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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Použitie metód viackriteriálneho rozhodovania pre hodnotenie výdajových aktivít v metodike cieľového rozpočtovania / The using of multi-criteria decision making methods for evaluating the spending activities in the target budgeting methodology

Maslák, Stanislav January 2011 (has links)
The topic of these Thesis is the use of the multi-criteria methods at budgeting the expenditure side of the state budget. The first chapter of the thesis describes in detail the ex ante analysis as a support tool for decisions on public expenditure and also the economy, efficiency and effectiveness as the criteria for the ex ante and ex post analysis of the public expenditure of the state budget. Furthermore, I describe here analysis of decision making, specifically the individual elements and the structure of decision-making process.The second chapter focuses on various methods of quantification of the weight of the criteria and the methods of multi-criterial decision. In the third, final chapter, I apply the methods described in second chapter to a specific example.

Étude des règles d'indemnisation du préjudice dans l'arbitrage international : vers une indemnisation adéquate du préjudice / A study of the rules of indemnisation of prejudice in international arbitration : towards an adequate indemnisation of prejudice

Mohamed Gamaleldin, Hossam 31 March 2014 (has links)
Le recours à l'arbitrage par les opérateurs du commerce international a une finalité très importante, qui est celle de l'indemnisation appropriée et efficiente du préjudice. En vue d'évaluer celle-ci, notre étude adopte une recherche juridique détaillée en matière de réparation pour aboutir à un résultat satisfaisant concernant le principe le plus adapté en tant que cadre commun de l'opération d'évaluation de l'indemnisation du préjudice par les arbitres internationaux, en mettant notamment la lumière sur l'arbitrage CIRDI et CCI. À cette fin, il était nécessaire de suivre une analyse juridique tant sur les règles fondamentales que contingentes de l'indemnisation dans le souci d'avoir une perspective entière du processus de l'évaluation du quantum du préjudice. Un passage transversal était ainsi inéluctable sur les règles juridiques relatives à la réparation en droit privé français ainsi qu'en système juridique de Common Law. Au demeurant, un examen sur la codification de ces règles a été suivi dans le cadre des instruments internationaux de droit uniforme. Toutes ces réglementations ont inspiré le droit de l'arbitrage et ont servi comme des sources de celui-ci en matière de la réparation. Ces développements nous ont conduits à percevoir que l'indemnisation doit être adéquate en prenant en compte non seulement les préjudices subis, conformément au principe général de l'indemnisation intégrale, mais aussi tous les intérêts lésés. Sachant que certains préjudices ne sont pas mathématiquement évaluables, une indemnisation arbitraire s'impose dans ce cas. Un nouveau concept d' « indemnisation adéquate» du préjudice pourrait alors dans l'avenir s'imposer dans le droit de l'arbitrage international. / Recourse to arbitration on the part of international business operators has a very important aim, which is the appropriate and efficient indemnisation of prejudice. ln order to evaluate this, our study adopts a detailed legal study of reparations to arrive at a satisfactory result concerning the most appropriate principle to be applied at a common framework as a mode of evaluation of the indemnisation of prejudice in international arbitration, focusing the spotlight on ICC and ICSID arbitration. To this end, it is necessary to follow a legal analysis of bath the fundamental and contingent rules of indemnisation in order to gain a complete perspective on the process of the evaluation of the quantum of prejudice. Thus an inevitably recurring feature throughout the thesis was the legal rules of compensation in French private law in addition to the common law legal system. Furthermore, a review of these rules' codification has been followed in the context of international uniform law instruments. Ali these regulations have inspired the arbitration law and served as its sources in reparation matters. These developments have led us to perceive that compensation must be adequate taking into account not only the damages suffered, in accordance with the general principle of full compensation, but also all the interests affected in the knowledge that certain harms are not mathematically evaluable, entailing the necessity in these cases of an arbitrary compensation. Therefore, a new concept of « adequate compensation » for the damage could impose itself in the future in the law of international arbitration.

