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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Union Representatives’ Stories: From Leading the Classroom to Leading a District

Magaditsch, Holly 30 March 2018 (has links)
While much is known about what contributes to teacher attrition, there is less research on those who leave teaching positions to work as a union representative. The purpose of this study was to explore how three teacher union representatives frame their experiences with mobility, leadership, and advocacy in education. The research question was: How do former teachers enter and perform the role of teacher union representative? The sub-level questions were: a) How do they story their transition from teaching students to representing teachers? b) How do they frame the responsibility of teacher unions and teacher union representatives to advocate? Data were collected using semi-structured interviews, examined for story elements and plot, and interpreted using a framework on working conditions (House, 1981). The major theme was that educators left their positions as teachers in response to emotional, instrumental, informational and appraisal factors, namely discrepancies between what they wanted and what was provided as part of their working conditions. The findings are: 1) Working conditions pushed educators to pursue union leadership, 2) Professional responsibilities of a Union Representative varied 3) Issues for which Union Representatives advocated involved the improvement of working conditions. The findings are discussed, as are implications for revising the theoretical framework for use in future studies with regard to the fluidity of the advocacy process, and the long-term sustainability of American Educational Unions. Recommended are longitudinal studies to determine how teacher union representatives’ frame their narratives of working conditions and advocacy in response to changes in legislation, including union decertification, over time. Keywords: advocacy, union representation, working conditions, administrators, teacher’s rights, framing and professional mobility.

Государственное регулирование профессиональной мобильности молодежи в регионе: социологический анализ : магистерская диссертация / The state management of youth professional mobility in the region: sociological analysis

Брайнин, Б. А., Braynin, B. A. January 2019 (has links)
Диссертационная работа посвящена изучению направлений и тенденций профессиональной мобильности поствузовской молодежи в индустриальном регионе, а также механизмов ее государственного регулирования. Эмпирическую базу исследования составили результаты авторского комплексного социологического исследования выпускников вузов Свердловской области (N=300) и экспертов – специалистов в области молодежной политики и регулирования занятостью, в работе были использованы нормативно-правовые акты РФ, государственные федеральные и региональные программы, документы, регулирующие профессиональную мобильность в России и регионах. С позиции интегративного подхода профессиональная мобильность выпускников вузов определена автором как интеграция и перемещения выпускников вузов в социально-профессиональной структуре общества с изменением или без изменения социального статуса (в том числе, профессиональный и карьерный рост), происходящие в результате взаимодействия объективных условий жизнедеятельности молодежи и ее субъективных жизненных и профессиональных намерений. Выделены и проанализированы внешние (нормативно-правовые акты, образование, рынок труда, инновации и технологический прогресс) и внутренние (мотивационный потенциал и профессиональное самоопределение) социальные механизмы регулирования профессиональной мобильности. Выявлены проблемы, негативно влияющие на профессиональную мобильность молодежи в Свердловской области: практика неофициального трудоустройства, трудоустройства не по полученной в университете профессии, низкая информированность и мотивированность молодежи к участию в государственных программах, направленных на активизацию профессиональных перемещений. Разработана эмпирическая типология выпускников Свердловской области на основе характера трудоустройства (по специальности/ не по специальности) и степени удовлетворенности работой. В заключении представлены рекомендации, которые могут быть использованы муниципальными органами управления для повышения эффективности регулирования профессиональной мобильности в Свердловской области. / The thesis is devoted to the study of trends in professional mobility of post-graduate youth in the industrial region, as well as the mechanisms of its state regulation. The empirical base of the study was the results of the author’s comprehensive sociological study of graduates of the universities of the Sverdlovsk region (N = 300) and experts - specialists in the field of youth policy and employment regulation; the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, state federal and regional programs, and documents regulating professional mobility in Russia and regions. Using the integrative approach author defined the professional mobility of university graduates as their integration and movement in the socio-professional structure of society with or without changing social status (including professional and career growth) resulting from the interaction between objective conditions of youth’s life and their subjective professional intentions. External (normative legal acts, education, labor market, innovations and technological progress) and internal (motivational potential and professional self-determination) social mechanisms for regulating professional mobility are identified and analyzed. The problems that negatively affect the professional mobility of youth in the Sverdlovsk region were identified: the practice of informal employment, employment not in the profession received at the university, low awareness and motivation of young people to participate in government programs aimed at enhancing professional movements. An empirical typology of graduates of the Sverdlovsk region based on the nature of employment (in the specialty / not in the specialty) and the degree of job satisfaction is developed. The conclusion presents recommendations that can be used by municipal authorities to improve the regulation of professional mobility in the Sverdlovsk region.

