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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tvorba rozvrhování výroby k realizaci zákaznických požadavků / The Creation of Production Scheduling to Implement Customer Requirements

Hajnová, Zuzana January 2017 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with design and implementation of the system of scheduling and monitoring the production of samples in selected company. The design is based primarily on visualization elements that allow for sophisticated scheduling and production management with the inclusion of variable customer requirements with minimal use of information support. In particular, the observation method is used for a deeper understanding of the process and the subsequent creation and implementation of adequate solutions.

Analysis and improvement of material handling in a highly customized multi-variant product-based production system

Balasubramaniam, Arjun, Navuluri, Naga Lakshmana Naidu January 2020 (has links)
Twenty first century manufacturing is characterized by customer specific products. Customers expect greater differentiation in the products that companies offer to them, thus changing the whole landscape of production. Greater the variety of products being offered to customers, greater is the complexity of shop floor operations. This complexity is translated to all the operations in the shop floor including material handling and inventory control. To overcome this situation, many manufacturers have turned to “Lean Manufacturing” to gain a competitive edge in the market by reducing costs and improving productivity in all operations throughout the shop floor. Therefore, this purpose of this thesis is to analyze the material handling of a highly customized multi-variant product-based production system. The thesis represents a case study that was done at a caravan manufacturing company in Tenhult, Sweden. During the study, data was gathered from field notes, observations and multiple semi-structured interviews. The findings were analyzed with respect to a theoretical background which was generated through an extensive literature review that was carried out throughout the research. Our analysis was based on a systems approach where the findings were categorized into three dimensions that affect material handling and inventory control. These dimensions are warehouse management systems, culture, and production management, which contribute to successful implementation of lean into the material handling operations and inventory control. In conclusion, the results show that efficient material handling and inventory control can only be achieved by finding a synergy between technology, people and organization. Our results also show that soft issues like organizational culture and employee culture need to be addressed along with technological issues because only when an alignment between people, technology and business objectives and values is achieved, lean implementation can be successful. Our results also show the need for better supplier customer collaboration to reduce inventory levels and material handling operation.

Extended Value Chain Management : ein Konzept zur Koordination von Wertschöpfungsnetzen

