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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Una lettura interpretativa delle comunita’ produttive al tempo della globalizzazione : Seggiolai e Impagliatrici & Donne, Fabbri e Coltellinai / An interpretative reading of production communities in the era of globalization : chair makers and chair weavers & women, smiths and knife makers / Une lecture interprétative des communautés productives au temps de la mondialisation : chaisiers et Canneuses & Femmes, Forgerons et Couteliers

Zolli, Angela 11 May 2016 (has links)
Historiquement, dans la Région Frioul-Vénétie Julienne, le processus d’industrialisation est constitué par une imbrication dense d’expériences productives qui se sont développées dans les différents contextes locaux, et qui sont fondées aussi bien sur le syncrétisme des différentes modalités de production, le travail à domicile, artisanal et industriel, que sur le modèle de la pluriactivité des paysans dans les campagnes pour pallier les difficultés découlant de la saisonnalité. Dans le deuxième après-guerre, comme cela s’est produit dans le Centre et le Nord-Est de l’Italie, ont également vu le jour, dans la Région Frioul-Vénétie Julienne, les systèmes locaux de petites et moyennes entreprises dénommés « districts industriels ». Ce développement a été rendu possible grâce à un contexte local caractérisé par une imbrication étroite entre l’activité productive et les familles, par le sentiment d’appartenance au territoire, un système de valeurs fondées sur le travail, un langage technique partagé, et souvent par un epos, une histoire, un mythe des origines. Les trente dernières années, à partir des années 80, sont marquées par des changements historiques, comme l’informatisation croissante découlant des nouvelles technologies, et par conséquent le développement rapide de réseaux de production transnationaux, la croissance du commerce international, l’intégration internationale croissante enregistrée sur les marchés financiers, à savoir un réseau global en temps réel à l’échelle mondiale, une « grande transformation » caractérisée par le déplacement du centre de gravité mondial. Dans ce travail on analyse les processus de transformation de deux districts industriels dans la Région Frioul- Vénétie Julienne, celui de la chaise et celui des couteaux, pour comprendre à l’heure actuelle la relation qui existe entre les processus de transformation induits par la mondialisation et l'identité de la communauté, la capacité des communautés productives à s'adapter au changement, les opportunités et les perspectives. Du point de vue méthodologique il s’agit d’adopter une approche interdisciplinaire et capable de caractériser les processus de transformation socio-culturels et économiques qui se sont produits. La recherche est structurée en quatre parties. La première concerne l’approche théorique, l’identification de l’objet et la méthodologie de la recherche. La deuxième et la troisième partie concernent l’étude des deux communautés productives identifiées, à savoir la morphologie sociale, l'ethnographie et une lecture interprétative des processus de transformation. Il s'agit d’analyser les sources historiques et statistiques nationales, régionales et provinciales, et de compléter ces modèles d’analyse quantitatifs, essentiellement économiques et démographiques, avec des analyses qualitatives, réalisées localement, de type socio-anthropologique, destinées à identifier le système de valeurs qui caractérise les communautés examinées. Les points forts de l'ethnographie sont l'étude de la famille-entreprise, de la répartition du travail en fonction du sexe, de la culture matérielle, et de la coopération, tant dans le domaine public que dans le privé. La quatrième partie termine le travail avec l’analyse comparative des deux communautés productives examinées : les points de contact et les différences enregistrées et l'analyse d'un contexte beaucoup plus large, comme celui de l'Italie, ont contribué à l'herméneutique des communautés productives, et permis de corréler des faits sociaux apparemment distincts, en mettant en évidence certaines spécificités culturelles souvent ignorées. / From the historical point of view, the industrialization process in Friuli Venezia Giulia consists of a close intertwining of various kinds of productions developed in different local areas and based on the syncretism of different production systems – cottage industry, handicraft and industrial production – and also on the multiple activity pattern of peasants living in the countryside to cope with the difficulties deriving from the seasonal character of their work.After the Second World War the local systems made of small and medium-sized enterprises – called industrial clusters – developed in Friuli Venezia Giulia as in the Centre and the North East of Italy. Such a development took place because the local context was characterized by the close intertwining of work and family, the feeling of belonging to the local area, a value system based on work, a common technical language and often an epos, namely a history, a myth of the origins.The last thirty years starting from the 80’s have been marked by epoch-making changes as the growth of IT and the following quick development of transnational production networks, the growth of international trade, the increasing international integration of international