Ganzheitliche Beurteilung von Prozessinnovationen: Entwicklung eines geeigneten Instrumentes am Beispiel eines Gießereiverfahrens

Thümmler, Stefanie 22 May 2024 (has links)
Mittels der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde ein Entscheidungsinstrument zur ganzheitlichen Beurteilung von Prozessketten erarbeitet. Für die ganzheitliche Ausrichtung wurden ökonomische, ökologische und produktbezogene Aspekte einbezogen. Im konzeptionellen Teil wurden die einzelnen notwendigen Schritte einer Prozesskettenbewertung wie Festlegung der Systemgrenzen, Modellierung, Festlegung der Zielgrößen etc. hinsichtlich möglicher Ausgestaltungen diskutiert. Hierbei wurden mögliche Lösungen für bestehende Probleme hinsichtlich ihrer Zweckmäßigkeit diskutiert. Dabei folgten die Überlegungen bezüglich der Zweckmäßigkeit einerseits der Erfüllung abgeleiteter Gütekriterien und andererseits der Frage, unter welchen Voraussetzungen diese umsetzbar sind. Der so im Theorieteil herausgearbeitete Entscheidungsbaum wurde anschließend auf eine Fallstudie aus dem Bereich der Gießereiindustrie angewendet. Hierbei konnte einerseits die Anwendbarkeit gezeigt als auch der Umgang mit individuellen Herausforderungen dargestellt werden.:Inhaltsverzeichnis Abbildungsverzeichnis Tabellenverzeichnis Anlagenverzeichnis Abkürzungsverzeichnis 1 Einführung 1.1 Problemstellung und Forschungsziel 1.2 Forschungsstand und –lücke 1.3 Forschungsfragen und Aufbau der Dissertation 2 Theoretische Fundierung der Bewertungsmethode 2.1 Begriff und Arten von Prozessinnovationen 2.2 Gütekriterien der Bewertungsmethode 2.3 Vorgehen bei der Prozesskettenbewertung 2.3.1 Ansätze in der Literatur Bewertungsmethoden mit ökologischem Fokus Bewertungsmethoden mit ökonomischem Fokus Bewertungsmethoden mit einem ökonomisch-ökologischem Fokus Bewertungsmethoden zur Beurteilung der Produkte 2.3.2 Darstellung der Bewertungsschritte 2.4 Vorstellung der Fallstudie 3 Konzeptionelle Ausgestaltung der Bewertungsmethode 3.1 Festlegung der Systemgrenzen 3.2 Modellierung der Prozesskette 3.3 Ableitung und Differenzierung der Zielgrößen 3.3.1 Ökonomische Zielgröße 3.3.2 Ökologische Zielgröße 3.3.3 Produktbezogene Zielgröße 3.4 Bestimmung der Einflussgrößen 3.5 Bestimmung der Bezugsgröße 3.6 Bewertung der Prozesskette 3.6.1 Ökonomische Bewertung Bestimmung der relevanten Kosten und Erlöse Bestimmung der Cashflows und des Kalkulationszinssatzes 3.6.2 Ökologische Bewertung 3.6.3 Produktbezogene Bewertung 3.7 Ableitung des ganzheitlichen Ergebnisses 3.8 Durchführung der Sensitivitätsanalyse 3.9 Ableitung eines Entscheidungsbaumes 3.10 Prüfung der Bewertungsmethode 4 Anwendung der Bewertungsmethode auf die Fallstudie 4.1 Festlegung der Systemgrenzen und Modellierung der Prozesse 4.2 Bestimmung der Zielgrößen 4.3 Bestimmung der Einfluss- und Bezugsgrößen 4.3.1 Einflussgrößen der Prozessketten Lösungsglühen und Selbstaushärtung 4.3.2 Bezugsgröße der Prozessketten Lösungsglühen und Selbstaushärtung 4.4 Durchführung der ganzheitlichen Prozesskettenbewertung 4.4.1 Ökonomische Bewertung der Prozessketten 4.4.2 Ökologische Bewertung der Prozessketten 4.4.3 Produktbezogene Bewertung der Prozessketten 4.4.4 Ableitung des ganzheitlichen Ergebnisses 4.5 Durchführung der Sensitivitätsanalyse 4.5.1 Variation eines Einflussfaktors Veränderung der Ausbringungsmenge Veränderung der Preisindizes 4.5.2 Variation von zwei Einflussfaktoren 4.5.3 Berücksichtigung von Schwankungen der Messwerte 4.6 Interpretation des ganzheitlichen Ergebnisses und der Sensitivitätsanalysen 5 Fazit Anhang Literaturverzeichnis

Návrh procesů v oblasti podpory a péče o zákazníka / Design processes in customer care and support

