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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Skapandet av minnen i US-amerikansk och kinesisk krigsfilm under efterkrigstiden

Carlsson, David January 2016 (has links)
Den här uppsatsens fokus ligger i mångt och mycket på Kinas och USA:s ombytliga relation med Japan under efterkrigstiden. Japanernas illdåd i Östasien och Stilla Havet under andra världskriget lämnade ett stort avtryck i både den kinesiska och US-amerikanska filmkulturen. Den japanska karaktären i film har varit lika ombytlig som de kinesisk/japanska och US-amerikanska/japanska politiska relationerna sedan andra världskrigets slut.    Uppsatsens analys kommer jämföra ett mindre antal kinesiska och US-amerikanska filmer med varandra och peka på likheter och olikheter i hur man framställt japaner med hjälp av olika konventionella stilgrepp inom film såsom kinematografi, musik och ljud. Från propagandafilmer och dokumentära redogörelser, till humanistiska skildringar och dramatiska återberättelser; den japanska karaktären har tagit sig många olika skepnader genom åren. Det är svårt att definiera några absoluta drag som sammankopplar de otal av japanska rollkaraktärer som kommit och gått. Något som man kan vara ganska säker på dock är att politik, historia och film i många avseenden går hand i hand med varandra.

Boendemiljö i nationens skyltfönster : Internationell orientering i Svenska institutets material om stadsbyggnad 1945-1976

Junström, Simon January 2014 (has links)
This thesis scrutinises the material on post World War II Swedish architecture produced by the Swedish Public diplomacy organisation "Svenska institutet" ("The Swedish Institute") during the period of 1945 through 1976. The outset is the dilemma encountered by every such organisation: how can the projected narrative of the own nation relate to as many countries as possible, without becoming too general? And how can the organisation address specific countries, without excluding others? By employing a two-sided model of interpreting the material, where it on the one hand is interpreted from the universal properties projected on the narrated architecture, and on the other hand from the particular ideological notions related to the same, the thesis suggests that the Swedish Institute continously relates the architecture to a West-European and American context by consistently connecting its universal properties to particular ideological notions orientated towards the West. The results underline the malleability in regard to ideological notions connected to modernist architecture. Earlier research in the Swedish context has focussed on how modernist architecture in Sweden, under the local tag "funktionalism", was established in regard to a Swedish audience as a particular Swedish architecture by relating it to a alleged continuos Swedish tradition, as well as to notions of a a progressive welfare state. By studying a similar material, though aimed towards a foreign audience, the thesis suggests that these allegations constitue an elucidatory example of how national and ideological narratives can form within the framework of technological-ideological dynamics of modernist architecture. Furthermore, it argues that the potential of this form of ideological particularisation can be regarded a universal charactersistic inherent in modernistic architecture.

Om läkarbehov och läkartillgång : En analys av läkarkårens uppfattning om läkartillgång och läkarbrist i Sverige under 1950- och 1960-talen / On demand and supply of medical doctors : An analysis of the medical profession's perception of the availability and shortage of doctors in Sweden in the 1950s and 1960s

Hanson, Moa January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to understand whether, and if so why, the Swedish medical profession's position on the availability and shortage of doctors during the 1950s and 1960s could be interpreted as an expression of an overall common mentality within the medical profession. The start and end points of the study (1950 and 1970) cover the emergence of the Swedish welfare state. The emergence of the welfare state is the contextual background to this study and how that influenced the medical profession's social status and perception of the future role of their own profession. The source material for the study is mainly from the Swedish medical journal (Svenska Läkartidningen) and meeting minutes from various Swedish medical organisations, primarily the Swedish Medical Association (Sveriges Läkarförbund). Government public inquiries, government bills and the daily press have also been analysed. The analysis is based on three central proposals for action from the government to secure the future supply of doctors and stem the shortage of doctors. The proposals were the transfer of foreign doctors to Sweden, the expansion of education of doctors and the reorganisation of the Swedish health care system. The study shows that the argumentation from the Swedish medical profession against all proposals from the government consisted of several different rhetorical manoeuvres to exercise social closure. Another conclusion is that until the mid-1960s, both the Swedish Association of Young Doctors and the Swedish Medical Association acted mainly as professional associations, rather than as traditional trade unions regarding the expansion of the medical profession. From the mid-1960s, there are tendencies indicating that the association more began to resemble a traditional trade union. However, professional issues such as improvement in the profession, demands for exclusivity, social status and issues of legitimisation appear to have been more important throughout the period than more traditional trade union issues such as pay, employment conditions and the working environment. The professions' opposition to increasing the number of doctors, regardless of the method proposed by the government and responsible authorities, was characterised by a clear guild spirit. The study shows that the medical organisation arguments against the various proposals were driven by union strategies, attitudes, and norms and in some cases ideology. The mentality of medical professional representatives and individual doctors was influenced by the professional status of the medical profession with inherent norms and attitudes based on the doctors' self-perceived expertise and scientifically anchored professional identity. A central conclusion from the study is that the main rhetorical line of the professional representatives was that more doctors were neither desirable nor needed in the medical profession and therefore most of the arguments against an expanded medical profession were based on some form of protectionism. This was justified by the profession by using historical analogies and by conducting their own 'objective and scientific' investigations. A right-wing based criticism of society at the time and a fundamentally conservative view of the economy, the tax system and the expansion of the welfare state also served as rhetorical tools from the medical profession in the debate on the shortage of doctors.

