Spelling suggestions: "subject:"preservice 4teachers"" "subject:"preservice 1teachers""
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Developing Mastery in Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, and Morphemic Awareness: A Multiple Case Study of Preservice Early Childhood EducatorsFacun-Granadozo, Ruth 01 December 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences and perceptions of early childhood preservice teachers in a southeastern university as they worked for mastery of phonemic awareness, phonics, and morphemic awareness. Mastery was set at 90% accuracy in a series of tests, which required them to perform different tasks related to the said concepts. One aim of the study was to investigate the preservice teachers’ description of their experiences as they worked for mastery of phonemic awareness, phonics, and morphemic awareness. Another aim was to examine how working for mastery of said concepts influenced their perceptions of preparedness to carry out literacy instruction.
This research used a multiple case study method involving 8 preservice teachers who were taking their first literacy methods course. Data were gathered through an online survey, analysis of answered test papers, written responses, individual interviews, and a focus group interview.
Qualitative analysis of data revealed the experience brought about awareness of insufficient knowledge, apprehension to teach, and perplexities related to phonemic awareness, phonics, and morphemic awareness among the participants. The most salient perplexities were found to be related to phonemic awareness tasks, application of phonics key terms to real words, and splitting words into morphemes.
Findings also revealed that improved understanding of phonemic awareness, phonics, and morphemic awareness enhanced the participants’ perception of preparedness to teach these concepts. Engaging in reflective thinking while working for mastery of these concepts deepened their awareness of unpreparedness, reconnected them to their goal to be effective teachers, and caused them to deliberately act on their challenges in obtaining content knowledge required for quality literacy instruction.
The results of this study will have relevance for teacher educators, policy makers, school administrators, and researchers as they address issues related to literacy instruction during teacher preparation, especially in terms of acquisition of strong content knowledge.
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Decision-making behaviors of preservice teachers as they plan for social studies in elementary classroomsBasye, Cynthia 03 May 2012 (has links)
Instructional time for social studies in elementary classrooms has decreased
since the passage of Goals 2000 and No Child Left Behind, with content contracted to align with reading goals. Consequently, opportunities for preservice teachers to observe and teach social studies lessons have diminished. This qualitative multiple case study examines the practices that preservice teachers develop and apply in making decisions concerning social studies curriculum. Three elementary level preservice teachers who had, or were earning, another degree in addition to their degree in education were participants in the study. The study offers insights into three research questions: 1) How do preservice elementary teachers construct an understanding of the teachings of social studies? 2) What knowledge, beliefs, and attitudes do preservice teachers draw upon as they make decisions about social studies
teaching? and 3) How do preservice teachers reflect upon and revise their own
teaching of social studies? Data from student-produced texts, interviews, classroom observations, a focus group, and researcher memos were analyzed using an inductive approach drawing on Charmaz's Constructing Grounded Theory (2010) and situational analysis (Clarke,2005). Five factors intersected for each participant in constructing their understandings of social studies instruction: academic background, learning preferences, beliefs and attitudes regarding education, a conception of the teacher's role, and aspects of college coursework in education. The participants' academic background, knowledge of students' prior learning, content standards, curriculum emphasis at school sites, and beliefs about purposes for social studies shaped their
decisions about social studies instruction. Each participant reflected on technical aspects of lessons primarily using descriptive language. Reflection considering multiple perspectives and the social and historical contexts for lessons occurred when the participants had academic backgrounds related to social studies fields, or when there were multiple lessons related around a topic. In these cases, reflections demonstrated greater depth and complexity. Participants' opportunities to revise lessons varied. In general, the findings suggest that when background knowledge was related to social studies fields, preservice teachers found alternative ways to approach subject matter and multiple occasions to integrate social studies. This study has implications for the coursework and practicum components of preservice teacher education. / Graduation date: 2012
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Self-efficacy Levels Of Pre-service Teachers And Its PredictorsEr, Ece 01 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The present study aimed to investigate the self-efficacy levels of prospective teachers and to examine whether attitude towards teaching, competency in subject matter, mentor teacher - student teacher relationship and being a graduate of Anatolian Teacher High School (ATHS) predicted prospective teachers&rsquo / self-efficacy for teaching regarding classroom management, student engagement and instructional strategies.
