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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Comportamento posicional e uso de substrato de macacos-prego cebus libidinosus spix, 1823 / Positional behavior and substrate use of wild bearded capuchin monkeys Cebus libidinosus Spix, 1823

Luiz Carlos Matos Biondi 15 December 2010 (has links)
O gênero Cebus é um táxon que agrupa espécies arborícolas, cujo principal modo locomotor é o deslocamento quadrúpede e o principal modo postural é sentado. No entanto, todos os estudos publicados descrevem comportamentos posicionais de populações de floresta tropical, habitat ao qual o gênero não está restrito. Os objetivos do presente estudo foram (1) descrever o comportamento de uma população de Cebus libidinosus que habita uma área de ecótono Cerrado-Caatinga e (2) investigar se indivíduos de diferentes classes de gênero e de idade diferem em comportamento posicional, já que mudanças que acompanham os indivíduos em crescimento influenciam suas atividades cotidianas. Para coletar os dados comportamentais utilizei o método de varredura focal e para as análises estatísticas utilizei a regressão de Poisson. Os comportamentos posicionais, o uso de substrato e o uso de substrato arbóreo específico foram pesquisados por atividade, já que cada uma exige posicionamentos diferentes. As faixas etárias divergiram significativamente na freqüência de ocorrência das atividades alimentação, brincadeira e descanso e na freqüência de utilização de comportamentos posicionais como escalada, deslocamento quadrúpede, suspensão, entre outros, sugerindo que o desenvolvimento durante a ontogenia exige que os animais moldem os seus modos locomotores e posturais em função de características ambientais e das diferenças anatômicas e fisiológicas. Quanto aos substratos utilizados, os arbóreos foram sempre os preferidos (com exceção da atividade quebra, exclusivamente executada no chão) e os galhos múltiplos foram mais utilizados na maioria das atividades. Infantes utilizaram galhos múltiplos mais e galhos grandes menos do que adultos durante a atividade deslocamento. Indivíduos mais velhos utilizaram ambientes terrestres mais freqüentemente do que os mais novos nas atividades brincadeira e deslocamento. Nas atividades em que a literatura disponível permitiu comparações, Cebus libidinosus deste estudo utiliza substratos terrestres mais do que outras espécies do gênero, apesar de usar comportamentos posicionais e apresentar orçamentos de atividades similares a outras populações / The genus Cebus is a taxon that groups arboreal species in which the main locomotor mode is quadrupedal locomotion and the main posture mode is sitting down. However, all the studies reviewed describe positional behavior of rainforest inhabitating populations, an environment to which the genus is not restricted. The aims of this study were (1) to describe the behavior of a population of Cebus libidinosus that uses exclusively an ecotone Cerrado-Caatinga and (2) to check if individuals of different gender and age classes differ in their positional behaviors, since changes that accompany growing individuals influence their daily activities. I used the focal scan method to collect behavioral data and Poisson regression for the statistical analysis. The positional behavior, substrate use and the use of arboreal substrates were investigated by activity, since these require different placements. The age groups differed significantly in the frequency of feeding, play and rest activities. In most activities the age groups differed significantly in the frequency of use of positional behaviors such as climbing, quadrupedal locomotion, suspension, among others, suggesting their ontogenetic development requires animals to model their locomotor and postural modes depending on environmental characteristics and anatomical and physiological differences. As for the substrates used, the trees were always the favorites (except for the nutcrack activity, conducted exclusively on the ground) and multiple branches were more frequently used in most of the activities. Infants used multiple branches more and large single branches less than adults during travel. Older individuals used terrestrial environments more often than younger ones during play and travel. In the activities that the available literature allowed comparisons, the Cebus libidinosus of this study use terrestrial substrates more than other species of the genus, although they present similar positional behavior and activity budget

Avaliação endocrinológica do ciclo ovariano de macaco bugio (Alouatta caraya - HUMBOLDT, 1812) por meio de extração e dosagem de metabólitos de esteróides fecais / Endocrinological evaluation of ovarian cycle in howler monkeys (Alouatta caraya - HUMBOLDT, 1812) by extraction and measurement of fecal steroids

