Spelling suggestions: "subject:"preschool age child"" "subject:"reschool age child""
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Optimalizace odpočinkového režimu v mateřské škole / Optimization of relaxation regime in nursery schoolKučerová, Lenka January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is focused on relaxation regime in the life of pre-school kids in their family and in nursery school. In theoretical part child's needs and rights, evolution of motivation, emotionally-moral evolution and socialization of children in the given age group are defined. In the next part aims and conditions of contemporary nursery school its daily regime, rhythm and rituals are described. This work also deals with the work of a teacher and his competences. The following part is dedicated to contemporary family, its educational styles and current relationship between school and family. In the final part of the theoretical part sleep and relaxation and its importance as well as sleep malfunctions are described. Practical part is aimed at relaxation regime in families of the children and in nursery school. Through questionnaires state of relaxation regime in families and in two classes of nursery school was established. After implementing organizational and material suggestions in two classes of nursery school impact of these innovations on happiness of children and view of teachers of these changes was evaluated after six months. The result of the survey shows what influence on quality of relaxation regime in nursery school organizational and material changes have and how are teachers capable...
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Práce s literárním textem metodami dramatické výchovy / Working with literary text by the help of dramatic educational methodsTulisová, Kristina January 2012 (has links)
UNIVERZITA KARLOVA v PRAZE Pedagogická fakulta katedra primární pedagogiky PRÁCE S LITERÁRNÍM TEXTEM METODAMI DRAMATICKÉ VÝCHOVY WORKING WITH LITERARY TEXT BY THE HELP OF DRAMATIC EDUCATIONAL METHODS Vedoucí diplomové práce: doc. Mgr. Radek Marušák Autor diplomové práce: Tulisová Kristina Studijní obor: Pedagogika předškolního věku Forma studia: kombinovaná Diplomová práce dokončena: duben, 2012 2 Prohlašuji, že jsem diplomovou práci vypracovala samostatně s použitím uvedené literatury. V Praze dne ………………… Podpis: ……………………… 3 Poděkování: Děkuji doc. Mgr. Radkovi Marušákovi za odborné vedení této diplomové práce. 4 Abstrakt: Tato diplomová práce se zabývá dítětem předškolního věku a jeho zájmem o knihu pro děti. Zjišťuje, s jakými literárními žánry jsou děti v mateřské škole seznamovány. Ověřuje rozdíl mezi dvěma postupy při práci s knihou pro děti, a to předčítáním a prostřednictvím metod dramatické výchovy. V první části jsou rozpracovány dvě hlavní oblasti: literatura a dramatická výchova ve vztahu k dítěti předškolního věku. Druhá část zjišťuje prostřednictvím dotazníkového šetření míru a podobu využívaní literárních žánrů učiteli mateřských škol. Na dotazníkové šetření navazuje zpracování výsledků akčního výzkumu, který se zabýval mírou dětského zaujetí pro dané knihy. Hlavním kriteriem pro vyhodnocení...
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Možnosti využití dopravní výchovy v mateřské škole / Possibilities of Traffic Safety Education of Kindergarten ChildrenHusáková, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
Summary: This thesis deals with the options of using traffic safety education in kindergarten. It investigates whether there is enough attention to traffic education given in preschool. The theoretical part is focused on basic concepts: education, preschool education, traffic education, all with regard to the issue of preschool age children. It describes the organization involved in the traffic education for preschool age children. It further analyzes the available methodological resources related to this issue due to Framework educational program for preschool education. The next section analyzes the traffic education program, which is assembled in the bachelor thesis. (Husáková 2012) Through analysis of educational programs of individual kindergartens in Decin, I found out, that there is not sufficient attention to traffic education given. Three kindergartens do not have the traffic education incorporated in their school curriculum at all, eleven kindergartens have it only within the school education programs, and only seven kindergartens pays attention to the traffic education in a separate annex. In the survey of methods and programs that I've implemented through the interviews and questionnaires, I found out, that the most common methods used within the traffic education in particular kindergartens...
