Spelling suggestions: "subject:"5project management -- south africa."" "subject:"5project management -- south affrica.""
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Project management delays : project management delays with specific reference to the building and construction industry of the Western CapeKruger, I. J. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study is to investigate reasons for delays and
disruptions in project management, with specific reference to the
building and construction industries of the Western Cape. The reason
for the study can be posed in the form of a question, "Why, even
though the construction and building industry possess the skills of
highly competent people do a substantial percentage of projects still
experience significant delays and disruptions often leading to
financial and program difficulties?"
The study can point to certain problem areas in the building and civil
industries that might need to be addressed in order to make the
industry more manageable and even to get the industry better aligned
with the rapid changing business environment. It is not unrealistic to
make the statement that a fast developing industry like the
Information Technology industry will have a huge influence on the
manner in which building and civil projects will be managed in the
Electronic Networking Technology (ENT) is a new and very powerful
tool in the discipline of project management. It is clear from the study
that ENT is not widely used in the building and construction
industries. The cellphone is probably the piece of electronical
equipment that has had the biggest impact on the way projects are
managed in the past couple of years. By far the biggest form of communication in a project is orally informal. Already cellphones are
being integrated with ENT and this will make managing from site or
while on the move even easier.
The use of ENT appears to be limited to e-mail messages. ENT is not
an accepted project management tool in the industries yet. It will take
a good couple of years before this is entrenched, accepted and
widely used in construction project management. It is the author's
opinion that ENT will be brought into the industries, as the newly
qualified construction project managers move upward through the
It is also clear from the study that the role-players in the industry are
very aware of a commercial division in the industries. On the one side
of the division is the clients and the consultants and on the other
side, the main contractors, sub-contractors and suppliers. This divide
is perceived as an unhealthy divide and all parties would like to see it
narrowed or completely removed.
Clients, consultants, contractors and suppliers need to work more
closely together to remove this commercial division present in the
industry. This would require a whole paradigm shift. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie mini-werkstuk is om die redes vir vertragings en
versteurings in projekbestuur te ondersoek, met spesifieke verwysing
na die konstruksie- en boubedryf in die Wes Kaap. Die rede vir die
studie kan in die vorm van 'n vraag gestel word, "Waarom, alhoewel
die konstruksie- en boubedryf beskik oor die vaardighede van hoogs
bevoegde persone, is daar nog steeds 'n substantiële hoeveelheid
vertragings en versteurings in projekte wat dikwels finansiële and
tydsverloop probleme tot gevolg het?"
Die studie sal poog om sekere probleem areas in die konstruksie- en
boubedryf uit te wys, wat indien aangespreek sou word, die
konstruksie en boubedryf beter sal sinkroniseer met die snel
veranderende besigheids omgewing waarbinne die bedrywe
funksioneer. Dit is nie vergesog om die stelling te maak dat 'n vinnig
ontwikkelende industrie soos die Informasie Tegnolgie industrie 'n
enorme invloed sal hê op die manier waarop konstruksie- en
bouprojekte in die toekoms bestuur sal word nie.
Elektroniese Netwerk Tegnologie (ENT) is 'n relatief nuwe en kragtige
hulpbron in die disipline van projekbestuur. Dit was duidelik vanuit
die studie dat ENT nog nie intensief in die konstruksie- en boubedryf
gebruik word nie. Die selfoon is waarskynlik die elektroniese
apparaat wat die grootste impak op projekbestuur gehad het die
afgelope paar jaar. Die oorgrootte meerderheid van kommunikasie in projekbestuur word mondelings informeel gedoen. Selfone word
alreeds geintegreer met ENT deur WAP (Wireless Application
Protocol) tegnologie. Dit sal projekbestuur vanaf die terrein of op die
pad aansienlik vergemaklik.
Die gebruik van ENT bleik beperk te wees tot e-pos boodskappe. ENT
is hoegenaamd nog nie 'n ten volle benutte hulpbron in die
konstruksie- en bou bedryf nie. Dit sal nog 'n hele paar jaar neem
voordat ENT 'n behoorlik ingeburgerde hulpbron in die konstruksie en
boubedryf is. Dit is die skrywer se opinie dat ENT in die
konstruksie en boubedryf ingefaseer sal word soos die nuwe jong
konstruksie- en boubedryf projekbestuurders opwaarts deur die
bedryf beweeg.