Skolbarnets fostran : Enhetsskolan, agan och politiken om barnet 1946-1962 / The Training of the Schoolchild : The comprehensive school, Corporal Punishment and the Politics of the Child

Qvarsebo, Jonas January 2006 (has links)
I centrum för avhandlingen står den konflikt om skolagan som aktualiserades när det svenska skolväsendet skulle stöpas om till en enhetsskola. Undersökningsperioden är 1946-1962. Det övergripande syftet har varit att analysera denna konflikts upprinnelse, utveckling och följder i relation till skolans fostransuppdrag och barndomens innebörder. Med utgångspunkt i detta syfte har dels har det formella skolpolitiska spelet kring enhetsskolan och skolans fostransuppdrag beskrivits, dels har ett antal centrala texter som producerades i denna process analyserats. Teoretiskt och metodiskt har undersökningen knutit an till ett diskursanalytiskt förhållningssätt där frågor om makt och styrning är centrala. I diskussionen om skolans fostransuppdrag framträdde olika diskurser som på vissa punkter stod i skarp opposition mot varandra. Vid en närmare granskning av denna konflikt har diskursernas olika möjlighetsvillkor undersökts, i betydelsen deras historiska och samhälleliga förutsättningar och deras inre logiker; och de centrala ord, begrepp och metaforer som har utgjort diskursernas centrala element har kunnat ringas in. De två maktteoretiska begreppen styrningsrationalitet och hegemoni har utgjort de primära analytiska redskapen. Med hjälp av styrningsrationalitetsbegreppet har de målsättningar, inställningar och problem som har varit knutna till hanteringen av barnen under perioden åskådliggjorts. De olika antaganden om barnet som den fostrande verksamheten har vilat på, kunskaperna och vetenskaperna som har legat till grund för den, teknikerna som har ansetts nödvändiga samt det subjekt som utgjort målet för olika fostrande åtgärder har analyserats och diskuterats. Med hjälp av hegemonibegreppet har kampen om skolbarnets fostran under perioden kunnat förstås och fostransdiskussionens konsekvenser för hur den nya skolans fostrande målsättningar formulerades och kom till uttryck i grundskolans formativa dokument. / This dissertation analyses the controversy on corporal punishment that arose in conjunction with the Swedish comprehensive school reform. The time period covered is 1946-1962. The overarching aim has been to explore and analyse the origins, development and consequences of this debate in relation to the school’s task of character formation and changed notions of childhood. The school politics in which the comprehensive school reform took shape has been examined and a number of central documents that were produced in this process have been analysed. Theoretically and methodologically a discourse-analytical approach has been used where issues of power and governance have been central. In the discussion on character formation in school different discourses were operating, which at certain points stood in sharp disagreement with each other. This became especially clear in the debate on corporal punishment. A closer analysis of these discourses has revealed their different conditions of possibilities, in the sense of their historical and societal circumstances and their internal logics, and the keywords, concepts and metaphors that constituted the central elements of these discourses have been highlighted and described. The two theoretical concepts governmentality and hegemony have been used as the primary analytical tools for the study. With the concept of governmentality the goals, attitudes and problems that have been tied to the training of the schoolchild during the period have been made visible. The different presuppositions about the child’s being and development on which the character-forming practices have been built, the knowledge and science that have been referred to, the techniques that have been viewed as necessary and the subject that has been the goal for various character-forming actions have been analysed and discussed. With the concept of hegemony the power struggle connected to the discussion of character formation during the period has been examined and the various guidelines for the school’s task of character formation that were formulated and expressed in the formative documents of the comprehensive school have been made visible.