Tatiana Kugelmeier 26 April 2005 (has links)
A endocrinologia ovariana de cinco fêmeas de bugio da espécie Alouatta caraya foi estudada por meio de extração e dosagem de metabólitos fecais de estrógenos e progestinas durante um período de cinco meses. Adicionalmente observou-se a presença de eritrócitos por meio de citologia vaginal em três das fêmeas estudadas. Duas fêmeas, uma em condição nutricional desfavorável e outra pré-púbere, apresentaram concentrações basais de estrógenos com mediana menor que 3,7 ng/g e de progestinas menor que 29,7 ng/g de fezes úmidas. Nas outras três fêmeas a mediana dos valores de pico de estrógenos fecais foi 711,55 ng/g e dos valores basais 130,51 ng/g de fezes úmidas. Para as progestinas fecais a mediana dos valores de pico foi 2653,54 ng/g e dos valores basais foi 149,88 ng/g de fezes úmidas. Nestes três animais as concentrações de ambos os metabólitos apresentaram uma variação cíclica e o intervalo entre picos de estrógenos fecais foi 19,6±1,9 dias (média±EPM). Estes metabólitos permaneceram elevados durante 9,1±0,9 dias. Elevações sustentadas de metabólitos fecais de progestinas acompanhadas de pico e elevações de metabólitos fecais de estrógenos foram observadas em apenas quatro períodos. Nestes casos ambos os metabólitos elevaram-se aproximadamente ao mesmo tempo e estimou-se que a ovulação tivesse ocorrido antes do início destas elevações. Os períodos de sangramento coincidiram com a queda nas concentrações de estrógenos e progestinas fecais. / The ovarian endocrinology was assessed in five female howler monkeys (Alouatta caraya) by means of estrogen and progestogen metabolites extracted from fecal samples. Measurements were conducted for a period of five months, and erythrocytes were observed by vaginal cytology, in three females. In one subadult and in one undernourished female, estrogen concentrations remained at median basal levels <3.7ng/g, and the progestogen concentrations were <29.7ng/g of wet feces for almost the entire period of the experiment. For the other three females, median fecal estrogen peak concentration was 711.55ng/g and basal concentration was 130.51ng/g of wet feces. Median fecal progestogen concentration was 2653.54ng/g and for basal concentration was 149.88 ng/g of wet feces. The three females were found with a cyclical pattern for both metabolites concentrations, with fecal estrogen peak intervals of 19.6±1.9 (mean±SEM) days and the estrogen metabolites remained elevated for 9.1±0.9 days. Fecal progestogen showed sustained elevations concurrently with fecal estrogen increase only in four periods and it was presumed that ovulation had occurred before the onset of those elevations. Bleeding periods occurred with the falling of both steroid metabolites.

Pesquisa de Leishmania spp. e Plasmodium spp. em primatas neotropicais provenientes de regiões de Mata Atlântica e Amazônia impactadas por ações antrópicas: investigação in situ e ex situ / Survey of Leishmania spp. and Plasmodium spp. in neotropical primates form Atlantic Forest and Amazon Regions impacted by humans activities: in situ and ex situ study

