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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Challenges of treating pressure ulcers : A qualitative study with nurses in Tanzania / Utmaningar med behandling av trycksår : En kvalitativ studie med sjuksköterskor i Tanzania

Anberlin, Tobias January 2019 (has links)
Background: Wounds have existed at all times and have always been feared because of the risk of infection leading to prolonged bed rest, and risk of complications such as amputation and even in some cases death. Pressure ulcers are included in the group of secondary healing wounds, which means that they heal from the inside only after that the wound is filled by granulation tissue. As a nurse one of the main work assignments is to promote health and care by showing professional liability to meet the patient's needs. In this study, the focus will be to describe the challenges for nurses in Tanzania in preventing and early detection of pressure ulcers. Aim: To describe the challenges for nurses in Tanzania in preventing and early detection of pressure ulcers Method: A descriptive qualitative design was chosen for this study as the aim was to explore nurses’ experiences of preventing and early detection of pressure ulcers. A qualitative design is most suitable when the researcher seeks to understand the phenomenon under study. Results: There were indeed challenges for the nurses in preventing and early detect pressure ulcers. The findings could be divided into three sub-themes: a) Structural challenges and varying educational level among health care personnel, b) Insufficient resources – challenges and strategies, and c) Patients unable to pay for health care Discussion: The discussion addressed that education is one of the main strategies for preventing pressure ulcers and is not always a financial issue. Understaffed wards and patients that are not able to pay for healthcare are factors that are ongoing issues at a hospital financed by the government. It also addresses the frustration some nurses expressed towards the problem and often felt helpless concerning patients health.

Nutritions betydelse för förbyggande av trycksår hos patienter över 65 år med genomgången höftfraktur

Yari, Mostafa, Khalid, Nazir January 2011 (has links)
Trycksår är en komplikation hos patienter med höftfraktur som ofta tillskrivs sängläge men som kan uppstå vid olika långvariga inaktivitet och belastningstillstånd. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att undersöka eventuellt sambandet mellan nutrition och förebyggandet av trycksår hos patienter över 65 år med genomgången höftfraktur. En systematisk databassökning har skett i Pubmed och Cinahl. Denna studie genomfördes för att söka relevanta vetenskapliga artiklar och sju artiklar selekterades. Författarna fann att olika näringsämnen framförallt serumalbumin, arginin, zink, vitamin C kan påverka sårläkningsprocessen. Det visade att lågt serumalbumin och arginin kan leda till viktminskning, detta är en viktig riskfaktor som kan öka komplikationer hos äldre patienter. Serumalbumins betydelse hos patienter med trycksår är viktigt. / Pressure ulcers are a complication in patients with hip fracture often attributed to bed rest, but that can arise in various long-standing idle and load conditions. The purpose of this study was to investigate the possible relationship between nutrition and the prevention of pressure ulcers in patients over 65 with a hip fracture. A systematic database search has taken place in Pubmed and Cinahl. This study was conducted to find relevant scientific papers and seven articles were selected. The authors found that certain nutrients, particularly serum albumin, arginine, zinc, vitamin C can affect the wound healing process. It showed that low serum albumin and arginine are can lead to weight loss, this is an important risk factor that may increase complications in elderly patients. Serumalbumins significance in patients with pressure ulcers is important.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda patienter med trycksår

