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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Overlaying the just-in-time with Kanban system on an American production environment

Philipoom, Patrick Robert January 1986 (has links)
During the past several years, the publicized successes of Japanese production management techniques have created an interest in the potential of these techniques for application in an American manufacturing environment. One such Japanese technique that has been the focus of much attention from American manufacturers and production managers is the "just-in-time (JIT)" technique implemented with "Kanbans.”¹ However, the applications of the JIT technique in Japan that have been reported have been for large scale assembly line operations that, in general, encompass the unique physical and philosophical characteristics typical of Japanese production systems. The factors that contribute to the success of the JIT system in Japan are frequently not exhibited in manufacturing systems in the United States, especially in American systems that combine assembly and shop-type operations and encompass a high degree of system variability. As such, it is questionable whether the JIT technique can be successfully adapted to American manufacturing systems~that do not display the characteristics of Japanese production operations. Nevertheless, a number of American manufacturing companies, in hope of achieving at least some of the Japanese success in inventory control, quality control and production scheduling, have begun implementing the JIT technique in their own unique production environment. The purpose of this dissertation is to investigate implementing JIT in a non-Japanese production environment and to show how JIT can be adapted so that it can have a broader range of applicability, especially under the particular set of conditions that are very likely to exist in many American production environments. ¹Toyota uses a system of cards, called Kanbans, to control inventory and schedule production in their automotive assembly plants. / Ph. D.

Assessment of Nampak’s implementation of world class manufacturing strategy within the Nampak Plastic Rigids division

Masha, Lerato Kennilworth 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: World Class Manufacturing (WCM) was first introduced into Nampak in 1990, and since then, there have been three attempts by the organisation to re-implement WCM in the organisation. In the last 23 years, 1990-2013, no formal assessment has been done with regard to evaluating whether the introduction of WCM was effective or not in the organisation, according to the goals and objectives set when the projects were initially implemented. The aim of this research report was to evaluate whether the implementation of WCM was effective in the Nampak Plastic Rigids (PRs) clusters and the study focused on only three operations namely; Nampak Tubes, Closures and Megapak. Secondly, the research aimed to establish what elements were required to successfully implement and sustain WCM in an organisation. Through the research it was established that in order to implement and sustain WCM successfully the following elements are required; strategy alignment, strategy implementation or execution, benchmarking, employee involvement, change management and the correct selection of continuous improvement tools and tactics. The three operations selected in the study were then evaluated against these elements through a survey, in order to gauge their alignment against each element. The research found that none of the three operations met the ideal state of 85 per cent in aligning themselves to the six elements. Nampak Tubes was the only operation that came close to the required ideal level of 85 per cent, as the operation had re-implemented WCM in 2011 and as a result, the operations performance in terms of the selected KPIs was better than that of the other two. However, on average none of the three operations reached the 85 per cent ideal range. This was an indication that the PRs were not aligned to the required six elements in their attempt to implement WCM, and despite the three previous attempts, success had not been achieved. The elements could prove complex as regards their comprehension and implementation as guided by the literature review and research, thus leadership should take careful note of the relationship between all of them. The organisational leadership is responsible for ensuring that the WCM strategy is driven centrally and adopted by all the stakeholders in the organisation, as all the elements require a leadership intervention. World Class Manufacturing is more than a concept or a project; it is a philosophy which should be treated as a way of life, if organisations are to be successful in being competitive.

Protective capacity and time buffer design in theory of constraints controlled discrete flow production systems

