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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Improving efficiency in the public health sector by transferring selected best practices from the private health sector

Pedro, Beverley-Anne 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this research report was to identify a set of strategic tools that can be transferred from the private health sector to the public health sector, to improve efficiency in the public health sector. To attain to this aim, this research report attempted to identify the selected best practices employed by successful private health providers, to determine the most effective modes to transfer these best practices, and to establish key success factors for the identified best practices. Interviews were conducted with opinion-leaders from the health industry in the Western Cape,and inputs gleaned from these individuals were useful in applying the strategic model to the public and private health sector in the Western Cape. Globally the public sector has already embarked on strategic management initiatives, through the implementation of the New Public Management-model. The introduction of NPM in a few selected countries aimed at achieving cost-efficiency, budget accountability and improved customer focus in service delivery. South Africa however still needs a unifying and all encompassing vision for public and development management to advance the ideals of Batho Pele. The use of evidence and the management of intellectual capital in the health care industry are recognised as important in decision-making. The health care trends of five selected countries (United Kingdom, United States of America, Greece, Canada, Slovakia) were researched , and demonstrated that countries face similar challenges (increasing resource demands, aging population, rapidly expanding technological possibilities, better-informed patients, rising expectations). It is recognised that business skills and knowledge, as well as investments in IT can be effective tools in moving an organisation from a reactive approach to a pro-active approach. Managers in the public sector need different competencies than managers in the private sector due to the differences between the two sectors, and thus there is a need to adapt management training. While there are examples of best practices in the South African government, there is still room for improvement. A stable political economy, political leadership, management skills of political office-bearers and the professionalism of civil servants will be decisive in this regard. The White Paper on the Transformation of the Public Service provides a framework for the development of strategies to promote continuous performance improvements in quantity, quality and equity of health service provision. The areas where improvements are necessary are customer and stakeholder satisfaction, processes, organisation results, leadership and people management. The comparison between the current strategic approach in the Western Cape and a model designed for the public sector revealed that some of the steps can be developed further, namely the assessment of the internal and external environments, the development of an effective implementation process, and the reassessment of the strategies and the strategic planning process. The comparison between the current strategic approach in the Western Cape and the global best practices framework established that there is not sufficient balance between the resource and position based views, the decision-making approach is "quite formal", implementation of strategy is not a carefully planned change management process, planning is regarded as the most important part of the strategic planning process, and evaluating strategy implementation involves more than mere financial measures. It was also established that the Western Cape Department of Health's strategic stance is offensive, that it can be regarded as a prospector, that managing multiple stakeholders is a challenge and that the competitive advantage of the department is its people. The industry analysis revealed that there is still a long way to go in terms of reliable information systems to support health services. The need for a strategic approach that can respond rapidly in a turbulent environment, and the re-look strategic processes to ensure delivery of quality health care through optimal use of resources were also established by the industry analysis. It was established that a gap exists in the public health sector in respect of the strategic planning processes, and that the private health sector portrays characteristics compatible with the global best practices framework. Modes for the successful transfer of best practices were explored, namely management consulting, commercialisation and management development. Two key success factors for the transfer of best practices were identified, namely the application of the Batho Pele principles, and the recruitment and retention of suitably qualified staff. From a global strategic management perspective, it was clear that there is a definite need for the public sector to change to private sector strategic approaches. A shift from a reactive to a pro-active approach is also advisable. The global trends in public health care demonstrate the importance of political leadership, competent management, business knowledge and skills, IT investment and the use of evidence in health. It is clear that the provision of public health care in South Africa faces similar challenges to those experienced by the five countries researched. The application of the global best practices framework confirmed that there are in fact best practices employed by the private sector that can be transferred to the public sector. Most of the best practices discussed in this research report are not employed in the public sector, or only on a limited scale. The use of these practices should be explored by the public sector. In order to equip managers in the public sector with the necessary strategic management tools, training and development opportunities must include modules on strategic management. