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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Location Dynamics of Textile and Clothing Industries in Europe : The Case of Sweden and Portugal

Unér, Jeanette January 2006 (has links)
<p>Syftet med uppsatsen är att analysera utlokaliseringen av tekoindustrin i EU15. Man finner svaren i följande frågor: Vilka faktorer bidrar till omflyttning av produktionen till låglöne-länder? Vilka är vinnarna och förlorarna på denna omstrukturering? Hur klarar den Euro-peiska tekoindustrin av dessa utmaningar? Att redogöra för varje EU-land är för omfattan-de därför valdes Sverige och Portugal beroende på att respektive land har en utvecklad och mindre utvecklad ekonomi. Därutöver riktas deras produktion mot olika sektorer av teko-industrin vilket möjliggjorde landsjämförelsen. Största delen av datan har samlats från SourceOECD’s hemsida då den innehåller information som är viktigast for uppsatsen. Re-sultatet visar att när industrin utvecklas och marknaden till slut blir överhettad börjar indu-strilandet att flytta produktionen utomlands, fokuseringen ändras och impörten blir allt vik-tigare. Denna process sker gradvis med hjälp av liberalisering av världshandel och EU ut-ökning.</p> / <p>The purpose of this paper is to analyze the location dynamics of textile and clothing industries in the EU15. Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions: What are the factors that contribute to the relocation of European production to low-wage countries? Who are hurt by these changes and who gain? How does the European textile and clothing industry cope with these challenges? It is beyond the scope of this paper to analyze the T/C industry of each EU15 member state. Instead, it specifically investigates Sweden and Portugal’s textile and clothing sectors simply because the former represents Europe’s old economy while the latter the most recent one. In addition, each country devotes its production to the different sectors of the industry, hence this cross-country comparison. Majority of the data is gathered from SourceOECD as the webpage contains information of most value to this paper. The result of this study shows that as an industry matures and competition heats up pricing measures, the developed country moves production operations overseas, ends up as a net importer of the good and shifts focus toward other activities. This process takes effect gradually but the liberalisation of world trade and European enlargement are a few contributing factors which helped anchor relocation decisions.</p>

Cross-functional co-operation and networking in industrial settings

Gabrielsson, Åsa January 2002 (has links)
<p>The main process of this dissertation involves thedevelopment and refinement of a conceptual framework fordescribing and discussing cross-functional co-operation andnetworking within product realisation processes. The conceptualframework, the analysis of the case study and a discussion ofthe implications and challenges for research and industrialsector are the main results of the dissertation.</p><p>Industrial firms face different demands, which create anumber of potential sources of conflicts(‘faster–better–cheaper’), for examplebetween market, product development and manufacturingfunctions. The transformation of industrial firms from beingtraditionally hierarchically organised to becoming team-,project- and process-based has delegated a number ofresponsibilities to employees–for example, to interactwith others in planning and decision-making, and to act onissues or problems that may arise during daily work. Thissituation requires that new workand co-operation patterns aredeveloped between employees and between work units. Theestablishment of new co-operative behaviour seldom developswithout active support. Several studies confirm that there is aneed for organisational/managerial support for cross-functionalco-operation to develop, but that this type of support is oftenneglected (Blackler et al, 1997; Gabrielsson, 1998; Majchrzakand Wang, 1996).</p><p>The case study, reported in this dissertation, waslongitudinal and context-oriented. The study pointed out thatan integrative view of management on the entire ProductRealisation Process (PRP) was lacking during the first vitalphases of the organisational restructuring. However, itdeveloped continuously over time, which indicates a change inorganisational paradigm. Support for cross-functionalco-operation was considered and implemented only after thatco-operation had collapsed in a pilot group. The support was,for example, based on‘Work Reflection Seminars’,which served as forums for discussing the new ways of working.In addition, two different parallel networks, originating fromthe previous organisational structure, had considerable impacton the development of cross-functional co-operation, whichdemonstrates the importance and power of practised rather thanformally ordered activities.</p><p><b>Keywords:</b>Cross-functional Co-operation, Networking,Product Realisation Process, Concurrent Engineering, Productdevelopment, Production, Organisational Change, OrganisationalRestructuring.</p>