Teich, Tobias 04 February 2003 (has links)
Die Habilitationsschrift ist in den Sonderforschungsbereich SFB 457 "Hierarchielose Produktionsnetze" eingebettet. Innerhalb des SFB leitet der Autor das Teilprojekt C2 "Koordinations- und Betreiberstrukturen". Im Oktober 2002 wurde der SFB für den zweiten Antragszeitraum (2003-2005) positiv evaluiert. Ein Gutachtergremium, dem u.a. Prof. Wiendahl (Universität Hannover, Institut für Fabrikanlagen und Logistik), Prof. Bellmann (Universität Mainz, Lehrstuhl für Produktionswirtschaft), Prof. Westkämper (Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Industrielle Fertigung und Fabrikbetrieb ) und Prof. Kuhn (Universität Dortmund, Lehrstuhl für Fabrikorganisation) angehören, bewerteten dieses Teilprojekt als Spitzenprojekt des SFB mit dem Prädikat "Exzellent". Die Gutachter des SFB und der Habilitationsschrift sind sich darüber einig, dass das Konzept des Extended Value Chain Managements eine wesentliche Erweiterung des bisherigen SCM-Konzeptes darstellt und die Forschung in diesem Bereich in den nächsten Jahren grundsätzlich beeinflussen kann. Die Habilitationsschrift dokumentiert auf insgesamt 690 Seiten mit über 200 Abbildungen und knapp 1000 Literaturreferenzen zunächst den aktuellen Stand der Forschung zur ERP/SCM-Systemen und zu Netzwerken allgemein. Aus den theoretischen Defiziten bestehender Konzepte wurde ein Phasenmodell für die Aufbau- und Ablauforganisation virtueller Produktionsnetze postuliert, welches einer kompetenzorientierten Betrachtungsweise folgt und schichtenweise die fach-, methoden- und sozialkompetenten Facetten eines derartigen Netzwerkes - erstmalig im internationalen Maßstab - in einem gemeinsamen Modell vereint. Die Arbeit beschränkt sich dabei keineswegs auf verbale Formulierungen, sondern führt alle Komponenten in einer quantitativen Betrachtung zusammen. Zahlreiche mathematische Modelle (angefangen bei Growing Neural Gas über Genetische und Ant Colony Algorithmen bis hin zur Betrachtung algebraischer Strukturen) führen letztlich dazu, dass die Ergebnisse innerhalb eines informationstechnischen Modellkerns tatsächlich auch durchgängig operationalisiert werden konnten. Die Habilitationsschrift spannt den Bogen von sozial- und betriebs­wirtschaftlichen über ingenieur­technische bis zu informatorischen Wissenschaftsdisziplinen, die zur vollständigen Bewältigung der konzeptuellen Denkleistung für ein Managementkonzept hierarchieloser Produktionsnetzwerke erforderlich sind. Die Kapitel dokumentieren ihrerseits nur die wichtigsten bearbeiteten Aufgaben des Autors innerhalb des SFB. Die Arbeit bietet eine inhaltliche Struktur zu den über 70 Publikationen der letzten drei Jahre zu Themen des Extended Value Chain Managements, die der Autor allein oder als Mitautor verfasst hat. Diese Beiträge sind zu einem Großteil "doppelt blind" begutachtet und sowohl einem betriebswirtschaftlichen als auch einem informatischen wissenschaftlichen Fachpublikum zugänglich gemacht worden. Über die Hälfte der Beiträge wurde im Ausland publiziert und referiert, wobei der Anteil der internationalen Tagungsbeiträge mit über 30 Publikationen sich dadurch begründet, dass zu den entsprechenden Fachtagungen die Diskussion mit den "Vordenkern" der jeweiligen Wissensgebiete gesucht wurde. Im Rückblick haben diese Diskussionen das Konzept des EVCM auch stark positiv beeinflusst. Vor allem die Konzepte zur Soft-fact-Integration (Kapitel 8) über die Polyedrale Analyse einerseits und die automatische Generierung einer Tupelmenge von Antworten auf eine Lieferanfrage und der Quantifizierung einer Lieferwahrscheinlichkeit als Transparenzfaktor (Kapitel 7) haben neben dem EVCM-Konzept als Ganzem international Anerkennung gefunden und sind als Weiterentwicklung der entsprechenden Wissenschaftsgebiete besonders zu würdigen. Diese Einschätzung deckt sich sowohl mit der der Gutachter der Arbeit, als auch mit der der Gutachter des SFB, welche, wie oben bereits erwähnt, das Teilprojekt mit dem Prädikat "Exzellent" bewerteten.

An empirical investigation of manufacturing flexibility and organizational performance as moderated by strategic integration and organizational infrastructure.

Rogers, Pamela Rose Patterson 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study is empirically investigating four research questions related to manufacturing flexibility. 1) What are the components of manufacturing flexibility? 2) Is there a relationship between manufacturing flexibility and organizational performance? 3) Do integrated strategies strengthen the relationship between manufacturing flexibility and organizational performance? 4) Are there organizational characteristics that strengthen the relationship between manufacturing flexibility and organizational performance? This study used a cross-sectional survey design to collect data from manufacturing organizations in multiple industries. Organizational performance was quantified using common manufacturing measures. Strategic integration and organizational infrastructure were also measured. Data were collected using a self-administered questionnaire. Factor analysis, correlation analysis, and regression were used to analyze the data. The results indicate the variables and expected relationships exist as hypothesized. This study contributes to the manufacturing flexibility body of knowledge by identifying relationships between the manufacturing flexibility component, performance, strategic integration, and organizational infrastructure. The instrument development in this study is of particular value as there are few rigorously developed and validated instruments to measure the manufacturing flexibility components and performance. Understanding these relationships will help practitioners make better decisions in manufacturing organizations as well as enable application of the concepts in this study to other contexts such as service organizations.