Tillämpning av träbaserat modulväggsystem för påbyggnad av efterkrigstidens flerbostadshus : Utifrån energikrav och ekonomiska förutsättningar / Application of Wood Based Module Wall System for Vertical Attic Extension of Post-war Residential Building : By Energy Demand and Economic Preconditions

Samuelsson, Jimmy, Debes, Yahya January 2017 (has links)
Syfte: Nya svenska energikrav definieras som nära-nollbyggnader för både nybyggnation och renovering, där man strävar efter en årlig balans mellan ingående och utgående energi för byggnaden. Påbyggnad genom prefabricerade modulsystem med bärande väggar av korslimmat massivträ har genom internationella studier visat sig både tids- och kostnadseffektiv vid renovering. Målet med rapporten är att undersöka möjligheten att tillämpa detta påbyggnadssystem för svenska renoveringsprojekt av efterkrigstidens flerbostadshus som både är kostnadseffektivt och som klarar nya svenska energikrav. Metod: Rapporten syftar till att besvara frågeställningarna genom en fallstudie. Inledningsvis, under en litteraturstudie, beskrivs incitament till påbyggnation vid renovering. Utefter en dokumentanalys av referensbyggnaden, utförs sedan energi- och kostnadsjämförelser mellan påbyggnation av korslimmade massivträväggar och platsbyggd träregelkonstruktion. Resultat: Svenska efterkrigstidens bostadsbestånd visar sig, via renovering och påbyggnation, ha hög potential för att positiv påverka den i Sverige genomsnittliga specifika energianvändningen samtidigt som det erbjuder snabb och kostnadseffektiv urban bostadsförtätning. Den värmeisolerande förmågan för korslimmat massivträ är, för en påbyggnad, likvärdigt det av platsbyggd träkonstruktion. Beräkningarna visar däremot hur byggnation från efterkrigstiden har svårt att uppnå krav för nära-nollenergihus. Kostnad för montering av påbyggnadsstomme och innerväggar m.m. visar på ca 2,7 % besparing för förslag av korslimmat massivträ. Konsekvenser: Rapporten lyfter fram möjligheterna kring renovering av svenska flerbostadshus från efterkrigstiden och fördelarna att göra detta i kombination med påbyggnation. Det finns goda förutsättningar för implementering av korslimmade massivträväggar även i svenska påbyggnadsprojekt och detta till något lägre pris och arbetstid gentemot platsbyggd konstruktion. Trots att detta vilar mycket på valet av prefabricering, har undersökningen lyckats exponera ett befogat alternativ för påbyggnadsprojekten i framtiden. Eventuella svårigheter i att uppnå nya energikrav vid renovering av äldre bostadsbestånd har även lyfts fram i rapporten. Begränsningar: Kontroll av bärförmåga för referensbyggnaden via konstruktionsmässiga beräkningar genomförs inte i denna rapport. Beräkning av livscykelkostnad ingår inte i detta arbete. Rapporten fokuserar istället på ekonomisk effektivitet i produktionsskedet. Rapporten fokuserar sin undersökning kring åtgärder för energianvändning och berör inte eventuella åtgärder för t.ex. högre tillgänglighet. / Purpose: New Swedish energy requirements are defined as Near Zero Energy Buildings for both new construction and renovation, with the purpose of balancing energy entering and exiting the building. Vertical attic extensions through prefabricated module system containing loadbearing walls of cross laminated timber has, by international studies, shown the potential for time and cost efficiency during renovation projects. The purpose of this inquiry is to examine the possibility to apply this extension system for Swedish renovation projects on post-war residential buildings that are both cost effective and that satisfies new Swedish energy regulations. Method: The report aims to answer the questions through a case study. Initially a literature study describes the incentives of vertical attic extensions and renovation. Then through a document analysis of a reference building, energy and cost comparisons are carried out between an attic extension of cross laminated timber and wood construction assembled on site. Findings: The Swedish post-war housing stock shows high potential through renovation and attic extension, to positively influence the Swedish average specific energy use while simultaneously providing fast and cost effective urban densification. The heat insulating performance of cross laminated timber is, for an attic extension, equivalent that of an on-site assembled wood construction. However, calculations shows difficulties for post-war housing stock to achieve the requirements for Near Zero Energy Buildings. The cost for assembling extending structure and interior walls etc. reveals approximately 2,7 % savings with cross laminated timber. Implications: The report brings forth the possibilities regarding renovation of the Swedish post-war stock of multifamily housing and the advantages of doing so in combination with vertical attic extensions. There are good conditions for implementation of cross laminated timber walls even in Swedish extension projects, while having the potential to lower costs slightly and saving time in relation to on site construction. Even though the results depend a lot on the choice of prefabrication, the study has exposed a valid alternative for future attic extension projects. The report also reveals potential difficulties in achieving new energy requirements for renovation of older housing stock. Limitations: Verification of load capacity through constructional calculations are not performed in this inquiry. Calculating the life-cycle cost is not a part of this project, which instead focuses on economic efficiency during production. The report focuses its research at energy-saving measures and doesn’t concern measures regarding for example higher accessibility.