The industrial project. Studies of the work situation of project members

Zika-Viktorsson, Annika January 2002 (has links)
<p>The aim of the thesis was to investigate and analyze howproject members at operative level experience industrialproject work. The project goal, alongside the time limits,methods applied, and cooperation, were envisaged to set theprerequisites for the work situation. Four empirical studies,based on both qualitative and quantitative methods, areencompassed by this thesis. In total, 31 companies and 298respondents were involved in the studies. The studies wereperformed in product-development and construction settingswithin the mechanical engineering industry. The analysis showsthat project work is characterized by: 1) Goal-focusedcooperation in flexible and changeable work groups. Demandscompetence for cooperation; interaction and communicationconstantly adjusted to problem-solving processes; and jointactivities for goal definition. 2) Treating time as a resource.A fast pace of work demands shared responsibilities in a team;unconstrained interaction and communication; and socialsupport. Scarce time resources give rise to the risk ofneglecting needs for long-term knowledge development. 3)Development and insecurity. Development makes contingency-basedsupervision and planning needed, together with team-basedplanning and goal formulation. High levels of developmentstimulate knowledge and improvements to routines and practices.Technological development also entails insecurity, whichrequires the ability mentally to cope with flexibility andcontinuous adjustments.</p><p><b>Keywords:</b>Project organization, Project work, Projectmanagement, Project team, Product development, Constructionprojects, Psychosocial work environment.</p>

Modernising ecodesign : ecodesign for innovative solutions

Ölundh, Gunilla January 2006 (has links)
<p>The focus of environmental work in manufacturing companies has increasingly shifted from end-of-pipe solutions to the environmental performance of products and services. The product development process is central to creating value for customers. This thesis argues that companies can simultaneously create value for consumers and be profitable while taking environmental considerations into account.</p><p>Modernising ecodesign means taking advantage of environmental benefits and the innovation potential when developing solutions rather than using ecodesign simply to ensure that legal requirements or customer demands are met. Ecodesign is a strategic issue and should be included in early product development activities, such as for project selection and when setting product targets. There is also need to perform ecodesign according to the characteristics of specific development processes as for radical product development or when developing integrated solutions, using a combination of services and products.</p><p>This thesis reports on the findings from five different research studies, all of which adopted a qualitative approach in which the emphasis falls on exploring and creating understanding and meaning. The studies focused on three areas of ecodesign: A) rethinking approaches for manufacturing companies, B) setting environmental project targets and project selection and C) redesign of products.</p><p>Recommendations on how to modernise ecodesign have been developed and can be summarised in six points:</p><p>• Perform ecodesign both vertically and horizontally in a company.</p><p>• Increase interaction between organisational units.</p><p>• Take advantage of innovation potential in products, services, user behaviour and the delivery and take-back systems.</p><p>• Take environmental considerations into account in the project selection process.</p><p>• Set environmental targets for ensuring that environmental considerations are taken when developing innovative solutions.</p><p>• Develop ecodesign procedures that fit the characteristics of the development process</p>

Decision making in innovation : understanding selection and prioritizaiton of development projects

