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服務場景的人際因素對注意力幸福感的影響: 以恢復體驗為中介角色 / The Influences of Interpersonal Factors within Service Environments on Attention-Related Well-Being: The Mediation Role of Restorative Experience曾祥景, Tseng, Hsiang Ching Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的是從注意力恢復理論的觀點檢驗服務環境中的人際因素如何影響恢復體驗,進而帶給顧客注意力幸福感。人際因素有顧客小群體的人際融洽、其他顧客的相似性、外表及行為適當性、以及服務人員的服務友誼、顧客導向行為與銷售導向行為。本研究執行兩個研究,研究一將會透過量表建構過程發展一個恢復體驗量表,適用於享樂型人身處理或心理刺激處理類型的服務業,並得知恢復體驗的概念內涵與組成要素。研究二將檢驗恢復體驗的前因與後果,以及恢復體驗是否會中介人際因素與注意力幸福感之間的關係。研究一結果指出恢復體驗由內容迷戀、暫時逃離、動機相容、能力相容、活動新奇感與心流六個子構面組成,該量表共以21題衡量,並具有良好的信度、收斂效度、區別效度與外在效度。研究二結果指出服務環境中的人際因素會顯著的影響恢復體驗,而恢復體驗亦會帶來顧客的注意力幸福感,恢復體驗會完全中介人際因素與注意力幸福感之間的關係。根據研究結果討論理論、方法與管理意涵。在服務業情境的恢復體驗概念內涵比大自然情境多了過程迷戀面向,但是少了一致性面向。恢復體驗的前因應不只限於與大自然有關的實體因素而已,因為人際因素亦是恢復體驗重要的前因。恢復體驗與其子構面間的關係應被建模為反映型而非形成型。本研究提供服務業者指南,告知其如何透過人際因素的形塑與管理,帶給顧客注意力幸福感。由於小群體融洽相對於其他人際因素而言對顧客的恢復體驗影響較大,服務業者應將較多資源分配在管理顧客小群體上,並促成其產生小群體融洽。最後,提出研究限制與未來研究方向。 / The purpose of this research is to examine how interpersonal factors in service environment influence restorative experience, which in turn facilitates attention-related well-being of customers from the perspective of attention restoration theory. Interpersonal factors include small groups (i.e., interpersonal rapport), other customers (i.e., similarity, physical appearance, and suitability of behavior), and service providers (i.e., service friendship, customer orientation, and selling orientation). Two studies were conducted. Study 1 developed a scale of restorative experience applicable to hedonic service industry of people-processing or mental stimulus processing types. Also, the conceptual domain and components of restorative experience were discussed. Study 2 examined the antecedents and consequences of restorative experience and whether restorative experience mediates the relationship between interpersonal factors and attention-related well-being. The results of study 1 indicated that restorative experience is comprised of six dimensions- content fascination, escape, motivation compatibility, competence compatibility, novelty of activity, and flow. The new scale is measured using 21 items and has good reliability, convergent validity, discriminant validity, and external validity. The results of study 2 indicated that interpersonal factors in service environment significantly influence restorative experience, which in turn influences attention-related well-being. Restorative experience completely mediates the relationship between interpersonal factors and attention-related well-being. Theoretical, methodological, and managerial implications are discussed. Compared to natural environment, restorative experience in the service environment contains the dimension of process fascination but has no dimension of coherence. Since interpersonal factors facilitate restorative experience, the antecedents of restorative experience should not be confined to natural elements of physical environment as done in the past studies. The relationships between restorative experience and its sub-dimensions should be modeled as reflective, not formative. This research provides guideline for service marketers to manage and harness interpersonal factors and improve attention-related well-being for customers. Since rapport in customer small group has more influence than other interpersonal factors on restorative experience, service marketers should put more resource in managing customer small groups and facilitating rapport among members in customer small group. In the end, limitations and direction of future research are presented.