Olsson, Angelina, Keränen, Sofia January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Tidigare forskning visar att patienter med trycksår har olika upplevelser av att leva med trycksår, vårdas med trycksår och faktorer som påverkar patienters delaktighet i det förebyggande och vårdandet av trycksår. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda patienter med trycksår. Metod: En allmän litteraturöversikt där åtta kvalitativa artiklar och fyra kvantitativa artiklar analyserades. Resultat: I resultatet framkom det att sjuksköterskor upplevde brist på resurser, hög arbetsbelastning och tidsbrist som verkar som ett hinder i vårdandet av patienter med trycksår. Bristande kompetens var även befintlig bland sjuksköterskor och patienter vilket även påvisades som ett hinder i vårdandet. Bristande samarbete bland sjuksköterskor och patienter resulterade i en bristfällig följsamhet hos en del patienter vilket även påverkade vårdandet av patienter negativt. Slutligen påvisades även en emotionell påverkan hos en del sjuksköterskor i vårdandet av patienter med trycksår. Slutsats: Det framkom att sjuksköterskor upplevde flertal hinder i vårdandet av patienter med trycksår, i och med detta bör riktlinjer, arbetsförhållanden och utbildning kring vården relaterad till trycksår ses över för att möta dessa hinder och säkerställa en mer patientsäker vård. / Background: Previous research shows that patients with pressure ulcers have different experiences of living with pressure ulcers, being cared for with pressure ulcers and factors that affect patients' participation in the prevention and care of pressure ulcers. Aim: The aim of this study is to describe nurses’ experiences with caring for patients with pressure ulcers. Method: A general literature review where eight qualitative articles and four quantitative articles were analyzed. Results: The results showed that nurses experience a high workload and a lack of time and resources that acts as an obstacle in the care of patients with pressure ulcers. A lack of competence and knowledge was also existing among nurses and patients, which was also shown as an obstacle in caring of patients with pressure ulcers. Lack of cooperation among nurses and patients resulted in a lack of adherence among some patients, which also negatively affected the care of the patients. Finally, an emotional impact was also demonstrated by some nurses in the care of patients with pressure ulcers. Conclusions: It transpired that nurses experience several obstacles in the care of patients with pressure ulcers and as a result, guidelines, working conditions and education regarding pressure ulcer care should be reviewed to meet these obstacles and ensure more patient-safe care.

Sjuksköterskors omvårdnadsåtgärder som förebygger uppkomsten av trycksår : Vara steget före / The nurse's nursing actions that prevent the occurrence ofpressure ulcers : Be one step ahead

Persson Gullqvist, Wilma, Hammarstrand, Kristina January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Trycksår definieras som ett sår orsakat av ett konstant tryck mot hudytan och som resulterar i skada av hud och underliggande vävnad. Sjuksköterskors kunskap om förebyggande faktorer är av vikt för att kunna utföra riskbedömningar och förebygga uppkomsten av trycksår. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva sjuksköterskors omvårdnadsåtgärder som förebygger uppkomsten av trycksår. Metod: Studien gjordes som en allmän litteraturstudie med två kvantitativa och sex kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar som granskades med en innehållsanalys. Resultat: Innehållsanalysen frambringande sex olika teman: Kunskap och kontinuerlig utbildning, riskbedömning av patient, mobilisering och positionering av patient, resurser och tillgänglig utrustning, kommunikation och samarbete i team, patient och anhörigbildning. Konklusion: Sjuksköterskor behöver kontinuerligt utveckla sin kompetens inom evidensbaserade trycksårsförebyggande omvårdnadsåtgärder för att kunna vara steget före i vården i allmänhet. Det krävs ett multidisciplinärt och tvärprofessionellt samarbete tillsammans med tydlig kommunikation samt patient och anhörigutbildning för att tillhandahålla en god trycksårsförebyggande omvårdnad av hög kvalitet. / Background: A pressure ulcer is defined as a wound caused by constant pressure against the skin's surface and resulting in damage to the skin and underlying tissue. Nurses' knowledge of preventive factors is of importance to be able to carry out risk assessments and prevent the occurrence of pressure ulcers. Purpose: The purpose was to describe nurses' nursing measures that prevent the occurrence of pressure ulcers. Method: The study was conducted as a general literature study with two quantitative and six qualitative scientific articles that were reviewed with a content analysis. Results: The content analysis produced six different themes: Knowledge and continuous education, patient risk assessment, patient mobilization and positioning, resources and available equipment, communication and collaboration in teams, patient and family education. Conclusion: Nurses needs to continuously develop competence in evidence-based pressure ulcer prevention nursing measures in order to be one step ahead in care in general. A multidisciplinary and interprofessional collaboration together with clear communication and patient and relative education is required to provide good pressure ulcer prevention care of high quality.