Marina Galvão Bueno 22 March 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho investigou a ocorrência de infecções causadas por Plasmodium spp. e Leishmania spp. em primatas neotropicais mantidos em cativeiro e de vida livre, oriundos de regiões impactadas pelo homem nos biomas Mata Atlântica e Amazônia. Os agentes parasitários investigados são responsáveis por processos zoonóticos que acometem humanos, animais domésticos e selvagens, com significativas perdas ambientais e econômicas. Amostras biológicas foram colhidas e submetidas para análise parasitária por testes sorológicos e moleculares. Com relação aos plasmódios, os resultados alcançados sugerem a transmissão de Plasmodium spp. entre os primatas de cativeiro e de vida livre. No estado de São Paulo, nossos dados apontam para a circulação de P. malariae e P. simium, sendo este último encontrado em Callicebus nigrifrons. Na Amazônia, nossos dados indicam a circulação de P. brasilianum. Com relação às leishmanias, demonstramos que circula entre os primatas de cativeiro do estado de São Paulo a L. (L.) chagasi, as L. (L.) amazonenses e as leishmanias do complexo Viannia. Na região amazônica, 5,2% (1/19) foram positivos no PCR de sangue para L. (L.) chagasi. Os resultados deste trabalho podem subsidiar abordagens sanitárias públicas e veterinárias com relação aos primatas neotropicais existentes no estado de São Paulo e nas regiões Amazônicas. / This study investigated the occurrence of infections caused by Plasmodium spp. and Leishmania spp. in neotropical primates. Specimens were obtained both in captivity and in the wild in regions impacted by human activities in the Atlantic Forest and Amazon, Brazil. The pathogens investigated are responsible for significant zoonotic processes that affect humans, domestic and wild animals, with significant economic and environmental losses. The samples were collected and submitted for analysis by serological and molecular tests. The results suggest the transmission of Plasmodium spp. in primates from captive to those in the wild. In São Paulo state our data point for the presence of P. malariae and P. simium, this latter being found in Callicebus nigrifrons. In the Amazon, our data indicate the presence of P. brasilianum. Leishmania (L.) chagasi, L. (L.) amazonensis and the Leishmania Viannia complex circulates among the captive primates in São Paulo state. In the Amazon, 5.2% (1/19) of the primates sampled were detected by PCR as positive for L. (L.) chagasi. The results of this work may improve animal and public health approaches in relation to the neotropical primates in the regions studied.

O período juvenil em macacos-prego (Sapajus sp.): ontogenia das relações sociais e do forrageamento / The juvenile period in tufted capuchin monkeys (Sapajus sp.): ontogeny of social relationships and foraging behavior

Mariana Mascarenhas Winandy 08 May 2012 (has links)
Primatas apresentam maturação tardia em relação a outros mamíferos, com infância e, particularmente, juventude prolongadas. Duas hipóteses para explicar esta característica da ordem são a hipótese da necessidade de aprendizagem, que aponta a necessidade de aquisição de habilidades sociais ou de forrageamento como fator-chave, e a hipótese de aversão a riscos, segundo a qual primatas apresentam crescimento lento de modo a reduzir suas taxas metabólicas, uma vez que sofrem com a competição por alimento com indivíduos adultos devido à baixa posição hierárquica ou a uma menor eficiência no forrageamento. O presente trabalho analisou o desenvolvimento comportamental de jovens macacos-prego (Sapajus sp.) de um grupo que vive em semi-liberdade no Parque Ecológico do Tietê, São Paulo, de outubro de 2007 a maio de 2010. Os dados foram obtidos com os métodos Focal de Varredura e Todas as Ocorrências. Os resultados mostram uma hierarquia de dominância, de modo geral, herdada da mãe entre as fêmeas e dependente de idade entre os machos. O grande número de indivíduos com pouca participação em interações agonísticas e de díades sem relações de dominância e o baixo número de coalizões, que envolveram principalmente indivíduos dominantes, sugerem um mecanismo de evitação de conflitos por parte dos subordinados. Ao longo do desenvolvimento, houve uma redução na agressão sofrida pelos jovens, sugerindo que esse mecanismo de evitação é aprendido ao longo do desenvolvimento. As relações afiliativas de proximidade e catação dependeram fortemente do parentesco entre os indivíduos e de sua posição hierárquica, sendo que nas relações de proximidade houve também efeito da idade, com jovens mantendo-se próximos entre si. Jovens fêmeas investiram mais na construção e manutenção de redes afiliativas, por meio da catação, do que os jovens machos, e foram mais toleradas. O orçamento de atividades e o comportamento alimentar diferiram entre as categorias etárias, porém houve pouca influência do sexo. Houve evidências de sincronia de atividades entre os jovens e seus vizinhos mais próximos, porém as diferenças na dieta entre jovens e adultos sugerem que a aprendizagem social não foi o principal fator influenciando o comportamento alimentar dos jovens. Sua maior dedicação a recursos de fácil obtenção (frutos) do que a recursos mais difíceis de obter (invertebrados) indica menor eficiência no forrageamento. A menor dedicação a alimentos aprovisionados, por sua vez, sugere desvantagem na competição intra-grupo. O comportamento dos jovens no grupo estudado dá suporte ao modelo de aversão a riscos, embora haja evidências de que a aquisição de habilidades sociais e de forrageamento seja um fator importante no seu desenvolvimento / Primates exhibit delayed maturation in comparison to other mammals, with a long juvenile period. Two attempts to explain this characteristic are the needing to learn hypothesis, which points towards the need to acquire social or foraging skills as important challenges for juveniles, and the juvenile risk aversion hypothesis, according to which primates have slow growth rates in order to reduce metabolic rates, because they have a disadvantage in the competition for resources against adults, due to lower hierarchical position or to less foraging efficiency. The present work analyses the behavioral development of juvenile capuchin monkeys (Sapajus sp) from a semi-freeranging group at Parque Ecológico do Tietê (PET), São Paulo, Brazil, from October 2007 to May 2010. Data was obtained using scan sampling and all occurrences methods. Results show that the dominance hierarchy was mostly inherited from the mother, for juvenile females, and age-related, for males. The large number of individuals with little or no participation in agonistic interactions and of 0x0 ties, and the low number of coalitions, which involved mostly dominant individuals, suggest that a conflict-avoidance mechanism is being used by subordinates. There was a reduction in the aggression suffered by juveniles through time, suggesting that this mechanism is learned throughout the development. Affiliative relationships were highly dependent on kinship and hierarchical position, and in proximity there was also an effect of age, with juveniles close to one another. Juvenile females invested more in building and maintaining social networks, through grooming, than male juveniles, and were more tolerated in proximity. The activity budget and feeding behavior differed among age categories, but there was little influence of sex. There was evidence of synchrony of activities between juveniles and individuals in proximity, but differences in diet between juveniles and adults suggest that social learning was not the main influence on juveniles\' foraging behavior. They allocated more foraging time to resources easy to obtain (fruits) than to more difficult to obtain resources (invertebrates), which indicates they are less efficient in foraging. They also dedicated less time to provisioned food, suggesting a disadvantage in intra-group competition. The behavior of the juveniles observed in this study supports the risk aversion model, although there are evidences that the acquisition of social and foraging skills also plays an important role on their development

