorporated (throughout substrate), dibbled (center of substrate) or not applied to fallow substrate, irrigated with DI and leachate analyzed to determine nutrient concentrations throughout irrigation. Tensiometers revealed that seasonal root growth affected substrate pre-irrigation moisture distribution. Wetting fronts channeled through the substrate before becoming thoroughly wetted. Tracer breakthrough occurred with less effluent volume under unsaturated conditions. Breakthrough of NO3- and PO43- was relatively conservative, though 37% of K+ was retained by the substrate. Leachate concentrations for topdressed and incorporated CRF peaked early (first 50mL effluent) before diminishing with continued leaching. Leachate concentrations for dibbled CRF initially increased (first 150mL leachate), plateaued and then diminished. These results show the relative rapidity which water and solutes move through pine-bark during irrigation and demonstrate methods for future research on within-irrigation solute transport. / Master of Science

Model transportu látek v nesaturované zóně ve vertisolech v semiaridním klimatu / Model of transport in vadose zone in vertisols under semiarid climate.

Weiss, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
Vertisols cover a hydrologically very significant area of semi-arid regions, and thus understanding of water flow and solute accumulation is very relevant to agricultural activity and water resources management. Previous works suggest a conceptual model of desiccation-crack-induced salinization where salinization of sediment in deep section of the vadose zone (up to 4 m) is induced by subsurface evaporation due to convective air flow in desiccation cracks. This thesis presents a conceptual model of water flow and solute transport in vertisols, and its numerical implementation. The model uses a single-porosity material but unconventionally prescribes a boundary condition representing a deep crack in soil and uses the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity as one of the fitting parameters. The numerical model is bound to one location close to a dairy farm waste pond, but the application of the suggested conceptual model could be possibly extended to all semi-arid regions with vertisols. Simulations were conducted using several modelling approaches with an ultimate goal of fitting the simulation results to the controlling variables measured in the field: water content, and chloride salinity of pore water. The development of the model was engineered in numerous steps; all computed as forward solutions by...

Modélisation du transport de l'eau et des polluants dans les sols contaminés des friches industrielles / Modeling of water flow and contaminant transport in the contaminated soils from the former industrial sites

Ngo, Van Viet 17 December 2009 (has links)
Les objectifs de la thèse sont de (i) modéliser le transport de l’eau, d’un traceur et des polluants dans les sols contaminés, (ii) étudier l’estimabilité des paramètres et les corrélations entre les paramètres, (iii) optimiser les paramètres. Les différents modèles implantés dans le logiciel HYDRUS qui permettent de rendre compte ou pas de l’écoulement préférentiel et du transport hors équilibre physique et chimique sont choisis. Les études concernant le transport d’eau dans un lysimètre de terrain ont montré que les données quotidiennes de pressions et de teneurs en eau volumique contiennent plus d’information que les données horaires, que les pressions ont plus d’information que les teneurs en eau volumique, et que les corrélations des paramètres ont fait perturber les résultats de l’optimisation. Sur le même lysimètre, l’étude d’estimabilité des paramètres caractéristiques pour le transport du traceur (bromure) a montré que les concentrations dans les solutions de percolation ne sont pas suffisantes pour estimer le paramètre de transfert de l’eau entre les zones mobile et immobile car ce paramètre est fortement corrélé avec le paramètre de transfert de soluté. Pour le transport des hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques (HAP) dans les colonnes de laboratoire sous différentes conditions de saturation en eau, quand le degré de transport hors équilibre chimique des HAP est élevé, les concentrations en HAP dans les solutions de percolation de la colonne non saturée contiennent plus d’information que celles dans la colonne saturée / Preferential flow and nonequilibrium transport are probably the most frustrating in terms of hampering accurate predictions of contaminant transport through the vadose zone. The mathematical description of preferential flow and nonequilibrium transport needs many parameters that are not measurable. Therefore, the inverse method is a promising way to estimate model parameters. The main objectives of this work are to (i) study the water flow using the uniform flow and dual-porosity models, tracer and contaminant transport using the uniform transport model and/or physical and chemical nonequilibrium transport models, (ii) investigate parameter estimability and correlations between different parameters, and (iii) optimize the hydraulic properties and solute transport parameters. The results concerning the water flow in the bare field lysimeter show that daily data contained much more information than hourly data, daily pressure heads contained more information than daily water contents; the correlations between different parameters hamper the optimization results strongly. Basing on the tracer concentrations in the leaching solution of the lysimeter, the first-order rate water transfer coefficient was not estimable since this parameter was highly correlated with the solute transfer coefficient. PAH concentrations in the leaching solution of the contaminated soil column under saturated and nonsaturated flow conditions show that when the degree of chemical nonequilibirum transport is high, the solute leaching of the nonsaturated column contained more information than those of the saturated column. In addition, the fraction of sites with instantaneous sorption and the linear adsorption distribution coefficient always showed a very strong correlation, they were impossible to optimize simultaneously

Wasserbewegung und Stofftransport in Pelosolen am Beispiel des Südniedersächsischen Röt (Oberer Buntsandstein) / Water- and solute transport in Eutric Vertisols of Lower Saxony by example of a red claystone (Upper Bunter, so)

Siebner, Clemens Stephan 03 February 2000 (has links)
No description available.