Sjuksköterskors kunskap och upplevda hinder vid förebyggande av trycksår : En litteraturstudie / Nurses’ knowledge and perceived barriers on prevention of pressure ulcer : A literature study

Kabir, Humayun, Lanberg, Pavel January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Trycksår betraktas idag som en nosokomial skada som har en direkt påverkan på den drabbande så väl fysiskt och psykiskt. Utöver det personliga lidandet inbegriper trycksår även betydande resursutnyttjande ur en pur ekonomisk synpunkt men även som en personal belastande fenomen. Evidensen pekar på att ca 95% av samtliga trycksår kan förebyggas vid implementering av evidensbaserade riskbedömningsinstrument och åtgärder. Ändock råder det diskrepans mellan planerade och utförda åtgärder. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva sjuksköterskors kunskap och upplevda hinder vid förebyggande av trycksår.   Metod: En litteraturstudie genomfördes. Artikelsökningen har i första hand gjorts i databaser Cinahl och PubMed men också en manuell sökning har genomförts. Tematiskananlys användes för att analysera artiklarnas innehåll. Artiklar hade betydande geografisk spridning, var på engelska och i fulltext, original, peer-reviewed samt etiskt godkända.  Resultat: Tio artiklar mötte inklusionskriterier och ingår i studien. Två huvudteman identifierades; sjuksköterskan och arbetsmiljöperspektiv. Första temat hade två subteman kunskap och attityd och arbetsmiljöperspektivet hade tre subteman; personalbrist, tidsbrist samt patienten.   Sjuksköterskor har varierande kunskapsnivåer dock pekar evidensen på att variationerna har liten eller ingen betydelse för utförandet av preventiva åtgärder. Nio artiklar redogjorde för god attityd relaterad till trycksårsprevention.  God attityd har större betydelse än kunskap men likväl begränsad och har endast modest betydelse för implementering av trycksårsförebyggande åtgärder. Personalbrist, tidsbrist och patienten själv framträder som betydande hinder för utförande av preventiva åtgärder.   Slutsats: Denna studie indikerar att kunskap relaterade till trycksårsprevention har stor variation bland sjuksköterskor med såväl gott som dålig kunskap, men också att det generellt sett råder god attityd. Dock har både kunskap och attityd en sekundär betydelseför preventivt arbete emedan de upplevda hindren utgör den största barriären för evidensbaserat preventionsarbete.  Därmed kan det vara önskvärt att ytterligare undersöka om varför kunskap relaterad till trycksår inte tillämpas. / Background: Today pressure ulcers are considered as a nosocomial damage that has a direct impact on the affected person physically as well as psychologically. In addition to personal suffering, pressure ulcers also include significant resource utilization from a purely economic point of view but also as a staff-burdening phenomenon. The evidence indicates that about 95% of all pressure ulcers can be avoided by implementing the evidence-based risk assessment instruments and measures. Nevertheless, there is a discrepancy between planned and implemented measures. Lack of consensus regarding risk assessment and implementation of preventive measures is an another prominent problem.  Aim: The aim of this study was to describe nurses' knowledge and perceived barriers in the prevention of pressure ulcers.  Methods: A literature review was conducted. The article search was primarily done in the databases Cinahl and PubMed but also a manuel search has carried out. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the content of the articles. Articles had significant geographical spread, were in English and in full text, original, peer-reviewed and ethically approved. Results: Ten articles met the inclusion criteria and are included in the study. Two main themes were identified; nurse and work environment perspectives. The first theme had two sub-themes: knowledge and attitude and the work environment perspective had three subthemes: staff shortages, lack of time and the patient.  Nurses have varying levels of knowledge, however, the evidence indicates that the variations have little or no bearing on the performance of preventive measures. Nine articles outlined good attitudes related to pressure ulcer prevention. However, the effects of good attitude are greater than knowledge, but nevertheless they are limited and have only modest significance for the implementation of pressure ulcer prevention measures. Staff shortages, lack of time and the patient himself appear to be significant obstacles to the execution of preventive measures.   Conclusions: This study indicates that knowledge about pressure ulcer prevention among nurses varied, with both good and poor knowledge represented, but also that there is generally a good attitude. However, both knowledge and attitude are of secondary importance to preventive work, as the perceived obstacles constitute the biggest barrier to evidence-based prevention work.  Thus, it may be desirable to further investigate why knowledge related to pressure ulcers is not applied.