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie navorsingsverslag was om 'n stel strategiese benaderings te identifiseer wat van die privaat-gesondheidsektor na die openbare gesondheidsektor oorgedra kan word, om effektiwiteit in die publieke gesondheidsektor te verbeter. Ten einde hierdie doel te bereik, was daar gepoog om geselekteerde beste praktyke wat deur die privaat gesondheidsektor gebruik word te identifiseer, om te bepaal wat die mees effektiewe metodes sou wees om dit oor te dra, en om kritiese suksesfaktore vir die bepaalde beste praktyke te identifiseer. Onderhoude is gevoer met prominente leiers in die gesondheids-industrie in die Wes-Kaap, en hierdie insette was waardevol in die toepassing van die strategiese model op die publieke en privaat-gesondheidsektor in die Wes-Kaap. Op die internasionale front het die publieke sektor reeds strategiese bestuurs-inisiatiewe begin toepas, deur die implementering van die NPM-model. Die implementering van NPM in 'n paar geselekteerde lande was gemik op koste-effektiwiteit, begrotingsverantwoordbaarheid en verbeterde fokus op kliente in dienslewering. Suid Afrika het egter steeds die behoefte aan 'n oorkoepelende, verenigende visie vir publieke- en bestuursontwikkeling om uitvoering te gee aan die ideale van Batho Pele. Die gebruik van uitkomste en die bestuur van intellektuele kapitaal in die gesondheidsindustrie word erken as belangrik vir besluitneming. Die neigings in gesondheidsorg van vyf gekose lande (Verenigde Koninkryke, Verenigde State van Amerika, Griekeland, Kanada en Siovakye) toon dat die uitdagings vir gesondheid ooreenstem (verhoogde vraag na hulpbronne, verouderende bevolking, vinnige ontwikkeling van tegnologie, beter ingeligte pasiente, hoër verwagtinge). Dit word aanvaar dat besigheidsvaardighede en -kennis, sowel as beleggings in inligtingstegnologie effektief aangewend kan word om 'n organisasie van 'n reaktiewe tot 'n pro-aktiewe benadering te beweeg. Bestuurders in die publieke sektor benodig vaardighede wat verskil van bestuurders in die privaatsektor weens verskille tussen die twee sektore; daar is dus 'n behoefte om bestuursopleiding aan te pas. Daar is wel voorbeelde van beste praktyke in die Suid-Afrikaanse regering, maar daar is steeds ruimte vir verbetering. 'n Stabiele politieke ekonomie, politieke leierskap, bestuursvaardighede van politieke ampsdraers en die professionaliteit van staatsamptenare sal deurslaggewend wees in hierdie verband. Die Wit Skrif oor Transformasie van die Openbare Sektor verskaf 'n raamwerk vir die ontwikkeling van strategiee om voortgesette verbeteringe in hoeveelheid, kwaliteit, en gelykheid in die voorsiening van gesondheidsorg te bevorder. Areas vir verbetering sluit in kliente en belanghebbende tevredenheid, prosesse, organisatoriese uitslae, leierskap en bestuur van mense. Die vergelyking van die huidige strategiese benadering in die Wes-Kaap met 'n model wat ontwikkel is vir die publieke sektor toon dat sommige van die stappe verder ontwikkel kan word, naamlik die evaluering van die interne en eksterne omgewing, die ontwikkeling van effektiewe implementeringsprosesse, en die herevaluering van die strategiee en die strategiese beplanningsprooes. Die vergelyking van die huidige strategiese benadering in die Wes-Kaap met die globale beste praktyke raamwerk toon dat daar nie genoeg balans is tussen die posisie- en hulpbrongebaseerde stand nie, dat besluitneming "nogal formeel" is, dat implementering van strategie nie 'n sorgvuldig beplande veranderingsbestuursproses is nie, en dat evaluering van implementering meer behels as slegs finansiele maatstawwe. Dit het ook aan die lig gekom dat die Wes-Kaap departement van gesondheid 'n offensiewe stand het, dat dit as 'n prospektor beskou kan word, en dat die bestuur van veelvuldige belangehebbendes 'n uitdaging is. Die analise van die industrie het getoon dat daar nog baie gedoen kan word in terme van betroubare inligtingstelsels om gesondheidsdienste te ondersteun. Die behoefte aan 'n strategiese benadering om vinnig te reageer in 'n turbulente omgewing, en die her-evaluering van strategiese prosesse om die lewering van kwaliteit gesondheidsdienste deur die optimale gebruik van hulpbronne te verseker, is ook bevind in die analise. Daar is ook bevind dat daar 'n gaping in die publieke gesondheidsektor is wat die strategiese beplanningsproses betref, en dat die privaat-gesondheidsektor kenmerke openbaar wat verenigbaar is met die globale beste praktyke raamwerk. Metodes vir die suksesvolle oordrag van beste praktyke, naamlik bestuurskonsultasie, kommersialisasie en bestuursontwikkeling word beskryf. Twee sleutelsuksesfaktore vir die oordrag van beste praktyke, naamlik die toepassing van die Batho Pele beginsels, en die werwing en behoud van toepaslik gekwalifiseerde personeel is identifiseer. Uit 'n globale strategiese bestuursperspektief was dit duidelik dat daar definitief 'n behoefte is vir die publieke sektor om privaatsektor strategiese benaderings aan te neem. 'n Beweging van 'n reaktiewe tot 'n pro-aktiewe benadering is beslis aan te beveel. Die globale neigings in publieke gesondheidsorg demonstreer die belangrikheid van politieke leierskap, bevoegde bestuur, besigheidskennis en -vaardighede, beleggings in inligtingstegnologie en die gebruik van uitkoms-gebaseerde bewyse. Dit is duidelik dat die voorsiening van publieke gesondheidsorg in Suid-Afrika ooreenstemmende uitdagings het met die vyf lande wat ondersoek is. Die toepassing van die globale beste praktyke raamwerk het bevestig dat daar wel beste praktyke gebruik word deur die privaatsektor, wat oorgedra kan word na die publieke sektor. Meeste van die beste praktyke hier bespreek word nie deur die publieke sektor gebruik nie, of slegs op 'n beperkte basis. Die gebruik van hierdie praktyke moet ondersoek word deur die publieke sektor. Om bestuurders in die publieke sektor toe te rus met die nodige strategiese bestuursvaardighede, moet opleidings- en ontwikkelingsgeleenthede modules insluit oor strategiese bestuur.