Müller, Vladimír January 2010 (has links)
The Diploma thesis is engaged in the modelling of business processes, focusing on their design. Especially processes in area of providing support and customer care. The main goal of the thesis is application modelling method for selected business processes in a particular company engaged in telecommunications services. The theoretical part is focused on processes, process management and standards for the business process modelling. In the practical part are then described selected processes related to ABC satellite television services. These processes are designed by selected methodology. Under the proposed processes that take place after activation are calculated costs of operation the process (financial, human resources). These costs are calculated to the time when it is expected to 200,000 customers of ABC satellite television. Summary of costs is in evaluating the proposal.

Contribuição da consulta de enfermagem na adesão ao tratamento do diabetes mellitus na estratégia saúde da família do município de Ribeirão Preto, SP / The contribution of nursing care to drug treatment adherence of diabetic patients in the family health strategy program in the municipality of Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil

Cruz, Edna Castro da 23 February 2016 (has links)
Trata-se de estudo de intervenção tipo antes e depois, no qual o sujeito é seu próprio controle, fator que permite identificar os efeitos na adesão ao tratamento e controle dos níveis glicêmicos. Teve como objetivo avaliar a contribuição da consulta de enfermagem na adesão ao tratamento do diabetes mellitus tipo 2, em uma Unidade Saúde da Família, de acordo com o \"Protocolo de atendimento as pessoas com diabetes mellitus,\" em Ribeirão Preto, SP. A coleta de dados foi realizada no período de setembro de 2014 a janeiro de 2015. O trabalho foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto, SP, sob Parecer nº 648.970. Participaram 31 pessoas com diabetes mellitus, por meio de três consultas de enfermagem, na unidade de saúde e no domicílio, com intervalo de um mês entre as três consultas de todos os participantes. Foi utilizado um roteiro contendo variáveis sociodemográficos e clínicas e o teste de Medida de Adesão ao Tratamento. Para a análise da adesão, durante e após a intervenção, utilizou-se a estatística descritiva e o teste de Mann- Whitney; para a comparação do antes e após a intervenção, utilizou-se o teste de Wilcoxon; para análise de correlação com as variáveis numéricas, o coeficiente de correlação de Spearman e o teste Q de Cochran, para a comparação dos exames nos momentos anterior, durante e posterior à intervenção. Os resultados mostraram que os participantes tinham entre 33 e 79 anos, sendo 58,1% do sexo feminino; 71% tinham companheiro; renda familiar de 1 a 3 salários-mínimos (83,9%); 80,6% referiram ser profissionalmente inativos (aposentados, pensionistas ou do lar); média de 5,68 anos de estudo e predomínio de menos de 8 anos de estudo (67,7%). Em relação aos valores da pressão arterial sistêmica constatou hipertensão arterial sistêmica grau I em 25,8% das pessoas com diabetes mellitus, 90,3% com índice de massa corporal apresentando excesso de peso, quanto à circunferência abdominal, 32,2% dos homens estavam com valores maiores que 102 cm e 45,2% das mulheres com valores acima de 88 cm. A avaliação dos pés, com uso do monofilamento Semmes-Weinstein de 10g, apresentou 9,7% das pessoas com diabetes mellitus com pé em risco para ulceração e diminuição ou ausência de sensibilidade tátil pressórica protetora dos pés. O tempo de diagnóstico do diabetes mellitus tipo 2 variou entre 1 a 39 anos, predominando as comorbidades hipertensão arterial (83,9%), dislipidemia (58,1%) e obesidade (41,8%). Quanto aos exames laboratoriais, observa-se que, em 64,5% da população estudada, os níveis da glicemia de jejum estavam acima de 100 mg/dL , ocorrendo pequena redução para 61,3% nos casos de pessoas com diabetes mellitus durante a intervenção e se manteve após. No que se refere à glicemia pós-prandial, os casos das pessoas com diabetes mellitus com valores iguais ou acima de 160 mg/dL, antes da intervenção era de 45,2% e durante e após a intervenção caiu para 38,7%. Em contrapartida, aumentou o número de pessoas com diabetes mellitus durante e após a intervenção, com valores da glicemia pós-prandial abaixo de 160 mg/dL, de 54,8% para 61,3%. E, em relação à hemoglobina glicada, foi observado que em 61,3% das pessoas com diabetes mellitus os valores antes da intervenção eram iguais ou acima de 7%. Durante a intervenção, caiu para 19,3% e após a intervenção o número de pessoas com diabetes mellitus, com a hemoglobina glicada igual ou superior a 7%, chegou a 38,7%. Quanto aos valores abaixo de 7%, observou-se aumento de 38,7% antes da intervenção para 80,6 e 61,3% respectivamente, durante e após a