Dit is ook duidelik vanuit die studie dat daar 'n duidelike kommersiële
skeiding in die konstruksie- en boubedryf teenwoordig is. Aan die een
kant van die skeiding het ons die kliënt en die konsultant en aan die
ander kant van die skeiding het ons die kontrakteur, sub-kontrakteur,
vervaardiger en verskaffer. Die skeiding dra by tot vertragings en
versteurings van projekte. Die skeiding word beskou as 'n ongesonde
skeiding en daar moet gepoog word om die skeiding te vernou of te
verwyder. Kliënte, konsultante, kontrakteurs, vervaardigers en verskaffers moet
nouer saamwerk om die skeiding te vernou of te verwyder. 'n
Paradigma-skuif in die hele bedryf sal hiervoor nodig wees.
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Development of a project plan to enhance the import process for Clear Blue InternationalPeters, Marc 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Clear Blue International (pty) Ltd (CBI) is a swimming pool construction company
that is in need of a high performance swimming pool pump in order to offer a
competitive tender for the construction of an intricate swimming pool at a prestigious
resort. There is one supplier of this particular pump in South Africa and due to their
sole distributorship and the pump's technical specifications, it is sold at a very
expensive price. The result being that CBI can't offer a competitive tender by this
means, instead they need to source the pump from another source at a lower price. It
was decided to develop a project plan to facilitate the importation process, which is
the outcome of this study.
A thorough analysis of project management is conducted and incorporated into the
importation process. The study takes into consideration the intricacy of the
importation process and how this can be facilitated by project management that will
lead to success for CBI.
CBI recognises that in order to stand out in a highly competitive industry they need to
re-invent themselves by new and innovative means in order to stand out from the rest.
Project management has proven to be the means by which they can add value to their
corporate image.
This study provides a useful template that can be of benefit to other importers that
wish to use project management and it can be adjusted accordingly to a particular
commodity and importers requirements. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Clear Blue International (Edms) Bpk (CBI) is 'n swembad konstruksie-maatskappy.
Hulle benodig 'n hoe verrigting pomp met die oog op 'n mededingende tender vir die
bou van 'n ingewikkelde swembad-konstruksie by 'n toonaangewende oord. Daar is
huidiglik net een verskaffer van hierdie spesifieke pomp in Suid-Afrika en vanwee
hulle alleen-verspreiding, plus die pomp se spesifieke tegniese spesifikasies, word dit
teen 'n baie hoe prys verkoop. CBI kan tans nie 'n mededingende tender verskaf nie
en wil daarom die pomp eers teen 'n laer prys vanuit 'n ander oord bekom. Die besluit
was dus om 'n projek-plan te inisieer om die invoer-proses te vergemaklik, wat die
resultaat van hierdie studie is.
'n Deeglike analise van projek bestuur is aangevoer en by die invoer-proses geinkorporeer.
Hierdie studie neem ook die ingewikkeldheid van die invoer-proses
in ag en hoe projek bestuur dit kan vergemaklik en sodoende kan bydra tot die sukses
vir CBI.
CBI besef dat, om uit te staan in 'n hoogs mededingende industrie, hulle hulself moet
vernuwe op 'n innoverende wyse. Projek bestuur is bewys as die metode waarby hulle
hul korporatiewe beeld kan verhoog.
Die studie verskaf 'n waardevolle profielvorm waarby ander invoerders wat projek
bestuur wil implementeer, ook kan baat vind. Dit kan aangepas word volgens
spesifieke handelsartikels en invoer-voorskrifte.
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The role of project management in strategy execution within the South African telecommunications industryBurgers, Claud Arthur 02 1900 (has links)
This study analyses the role of project management during strategy execution within the telecommunications environment in South Africa. The study is qualitative in nature and utilises semi-structured face-to-face interviews with participants. Content analysis is utilised from a data analysis perspective. For the cross-case analysis an adapted version of the Interactive Qualitative Analysis technique was utilised to complete this.