Transferts d’eau et de soluté en milieu non saturé hétérogène à l’échelle d’un pilote de laboratoire : expériences et modélisations / Transfers of water and solute in unsaturated heterogeneous porous media in a laboratory scale lysimeter : experiments and modeling

Bien, Le Binh 03 July 2013 (has links)
L’hétérogénéité de la zone non saturée joue un rôle important dans le transfert d’eau et de soluté car elle accentue à la fois le développement des zones de stockage temporelles et les écoulements préférentiels. Par conséquent, la validation des modèles prédictifs nécessite le développement des outils expérimentaux spécifiques afin d’observer et de quantifier les mécanismes de transport impliqués dans un système non saturé hétérogène. Cette thèse vise à étudier l’effet combiné de la vitesse d’infiltration, de la barrière capillaire et l’angle de la pente d’interface entre deux matériaux sur les processus de l’écoulement de l’eau et du transport de soluté dans un modèle physique, le lysimètre de laboratoire 1x1x1.6 m3, nommé LUGH (Lysimeter for Urban Groundwater Hydrology) et un modèle numérique 3D de ce lysimètre. Le lysimètre LUGH est rempli par un sable fin et un mélange bimodal (50 % sable fin et 50 % gravier) en deux configurations: un profil uniforme de matériau bimodal ou un profil avec deux couches avec une pente de 14o. Ces agencements figurent l’hétérogénéité structurale et texturale observée sur un des sites expérimentaux de l’OTHU (Observatoire de Terrain en Hydrologie Urbaine) : le bassin d’infiltration d’eaux pluviales Django Reinhardt géré par la ville de Lyon (France). Le lysimètre est alimenté en eau et avec un traceur inerte (bromure de potassium, KBr) sur une partie de la surface par un système d’arrosage automatique. Les effluents ont été recueillis dans quinze sorties différentes en bas du lysimètre. La forte hétérogénéité des flux des sorties et des courbes de percée souligne la mise en place des écoulements préférentiels résultant à la fois de l’effet de barrière capillaire et de l’effet de fond du lysimètre. A partir des résultats expérimentaux, la modélisation numérique à l’aide de logiciel COMSOL MultiphysicsTM a permis de mieux comprendre les mécanismes responsables de ces transferts hétérogènes. Lorsque le modèle numérique validé, un test de sensibilité a été conduit pour étudier les effets de la vitesse d’infiltration et de la pente de l’interface sur l’écoulement. Les résultats montrent que la diminution de la vitesse d’infiltration ou l’augmentation de la pente de l’interface favorisent le développement des écoulements préférentiels. Notre étude a donné également des renseignements pertinents sur le couplage entre les processus hydrodynamiques et le transfert des solutés dans les sols non saturés hétérogènes en soulignant le rôle de la géométrie des interfaces ainsi que celui des conditions aux limites comme des facteurs clés pour la quantification des écoulements préférentiels. / The heterogeneity of the unsaturated zone plays an important role in the water and solutes transfer as it accentuates both the development of stagnant zones for water and preferential flow. Therefore, the validation of predictive models requires the development of specific experimental tools to observe and quantify the transport mechanisms involved in a heterogeneous unsaturated system. The aim of this thesis is to describe the combined effect of infiltration, capillary barrier and sloping layered soil on both flow and solute transport processes in a large physical model (1x1x1.6 m3) called LUGH (Lysimeter for Urban Groundwater Hydrology) and a 3D numerical flow model. Sand and a soil composed of a bimodal sand-gravel mixture were placed in the lysimeter represent one of the commun structural and textural elements of the heterogeneity observed in the vadose zone under an infiltration basin of Lyon (France). The soil was compacted in two configurations: a uniform profile and a profile with two layers having a slope of 14°. Water and an inert tracer (KBr) were injected from the top of the lysimeter using a specific water sprinkler system and collected at 15 different outlets at the bottom. The 15 breakthrough curves obtained presented high heterogeneity, emphasising the establishment of a preferential flow resulting from both capillary barrier and soil layer dip effects. Numerical modelling led to better understanding of the mechanisms responsible for these heterogeneous transfers and it was also used to perform a sensitivity analysis of the effects of water velocity (water and solute flux fed by the sprinkler) and the slope interface. The results show that decreasing velocity and increasing the slope of the interface can lead to the development of preferential flows. In addition, the offset of the centre of gravity of the flow distribution at the output increases linearly as a function of the slope angle of the layered soil. This paper allows coupling the hydrodynamic approach with the transfer of pollutants in unsaturated heterogeneous soil and highlighting preferential flow by flow modeling.

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