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Étude des stratégies employées par des parents d’enfants d’âge préscolaire pour favoriser la saine alimentation et le repas en famille agréablePernice, Stéphanie 12 1900 (has links)
Contexte. Les attitudes et comportements alimentaires développés pendant la petite
enfance influencent grandement la relation future du mangeur à l’égard des aliments. Le
parent s’avère en ce sens des plus déterminants.
Objectifs. Cette étude vise à connaître les pratiques et attitudes employées par les parents
québécois d’enfants d’âge préscolaire pour favoriser le « bien manger » ainsi que le repas
familial agréable.
Méthodes. La collecte de données a été effectuée à l’aide de cartes postales qui étaient
distribuées dans six cent cinquante Centres de la Petite Enfance parmi les mille retrouvés
dans la province de Québec pour ensuite être remises aux parents. L’analyse des réponses
aux deux questions ouvertes figurant sur la carte postale a été effectuée en se basant sur le
modèle des prises alimentaires de Jean-Pierre Poulain.
Résultats. Plus de mille (1257) cartes postales ont été retenues aux fins d’analyses. Les
données recueillies permettent dans un premier temps de connaître la perception des parents
quant à la notion de manger bien. Les notions de qualité et de quantité, diamétralement
opposées se démarquent. Dans le cas du repas familial, la discussion, la présence de tous les
membres à table ainsi que l’absence de télévision sont abondamment mentionnées.
Conclusion. Cette étude permet de constater la variété des stratégies employées par les
parents québécois au moment du repas. Ces données d’une grande pertinence pour la santé
publique permettront de cibler les messages clés à promouvoir auprès de ces acteurs
d’influence dans le développement des habitudes alimentaires des tout petits. / Context. Food attitudes and behaviors developed during early childhood greatly influence
the future relationships that children will have with food. Parents play a major role in this
part of their preschool child’s life.
Objective The main goal of this study is to explore attitudes and behaviors that Quebec
parents adopt at meal time with their preschooler in order to encourage healthy eating
practices as well as enjoyable family meals.
Methodology. To collect data, postcards, an innovative tool, were sent to six hundred fifty
day-care centres, also known as Centres de la petite enfance (CPE), of which there are
more than a thousand in Quebec. The postcards were then distributed to parents, who were
asked to respond to two open-ended questions. Analysis of the qualitative data was based
on Jean-Pierre Poulain’s food intake model.
Results. More than a thousand (1,257) postcards were used in the analysis. Data collected
illustrate first and foremost the vision that parents have of healthy eating and reveal two
diametrically opposed perspectives: quality and quantity. With regard to family meals,
respondents frequently mentioned conversation at the table, the presence of all family
members and the absence of television while eating.
Conclusion. Findings from this study show the diverse strategies used by Quebecers during
mealtimes. The data are essential to defining key public health messages about eating
habits for children that should be promoted among these influential actors.
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Problematika odkladu školní docházky v Kladně / Issues of postponement of school attendance in the town of KladnoFürstová, Jana January 2012 (has links)
The thesis is mapping the region of Kladno in period of 4 years and is pointing to an increase of school suspension in 2011by about six percent, compared to the average in previous three years. With help of used research methods, interviews and data analysis, we have confirmed and determined a hypothesis, that the most weakened components of children's personalities in Kladno are connected to social maturity, which pointed out self- sufficiency problems and problems with making contacts with peers. At the field of mental maturity we detected speech defects and inability to focus on classwork. Also we concluded that school suspension is more frequently granted to boys. This is pointed out in the theory of Langmeier, J., Krejčířová, D. 2006 and ÚIV. However, the month of birth, which also determines accession to the school, is important. At the end of our thesis, which contains general summary, we highlighted the uncertain areas and we suggested other possible topics, which needs to be further investigated.