The alignment of private sector initiatives for small business promotion with those of regional government

Ackermann, Chris 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The main objective of this study is to analyse and evaluate the alignment between the strategies and operational aspects of small business promotion initiatives of regional government with those of the private sector. Small business development had been identified by the post-apartheid government as one of the keys to addressing a number of social problems - growth, employment and (re)distribution of wealth. Despite efforts and investment from both government and the private sector, this sector had never performed as expected and South Africa usually ranks relatively poorly in terms of innovation, according to the published rankings. To provide context, a literature review briefly explores the importance, success and inhibiting factors of small business development in South Africa. From the data, it is : clear that the success of the Small, Medium and Micro Enterprise (SMME) sector in South Africa, as in most developing countries, is key to the achievement of socioeconomic goals which are linked directly to the structure and success of the larger economy. The factors inhibiting a more successful development of the SMME sector relate to (a) the influence of socia-political goals on the economic policies, (b) the invisibility of SMME track records because of the development of the informal sector and (c) lacking skills, both among entrepreneurs and regional/local government and agencies. A brief review of the SMME strategies and implementation by national and regional government highlights the major problem areas, being regional interpretation and implementation of what seems to be generally accepted as a fairly well-developed national SMME strategy. This appears to be due mostly to lacking co-ordination and capacity (skills and knowledge) at the regional and local levels of government. The description of the South African Breweries' KickStart programme as an example of private sector SMME development efforts highlights a few aspects that seem to ensure a greater degree of tangible, directly attributable success of SMMEs developing into a sustainable business, albeit in smaller numbers. These aspects relate to a mixture of training and mentoring that assists the entrepreneurs in becoming self-sufficient prior to the awarding of any substantial financial assistance. At a higher level, it is evident that the private sector develops a clear, simple national strategy and ensures regional execution thereof through clear guidelines and the alignment and linking thereof to local group and individual goals and performance measurement. The latter is perhaps the most evident contrast between the government and the private sector in this regard, as it had not been found discussed in relation to how government executes strategy, in any of the literature reviewed. The writer agrees with the general opinion of the private sector from the literature reviewed, in that government should playa less directly involved and interventionist role and recommended that it should focus on facilitation of the process through creating the· right environment. Typically this will take place through reviewing of legislation and administrative requirements that increases the cost and complexity of doing business. Some proposals include the consolidation of SMME development . . efforts under a single Public Private Partnership (PPP); to ensure alignment and to . draw on the energy, focus and skills of the private sector. The study concludes that close co-operation between the public and private sectors is vital for the improvement of SMME development and that government has a number of options to consider for stimulating a greater private sector effort, while at : the same time becoming less interventionist. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die hoofdoelwit van die studie is om te analiseer en evalueer op watter wyse die strategiee en bedryfsaspekte van die kleinsakeontwikkelingsinisiatiewe van plaaslike regering en die van die privaatsektor by mekaar inskakel. Kleinsakeontwikkeling is reeds in 1994 deur die nuwe regering as een van die sleutels tot die verwesenliking van verskeie sosio-ekonomiese doelwitte geidentifiseer. Die vernaamste hiervan is groei, indiensneming en die (her)verdeling van inkomste. Ten spyte van die insette en finansiele belegging van sowel die regering as die privaatsektor, het hierdie sektor nooit na verwagting gepresteer nie en Suid-Afrika Ie gewoonlik relatief laag op die gepubliseerde ranglyste wat innovasie betref. As agtergrond tot die studie, ondersoek die literatuurstudie kortliks die belangrikheid, sukses en beperkende faktore van kleinsakeontwikkeling in Suid-Afrika. Die data toon duidelik dat die sukses van hierdie sektor, soos in die meeste ontwikkelende lande, 'n sleutelfaktor is in die verwesenliking van sosio-ekonomiese doelwitte, wat weer direk verbind is met die struktuur en sukses van die ekonomie in sy geheel. Die faktore wat 'n meer suksesvolle ontwikkeling van die kleinsakesektor verhoed, is verwant aan (a) die uitwerking wat sosio-politieke doelwitte op ekonomiese beleid het; (b) die feit dat die prestasies van die sektor as gevolg van die ontwikkeling van die informele sektor nie sigbaar is nie; en (c) 'n gebrek aan vaardighede onder entrepreneurs sowel as plaaslike/streeksregering en -agentskappe. 'n Analise van die nasionale en plaaslike regering se kleinsakeontwikkelingstrategiee, -struktuur en -implementering wys die grootste probleemareas uit, naamlik plaaslike regering se interpretasie en implementering van wat op die oog af as 'n redelik goed ontwikkelde nasionale strategie beskou word. Hierdie gaping blyk te wyte te wees aan 'n gebrek aan koordinering en kapasiteit (vaardighede en kennis) op plaaslike regeringsvlak. Die beskrywing van die "KickStart"-program van die SAB, as voorbeeld van privaatsektorinisiatiewe, wys 'n paar faktore uit wat oenskynlik lei tot 'n groter mate van tasbare en direk verwante sukses en onderhoubare groei in klein ondernemings, alhoewel in kleiner getalle. Hierdie faktore hou verband met die vermenging van opleiding en mentorskap wat die entrepreneurs help om selfonderhoudend te wees voordat enige wesenlike finansiele bystand verleen word. Op 'n hoer vlak is dit duidelik dat die privaatsektor tipies 'n duidelike, eenvoudige nasionale strategie ontwikkel en die uitvoering daarvan verseker deur duidelike riglyne en deur dit met plaaslike groeps- en individuele doelwitte en prestasiemeting te verbind. Laasgenoemde is waarskynlik die mees wesenlike kontras tussen die regering en die privaatsektor, aangesien nie enige van die Iitteratuur verwys het na die wyse waarop die regering strategie implementeer nie. Die skrywer stem saam met die algemene opinie van die privaatsektor op grond van die literatuurstudie, naamlik dat die regering 'n minder direkte rol, in kleinsakeontwikkeling behoort te speel, en beveel aan dat die regering op die fasilitering van die proses behoort te fokus deur die skepping van 'n tegemoetkomende besigheidsomgewing, hoofsaaklik deur die hersiening van wetgewing en administratiewe regulasies wat die kompleksiteit en koste van besigheid beinvloed. Van die aanbevelings sluit in die konsolidering van kleinsakeontwikkeling in 'n enkele vennootskap tussen die publieke en privaatsektore, om te verseker dat daar 'n beter gesamentlike poging sal wees en om die energie, fokus en kennis van die privaatsektor beter te benut. Die slotsom is dat samewerking tussen die publieke en privaalsektore krities is vir die suksesvolle ontwikkeling van die kleinsakesektor en dat die regering 'n paar opsies tot sy beskikking het om 'n groter mate van betrokkenheid deur die privaatsektor te stimuleer, terwyl die regering self minder direk betrokke kan wees.