intervenção, com diferença estatisticamente significante (p< 0,001). As pessoas com diabetes mellitus desse estudo, apresentaram 83,87% de adesão ao tratamento antes da intervenção, e esses escores subiram para 96,78% após a intervenção, fato corroborado pelo teste de Wilcoxon que mostrou escores estatisticamente significantes (p<0,001), entre antes e após a intervenção. Esse estudo contribui para ressaltar a importância do enfermeiro, enquanto integrante da equipe multiprofissional, seguindo as orientações do \"Protocolo de atendimento ao indivíduo com diabetes\", tanto no atendimento individual quanto em grupo, reorganizando o processo de trabalho, contribuindo para maior adesão ao tratamento e controle dos níveis glicêmicos, ao minimizar a fragmentação e assegurar a continuidade na assistência, por meio de abordagem integral ao diabético / This was a before- and after-intervention study, in which the subject serves as its own control, aimed to analyze the effects of intervention on treatment adherence and blood sugar control. The objective of the study was to evaluate the contribution of nursing care to treatment adherence of type 2 diabetes mellitus patients following the \"diabetes care protocol\" adopted by Family Health centers in Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil. Data were collected between September 2014 and January 2015. The Research Ethics Committee of the Ribeirao Preto College of Nursing approved the study under ruling no. 648.970. From 31 participants with diabetes by way of three meetings with nurses, either at the health center or at home, with a month-long interval between appointments. We used an interview script to gather sociodemographic and clinical variables and gave participants a test to measure treatment adherence. Descriptive statistics and the Mann-Whitney test were used to analyze adherence during and after intervention; the Wilcoxon test was used for the before and after-intervention comparison; Spearman\'s Rank Correlation Coefficient was used to analyze the correlation between the numerical variables; and Cochran\'s Q test was used to compare tests before, during, and after intervention. Results showed that participants were between 33 and 79 years old, of which 58.1% were female; 71% had a partner; 83.9% had a family income of 1 to 3 minimum wages; and 80.6% referred to themselves as professionally inactive (retirees, pensioners, or homemakers). The mean education level was 5.68 years of formal education with a predominance of less than 8 years of formal education (67.7%). Regarding blood pressure values, stage 1 hypertension was detected in 25.8% of individuals with diabetes, and 90.3% had a body mass index indicating overweight. In terms of waist circumference, 32.2% of the men presented values greater than 102 cm and 45.2% of the women showed values greater than 88 cm. Foot assessment using 10g Semmes-Weinstein monofilaments indicated that 9.7% of diabetic individuals\' feet were at risk for plantar ulcers and showed reduced or lack of protective sensation. Time of type 2 diabetes diagnosis varied between 1 to 39 years, and the most prevalent comorbidities were high blood pressure (83.9%), dyslipidemia (58.1%) and obesity (41.8%). In terms of laboratory tests, 64.5% of the studied population presented levels of fasting blood sugar levels above 100 mg/dL, which fell slightly to 61.3% during the intervention, and were then maintained after the intervention. Postprandial glucose tests revealed that 45.2% of individuals with diabetes presented values equal or greater than 160 mg/dL before the intervention, falling to 38.7% post-intervention. In turn, the number of individuals with diabetes with postprandial glucose levels greater than 160 mg/dL increased from 54.8% to 61.3%. Regarding glycated hemoglobin, 61.3% of diabetic patients presented pre-intervention values equal or greater than 7%. During the intervention, this value fell to 19.3%, and after the intervention, 38.7%. Patients with values below 7% corresponded to 38.7% before the intervention and 80.6% and 61.3% during and post-intervention, respectively, with a statistically significant difference (p< 0.001). Diabetic individuals in this study presented an 83.87% rate of treatment adherence before the intervention, a percentage that rose to 96.78% post-intervention, a finding corroborated by the Wilcoxon test that showed statistically significant scores (p< 0.001) between pre- and post-intervention. This study emphasizes the importance of nurses as members of multiprofessional teams following the guidelines set forth in the \"diabetes care protocol,\" both in individual and group interventions, reorganizing work processes, and contributing to greater treatment adherence and blood sugar control by minimizing fragmentation and ensuring continuity of care for diabetic patients via a comprehensive approach

