Spelling suggestions: "subject:"prospero"" "subject:"prosperou""
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Regulation of cell proliferation and differentiation during Drosophila neurogenesisLiu, Te-Hui 19 March 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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[pt] O legado de Próspero: uma investigação do projeto narrativo de Ruy
Duarte de Carvalho parte do estudo da peça de William Shakespeare intitulada A
tempestade para verificar, segundo uma perspectiva pós-colonial, a abordagem da
colonização nas narrativas do escritor angolano Ruy Duarte de Carvalho.
Publicadas após a independência de Angola, nelas a experiência da colonização
não se mostra como um processo plenamente findado, visto que suas marcas
ecoam no presente. Assim, Próspero e Caliban (personagens da peça
shakespeariana considerados, a partir da década de 1950, como respectivos
símbolos do colonizador e do colonizado) e a simbologia da tempestade são aqui
teoricamente retomados na tentativa de elucidar os novos impasses vivenciados
após a descolonização angolana. Para se estabelecer a aproximação entre a peça
de William Shakespeare e as narrativas de Ruy Duarte de Carvalho, levou-se em
conta o diálogo teórico proposto pelo autor angolano ao nomear sua trilogia como
Os Filhos de Próspero (aludindo ao processo de mestiçagem física e cultural
advindo da colonização), bem como a recorrência temática da tempestade em sua
criação artística. Nesta Tese, além das narrativas que compõem a trilogia Os
filhos de Próspero – Os papeis do inglês (2000), As paisagens propícias (2005) e
A terceira metade (2009) –, são também analisadas as obras Como se o mundo
não tivesse leste (1977), Vou lá visitar pastores (1999) e Desmedida (2006). / [en] Prospers legacy: an investigation Ruy Duarte de Carvalhoss narrative
Project analyses, upon a post colonial point of view, William Shakespeares play
entitled The Tempest, to verify the colonization approach in the narratives of the
Angolan writer Ruy Duarte de Carvalho. Published after the independence of
Angola, these works dont show the colonization experience as a fully complete
process since its traces reverberate in the present time. Thus, Prospero and
Caliban (Shakespearean characters considered after the 1950s as respective
symbols of the colonizer and the colonized) and the tempest symbology are
theoretically discussed, in this research, to elucidate the new obstacles
experienced after the Angolan decolonization. To establish the approach between
Shakespeares play and Ruy Duarte de Carvalhoss narratives, the theoretical
dialog proposed by the Angolan author naming his trilogy as Os filhos de
Próspero (referring to the physical and cultural miscegenation process as a result
of the colonization) was considered as well as the tempest thematic recurrence in
his artistic creation. In this thesis, besides the narrations that set Os filhos de
Próspero – Os papeis do inglês (2000), As paisagens propícias (2005) e A
terceira metade (2009) –, Como se o mundo não tivesse leste (1977), Vou lá
visitar pastores (1999) e Desmedida (2006) are also analyzed.