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Technologie de l’information et de la communication et développement économique : les enjeux et les opportunités au Niger / Information and communication technology and economic development : the challenges and the opportunities in NigerOumarou, Mahamane Laouali 28 September 2011 (has links)
Le Niger est un pays enclavé d’Afrique de l’Ouest. Son positionnement à la périphérie des pôles essentiels de la sous région explique en partie son retard de développement. A cela, s’ajoute, un nouveau retard, qualifié de fracture numérique. Son parc d’infrastructures vétuste ne lui permet pas de profiter des flux mondiaux d’information pour bénéficier des avantages de la compétitivité de la nouvelle société de l’information. Sous l’impulsion de récents débats internationaux sur les nouvelles technologies, il apparaît que le développement économique du Niger nécessiterait une appropriation des TIC par la population. Dès lors, ces nouvelles technologies de l’information sont à l’épicentre des questions de développement qui se posent au Niger. Cette recherche s’est donnée le but d’analyser le système actuel des TIC au Niger et sa capacité à enclencher le développement économique dans un contexte de mondialisation des économies fondé sur l’information et la connaissance grâce à l’usage des TIC. Elle examine en premier lieu, le potentiel des ressources techniques, humaines et des plans et politiques gouvernementaux en matière des TIC, à l’échelle territoriale. A la suite de cette analyse et des questionnements qu’elle pose, des théories économiques ont émergé : l’économie de l’information et ses dérivées. En second lieu, cette étude explore, décrit, explique, interprète et illustre ces théories dans un contexte d’accès aux TIC. Les exemples illustratifs montrent que les TIC corrigent certaines de ces prédictions. Elles améliorent le capital humain, affinent les anticipations des agents et réduisent le risque des décisions économiques. C’est en cela que les TIC peuvent être considérées comme un facteur de développement économique au Niger. Dans cette révolution des NTIC, les économies n’ont nécessairement pas besoin de passer par l’étape de l’industrialisation comme à l’ancienne. L’exemple de la Chine et des dragons asiatiques le témoigne. / Niger is a landlocked country in West Africa. Its position on the outskirts of essential poles in the under-region partly explains its delayed development. To this is added, a further delay, called digital divide. Its fleet of obsolete infrastructure does not allow it to take full advantage of global flows of information to take advantage of the competitiveness of the new information society. Spurred on by recent international discussions on new technologies, it appears that the economic development of Niger would require an appropriation of ICTs by the population. Therefore, these new information technologies are at the epicenter of development issues facing the Niger. This research was given the objective to analyze the current system of ICT in Niger and its ability to set off economic development in a context of globalization of economies based on information, knowledge and expertise, by using ICTs. Following this analysis and the questions it poses, some economic theories have emerged, the information economy and its derivatives. In the second time, this study explores, describes, explains, interprets and illustrates these theories in the context of ICTs access. Illustrative examples show that ICT correct some of these predictions. ICT improves human capital, refine agents' anticipations and reduce the risk of economic decisions. That’s why, ICTs can be considered as an economic development factor in Niger. In this revolution of new technologies, the economies have not necessarily need to go through the stage of industrialization as the old theories. The example of China and the Asian dragons shows that.
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O comportamento do investidor brasileiro na alocação de ativosIglesias, Martin Casals 15 February 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-02-15T00:00:00Z / O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a alocação de investimentos no mercado acionário brasileiro, utilizando a teoria do prospecto de Tversky e Kahneman (1979) e o conceito de Aversão a Perdas Míope (Myopic Loss Aversion) proposto por Benartzi e Thaler (1995). Foram levantados através de experimento de laboratório os parâmetros da função de valor e da função de ponderação de probabilidades da teoria do prospecto e foi verificada a alocação de investimentos entre ações e renda fixa que maximizam a utilidade. Chegamos à conclusão que o total de recursos atualmente direcionados ao mercado de ações no Brasil, que é de aproximadamente 2,7% para pessoas físicas e de 6,0% para pessoas jurídicas, é compatível com a teoria do prospecto. / The objective of this study is to analyze the investment allocation in the Brazilian stock market, using Tversky and Kahneman’s prospect theory (1979) and the concept of myopic loss aversion proposed by Benartzi and Thaler (1995). We run a laboratory experiment to obtain the parameters of the value function and the probability weighting function of the prospect theory and identify the allocation that maximizes utility in the Brazilian Market We conclude that the actual allocation of investment in the stock market, of around 2.7% for individuals and around 6% for all the segments, is in accordance with the prospect theory.