Análisis de la productividad de las partidas más incidentes en la construcción de Presas de Relaves. Caso de Estudio: Presa de Relaves-Unidad Minera Junín

Flores Medina, Juan Felipe, Fukunaga Fuentes, Freddy, Julian Rodriguez, Melissa, Nuñez Edquen, Huver Ronald, Quiroz Cerna, Paola Lisset 15 May 2021 (has links)
La presente investigación tiene como finalidad mejorar la productividad en las partidas de mayor incidencia (Relleno de cuerpo de Presa material tipo 3, Colocación de material de filtros tipo 1 y tipo 2, Colocación de concreto curb en pantalla impermeabilizante y Limpieza de estribos) de la construcción de una Presa de Relaves de un Proyecto Minero aplicando herramientas de lean Construction. La poca productividad mostrada en las partidas identificadas de incidencia desde el punto de vista de costos, conlleva directamente a incumplimientos de Plazo, Costo y Calidad por ende afecta la rentabilidad de la Compañía y la satisfacción del cliente considerablemente. El resultado del presente trabajo de investigación es la mejora de la productividad e incremento significativo de los rendimientos reales superando a los ofertados, todo ello con la implementación, aplicación y seguimiento constante a las herramientas que proporciona la filosofía lean Construction aplicadas en las partidas más incidentes del proyecto. Con esta experiencia podemos afirmar que la filosofía Lean Construction aplicado a Proyectos de gran envergadura como son los proyectos mineros es una herramienta potente para el cumplimiento contractual. / The purpose of this research is to improve productivity in the items with the highest incidence (Filling of body of Dam material type 3, Placement of filter material type 1 and type 2, Placement of concrete curb in waterproofing screen and Cleaning of abutments) of the construction of a tailings dam for a mining project applying lean construction tools. The low productivity shown in the items identified of incidence from the point of view of costs, directly leads to non-compliance with Term, Cost and Quality, therefore it affects the profitability of the Company and the satisfaction of the client considerably. The result of this research work is the improvement of productivity and a significant increase in real yields, surpassing those offered, all with the implementation, application and constant monitoring of the tools provided by the lean Construction philosophy applied in the most incident items. of the project. With this experience we can affirm that the Lean Construction philosophy applied to large projects such as mining projects is a powerful tool for contractual compliance. / Trabajo de investigación

Simulation and optimisation of a manufacturing process : A case study of a high mix and low volume manufacturing process at Atlas Copco

Lund Borg, Axel January 2023 (has links)
Companies are constantly seeking new ways to increase their efficiency and flexibility to be able to meet the market demand, industry 4.0 has provided companies with new tools that enables them to better track the performance of a process and more easily optimise it. In a high mix and low volume manufacturing process a lot of inefficiencies are prone to occur due to the high variety. A simulation can be a very beneficial tool to use in the optimisation of a manufacturing process. In a simulation a digital twin of the physical process is constructed to replicate the real-world results, the simulation can then be used to test how changes to the process affects the desired performance objectives. The purpose of this study was to use a simulation to optimise the process by increasing output and reduce lead time as well as increase the visual presentation of the process. The purpose was fulfilled by a review of literature on the subject, interviews, observations and a document study before a simulation model and value stream map was constructed. The bottleneck analysis and the value stream map highlighted a few inefficiencies in the process that was solved by implementing a few solutions that would improve the balance of the process and increase output and decrease lead time. A visual presentation tool was also developed to calculate the expected lead time for a new order and show how the flow of orders would develop in the near future.

Alternativa energisystem : Ett sammarbete mellan KTH och Husby Takplåtslageri & Ventilation AB / Alternative Sources of Energy

Björkquist, Willand, Liberg, Lukas January 2018 (has links)
Husby Takplåtslageri & Ventilation AB är ett företag som utför takarbeten såsom takskyddsanordningar och takunderhållsarbete. Idag värmer de en av sina lokaler med fjärrvärme och är intresserade av att införskaffa ett system för produktion av egen energi för drivning av uppvärmningssystemet. Vilket system som lämpar sig bäst för detta ändamål, med hänsyn till ekonomi och miljö kommer behandlas i denna rapport. Även system som kan komma att bli lämpliga för denna typ av problem i framtiden behandlas. De olika systemen av intresse i denna rapport är: solceller, multi-junctionsolceller, bränsleceller och aeroturbiner. Även system för energilagring har behandlats då flera av energisystemen ibland ger överskott och ibland underskott. Beräkningar för dimensionering av de olika energisystemen har utförts vilket tydligt har visat vilket system som lämpar sig bäst. Vi anser att solceller är det bästa valet idag trots den begränsade mängden solstrålning i Sverige. Olika dimensioneringar för den aktuella arbetsplatsen har där efter utförts för att ge olika intressanta alternativ för Husby Takplåtslageri & Ventilation AB. I dagsläget är någon av de olika dimensioneringarna vår rekommendation för att lösa problemet. I framtiden där emot rekommenderar vi att hålla utkik efter aeroturbinerna. Det som måste ske för att aeroturbinerna ska bli intressanta i framtiden är markant prissänkning. / Husby Takplåtslageri & Ventilation AB is a company that specializes in roof operations such as rooftop protection apparatures and roof maintenance work. Today they use district heating to warm up one of their properties and are now interested in solar cells to replace their current heating system. Which system that is the most suitable for this task, with consideration for economy and environment, will be covered in this report. Also systems that can be considered as suitable for this type of problem in the future will be covered. The systems that are considered as interesting in this report are: solar cells, multi-junction solar cells, fuel cells and aeroturbines. Also systems for energy storage have been of interest since some of the energy systems sometimes generate excess and sometimes deficit. Calculations for dimensioning of the different energy systems have been covered, which clearly shows which system that is the most suitable. We believe that solar cells are the best option today, despite the limited amount of sun radiation in Sweden. Different dimensioning for the current working area has been covered in order to give interesting alternatives for Husby Takplåtslageri & Ventilation AB. In the present situation we recommend one of the three dimensions we have established in order to solve the energy costs problem. In the future on the other hand we recommend keeping an eye out for the aeroturbines. What is missing from the aerourbines today in order for them to be more interesting is a more affordable price.