Building Expert Consensus on Including Indicators of Moisture-Associated Skin Damagein The National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators (NDNQI)

Arnold Long, Mary Caroleen 19 April 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Patienters upplevelser av att leva med trycksår : En litteraturöversikt

Wali Alali, Lia, Fares, Esra January 2024 (has links)
SAMMANFATTNING Introduktion Trycksår utgör en global utmaning med påverkan på individ, vård och samhället. Trycksårkan orsaka både psykiskt och fysisk lidande, vilket i sin tur kan leda till en minskning avlivskvaliteten. Det är viktigt att sjuksköterskor förstår hur patienter upplever att det är att levamed trycksår. Detta för att vården ska kunna anpassa sig till den unika patientens behov avomvårdnad.SyfteSyftet var att undersöka patienters erfarenhet av att ha och leva med trycksår, samt upplevtlidande. Metod Studien genomfördes som en beskrivande litteraturöversikt. Artikelsökningar gjordes viadatabaserna Pubmed och Cinahl. Efter granskning utfördes ett urval av 10 vetenskapligakvalitativa artiklar som fokuserade på att undersöka patienters upplevelse av att leva medtrycksår, och uppfyllde kvalitetskraven. Artiklarnas resultat sammanställdes genom Fribergsfyra stegs processen. Resultat Tre huvudkategorier och sex underkategorier identifierades i artiklarna, inspirerade av KatieErikssons teori. Huvudkategorierna var sjukdomslidande, livslidande och vårdlidande.Subkategorierna omfattade upplevelser av smärta från trycksår och dess negativa påverkan påpatientens dagliga och sociala liv, och därmed på livskvaliteten. Positiva upplevelser kanuppstå mitt i lidandet, vilket stärker patienternas syn på livet och ger dem kraft att hanterasvårigheter och lidande. Slutsats Denna litteraturöversikt visar hur trycksår påverkar patienters livskvalitet negativt, men lyfterockså fram positiva upplevelse. Dessa positiva erfarenheter kan stärka patienternas syn påsituationen och hjälpa dem att hantera livet med trycksår. Det finns fortfarande ett påtagligtbehov av att vården intensifierar sitt arbete med att hantera smärta hos patienter med trycksår. / ABSTRACT Introduction Pressure ulcers constitute a global challenge with an impact on individuals, healthcare, andsociety. Pressure ulcers can cause both mental and physical suffering, which, in turn, maylead to a reduction in quality of life. It is essential for nurses to understand how patientsexperience living with pressure ulcers. This is crucial for healthcare to adapt to the uniqueneeds of each patient. Objectives The aim was to investigate patients' experiences of having and living with pressure ulcers, aswell as their perceived suffering.MethodThe study was conducted as a descriptive literature review. Article searches were conductedvia the databases PubMed and CINAHL. After reviewing, 10 qualitative scientific articleswere selected, which focused on exploring patients' experiences with pressure ulcers and metthe quality standards. The findings of the articles were compiled and categorized into themesthrough Friberg's four-step process. Results Three main categories and six subcategories were identified in the articles, inspired by KatieEriksson's theory. The main categories were suffering from illness, suffering from life, andsuffering from care. The subcategories included experiences of pain from pressure ulcers andits negative impact on the patient's daily life, social life and consequently on their quality oflife. Positive experiences can emerge during suffering, strengthening patients' outlook on lifeand empowering them to cope with difficulties and hardship. Conclusion This literature review demonstrates how pressure ulcers negatively impact patients' quality oflife, while also highlighting positive experiences among those suffering. These positiveexperiences strengthen patients' perspectives on their situation and aid them in coping withsuffering. There is still a clear need for healthcare to intensify its efforts in managing painamong patients with pressure ulcers.