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Morfo-anatomska i kariološka varijabilnost populacija B7 citotipa Prospero autumnale (L.) Speta kompleksa (Hyacinthaceae) u Panonskoj niziji i na Balkanskom poluostrvu / Morpho-anatomical and karyological variability of the populations within B7 cytotype of Prospero autumnale (L.) Speta complex (Hyacinthaceae) from the Pannonian Basin and Balkan PeninsulaVestek Ana 18 October 2019 (has links)
<p><em>Prospero autumnale </em> kompleks je taksonomski najintrigantniji član roda <em>Prospero,</em> sa centrom rasprostranjenja u Mediteranu. Kompleks se rasprostire i na obalama Atlantskog okeana u Francuskoj, sve do južnih delova Velike Britanije, zatim na Balkanskom poluostrvu, u Panonskoj niziji, sve do Krima, Kavkaza i delova Irana na istoku. Areal kompleksa se preklapa sa arealima ostale dve vrste roda – u<br />zapadnom Mediteranu sa <em>P. obtusifolium</em>, a u istočnim delovima Mediterana sa <em> P. hanburyi. </em>Za razliku od <em>P. obtusifolium i P. hanburyi, P. autumnale</em> kompleks se odlikuje visokom kariološkom varijabilnošću.Razlikuju se četiri osnovna broja hromozoma x = 5, 6, 7 i četiri različita tipa genoma (A, B<sup> 5 </sup>, B <sup>6</sup> i B<sup> 7</sup> ) i diploidna citotipa (AA, B <sup>5 </sup>B<sup> 5 </sup>, B <sup>6 </sup>B<sup> 6 </sup>i B <sup>7 </sup>B <sup>7</sup> ) koja se razlikuju u odnosu na osnovni broj hromozoma, veličinu i morfologiju hromozoma. Genom B <sup>5</sup> ima x = 5, B<sup> 6</sup> x = 6, a genomi A i B<sup> 7 </sup>x = 7. Najrasprostranjeniji genom je B <sup>7</sup> , koji je zabeležen u celom arealu kompleksa, dok je A zastupljen u zapadnom Mediteranu, B<sup> 5</sup> u Libiji, a B <sup>6 </sup>je endemičan za Krit. U okviru B <sup>7</sup> genoma se, dalje, razlikuju dve linije nastale kao posledica duplikacija 5S rDNK lokusa, pri čemu linija I ima jedan lokus, a kod linije II taj lokus je duplikovan. Osim diploidnih citotipova, poznato je i nekoliko ploidnih nivoa, od kojih su najučestaliji tetraploidi (2n=4x=28) i heksaploidi (2n=6x=42). Za <em>P. autumnale </em> kompleks je karakteristična varijabilnost u veličini genoma između različitih citotipova i unutar pojedinih citotipova. Genomsko restrukturiranje, koje je imalo najveću ulogu u evoluciji i diverzifikaciji kompleksa, nije imalo velikog uticaja na morfološku varijabilnost, te je iz tog razloga kompleks morfološki skoro uniforman. Ipak karakteri kao što su: boja tunike lukovice, visina biljke, oblik i dimenzije lista, broj cvetova u cvasti i boja cvetova pokazuju izvesnu varijabilnost. Taksonomske nejasnoće nastaju zbog opisanih desetak vrsta između kojih ne postoje jasne morfološke razlike i kod kojih je prisutno preklapanje vrednosti karaktera.Kako je do sada kompleks najviše bio predmet karioloških istraživanja, pri čemu su izostale detaljne analize morfološke i/ili anatomske varijabilnosti, uzorkovan je biljni materijal sa 37 lokaliteta na području Panonske nizije i Balkanskog poluostrva sa ciljem utvrđivanja morfološke, anatomske, kao i kariološke varijabilnosti. Određivan je broj hromozoma, nivoi ploidije i veličina genoma. Primenom univarijantne statističke metode, ispitana je varijabilnost morfoloških i anatomskih karaktera, a upotrebom multivarijantne statističke metode su testirane razlike između unapred definisanih grupa, koje su se odnosile na populacije i ploidne nivoe. Korespodentnom analizom su analizirani kvalitativni morfološki i anatomski karakteri. Ukupno je analizirano 65 karaktera (33 morfološka i 32 ana tomska). Rezultati kariološke analize se potvrdili varijabilnost kompleksa na istraživanom području. Detektovana su tri ploidna nivoa (diploidi, tetraploidi i heksaploidi), a potvrđena je i varijabilnost u veličini genoma. Poređenjem monoploidne veličine genoma između tri ploidna nivoa je detektovano smanjivanje veličine genoma sa povećanjem nivoa ploidije. U odnosu na koeficijent varijabilnosti, konstatovano je da se većina morfoloških karaktera nalazi u zoni umerene varijabilnosti (22), a samo pet karaktera je visokovarijabilno. Anatomski karakteri su raspoređeni u četiri kategorije (niskovarijabilni, umerenovarijabilni, visokovarijabilni