Whence and Whither: Acoustic Variability and Biogeography of Tarsiers in North Sulawesi

Kulander, Olivia Clare 19 March 2018 (has links)
The morning duet calls of eastern tarsiers (Tarsius spp.) in North Sulawesi were recorded and analyzed to examine the effects of geography and geologic history on their call structure. Tarsius species exhibit interspecifically variable duet calls shown to correlate with species differentiation and distribution. They are distributed across Sulawesi, a biogeographically complex island in the Indonesian archipelago, where tectonic activity and multiple glaciations during the Pleistocene generated and modified barriers to their dispersal and gene flow. Recordings were made at ten locations from November of 2012 through June of 2014. Two locations were categorized as mainland, while eight island locations were categorized as either shallow or deep, according to the distance and bathymetric depth separating them from the mainland. The first hypothesis was that tarsier calls on islands separated by depths of less than 130 meters would be more strongly correlated to calls found on the mainland than would the calls from islands separated by deeper water, due to dispersal and possible hybridizations during glaciations. There was a higher degree of similarity between the mainland locations and the shallow water islands than was found between the deep water islands and either shallow water islands or the mainland. The second hypothesis was that a stepping stone pattern of colonization would be evidenced in the acoustic structure of tarsiers from the Sangihe Arc, with each island showing vocalizations more similar to its immediate neighbors than to other islands. Since tarsiers were not found to be present on two of the islands, it was not possible to trace the entire arc as planned. It was found, however, that Sangihe (the largest island and the farthest north of the islands) was the most acoustically unique, as expected. Both genetic drift and environmental factors play a role in evolving animal communication, but I hypothesize that it is more likely the former at work in this case, as the habitats are similar, and I found no strong evidence of short term habitat adaptations or frequency partitioning. The spectral and temporal structure of the duet calls on the mainland and shallow water islands showed no clear geographical bias or patterns, suggesting that panmixia and hybridization during recurring glaciations may function in preventing subdivisions among the populations.

