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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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國民中小學校長遴選制度之研究 / A study of the Principal Selection Program in the Compulsory Education

李敦義, Lee, Duen-Ji Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用問卷調查法,以探討我國中小學校長遴選制度實施成效和意見。研究對象為教育行政人員代表、中小學校長、教師、中小學家長會代表及專家學者,共寄發600份問卷,有效問卷428份,進行次數分配、χ2考驗和兩個百分比差異顯著性z考驗。調查研究結果如下: 一、關於國民中小學校長遴選制度實施成效 國民中小學校長遴選實施成效依序為「每四年一次的校長遴選方式,可以淘汰不適任校長」、「可以增進校長辦學績效,改善學校教育品質」、「依學校辦學需求,為學校遴選到適才適所的校長」、「增進家長參與學校事務的意願」、「校長遴選方式,有助於提升校園民主」、「增進教師參與學校事務的意願」、「增進社會公正人士參與學校事務的意願」。 二、關於中小學校長遴選制度面臨的問題 國中小學校長遴選制度面臨的問題面臨的問題依同意度的高低排序如下:「地方政治勢力干涉校長遴選的意見」、「遴選委員的代表性不足的意見」、「遴選委員組成比例規定不合理的意見」、「遴選委員的專業性不足的意見」、「直轄市及各縣市中小學校長間無法相互遷調,造成居住外縣市具有校長候用資格者無法參與其它縣市政府的校長遴選的意見」、「校長回任教師或轉任他職的安排的意見」、「採用遴選的方式,造成彼此在遴選上競爭激烈,恐怕在校園上會形成惡質的選舉文化的意見」、「不納入年資、經歷計分的校長遴選方式,未能顧及教育行政倫理的意見」、「採用遴選的方式,造成特殊偏遠地區的中小學校長流動率偏高的意見」、「教育行政人員喪失轉任校長管道的意見」、「縣市政府培訓的候用校長名額過多,恐怕會造成候用校長長年不能正式錄用,造成資源浪費的意見」、「採用遴選的方式,承受各方對校長的要求,使得校長難以發揮應有作為的意見」、「無法保障弱勢族群(如原住民教師、女性)出任校長的意見」。 三、關於改善校長遴選制度的配套措施 改善校長遴選制度的配套措施的優先順序為「建立客觀公正及專業的校長評鑑」、「建立完善的校務評鑑」、「中小學校長應具有同級學校教師資格」、「依學校辦學需求,為學校遴選到適才適所的校長」、「建立良善的校長職前培育制度」、「校長回任教師或轉任他職的安排」、「建立校長遴選申訴制度」、「建立客觀公正及專業的教師評鑑(教學視導)」。 四、關於校長回任教師或轉任他職的安排 大部份填答人員都一致認為未獲遴聘的校長應在國教法規定的範圍內,自行決定未來的出路。 最後,本研究將針對上述的研究發現加以討論,並提出具體性建議供直轄市和縣(市)政府辦理中小學校長遴選和參與校長遴選候選人之參考及未來後續研究之建議。 / The purpose of the present study is to discuss the effects of Principal Selection Program(PSP) in Compulsory Education on Taiwan and subjects' opinions about the principal selection. By purposive sampling, 428 valid samples from 600 copies are acquired, inclusive of principals, teachers, parents, administrators, and professors in Taiwan Province, Taipei City, and Kaohsiung City. These data gathered from questionnaire are analyzed by frequencies, chi-square test and Z test through statistical package software "SPSS for Windows 9.0". Important findings are the following: 1.For the effects of implementing PSP, the major important factors are prompting competition and accountability, recruiting competent principals, and urging parents to participate in schooling affairs. 2.For the difficulties of implementing the PSP, the major difficulties are political intervention, representation of commissioners, composition of Principal Selection Committee, the lacking of profession in the process of principal selection, and decending position from principals to be teachers or other jobs. 3.For the questions of how to improve PSP, the major effective strategies are establishing principal and schooling affairs evaluation system, and making principals to be qualified for teachers in the same level. 4.For transition of principal's career, most of the subjects, if they were principals, will choose to go back for teaching after leaving principal position. Finally, the study discussed the findings, and offered some practical suggestions concerning the principal selection in compulsory schooling at local governments in the further research.