Participants of the study were 179 fourth year prospective teachers of English studying at the Foreign Language Education Departments of Gazi University, Middle East Technical University and Hacettepe University. Data was collected through (1) Teachers&rsquo / Sense of Efficacy Scale (Tschannen-Moran & / Hoy, 2001), (2) Relationship with Your Mentor Scale (Capa & / Loadman, 2004), (3) Scale for Students&rsquo / Attitudes Towards the Teaching Profession (Semerci, 1999). Data analysis was conducted using the statistical software SPSS 15.0.
Results of the study revealed that the prospective teachers of English feel quite positive about teaching when their self-efficacy composite scores were considered. In relation to the self efficacy levels of prospective teachers regarding classroom management, student engagement and instructional strategies, the results of this study showed that pre-service teachers of English believe that they are more efficacious in applying instructional strategies than they are in engaging students and they are found to be the least efficacious in managing the classroom. According to the results attained through hierarchical regression analyses, attitude towards teaching variable significantly predicted self-efficacy composite scores, efficacy scores for student engagement, classroom management and instructional strategies. Self-efficacy composite scores and efficacy for instructional strategies were significantly predicted by the competency in subject matter variable. Mentor teacher-student teacher relationship variable predicted only the efficacy for student engagement scores and finally the findings indicated that being a graduate of ATHSs was a significant predictor for neither efficacy belief composite scores nor the subscales. Findings were discussed in the light of the literature and implications of the findings and recommendations for practice and further research have been presented.
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電腦支援合作學習與知識翻新對師培生數學信念與數學教學實踐之影響 / Effects of computer-supported collaborative learning and knowledge building on preservice teachers’ mathematical beliefs and teaching practice張喻涵, Chang, Yh Han Unknown Date (has links)
數學能力向來被視為解決問題能力的重要基礎。隨著知識經濟時代的來臨,數學愈加受到重視,數學教師的教學效能亦面臨新的挑戰。為了協助師培生發展更具創意與多元的教學方式,本研究在中學數學科教材教法之課堂中,提供學生以知識翻新(knowledge-building)(Scardamalia, 2002) 教育理念為核心的課程設計,並使用知識論壇(Knowledge Forum™)數位學習平台作為本課程的線上輔助學習環境。研究主要目的在利用教室中與論壇上的知識翻新活動以提昇師培生對數學相關信念之反思與瞭解。研究對象為9位師培生。本研究透過混合研究設計以蒐集資料,資料來源包括:(1)整學期師培生在「知識論壇」平台上之討論與貼文;(2)期初與期末的數學信念開放式問卷;與(3)師培生的試教。資料分析方式如下:(1)平台上的貼文主要使用知識論壇分析工具(Analytic Toolkit for Forum)探討師培生在平台上的互動與知識翻新歷程;(2)數學信念開放式問卷主要以兩種觀點進行內容分析並交叉檢證;與(3)試教過程(錄影檔)以開放式問卷所產生之編碼進行影片內容的分析。
研究結果發現:(1)以知識翻新理論為原則之課程設計有助於師培生發展更建構取向之數學信念;(2)使用知識論壇平台有助於師培生分享知識與自我反思;(3)數學信念與教學實踐呈現相互影響的關係;以及(4)透過知識翻新的課程設計,師培生逐漸理解多元與彈性的教學對學生學習的重要性。本研究根據研究結果提出以下幾點建議以供未來師培教育之參考:(1)數學師資培育必須將專業學術知識的學習與成熟信念的養成作更密切的銜接;(2)師培機構進行課程設計時,應提供更多元開放的教學方式來幫助師培生學習;(3)師培教育應鼓勵師培生發展更能適應未來學生學習之教學方法。 / The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of knowledge building pedagogy and technology on preservice teachers’ views on the nature of, and teaching practices in, mathematics. Participants were nine preservice teachers who took a university course titled “High-School Mathematics Teaching.” A software program called Knowledge Forum was employed to enable an online knowledge building environment for preservice teachers to explore, reflect, and discuss about the nature of, and teaching practices in, mathematics.
Data mainly came from three sources: (1) preservice teachers’ online posting and discussion recorded in a KF database, (2) a survey about mathematical beliefs with eight open-ended questions, and (3) preservice teachers’ teaching practice videos. To analyze, (1) online discussion records automatically recorded in Knowledge Forum were analyzed using descriptive statistics; (2) open-ended survey questions were content-analyzed following an open-coding procedure; and (3) two cases of preservice teachers’ teaching practice were further explored by employing video analysis techniques. The main findings were as follows: (1) engaging in knowledge building was found to help preservice teachers develop more constructivist-oriented mathematics beliefs; (2) use of Knowledge Forum was helpful for preservice teachers in sharing their knowledge and reflecting on their teaching; (3) mathematics beliefs and teaching practice could mutually influence each other; (4) after engaging in knowledge building for a whole semester, preservice teachers were able to realize the importance of capitalizing on more diversified ways of teaching to enhance student learning.