Evaluation of sperm functionality in non-human primates, focussing on sperm capacitation

Mabotha, Luke Allen January 2019 (has links)
Magister Scientiae (Medical Bioscience) - MSc(MBS) / The incidence of male infertility is increasing, with up to 50% of infertile males having “unexplained” (idiopathic) infertility. Newly developed molecular techniques have great value in detecting subtle causes of male infertility, as compared to idiopathic infertility which may be explained by standardizing and optimizing sperm functional and structural tests in non-human primate (NHP) sperm. The aim of the study was to evaluate sperm functionality utilizing the sperm of two NHP species, i.e.1) the rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) and 2) the vervet monkey (Chlorocebus aethiops), and further evaluate the effect of physiological media (including commonly used, and newly formulated sperm wash and sperm capacitating media) on NHP sperm functionality. Sperm functionality was evaluated by investigating the following sperm functions i.e.: sperm motility, vitality, acrosome reaction (AR), hyperactivation, and mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP). Sperm functional tests included computer-aided semen analysis (CASA), motility analysis, BrightVit staining for sperm vitality, flourescenin isothiocyanate (FITC)- conjugated peanut agglutinin (PNA) staining for sperm acrosome integrity, induction of hyperactivation by stimulants (sperm preparation media containing capacitating ingredients), and mitochondrial inhibitor (Oligomycin-A) for testing MMP. All functional and structural tests were investigated in both species, except for acrosome integrity, mitochondrial inhibition and functional tests compared over time that could not be successfully completed and investigated in the rhesus species. Motility analysis tests proved that within the vervet species, the use of different physiological media results in statistically significant differences in motility and kinematic parameters over a 1 hour time period. Hyperactivation tests proved that capacitating physiological media produced significantly higher percentages hyperactivation when compared to sperm wash media within the vervet species over a 1 hour time period. Furthermore, within both NHP species, sperm structural analysis (vitality and acrosome integrity) results showed that no significant differences are present when making use of different physiological media over a period of 1 hour incubation. The incubation of vervet sperm with different concentrations of mitochondrial inhibitor, Oligomycin-A (0 μM, 5 μM, and 25 μM), resulted in motility inhibition over a 1 hour incubation period. By the evaluation of these tests it was found that the use of different sperm wash [Human tubal fluid (HTF), Ham‟s F-10® and HD Sperm Wash Plus (HDSWP)] and sperm capacitation media [Human tubal fluid with added caffeine (HTFC) and HD Sperm Capacitating Plus (HDSCP)] resulted in significantly different results within sperm functional tests as compared to sperm structural tests. The study indicates that the composition of media, varying from simple to more complex, used for semen preparation plays an important role in determining NHP sperm functionality. Based on these findings further investigation in larger NHP sample groups and human sperm are required to evaluate the role of certain ingredients in the development of more cost-effective media producing satisfactory results in terms of sperm functionality for artificial reproductive technologies (ART).

Ecology and Taxonomy of Ateles geoffroyi in Parque Nacional Pico Bonito, Atlántida, Honduras

Hines, Justin, justin.hines@opwall.com January 2005 (has links)
The first study on Ateles geoffroyi in Honduras, this research focused on the population of spider monkeys in Parque Nacional Pico Bonito, Atlántida, Honduras. Subgroup size of spider monkeys in Parque Nacional Pico Bonito ranged from 1-23 (n=55) individuals, with a mean subgroup size of 6.93 ± 4.53 individuals, which was larger than nearly all subgroup sizes reported in Central and South America. Mean subgroup composition consisted of 1.65 ± 1.16 adult males, 2.67 ± 1.69 adult females and 1.75 ± 1.92 juveniles. Sex ratio of adult males to adult females was 1:1.62, which was consistent with most Central and South American Ateles studies in the literature.¶ Of a possible 23 identified food tree species from 15 families, and 7 unidentified tree and vine species, spider monkeys were confirmed to consume fruits, leaves and/or seeds from 8 identified tree species, 1 unidentified tree species, and 1 unidentified vine species. Several of the confirmed genera consumed by Ateles in Parque Nacional Pico Bonito were consistent with other studies conducted in Central and South America, including Dialium, Ficus, and Coccoloba.¶ Combining pelage analysis and discriminant analysis of cranial and dental measurements from 140 skins and 253 adult crania, the taxonomy of the Central American Ateles geoffroyi was revised to recognize the taxa Ateles geoffroyi yucatanensis, A. g. vellerosus, A. g. pan, A. g. geoffroyi, A. g. frontatus, A. g. ornatus, and A. g. grisescens, with the recognition of a potential new taxon from northern Honduras, resulting in a revised distribution of Ateles geoffroyi, based on the pelage and cranial analyses.