Lessons learnt from a private sector business pilot targeting the primary healthcare needs of poor South Africans : the case of RTT Unjani Clinics

Deedat, Raees 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / Railit Total Transportation (RTT) is a multinational corporation whose core business is to be a logistics and distribution partner to other multinational corporations. Many of RTT’s key clientele are in the healthcare and pharmaceutical industry, with various key relationships and networks being developed over many years of operation. RTT set the trend by becoming one of the first large South African companies to participate in and profit from the rest of the African continent at a time when it was not popular to do so. On a similar motivation, the current CEO of the RTT Group, Dr Iain Barton, believes that it is a strategic imperative to participate in the Base of the economic Pyramid (BoP), both for economic and developmental reasons. The BoP is not a new market, but recent interest in its potential profitability has being sparked in the business community by the works of management gurus such as the late C.K. Prahalad and the current sustainability champion Stuart Hart. This dissertation presents a case study that will analyse the phenomenon of developing a business model that targets the primary healthcare (PHC) needs of poor South Africans. This study will also extract lessons learnt from the case study in the context of existing BoP theory, primary healthcare in South Africa, and a similar initiative implemented in Kenya in the form of the Child and Family Wellness Clinics (CFW). The case study presents the reader with the pilot phase of RTT’s Unjani Clinic project, and contrasts the findings and lessons learnt from the two main pilot sites in Johannesburg’s Etwatwa and Wattville peri-urban BoP communities. This study also explores a smaller business model concept among Cape Town’s informal traders, also known as spaza shops. The data collection for the case study was undertaken in the qualitative research methodological format with a comprehensive set of interviews that aimed to triangulate the views of management, operational staff, community participants and patient participants. The strength of the case study findings is enhanced by the inclusion of comprehensive case study data, which includes verbatim transcripts of all interview participants and focus group participants. The database can be found at the end of this research report. Many lessons emerged that were both expected and unexpected, with three major themes coming to the fore: • The strategic funding of Unjani, within the dichotomy of profit and non-profit hybrid models • Challenges in achieving operational scale and efficiencies within the BoP • Marketing the value proposition to the BoP. RTT’s management has already begun to implement many of the lessons that have emerged. This includes the marketing mix that requires greater appreciation at a detailed ethnographic level of the dynamics of non-traditional BoP markets. The research report also provides other recommendations to stimulate demand in BoP markets as well as suggestions for the ideal funding and business partners to move this project forward. This research is unique in exploring the challenges of business model development specifically to service the healthcare needs of poor South Africans, and to contribute a small but significant part in the broader understanding of doing business in the South African BoP.

The scope for private sector involvement in infrastructure development and finance in South Africa

Barnard, Nico 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MDF)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / The aim of the study is to provide a framework for effective private sector participation in infrastructure development and finance, not to provide a rigid structure to guide the participation. Thus the framework is a flexible guide to guide the relationship with local governments. The study will be limited to the following aspects: - projects commissioned and managed by the local sphere of government in South Africa; - projects financed by funding outside of the national treasury budget allocations; and - infrastructure projects that may include physical infrastructure (roads), social infrastructure (clinic) and economic infrastructure (electrical substation). Even though the scope of the study may be limited, the study can provide critical insight in terms of private sector participation possibilities in infrastructure development in South Africa.