i veoma visokovarijabilni), pri čemu većina karaktera (20) pripada umerenovarijabilnoj kategoriji. Četiri kvalitativna morfološka (oblik lukovice, boja tunike, boja cveta i oblik plodnika) i sedam kvalitativnih anatomskih karaktera (oblik poprečnog preseka lista, oblik ćelija epidermisa na licu i naličju, oblik ćelija palisadnog tkiva na licu i naličju, prisustvo papila i kristala u ćelijama parenhima) su pokazala varijabilnost. U korespodentnoj analizi, zasnovanoj na kvalitativnim morfološkim karakterima, izdvojile su se tri grupe. Za prvu grupu su bili zajedničke širokojajaste i uzanojajaste lukovice sa ružičastom tunikom, jedinkama u drugoj grupi su bili svojstveni jajasti i uzanojajasti plodnici i lukovice sa braon tunikom, dok su za treću grupu bili karakteristični širokojajasti plodnici, loptaste i pljosnate lukovice. U odnosu na kvalitativne anatomske karaktere najviš e se izdvojila jedna grupa za koju su bile karakteristične gusto raspoređene papile i prisustvo četvorougaonih i okruglastih epidermalnih ćelija na abaksijalnoj strani lista. Rezultati multivarijantnih analiza, zasnovanih na populacijama kao unapred definisanim grupama i kvantitivnim karakterima, ukazali su na složenu varijabilnost uzorka i izostanak jasne separacije grupa. Naznake razdvajanja grupa su bile uočljive u analizi morfo-anatomske matrice. Izdvojili su se sledeći karakteri: visina stabla, dužina cvasti, broj cvetova, površina poprečnog preseka lista, ukupna površina palisadnog tkiva i ukupna površina sunđerastog tkiva. Najjasnija razdvajanja su uočena u analizama gde su ploidni nivoi predstavljali a priori definisane grupe, naročito u kombinaciji morfoloških i anatomskih karaktera. Karakteri sa diskriminacionim potencijalom između jedinki koje pripadaju različitim ploidnim nivoima jesu: broj<br />cvetova, širina listića perigona unutrašnjeg kruga i filamenta spoljašnjeg kruga, površina poprečnog preseka lista, ukupna površina palisadnog tkiva, površina ćelija palisadnog tkiva, visina i širina ćelija palisadnog tkiva i udeo epidermisa. Od sva tri ploidna nivoa, najviše izdvojene su bile diploidne jedinke, koje se od tetraploida i heksaploida mogu razlikovati na osnovu: dužina filamenata spoljašnjeg i unutrašnjeg kruga cveta, površine ćelija palisadnog tkiva, visine i širine ćelija palisadnog tkiva, kao i ukupne površine palisadnog tkiva. Tetraploidi i heksaplodi se najviše međusobno razlikuju na osnovu karaktera u regionu cveta: prečnik otvorenog perigona, dužine listića perigona spoljašnjeg kruga cveta i širine filamenta spoljašnjeg kruga cveta. Uočene razlike između tri analizirana ploidna nivoa (diploidi, tetraploidi i heksaploidi), u taksonomskom smislu se mogu tumačiti pre kao jedna od infraspecijskih kategorija, a ne kao kategorija koja bi odgovarala vrsti.</p> / <p>Prospero autumnale complex is the most taxonomically intricate member of the genus Prospero with the centre of distribution on the Mediterranean Basin, westwards to the Atlantic coast in France as far north as Great Britain, northwards to the Pannonian Basin and Crimea, and eastwards to Iran. The distribution area of the complex overlaps with distribution areas of the other two species of the genus<br />Prospero-P. obtusifolium is present in the western parts of the Mediterranean, while P. hanburyi is distributed in the eastern Mediterranean. Unlike P. obtusifolium and P. hanburyi, P. autumnale complexis characterized by extraordinary karyological cariation. It encompasses four distinct genomes (A, B 5 , B 6 , B 7 ) and four distinct diploid cytotypes (AA, B 5 B 5 , B 6 B 6 , B 7 B 7 ), each with a unique combination of<br />basic chromosome number (x = 5, 6, 7). An additional difference is related to chromosome size and morphology. The B 5 genome has x = 5, B 6 x = 6, and A and B 7x = 7 basic chromosome numbers. The B 7 genome is present in the whole distribution area of P. autumnale complex, while genome A is distributed in the western Mediterranean, B 5 is restricted to Libya, and B 6 is endemic to Crete. Within diploids and tetraploids of B 7 genome, two lineages occur as a consequence of duplication of the 5S