Gutiérrez, Ernesto January 2008 (has links)
<p>This thesis has its origin in empirical evidence. Some Swedish companies claimed that despite having plenty of proposals for developing new products, they experienced problems when choosing from all those alternatives. Their problem was how to select among new ideas the ones for being developed and the ones to be rejected, how many projects to run according to their capacity, when to start a development project and when to stop one, and how to decide among ongoing projects which the most important ones were. The companies’ problem was decision making in the context of innovation.</p><p> According to literature, a deeper understanding is needed of the decision making process in innovation, taking into account its organizational and procedural complexities. The purpose of this thesis is to achieve an understanding of the decision making process in innovation.  The thesis is based on an explorative study, with interviews carried out in three companies that have new product development as a core competitive factor. The empirical study focuses on the decisions made for selection and prioritization of different innovative alternatives. </p><p>As a result of the analysis of the empirical data a conceptualization of the decision making process was developed. Furthermore, it was described the relevant problems that decision makers experience, the main characteristics of the decision making process and the role that decision making plays in innovation. The implications of these findings for designing work procedures to support decision making in innovation were discussed; and general descriptions of two practical methods suggested. </p><p>The main findings indicate that for making decisions in the context of innovation, organizations must be able to face uncertain and ambiguous situations, and achieve a collective understanding about what is to be done. To do this, different approaches for making decisions and understanding innovation are needed. However, regardless of the appropriateness of these approaches, they receive different levels of acceptance within organizations; and decision makers must deal with the different grades of organizational acceptance of the different approaches. As a consequence, an organization displays certain dynamic using different approaches for making decisions and for understanding innovation. Such dynamic influences the companies’ innovative potential and the output of the innovation process.</p>

Modularised Passenger Seats

Andersson, Anna, Wallin, Åsa January 2007 (has links)
<p>The purpose with this master’s thesis, with Scania CV AB in Södertälje as job initiator, has been to develop three different passenger seat concepts with focus on modularisation, functionality and production. The different concepts are: a foldable passenger seat, which is possible to fold away completely, a bench for two passengers, and a resting seat for resting during breaks when the vehicle is parked.</p><p>The main tools used during the search for concept solutions have been brainstorming, morphological analyses, and evaluation matrixes. Prototypes have been made in order to visualise the ideas but also for the possibility to test them in a real truck cabin and by that find advantages but also flaws. Final product specifications has been made and with that guidelines for a continued development work.</p><p>Experiences gained during this thesis work has been that by using ergonomic data and theories, well thought through designs, and standardised interfaces a good result can be achieved, which fulfils the demands and wishes placed on the future product.</p>

Communicating Knowledge in Globally Dispersed Teams : A Study of Autoliv / Kommunikation av Kunskap i Globalt Spridda Team : En Studie av Autoliv

Lövsund, Jenny C., Spiegelberg, Thomas H. January 2002 (has links)
<p>Background: As companies are operating more and more globally, the need for increasingly coordinating and cooperating activities are becoming important. One solution to problems associated with work in globally dispersed teams can be to organize business activites, such as product development, virtually. A virtual setting for knowledge transfer is becoming a part of day-to-day activities for globally dispersed organizations such as Autoliv, the company in focus for this study. </p><p>Purpose: To explore to what extent and in what respect companies can, using virtual teams in the product development process, by codifying knowledge, improve communication and transfer of knowledge between business units within and between projects in order to improve and increase cooperation and coordination. </p><p>Method: The approach taken, has been an hermeneutic case study where we have carried out 16 in-depth interviews with a total of 17 respondents. The interviews have been carried out in face-to-face or videoconference settings with Autoliv employees from all over the world. </p><p>Results: Codification should be used as a complementary tool to the personalization strategy within knowledge intensive companies. The fact that Autoliv’s product development teams often are globally dispersed creates an even larger need for codification in order to reach efficiency in the knowledge sharing process. Positive effects from this can occur, such as help creating a common understanding, which will facilitate coordination and cooperation activities.</p>

Utveckling av Steghållare : För yrkesmän med skåpbil

Andersson, Henrik, Hjalmarsson, Anton January 2008 (has links)
<p>Uppgiften som detta examensarbete går ut på är att utveckla en ny steghållare som ska ingå i Thules produktserie Professional. Det är önskvärt att kunna lasta stegen bakifrån och möjliggöra lastning från marken även på högre skåpbilar. Steghållaren ska framförallt vara anpassad till yrkesmän, såsom hantverkare, målare, etc. Därför söker Thule en robust, säker och lättmanövrerad steghållare med attraktivt utseende. Steghållaren ska minska den tid det tar att lasta på och av stegen. Produkten måste även klara miljökraven samt korrosion då den kommer att användas största delen utomhus. Steghållaren ska passa både till Thules Professional bar och Thules fyrkantsrör.</p> / <p>The task given by Thule has the purpose of develop a new ladder holder for the product line Professional. Thule is obtaining a robust, safe, and easy to handle ladder holder with an attractive look. It is desirable to be able to load the ladder from behind and make loading standing on the ground possible even on top of higher vans. The ladder holder is supposed to be suited for professionals such as craftsmen and painters. This product is designed to reduce time waste and heavy lifts. It is also desirable to withstand corrosion and meet the environmental requirements.</p>