Contribuição da consulta de enfermagem na adesão ao tratamento do diabetes mellitus na estratégia saúde da família do município de Ribeirão Preto, SP / The contribution of nursing care to drug treatment adherence of diabetic patients in the family health strategy program in the municipality of Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil

Edna Castro da Cruz 23 February 2016 (has links)
Trata-se de estudo de intervenção tipo antes e depois, no qual o sujeito é seu próprio controle, fator que permite identificar os efeitos na adesão ao tratamento e controle dos níveis glicêmicos. Teve como objetivo avaliar a contribuição da consulta de enfermagem na adesão ao tratamento do diabetes mellitus tipo 2, em uma Unidade Saúde da Família, de acordo com o \"Protocolo de atendimento as pessoas com diabetes mellitus,\" em Ribeirão Preto, SP. A coleta de dados foi realizada no período de setembro de 2014 a janeiro de 2015. O trabalho foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto, SP, sob Parecer nº 648.970. Participaram 31 pessoas com diabetes mellitus, por meio de três consultas de enfermagem, na unidade de saúde e no domicílio, com intervalo de um mês entre as três consultas de todos os participantes. Foi utilizado um roteiro contendo variáveis sociodemográficos e clínicas e o teste de Medida de Adesão ao Tratamento. Para a análise da adesão, durante e após a intervenção, utilizou-se a estatística descritiva e o teste de Mann- Whitney; para a comparação do antes e após a intervenção, utilizou-se o teste de Wilcoxon; para análise de correlação com as variáveis numéricas, o coeficiente de correlação de Spearman e o teste Q de Cochran, para a comparação dos exames nos momentos anterior, durante e posterior à intervenção. Os resultados mostraram que os participantes tinham entre 33 e 79 anos, sendo 58,1% do sexo feminino; 71% tinham companheiro; renda familiar de 1 a 3 salários-mínimos (83,9%); 80,6% referiram ser profissionalmente inativos (aposentados, pensionistas ou do lar); média de 5,68 anos de estudo e predomínio de menos de 8 anos de estudo (67,7%). Em relação aos valores da pressão arterial sistêmica constatou hipertensão arterial sistêmica grau I em 25,8% das pessoas com diabetes mellitus, 90,3% com índice de massa corporal apresentando excesso de peso, quanto à circunferência abdominal, 32,2% dos homens estavam com valores maiores que 102 cm e 45,2% das mulheres com valores acima de 88 cm. A avaliação dos pés, com uso do monofilamento Semmes-Weinstein de 10g, apresentou 9,7% das pessoas com diabetes mellitus com pé em risco para ulceração e diminuição ou ausência de sensibilidade tátil pressórica protetora dos pés. O tempo de diagnóstico do diabetes mellitus tipo 2 variou entre 1 a 39 anos, predominando as comorbidades hipertensão arterial (83,9%), dislipidemia (58,1%) e obesidade (41,8%). Quanto aos exames laboratoriais, observa-se que, em 64,5% da população estudada, os níveis da glicemia de jejum estavam acima de 100 mg/dL , ocorrendo pequena redução para 61,3% nos casos de pessoas com diabetes mellitus durante a intervenção e se manteve após. No que se refere à glicemia pós-prandial, os casos das pessoas com diabetes mellitus com valores iguais ou acima de 160 mg/dL, antes da intervenção era de 45,2% e durante e após a intervenção caiu para 38,7%. Em contrapartida, aumentou o número de pessoas com diabetes mellitus durante e após a intervenção, com valores da glicemia pós-prandial abaixo de 160 mg/dL, de 54,8% para 61,3%. E, em relação à hemoglobina glicada, foi observado que em 61,3% das pessoas com diabetes mellitus os valores antes da intervenção eram iguais ou acima de 7%. Durante a intervenção, caiu para 19,3% e após a intervenção o número de pessoas com diabetes mellitus, com a hemoglobina glicada igual ou superior a 7%, chegou a 38,7%. Quanto aos valores abaixo de 7%, observou-se aumento de 38,7% antes da intervenção para 80,6 e 61,3% respectivamente, durante e após a intervenção, com diferença estatisticamente significante (p< 0,001). As pessoas com diabetes mellitus desse estudo, apresentaram 83,87% de adesão ao tratamento antes da intervenção, e esses escores subiram para 96,78% após a intervenção, fato corroborado pelo teste de Wilcoxon que mostrou escores estatisticamente significantes (p<0,001), entre antes e após a intervenção. Esse estudo contribui para ressaltar a importância do enfermeiro, enquanto integrante da equipe multiprofissional, seguindo