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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O ensino da prevenção e tratamento de úlceras por pressão em escolas públicas do estado de São Paulo / Teaching on prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers at public schools in the state of São Paulo

Poletti, Nadia Antonia Aparecida 07 October 2005 (has links)
O processo acelerado de modernização científica e tecnológica tem gerado novas formas de conhecimento, o que tem levado instituições a rever o modo de formação dos profissionais. Dentre as várias características necessárias para este novo profissional, destacam-se a capacidade de buscar e utilizar novas informações, saber comunicar-se (nacional e internacionalmente), usar os recursos tecnológicos para a melhoria de vida, desenvolver a crítica e desempenhar a profissão de forma contextualizada e em equipe. Podemos afirmar então que o cuidado de enfermagem precisa ter uma abrangência maior. E assim, ao considerar a formação do enfermeiro, é que buscamos conhecer a situação atual do ensino, no que se refere à prevenção e tratamento de úlceras por pressão, nos cursos de graduação em enfermagem de oito Instituições Públicas de Ensino Superior do estado de São Paulo. Foi realizada uma pesquisa descritiva do tipo inquérito, da qual participaram 36 docentes, a maior parte do sexo feminino (97,2%), casados (75%), com idade entre 41 a 45 anos, com um tempo de formado variando de 16 a 25 anos, com aperfeiçoamento, 22,2% , especialização, 86,1% , mestrado 83,3% e doutorado 52,7%. Tinham experiência anterior à docência 94,4%, sendo a área mais freqüente a assistencial (47,2%). Foram citadas 2 disciplinas obrigatórias e 3 eletivas sobre o tema. Dentre os docentes, 28% ministram conteúdo teórico em sala de aula, 75,6% em estágio curricular e33,3% teórico-prático em laboratório. O modo de preparação para o ensino ocorreu por meio de publicações científicas 88,9%, pela prática profissional anterior a docência 80,6 % e em cursos de extensão 61,1%. As publicações incluíram 13 títulos de livros, 8 revistas nacionais e 8 revistas internacionais. O método mais utilizado em sala de aula foi aula expositiva (44,4%), em laboratório de ensino foi a demonstração pelo professor (58,3%), e no ensino clínico foi um aluno faz o procedimento e os demais observam (83,3%).Com relação aos recursos computacionais, 87,5% das instituições possuem laboratórios de informática e 100% possuem servidor. A relação aluno/computador nos cursos variou de 5,3 a 26,6. O tema mais abordado sobre prevenção foi: Fatores de risco (91,7%), e sobre tratamento Métodos de limpeza, desbridamento, coberturas, alívio da pressão e controle da dor (91,7%). Quanto ao preparo do docente para o ensino do tema, 58,3% se sentem preparados e 41,7%, não. Os comentários e sugestões dos docentes evidenciaram a necessidade de um enfoque maior na prevenção de UP e maior divulgação de inovações entre docentes. / The accelerated process of scientific and technological modernization has created new forms of knowledge. As a result, institutions have reconsidered the way they educate professionals. Among the different characteristics this \"new\" professional needs, special attention must be given to the ability to search for and use new information, to communicate (in the national and international spheres), to use technological resources for a better life, to develop criticism and perform the profession in a contextualized form through teamwork. Thus, it can be affirmed that nursing care needs to expand its range. That is why, in view of nursing education, we aim to get to know the current situation of teaching on the prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers in undergraduate nursing courses at eight Public Higher Education Institutions in the state of São Paulo. A descriptive inquiry was carried out. The participants were 36 lecturers, most of whom were women (97.2%), married (75%), between 41 and 45 years old; graduation times ranged from 16 to 25 years; 22.2% had taken refresher courses, 86.1% specialization courses, 83.3% Masters and 52.7% doctoral programs. 94.4% possessed earlier experience before teaching, most of whom (47.2%) in the field of care delivery. 2 compulsory and 3 optional subjects about the theme were mentioned. 28% of the lecturers presented theoretical contents in the classroom and 75.6% in curricular training, while 33,3 % offered theoretical-practical contents in laboratories. Teaching preparation was realized by means of scientific publications (88.9%), by professional practice previous to teaching (80.6%) and by extension courses (61.1%). The publications included 13 book titles, 8 national and 8 international journals. Seminars were the most used method (44.4%) in the classroom, demonstrations by the lecturer (58.3%) at the teaching lab, and a student demonstrating the procedure while the others are observing (83.3%) in clinical teaching. With respect to computer resources, 87.5% of the institutions have computer labs and 100% have a server. The student /computer index ranged from 5,3 to 26,6.The most frequently discussed theme related to prevention was: \'Risk factors\' (91.7%) and, in terms of treatment, \'Cleaning, debridement, dressing, pressure relief and pain control methods\' (91.7%). As to the lecturer\'s preparation for teaching about the theme, 58.3% feel prepared, whereas 41.7% do not. The lecturers\' comments and suggestions revealed the need for a greater focus on pressure ulcer prevention and for greater dissemination of novelties among lecturers.