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Topics in macroeconomics and financeRaciborski, Rafal 06 October 2014 (has links)
The thesis consists of four chapters. The introductory chapter clarifies different notions of rationality used by economists and gives a summary of the remainder of the thesis. Chapter 2 proposes an explanation for the common empirical observation of the coexistence of infrequently-changing regular price ceilings and promotion-like price patterns. The results derive from enriching an otherwise standard, albeit stylized, general equilibrium model with two elements. First, the consumer-producer interaction is modeled in the spirit of the price dispersion literature, by introducing oligopolistic markets, consumer search costs and heterogeneity. Second, consumers are assumed to be boundedly-rational: In order to incorporate new information about the general price level, they have to incur a small cognitive cost. The decision whether to re-optimize or act according to the obsolete knowledge about prices is itself a result of optimization. It is shown that in this economy, individual retail prices are capped below the monopoly price, but are otherwise flexible. Moreover, they have the following three properties: 1) An individual price has a positive probability of being equal to the ceiling. 2) Prices have a tendency to fall below the ceiling and then be reset back to the cap value. 3) The ceiling remains constant for extended time intervals even when the mean rate of inflation is positive. Properties 1) and 2) can be associated with promotions and properties 1) and 3) imply the emergence of nominal price rigidity. The results do not rely on any type of direct costs of price adjustment. Instead, price stickiness derives from frictions on the consumers’ side of the market, in line with the results of several managerial surveys. It is shown that the developed theory, compared to the classic menu costs-based approach, does better in matching the stylized facts about the reaction of individual prices to inflation. In terms of quantitative assessment, the model, when calibrated to realistic parameter values, produces median price ceiling durations that match values reported in empirical studies.<p><p>The starting point of the essay in Chapter 3 is the observation that the baseline New-Keynesian model, which relies solely on the notion of infrequent price adjustment, cannot account for the observed degree of inflation sluggishness. Therefore, it is a common practice among macro- modelers to introduce an ad hoc additional source of persistence to their models, by assuming that price setters, when adjusting a price of their product, do not set it equal to its unobserved individual optimal level, but instead catch up with the optimal price only gradually. In the paper, a model of incomplete adjustment is built which allows for explicitly testing whether price-setters adjust to the shocks to the unobserved optimal price only gradually and, if so, measure the speed of the catching up process. According to the author, a similar test has not been performed before. It is found that new prices do not generally match their estimated optimal level. However, only in some sectors, e.g. for some industrial goods and services, prices adjust to this level gradually, which should add to the aggregate inflation sluggishness. In other sectors, particularly food, price-setters seem to overreact to shocks, with new prices overshooting the optimal level. These sectors are likely to contribute to decreasing the aggregate inflation sluggishness. Overall, these findings are consistent with the view that price-setters are boundedly-rational. However, they do not provide clear-cut support for the existence of an additional source of inflation persistence due to gradual individual price adjustment. Instead, they suggest that general equilibrium macroeconomic models may need to include at least two types of production sectors, characterized by a contrasting behavior of price-setters. An additional finding stemming from this work is that the idiosyncratic component of the optimal individual price is well approximated by a random walk. This is in line with the assumptions maintained in most of the theoretical literature. <p><p>Chapter 4 of the thesis has been co-authored by Julia