Jagets bevingade hovslag : En biografisk och analytisk undersökning av hästfigurer iRenata Wredes fantasifulla och antropomorfa bildvärld / When Hoofs and Wings reflect the Self : A biographical and analytical examination of horses in the imaginative andanthropomorphic imagery of Renata Wrede

Payne, Helena January 2019 (has links)
This Bachelor’s Thesis introduces a previously unexplored visual artist to the field of Art history: Renata Wrede. Born in 1923 and active until her death in 1998, Renata Wrede produced a varied and colorful corpusof paintings, lithographies, drawings, sculptures, textile designs and pottery, most–but not all -of which is in the possession of her family. Herrigorous artistic training, deep engagement with her other passion –horses –and personal struggles for independence combined to create a varied style with anthropomorphizing images of -among many motifs-horses. Four of these images, taken from different periods of her life as an artist -are analyzed in this thesis paper. The focus on the analysis of the four works is the role of the horses in the picture: What do they do? How do they contribute to the composition? Why are they there? With the help of Renata Wrede’s autobiographical three books, Mitt romerska lejon (My Roman Lion), Juvelskrinet (The Jewelry Box) and Ior och hästarna (Ior and the Horses), the pictures are analyzed from the information provided by the writer and artist herself. The appendix includes a collection of Renata Wrede’s works (incomplete, but extensive) put together by the author of this thesis.

Amazon, syjuntatant - lotta : Om frivilligdeltagandet inom Riksförbundet Sveriges lottakårer mellan 1960- och 1970-talen

Salonikidis, Konstantinos January 2021 (has links)
This thesis on the Swedish voluntary women’s defence organisation Riksförbundet Sveriges lottakårer (SLK), studies how the board and the members of SLK discussed the problems and the meaning of voluntary defence work during the 1960s and 1970s. Furthermore the thesis aims to engage with previous research and give an explanation to why people may be interested in voluntary defence. Views varied greatly within SLK: some meant that the voluntary grounds of participation gave a sense of elite status to the organisation; however others saw voluntary work as untenable, since more women at the time had both work and family obligations. Another issue was professionalisation versus socialisation. While some members wanted to see a centralisation and professionalisation of the organisation, others found it more important to safeguard the social functions and independence of the local corps unit. The results suggest that gender structures as well as individual agency create multiple reasons and meanings behind voluntary defence work.

Minority rights in Kosovo : A case study on Torbeshis experiences / Minoritetsrättigheter i Kosovo : En fallstudie om Torbesjers upplevelser