Incidência de úlcera por pressão em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva / Pressure ulcer incidence in intensive care unit

Pulido, Kelly Cristina Strazzieri 29 October 2015 (has links)
Objetivo: determinar e analisar a incidência de úlcera por pressão e os fatores de risco para o seu desenvolvimento, assim como sua relação com a carga de trabalho de enfermagem, em pacientes internados em unidade de terapia intensiva. Métodos: como parte do projeto de pesquisa intitulado Segurança do paciente em unidades de terapia intensiva: influência dos recursos humanos de enfermagem na ocorrência de eventos adversos, o presente estudo constituiu uma coorte retrospectiva, realizado em nove unidades de terapia intensiva e uma semi-intensiva, de dois hospitais-escola da cidade de São Paulo. A amostra foi composta por 766 pacientes, sem úlcera por pressão 24 horas após a admissão nas unidades do estudo. As variáveis de interesse foram extraídas do banco de dados do estudo original e dos prontuários digitalizados dos pacientes que participaram do estudo. Para as análises estatísticas foram utilizados incidência cumulativa, Qui-quadrado de Pearson, Mann-Whitney e Regressão logística (Stepwise Forward). Resultados: a incidência de úlcera por pressão foi de 18,7%. Pacientes em ventilação mecânica apresentaram 3,5 vezes maior chance de úlcera por pressão (OR 3,479; IC 95% 2,190-5,528; p < 0,001); estar em cuidados paliativos aumentou a chance de úlcera por pressão em 7,8 vezes (OR 7,829; IC 95% 1,927-31,817; p = 0,004); cada dia a mais de internação aumentou em 10,1% a chance de úlcera por pressão (OR 1,101; IC 95% 1,071-1,132; p < 0,001); cada ponto do Nursing Activities Score aumentou a chance de úlcera por pressão em 1,5% (OR 1,015; IC 95% 1,003-1,027; p = 0,016); entre 60 e 84 anos a chance foi 2,3 vezes maior de úlcera por pressão do que aqueles com menos de 45 anos (OR 2,331; IC 95% 1,283-4,236; p = 0,005) e a partir dos 85 anos, a chance foi 2,7 vezes maior de úlcera por pressão do que aqueles com menos de 45 anos (OR 2,695; IC 95% 0,945-7,683; p < 0,064). Conclusão: admitindo-se que a UP é um evento adverso e que sua ocorrência está relacionada a baixa qualidade da assistência, a incidência de 18,7% aqui encontrada pode ser considerada alta. Muito ainda precisa ser feito no âmbito da prevenção, no intuito de alcançar índices mais aceitáveis. / Objective: To determine and to analyze pressure ulcers incidence and risk factors, and their relationships with nursing work-load in critical care patients. Methods: As a part of the research project named \"Patient safety in intensive care units: the influence of nursing personnel in adverse events occurrence\", a retrospective cohort study was taken in nine intensive care units and one semi-intensive care unit in two university hospitals in Sao Paulo. A total of 766 pacients without pressure ulcer 24 hours after their admission in the units were studied. The variables of interest for this study were collected in digitalized records. The statistical analysis were done using cumulative incidence, Pearson´s Chi-Square, Mann- Whitney´s and Logisitic regression (Stepwise Forward) tests. Results: the incidence of pressure ulcers was 18.7%. Patients under mechanical ventilation had a chance 3.5 times higher for developing of pressure ulcer (OR 3.479; IC 95% 2.190-5.528; p < 0.001); being under paliative care augmented 7.8 times the chance for developing pressure ulcer (OR 7.829; IC 95% 1.927-31.817; p = 0.004); for each day more of stay in ICU, the chance of developing pressure ulcers were 10.1% higher (OR 1.101; IC 95% 1.071-1.132; p < 0.001); each point of Nursing Activities Score rose the chance of developing pressure ulcer in 1.5% (OR 1.015; IC 95% 1.003-1.027; p = 0.016); patients between 60 and 84 years-old had a 2.3 higher chance of developing pressure ulcers than patients younger than 45 years-old (OR 2.331; IC 95% 1.283- 4.236; p = 0.005) and, after the age of 85, the chance for developing pressure ulcers were 2.7 times higher than in patients younger than 45 years-old (OR 2.695; IC 95% 0.945-7.683; p < 0.064). Conclusion: admitting that pressure ulcers are an adverse effect and that their occurrence is related with poor assistance quality, we can consider the incidence of 18,7% found in this cohort as high. Prevention actions must be enforced to guarantee a decrease in these figures.