Walfridsson, Rickard January 2008 (has links)
<p>The task given by Balco AB was to redesign the productsystem ”vikglas utan ram” and to make the shutter able to go pass a corner. Today the shutter can only be moved sideways. A prototype to test the shutter concept will be made. The final product will be used in Balco AB:s existing product family as a new product or as a choice. The shutter solution shall give a feeling of quality and easiness to fit in.</p><p>A few of the demands to achieve this goal is by using special made shutter attachments and the use of bearings. The new shutter attachment has to be safe, reliable and have a low noise level.</p> / <p>Uppgiften som beställdes av Balco AB gick ut på att omkonstruera deras ”vikglas utan ram” system för att få fönsterluckan att gå förbi ett balkonghörn. Idag kan luckan endast föras i sidled. En prototyp avsedd för att testa ut lucka förbi hörn konceptet skall utvecklas. Slutprodukten skall användas i Balco AB:s befintliga produktsortiment som en ny produkt eller som ett tillval. Lucklösningen skall inge en viss känsla av kvalité och smidighet för att passa in.</p><p>Några av kraven som ställs för att uppnå denna känsla är bland annat specialdesignade infästen till luckan samt nyttjande av kullager. Den nya inästningsanordningen skall även vara säker och pålitlig samt ha en tyst arbetsgång.</p>

Rena rör : Clean pipes

Lundgren, Paulina, Torstensson, Anton January 2008 (has links)
<p>In this project a washing station has been constructed for Albany International AB. At present, there is no existing system to clean the dirty pipes that are coming back to the company.</p><p>The work followed the product development process, and it started with the requirements list. This was followed by brainstorming, evaluation and completion.</p><p>The result was a concept for de present time and one concept for the future.</p><p>The present concept is intended to be built immediately. This is an adjustable bench with sliding bearings to facilitate the work. The actual cleaning is done with a high pressure washer that uses hot water. When the future concept will be brought into use, you don’t need to modify or rebuild anything, just add to the constructions that already exist. The future is to increase efficiency and become even more environmentally friendly.</p><p>The concept also includes two types of warehouses, one for the dirty pipes, and one for the clean pipes. On these you are supposed to place several pipes, so it’s possible to streamline processing, and wash more pipes in a flow.</p><p>The washing station will lead to improvement of the working environment, and the new technology will make improvements on the result.</p> / <p>I detta arbete har en tvättstation konstruerats åt företaget Albany international AB. I dagsläget finns inget befintligt system för att tvätta smutsiga returrör.</p><p>Arbetet följde produktutvecklingsprocessen, och började med en kravspecifikation. Därefter följde brainstorming, utvärdering och färdigställande.</p><p>Resultatet blev ett nutidskoncept och ett framtidskoncept. Nutidskonceptet är tänkt att det skall byggas omgående. Detta är en ställbar tvättbänk med kulhus för att underlätta arbetet. Själva rengöringen sker med en högtryckstvätt som använder varmvatten. När framtidskonceptet skall tas i bruk behöver företaget inte ändra eller bygga om någonting, utan bara göra tillägg i den konstruktion som redan finns. Framtidsvisionen handlar om att öka effektiviteten och samtidigt bli ännu mer miljövänlig.</p><p>I konceptet ingår det även två typer av magasin, ett för de smutsiga rören, och ett för de rena rören. På dessa ska man kunna lägga flera rör, så att man ska kunna effektivisera bearbetningen och tvätta fler rör i ett flöde.</p><p>Tvättstationen ska leda till att arbetsmiljön blir bättre, och den nya tekniken gör att resultatet förbättras.</p>

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