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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Crimes eleitorais e controle material da propaganda eleitoral: necessidade e utilidade da criminalização da mentira na política / Electoral crimes and material control of electoral propaganda: the need and usefulness of the criminalization of lies in politics

Fernando Gaspar Neisser 22 August 2014 (has links)
A dissertação propõe um questionamento quanto à legitimidade da criminalização da propaganda eleitoral falsa. Para tanto, analisa o papel das eleições na Democracia e o papel da Justiça Eleitoral, no Brasil, como instituição incumbida de sua organização, realização e regulação. Em seguida, identifica a propaganda política como meio de que se valem as campanhas eleitorais para o convencimento dos eleitores, estudando sua evolução histórica até o desenvolvimento do marketing eleitoral, suas características e os limites, formais e materiais, que lhe são impostos normativamente no Brasil. A partir destes elementos, a pesquisa foca-se no crime de divulgação de fatos inverídicos na propaganda eleitoral, previsto no artigo 323 do Código Eleitoral. São averiguadas a legitimidade e necessidade da criminalização, perquirindo quanto ao bem jurídico tutelado e ao risco no qual este é colocado pela conduta proibida, especialmente quanto ao efeito que a propaganda eleitoral falsa tem na formação do voto do eleitor. Por fim, sob o enfoque da política criminal, são questionadas a viabilidade do controle de conteúdo da propaganda eleitoral, conduzido pela Justiça Eleitoral, e sua oportunidade, à luz das consequências que traz à sociedade. / The dissertation proposes a questioning of the legitimacy of criminalizing false electoral propaganda. It analyzes the role of elections in democracy and of the Electoral Justice in Brazil, as an institution responsible for its organization, development and regulation. Then identifies political propaganda as a means of which election campaigns use to convince voters, studying its historical evolution up to the development of the electoral marketing; its characteristics and limits, formal and material that are normatively imposed in Brazil. From these elements, the research focuses on the crime of disseminating untrue facts on electoral propaganda under article 323 of the Electoral Code. The legitimacy and necessity of criminalization are investigated, inquiring as to the protected legal interest and the risk in which it is placed by the prohibited conduct, especially as to the effect that false electoral propaganda has on the formation of the voter\'s choice. Finally, with a focus on criminal policy are questioned the feasibility of the content control conducted by the Electoral Justice, and its opportunity, in light of the consequences it brings to society.

As imagens do feminino apresentadas pela mídia: um estudo exploratório da revista cláudia entre o passado e o presente

Ferraz, José Afonso 19 July 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Joel de Lima Pereira Castro Junior (joelpcastro@uol.com.br) on 2016-07-08T19:31:00Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Jose afonso ferraz.pdf: 1810877 bytes, checksum: b36e31a8bae17ddb8ced20375ed344ba (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Biblioteca de Administração e Ciências Contábeis (bac@ndc.uff.br) on 2016-07-19T17:37:09Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Jose afonso ferraz.pdf: 1810877 bytes, checksum: b36e31a8bae17ddb8ced20375ed344ba (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-19T17:37:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Jose afonso ferraz.pdf: 1810877 bytes, checksum: b36e31a8bae17ddb8ced20375ed344ba (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Caixa de previdência e assistência dos servidores da fundação nacional / Essa dissertação sob o título: “As Imagens do Feminino Apresentadas pela Mídia: um estudo exploratório da Revista Cláudia entre o passado e o presente” desenvolve uma pesquisa, a partir dos anúncios de roupas íntimas femininas, em duas edições da Revista Cláudia, respectivamente nas décadas de 1966 e 2012. Observou-se, considerando os recursos midiáticos em cada edição, que a mulher apropriou-se da linguagem da sua imagem, para impor-se e afirmar-se como mulher, diante dos contextos históricos aqui observados. Ela fez-se ouvida não somente com o seu corpo exposto à sensualidade, mas principalmente com suas atitudes frente aos diversos impasses criados pelas imposições do consumismo. Desta forma, a feminilidade se preserva, apesar de a forma de vida capitalista criar a necessidade do consumismo e satisfazer dessa necessidade, e ainda, essa mesma realidade capitalista impõe padrões de cultura capazes de tornar real um mundo feito de aparências. Se o mundo do comércio estabelece a uniformização das pessoas pela marca, para que todos pertençam à mesma tribo: classe social, ideologia, cultura; em contraposição, a mulher aparece com a investidura do universo da sua individualidade preservada. Isso fica evidente quando se constata o desempenho da mulher em todos os setores da vida, desde o campo da intelectualidade até nos diversos setores da vida profissional. / This thesis, under the title: "The Images of Women Presented by Media: an exploratory study of Claudia Magazine between the past and the present", develops a research of women's underwear advertisements in two editions of magazine Claudia, respectively in decades of 1966 and 2012. It was observed, considering media resources in each edition, that women have appropriated the language of their image, to impose and assert themselves as women before the historical contexts observed here. Women have made themselves heard not only through body exposition to sensuality, but mostly with their attitudes towards various difficult situations created by consumerism impositions. In that way, the femininity is preserved, although the capitalist way of life create the need of consumerism and satisfy itself with this need, and further, impose culture’s patterns capable of turning the real world in a world made of appearances. If the world trade establishes the standardization of people by brands, this create an illusion that everybody belongs to the same tribe: social class, ideology, culture; in contrast, woman appears with her individuality preserved by the investiture of universe. This is evident when one considers the performance of woman in all parts of life, since the intellectuality field until many sectors of professional life.