Impacto do ensino a distância no conhecimento dos docentes de enfermagem para avaliação de feridas crônicas / E-learning impact in nursing faculty knowledge to chronic wound assessment

Marcia Beatriz Berzoti Gonçalves 29 January 2014 (has links)
O conhecimento embasado nas melhores evidências científicas para a assistência de enfermagem às pessoas com feridas crônicas (FC) deve alicerçar o ensino da temática na formação do enfermeiro. Diante da relevância epidemiológica do problema, o docente de enfermagem se depara com o desafio de ensinar aos estudantes, o cuidado às pessoas com essa complicação, nos diversos contextos de atenção à saúde. A etapa da avaliação da FC é fundamental para identificar e descrever o processo de cicatrização e a seleção da terapia tópica, que o favoreça. A educação à distância (EAD) tem demonstrado ser uma estratégia efetiva para atualização do conhecimento. Diante disto, o objetivo deste estudo foi identificar o impacto da EAD, no conhecimento de docentes de enfermagem e enfermeiros vinculados ao ensino superior, acerca da avaliação de FC. Tratou-se de um estudo prospectivo, quase-experimental, com coleta de dados antes e após a intervenção. Após aprovação pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa, foram convidados a participar da pesquisa, docentes e enfermeiros vinculados ao ensino, de instituições de ensino superior (IES) públicas e privadas, que ministrassem disciplinas teóricas e/ ou práticas, nos cursos de graduação em Enfermagem, de um município do interior do Estado de São Paulo. A amostra foi composta por 26 docentes e enfermeiros vinculados ao ensino, que participaram do curso de atualização \"Avaliação de Feridas Crônicas na Assistência de Enfermagem\" oferecido através do Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem (AVA) Moodle. Entre os participantes, a média de idade de 42,3 anos (DP 9,56), e todos eram do sexo feminino. O tempo médio de experiência no ensino foi de 11,16 anos (DP 8,02), 24 (92,3%) docentes afirmaram lecionar disciplinas teóricas e/ ou práticas, dos quais, 91,7% referiram atuar no cuidado de pessoas com FC, nos cenários de prática. A ferramenta mais utilizada para a busca de informações sobre \"feridas crônicas\" pela maioria dos participantes foi a internet. O aumento na porcentagem de acertos após a intervenção foi estatisticamente significante e o domínio que obteve maior número de acertos no pré e pós-teste foi \"Dimensionamento da ferida\", com melhor desempenho ao final do curso. A correlação entre o tempo de experiência na docência e o desempenho no teste de conhecimento foi negativa, e a associação entre a utilização de outras estratégias para busca de informações, tais como troca de experiência entre os pares, participação em eventos científicos acerca do tema, melhorou o desempenho dos participantes. A utilização da EAD, como ferramenta para a intervenção educativa, visando a divulgação de recomendações para a avaliação de feridas crônicas, impactou positivamente na aquisição de conhecimentos dos participantes. A adoção de tecnologias para o aprimoramento dos docentes de enfermagem trouxe implicações que podem favorecer o ensino e gerar mudanças na prática clínica de enfermagem / The knowledge based on the best scientific evidence of care to people with chronic wounds (CW) should be the basis of this theme teaching in nursing education. Considering the epidemiological relevance of this problem, nursing faculty are faced with the challenge of teaching students how to look after people with this complication in different contexts of health care. The assessment of CW is critical to identify and describe the healing process and the selection of the best topical therapy. The effectiveness of E-learning (EL) strategy to update knowledge has been demonstrated in other studies. Therefore, the aim of this study was to identify the impact of e-learning on CW assessment knowledge of teachers and nurses involved with higher education. A prospective and quasi-experimental study was conducted with data collection before and after the intervention. After the board of ethics approval, teachers and nurses were invited to participate in the research. These teachers and nurses involved in higher education institutions, both public and private, teach theoretical subjects and or practices in nursing undergraduate courses in the municipality in the state of Sao Paulo. The sample consisted of 26 teachers and nurses who attended the update course \"Assessment of Chronic Wounds in Nursing Care\" offered through the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) Moodle. Among participants, we identified an average age of 42.3 years (SD=9.56), and regarding gender, all subjects were female. The average teaching experience was 11.16 years (SD=8.02), 24 (92.3%) teachers reported teaching theoretical subjects and/or practices, of which 91.7% reported working with CW care in practice scenarios. The most widely used tool to search for information about \"chronic wounds\" was the internet. The increase in the percentage of correct answers after the intervention was statistically significant and the item with highest number of correct answers in both pre and posttests was \"Dimensioning the wound\", with better performance at the end of the course. The correlation between times of teaching experience and performance on the knowledge test was negative, and the association between the use of other strategies to knowledge update (such as exchange of experience among peers, participation in scientific events on the theme) was found to improved performance of the participants. The use of EL as a tool for educational intervention focused on disseminating recommendations for CW assessment positively impacted the acquisition of knowledge among participants. Adopting technologies for the improvement of nursing faculty\'s abilities had outcomes that may support education and generate changes in the clinical nursing practice