This qualitative study found that there is a disconnect when utilising the project management discipline during strategy execution. This is due to a lack of corporate process ownership regarding the concepts under study. A further finding is that projects are selected based on financial viability even though a formal criteria is constituted for the selection of projects. Within this study, strategy execution results are achieved by applying dynamic processes when utilising the project management discipline. A project management based strategy execution framework will aid effective strategy execution in this regard.
This research is a cross sectional study at a particular point in time and not a longitudinal study over an extended period. The study does not have extensive cause and effect, behaviour and additional informational characteristics for informed theory building over an extended period as with a longitudinal study. The study has been conducted across four cases within a specific industry. An extensive sample across different industries would have allowed for better generalisability. / Hierdie studie ontleed die rol van projekbestuur gedurende strategie-uitvoering in die telekommunikasie-omgewing in Suid-Afrika. Die studie is kwalitatief van aard en gebruik semi-gestruktureerde, persoonlike onderhoude met deelnemers. Inhoudsontleding word aangewend vanuit 'n dataontledingsperspektief. 'n Aangepaste weergawe van die interaktiewe kwalitatiewe ontledingstegniek is gebruik om die kruisgeval-ontleding te doen.
Hierdie kwalitatiewe studie het bevind dat daar 'n onsamehangendheid is wanneer die projekbestuurdissipline gedurende strategie-uitvoering aangewend word. Hierdie is weens 'n gebrek aan korporatiewe proses-eienaarskap rakende die konsepte wat ondersoek word. 'n Verdere bevinding is dat projekte gekies word op grond van finansiële lewensvatbaarheid, hoewel formele kriteria saamgestel word om projekte te kies. In hierdie studie word strategie-uitvoeringsresultate bereik deur dinamiese prosesse toe te pas wanneer die projekbestuurdissipline aangewend word. 'n Uitvoeringsraamwerk vir 'n projekbestuurgebaseerde strategie sal effektiewe strategie-uitvoering help in hierdie opsig.
Hierdie navorsing is 'n deursnee-studie op 'n bepaalde tydsduur en nie 'n longitudinale studie oor 'n uitgebreide tydperk nie. Die studie het nie 'n breedvoerige oorsaak en uitwerking, gedrags- en addisionele inligtingseienskappe vir ingeligte teoriebou oor 'n uitgebreide tydperk soos met 'n longitudinale studie nie. Die studie is oor vier gevalle in 'n spesifieke bedryf uitgevoer. 'n Breedvoerige steekproefneming oor verskillende bedrywe sou vir 'n beter veralgemening gesorg het. / Hierdie studie ontleed die rol van projekbestuur gedurende strategie-uitvoering in die telekommunikasie-omgewing in Suid-Afrika. Die studie is kwalitatief van aard en gebruik semi-gestruktureerde, persoonlike onderhoude met deelnemers. Inhoudsontleding word aangewend vanuit 'n dataontledingsperspektief. 'n Aangepaste weergawe van die interaktiewe kwalitatiewe ontledingstegniek is gebruik om die kruisgeval-ontleding te doen.
Hierdie kwalitatiewe studie het bevind dat daar 'n onsamehangendheid is wanneer die projekbestuurdissipline gedurende strategie-uitvoering aangewend word. Hierdie is weens 'n gebrek aan korporatiewe proses-eienaarskap rakende die konsepte wat ondersoek word. 'n Verdere bevinding is dat projekte gekies word op grond van finansiële lewensvatbaarheid, hoewel formele kriteria saamgestel word om projekte te kies. In hierdie studie word strategie-uitvoeringsresultate bereik deur dinamiese prosesse toe te pas wanneer die projekbestuurdissipline aangewend word. 'n Uitvoeringsraamwerk vir 'n projekbestuurgebaseerde strategie sal effektiewe strategie-uitvoering help in hierdie opsig.