Capacity building through sustainable operations and maintenance : the Zeerust wastewater treatment

Coetzer, Casper 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Providing basic access to water and sanitation is critical for poverty alleviation and stimulating economic growth, but at the same time it is putting a huge strain on South Africa’s existing economic infrastructure. Local governments allow their existing wastewater infrastructure to deteriorate to the extent that it no longer functions according to its design, and then apply for capital funding for refurbishment. Capital investment alone will not provide a sustainable solution to meet the increased demand on the ageing wastewater infrastructure, since local governments do not have the financial means and technical capacity to adequately maintain and operate their infrastructure. A paradigm shift is required to develop alternative and innovative business models to ensure a sustainable solution providing continued and consistent capacity as a basis for further expansion. Public-private partnerships (PPP) could provide a feasible solution towards building a sustainable technical capacity at local governments. Engaging the private sector must however not be aimed towards access to private sector finance, but rather the improvement in operational efficiency and increased level in service. Obtaining private sector finances will be the wrong focus for engaging in PPP undertakings in South Africa. Private operation must be combined with public financing. The design-build-operate (DBO) model with public financing would be highly viable. Such an arrangement will hold no financial risk to the private sector entity with revenue collection strictly remaining a local government function. The DBO method of delivery (with public funding) will be an effective way to realize cost savings, achieve efficiencies in construction and operation, utilize expertise, and most importantly, for skills transfers and capacity building at local government level. Ultimate sustainability will only be achieved once local government is able to raise the majority of its own funds for operation and maintenance through tariffs and other instruments, including some towards capital redemption. Grant funding must make provision for maintenance and operation of all capital funded projects. All shareholders must join forces in lobbying this concept at the highest political echelons because in terms of Section 154 of the Bill of Rights, national and provincial governments have a duty towards local governments to support and strengthen their capacity, to effectively perform their functions.

Financing public hospitals in South Africa : the case of the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) and the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA)

Tshabalala, Alfred Mshengu 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MDF)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The research on this topic was motivated by the concern about the state of disarray in the public hospitals infrastructure and that due to budget constrain across the globe, the governments can no longer afford to provide public health services alone without the assistance of the private sector. South African public healthcare system continues to function in a state of disarray. Public hospitals serve the vast majority of the South African population, but are underfunded and in most cases these hospitals have ailing infrastructure. The study will look at the mechanism to fund public hospitals. This study examines the role that the Industrial Development Corporation and the Development Bank of Southern Africa can play in addressing the gap that exists in funding public hospitals. It will attempt to answer the following questions of concern, how is public healthcare financed in South Africa, what are the major challenges in financing public hospitals, what is the current role played by the Industrial Development Corporation and the Development Bank of Southern Africa in funding the public hospitals and what are the other possible solutions to address these challenges. The findings indicate that, despite the government funding the public hospitals there is a shortfall of funds for hospitals to complete the project that they are engage in. Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital and other five cases of hospitals in KwaZulu Natal were looked at and confirmed that there is definitely a gap in funding public hospitals

Social welfare delivery: a case of government funded NGOs in Worcester

Khamba, Ntokozo January 2006 (has links)
Masters in Public Administration - MPA / Social welfare services are essential for development of human capital and eradication of poverty in South Africa generally. Social welfare plays a pivotal role in enabling the impoverished and vulnerable communities and households to lead their lives through provision of care, social relief, stability and human resource development. Non-Governmental Organisations form an integral part of the welfare system through their formal and informal welfare and residential and non-residential welfare services. The role of the NGOs becomes imperative precisely because of their inherent empathy and proximity to the communities they serve. Government itself has been engaged in the process of transformation and the same challenges of transformation, governance, and effectiveness still profound the NGO sector. Notwithstanding the contribution of the NGOs in the welfare system, it is crucial to scrutinise the nature of their work and the rate of transformation to flourish in the democratic dispensation. To enhance the process of transformation in the NGO sector, government passed a plethora of policies and legislative requirements, inter alia, White Paper for Social Welfare 1997, Non-Profit Organisations Act of 1997. The intent of this research therefore, was to establish the significance of transformation and inherent issues of governance, effectiveness and efficiency in service delivery and sustainability of the nature of social welfare services rendered by the NGO sector in the Western Cape, particularly the Worcester district. / South Africa