The hybrid Public Service Announcement: implications of a rhetorical form

Rodenberg, Jesyca H. January 1900 (has links)
Master of Arts / Department of Communications / William Schenck-Hamlin / Public Service Announcements are a fixture of both our media and cultural landscape. Their images and messages have inspired and defined movements and generations. The impact of PSAs is explored in this work to highlight the need to examine the impact of an emerging phenomenon of public service messaging: The Hybrid PSA. The Hybrid PSA is a message that blends and blurs the line between commercial and social causes. To explore the intricacies and impact of the Hybrid PSA, this work first works to define the “classical” PSA. Then, by observation and critique, the variance between the “classic” and the Hybrid is established. To contrast, the genre of Propaganda is explored and the possibility that the Hybrid PSA could be defined as propaganda is examined. Finally, the ethical implications of such a generic classification being established are discussed.

War and Tolerance: Catholic Polemic in Lyon During the French Religious Wars

Hartley, Brandon January 2007 (has links)
This dissertation studies the content of Catholic polemic printed in the city of Lyon from 1560 to 1594, a period ranging from the first hints of wider Protestant unrest to the submission of the city to Henry IV and the resumption of royal control. The time frame corresponds to an era of zealous Catholic activity in which combating Protestantism, or heresy as they usually labeled it, was a primary focus of the Lyonnaise Catholic Church and the presses which supported it. By studying the thematic content of these cheap print sources, I will provide a glimpse into the types of issues that appear most prominently in this particular type of print medium and trace how such issues change, or remain static, over time. Most important of these themes are the importance of concord or unity and the willingness of God to punish his followers for their sins and, frequently, mankind's unwillingness to reunify the church and create concord through force. This dissertation has grown into a commentary on this dynamic more than any other single issue and readers will detect tangential comments concerning the importance of unity and God's punishment throughout earlier chapters. Time and again, polemicists make clear that the only means to a lasting "peace" is to achieve religious unity by any means necessary. Only this purity within the faithful will ease God's hand and cure France of its ills. Sources were drawn from the principal libraries in Lyon and the Rhone valley, in addition to occasional pieces scattered in Paris and other libraries throughout France.

Architecture, ideology and order : the idea of the classical in 1930s architecture and Nazi spatial strategies

Chibireva, Natalia January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Collaborators and dissidents : aspects of British literary publishing in the First World War, 1914-1919

Gassert, Imogen L. January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

The road to the stars is paved by the Communists! : Soviet propaganda and the hero-myth of Iurii Gagarin

Rockwell, Trevor Sean. 10 April 2008 (has links)
No description available.

The media and democracy in Russia

Deppe, Kendra M. 06 1900 (has links)
This thesis considers the evolution of the Russian media and assesses the decrease in media freedom and its effect on Russian democracy. The Russian media has lost most of its freedom and ability to report critically over the last five years. Although there are Russian laws that are supposed to protect the freedom of the media, those have not been enforced. In addition, over the last five years a number of reforms have occurred that have removed some of those freedoms. These include laws that restrict coverage of elections, terror events and the Chechen region. The lack of freedom has resulted in the inability for the media to serve their purpose in civil society. This has contributed to civil society's lack of ability to ensure that Russia's government remains democratic. If present trends continue the future does not look good for Russian democracy or the freedom of Russia's media.

Skapandet av minnen i US-amerikansk och kinesisk krigsfilm under efterkrigstiden

Carlsson, David January 2016 (has links)
Den här uppsatsens fokus ligger i mångt och mycket på Kinas och USA:s ombytliga relation med Japan under efterkrigstiden. Japanernas illdåd i Östasien och Stilla Havet under andra världskriget lämnade ett stort avtryck i både den kinesiska och US-amerikanska filmkulturen. Den japanska karaktären i film har varit lika ombytlig som de kinesisk/japanska och US-amerikanska/japanska politiska relationerna sedan andra världskrigets slut.    Uppsatsens analys kommer jämföra ett mindre antal kinesiska och US-amerikanska filmer med varandra och peka på likheter och olikheter i hur man framställt japaner med hjälp av olika konventionella stilgrepp inom film såsom kinematografi, musik och ljud. Från propagandafilmer och dokumentära redogörelser, till humanistiska skildringar och dramatiska återberättelser; den japanska karaktären har tagit sig många olika skepnader genom åren. Det är svårt att definiera några absoluta drag som sammankopplar de otal av japanska rollkaraktärer som kommit och gått. Något som man kan vara ganska säker på dock är att politik, historia och film i många avseenden går hand i hand med varandra.

Creating Captain America: a Frame Analysis of the Pat Tillman Epic

DeWalt, Christina A. Childs 05 1900 (has links)
Pat Tillman—an Arizona Cardinals player who sacrificed everything to serve his country but died in Afghanistan—was initially touted as a true American hero who was killed by enemy fire. In reality, however, the Tillman narrative was based on nothing but military propaganda. This research focused on how mainstream U.S. newspapers used news frames, overall story tone, and news sources before and after the official acknowledgement of the true cause of Tillman's death as fratricide. As hypothesized from C. Wright Mills' "lesser institutions," Antonio Gramsci's hegemony, and Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky's propaganda model, the newspapers generally decreased both direct and indirect references to news frames involving "lesser institutions" (e.g., NFL, Arizona State University) and ideological values (e.g., heroism, patriotism) after the revelation, but they were not critical of the Iraq/Afghanistan wars or the Bush administration at all. In addition, they increased their dependence on official sources and decreased family and friend sources after his cause of death was changed. The results as a whole indicate that in the Tillman saga, the revelation of his true cause of death introduced a significant disruption to the propaganda information system, causing news frames to decrease, but the third filter of the propaganda model—reliance on official sources—was strong enough to overcome that disruptive event and continue to protect the power elite.

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