Lendvai. In this paper a full-fledged production economy model with Kahneman and Tversky’s Prospect Theory features is constructed. The agents’ objective function is assumed to be a weighted sum of the usual utility over consumption and leisure and the utility over relative changes of agents’ wealth. It is also assumed that agents are loss-averse: They are more sensitive to wealth losses than to gains. Apart from the changes in the utility, the model is set-up in a standard Real Business Cycle framework. The authors study prices of stocks and risk-free bonds in this economy. Their work shows that under plausible parameterizations of the objective function, the model is able to explain a wide set of unconditional asset return moments, including the mean return on risk-free bonds, equity premium and the Sharpe Ratio. When the degree of loss aversion in the model is additionally assumed to be state-dependent, the model also produces countercyclical risk premia. This helps it match an array of conditional moments and in particular the predictability pattern of stock returns. / Doctorat en Sciences économiques et de gestion / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Využití obrazové spektroskopie pro monitoring zátěže vegetace polutanty obsaženými v půdním substrátu Sokolovské hnědouhelné pánve / Application of imaging spectroscopy in monitoring of vegetation stress caused by soil pollutants in the Sokolov lignite basinMišurec, Jan January 2018 (has links)
Forests can be considered as one of the most important Earth's ecosystems not only because of oxygen production and carbon sequestration via photosynthesis, but also as a source of many natural resources (such as wood) and as a habitat of many specific plants and animals. Monitoring of forest health status is thus crucial activity for keeping all production and ecosystem functions of forests. The main aim of the thesis is development of an alternative approach for forest health status based on airborne hyperspectral data (HyMap) analysis supported by field sampling. The proposed approach tries to use similar vegetation parameters which are used in case of the current methods of forest health status assessment based on field inspections. It is believed that importance of such new methods will significantly increase in the time when the planned satellite hyperspectral missions (e.g. EnMap) will move into operational phase. The developed forest health monitoring approach is practically demonstrated on mature Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst) forests of the Sokolov lignite basin which were affected by long-term coal mining and heavy industry and therefore high variability of forest health status was assumed in this case. Two leaf level radiative transfer models were used for simulating spectral...
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Attitudes and Perceptions of Independent Undergraduate Students Towards Student DebtGordon, Seth E. 13 September 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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「消費者導向關係管理」-消費者期望效用下網路消費資訊價值對消費決策之研究 / 「Consumer Oriented Relationship Management 」-Research on the Value of Network-based Consumption Information to Consumption Decision under the Consumer Expected Utility梁燦聖, Liang, Allen Unknown Date (has links)
2005年4月號The Econonist 經濟學人週刊的封面刊登: 'Power at last - How the internet means the consumer really is king (and queen). ' 沒錯!消費者是國王的時代來臨了!消費者在網際網路上可以隨時隨地取得更多、更有價值的消費訊息,以極低的成本,應用網路中各種透明的消費資訊,任意的改變消費的抉擇,史無前例的表達出有別於過去被動接受產品的主動消費力量,消費利益也確實受到保護,因此以資訊為基礎的行銷策略就是消費者導向策略(Glazer,1997),呼應了經濟學人週刊的聳動標題;本研究即証明了在獲得充分且有價值的消費資訊,對消費者在進行消費決策與行為時,是具有「主動的」改變力量,因此提供消費者更豐富的消費資訊,也必定能保護更多的消費者利益。
當新的資訊處理技術與傳播媒體出現,或是由某種新工藝的創造與發展,進而改變現存的政治、經濟與文化、風俗產生新的變遷將對消費行為,產生戲劇化影響(Innis, 1951; McLuhan, 1964),原因在於消費者在面對嶄新而且陌生的消費環境,所採取維護自身消費利益的因應之道;本研究引用學者 Kahneman and . Tversky 提出的「預期理論」(Prospect Theory),以及Barry Schwatz(2004)提出的「經驗效用」(Experienced Utility)、「期望效用」()、「記憶效用」(Remembered Utility),因為以人類基於維護自身利益為出發點,方能準確反映出消費者的行為,洞察消費變化的先機;特別是在網際網路平台上對此議題的研究,本研究尚屬先例。
企業經營的成敗可由她與客戶關係的良莠顯現,衡量客戶關係最重要的指標就是:企業是否能由與消費者在消費流程互動中(關係),掌握所留下的足跡(資訊),加以解讀應用並促進消費者再消費,如此資訊的應用就是 Rashi Glazer所稱的企業「關鍵資產」,反映出不斷促進產品、服務交易的要素( Glazer,1997):如果廠商忽視此變化,影響所及,失去的將不只是企業經營的「關鍵資產」,甚至還會被消費者「主動」的遺棄;因此,在企業經營的研究中,能將劇變如此的消費行為與決策,研究出可遵循與掌握的模式,相信對廠商競爭力的提升有莫大助益。