Propuesta de mejora del proceso productivo en la empresa Fábrica de Dulces Finos Bruning SAC para incrementar su productividad

Quijano Signori, Maria Giovanna del Milagro January 2023 (has links)
El presente trabajo se centra en el área de llenado de king kong de la empresa Fábrica de Dulces Finos Bruning SAC puesto que posee una baja productividad, ocasionada por la falta de capacitación al personal, procesos no estandarizados, altos tiempos improductivos y personal fatigado; es por ello que se planteó como objetivo principal proponer la mejora del proceso productivo en la empresa Fábrica de Dulces Finos Bruning SAC para incrementar su productividad. En tal sentido, se analizó a través de herramientas de ingeniería el proceso productivo del llenado, obteniendo que actualmente cuenta con una productividad de 0,116 unid/sol. Posteriormente, se propusieron tres mejoras: un estudio de tiempos, balance de línea y un programa de capacitación, consiguiendo un tiempo estándar de 2,44 min/unid para la elaboración de una hojarasca redonda (1 kg), una reducción de 0,10 min/unid en el cuello de botella, el aumento de la eficiencia en un 5,96% y una nueva productividad de 0,14 unid/sol. Finalmente, se concluyó que las propuestas eran viables económicamente debido a que se obtuvo un VAN de S/ 12 212, TIR de 46% y un B/C de 1,12 soles. / The present work focuses on the assembly area of king kong of the company Fabrica de Dulces Finos Bruning SAC since it has low productivity, this is caused by the lack of training for personnel, non-standard processes, high unproductive times and fatigued personnel; that is why the main objective was to propose the improvement of the production process in the company Fabrica de Dulces Finos Bruning SAC to increase its productivity. Given this, the assembly production process was analyzed through engineering tools, obtaining that it currently has a productivity of 0.116 units/sol. Subsequently, three improvements were proposed: a time study, line balance and a training program, achieving a standard time of 2.44 min/unit for the production of a round (1 kg), a reduction of 0.10 min /unit at the bottleneck, increased efficiency by 5.96% and a new productivity of 0.14 unit/sun. Finally, it was concluded that the proposals were economically viable since a NPV of S/ 12,212 was obtained, IRR of 46% and a B/C of 1.12 soles.

Mejora del proceso productivo de café en una tostaduría mediante teoría de restricciones para aumentar el nivel de servicio

