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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Honeycomb : Produktutveckling av LED-baserad parkarmatur / Honeycomb : Product development of LED-based urban lighting fixture

Edlund, Cecilia January 2012 (has links)
Examensarbetet utfördes självständigt av Cecilia Edlund som studerar på Högskoleingenjörsprogrammet i innovationsteknik och design vid fakulteten för teknik- och naturvetenskap på Karlstads universitet. Arbetet utfördes under vårterminen 2012 och omfattade 22,5hp.   Uppdragsgivaren har varit Nokalux AB som utvecklar och producerar inomhus- samt utomhusbelysning för den professionella marknaden i Norden. Företaget har ett behov av att utöka sitt produktsortiment på utomhusmarknaden. Vilket har resulterat i uppdraget att utveckla en parkarmatur med LED-teknik som ljuskälla. Fokus i examensarbetet har varit förstudien. Detta för att grundligt ta reda på information kring LED och belysningsteknik som anses betydande vid utformning av utomhusarmaturer. Vidare fokuserades förstudien på vad som önskas på marknaden samt vad som är viktigt för brukarna för att översätta dessa attribut till en produkt. Genom idégenereringsprocessen togs olika koncept fram vilket presenterades för handledaren Erik Kihlgren på Nokalux AB. Tillsammans med företagets önskemål, krav samt elimineringsverktyg återstod två koncept. Dessa koncept utvecklades och utvärderades genom CAD-modellering och verkstadsmodeller för att slutligen resultera i en produkt. Produkten som har tagits fram består av en uppåtriktad ljuskälla som med hjälp av en reflektor riktar ner ljuset till marken. Reflektorn består av tio vinklade hexagonmönster som sprider ljuset på ett mjukt och behagligt sätt för brukaren. Det är en produkt som löser viktiga problem kring utomhusbelysning samtidigt som den är unik på marknaden. Vid konceptutveckling visualiserades produkten genom CAD-modellering, prototyper och grafiska illustrationer. Konceptvalet innefattar således ett förslag på utformning och montering av teknikens olika komponenter. / The thesis was conducted independently by Cecilia Edlund, a student at the Bachelor program in Innovation and Design Engineering within the Faculty of Technology and Science at Karlstad University. The thesis was conducted during the spring term of 2012 and contained work corresponding to 22,5hp.  The initiator of the project was Nokalux AB, which develop and manufacture indoor and outdoor lighting products for professional use in the Nordic market. The company has a need to expand their product line for outdoor use. Which resulted in the assignment to develop a new urban lighting fixture with LED as light source.    The focus of the project was in the feasibility study. For the purpose to thoroughly find information about LED and lighting technologies required in the design of outdoor lighting products.  Further focus was made to investigate the market demands and attributes that are important for the user and translate these into a product.  Through the process of concept compilation different ideas were presented to the mentor Erik Kihlgren at Nokalux AB. Along with the company’s point of view and elimination tools, two concepts remain at the end of the project. These concepts were developed and evaluated using CAD modeling, mockups and another elimination tool to finally result in one final product. The developed product consists of an upwardly directed light source that by the means of a reflector is directed to the ground. The reflector consists of ten angled hexagon patterns that distribute the light in a gentle and relaxing way for the users. It is a product that solves important problems concerning urban lighting as well as being unique in the market. Thru the concept development the product was visualised using CAD modelling, prototypes and graphic illustrations. The concept choice thus consisted of a proposal for the design and installation of technical components.

A research of consumer attitudes to fruit snacks : A study of Thai consumers’ attitudes toward vacuum fried crispy fruits

Tandhansakul, Montira, Preechavibul, Nuttawat January 2011 (has links)
Title: A research of consumer attitudes to fruit snacks : A study of Thai consumers‟ attitudes toward vacuum fried crispy fruits Problem : How should Thai snack companies create their appropriate marketing planning of vacuum fried crispy fruits for satisfying Thai target consumer? Purpose: To investigate the Thai consumers‟ attitudes towards the vacuum fried crispy fruits that will be beneficial in creating the appropriate marketing planning as well as to recommend the potential marketing mix of this product to Thai snack companies Method: The research technique used in this study is mainly based on the quantitative method. By mailing the 400 surveys to the Thai respondents in Bangkok, the data will be collected and evaluated by using the statistic software program as well as using the secondary data to be a supportive source in this research. Moreover, there are marketing theories used in analyzing the data in this research in order to be more academic and reliable. Conclusion: The most influence attitude factor that motivates the Thai consumers to purchase this product is the sales promotion, in particular the samples promotion. While their attitudes to the terms of nutritional content and product quality are positive that can influence them to make a decision to purchase this product easier. Keywords: Snack fruits, Product Development, Consumer Behavior, Product Quality and Nutritional Content