Hierdie navorsing is 'n deursnee-studie op 'n bepaalde tydsduur en nie 'n longitudinale studie oor 'n uitgebreide tydperk nie. Die studie het nie 'n breedvoerige oorsaak en uitwerking, gedrags- en addisionele inligtingseienskappe vir ingeligte teoriebou oor 'n uitgebreide tydperk soos met 'n longitudinale studie nie. Die studie is oor vier gevalle in 'n spesifieke bedryf uitgevoer. 'n Breedvoerige steekproefneming oor verskillende bedrywe sou vir 'n beter veralgemening gesorg het. / Isifinyezo esiqukethe umongo wocwaningo
Lolu cwaningo luhlaziya indima ye-project management ngesikhathi sokusetshenziswa kwesu kumkhakha wobuxhakaxhaka bokuxhumana ngezingcingo i-telecommunication eNingizimu Afrika. Ucwaningo ngolwenhlobo ye-qualitative kanti lusebenzisa ama-interview ahlelekile kodwa angenazihibe eziqinile, ukuqondana nalabo ababamba iqhaza ubuso nobuso. Kusetshenziswa inqubo yokuhlaziywa kwe-data lapho kuhlaziywa ingqikithi. Lapho kuhlaziywa nokuqhathanisa ama-case, kuye kwasetshenziswa ithekniki ebizwa ngokuthi yi-Interactive Qualitative Analysis ukuphetha lo msebenzi.
Lolu cwaningo lwe-qualitative, luye lwathola ukuthi kukhona ukungaxhumani noma ukungahambelani phakathi kwe-project management kanye nesu ngesikhathi kusetshenziswa isu. Lokhu kungenxa yokusweleka kobunikazi kwinqubo ye-corporate maqondana nemibono okucwaningwa ngayo. Kanti futhi kubuye kwatholakala ukuthi amaprojekthi akhethwa ngkulandela ukuthi ngabe azongenisa imali yini ngisho noma kubekwe imibandela ethize ekukhethweni kwamaprojekthi. Kulolu cwaningo, imiphumela yesu lokusebenza ifezeka ngokusebenzisa izinqubo ezisebenza ngokuphezulo lapho kusetshenziswa inqubo ye-project management. Uhlaka olugxile ekusetshenzisweni kwe-project management luzosiza ekufakeni kahle kwesu lapho lusetshenziswa maqondana nalokhu.
Lolu cwaningo luxhumanisa ukuqhathanisa eminye imikhakha yocwaningo ngesikhathi esithile kanti akulona ucwaningo olulandelelwa isikhathi eside. Lolu cwaningi alunawo umkhakha wembangela nomphumela, imibandela yokuziphatha kanye neminye imibandela yolwazi olungezelelwe ukwakha ithiyori esekelwe phezu kolwazi esikhathini socwaningo olulandelelwa isikhathi eside. Lolu cwaningo lwenziwe kuma-case amane kwimboni ethile eyodwa. Ukuthatha amasampuli ajulile ezimboni ezehlukene bekuzobe kusize ukuthi imiphumela ikwazi ukubonelela nokwengamela ngokunabile. / Business Management / D.B.L.
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Factors influencing the effectiveness of project managers in the telecommunications industry in South AfricaNdlovu, Pholani January 2017 (has links)
Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Management Sciences (Business Administration), Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2017. / The South African mobile telecommunications industry has grown into a multi-billion rand industry that employs thousands of people and connects millions of people across the globe. In order to accomplish the latter, multi-million rand capital projects must be initiated and successfully executed. It is against this background that this study investigated the factors influencing the effectiveness of project managers in the telecommunications industry in South Africa.
The target population of the study consisted of project managers in the five telecommunications companies in South Africa who were registered with Project Management South Africa (PMSA). The primary data, which was collected personally by the researcher through self-administered questionnaires, was analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), Version 23.
The study revealed, inter alia, that most project managers in the telecommunications industry in South Africa perceived negotiating skills, technical knowledge, and management style as being most important for effectively confronting the many challenges faced by them, inter alia, scope management, quality management, and risk management, so that projects were successfully executed. There was unanimity amongst the project managers that training in project management had a positive impact on the performance of project managers. Although three out of every four project managers possessed a postgraduate qualification, the majority of project managers were of the view that a diploma was adequate to practice as a project manager in the telecommunications industry in South Africa. However, it was more important for project managers to possess project management qualifications.