Torres Facundo, Jose Simon January 2022 (has links)
En la empresa de café Picorana se identificaron los principales problemas y se analizaron los indicadores mediante los cuales se pudo realizar un diagnóstico del área de producción de la empresa, con ello se tuvo que su nivel de servicio había representado únicamente un 78%, eso se debía a que la empresa tenía rotura de stock ya que no podía atender todos los pedidos; sumado a ello había un 17% de actividades improductivas, sus ingresos no percibidos eran de S/ 811 755, la eficiencia del proceso de 50% y por ende su colchón de capacidad de 50%, así como una eficiencia económica de 1,28 y una eficiencia física de 88%; por ello para dar solución al problema principal se propusieron las herramientas de Teoría de Restricciones, dentro de lo que también se incluyó la estandarización de tiempos, balance de línea y además igualar las ventas, concluyéndose finalmente que con las mejoras planteadas se aumentó el nivel de servicio, se redujeron las actividades improductivas, se aumentó la eficiencia física hasta un 100% con el aumento de la productividad a 10 bolsas por operario y además un aumento de la eficiencia económica hasta un 1,8; se redujo el colchón de capacidad y la eficiencia del proceso aumentó hasta el 100% representada por la producción máxima de 320 bolsas de café. Con ello finalmente se desarrolló el análisis de viabilidad económica donde se obtuvo que la propuesta era viable pues por cada sol que se invertiría en la propuesta se obtendría una ganancia de S/ 4,70. De esta forma se logró realizar la mejora del proceso productivo. / In the Picorana coffee company, the main problems were identified and the indicators were analyzed through which a diagnosis of the company's production area could be made, with this it was found that its service level had represented only 78%, that was It was due to the fact that the company was out of stock since it could not fulfill all the orders; In addition to this, there was 17% of unproductive activities, their income not received was S / 811 755, the efficiency of the process of 50% and therefore its capacity buffer of 50%, as well as an economic efficiency of 1,28 and a physical efficiency of 88%; For this reason, to solve the main problem, the Theory of Constraints tools were proposed, within which the standardization of times, line balance and also equalizing sales were also included, finally concluding that with the proposed improvements the level of service, unproductive activities were reduced, physical efficiency was increased up to 100% with an increase in productivity to 10 bags per operator and also an increase in economic efficiency up to 1,8; The capacity cushion was reduced and the efficiency of the process increased to 100% represented by the maximum production of 320 bags of coffee. With this, the economic feasibility analysis was finally developed, where it was obtained that the proposal was viable because for each sol that would be invested in the proposal, a profit of S / 4,70 would be obtained. In this way, the improvement of the production process was achieved.

Evaluating the contribution made by works order close-out meetings at Nampak Flexible Ndabeni