financial markets that amounts to a real time global network at world level and a “great transformation” characterized by the shift of the world economic centre of gravity.This work focuses on the analysis of the transformation processes that have taken place in two industrial clusters of the Region Friuli Venezia Giulia: the chair cluster and the cluster of Maniago to understand the relationship between the transformation processes brought about by globalization and community identity and the ability of production communities to adapt to change, opportunities and prospects. From the methodological point of view, this means adopting an interdisciplinary approach to describe the social, cultural and economic transformation processes occurred.The research consists of four parts. The first part describes the theoretical approach, the object identification and the research methodology. The second and the third part concern the study of the two identified production communities, namely social morphology, ethnography and provide an interpretative reading of transformation processes. They comprise the analysis of historical and statistical data at national, regional and provincial level. These quantitative analytical methods, mainly of economic and demographic nature, are then matched against qualitative analysis of socio-anthropologic nature carried out on the ground in order to identify the value system characterizing the communities under scrutiny. The strengths of ethnography are the study of the enterprise-family, of the division of work on the basis of gender, of material culture and cooperation at public and private level. The fourth and last part makes a benchmarking of the two production communities analysed. The contact points and the differences observed together with the analysis of a much wider context – the Italian context – contribute to the hermeneutics of production communities connecting social facts that are separate only on the surface and to highlight some cultural peculiarities that otherwise would have gone unnoticed. / Nella regione Friuli Venezia Giulia, storicamente, il processo d’industrializzazione è costituito da un fitto intreccio di esperienze produttive sviluppatesi nei diversi contesti territoriali locali, fondate sia sul sincretismo dei diversi modi di produzione, lavoro a domicilio, artigianale e industriale, che sul modello della pluriattività dei contadini nelle campagne per rimediare alle difficoltà derivanti dalla stagionalità. Nel secondo dopoguerra anche nella regione Friuli Venezia Giulia, analogamente a quanto verificatosi nel Centro e nel Nordest dell’Italia, si svilupparono i sistemi locali di piccole e medie imprese denominati distretti industriali. Tale sviluppo fu reso possibile da un contesto locale caratterizzato da una stretta interpenetrazione dell’attività produttiva con la famiglia, dal senso di appartenenza al territorio, da un sistema di valori basato sul lavoro, da un linguaggio tecnico condiviso, e spesso da un epos, una storia, un mito delle origini. L’ultimo trentennio a partire dagli anni Ottanta è contraddistinto da cambiamenti epocali, quali la crescente informatizzazione determinata dalle nuove tecnologie e il conseguente rapido sviluppo di reti di produzione transnazionali, la crescita del commercio internazionale, la crescente integrazione internazionale registrata sui mercati finanziari ovvero una rete globale in tempo reale su scala mondiale, una “grande trasformazione” caratterizzata dal cambiamento del baricentro economico mondiale. In questo lavoro si analizzano i processi di trasformazione di due distretti industriali della Regione FVG, il distretto della sedia e di Maniago, per capire la relazione esistente tra i processi di trasformazione indotti dalla globalizzazione e l'identità della comunità, la capacità di adattamento delle comunità produttive al cambiamento, opportunità e prospettive. Dal punto di vista metodologico si tratta quindi di adottare un approccio interdisciplinare in grado di caratterizzare i processi di trasformazione socio-culturali ed economici intervenuti.La ricerca è articolata in quattro parti. La prima parte riguarda l'approccio teorico, l’identificazione dell’oggetto e la metodologia della ricerca. La seconda e la terza parte riguardano lo studio delle due comunità produttive individuate, cioè la morfologia sociale, l'etnografia e una lettura interpretativa dei processi di trasformazione. Si tratta di di analizzare le fonti storico-statistiche nazionali, regionali e provinciali, e di affiancare a questi modelli di analisi quantitativi, principalmente di tipo economico e demografico, delle analisi qualitative, svolte localmente, di tipo socio-antropologico finalizzate ad individuare il sistema di valori caratterizzante le comunità indagate. I punti forti dell'etnografia sono costituiti dallo studio della famiglia-impresa, della divisione sessuale del lavoro, della cultura materiale, e della cooperazione sia in ambito pubblico che privato. La quarta parte conclude il presente lavoro con l’analisi comparativa delle due comunità produttive indagate: i punti di contatto e le differenze registrati e l'analisi di un contesto molto più vasto, quale quello italiano, hanno contribuito all'ermeneutica delle comunità produttive correlando fatti sociali solo apparentemente distinti, e facendo emergere alcune specificità culturali altrimenti ignorate.