Staffing Standards and Care Outcomes in For-Profit and Not-For-Profit Religious-Based Nursing Homes

Omotowa, Ara Omobola 01 January 2017 (has links)
Vulnerable older adults residing in nursing homes continue to experience poor care outcomes due to nurse staffing levels that are below the levels required for maintaining their well-being. Studies have shown that patient care outcomes in nursing homes are related to nurse staffing standards/levels, which are affected by profit maximization on adherence to registered nurses and licensed nurse staffing standards. The purpose of this descriptive study was to determine if there was a relationship between adherence to staffing standards and care outcomes in for-profit (FP) and not-for-profit religious-based (NFPRB) nursing homes using the profit maximization theory. Research questions focused on the relationships that profit maximization and nurse staffing standards had on the quality of care outcomes measures and the differences between the nursing homes on these variables. Secondary data were collected from public database and analyzed using the descriptive and inferential statistics, nonparametric tests, and binary logistic regression. Findings showed that profit measures were not related to staffing standards and care outcome measures in the NFPRB. There was a significant relationship between FP nursing homes and standards to care outcomes in FP but not in the NFPRB nursing homes. FP nursing homes did worse than NFPRB on care outcomes. Further research, using qualitative and mixed methodologies, is needed to study the effects of profit measures on nursing home care outcomes. The results of this study can effect positive social change by informing policy makers and healthcare professionals/leaders, and, by reducing adverse events, untimely death, and positively affecting the quality of care and life of the frail and vulnerable older adults residing in nursing homes.

Nurse Manager Emotional Intelligence as a Predictor to Registered Nurse Job Satisfaction and RN Perceptions of the Practice Environment and the Relationship to Patient, Nursing and Hospital Outcomes

Munro, Jacqueline Cecilia 01 January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine if the level of Nurse Manager (NM) emotional intelligence (EI) predicted registered nurse (RN) job satisfaction and RN perceptions of the practice environment. In addition, relationships to patient, nursing, and hospital outcomes were explored. Participants included RNs (N=659) and NMs (N=38) from 53 nursing units at eight hospitals located in the southeast region of the United States. A cross-sectional, correlational research design was used to test the hypotheses. Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients, simple linear and multiple regression statistics were conducted to analyze the data. Level of NM EI had a positive, not significant relationshp to RN job satisfaction and RN perceptions of the practice environment. A direct, positive significant relationship was observed between the variables NM EI and patient satisfaction with nursing care. There was a positive, significant relationship noted between the variables RN job satisfaction and RN perceptions of the practice environment. The indirect relationships between the level of NM EI and patient, nursing and hospital outcomes were not significant. There was a direct significant, positive relationship noted between the variables RN perceptions of the practice environment and patient satisfaction with nursing care. In addition, the interaction between RN job satisfaction and RN hours of care had a positive, significant relationship with unit level pressure ulcer rates. This study indicated that units with higher RN hours of care have increased pressure ulcer rates. In addition, results illustrate a marked increase in pressure ulcer rates on those units with higher levels of job satisfaction. In this study, pressure ulcer rates depended on the level of RN job satisfaction.

Prevence vzniku kožních lézí v perioperační péči / Skin lesions prevention in perioperative care

POHLOVÁ, Lucie January 2018 (has links)
Thesis objectives: The diploma thesis deals with the issue of prevention of skin lesions in perioperative care. In the theoretical part, the current state of knowledge is presented concerning the pressure ulcers identification due to the persisting real problems in differential diagnostics in clinical practice. Further, the thesis deals with the issue of wet and thermal lesions, which occur also during the perioperative care. In the empirical part of the diploma thesis, the first objective was to find the frequency of documented occurrence of decubital lesions in connection with the surgery in Jihlava Hospital for a period of one year. The second objective of the thesis was to find out whether, and what barriers exist when using specific preventive measures. The last aim of the diploma thesis was to compare the efficiency of preventive measures from the point of view of perioperative nurses and nurses from service units. Three hypotheses were formulated to meet the objectives of the thesis. Method for achieving the objectives: The set objectives were achieved through a retrospective analysis of the hospital information system data and a quantitative questionnaire survey. The study included nurses working in surgery, orthopaedics, traumatology, intensive care units and perioperative nurses in Jihlava Hospital. The total number of respondents was 140. Scientific benefits of the thesis: The research implies that the use of prophylactic aids in pre-operative preparation contributes significantly to reducing the risk of skin lesions. The addressed set of nurses did not indicate any serious barriers to their application and, on the contrary, considered it to be very effective. The results of the thesis can be used in practice, especially in a specific health facility for further care improvement. The findings and conclusions: On the research group we have verified that the declared use of preventive strategies in the area of prevention of lesions in perioperative care differs according to the type and focus of the workplace; (p = 0.000) the least frequent use was declared by the general nurse from orthopaedics, however, the methods used did not differ (p = 0,220). In addition, we found out that there was a statistically significant difference in the opinion on efficiency of prophylactic covering in lesion prevention (p = 0.001, the worst evaluation was by the respondents from orthopaedics) but only 2 respondents stated negative experience with their use.