Evaluating support service co-operation in the Netcare-Settlers public private partnership, Grahamstown, South Africa

Mahote, Tulisa January 2015 (has links)
The neo-liberal restructuring of state assets and facilities, which has taken place internationally over the past three decades, as well as in South Africa, has been a matter of great controversy. Privatisation, in particular, has been a polarising issue, especially when applied to fields like healthcare. Supporters of privatisation view it as cutting costs, mobilising funding, expertise and innovation, resulting in improved delivery, and opening possibilities for a spread of ownership. Critics claim the process involves retrenchments, declining services for the (poorer) majority of people, and a focus on the elites as citizens become transformed into customers, and with any economic empowerment going to the already prosperous. This thesis examines these issues by looking at the privatisation of hospitals in South Africa, with a case study of the Netcare-Settlers Public Private Partnership (PPP) (also known as the Settlers Private Hospital) in Grahamstown, South Africa. Netcare is South Africa’s largest private hospital company, and also has substantial operations in the United Kingdom. The thesis sets out the context: a highly inequitable healthcare system in the country, the rise of privatisation in the apartheid and post-apartheid eras, and healthcare privatisation. In terms of the Netcare-Settlers PPP, the thesis examines how the PPP was structured and developed, focusing on the impact of the PPP on non-clinical operations. The thesis argues that the results of the PPP are mixed, that it has greatly improved areas like facilities, maintenance, cleaning and catering, performed less well in increasing the doctor/ patient ratio or in attracting specialists, and is associated with the widespread and problematic use of outsourcing of service workers like cleaners and security. Overall, the PPP has improved healthcare, with some effective sharing of resources between the public and private parts of the hospital, but also relies on a pool of relatively low waged, under-unionised, labour. In terms of the general debate over privatisation, the Netcare-Settlers PPP shows that both supporters and critics have some valid points, and that privatisation in practice is not an either/ or, black/ white, good/ bad proposition, but something more complex. The success and failure of PPPs depend on the details of the contracts, and these can be used to maximise the performance of both the public and private partners. Better contracts may help avoid the uneven results seen at institutions like the Netcare-Settlers PPP.

Transport economic regulatory intervention in the transport infrastructure : a public-private partnership exploratory study

Maluleka, Khulumane John 31 January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this study is to determine whether the introduction of a transport economic regulatory authority would serve as a valid intervention mechanism in the Public-Private Partnership of the transport infrastructure in South Africa. In order to achieve this objective, the study focused on the analysis of the concept of Public-Private Partnership, and how it has unfolded in a number of industrialised countries. Much attention was devoted in examining how the Public-Private Partnership arrangements followed by the studied countries influenced the current transport infrastructure management process in South Africa. To deal with the above, a host of macro-environmental variables were analysed in respect of their potential impact on the South African Department of Transport. The establishment of various agencies by the Department of Transport was seen as a consequence of the influence of the prevailing environmental forces. The outcome of the analysis revealed that a sustainable transport infrastructural development is a product of genuine partnership between the public and private sectors. Competition for the market and the significance of such competition in the transport infrastructure were outlined. The main goal of competition within the context of this study is to diffuse the economic power of the toll road industry and the protection of the individual's fundamental rights. The study also unearthed a need to deepen the talent and skills of both public and private sector officials as this would enable them to protect the citizens' right to make well-considered choices in the toll road industry. The study identified a need to establish a transport economic regulatory authority that would control the market dynamics of power relationships in the transport industry. Such a body should be creative and need to have regulatory oversight over transport infrastructure. / Transport Logistics & Tourism / D. Comm.