Building on the results, this study made the following three suggestions: (1) teacher education program should pay more attention to integrating the learning of pedagogical content knowledge into the development of more mature mathematical beliefs among preservice teachers; (2) teacher education program should encourage more diversified and flexible ways of teaching practice when designing its courses; and (3) teacher education program should encourage preservice teachers to develop more adaptive teaching practices to help students learn in the future.
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Understanding Preservice Teachers' Intentions to Enact Autonomy Support: Drawing from Self-Determination Theory and Mindset TheoryDongyao Tan (9458222) 16 December 2020 (has links)
<div>Self-Determination Theory (Ryan & Deci, 1985, 2018) suggests that teachers’ autonomy support and control practices (i.e., motivate students through internal motivational resources or through external pressure and control) directly impact student motivation, achievement, and well-being (Ryan & Deci, 2018). To prepare future teachers who engage in autonomy support practices, the dissertation aimed to examine preservice teachers’ intentions to enact autonomy and control, and the individual beliefs and motivations predicting such intentions, through a combined perspective of Self-Determination Theory and Self-Theories of intelligence or the mindset theory (Dweck, 1986, 2000). Growth and fixed mindset, the incremental and fixed beliefs about individual attributes (e.g., intelligence, talent; Dweck, 2000), was proposed as an additional individual factor contributing to autonomy and control practices beyond other factors specified in Self-Determination Theory.</div><div>Participants were preservice teachers enrolled in the teacher education programs from three Midwestern universities. Through a quantitative survey study (N = 237), Study 1 examined the interrelationships among growth mindset, autonomous motivational orientation, intrinsic motivation for teaching, beliefs about autonomy, and intentions to enact autonomy in daily teaching. Structural equation models revealed that growth mindset and autonomous orientation were positively correlated. Both growth mindset and autonomous orientation significantly predicted intrinsic motivation for teaching and beliefs about autonomy support, and indirectly predicted intentions to enact autonomy support through beliefs about autonomy support. Intrinsic motivation for teaching also significantly predicted intentions to enact autonomy support through beliefs about autonomy support. The findings supported the unique role of growth mindset beyond other predictors of autonomy support.</div><div>Study 2 adopted a qualitative approach, and examined in-depth the dynamics between preservice teachers’ mindset and intentions to enact autonomy and control and by extension the highly related intentions to enact structure and involvement (i.e., the practices to promote student competence and to support their relational needs; Ryan & Deci, 2018). Although structure and involvement are constructors under the broader umbrella of autonomy, in this work, structure and involvement were conceptualized separately from autonomy to highlight practices that specifically support basic psychological needs for competence, relatedness, and autonomy respectively. Participants were assigned to a growth-mindset group (strong growth mindset), a mixed-mindset group (relatively mixed mindset), and a fixed-mindset group (relatively fixed mindset). Interviews (N = 17) highlighted the practices preservice teachers used and would continue to use with specific examples from practicum experience and upon reflections of given scenarios, focusing on difficult situations when students have motivation-behavior and/or ability issues. The difficult situations reflect “pressure from below” that is predominant in daily teaching and easily pull out teachers’ control practices (Reeve, 2009). Field journals (N = 103) collected from a foundational educational psychology class reported preservice teachers’ observations and evaluations of teacher autonomy/control practices in practicum, and if same practices would be implemented in future teaching and modifications. Results revealed that the interview fixed-mindset group had strongest intentions to enact control under “pressure from below,” and in particular when facing students with combined motivation, behavior, ability problems that would create highest pressure. All groups demonstrated relatively high intentions for structure and involvement. Although the groups demonstrated low to moderate intentions for autonomy specifically, overall, autonomy supportive practices were well endorsed by participants in all three mindset groups, as structure and involvement are practices which fit under the broader umbrella of autonomy. Larger percentages of participants in the field journal growth- and mixed-mindset groups reported intentions for autonomy and not using control than the fixed-mindset group; similar percentages of participants in all groups reported intentions for control.</div><div>The dissertation responds to teacher education researchers’ proposition that examining preservice teachers’ beliefs and motivations should be a central concern of teacher education (Levin, 2015). It also responds to the recent call in educational psychology for multifaceted models of motivation from complementary perspectives (Linnenbrink-Garcia & Patall, 2016). The combined perspective provides new insights into understanding teacher autonomy support and control. Meanwhile, the studies have practical implications for training preservice teachers to provide autonomy support for their future students, and to cope with the pressure and difficulties they will often encounter in real world classrooms and refrain from control practices.</div>