Eefeitos de posicionamentos em “tilt” e “recline” na distribuição da pressão no assento de pessoas com tetraplegia

Gradim, Luma Carolina Câmara 10 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Aelson Maciera (aelsoncm@terra.com.br) on 2017-06-28T16:55:27Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DissLCCG.pdf: 2545106 bytes, checksum: c1b366332bbc6ade417f933af65b4e9b (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ronildo Prado (ronisp@ufscar.br) on 2017-07-03T19:12:44Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DissLCCG.pdf: 2545106 bytes, checksum: c1b366332bbc6ade417f933af65b4e9b (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ronildo Prado (ronisp@ufscar.br) on 2017-07-03T19:12:50Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DissLCCG.pdf: 2545106 bytes, checksum: c1b366332bbc6ade417f933af65b4e9b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-03T19:17:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DissLCCG.pdf: 2545106 bytes, checksum: c1b366332bbc6ade417f933af65b4e9b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-10 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / The development of pressure ulcers (PU) in people with spinal cord injury (SCI) is a relevant factor and directly affects the health. Several preventive methods in a wheelchair have been researched for pressure relief, health promotion and disease prevention, such as PU. Some methods such as seating positioning system, different cushions and variable positions as tilt and recline seating systems, are most commonly used to relieve the pressure, and have been studied and achieved significant results for people with SCI in wheelchair. This study aims, thus, to evaluate the pressure redistribution buttock interface / cushion in areas susceptible to UP (sacrum, ischia) for the positions of tilt and recline in the wheelchair, in people with tetraplegia by spinal cord injury. In order to proceed to the research, we analyzed five people of both sexes with tetraplegia by LM, between 18 and 60 years. Was used a characterization form, a wheelchair simulator, ROHO ®High Profile Quadtro Select ™ cushion, a pressure mapping system, adaptations to the simulator and a questionnaire of satisfaction with the use of tilt and recline systems. As results, the pressure relief in the buttocks was better in higher angles, such as 10 ° tilt with 120 ° of recline, 20 ° tilt with 120 ° of recline and 30° tilt with 120° recline. But, even the smaller angulation positions resulted in pressure relief. Therefore, our results indicate that a greater angle of tilt and recline is needed to improve pressure redistribution compared to smaller angles. A position of 30° tilt combined with 120° recline is effective in relieving pressure on the ischial tuberosities and the buttocks. / O desenvolvimento de lesões por pressão em pessoas com lesão medular (LM) é um fator relevante e afeta diretamente o estado de saúde. Diversos métodos preventivos em cadeira de rodas (CR) têm sido pesquisados para alívio de pressão, promoção de saúde e prevenção de doenças como a lesão por pressão. Alguns métodos, como adequação postural, material para a almofada adequada e posições variáveis, como sistemas de assentos tilt e recline são mais comumente utilizados, e têm sido estudados e alcançado resultados significativos para as pessoas com LM em CR. Buscou-se, então, avaliar a distribuição de pressão na interface nádega/almofada em áreas suscetíveis à lesão por pressão (sacro, ísquios) durante as posições de tilt e recline em pessoas com tetraplegia por lesão na medula espinal. Para tanto, participaram desta pesquisa 5 pessoas de ambos os sexos com tetraplegia por LM, entre 18 e 60 anos. Foi utilizado um formulário de caracterização do participante, um simulador de CR, almofada ROHO ®High Profile Quadtro Select™, um sistema de mapeamento de pressão, adaptações para o simulador e um questionário de satisfação quanto ao uso dos sistemas tilt e recline. Como resultados, obteve-se que o alívio de pressão na região das nádegas foi melhor em posições com maiores ângulos, como 20°de tilt com 120° de recline e 30° de tilt com 120° de recline. Mesmo as posições de angulações menores resultaram em alívio de pressão. Portanto, nossos resultados indicam que um maior ângulo de tilt e recline é necessário para melhorar a distribuição de pressão na região das nádegas em comparação com ângulos menores. Uma posição de 30° de tilt combinado com 120° de recline é eficaz no alívio da pressão nas tuberosidades isquiáticas e na região das nádegas.

