Spelling suggestions: "subject:"derivate libraries"" "subject:"5private libraries""
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Silva Alvarenga: representante das Luzes na América portuguesa / Silva Alvarenga: representative of the Enlightenment in portuguese AmericaGustavo Henrique Tuna 21 August 2009 (has links)
A tese busca compreender em que medida o poeta e professor régio Manuel Inácio da Silva Alvarenga (1749-1814) pode ser considerado um representante do ideário ilustrado na América portuguesa. Silva Alvarenga, como estudante de Cânones na Universidade de Coimbra entre os anos de 1768 e 1776, viveu o período da reforma da Universidade empreendida pelo Marquês de Pombal. Retornou ao Brasil e, em 1782, tornou-se professor régio de Retórica no Rio de Janeiro. Foi o principal articulador da Sociedade Literária do Rio de Janeiro, fundada em 1786. Em 1794, foi preso, juntamente com outros membros da Sociedade, sob as acusações de promover a circulação de idéias francesas, de conspirar contra a Coroa Portuguesa e contra a religião católica. Levando em consideração a sua formação acadêmica, sua trajetória após seu retorno à América portuguesa, as características de sua obra poética e a constituição de sua livraria - uma das mais importantes do período colonial -, o trabalho busca avaliar em que medida Silva Alvarenga pode ser considerado um representante das Luzes na América portuguesa, tendo como prisma compreender quais as modalidades das Luzes que podem ser verificadas em sua trajetória. / This thesis tends to comprehend in which ways the poet and regal teacher Manuel Inácio da Silva Alvarenga (1749-1814) can be considered a representative of the Enlightment in Portuguese America. Silva Alvarenga, studying Canonic Law at Coimbra University between 1768 and 1776, experimented the period of the reformation of the university, projected by the Marquis of Pombal. After his return to Brazil, he became Rhetoric regal teacher at Rio de Janeiro, in 1782. He was the most active member of the Sociedade Literária do Rio de Janeiro, founded in 1786. In 1794, he went to prison, accompanied by other members of the Sociedade, accused of promoting the circulation of French ideas and conspiracy against the royal power and the catholic religion. Considering his academic background, his trajetory after his return to Brazil, the aspects of his poetic writings and the constitution of his private library one of the most important of the colonial period , the work tends to appraise in which ways Silva Alvarenga can be considered as a representative of the Enlightment in Portuguese America, aiming to understand which tendencies of the Enlightment can be seen in his trajetory.
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Bibliotecas fantásticas em chamas: Machado de Assis e Gustave Flaubert / Fantastic libraries on fire: Machado de Assis and Gustave FlaubertLuciana Antonini Schoeps 14 September 2012 (has links)
Partindo do efeito de leitura percebido nas escrituras autorrreflexivas de Machado de Assis e Gustave Flaubert que, por meio de uma intensa solicitação a discursos já-escritos, pareciam escrever verdadeiros livros feitos de livros , o presente trabalho se propôs estudar a interdiscursividade dos autores, compreendida dentro de suas práticas de escrita e de leitura, a partir do que chamamos de biblioteca fantástica, num diálogo explícito com a teoria de Michel Foucault. Seguindo dois eixos principais, nos quais pretendíamos observar a obra dentro da biblioteca (o espaço das bibliotecas reais dos autores enquanto o lugar privilegiado da enunciabilidade das obras) e a biblioteca dentro da obra (a ficcionalização do livro e dos elementos concernentes ao sistema literário presente nas escrituras), fomos levados a entrever a relação tensional com o já-escrito operada pelas escrituras dos dois autores, aspecto reforçado pelo recurso a ardis ficcionais distintos, a saber, o autor ficcional machadiano e o discurso indireto livre flaubertiano. Ao longo de nosso percurso crítico, percebemos que a biblioteca fantástica dos autores estudados, construída no intervalo entre os dois citados eixos, mostrou-se reveladora da problemática concernente à enunciabilidade e à legibilidade das obras, já que a interdiscursividade de suas escrituras autorreflexivas questionava as formas naturalizadas ou impostas de escrever e de ler, recolocando a literatura enquanto questão. / Having as a starting point the reading effect of Machado de Asiss and Gustave Flauberts self reflecting narratives which, due to the intense recourse to other discourses, seem to be books made of other books , the aim of this work is to study these writers interdiscursivity practices, as observed in their writing and reading practices through the concept of the fantastic library, in an explicit dialogue with Michel Foucaults theory. Following two main paths from which we would like to observe the literary work inside the library (the space of the writers real libraries as a privileged viewpoint of their enunciability) and the library in the work (that is, the image of the book and of elements of the literary system represented in the books), we noticed a tense relationship with these other discourses in these two writers practices, which is reinforced by the recourse to different narratological devices such as the fictional author in Machado and free indirect style in Flaubert. As our analysis progressed, we perceive that the fantastic library of those authors, construed between those paths already mentioned, revealed some of the problems related to their enunciability and legibility, as the interdiscursivity of these self reflecting narratives questions not only naturalized or imposed manners of reading and writing but literature itself.