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Étude des stratégies employées par des parents d’enfants d’âge préscolaire pour favoriser la saine alimentation et le repas en famille agréablePernice, Stéphanie 12 1900 (has links)
Contexte. Les attitudes et comportements alimentaires développés pendant la petite
enfance influencent grandement la relation future du mangeur à l’égard des aliments. Le
parent s’avère en ce sens des plus déterminants.
Objectifs. Cette étude vise à connaître les pratiques et attitudes employées par les parents
québécois d’enfants d’âge préscolaire pour favoriser le « bien manger » ainsi que le repas
familial agréable.
Méthodes. La collecte de données a été effectuée à l’aide de cartes postales qui étaient
distribuées dans six cent cinquante Centres de la Petite Enfance parmi les mille retrouvés
dans la province de Québec pour ensuite être remises aux parents. L’analyse des réponses
aux deux questions ouvertes figurant sur la carte postale a été effectuée en se basant sur le
modèle des prises alimentaires de Jean-Pierre Poulain.
Résultats. Plus de mille (1257) cartes postales ont été retenues aux fins d’analyses. Les
données recueillies permettent dans un premier temps de connaître la perception des parents
quant à la notion de manger bien. Les notions de qualité et de quantité, diamétralement
opposées se démarquent. Dans le cas du repas familial, la discussion, la présence de tous les
membres à table ainsi que l’absence de télévision sont abondamment mentionnées.
Conclusion. Cette étude permet de constater la variété des stratégies employées par les
parents québécois au moment du repas. Ces données d’une grande pertinence pour la santé
publique permettront de cibler les messages clés à promouvoir auprès de ces acteurs
d’influence dans le développement des habitudes alimentaires des tout petits. / Context. Food attitudes and behaviors developed during early childhood greatly influence
the future relationships that children will have with food. Parents play a major role in this
part of their preschool child’s life.
Objective The main goal of this study is to explore attitudes and behaviors that Quebec
parents adopt at meal time with their preschooler in order to encourage healthy eating
practices as well as enjoyable family meals.
Methodology. To collect data, postcards, an innovative tool, were sent to six hundred fifty
day-care centres, also known as Centres de la petite enfance (CPE), of which there are
more than a thousand in Quebec. The postcards were then distributed to parents, who were
asked to respond to two open-ended questions. Analysis of the qualitative data was based
on Jean-Pierre Poulain’s food intake model.
Results. More than a thousand (1,257) postcards were used in the analysis. Data collected
illustrate first and foremost the vision that parents have of healthy eating and reveal two
diametrically opposed perspectives: quality and quantity. With regard to family meals,
respondents frequently mentioned conversation at the table, the presence of all family
members and the absence of television while eating.
Conclusion. Findings from this study show the diverse strategies used by Quebecers during
mealtimes. The data are essential to defining key public health messages about eating
habits for children that should be promoted among these influential actors.
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Tvorba hudebně pohybových choreografií pro děti předškolního věku s využitím vlastní didaktické pomůcky / Development of music and movement choreography for preschool children using my own didactic toolsŠandová, Pavla January 2015 (has links)
Master's thesis addresses the implementation of didactic tool to musical movement activities of preschool children in kindergarten with respect to the integrative nature of education. The first part of the thesis is covering theoretical side of the important aspects of child development at the age of five to six years. Further it deals with the specifics of the development of musicality in preschoolers, especially focusing on instrumental side of the music. It highlights the musical creativity that flows from the principles of Orff School. Musical creativity is one of the objective of the thesis second, practical part. Here thesis research music educational project whose main component is a methodical set Cup Song that contains suggestions for practical usage. Experiment, observation and structured interview are used as methods of research that is focused on verification of the Cup Song impact on a musical and personal development of the child. KEYWORDS Music, musical abilities, preschool age child, musical instruments, integration, project, Cup Song, instrumental activity, creativity, rhythm, song, experience, Orff School.
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