Incidência de úlcera por pressão em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva / Pressure ulcer incidence in intensive care unit

Kelly Cristina Strazzieri Pulido 29 October 2015 (has links)
Objetivo: determinar e analisar a incidência de úlcera por pressão e os fatores de risco para o seu desenvolvimento, assim como sua relação com a carga de trabalho de enfermagem, em pacientes internados em unidade de terapia intensiva. Métodos: como parte do projeto de pesquisa intitulado Segurança do paciente em unidades de terapia intensiva: influência dos recursos humanos de enfermagem na ocorrência de eventos adversos, o presente estudo constituiu uma coorte retrospectiva, realizado em nove unidades de terapia intensiva e uma semi-intensiva, de dois hospitais-escola da cidade de São Paulo. A amostra foi composta por 766 pacientes, sem úlcera por pressão 24 horas após a admissão nas unidades do estudo. As variáveis de interesse foram extraídas do banco de dados do estudo original e dos prontuários digitalizados dos pacientes que participaram do estudo. Para as análises estatísticas foram utilizados incidência cumulativa, Qui-quadrado de Pearson, Mann-Whitney e Regressão logística (Stepwise Forward). Resultados: a incidência de úlcera por pressão foi de 18,7%. Pacientes em ventilação mecânica apresentaram 3,5 vezes maior chance de úlcera por pressão (OR 3,479; IC 95% 2,190-5,528; p < 0,001); estar em cuidados paliativos aumentou a chance de úlcera por pressão em 7,8 vezes (OR 7,829; IC 95% 1,927-31,817; p = 0,004); cada dia a mais de internação aumentou em 10,1% a chance de úlcera por pressão (OR 1,101; IC 95% 1,071-1,132; p < 0,001); cada ponto do Nursing Activities Score aumentou a chance de úlcera por pressão em 1,5% (OR 1,015; IC 95% 1,003-1,027; p = 0,016); entre 60 e 84 anos a chance foi 2,3 vezes maior de úlcera por pressão do que aqueles com menos de 45 anos (OR 2,331; IC 95% 1,283-4,236; p = 0,005) e a partir dos 85 anos, a chance foi 2,7 vezes maior de úlcera por pressão do que aqueles com menos de 45 anos (OR 2,695; IC 95% 0,945-7,683; p < 0,064). Conclusão: admitindo-se que a UP é um evento adverso e que sua ocorrência está relacionada a baixa qualidade da assistência, a incidência de 18,7% aqui encontrada pode ser considerada alta. Muito ainda precisa ser feito no âmbito da prevenção, no intuito de alcançar índices mais aceitáveis. / Objective: To determine and to analyze pressure ulcers incidence and risk factors, and their relationships with nursing work-load in critical care patients. Methods: As a part of the research project named \"Patient safety in intensive care units: the influence of nursing personnel in adverse events occurrence\", a retrospective cohort study was taken in nine intensive care units and one semi-intensive care unit in two university hospitals in Sao Paulo. A total of 766 pacients without pressure ulcer 24 hours after their admission in the units were studied. The variables of interest for this study were collected in digitalized records. The statistical analysis were done using cumulative incidence, Pearson´s Chi-Square, Mann- Whitney´s and Logisitic regression (Stepwise Forward) tests. Results: the incidence of pressure ulcers was 18.7%. Patients under mechanical ventilation had a chance 3.5 times higher for developing of pressure ulcer (OR 3.479; IC 95% 2.190-5.528; p < 0.001); being under paliative care augmented 7.8 times the chance for developing pressure ulcer (OR 7.829; IC 95% 1.927-31.817; p = 0.004); for each day more of stay in ICU, the chance of developing pressure ulcers were 10.1% higher (OR 1.101; IC 95% 1.071-1.132; p < 0.001); each point of Nursing Activities Score rose the chance of developing pressure ulcer in 1.5% (OR 1.015; IC 95% 1.003-1.027; p = 0.016); patients between 60 and 84 years-old had a 2.3 higher chance of developing pressure ulcers than patients younger than 45 years-old (OR 2.331; IC 95% 1.283- 4.236; p = 0.005) and, after the age of 85, the chance for developing pressure ulcers were 2.7 times higher than in patients younger than 45 years-old (OR 2.695; IC 95% 0.945-7.683; p < 0.064). Conclusion: admitting that pressure ulcers are an adverse effect and that their occurrence is related with poor assistance quality, we can consider the incidence of 18,7% found in this cohort as high. Prevention actions must be enforced to guarantee a decrease in these figures.