Arbetslöshet bland ungdomar : En kvantitativ enkätstudie om konsekvenser av arbetslöshet hos ungdomar / Youth unemployment : A quantitative study about consequences of unemployment among youth

Jones, Amanda January 2013 (has links)
Det övergripande syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka levnadsförhållanden bland arbetslösa ungdomar. Syftet var även att undersöka vilka konsekvenser som arbetslösheten kan föra med sig för ungdomarna. Konsekvenser som har undersökts är inom livsområdena 1)hälsa 2) sociala relationer och fritid 3) konsumtion 4) rökning, alkohol och droger 5)kriminalitet och 6) livet i sin helhet. Metoden som använts är en kvantitativ metod med enkäter, som har delats ut till arbetslösa ungdomar i två kommuner i Sverige. För att ta reda på varför vissa ungdomar påverkas negativt av arbetslösheten, medan andra förblir nästintill opåverkade har ekonomi- skammodellen använts. Utgångspunkten för ekonomi-skammodellen är att desto högre den ekonomiska påfrestningen är i relation till skamgörandeeffekter, vilka uttrycks genom en negativ attityd från omgivningen, ju mer negativ inverkanhar arbetslöshet i människors liv. Studiens resultat och analys bekräftar denna teori. En större andel av ungdomarna som upplever högre grad av ekonomisk påfrestning och skamgörande effekter har även en sämre hälsa, röker mer, dricker oftare och har provat droger i högre utsträckning samt uppskattar livet i sin helhet att vara sämre, jämfört med ungdomar som upplever lägre grad av ekonomisk påfrestning och skamgörande effekter. Oavsett påfrestning bedömer ungdomarna generellt sett sina sociala relationer och fritid på likartade sätt, varpå modellen ej kan användas för att förklara variationer inom detta livsområde. I föreliggande studie undersöktes även hur ungdomarna påverkas av att vara arbetslösa i ett konsumtionssamhälle där normen är att konsumera. Resultat och analys visar att det är de ungdomar med mest påfrestning som konsumerar i högre grad, vilket förklaras utifrån att de kompenserar för den statusförlust som arbetslösheten medfört. / The aim of the study was to investigate living conditions amongst unemployed youths. The aim was also to examine the effects unemployment can have on young people. Consequences that have been explored are within the following areas of life: 1) Health 2) Social relationships and leisure activity 3) Consumption 4) Smoking, alcohol and drug abuse 5)Crime and 6) Life in its entirety. The method used is a quantitative method with questionnaires, which were distributed to unemployed youths in two towns in Sweden. To find out why some young people are adversely affected by unemployment, while others remain virtually unaffected the economy-shame model was used. The starting point for this model is that the higher the economic stress is in relation to the humiliating effects, which are expressed through a negative attitude from people in the environment, the more negative impact unemployment has in people's lives. The results and analysis in this study confirms the theory. A greater proportion of young people who experience higher levels of economic stress and shame also have poorer health, smoke more, drink more often and are more likely to have tried drugs and have a negative outlook on life, as opposed to adolescents who experience lower levels of economic stress and shame. Overall the model can not be used to explain variations in areas of life concerning social relations and leisure activities. The study also looked into how young people are affected by being unemployed in a consumer society where the norm is to consume. Results and analysis shows that it is young people who experience a greater level of economical distress and shame who consume the most. The explanation for this might be that they are compensating for the loss of status resulting from unemployment.

Podještědská obec Hradčany v příběhu soudobých dějin / Municipality of Hradčany in Podještědí in the story of contemporary history

Havelka, Jan January 2017 (has links)
This master's thesis follows the author's previous bachelor thesis Village Hradčany in Podještědí at Contemporary History 1914 -1948. Using terminology and methods of regional history and microhistory it accents exploring contemporary history of whole commune and municipality Hradčany with all of its historical villages. It will deal comprehensively with cultural-historical and political-historical problems and phenomena of the of the second half of the 20th century, beginning with the communist rise of power in 1948 , continuing by demise of traditional rural economy in the fifties. But it will also mention the extinction of commune Hradčany itself and its connecting to the bigger commune of socialist type in seventies and developement of socialist rural society. Due to comparing the local archive sources with sources from other surrounding settlements the work should produce a synthetical historical source, which could be taken as a general picture of history of settlements in the region. The whole work is based primarily on archive and oral-history research, interviews with the oldest settlers, collection of photographic sources and written documents as memories.

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