as orientações do \"Protocolo de atendimento ao indivíduo com diabetes\", tanto no atendimento individual quanto em grupo, reorganizando o processo de trabalho, contribuindo para maior adesão ao tratamento e controle dos níveis glicêmicos, ao minimizar a fragmentação e assegurar a continuidade na assistência, por meio de abordagem integral ao diabético / This was a before- and after-intervention study, in which the subject serves as its own control, aimed to analyze the effects of intervention on treatment adherence and blood sugar control. The objective of the study was to evaluate the contribution of nursing care to treatment adherence of type 2 diabetes mellitus patients following the \"diabetes care protocol\" adopted by Family Health centers in Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil. Data were collected between September 2014 and January 2015. The Research Ethics Committee of the Ribeirao Preto College of Nursing approved the study under ruling no. 648.970. From 31 participants with diabetes by way of three meetings with nurses, either at the health center or at home, with a month-long interval between appointments. We used an interview script to gather sociodemographic and clinical variables and gave participants a test to measure treatment adherence. Descriptive statistics and the Mann-Whitney test were used to analyze adherence during and after intervention; the Wilcoxon test was used for the before and after-intervention comparison; Spearman\'s Rank Correlation Coefficient was used to analyze the correlation between the numerical variables; and Cochran\'s Q test was used to compare tests before, during, and after intervention. Results showed that participants were between 33 and 79 years old, of which 58.1% were female; 71% had a partner; 83.9% had a family income of 1 to 3 minimum wages; and 80.6% referred to themselves as professionally inactive (retirees, pensioners, or homemakers). The mean education level was 5.68 years of formal education with a predominance of less than 8 years of formal education (67.7%). Regarding blood pressure values, stage 1 hypertension was detected in 25.8% of individuals with diabetes, and 90.3% had a body mass index indicating overweight. In terms of waist circumference, 32.2% of the men presented values greater than 102 cm and 45.2% of the women showed values greater than 88 cm. Foot assessment using 10g Semmes-Weinstein monofilaments indicated that 9.7% of diabetic individuals\' feet were at risk for plantar ulcers and showed reduced or lack of protective sensation. Time of type 2 diabetes diagnosis varied between 1 to 39 years, and the most prevalent comorbidities were high blood pressure (83.9%), dyslipidemia (58.1%) and obesity (41.8%). In terms of laboratory tests, 64.5% of the studied population presented levels of fasting blood sugar levels above 100 mg/dL, which fell slightly to 61.3% during the intervention, and were then maintained after the intervention. Postprandial glucose tests revealed that 45.2% of individuals with diabetes presented values equal or greater than 160 mg/dL before the intervention, falling to 38.7% post-intervention. In turn, the number of individuals with diabetes with postprandial glucose levels greater than 160 mg/dL increased from 54.8% to 61.3%. Regarding glycated hemoglobin, 61.3% of diabetic patients presented pre-intervention values equal or greater than 7%. During the intervention, this value fell to 19.3%, and after the intervention, 38.7%. Patients with values below 7% corresponded to 38.7% before the intervention and 80.6% and 61.3% during and post-intervention, respectively, with a statistically significant difference (p< 0.001). Diabetic individuals in this study presented an 83.87% rate of treatment adherence before the intervention, a percentage that rose to 96.78% post-intervention, a finding corroborated by the Wilcoxon test that showed statistically significant scores (p< 0.001) between pre- and post-intervention. This study emphasizes the importance of nurses as members of multiprofessional teams following the guidelines set forth in the \"diabetes care protocol,\" both in individual and group interventions, reorganizing work processes, and contributing to greater treatment adherence and blood sugar control by minimizing fragmentation and ensuring continuity of care for diabetic patients via a comprehensive approach

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