O ensino da prevenção e tratamento de úlceras por pressão em escolas públicas do estado de São Paulo / Teaching on prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers at public schools in the state of São Paulo

Nadia Antonia Aparecida Poletti 07 October 2005 (has links)
O processo acelerado de modernização científica e tecnológica tem gerado novas formas de conhecimento, o que tem levado instituições a rever o modo de formação dos profissionais. Dentre as várias características necessárias para este novo profissional, destacam-se a capacidade de buscar e utilizar novas informações, saber comunicar-se (nacional e internacionalmente), usar os recursos tecnológicos para a melhoria de vida, desenvolver a crítica e desempenhar a profissão de forma contextualizada e em equipe. Podemos afirmar então que o cuidado de enfermagem precisa ter uma abrangência maior. E assim, ao considerar a formação do enfermeiro, é que buscamos conhecer a situação atual do ensino, no que se refere à prevenção e tratamento de úlceras por pressão, nos cursos de graduação em enfermagem de oito Instituições Públicas de Ensino Superior do estado de São Paulo. Foi realizada uma pesquisa descritiva do tipo inquérito, da qual participaram 36 docentes, a maior parte do sexo feminino (97,2%), casados (75%), com idade entre 41 a 45 anos, com um tempo de formado variando de 16 a 25 anos, com aperfeiçoamento, 22,2% , especialização, 86,1% , mestrado 83,3% e doutorado 52,7%. Tinham experiência anterior à docência 94,4%, sendo a área mais freqüente a assistencial (47,2%). Foram citadas 2 disciplinas obrigatórias e 3 eletivas sobre o tema. Dentre os docentes, 28% ministram conteúdo teórico em sala de aula, 75,6% em estágio curricular e33,3% teórico-prático em laboratório. O modo de preparação para o ensino ocorreu por meio de publicações científicas 88,9%, pela prática profissional anterior a docência 80,6 % e em cursos de extensão 61,1%. As publicações incluíram 13 títulos de livros, 8 revistas nacionais e 8 revistas internacionais. O método mais utilizado em sala de aula foi aula expositiva (44,4%), em laboratório de ensino foi a demonstração pelo professor (58,3%), e no ensino clínico foi um aluno faz o procedimento e os demais observam (83,3%).Com relação aos recursos computacionais, 87,5% das instituições possuem laboratórios de informática e 100% possuem servidor. A relação aluno/computador nos cursos variou de 5,3 a 26,6. O tema mais abordado sobre prevenção foi: Fatores de risco (91,7%), e sobre tratamento Métodos de limpeza, desbridamento, coberturas, alívio da pressão e controle da dor (91,7%). Quanto ao preparo do docente para o ensino do tema, 58,3% se sentem preparados e 41,7%, não. Os comentários e sugestões dos docentes evidenciaram a necessidade de um enfoque maior na prevenção de UP e maior divulgação de inovações entre docentes. / The accelerated process of scientific and technological modernization has created new forms of knowledge. As a result, institutions have reconsidered the way they educate professionals. Among the different characteristics this \"new\" professional needs, special attention must be given to the ability to search for and use new information, to communicate (in the national and international spheres), to use technological resources for a better life, to develop criticism and perform the profession in a contextualized form through teamwork. Thus, it can be affirmed that nursing care needs to expand its range. That is why, in view of nursing education, we aim to get to know the current situation of teaching on the prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers in undergraduate nursing courses at eight Public Higher Education Institutions in the state of São Paulo. A descriptive inquiry was carried out. The participants were 36 lecturers, most of whom were women (97.2%), married (75%), between 41 and 45 years old; graduation times ranged from 16 to 25 years; 22.2% had taken refresher courses, 86.1% specialization courses, 83.3% Masters and 52.7% doctoral programs. 94.4% possessed earlier experience before teaching, most of whom (47.2%) in the field of care delivery. 2 compulsory and 3 optional subjects about the theme were mentioned. 28% of the lecturers presented theoretical contents in the classroom and 75.6% in curricular training, while 33,3 % offered theoretical-practical contents in laboratories. Teaching preparation was realized by means of scientific publications (88.9%), by professional practice previous to teaching (80.6%) and by extension courses (61.1%). The publications included 13 book titles, 8 national and 8 international journals. Seminars were the most used method (44.4%) in the classroom, demonstrations by the lecturer (58.3%) at the teaching lab, and a student demonstrating the procedure while the others are observing (83.3%) in clinical teaching. With respect to computer resources, 87.5% of the institutions have computer labs and 100% have a server. The student /computer index ranged from 5,3 to 26,6.The most frequently discussed theme related to prevention was: \'Risk factors\' (91.7%) and, in terms of treatment, \'Cleaning, debridement, dressing, pressure relief and pain control methods\' (91.7%). As to the lecturer\'s preparation for teaching about the theme, 58.3% feel prepared, whereas 41.7% do not. The lecturers\' comments and suggestions revealed the need for a greater focus on pressure ulcer prevention and for greater dissemination of novelties among lecturers.