消費者導向、預期理論、期望效用、記憶效用、經驗效用、稟賦效用、定錨效用、框架效用、消費風險、消費價值、頂端效用、可得性捷思法 / The front cover title of The Econonist magazine (April of 2005) read ' Power at last-How the internet means the consumer really is king (and queen). ' Consumers can obtain more valuable consumption information whenever and wherever in the internet, this shows unprecedentedly consumers’ active consumption strength which is different from their passively accepted the products in the past. Consumers can use the transparent price information in the network with the extremely low cost, and are free to choose any consumption. Consumption interests are also really protected, so the marketing tactics based on information are that consumers lead tactics (Glazer, 1997), which echoed the title of the The Econonist magazine. This research has proved that valuable and sufficient consumption information for consumer while making consumption decision provide active power of change. Therefore, offering more abundant consumption information to consumers can certainly protect more consumers’ interests.
Enterprises’ relation with customers can reflect the success or failure of their management. The most important criteria of the relationship are whether both enterprises and consumers can keep enough track in the consumption procedure to facilitate the same consumer to consume again. This is what Glazer (1997) said ' key assets ' of enterprises, which reflect key elements to promote products, service trade constantly. If the owner ignores the fact that information changes consumption decision and behavior, he or she will lose not only ' key assets ' of enterprises, but also can be abandoned by consumers. So if academic research of enterprise management can figure out the model of drastic change of the consumer behavior and decision, which can be followed and grasped, manufacturer's competitiveness will be greatest improved.
The change of consumption decision and behavior is because the consumer guided by information in the face of brand-new and strange consumption environment (network market) to adopt and safeguard self-consumption interests. Historian and mass communication scholar (Innis, 1951; McLuhan, 1964) point out such a change, as new materials treatment technology and media appear or new craft created and developed can change extant politics, economy, culture and custom. Other scholars maintain one after another that must extend the value concept of the customer in the past to apply to the business activity in the internet network (Keeney, 1999; Keeney, 1992; Rayport, Sviokla, 1994). All the scholars’ academic researches of mankind’s protect one's own interests over the years, the most excellent theories are 'Prospect Theory' by Kahneman & Tversky. Schwatz’ (2004) 'Experienced Utility ', ' Expected Utility' , ' Remembered Utility '. We adopt the academic research of above-mentioned scholars, as the foundation of developing this research, because the academic research is based on mankind’s safeguarding one's own interests, which is different from others are on roles development. This research based on this kind of research to develop more concrete consumption behavior, especially the consumer behavior on the internet network platform, still belongs to the precedent.
The contribution of the study appears in CORM-PET model, which represents how consumers express their initiatively consumption power. Just try to think that when the enterprises find that consumers like your products but not having the consuming action. There was not obvious in the past influence enterprises’ for the counterparts had no idea about the reasons. But information handling ability hundred times to the past today, the manufacturers who can process and apply with information accurately, and know the whys and wherefores will show up prominently. The CORM-PET model we proposed helps to explain how the consumer behavior like this pattern, dealing with information accurately, to understand the materials staying behind in consumer behavior transferring to powerful application information, to help both.
Key words:
Consumer orientation, Prospect theory, Expected utility,
Remembered utility, Experienced utility, Endowment effect, Anchor effect, Framing effect, Consumer risk, Consumer value, Peak effect, Availability heuristics
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