Utvecklingen av ett nytt såghandtag / The development of a new saw handle

Sjögren, Glenn, Fransson, Daniel January 2012 (has links)
SNA Europe’s handsaw concept is called “Bahco Handsaw System” and is constituted by a saw handle with the possibility to switch between different saw blades. The sales of “Bahco Handsaw System” products have not achieved the desired results probably due to the high price. Developing a more cost efficient handle, enabling a lower consumer price of the product, is assumed to increase the sales volume. The main goal of the project is to examine how the users perceive “Bahco Handsaw System” and to find out their requirements and preferences regarding the design of the new saw handle. This project will constitute the basis for SNA Europe’s further development of the future handle that will be included in the “Bahco Handsaw System”. The results of the studies will be presented together with a functioning prototype. The questions at issue is: How do the users perceive “Bahco Handsaw System” in aspects of price, function and ergonomics? What are the user requirements and preferences regarding the design of the new saw handle? How can our prototype be developed to fulfill the user demands in function, design and also be as cost efficient as possible in terms of production?   During the project, a survey has been conducted to generate feedback from the users regarding how the “Bahco Handsaw System” concept is being perceived on the market. The results of the survey showed that there was more than one issue with the product. Beside the price issue, the handsaw tool is growing obsolete and the users prefer the convenience of the modern day power tools. The users do not see the benefits offered by the exchangeable blade function, but feel that the ergonomic handle gives a higher value to the product. To find out what demands the users had regarding the new handle, a group interview, including a model test, was conducted. Based on those results, a prototype was developed, corresponding to the preferences of the users. The prototype shows how the handle looks and functions. The handle has been made as cost efficient as possible without neglecting the high quality value that SNA Europe stands for. / SNA Europes koncept för handsågar går under namnet ”Bahco Handsaw System” och består av ett högkvalitativt såghandtag med utbytbar sågklinga. Försäljningen av ”Bahco Handsaw System” har inte uppnått önskat resultat och en anledning tros vara det höga priset. Genom att komplettera konceptet med ett enklare och billigare handtag hoppas SNA Europe kunna öka försäljningsvolymen.   Syftet med examensarbetet är att undersöka hur slutanvändarna uppfattar ”Bahco Handsaw System” och vilka krav de ställer på utformningen av ett nytt handtag, med en funktion som tillåter byte av klinga. Arbetet ska ligga som grund för SNA Europes fortsatta utvecklingsarbete gällande handtaget som ska ingå i ”Bahco Handsaw System”. Resultatet av undersökningarna ska presenteras tillsammans med en prototyp som visar hur produkten kan se ut och fungera. Frågeställningarna är: Hur upplever slutanvändaren konceptet “Bahco Handsaw System” sett till pris, funktion och ergonomi? Vilka krav ställer slutanvändarna på det nya handtagets utformning?Hur kan vår slutprototyp se ut och fungera för att svara upp till slutanvändarnas krav och samtidigt vara kostnadseffektiv i sin utformning? För att få klarhet i hur slutanvändarna upplever ”Bahco Handsaw System” har en enkätundersökning genomförts. Resultatet visade att priset inte var produktens huvudsakliga problem. Svaren från undersökningen pekar på att sågen som verktyg används mer sällan av dagens byggarbetare, som oftare väljer att använda moderna elverktyg istället för den klassiska handsågen. Undersökningen visade också att slutanvändarna inte ser fördelen med att kunna byta klinga, men de anser däremot att det ergonomiska handgreppet ger produkten ett mervärde.   Under arbetet genomfördes även en gruppintervju med åtta snickare för att ta reda på vilka krav de ställer på handsågen som verktyg. I samband med gruppintervjun gjordes ett modelltest där tre funktionsmodeller utvärderades. Testet visade att slutanvändarna värdesatte smidighet och stabilitet framför snabbhet vid byte av klinga. Resultatet från modelltestet låg sedan som grund för den slutprototyp som visar hur vårt förslag ser ut och fungerar. Prototypen är utformat efter slutanvändarnas åsikter och har konstruerats för att vara så kostnadseffektivt som möjligt och samtidigt leva upp till den kvalitetsnivå SNA Europe vill tillhandahålla sina slutanvändare.