Patienters upplevelser av att leva med trycksår : En litteraturöversikt / Patients experiences of living with pressure ulcers : A literature review

Winqvist, Sarah, Zafarkhalilpour, Sedigheh January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Trycksår är sår som utvecklas på huden och de underliggande vävnaderna när en del av kroppen utsätts för långvarigt tryck eller skjuv. Trycksår anses vara en vårdskada som vanligtvis uppkommer i samband med vård. De är vanliga bland personer som tillbringar långa perioder i sängen eller på en stol, särskilt de som har nedsatt rörlighet eller känslighet. Trycksår kan vara smärtsamma, en orsak till lidande både fysiskt och psykiskt, och kan leda till allvarliga komplikationer såsom minskning av livskvalitet om de inte behandlas ordentligt. Det är viktigt att sjuksköterskor förstår patienternas upplevelse av att leva med trycksår för att kunna sätta in fungerande omvårdnadsåtgärder som minskar smärtupplevelsen och lidandet och tillfredsställer patienternas individuella behov. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa patienters upplevelser av att leva med trycksår. Metod: En litteraturöversikt genomfördes i enlighet med Fribergs metodbeskrivning. Tio vetenskapliga kvalitativa artiklar hämtades från CINAHL Complete och PubMed som inkluderades i resultatet. Resultat: Litteraturöversikten delades in i tre huvudkategorier för att belysa patienternas erfarenheter av att ha trycksår: fysiska upplevelser, psykosociala upplevelser och upplevelser av vårdpersonal/otillräcklig vård. Inom varje huvudkategori identifierades underteman: upplevelser av smärta och obehag, upplevelser av sömnpåverkan, emotionella faktorer, upplevelser av dagliga aktiviteter och deras påverkan på relationer, samt upplevelser av att möta vårdpersonal och upplevelser av otillräcklig vård. Slutsats: I denna litteraturöversikt framkommer det hur trycksår påverkar patienternas livskvalitet negativt och betonar vikten av kunskap i vården av dessa patienter. Trots tillgängliga förebyggande åtgärder uppstår trycksår som en vårdskada och upplevs som ett svek vilket ökar patientens lidande. En ökad förståelse för detta lidande kan driva vården att aktivt arbeta med att öka patienternas förtroende och välbefinnande genom avgörande kommunikation med sjuksköterskan och att involvera patienterna i sin egen behandling. / Background: Pressure ulcers are sores that develop on the skin and underlying tissues when a part of the body is subjected to prolonged pressure or shear. Pressure ulcers are considered a care injury that usually occurs in connection with care. They are common among people who spend long periods in bed or in a chair, especially those who have reduced mobility or sensitivity. Pressure ulcers can be painful and be a cause of suffering both physically and psychologically and can lead to serious complications such as reduced quality of life, if not treated properly. It is important that nurses understand patients' experience of living with pressure ulcers in order to implement effective nursing measures that reduce the pain and suffering experience and to satisfy the patients' individual needs. Aim: The aim was to shed light on patients' experiences of living with pressure ulcers. Method A literature review was implemented in accordance with Friberg's method description. Ten qualitative scientific articles were retrieved from CINAHL Complete and PubMed and included in the results. Results: The literature review was divided into three main categories to highlight patients' experiences of having pressure ulcers: physical experiences, psychosocial experiences, and experiences of healthcare professionals/care. Within each main category sub-themes were identified: experiences of pain and discomfort, experiences of impact on sleep, emotional factors, experiences of daily activities and their impact on relationships, as well as experiences of encountering care and experiences of inadequate care. Conclusions: This literature review revealed how pressure ulcers negatively affect patients' quality of life and emphasizes the importance of knowledge in the care of these patients. Despite available preventive measures, pressure ulcers occur as a health care injury and are perceived as a betrayal, which increases the patient's suffering. An increased understanding of this suffering can drive care to actively work to increase patients' trust and well-being through crucial communication with the nurse and to involve patients in their own treatment.