Louw, Louis 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: To maximise the throughput of a production system the capacity constrained resource needs to be protected from variation and uncertainty. In the Theory of Constraints philosophy such protection is provided by means of time buffers and protective capacity. Time buffers are protective time that is allowed in the production schedule to buffer against disruptions, whereas protective capacity is defined as a given amount of extra capacity at non-constraints above the system constraint's capacity. In this research an analytical procedure was developed to more accurately determine the required time buffer lengths. This procedure uses an open queuing network modelling approach where workstations are modelled as GIIG/m queues. A simulation experiment was performed to evaluate the time buffer estimation procedure on the operations of an actual fifteen station flow shop. The results from the study suggest that the analytical procedure is sufficiently accurate to provide an initial quick estimate of the needed time buffer lengths at the design stage of the line. This dissertation also investigated the effect of protective capacity levels at a secondary constraint resource as well as at the other non-constraint resources on the mean flow time, the bottleneck probability of the primary constraint resource, as well as the output of flow production systems using simulation models and ANOV A. Two different types of flow production systems were investigated: (1) a flow shop with a fixed number of stations and unlimited queue or buffer space between stations, and (2) an assembly line where a total work content is distributed among stations in a certain fashion and the number of stations are not fixed. The experimental studies show that flow shop performance in the form of flow time and line output is not that much influenced by low protective capacity levels at the secondary constraint resource. Low protective capacity levels at a single station however can significantly reduce the bottleneck probability for the primary constraint resource when it is located before and relatively close or near to the primary constraint in the process flow, or after but relatively far from the primary constraint. An after-far secondary constraint location also causes slightly longer job flow times, and should therefore be avoided if possible. The research further shows that quite high protective capacity levels at the nonconstraint resources are needed to ensure a more stable and therefore manageable primary constraint. However low average levels of protective capacity at non-constraint resources are sufficient to ensure that the maximum designed output level as determined by the utilisation of the primary constraint resource is obtained. The results for the assembly line experiment showed that an unbalanced line configuration where less work is assigned to the non-constraint stations than to the primary constraint station (but nonconstraint stations have an equal work content) can lead to significant reductions in the mean flow time while maintaining the same line output, without resulting in too many additional stations. Low protective capacity levels in the range of 2% to 5% are sufficient to cause substantial improvements in flow time without resulting in too many additional stations in the line. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Om die finale uitset van 'n produksiestelsel te maksimeer is dit noodsaaklik dat die bottelnek beskerm word teen fluktuasies en onderbrekings. In die "Theory of Constraints" filosofie word van twee soorte beskermingsmeganismes gebruik gemaak: tydbuffers en beskermende kapasiteit. Tydbuffers is beskermende tyd wat in die produksieskedule gevoeg word om sodoende die bottelnek teen onderbrekings te beskerm, terwyl beskermende kapasiteit ekstra produksiekapasiteit relatief tot die bottelnek se kapasiteit is wat by nie-bottelnekke gevoeg word. In hierdie navorsing IS 'n analitiese prosedure ontwikkel om meer akkurate berekenings van tydbuffergroottes te verkry in produksiestelsels wat volgens 'n "Theory of Constraints" filosofie bestuur word. Die prosedure maak gebruik van oop toustaan netwerk modellering waar werkstasies gemodelleer word as GIIG/m toue. Die analitiese prosedure is ge-evalueer met 'n simulasie eksperiment op 'n werklike vyftien stasie vloeiwinkel. Die resultate dui aan dat die analitiese prosedure akkuraat genoeg is om vinnig aanvanklike beramings vir die benodigde tydbuffergroottes tydens die ontwerpsfase van die produksiestelsel te verskaf. Verder is ook ondersoek ingestel na die effek van beskermende kapasiteitsvlakke by die sekondêre bottelnek asook die ander nie-bottelnekke op die gemiddelde deurvloeityd, die totale uitset, asook die bottelnek waarskynlikheid vir die primêre bottelnek in vloei produksiestelsels deur gebruik te maak van simulasie modelle en ANOVA. Twee verskillende tipes vloei produksiestelsels is ondersoek: (1) 'n vloeiwinkel met 'n vaste aantal stasies en 'n onbeperkte buffer spasie tussen stasies, en (2) 'n monteerlyn waar 'n totale werksinhoud op 'n bepaalde wyse onder stasies verdeel moet word en die aantal stasies nie vas is nie. Die eksperimentele studies dui aan dat die deurvloeitye en totale uitset van 'n vloeiwinkel me noemenswaardig beïnvloed word deur lae beskermende kapasiteitsvlakke by die sekondêre bottelnek nie. Hierdie maatstawwe word meer beïnvloed word deur die gemiddelde beskermende kapasiteitsvlakke by al die nie-bottelnekke. Lae beskermende kapasiteit by 'n enkele werkstasie kan egter die bottelnek waarskynlikheid vir die primêre bottelnek aansienlik verlaag indien dit voor en relatief na aan die primêre bottelnek in die prosesvloei geleë is, of na, maar relatief ver, vanaf die primêre bottelnek. 'n Sekondêre bottelnek ligging na maar relatief ver vanaf die primêre bottelnek in die prosesvloei veroorsaak ook langer deurvloeitye, en moet dus vermy word. Verder dui die navorsing aan dat redelike hoë gemiddelde beskermende kapasiteit by nie-bottelnekke benodig word om 'n meer stabiele primêre bottelnek te verseker. In vloeiwinkels met lae vlakke van variasie en onderbrekings is egter lae gemiddelde vlakke van beskermende kapasiteit by nie-bottelnekke voldoende om te verseker dat die maksimum ontwerpte uitset soos bepaal deur die benutting van die primêre bottelnek behaal word. Die resultate vir die monteerlyn eksperiment dui aan dat 'n ongebalanseerde lynkonfigurasie waar minder werk aan die nie-bottelnek stasies as aan die primêre bottelnek stasie toegeken word (maar niebottelnek stasies het 'n gelyke werksinhoud), aansienlike verlagings in deurvloeityd teweeg kan bring terwyl dieselfde lyn uitset behou word. Dit is moontlik sonder te veel addisionele stasies in die lyn. Die eksperimentele resultate dui aan dat lae beskermende kapasiteitsvlakke van tussen 2% tot 5% voldoende is om beduidende verlagings in deurvloeityd teweeg te bring sonder te veel addisionele stasies.