Mislimi, Elma, Ajeti, Eljesa January 2021 (has links)
Ever since Kosovo’s declared Independence in 2008, the nation has opted for a multi-ethnic approach by adopting a legal framework that contains several laws promoting and protecting minority rights, although these have remained rather stagnant in implementation. The minorities in Kosovo have furthermore been affected by the Serb-Albanian relations and inter-ethnic tensions by creating divisions and societal challenges. The purpose of this study is to examine the current situation for minorities in Kosovo, along with studying the limitations and possibilities of the implementation of minority rights and societal opportunities. Additionally, this is a case study based on the experiences and views of Torbeshis being a minority in Kosovo which exemplifies the situation of how minority rights are expressed in a social and political context. The  methodological approach of semi-structured interviews was applied which provided the primary data consisting of empirical findings and results from interviews. The data was then analyzed with the assistance of the theoretical framework of social constructivism, along with the intersectionality concept as a complementary tool with an applied narrative analysis. The results indicated that the inadequate implementation of rights is the common denominator concerning minorities' situation, possibilities, limitations and experiences. The focus of the international community on Serb-Albanian relations has further shifted the attention from minority issues. Although the legislative framework is advanced, minorities generally seem to face more limitations than possibilities, with potential for a positive turn. Minorities face limitations such as security concerns, freedom of movement caused by linguistic obstacles, together with restricted participation and access in political life. The Torbeshis face similar issues as mentioned, together with forms of discrimination, ethnic redefinition, assimilation and interrelationship between to major ethnic groups. / Sedan Kosovos förklarade självständighet 2008 antog konstitutionen en lagstiftningsram innehållande flera lagar som främjar och skyddar minoritetsrättigheter, men trots implementeringen har dessa lagar förblivit relativt stillastående i praktiken. Kosovo definierar därmed sig själva som ett multietniskt samhälle i samband med fastställandet av dessa lagar. Minoriteterna i Kosovo har dessutom påverkats av Kosovos efterkrigstid och den Serbisk-Albanska dynamiken där spänningar mellan etniska grupper förekommer i landet och skapar diverse splittringar och samhällsutmaningar för minoriteterna. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka den aktuella situationen för minoriteter i Kosovo, tillsammans med de existerande begränsningar och möjligheter som finns för implementeringen av minoritetsrättigheter och samhällsmöjligheter. Studien tillämpar en fallstudie som utvärderar Torbesjers erfarenheter av att vara en minoritet, vilket illustrerar hur den nuvarande situationen av minoritetsrättigheter uttrycks i en viss social och politisk kontext. Det metodologiska tillvägagångssättet som tillämpas är semistrukturerade intervjuer och utgör det primära materialet bestående av resultat från intervjuer samt empirisk data. Datan analyserades sedan med hjälp av det teoretiska ramverket social konstruktivism med intersektionalitetskonceptet som ett kompletterande verktyg, och slutligen applicerades en narrativ analys för att behandla datan. Resultatet av studien visar på att den otillräckliga implementeringen av rättigheterna är den gemensamma nämnaren när det kommer till minoriteters situation, möjligheter, begränsningar och erfarenheter. Det omfattande fokus som läggs på relationen mellan serber och albaner av det internationella samfundet skiftar ytterligare uppmärksamhet från minoritetsfrågorna. Trots den avancerade lagstiftningsramen verkar minoriteter i Kosovo möta fler begränsningar än möjligheter, med potential för en positiv förändring. De begränsningar som minoriteter bemöter i Kosovo är säkerhetsproblem, rörelsefrihet, språkliga hinder, samt ett begränsat deltagande och tillgång i det politiska klimatet. Torbesjer står inför liknande problem, tillsammans med former av diskriminering, etnisk omdefiniering, assimilering och ett mellanförskap i förhållande till de etniska majoriteterna i landet.

Regulating a Controversy : Inside Stakeholder Strategies and Regime Transition in the Self-Regulation of Swedish Advertising 1950–1971

Funke, Michael January 2015 (has links)
This thesis concerns the development of the self-regulation of advertising in Sweden from 1950 until 1971. Self-regulation was initiated in the 1930s due to a business desire to regulate fair competition in marketing, and while it initially was a minor operation, the 1950s and 1960s were characterized by extensive development. When self-regulation was overtaken by state policies in 1971, it included several interlocking systems, of which parts survived the introduction of the state regime. The thesis’ aim has been to analyze how the rapid regime transitions in the self-regulation regime can be understood. The existing literature identifies four major transitions that occurred during the studied time period. To understand them, the thesis has studied the policy processes leading up to these transitions. Focus has been on the business interest organizations that controlled the regime and their regulatory strategies. Theoretically, the analysis has departed from the hypothesis that tensions between these organizations, due to their members’ different market interests and varying levels of exposure to regulation and public badwill, to a significant degree informed their strategic choices as well as policy outcomes. The results show that the policy processes preceding the regime transitions were characterized by internal tensions, whereby organizations representing advertisers, and to a lesser degree media carriers, due to their members’ higher level of exposure to regulation and public badwill, successfully supported stronger market policing, while ad agencies, being less exposed, as well as a peak industry organization for the proliferation of marketing largely opposed such measures, preferring a more lenient regulation. However, due to increased exposure to regulation and bad will, the ad agencies finally abandoned their opposition and took the lead in regulatory innovation through the introduction of an extensive clearance program that survived the launch of the state regime, becoming a key component in the co-regulatory structure that followed.

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