Maritz, S. I. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this paper was to prove the contribution of the Works Order Close-Out Meeting process at Nampak Flexible Ndabeni, through the development of a Close-Out Meeting contribution evaluation model. Although the value of the Close-Out Meeting process is intuitively understood, a formal measurement would underscore the importance of the process. Using a funnel-based analysis, a total of 63 Close-Out Meeting findings was identified for formal benefit review and were categorised into five finding groups. For each of these five groups a contribution measurement methodology was developed. The methodology was rooted in sound management and ERP theory and then applied to the findings in each group. The following key groups were identified and discussed: Incorrect standards. The importance of correct standards was shown, and the potential misstatement due to incorrect standards was quantified. The analysis showed that effective, ongoing variance review can identify errors in standards and that changes can be initiated and authorised in a short timeframe. ERP process review. Findings that specifically addressed lack of proper process were reviewed and real benefit was calculated for three categories, namely information misstatement, risk mitigation and productivity gains. Formulas were developed and applied for the benefit calculation. The analysis showed it is dangerous to assume that processes are cast in stone or fundamentally sound, and that the Close-Out review process not only identifies deficiency of these processes, but initiates corrective action. Shop floor process review. The investigation into findings that addressed process conformance showed that in most cases the process breakdowns related to the accuracy of information captured into the ERP. The impact of poor information, process non-conformance and corrective action was clearly shown. Actions to improve performance. Targeted actions to improve production performance were subdivided into actions that improved productivity and actions that reduced the risk of recurrence of a negative event. Benefits were calculated using established methods, and in both cases the benefit was substantial. Business decision confirmation. The Close-Out Meeting sometimes forced analysis that did not lead to action but to a better understanding of the business reality. What was shown is that the ability to identify, list and analyse findings of this nature added value. By expanding the benefit analysis beyond a simplistic implementation of corrective action, the scope of benefits was increased. The study achieved several objectives. The analysis showed that corrective actions taken by management have a scientific base and that the implementation of corrective actions delivered real business value. This allowed the business to place the Close-Out Meetings in the correct context, as the business could conclude that Close-Out Meetings were fundamental to its continued success. From a theoretical point of view the body of knowledge around Close-Out Meetings was expanded, while the results also supported the Nampak ERP value case. Close-Out Meetings at Nampak Flexible delivered clear, measurable benefits when discussion points were converted to actions that were acted upon by the business. The value was of such a nature to confirm the importance of Close-Out Meetings as a component of good ERP-manufacturing practice. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie werkstuk was om die bydrae van die "Works Order Close-Out Meeting" proses by Nampak Flexible Ndabeni te bewys met behulp van 'n "Close-Out Meeting" evaluasiemodel. Alhoewel die waarde van die "Close-Out Meeting"-proses intuitief aanvaar word, aksentueer die ontwikkeling van 'n formele maatstaf die belangrikheid van die proses. 'n Evaluasieproses het 'n totaa1 van 63 bevindinge opgelewer vir analise. Die bevindinge is ingedeel in vyf groeperings en vir elke groepering is 'n ste1 maatstawwe ontwikkel ten einde die bydrae van die bevindinge te meet. Hierdie maatstawwe was gebaseer op bestaande, aanvaarde ERP- en bestuursteorie. Die volgende vyf groepe was geidentifiseer en bespreek. Foutiewe standaarde. Die belangrikheid van akkurate standaarde in die stelsel is bewys, en die skaal van informasiefoute as gevolg van verkeerde standaarde is gekwantifiseer. Daar is bewys dat effektiewe, voortdurende variasie-analise foute kan identifiseer en dat die nodige korrektiewe aksie vinnig implementeerbaar is. ERP-proses. Bevindinge wat voortspruit uit swak prosesse is geidentifiseer en die waarde van die korrektiewe aksie is op drie vlakke geanaliseer, naamlik informasiefoute, risikobeheer en produktiwiteitsverbetering. Formules is ontwikkel en toegepas om die waarde van die korrektiewe aksie te bepaal. Daar is bewys dat dit gevaarlik is om aan te neem dat besigheidsprosesse fundamenteel korrek is, en dat die "Close-Out Review"-proses nie net foutiewe prosesse uitgewys het nie, maar ook die nodige korrektiewe aksie gedryf het. Fabrieksvloerproses. Die ondersoek na bevindinge wat prosesafwykings uitgewys het, het aangedui dat afwykings meestal voorgekom het as gevolg van foutiewe informasie in die ERP-stelsel. Die impak van foutiewe informasie, prosesafwykings en inisiatiewe om die akkuraatheid van informasie te verbeter is duidelik gewys. Produksieverbetering. Bevindinge wat gelei het tot inisiatiewe om produksie te verbeter is verdeel tussen produktiwiteitsverbetering en risikobeheer. Die waarde van die inisiatiewe is bereken met die gebruik van ontwikkelde metodes en in beide gevalle was die resultate baie positief. Ondersteuning by besluitneming. Die "Close-Out Meeting"-proses het somtyds gely tot analise wat nie aanieiding gegee het tot korrektiewe aksie nie, maar wel daartoe gelei het dat bestuur se begrip van besigheidsrealiteit verbeter het. Daar is bewys dat 'n proses wat besigheidsinformasie aan bestuur kan weergee ter ondersteuning van bestuursbesluite, waardevol is. Die mate van voordeel wat uit die proses stem is vergroot deur die waarde-analise uit te brei sodat dit meer is as die blote analise van korrektiewe aksie. Die berekende voordeel uit die "Close-Out Meeting"-proses is groter wanneer die hestek van die voordeel vergroot word om meer as net die direkte waarde van korrektiewe aksie in te sluit. Die studie het voldoen aan verskeie doelwitte. Daar is bewys dat bestuursaksie 'n wetenskaplike basis het en die uitvoer van hierdie aksies besigheidswaarde toevoeg. As gevolg hiervan kon die besigheid "Close-Out Meetings" in die regte konteks plaas en tot die slotsom kom dat hierdie proses 'n fundamentele drywer van besigheidsukses is. Ten slotte is die teorie oor "Close-Out Meetings" uitgebrei en die resultate het ook die waarde onderskryf wat Nampak uit sy ERP-implementasie gekry het. "Close-Out Meetings" by Nampak Flexible het duidelike meetbare voordele opgelewer wanneer die probleme wat geidentifiseer is gelei het tot korrektiewe aksie. Die waarde was van so 'n aard dat die belangrikheid van "Close-Out Meetings" as 'n komponent van goeie vervaardigingsbestuur in 'n ERP-konteks duidelik bewys is.

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