Redesign of a generic human limb pressure device – towards early diagnosis of pressure ulcer risk patients

Länne Rosenlund, Hanna January 2016 (has links)
This report is a Bachelor thesis in the field of product development and design. It includes a literature review in the field of pressure ulcers and diabetes as well as a design process. The writer of this report, Hanna Länne Rosenlund, is a Mechanical Engineering student at the School of Engineering at Jönköping University. The focus of the education lies within product development and design. Pressure ulcers are a growing health care problem due to an increase in the mean life expectancy as well as an increase in diabetes in the world population. Patients with artificial limbs are often victims of pressure ulcers due to prolonged pressures from the prosthetic sockets on already sensitive areas of the body. Research in the field of pressure-induced injuries is currently taking place at Jönköping University. Their knowledge in finite element modelling and orthopaedic engineering made the research project, PEOPLE, possible. PEOPLE is a collaboration project between the School of Engineering and the School of Health and Welfare at Jönköping University as well as three company partners. In the project they aim to develop a device that will apply pressure to a lower limb while a MR camera takes scans of the limb. The images are later analysed closely by use of the finite element model, which means that all the different tissue properties will be collected for a computer simulation. In that way the tissues reactions to more extreme forms of pressure can be evaluated. This will contribute to the research in hope of eventually being able to predict whether or not a person might be at risk of developing pressure ulcers. A design of the prototype’s chassis was needed to optimize ease of use for both patient and staff, user options to expand research abilities, and sustainability. The design process includes product decomposition, concept generation, conceptual design, brainstorming, design for assembly, and design for component manufacturing, which generated several concepts. The final concept was decided by use of Pugh’s-matrices. The different concepts and the final concept were created in the computer aided design programme, Solid Works. The work resulted in a highly adjustable two-piece concept with optimized ease of use and sustainability due to the use of a Velcro strap. The prototype will come in two different sizes and will be mountable by a developed screwing system and therefore easy to pack, store and replace. It will also contain a new pressure relief system for a more comfortable patient experience. For further development of chassis of this kind, a replaceable pressure relief system would enhance the comfort when usage of larger limbs. When the device will be available for testing, a patient’s point of view can be taken in to consideration for a more reliable thesis and for further optimization of the comfort. / Detta är ett examensarbete på kandidatnivå inom ämnet produktutveckling och design. I arbetet ingår en litterär överblick och sammanfattning av forskning i ämnet angående trycksår och diabetes, samt en designprocess. Författaren, Hanna Länne Rosenlund studerar Maskinteknik med inriktning Produktutveckling och Design på Jönköpings Tekniska Högskola. Trycksår är ett växande problem inom vården på grund av en ökning i medellivslängden samt en ökning av diabetesdiagnoser hos världens befolkning. Patienter med proteser faller ofta offer för trycksår på grund av extrema och långvariga tryckförhållanden där proteserna är lokaliserade. Ett område som redan är känsligare för tryck. Forskning inom tryckframkallande skador pågår just nu på Jönköping University. Deras kunskap inom finita elements modellering samt ortopedingenjörsteknik har gjort detta forskningsprojekt möjligt. Forskningsprojektet heter PEOPLE och är ett samverkningsprojekt mellan Tekniska Högskolan, Hälsohögskolan samt tre företagspartners. Tillsammans siktar de mot att utveckla en prototyp som ska utsätta en lem för ett konstant tryck medan en MR kamera scannar vävnaden. En finit elements modell av lemmen skapas sedan för närmre granskning av vävnaden hos individen. Vävnadens egenskaper samlas sedan för en simulering då man kan utvärdera hur vävnaden skulle reagera på mer extrema former av tryck. På så sätt kan prototypen bidra till forskningen inom ämnet för att förhoppningsvis kunna förutspå ifall en person är vid risk för att utveckla trycksår eller inte. En omkonstruktion av prototypens chassi har utvecklats för att optimera användarvänligheten för både patient och personal, användarmöjligheten för forskningssyfte, samt för att bättre bidra till en mer hållbar lösning. Designprocessen har inkluderat teorier såsom produktnedbrytning, konceptgenerering, konceptutveckling, brainstorming, design for assembly och design for manufacturing som alla har hjälpt till att generera koncept. Det slutgiltiga konceptet valdes med hjälp av Pugh matriser. Koncepten samt det slutliga konceptet skapades i ett CAD (computer aided design) program, Solid Works. Arbetet resulterade i ett justerbart tvådelat koncept med optimerad användarvänlighet och hållbarhet genom att använda sig av ett kardborreband. Prototypen kommer att finnas i två olika storlekar och vara monterbar genom att det går att skruva bort chassit och på så sätt optimera packning, hantering och förvaring. Det kommer också att innehålla ett nyutvecklat system för att underlätta fördelningen av tryck på motsatt sida från indenteringen. För fortsatt utveckling av chassit hade ett utbytbart system för tryckavledning optimerat produkten ytterligare då komforten hade ökat vid användning på större lemmar. När produkten finns tillgänglig för testning i framtiden kommer en patients syn vara möjlig att ta med och på så sätt förstärka trovärdigheten av arbetet samt bidra till fortsatt strävande för komfort.

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