The insulin pump for you(th)

Lind, Jenny, Hedlund, Niclas, Löfberg, Jeanette January 2006 (has links)
Detta projekt är ett examensarbete på 15 poäng inom Innovations och Designingenjörsprogrammet på Karlstads Universitet, utfört under våren 2006. Målsättningen med projektet var att hitta en form på insulinpumpen som tilltalar unga användare och dessutom minskar känslan av medicinskt hjälpmedel. Vi bestämde oss för att ge den ett utseende som mer liknar annan teknisk utrustning som finns på markanden idag. Detta som en väg att försöka höja ungdomars motivering till att övervaka och behandla sin diabetes. Vid intervjuerna framkom det att många unga hade problem med bärandet av pumpen. Dagens pump upplevs för stor och klumpig eftersom de ofta vill gömma den i/under kläderna. Som ett resultat av denna information så valde vi att dela pumpen i två mindre enheter. Pumpenheten, som är kopplad till kroppen, kan liknas vid en MP3-spelare, och fjärrkontrollen, som innehåller den mesta intelligensen, både ser ut som och fungerar som en armbandsklocka. Klockan har också inbyggd kontinuerlig övervakning av blodsockervärdet utan stick. Vilket var ett av de vikigaste önskemålen från användarna. Med detta koncept kan ungdomarna välja om de vill dölja pumpen, eftersom den är så pass liten, eller om de vill ha den synlig, eftersom den ser ut som annan teknisk utrustning som bärs på kroppen. / This project is an examination project for 15 points at the Innovation and design engineering program, carried out at Karlstad University during spring 2006. The purpose of this project is to find a shape that addresses young people and to minimize the medical aid stamp of the pump. We decided to give the pump an appearance more similar to other electronic devices on the market today in order to increase the motivation of treating and monitoring your diabetes. During the interviews we found out that, youngsters hade problems related to the pump carrying. The pump of today is a bit too big and clumsy for young people who often want to hide it. As a result of this information we divided the pump into two smaller units. The pump unit that is connected to the body looks a bit like an MP3 player, and the remote control, where the intelligence lies, both looks and works like a watch. The remote also has integrated glucose monitoring that is non-invasive. This was one of the top priorities on the wish list of the users. With this concept the youngsters can choose whether they want to hide it, since it is small enough to hide in the pocket, or to show it off for their friends, as it could pass for a portable device.

The Practice of project management in new product development : A study of Microfinance Institutions in Sub-Saharan Africa

Ampomah, Monica January 2011 (has links)
Microfinance is the provision of credit/loans to poor individuals for the purpose of income generation. The Sub-Saharan African region which is among the poorest areas in the world is thought to be one of the regions where the microfinance industry is dynamic and growing in terms of acceptance and patronage. Even though microfinance in the Sub-Saharan Africa region has received a lot of research attention, most have focused largely on the financial performance whilst there is no available information on project management practices in new product development.Since project management is considered to be an effective means of managing new product development, the purpose of this work was to investigate the practice of project management in new product development in microfinance institutions in Sub-Saharan Africa and to assess which project management methods, and tools and techniques are used.A case study was adopted and a semi-structured interview through telephone/Skype was conducted on eight senior management staff from different microfinance institutions. The respondents comprised five Non-governmental organizations, two Non-Bank financial institutions and one Commercial Bank, operating in Angola, Gambia, Ghana, Mozambique, Namibia and Kenya.The empirical findings were that six of the microfinance institutions are involved in new product development whilst two of the institutions which are Non-governmental organizations are not. The main product that is developed by these microfinance institutions is credits/loans. The reason for new products development was to meet clients’ needs even though competition and the need to be innovative was also a factor.This research also shows that the six microfinance institutions that are into new product development organize product development through projects. Project management is the means through which new products are developed. In addition, projects are managed either solely by each microfinance institution or done in collaboration with other institutions.A further indication based on project management steps suggests a flexible practice of project management in developing new products as project management steps are not tightly followed. The project management methods that are used in developing new products in all these institutions was the in house method as all the respondents considered it an effective way because this method is adapted to their institutional structure.In addition, the commonly used tool and technique among all the institutions was the progress reports which contained necessary information for monitoring and evaluating of the projects.