Leverantörshandbok : Varför, hur och med vilken effekt

Runsten, Louise, Andersson, Carin January 2015 (has links)
Som ett resultat av globaliseringen har produktionen av textila produkter flyttat utomlands, ett faktum som idag är mer en regel än ett undantag. Att hantera leverantörsledet med kulturella skillnader likväl som språkliga och fysiska avstånd har därför blivit en allt större del av företag- och leverantörsstyrning. Att använda dokument i form av en leverantörshandbok kan vara ett sätt att skapa hållbara och stabila samarbeten beställare och leverantör emellan. Genom att använda idén av en uppförandekod och ytterligare applicera andra viktiga faktorer i produktionen, exempelvis orderläggning, leveranser och dylikt, är det möjligt att skapa ett konsekvent arbete med alla företagets leverantörer. Denna uppsats utforskar leverantörshandböcker, vilka problem de kan lösa, hur de ska utformas samt vilken effekt de kan ha för det beställande företaget. Studien är genomförd genom en kombination av litteraturstudie, intervjuer, fallstudie samt studie av existerande leverantörshandböcker. Resultatet förtydligar olika aspekter gällande implementerandet av leverantörshandböcker, inklusive ett förslag på ramverk till fallstudieföretaget. Slutligen konkluderas att en leverantörshandbok kan vara bra hjälp till att lösa vanligt förekommande problem, exempelvis när företag arbetar med en mängd olika leverantörer då det är ett sätt att förbättra kommunikationen företag emellan. Handboken bjuder också på möjlighet till effektivisering, förutsatt att berörda interna rutiner anpassas där efter. / Due to the increasing globalization companies working across borders with suppliers in foreign countries is more a rule than an exception. Managing the cooperation regarding cultural differences as well as language barriers and physical distance is therefore becoming a larger part of company and production management. Using documents in the form of a Suppliers Guide could be an answer to making the collaboration solid and sustainable. By utilizing the idea of a Code of Conduct but incorporating other relevant parts of the production, such as routines in ordering, delivering etc, it is possible to provide a handbook for consistent work with all the companies’ suppliers. This article explores the matter of Suppliers Guides, what problems they solve, what they should include, as well as what effect they could have on the ordering company. This study was conducted through a literature study combined with interviews, a case study and a study of suppliers guides. The conclusion makes clear different aspects of implementing a Suppliers Guide including a suggestion of a framework for the subject of the Case study. Finding that Suppliers Guides could be a good help in eliminating common issues when working with a variety of suppliers, as they are a way of improving communication. Suppliers guides give possibilities of efficiency as long as surrounding internal routines are adapted.

Die voordeel wat doeltreffende en effektiewe toedeling van koste en produksie inhou vir prysdifferensiasie en die bestuur van trokdienste (Suid-Transvaal) as onderneming

29 September 2015 (has links)
M.A. (Economics) / The aim of this dissertation is to analyze industrial market demand in order to allow the management of Truck Services (Southern-Transvaal) to allocate cost and production efficiently and effectively. The implementation of a market driven capacity will ensure increased profit margins with expanded market shares. This is vital in an extremely competitive transport market ...

Proposta de um modelo de referência para planejamento e controle da produção em empresas virtuais. / Production management reference model for virtual enterprises.