Stratégies d'accumulation des exploitants agricoles : l'exemple des cacaoculteurs du Centre Cameroun de 1910 à 2010 / Farmers' accumulation strategies : the example of cocoa farmers in Central Cameroon between 1910 and 2010

Pédelahore, Philippe 29 June 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse, réalisée au Cameroun, analyse les stratégies et les trajectoires d’accumulation en surfaces cacaoyères de trois générations de planteurs couvrant la période 1910-2010. Pour cela, nous avons réalisé des entretiens semi directifs auprès d’un échantillon de 82 planteurs représentatifs des différentes tailles d’exploitations cacaoyères. L’analyse des trajectoires montre que si l’accumulation en surfaces cacaoyères est de quelques hectares pour les deux premières générations de planteurs, la génération actuelle conduit depuis trente ans, surtout dans les zones de fronts pionniers, des processus d’accumulation pouvant atteindre plusieurs dizaines d’hectares. Ces hauts niveaux d’accumulation en surfaces cacaoyères sont majoritairement le fait d’exploitants disposant d’importants volumes de capitaux financiers provenant d’activités non agricoles, généralement urbaines. La mobilité spatiale, vers les fronts pionniers ou vers la ville, et la mobilité professionnelle, qui permet de mêler activités agricoles et non agricoles, apparaissent ainsi comme les stratégies les plus performantes pour accumuler d’importantes surfaces cacaoyères. Ces stratégies conduisent au développement de grandes exploitations cacaoyères patronales ou capitalistes qui renforcent les processus de marchandisation de la terre et de la force de travail. Ces grandes exploitations entrent en concurrence pour l’accès au foncier avec les petites exploitations familiales et conduisent à une prolétarisation d’une partie des agriculteurs les plus pauvres. Ces résultats incitent à développer des politiques de recherche moins centrées sur l’amélioration des pratiques techniques et des rendements et plus attentives à la mobilité de la force de travail et des capitaux financiers entre les différents secteurs de l’économie nationale et du territoire. Ils invitent aussi L’Etat à ne pas abandonner au seul jeu du marché la gestion et le devenir des hommes et des territoires. / This thesis, which was undertaken in Cameroon, analyses the cocoa surface area accumulation trajectories and strategies of three generations of cocoa planters, covering the period 1910-2010. To do so, we carried out semi-structured interviews with a sample of 82 planters representing different sized cocoa plantations. The analysis of their trajectories shows that while the first two generations of planters accumulated just a few hectares of cocoa land, over the past thirty years, the current generation has accumulated several dozens of hectares, particularly in the frontier areas. Farmers with large amounts of financial capital generated through non-agricultural, and generally urban, activities mainly are responsible for these high levels of accumulation of cacao land. Spatial mobility, in the direction of the frontier regions or towards the city, and professional mobility, which allows agricultural and non-agricultural activities to be mixed, thus appears to be the most effective strategy for accumulating large surface areas for cocoa production. These strategies lead to the development of large capitalist and enterprise cocoa plantations that reinforce the commoditization of land and labour. These large plantations compete with small family farms over land, leading to the proletarianisation of some of the poorest farmers. These results suggest that there is a need to develop research policies which focus less on improving technical practices and yields and more on the mobility of the labour force and of financial capital between the different sectors of the national economy and between regions. The results also indicate that the government should not abandon the management and future of these people and territories to the free market alone.

Sociální mobilita potomků imigrantů ze zemí Maghrebu ve francouzské společnosti / The social mobility of the descendants of immigrants from Maghreb countries in French society

Šerá, Tereza January 2013 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is the question of immigration in contemporary (Western) European societies which is treated by detailed exposition of the concrete historical case of immigration from the Maghreb countries (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia) to France during the 20th century. The first part of the work consists of the brief history of immigration to France and of the wider theoretical context for the sociological inquiry of the phenomena linked with immigration, especially the paradoxical situation which results from the fact of immigration in the nation states and the logic of the formation of the interethnic relations. As a theoretical support for following analysis, several theories are presented: Goffman's theory of stigmatization, Becker's labelling theory, theory of the social representations of Moscovici and Merton's concept of self-fullfilling prophecy. In the second part, the particular case of immigration from Maghreb countries to France is examined with the special attention to the social representations made in French society in the context of this historical process. The main subject of this work is the situation of the descendants of immigrants from Maghreb countries in the French society, especially their position in its social structure - the third part therefore consists of the analysis...

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