Principal Selection and the Stories Superintendents Tell.

Baker, Linda L 01 December 2001 (has links)
In addition to licensure and certification, there are particular qualities and personal characteristics superintendents look for when hiring a principal. With fewer principal applicants and increased projected needs for principals, it was important to explore the superintendent's reasoning when hiring a principal. A qualitative research method employing elite interviews was used to explore the criteria that superintendents employ in their process of selecting a principal. When talking about the hiring of principals, superintendents invariably began with the selection process. Teachers, community members, parents, former employers, and college professors gave input in formal or informal ways. Superintendents looked for experience both as a school administrator and as a teacher at the level of the school where the vacancy existed. Communication skills, decision-making, a sense of justice and fair play, a focus on community, and instructional leadership were qualities they considered important. Direct reference was not made to the Interstate School Leaders Licensing Consortium (ISLLC) Standards during interviews, however 48 of 182 indicators were touched upon during superintendent interviews. Themes of communication, communities, and ethics emerged. Superintendents expressed concern because candidate pools had lessened and projected needs increased. They spoke of the factors that deter teachers from seeking principalships as being geographic location, principal responsibilities, accountability, and compensation. There was not a one-size-principal-fits-all-schools attitude on the part of the superintendents. They looked for someone with administrative experience, an instructional focus, communication skills, and finely tuned decision-making skills. Principals needed to be able to relate to a diverse group of people, and have a sense of justice and fair play in dealings with all people. ISLLC Standards did not appear to have a profound influence on superintendents as they searched for individuals to serve as school leaders. This study adds to development of a comprehensive knowledge base of information regarding qualities of individuals selected for principalships. It provides another framework for professional educators to enhance understanding of school leadership expectations. It may aid superintendents in decisions made regarding recruitment and selection of principals. It may aid researchers when evaluating use of ISLLC Standards in the selection of principals.

國中校長遴選政策之研究--組織協商與權力運作觀點 / The Research in the Selections of Junior High School Principals--The Viewpoints of Organization Negotiation and Power Manipulation

張慶應, Chang, Ching Ying Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在了解國中校長遴選政策中組織的政治歷程,以微觀政治的角度來了解遴選組織中的政治現象,並用質性的研究方式訪談八位遴選政策參與者探求遴選過程的全貌,以分析國中校長遴選政策中個人及團體如何以權力為背景進行協商,運用那些處理衝突與利益的策略,以及探討遴選勝出的關鍵要素。最後探求國中校長遴選制度中,權力變化與協商對象改變的演化過程,並研究遴選政策帶來的省思與回應,作為未來改進的建議與參考之用。 本研究的結論如下: 一、以不變應萬變的「萬年校長」時代確實已成為歷史遺跡。 二、遴選委員會與政治勢力及政治策略的運作產生相當大的關聯。 三、遴選委員組成的「優勢聯盟」可以有效的決定校長的聘任。 四、在校長遴選過程中,參與的各方都有必要與其他人進行協商。 五、參與的各方之間因校長遴選而形成了上下交織的權力網絡。 六、協商產生了價值、權力解決了紛爭。 七、智慧的應用政治的策略,考驗行政者的管理藝術。 八、正視政治策略在校長遴選制度運作中的必要性與正當性,才能解決核心問題。 九、協商必須有權力做背景,協商中就有各種權力在其中運作。 十、決定國中校長任用的權力流動方向從省→縣市→學校及社區。 十一、遴選政策發展下去,最大的權力者竟然是被遴選的對象。 十二、「校長難為」應將是一種贊美與肯定。 十三、校長遴選就是一個政治制度,是眾人之事,也是協商妥協下的產物。 十四、適當與配合才是遴選政策的真知。 根據研究結論,提出下列建議: 一、對遴選政策主管單位的建議: (一)明定主事者及參與者的權力與責任。 (二)正視政治策略在校長遴選制度運作中的必要性與正當性。 二、對候聘校長的建議: (一)努力增加實力,學習互助合作。 (二)熟悉協商與權力運作技巧。 三、對後續研究的建議: (一)擴大研究範圍。 (二)改變研究方法。 / The Research in the Selections of Junior High School Principals --The Viewpoints of Organizational Negotiation and Power Manipulation Chang, Ching-Ying Abstract This research primarily hopes to understand the political process and framework in the selections of junior high school principals. It will achieve this aim by examining the aforementioned selections from a micro-political standpoint, and will seek to grasp an overview picture of the electoral process through qualitative research. The research will also analyze the role of individual and group power struggles in the principal selection campaign tactics by examining their political management and tactics for handling conflicts and interests. Additionally, it will discuss the crucial key factors that led to some principal political victories and successful selections. Last, the research will study feedbacks and afterthoughts brought on by these electoral tactics and policies, so they can be used as suggestions and references from future improvements.