In addition to the above, an analysis of the results revealed that, in order of importance, the effectiveness of the project managers in the telecommunications industry in South Africa was influenced by communication skills, technical skills, education skills, leadership skills, interpersonal skills and negotiating skills. / M
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Evaluation and identification of critical success factors in the running of successful food security projects within the Eastern Cape Department of Rural Development and Agrarian Reform, in the Amahlhathi local municipalityTali, Patrick January 2013 (has links)
The challenges of food insecurity and the manner in which it can be addressed is a global concern. Governments throughout the world have strived for means to address global food security either through development of Millennium Development Goals or United Nations protocols. It is a major concern that the South African Government has made it its centre focus to address the challenge of food security. In the Eastern Cape, the Department of Rural Development and Agrarian Reform has embarked on numerous food production programmes in an attempt to address this challenge. It is however noticeable that these attempts somehow did not manage to address their intended purpose. A study of literature with the aim of identifying critical success factors was done. The critical success factors identified and explored were, project management, establishing a clear mission and project objectives, addressing challenges and opportunities of social, environmental and economical sustainability, addressing physiological needs of the beneficiaries, involving the youth and community, role of extension services, training and capacity development, create local partnership and on-going monitoring and evaluation. The factors were then explored through a study of projects from the food production programme in Amahlathi Local Municipality in the Eastern Cape Province. A multiple case study wherein a purposive selection of four food security projects selected from two food security programmes was conducted. A structured questionnaire was used to source the information from all members of the selected projects to evaluate the existence of the critical factors. The main aim was to test whether these factors, if they existed in these projects, contributed to their existence. The findings reveal that none of the identified factors existed in the selected projects and though not proven, the non-existence of these factors has resulted in these projects being in survival mode instead of a sustainable state. A recommendation is made of a further study focusing on a bigger sample wherein these factors could be tested. The study could assist in developing a formal model for the running of these projects successfully.
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Influences on construction project delivery timeOlatunji, Aiyetan Ayodeji January 2010 (has links)
Construction delays are a global phenomenon. Factors causing construction delays in construction projects differ from country to country, due to different prevailing conditions. The prevailing conditions that could exert an influence on project delivery time are: political, economic, and physical factors as well as level of technological development; management style, and construction techniques. The construction industry is a major player in the economy, generating both employment and wealth. However, many projects experience extensive delays and thereby exceed initial time and cost estimates. This study aims at determining the causes of delays in project delivery in South Africa; evolving interventions, and developing a model for the delivery of projects on time. Inferential and linear regression statistical tools were used in the analysis of data for the study. The sample population consists of architects, builders, quantity surveyors, structural engineers, and clients, and the metropolitan cities of five provinces constituted the geographical delimitation of the study. The provinces are: Eastern Cape; Free State; Gauteng; KwaZulu-Natal, and Western Cape. The metropolitan cities are: Bloemfontein; Cape Town; Durban; Johannesburg, and Port Elizabeth. Findings which negatively influence project delivery time in South Africa include the following: lack of adequate planning; management style; the lack of constructability reviews of designs; inadequate motivation of workers; economic policies; lack of prompt payment to contractors, and quality of management during design and construction. Recommendations include: (1) The introduction of the following courses in built environment tertiary education � quality management competences; operational planning; design management, and generic management; (2) pre-qualification of suppliers; (3) inclusion of the following in tender documentation � human resource schedule; plant and equipment schedule; quality assurance plan, and work schedule; (4) appointment of materials specialists on a large projects; (5) the model developed should be adopted for use in the South African construction industry for the delivery of projects on time, and (6) the linear regression equation: Y = 13.1159 + 1.1341x or 35.3 percent addition on time for the estimation of project delivery time.
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Theory-based evaluation, logic modelling and the experience of SA non-governmental organisationsWildschut, Lauren Patricia 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study examined the origins and development of theory-based evaluation (TBE) and the logic models associated with this approach. This was done in order to better understand the roots and evolution of these models which are currently used by donor agencies both nationally and internationally. It was found that logic models, which are used for both project management and evaluation, had their origins in a range of domains including management, education and curriculum design from as early as 1909. Early evaluators from the education, training and health sectors as well as contextual factors such as the professionalization of evaluation and an ever- increasing demand for accountability contributed significantly to the development of both TBE and its associated models.