Efeitos da radiação ultra-sônica pulsada e de baixa intensidade sobre o mal perfurante plantar (MPP), manifestação cutânea decorrente da Hanseníase / Effects of the low intensity pulsed ultrasound on the Hansen’s perforating plantar disease (MPP), cutaneous manifestation from Hansen’s disease

Campanelli, Fabio 18 January 2005 (has links)
Diante de pesquisas realizadas com o 5Ultra-som pulsado de baixa intensidade na regeneração de pele de ratos submetidos a queimaduras provocadas por calor (ALVES, 1988) e em pacientes portadores de úlceras tróficas de perna (HILÁRIO, 1993) se propôs estudar os efeitos do ultra-Som pulsado de baixa intensidade em pacientes com Mal de Hansen (MH) cujas manifestações cutâneas eram caracterizadas como o Mal Perfurante Plantar (MPP) e úlceras do tegumento, sendo que o emprego do ultra-som pulsado e de baixa intensidade mostrou-se eficaz na reparação das referidas lesões. O presente trabalho foi realizado em pacientes assistidos pelo Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) na cidade de Bebedouro-SP lotados no setor de Vigilância Epidemiológica. A casuística constitui-se de seis pacientes apresentando MPP nos quais aplicou-se o ultra-som pulsado (U.S.P.) em uma freqüência de três vezes por semana no mesmo período circadiano. Os tratamentos tiveram duração variando entre vinte e quarenta minutos consoante a extensão das lesões cutânea. Independente do tempo das lesões não foi estabelecido previamente o número de aplicações a serem executadas, mas as aplicações foram realizadas até a obtenção da cicatrização total das lesões. A evolução das lesões até a cicatrização foi feita mediante o emprego de um software especialmente desenvolvido para tal finalidade e documentados fotograficamente. Não houve correlação entre o número de aplicações com o tamanho da lesão ou com o tempo decorrido do aparecimento das mesmas, embora a extensão e a forma das diferentes ulcerações não sejam equivalentes, quer no tempo de evolução, quer na profundidade das lesões, os resultados dos tratamentos com U.S.P. e de baixa intensidade mostraram-se segundo a metodologia de avaliação ser altamente satisfatório para o tratamento de lesões cutâneas decorrente da Hanseníase / Based on researches carried out with the low intensity pulsed ultrasound on the regeneration of burned rat skin previously exposed to heat and on legs trophic ulcers we proposed to study the effects of the low intensity pulsed ultrasound on Hansen’s disease patients whose cutaneous manifestations were characterized as the MPP. The study was carried out on six patients supported by the Public Health Care System (SUS/PHCS) in the city of Bebedouro- SP, crowded on the Epidemiological Observation ward. The low intensity pulsed ultrasonic radiation administrations were carried out three times a week on the same circadian. Irradiation time varied from twenty to forty minutes according to the extension of the lesion. The number of the administrations, which were carried out until the complete lesion cicatrisation in all patients, was not previously stipulated. Evaluation of cicatrisation was carried out making use of software and photographs taken at the beginning of the treatment and after every ten administrations of the pulsed ultrasound until the complete ulcers cicatrisation. It was not observed any correlation between number of ultrasound applications and area of the lesion or age of them. Although extension and shape were not equivalent, according to these results, pulsed low intensity ultrasound can be considered as an adjunctive treatment for cutaneous manifestations of Hansen’s disease

Impacto do ensino a distância no conhecimento dos docentes de enfermagem para avaliação de feridas crônicas / E-learning impact in nursing faculty knowledge to chronic wound assessment