Goulart, Christiane Peres 19 October 2000 (has links)
O conceito de Empresas Virtuais vem sendo amplamente discutido no atual contexto de globalização dos mercados e da produção. Uma Empresa Virtual (EV) é uma rede temporária de entidades que se unem para explorar uma oportunidade de negócio, compartilhando competências, custos e acesso ao mercado. Apesar da EV ser composta por várias empresas diferentes, é fundamental gerenciar essa rede como se fosse uma única empresa. No entanto, para formação de EVs voltadas a produtos manufaturados existe uma lacuna na sua fase de operação: a carência de métodos adequados para executar o planejamento e controle da produção. O objetivo deste trabalho é propor um modelo de referência para o planejamento e controle da produção em EV, visando dar suporte a sua operação distribuída, porém de forma integrada. Esse modelo define um conjunto de atividades para o planejamento e controle da produção em EVs, as informações necessárias para realizá-las e a estrutura organizacional responsável pela execução das mesmas. Para elaborar o modelo, são determinadas as características de EVs e de sua gestão da produção, e considerados os processos envolvidos no ciclo de vida de uma EV. Por fim, um exemplo do planejamento e controle da produção em uma EV fictícia é elaborado para ilustrar a utilização do modelo proposto. / The concept of Virtual Enterprises has been widely discussed in the current context of market and production globalization. A Virtual Enterprise (VE) is a temporary enterprise network that joint themselves to exploit a business opportunity by sharing competences, costs and market share. Even though a VE is composed by different enterprises, it is fundamental to manage this network like a single company. However, while forming a VE for manufacturing sector, there is a gap in the operational phase: the lack of appropriated methods to execute the production planning and control. The goal of this work is to propose a reference model for production planning and control in VE, in order to support its distributed operation, but in an integrated way. This model defines a set of activities for the production planning and control in a VE, the required information to perform them and also the organizational model responsible for their execution. To elaborate the model, it was determined the features of VEs and its production management, and also considered the VE lifecycle processes. An example of production planning and control in a fictitious VE is elaborated to illustrate the proposed model utilization.

Subsídios para utilização da base de dados corporativa na atividade de projetos. / Subsidies for using the corporate databse in the project activity.

Vizioli, Renato 09 February 2001 (has links)
Num cenário de constantes inovações tecnológicas e de surgimento de novos meios de informação, da viabilização de crescimentos produtivos e mesmo de novos conceitos organizacionais, fica difícil, muitas vezes, aproveitar-se toda a sinergia proveniente da combinação destas iniciativas. A estruturação de dados dentro de empresas não é nenhuma novidade. Tampouco a utilização de recursos computacionais no auxílio ao projeto como o desenho auxiliado por computador ou o cálculo estrutural através da utilização de softwares. Nesta dissertação, são abordados alguns aspectos sobre os benefícios de uma análise dos dados da empresa de modo a torná-los genéricos o suficiente e, paradoxalmente, específicos para os fatores críticos de sucesso da empresa. Ou seja, de como otimizar a utilização dos dados - vistos como informações - sem gerar, no entanto, redundâncias e esforços improdutivos. Como exemplificação deste tipo de enfoque, trata-se o uso do dado (informação) na área de projeto, pois, nesta área, tida normalmente como altamente técnica, há uma penetração muito pequena dos dados corporativos, fato este que acaba segregando-a e consequentemente, tornando-a menos eficiente. / On a scenario full of technological improvements and with the appearing of new information media, the new production growing possibilities and even of new organizational concepts, usually, it is difficult to get all the possible synergy from the combination of all these initiatives. Data structuring in companies is not a new issue, either the use of the computers to aid in the project area. Computer Aided Design and Computer Aided Engineering are examples of this use. This thesis shows some aspects of the benefits provided by an enterprise data analysis that preserves a broad character to data and, paradoxically, gives them a strong focus on the key processes and critical factors of success. Or, in other terms, how to optimize the use of data - understanding data as information - without generating redundancy and unproductive efforts. To exemplify this kind of assumption, the project area use of data will be viewed, because, in this specific area, mostly known as avery technical area, there is a few penetration of the corporate data, causing a segregation and consequently bringing some inefficiency.