A systematic review of a large sample of logic models and logical frameworks was conducted in order to bring some order and clarity to the plethora of models facing stakeholders in the field of evaluation. It was discovered that four key types of logic models and two key types of logframes face developers and users of models but that the "branding" of donors of their particular demand for accountability, obscures this fact. In order to understand the experience of South African Non-Governmental Organisations when engaging with donors and their demands for accountability a survey was carried out of those organisations which were utilising a specialised form of planning tool. The findings of this study show that South African donors, like their international counterparts, mainly use the models associated with TBE to obtain standardised and focused evidence of results from projects albeit with a distinct scepticism about the actual necessity of some of the donor requirements. Most Non-Governmental Organisations view the donor requirements, such as the logic model and logical framework, as necessary in the funding relationship despite indicating that they find the models inflexible.
The study not only makes a contribution to an under-researched area in programme evaluation, it also provides insights into an under-researched area of the South African Non-Governmental sector. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van die studie was om 'n in-diepte begrip van die ontwikkeling van logika modelle ("logic models") en logika raamwerke ("logical framework") te ontwikkel ten einde die ervarings van Suid-Afrikaans nie-regeringsorganisasies met donateurs beter te begryp. In besonder was die doel om vas te stel hoe sodanige organisasies die vereistes rondom projekbeplanning, monitering, evaluasie en rapportering ervaar. Die studie het gevind dat die oorspronge van hierdie modelle, wat beide vir projekbestuur en evaluasie gebruik word, te vinde is in verskeie areas insluit bestuur, opvoedkunde and kurrikulumontwerp. Die eerste generasie evalueerders in opvoedkunde, opleiding en gesondheid sowel as kontekstuele faktore soos die professionalisering van evaluasie en die immer-toenemende vereistes van rekenpligtigheid het alles beduidend bygedra tot die ontwikkeling van logika modelle.
'n Sistematiese oorsig en ontleding van 'n beduidende steekproef van logika modelle en raamwerke is uitgevoer ten einde meer helderheid en sistematiek te kry in 'n domein waar daar uiteenlopende benaderings en modelle is. Daar is gevind dat vier sleuteltipes logika modelle en twee sleuteltipes logika raamwerke deur die meeste organisasies gebruik word maar dat verskillende befondsingsagentskappe en organisasies hul eie betekenis en inhoud aan hul logika modelle gee. Ten einde die ervarings van Suid-Afrikaanse nie-regerings organisasies te begryp is 'n opname uitgestuur aan alle organisasies wat hierdie raamwerke gebruik. Die resultate van die opname wys dat Suid-Afrikaanse befondsagentskappe, soos hulle internasionele vennote, veral modelle gebruik wat geasosieer is met teorie-gebaseerde evaluasie ten einde gestandaardiseerde en gefokusde getuienis van projektesultate te genereer. Die meerderheid Suid-Afrikaanse nie-regeringsorganisasies aanvaar die vereistes van donateurs alhoewel hierdie "aanvaarding" gepaardgaan met 'n duidelike skeptisisme oor die absolute noodsaaklikheid van somige van hierdie vereistes. Die meerderheid organisasies beskou donateur vereistes, veral wat betref die logika model en die logika raamwerk, as noodsaaklik binne die konteks van die befondsingsverhouding ten spyte van persepsies dat sodanige modelle some uiters rigied kan wees.
Die studies maak 'n bydrae, nie alleen in area in programevaluasie waar daar weinig navorsing is nie, maar dit bied ook insig in die gedrag en persepsies van die Suid-Afrikaanse nie-regeringsektor wat programevaluasie praktyke betref.
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Project management training for community developmentNtlonze, Chapman Mphuthumi 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Government of South Africa introduced the Reconstruction and Development
Programme (RDP) as a means of addressing the sub-standard, living conditions many underprivileged
and disadvantaged societies were experiencing in the country. That gave
community development impetus. The RDP, as a government policy, presupposed that public
institutions would be responsible for its implementation. That implied that public officials,
inter alia, would have to facilitate community development. This change agent status of
public officials also implied that they would have, out of necessity and demand, to acquire or
to demonstrate knowledge of project and community development management skills.
Management sciences argue that an organisations' effectiveness is, amongst other, the result
of interplay between the internal capacity (inputs), outputs (production) and outcomes
(impacts). Internal capacity includes, among others, the training of personnel for the
achievement of goals.