Gonçalves, Marcia Beatriz Berzoti 29 January 2014 (has links)
O conhecimento embasado nas melhores evidências científicas para a assistência de enfermagem às pessoas com feridas crônicas (FC) deve alicerçar o ensino da temática na formação do enfermeiro. Diante da relevância epidemiológica do problema, o docente de enfermagem se depara com o desafio de ensinar aos estudantes, o cuidado às pessoas com essa complicação, nos diversos contextos de atenção à saúde. A etapa da avaliação da FC é fundamental para identificar e descrever o processo de cicatrização e a seleção da terapia tópica, que o favoreça. A educação à distância (EAD) tem demonstrado ser uma estratégia efetiva para atualização do conhecimento. Diante disto, o objetivo deste estudo foi identificar o impacto da EAD, no conhecimento de docentes de enfermagem e enfermeiros vinculados ao ensino superior, acerca da avaliação de FC. Tratou-se de um estudo prospectivo, quase-experimental, com coleta de dados antes e após a intervenção. Após aprovação pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa, foram convidados a participar da pesquisa, docentes e enfermeiros vinculados ao ensino, de instituições de ensino superior (IES) públicas e privadas, que ministrassem disciplinas teóricas e/ ou práticas, nos cursos de graduação em Enfermagem, de um município do interior do Estado de São Paulo. A amostra foi composta por 26 docentes e enfermeiros vinculados ao ensino, que participaram do curso de atualização \"Avaliação de Feridas Crônicas na Assistência de Enfermagem\" oferecido através do Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem (AVA) Moodle. Entre os participantes, a média de idade de 42,3 anos (DP 9,56), e todos eram do sexo feminino. O tempo médio de experiência no ensino foi de 11,16 anos (DP 8,02), 24 (92,3%) docentes afirmaram lecionar disciplinas teóricas e/ ou práticas, dos quais, 91,7% referiram atuar no cuidado de pessoas com FC, nos cenários de prática. A ferramenta mais utilizada para a busca de informações sobre \"feridas crônicas\" pela maioria dos participantes foi a internet. O aumento na porcentagem de acertos após a intervenção foi estatisticamente significante e o domínio que obteve maior número de acertos no pré e pós-teste foi \"Dimensionamento da ferida\", com melhor desempenho ao final do curso. A correlação entre o tempo de experiência na docência e o desempenho no teste de conhecimento foi negativa, e a associação entre a utilização de outras estratégias para busca de informações, tais como troca de experiência entre os pares, participação em eventos científicos acerca do tema, melhorou o desempenho dos participantes. A utilização da EAD, como ferramenta para a intervenção educativa, visando a divulgação de recomendações para a avaliação de feridas crônicas, impactou positivamente na aquisição de conhecimentos dos participantes. A adoção de tecnologias para o aprimoramento dos docentes de enfermagem trouxe implicações que podem favorecer o ensino e gerar mudanças na prática clínica de enfermagem / The knowledge based on the best scientific evidence of care to people with chronic wounds (CW) should be the basis of this theme teaching in nursing education. Considering the epidemiological relevance of this problem, nursing faculty are faced with the challenge of teaching students how to look after people with this complication in different contexts of health care. The assessment of CW is critical to identify and describe the healing process and the selection of the best topical therapy. The effectiveness of E-learning (EL) strategy to update knowledge has been demonstrated in other studies. Therefore, the aim of this study was to identify the impact of e-learning on CW assessment knowledge of teachers and nurses involved with higher education. A prospective and quasi-experimental study was conducted with data collection before and after the intervention. After the board of ethics approval, teachers and nurses were invited to participate in the research. These teachers and nurses involved in higher education institutions, both public and private, teach theoretical subjects and or practices in nursing undergraduate courses in the municipality in the state of Sao Paulo. The sample consisted of 26 teachers and nurses who attended the update course \"Assessment of Chronic Wounds in Nursing Care\" offered through the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) Moodle. Among participants, we identified an average age of 42.3 years (SD=9.56), and regarding gender, all subjects were female. The average teaching experience was 11.16 years (SD=8.02), 24 (92.3%) teachers reported teaching theoretical subjects and/or practices, of which 91.7% reported working with CW care in practice scenarios. The most widely used tool to search for information about \"chronic wounds\" was the internet. The increase in the percentage of correct answers after the intervention was statistically significant and the item with highest number of correct answers in both pre and posttests was \"Dimensioning the wound\", with better performance at the end of the course. The correlation between times of teaching experience and performance on the knowledge test was negative, and the association between the use of other strategies to knowledge update (such as exchange of experience among peers, participation in scientific events on the theme) was found to improved performance of the participants. The use of EL as a tool for educational intervention focused on disseminating recommendations for CW assessment positively impacted the acquisition of knowledge among participants. Adopting technologies for the improvement of nursing faculty\'s abilities had outcomes that may support education and generate changes in the clinical nursing practice

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