The impacts of organizational culture and supply chain management (SCM) practices on enterprise resources planning (ERP) decisions. / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / ProQuest dissertations and theses

January 2011 (has links)
Based on the findings of previous studies, we propose that culture and management practices significantly influence ERP decisions that include using or not using ERP and using which type of ERP system. To provide more insights for the ERP vendors to develop systems which fit Chinese culture and practices as well as for Chinese manufacturers to choose a suitable ERP system, this study explores and aims to empirically validate factors influencing ERP decisions from the perspectives of organizational culture and SCM practices. / In the past decade, more and more Chinese manufacturers adopt enterprise resources planning (ERP) systems to facilitate their planning, manufacturing, logistics and other business processes and management. Meanwhile, how to choose a suitable ERP system becomes a difficult problem for many companies. / Scholars have conducted many studies related to ERP decision problem. Findings of those existing studies have provided important references for companies to make decision on using or not using ERP system. However, very limit insight can be found from the previous studies regarding of which type of ERP system should be chosen. / We propose two research models integrating organizational culture, SCM practices and ERP decisions, based on a comprehensive review on the literatures of IT and culture, management practices and culture. We conduct a survey in the manufacturing firms in five cities in Pearl River Delta (PRD) regions and empirically validate our research models. The empirical results indicate that process versus results oriented, open versus closed system and information sharing significantly influence the decision on using or not using ERP system; in addition, loose versus tight control, normative versus pragmatic, information quality and internal agile practices significantly influence the decision on using which type of ERP system. / Tang, Mincong. / Advisers: Xiande Zhao; Waiman Cheung. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 73-07(E), Section: A. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2011. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 179-205). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, MI : ProQuest dissertations and theses, [201-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstract and appendix also in Chinese.

Multimedia applications in production information management.

January 1993 (has links)
by Ip Kin-ting, Joma. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1993. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 47-49). / ABSTRACT --- p.ii / TABLE OF CONTENTS --- p.iii / ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS --- p.v / Chapter / Chapter I. --- INTRODUCTION --- p.1 / Background --- p.1 / Objective --- p.2 / Report Organization --- p.2 / Chapter II. --- RESEARCH METHODOLOGY --- p.3 / Methodology --- p.3 / Problem Definition --- p.3 / Information Needs --- p.3 / Information Collection --- p.4 / Analysis and Conclusion --- p.4 / Chapter III. --- MULTIMEDIA TECHNOLOGY - AN OVERVIEW --- p.5 / Definition --- p.5 / Benefits --- p.6 / Major Components of Multimedia systems --- p.6 / Typical Multimedia Systems --- p.12 / Multimedia Standards --- p.15 / Existing Multimedia Applications --- p.16 / The Trend --- p.18 / Summary --- p.20 / Chapter IV. --- PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT - AN OVERVIEW --- p.22 / Definition --- p.22 / Major Production Management Activities --- p.22 / Manufacturing Resource Planning --- p.26 / Just-in-time Manufacturing --- p.27 / Computerised Production Information Systems --- p.28 / The Trend --- p.32 / Summary --- p.34 / Chapter V. --- INTERVIEW REPORTS --- p.35 / Rototech --- p.35 / Kitty & Kettie Supermarket Limited --- p.36 / Summary --- p.36 / Chapter VI. --- MULTIMEDIA TECHNOLOGY IN PRODUCTION INFORMATION MANAGEMENT --- p.37 / The Role of Multimedia Technology in Production Information Management --- p.37 / Existing Applications --- p.38 / The Opportunities --- p.41 / Summary --- p.43 / Chapter VII. --- CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS --- p.44 / BIBLIOGRAPHY --- p.47

Improvements in scheduling, partnerships with suppliers and subcontractors, quality control, and material control at Cebu branch of Onda Button Selling Company.

January 1998 (has links)
by Onda, Shigejiro. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1998. / Includes bibliographical references (leaf [52]). / Chapter I --- Introduction --- p.1 / Chapter II --- Methodology --- p.3 / Chapter III --- Background of the Target Company --- p.4 / Chapter IV --- Description of the Operations --- p.5 / Workers --- p.6 / Each Section at the Cebu Factory --- p.5 / Chapter V --- Manufacturing Processes --- p.9 / Vanguard --- p.9 / Mensou and Henkei --- p.11 / Engraving --- p.13 / Chapter VI --- Problems Identified --- p.16 / Delays --- p.16 / Material Management --- p.20 / Quality Control --- p.21 / Chapter VII --- Recommendations --- p.24 / Scheduling and Control --- p.24 / Material Control --- p.27 / Organizing Materials --- p.33 / Partnerships with Suppliers --- p.34 / Partnerships with Subcontractors --- p.38 / Minimizing Setup Time --- p.40 / Quality Control --- p.42 / Chapter VIII --- Conclusions --- p.45 / Appendix / References

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