Utveckling av Steghållare : För yrkesmän med skåpbil

Andersson, Henrik, Hjalmarsson, Anton January 2008 (has links)
Uppgiften som detta examensarbete går ut på är att utveckla en ny steghållare som ska ingå i Thules produktserie Professional. Det är önskvärt att kunna lasta stegen bakifrån och möjliggöra lastning från marken även på högre skåpbilar. Steghållaren ska framförallt vara anpassad till yrkesmän, såsom hantverkare, målare, etc. Därför söker Thule en robust, säker och lättmanövrerad steghållare med attraktivt utseende. Steghållaren ska minska den tid det tar att lasta på och av stegen. Produkten måste även klara miljökraven samt korrosion då den kommer att användas största delen utomhus. Steghållaren ska passa både till Thules Professional bar och Thules fyrkantsrör. / The task given by Thule has the purpose of develop a new ladder holder for the product line Professional. Thule is obtaining a robust, safe, and easy to handle ladder holder with an attractive look. It is desirable to be able to load the ladder from behind and make loading standing on the ground possible even on top of higher vans. The ladder holder is supposed to be suited for professionals such as craftsmen and painters. This product is designed to reduce time waste and heavy lifts. It is also desirable to withstand corrosion and meet the environmental requirements.


Johansson, Ulrich January 2006 (has links)
This project has been design orientated and the focus was to study the possibilities of the glass in a industrial product development process. The goal has been to develop a lighting product with strong character that furthermore has possibilities to rational manufacturing. The inspiration comes from many different elements, like 1700 century Swedish glass, Moulin Rouge and contemporary shapes and expressions.

Early Customer Involvement in Innovation : A case study of the I.T industry

Penn, Sylvain Bienvenu, Mukete, Christopher-Luther January 2011 (has links)
The Front End of innovation (FEI) or early innovation presents one of the greatest opportunities for improving an entire innovation process in any firm. The purpose of this thesis is to study how customers can be involved in the early phase of innovation in the IT industry. In this study, we did analyze the customer types, their methods of involvement and key elements within the early innovation process or front end of innovation. In accordance with theoretical concepts, this study shows that all fifteen (15) companies working within the I.T industry in Sweden agreed working with innovation/NPD and, equally involve customers in their front end of innovation (FEI). In the I.T industry, innovation comes mainly from the users (customers) and from within the companies (R&D). To a lesser extend, from technological trends, market and suppliers. Amongst the identified phases (elements) of the front end of innovation, Opportunity Identification was found to be the dominant phase for customer involvement. Normal customers, lead, empathic design customers and virtual customers, proved the most dominant customer types integrated within the front end of innovation in the I.T industry.

Case Study of Implementing PLM system Based on Adaptive Structuration Theory¡GA Case of H Company

Li, Chu-wen 15 February 2011 (has links)

Parallel Connecting New Product Development Process¡GThe Case Study of Bicycle Industry in Taiwan

Chang, Yung-Chi 28 July 2004 (has links)
This is a case study of Taiwan¡¦s bicycle industry. With the view of international standards we tried to explore the integration of the new product development process in Taiwan¡¦s bicycle industry. We have found that Taiwan¡¦s assemblers and components suppliers are parallel connected to interact with foreign buyers simultaneously. And all the R&D services to which every member offered are finally integrated under the instructions of the foreign buyers. We describe such a cooperation mode as ¡¥Parallel Connecting New Product Development Process¡¦. We argue that this new kind of cooperation mode is better than the traditional sequential staging model that is represented as ¡¥vertical connecting¡¦ cooperation mode in innovation flexibility and speed because of the communication efficiency and convenience to the OEM buyers. In this thesis we will describe the new product development interactions among the foreign buyers, components suppliers and the assemblers. And we will also discuss the competitive advantages and the causes of such a new cooperation mode. With this kind of cooperation mode we also discuss the R&D management implications for the small and medium sized enterprises in Taiwan. We argue that this new kind of cooperation mode can bring a new management implication to the small and medium sized enterprises in Taiwan, which is different from the main argument in the literature of strategic flexibility.

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