This study, as stated in the research question, seeks to explain the relationship between project
management training and effective community development. It seeks to establish whether
there are a significant number of public officials who are trained in project management for
community development. The study focuses on the Province of the Eastern Cape, especially
the Department of Sport, Recreation, Arts and Culture, with special reference to cultural
officers. The study further presents the Willowvale Case Study to demonstrate in a practical
way the relevance of project management skills to the implementation of community
development programmes. This case study also serves as base to launch arguments in favour
of trained public officials.
The research results suggest that public officials, especially cultural officers, lack project
management skills. These findings presuppose that the implementation of some community
development projects may be flawed, delayed or postponed. The study recommends that the Province of the Eastern Cape consider setting up an
interdepartmental body for the purpose of establishing an integrated project and community
development training policy, in consultation with relevant tertiary institutions for support and
advice. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Suid-Afrikaanse regering het die Heropbou- en Ontwikkelingsprogram (HOP) ingestel as
instrument om die substandaard lewensomstandighede wat verskeie minderbevoorregte en
agtergestelde gemeenskappe in die land ervaar, aan te spreek. Die HOP, as regeringsbeleid
veronderstel dat openbare instellings verantwoordelik is vir die implementering daarvan. Dit
impliseer dat openbare amptenare, onder andere, gemeenskapsontwikkeling moet fasiliteer.
Hierdie veranderingsagent status van openbare amptenare impliseer dat hulle as 'n
noodsaaklikheid vaardighede in projekbestuur en gemeenskapsontwikkeling moet bekom of
oor beskik.
In die bestuurswetenskappe word geargumenteer dat organisatoriese effektiwiteit onder
andere die resultaat is van 'n verwantskap tussen interne kapasiteit, uitsette en uitkomste.
Interne kapasiteit fokus onder andere weer op opleiding vir die bereiking van doelwitte.
Hierdie studie poog om die verhouding tussen projekbestuursopleiding en effektiewe
gemeenskapsontwikkeling te verklaar. Die studie probeer bepaal of 'n saakmakende
hoeveelheid openbare amptenare opgelei is in projekbestuur vir gemeenskapsontwikkeling.
Die studie fokus op die Provinsie van die Oos-Kaap, spesifiek die Department van Sport,
Ontspanning, Kuns en Kultuur, met spesiale verwysing na kultuurbeamptes. 'n Gevalstudie
van die Willowvale gemeenskap demonstreer op 'n praktiese wyse die relevansie van
projekbestuursvaardighede vir die implimentering van gemeenskapsontwikkelingprogramme.
Die gevalstudie verskaf ook 'n basis vir argumente ten gunste van opgeleide openbare
Die resultate van die studie suggereer dat openbare amptenare, veral kultuurbeamptes
projekbestuursvaardighede kortkom. Hierdie bevindinge dui daarop dat die implementering
van sekere gemeenskapsontwikkelingsprojekte beperkinge het, vertraag word en selfs gestaak
kan word.
Die studie beveel aan dat die Provinsie van die Oos-Kaap dit oorweeg om 'n
interdepartementele liggaam te vestig. Die doel hiervan moet wees om 'n geïntegreerde
Projek- en Gemeenskapsontwikkeling Opleidingsbeleid in konsultasie met relevante tersiêre
instellings in te stel.
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Draw up a project plan for Excelsior Secondary School in the Belhar/Delft area of Cape Town, to deal with the environmental aspects of whole school developmentRutgers, Sandra 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The research project focuses on an investigation into the Policy of Whole School Development as a tool to ensure a quality education for all at school level. The research was conducted within the study field of Project Management as the policy has a systems approach to the management of schools and Project Management can be used in its application.
The study takes the form of a literature study, evaluating approximately 23 sources. These sources contain research by knowledgeable authors on the topics covered in this research. The research is divided into the following sections:
• An introduction explaining the relationship between project management and the Policy of Whole School Development.
• An investigation into the Policy of Whole School Development and its proposed application to ensure quality standards of education. A framework for the evaluation of the contexts of schools to bring about holistic change is proposed.
• An investigation into the systems approach to project management, systems
theory and the requirements for its application in organisations like schools.
• An investigation into the micro- and macro context of a school in a previously disadvantaged area to highlight the social, political and economic problems and their magnitude, thus necessitating a systems approach in dealing with it.