周娟慧, Chou, Chuan-Hui Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解國立高級中等學校校長遴選之現況,透過訪談遴選利益關係人,探討校長遴選制度的優缺點,要如何辦理遴選,才能協助學校選出最適合的校長,從不同的角度檢索遴選制度的配套措施,再依研究結果提出建議。 首先進行文獻探討,作為架構研究的理論基礎,並構築深度訪談題綱,分別訪談教師代表、家長代表、校長代表、教育行政代表、遴選委員代表等,共計訪談14位利益關係人。另外呈現3位不同類型校長的生命故事,供有志朝向校長之路的教育界人士參考。然後建立訪談逐字稿,依據訪談實錄,利用質性分析軟體MAXQDA進行編碼分析,最後依據研究結果進行討論與結論建議。 針對研究發現提出建議:1.辦理嚴謹的校長績效考評,2.建立校長候選人觀察制度,3.修改為筆試成績公佈後再選填志願,4.提早辦理新任校長遴選作業,5.建立儲訓制度,6.恢復候用期間的建議,7.深思二階遴選的意涵,8.均衡遴選委員代表結構,9.召開公聽會以達成遴選共識,10.建立高級中等學校教師分級制,11.建立遴選委員「遴選培訓認證」制,12.強制轉換跑道的校長要接受轉銜教育,13.建立校長申訴制度。 / The purpose of this study is to investigate the selection system of principals for national senior high schools. To begin with, the interviews are made among several beneficiaries. During the dialogues, the advantages and disadvantages of the selection system of principals are discussed. How to select the most suitable principal for schools? From different aspects, the principal selection committee’s organization and operation, the school operation for the selection system of principals are all examined here. First, literature review are adopted to be the foundation of the theory. In-depth outlines were constructed for the fourteen interviews among teacher representatives, students’ parents, principal representatives, administrational delegates, and selection committee representatives. Moreover, three genres of principals are well-depicted for reference. Word for word scripts were transcribed in terms of the qualitative content analysis through the software MAXQDA which generates decoding analysis. In the end, this study provides a discussion based on the research outcome and some suggestions for the policy. Some suggestions are stated as below: a. Conduct a discreet assessment of principals. b. Establish the observation system of principal candidates. c. Modify the procedure that “taking written tests and then elect to fill in the wish.” d. Start the whole system of selection of the new principals as soon as possible. e. Establish the system of pre-service training. f. Restore the pre-service training of new principals. g. Consider the meaning of two stages of selection system. h. Balance the structure of the principal selection committee members. i. Hold a public hearing for consensus. j. Establish the classification of teachers for high school teachers. k. Set up the training system for the members of principal selection committee. l. Set up the compulsory training for those principals who transfer to be another types of school. m. Establish the system of appealing for principals.

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