Openbare sektor-privaatsektor vennootskappe as 'n eiendomsontwikkeling-metodiek in die Wes-Kaap Provinsie

Beyers, Amelia Adeline 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: It is estimated that at present South Africa has a backlog in spending on infrastructure, amounting to R170 billion. The state does not have the necessary funds to rectify the situation. This problem is not unique to South Africa and across the world countries are considering whether private sector enterprises should not be rendering the services and constructing the infrastructure which the state had traditionally done. One of the most successful ways of doing this is to make use of public-private partnerships (PPP's). A PPP is a joint effort by the state and the private sector party to execute a major product, whereby the resources and abilities of the two parties are combined. The risks and responsibilities of the project are allocated to the parties in an optimal manner. The efficient and effective application of the PPP mechanism poses a challenge to the Western Cape Province as it is an excellent way to improve the utilisation of state property within the Province and construct new facilities. The Elsenburg vineyard and cellar project, a PPP project in the Western Cape Province, is therefore critically assessed in terms of key success factors in the implementation of PPP's. Furthermore recommendations regarding the future utilisation of PPP's within the Province are made. A dedicated PPP unit, which will be responsible for investigating the value for money, affordability, allocation of risks and recourse requirements of projects, should be formed within the Province. Members of the unit will also handle the management of PPP projects. It is important that officials who will be involved with PPP's are trained in the theory and practise thereof. Other important aspects are that all groups who have an interest in a PPP project be identified, that attempts are not made to transfer all risks to the private sector partner and that the standardisation of steps that are common to all projects be investigated. Property projects that are suitable for the application of PPP's must be identified as it can provide momentum to the economy of the Western Cape and can also contribute towards the erasing of the backlog in the construction and maintenance of infrastructure. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Dit word beraam dat Suid-Afrika tans 'n agterstand in besteding op infrastruktuur het wat R170 biljoen beloop. Die staat beskik nie oor genoeg fondse om die probleem aan te spreek nie. Regerings die wêreld oor ondervind soortgelyke probleme en is besig om te besin of die oprigting van infrastruktuur en die lewering van dienste wat tradisioneel deur die staat hanteer is, nie eerder aan die privaatsektor oorgelaat moet word nie. Een van die suksesvolste maniere om dit te bewerkstellig is deur die gebruik van obenbare sektor-private sektor venootskappe (OPV's). 'n OPV is 'n gesamentlike poging deur die staat en 'n privaatsektorvennoot om 'n groot projek uit te voer, waardeur die hulpbronne, sterkpunte en vermoëns van die twee partye gekombineer word. Die risiko's en verantwoordelikhede wat aan die projek verbonde is, word op optimale wyse aan die partye tot die OPV toegedeel. Die doeltreffende en doelmatige aanwending van die OPV meganisme is 'n groot uitdaging vir die Wes-Kaapse Provinsie, aangesien dit 'n uitstekende manier is om benutting van staatseiendom binne die Provinsie te verbeter en nuwe fasiliteite op te rig. Die Elsenburg wingerd- en kelderprojek, 'n OPV-projek binne die Wes-Kaapse Provinsie, word derhalwe krities geëvalueer op grond van sleutelsuksesfaktore vir die implementering van OPV's. Verder word aanbevelings rakende die toekomstige aanwending van OPV's binne die Provinsie gemaak. 'n Spesialis OPV eenheid, wat verantwoordelik sal wees om die waarde vir geld, bekostigbaarheid, toedeling van risiko's en hulpbronbenodighede van projekte te ondersoek, moet binne die Provinsie gestig word. Die bestuur van OPV projekte sal ook deur lede van die eenheid hanteer word. Dit is belangrik dat amptenare wat by OPV's betrokke sal wees, opgelei word in die teorie en praktyk daarvan. Ander belangrike aspekte is dat alle groepe wat 'n belang by 'n OPV projek het, geïdentifiseer moet word, dat daar nie gepoog word om alle risiko's na die privaatsektorvennoot oor te dra nie en dat die standardisering van stappe wat gemeenskaplik is aan alle projekte ondersoek moet word. Eiendomsprojekte wat geskik is vir die aanwending van OPV's moet geïdentifiseer word, aangesien dit as inspuiting vir die Wes-Kaapse ekonomie kan dien en kan bydra tot die uitwissing van die agterstand in die oprigting en instandhouding van infrastruktuur.

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