• An investigation into and a comparison of the historical roles and the changing roles of, the problems experienced by and the benefits derived from NGO's and the state respectively as agents of service delivery.
• A proposed project management plan for the implementation of the environmental aspect of whole school development. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studieprojek fokus op 'n ondersoek van die Beleid van "Whole School Development" as 'n metode om 'n kwalitiet opvoeding vir almal op skoolvlak te verseker. Die navorsing is gedoen in die studie veld van Projekbestuur omdat hierdie beleid 'n stelselbenadering vir die implementering daarvan volg. Projekbestuur kan gebruik word in die toepassing hiervan.
Die navorsing neem die vorm aan van 'n literatuur studie van ongeveer 23 bronne. Hierdie bronne bevat navorsing deur toonaangewende skrywers op die verskillende gebiede wat in hierdie navorsing gedek word.
Die navorsing is in die volgende dele verdeel:
• 'n Inleiding wat die verhouding tussen projekbestuur en die Beleid van "Whole School Development" verduidelik.
• 'n Ondersoek van die Beleid van Whole School Development" en die
voorsgestelde toepassing daarvan om kwaliteit standaarde te verseker en die
voorgestelde raamwerk vir die evaluasie van die konteks waarin skole hulle
• 'n Ondersoek van die stelsel benadering tot projekbestuur, die stelsels teoriee en die vereistes vir die toepassing daarvan in groot organisasies soos skole.
• Navorsing oor die mikro - en makro konteks van 'n skool in 'n sub-ekonomiese
gebied om die sosiale, ekonomiese en politieke probleme uit te lig en die omvang daarvan te beskryf - 'n omvang wat stelselbenadering benodig.
• Navorsing oor en 'n vergelyking van die historiese en veranderde rolle van, die probleme wat ondervind word deur en die voordele wat verkry word van Nie-Regerings Organisasies en die staat respektiewelik as agente van dienslewering.
• 'n Voorgestelde projekbestuur plan vir die implementering van die omgewingsaspek
van "Whole School Development".
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An evaluation of the Western Cape Provincial Government's modernisation programme with a focus on the project management approach blueprint and its implementation within the Department of Transport and Public WorksKamaldien, Mohamed Sedick 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / If one compares governments to the corporate world across the globe, it often plays second fiddle when it comes to strategy; new ideas, adopting of new management styles & processes and lastly, change, for this reason, the Provincial Government of the Western Cape recently undertook a journey that would shed it from these stereotypical behaviours. The journey was Christened „The Modernisation Programme‟ and was launched in 2009; one of its brainchildren named „Project Management Approach‟ was created as the bastion against inefficiencies and ineffective service delivery. A case in point is the unfinished Eastern Boulevard freeway in the city centre of Cape Town; the project was scrapped in the seventies, as the need for it was not justified by the traffic demand at the time in relation to its astronomical cost - a clear indication of poor project planning and management.
This study was therefore undertook to examine whether the Project Management Approach (PMA) as part of the holistic Modernisation Programme was successfully implemented and if it yielded the expected results and attitude change in the project management environment in the Department of Transport and Public Works, which is responsible for more than half of all Provincial Government‟s projects.
The study examines the impact the Project Management Approach had on service delivery, project management IT infrastructure and as a strategic tool.
The analysis showed that although the PMA was welcomed by top management and even has the Director General (DG) as its business champion. However, it fell by the way side two to three years later, this was mostly due to limited communication, which practically ceased two years later and a steering committee that was never fully established and supported by senior official. An outcome, which resulted in roughly half of the project leaders being partially aware of the PMA, a similar analysis also revealed that they were not even aware of it being a long-term strategy. The analysis based on stakeholder involvement was more positive and many of the client department‟s end users were satisfied with the degree of improved cooperation between departmental teams. Further analysis conducted on the client/end user‟s opinion resulted in positive responses but failed to fire up the researcher‟s enthusiasm, as it was hardly the response one would expect from clients, had international standards and best practices been present.
“Project management can be defined as a way of developing structure in a complex project, where the independent variables of time, cost, resources and human behaviour come together.” (Rory Burke)
“Operations keeps the lights on, strategy provides a light at the end of the tunnel, but project management is the train engine that moves the organization forward.” (Joy Gumz)
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