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A book management system eLibrarySong, Shanpeng 01 January 2004 (has links)
"eLibrary" is a book management software application that runs on Microsoft Windows platforms. The software incorporates a Windows Explorer like interface and XML/XSL to display book details. The purpose of this project is to build a full-featured, commerical-quality software package to help people manage their books (either printed or electronic). The goal is for eLibrary to be a complete solution for people who wish to build their own personal electronic library catalog.
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Knihovny a čtenářská recepce v období raného humanismu v Čechách / The Libraries and Reader's Reception in the Early Humanism Period in BohemiaNeškudla, Bořek January 2014 (has links)
The dissertation looks into the book culture, book production and readership in the kingdom of Bohemia in early humanism. It explores the conditions of rise and reception of book printing in the kingdom of Bohemia. The mind-set of the Utraquist society, resistant to the influence from abroad, international isolation of the Utraquist Bohemia and the previous insignificant manuscript production proved to be the factors which failed to encourage the arrival of book printing in the country. The initial advancement of book printing was hesitant and could not to keep up with the more developed trade abroad. The Czech printing production related to the efforts of reformation to further enhance the moral status of the society soon turned to disseminating literature in the vernacular, yet often they were translated literature. The early Czech printed production however was affected by low quality and quantity of prints and was not of the significance declared by the previous generations of researchers. Personalities of the Catholic society were more inclusive about new ideas from abroad. In the contemporary society the Catholics were therefore the first ones to embrace book printing and also they were quicker in reception of humanism. The early humanist literature in Bohemia is related to the personality of...
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Membra disiecta / Inhalt und Wirkung der Bibliothek des Göttinger Professors Lüder Kulenkamp (1724 - 1794)Pozzo, Annette 18 November 2013 (has links)
Die Büchersammlung des Göttinger Universitätsprofessors und reformierten Pastors Lüder Kulenkamp (1724-1794) bildet mit über 9.000 Handschriften, Abschriften, Inkunabeln und Drucken ab 1501 die viertgrößte private Gelehrtenbibliothek Göttingens im 18. Jahrhundert. Die Sammlung ist ausschließlich über den 1796 gedruckten Auktionskatalog sowie zwei, mit Käufer- und Preisangaben versehene durchschossene Exemplare dokumentiert. Über inhaltliche Aussagen hinaus, die den hybriden Charakter der Sammlung als Arbeitsinstrument und bibliophile Kollektion zugleich offenlegen, versucht die Arbeit, unter Einbeziehung von Marginalien und handschriftlichen Einträgen Kulenkamps sowie von in Vorlesungen benutzten bzw. in eigenen Publikationen zitierten Titeln, ein Bild des gelehrten Büchersammlers und -lesers an seinem Standort und zu seiner Zeit zu vermitteln. Die durchschossenen Exemplare des Versteigerungskatalogs bilden quellenorientiert die Basis für bibliothekarisch motivierte Käufe seitens der Bodleian Library, der herzoglichen Bibliothek Gotha und der Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen sowie für privat motivierte Käufe seitens Studenten, Buchantiquariaten und akademischen Sammlern, die das Erstellen gesellschaftlicher und individueller Rezeptions- und Leserbiographien ermöglichen. Der in Bibliotheken gelangte Bestand der Büchersammlung wird darüberhinaus im Sinne einer Provenienzaufarbeitung per Autopsie erschlossen. / The private library of the university professor and reformed pastor Lüder Kulenkamp (1724-1794) forms with over 9.000 manuscripts, transcripts, incunables and printed books the fourth largest private book collection in Göttingen during the eighteenth century. The collection is documented by an auction catalogue printed in 1796, of which two interfoliated copies have been located that provide useful information about buyers and prices. The dissertation delves into each of the titles within Kulenkamp’s library, while pointing out the hybrid character of the collection, which was both an instrument for teaching and research and the result of the owner’s bibliophilia. A careful consideration of Kulenkamp’s marginalia and handwritten notes, his course announcements and the titles of the books he refers to in his writings provides a lively picture of how an erudite book collector and reader might have looked like in his place and time. The interfoliated exemplars of the auction catalogue were the basis for Kulenkamp’s books being the subject of library acquisitions that were decided for at the Bodleian Library, the Herzogliche Bibliothek Gotha and the Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen as well as for private acquisitions by students, book antiquarians and academic collectors. They are of great interest for the development of public and private book circulation and the shaping of readers’ biographies. In compliance with the requirements of provenance-research, all books of the collection of which we know they had been acquired by public libraries have been looked into by autopsy.
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