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A Comparison of Preservice Teachers' Responses to Bullying ScenariosDavis, Cynthia Louise 01 January 2015 (has links)
This nonexperimental study was conducted to determine differences that exist between PreK to 4th grade preservice teachers' beliefs about the severity of bullying, their empathy with victims of bullying, beliefs about their ability to cope with bullying in the classroom, and their ability to intervene in bullying issues. Bandura's self-efficacy theory and Ajzen's theory of planned behavior provided the study's theoretical base and demonstrated a connection between participants perceived ability to cope with bullying behavior and willingness to intervene. The participants (N = 112) were students in a 2-year community college PreK to 4th grade education transfer degree program. Data were collected from self-reported student surveys. Current research in the field of bullying showed a correlation between preservice teachers' self-efficacy and their willingness to act in a bullying situation. This study was undertaken to extend that research to preservice teachers at the community college level. Repeated measures of analyses of variance were conducted to evaluate the significance of the survey responses. Participants did not express a high level of confidence in coping with the bullying scenarios presented (p <.001), but did report a high likelihood of intervention for all types of bullying (p <.001). The lack of confidence in coping with bullying scenarios was related to lower self-efficacy to manage bullying situations and indicated the need for increased preparation. Implications for positive social change included benefits to school districts as well as other community college and university teacher education programs because of increased awareness and preparation for preservice teachers. This preparation will promote proactive behavior on the part of the preservice teacher to prevent bullying behavior and the resulting physical, emotional, and psychological damage to children.
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An Action Research Study to Determine the Feasibility of Using Concept Maps as Alternative Assessments by a Novice TeacherMitchell, Nancy Smith 01 January 2011 (has links)
This action research study investigated the feasibility of a novice teacher using concept maps as assessments in secondary science classes. The subjects in this study were the researcher, a novice pre-service science teacher, and students (n=35) in two classes of mixed-grade Foundations in Physics and Chemistry. This study tracked student and teacher experiences over an instructional unit in astronomy. All students received a 50-minute lesson on concept mapping, one class received three additional concept mapping lessons during the unit, then all students took a unit test with a paired short answer and concept map question. Student surveys were conducted to gather student feedback, and teacher reflective journaling was used to track teacher data. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results indicated that the extra concept mapping lessons did not result in higher scores on the concept maps or the paired short answer responses. The teacher journaling revealed that using concept mapping as an assessment tool was possible for a novice teacher. Advantages and barriers were identified.
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Preservice Teachers’ Perceptions of Artificial Intelligence Tutors for LearningIncerti, Federica 01 June 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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The Effects of Classroom and Field Experiences with Technology on Preservice Teachers’ Beliefs and Teaching PracticesNelson, Michael Jay 29 September 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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An Analysis of the Influence of Lesson Study on Preservice Secondary Mathematics Teachers' View of Self-As Mathematics ExpertStafford, Julie 22 March 2003 (has links) (PDF)
This research seeks to investigate the influence of lesson study on preservice secondary mathematics teachers' view of self as mathematics expert. The study acknowledges the commonly held belief that prospective mathematics teachers have that they know and understand secondary mathematics. The purpose in engaging the preservice teachers in lesson study is to dislodge this belief. In particular, this research report focuses on one preservice teacher and her experiences during lesson study. Using the data collected, the researcher reports on the baseline beliefs that the preservice teacher held toward her knowledge of secondary mathematics, her mathematical experiences during the actual lesson study phase of the research and the final status of her beliefs in relation to her secondary mathematics understanding. After assessing the preservice teacher's beliefs, the report focuses on the moves the preservice teacher makes to protect her identity as a knower of mathematics. The report details how the researcher probed the subject's views through a follow-up interview. The researcher discovered during the follow-up interview that the subject was finally able to admit her lack of mathematical knowledge and her desire to not be seen as 'dumb' in front of the interviewer. The implications of the study suggest that teacher educators should be sensitive to preservice secondary teachers' perceptions of their mathematical knowledge and teacher educators should watch for the moves preservice teachers make to shift conversation away from mathematics topics.
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