Modèles de comportements sociaux pour les collectivités d'agents et de robots

Picault, Sébastien 01 October 2001 (has links) (PDF)
Les travaux présentés ici, dans le cadre des Systèmes Multi-Agents (SMA) et de l'Intelligence Artificielle Distribuée (IAD), s'intéressent au problème de l'organisation dans les "systèmes ouverts". Dans ce cadre, nos recherches visent à définir des modèles de comportement sociaux permettant aux agents de s'organiser pour s'adapter à leur environnement. Notre démarche fait appel, entre autres principes méthodologiques, au concept de "cercle vertueux" qui se propose d'emprunter des métaphores à d'autres disciplines scientifiques pour concevoir des modèles informatiques. Dans un premier temps, nous recherchons dans les sociétés animales (en l'occurrence chez les primates) des métaphores de comportements proches de nos besoins. Nous définissons alors des modèles d'agent qui permettent, en simulation, de reproduire une des caractéristiques sociales observées chez les primates, la reconnaissance des relations de dominance. Ces modèles font ensuite l'objet d'une transposition à un domaine différent, la construction collective d'un lexique, pour estimer plus finement les dynamiques collectives sous-jacentes. Dans un second temps, nous nous intéressons à une expérimentation de "Robotique Collective Ouverte", dans laquelle un groupe de robots doit s'adapter à un environnement où travaillent des humains (projet MICRobES). Nous montrons que dans ces conditions, une simple transposition n'est plus possible et qu'il faut prendre en compte la corporéité des robots. Nous proposons alors pour cela des principes de conception de comportements d'agents faisant appel à la sélection naturelle (l'Ethogénétique) et nous présentons les résultats obtenus avec un framework implémentant ces concepts (ATNoSFERES). Nous montrons ainsi comment élargir les principes de départ en conciliant approche multi-agent et algorithmes évolutionnistes, en empruntant des concepts issus de l'éthologie.

What Meaning Means for Same and Different: A Comparative Study in Analogical Reasoning

Flemming, Timothy M 04 December 2006 (has links)
The acquisition of relational concepts plays an integral role and is assumed to be a prerequisite for analogical reasoning. Language and token-trained apes (e.g. Premack, 1976; Thompson, Oden, and Boysen, 1997) are the only nonhuman animals to succeed in solving and completing analogies, thus implicating language as the mechanism enabling the phenomenon. In the present study, I examine the role of meaning in the analogical reasoning abilities of three different primate species. Humans, chimpanzees, and rhesus monkeys completed relational match-to-sample (RMTS) tasks with either meaningful or nonmeaningful stimuli. For human participants, meaningfulness facilitated the acquisition of analogical rules. Individual differences were evident amongst the chimpanzees suggesting that meaning can either enable or hinder their ability to complete analogies. Rhesus monkeys did not succeed in either condition, suggesting that their ability to reason analogically, if present at all, may be dependent upon a dimension other than the representational value of stimuli.

Memory for "What", "Where", and "When" Information by Rhesus Monkeys (Macaca Mulatta) and Adult Humans

Hoffman, Megan L 27 November 2007 (has links)
The purpose for the present study was to examine working memory for what, where, and when information in rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) and adult humans using a computerized task. In Experiment 1, monkeys and humans completed three delayed matching-to-sample (DMTS) tasks: 1) identity DMTS, 2) spatial DMTS, and 3) temporal DMTS. In Experiments 2, the identity and spatial tasks were combined so that monkeys had to report both what and where information about an event. In Experiment 3, the identity, spatial, and temporal tasks were combined in order to examine what-where-when memory integration. In Experiment 4, monkeys and humans were presented with two sequential events, and a memory cue indicated which event they were required to report. The rhesus monkeys and human participants were able to report all three components of the events and there was some evidence suggesting that these components were integrated in memory for the rhesus monkeys.

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