rDNA locus. Type I (lineage) has a single locus, while in type II (lineage) 5S rDNA locus is duplicated. Besides diploid cytotypes, the polyploids cytotypes are also known. The most common polyploids are tetra- (2n=4x=28) and hexaploids (2n=6x=42). Variability in the genome size within, as well as between cytotypes, is also characterized for the complex. Genomic restructuring, which played the b iggest role in evolution and diversification of the P. autumnale complex, did not have a major impact on morphological variability. Only slight variation has been detected in plant, tepal and filament size, flower and seed color, shape and size of leaves a nd color of bulbs. Taxonomic ambiguities are<br />additionally caused by description of the new ten species of the complex. morphological differences between those species are unclear, with overlapping values of the most morphological traits. Until now, P. autumnale complex was mostly karyologicaly investigated, without detail analyses of morphological and/or anatomical variability. The aim of the present study was to investigate karyological, morphological and anatomical variability on individuals collected on 37 localities across the Pannonian Basin and Balkan Peninsula. Basic chromosome number, ploidy levels, as well as genome size were determined. The variability of morphological and anatomical characters was examined using univariate statistical methods. Differences between predefined groups (populations and ploidy levels) were investigated using multivariate statistics with the attempts to identify morphological and anatomical characters with discriminatory potential. For analysing qualitative morphological and anatomical characters, correspondence analysis was conducted. In total 65 traits were analyzed (33 morphological and 32 anatomical). The results of karyological analysis confirmed the high variation of the P. autumnale complex in the study area. Three ploidy levels (diploids, tetraploids and hexaploids) were detected, and the genome size variation was confirmed. Genome downsizing was observed by comparing monoploid genome sizes between three ploidy levels. According to the oefficient ofc variation, most morphological characters show moderate variation (22). Only five traits showed high variation. Anatomical characters were classified into four categories according to the coefficient of variation (with low, moderate, high and very high variation), but the most traits (20) showed moderate<br />variation. Variation in qualitative morphological (bulb shape and color, flower color and ovary shape) and seven qualitative anatomical characters (leaf cross-sectional area shape, shape of the adaxial and abaxial epidermal cells, shape of the adaxial and abaxial palisade cells, presence of the papillae and crystals in the parenchyma cells) were recorded. Three groups of populations, as a result of the correspondence analysis, based on qualitative morphological characters, were formed. Populations of the first group showed common characteristics such as broadly and narrowly ovate shaped bulbs with pink outer tunic. The second group was characterized by bulbs with brown outer tunic, ovate and narrowly ovate ovary, while the third group had broadly ovate ovaries, globose and flattened bulbs. In relation to qualitative anatomical characters, only one group was the most distinguished and was characterized by densely distributed papillae, squared and rounded shape of abaxial epidermal cells. The results of multivariate analyses of quantitative traits, based on populations as presumptive groups, revealed similar patterns without structuring and with no specific groupings. The tendency toward a separation of the populations was noticeable in the analysis based on combined morpho-anatomical characters. The highest correlation with the canonical axes showed: stem height, inflorescence length,number of flowers, leaf cross-sectional area, palisade and spongy tissue area. The clearest separationsbetween groups were observed with ploidy levels as presumptive groups. Morpho-anatomical traits with discriminatory potential among ploidy levels were: number of flowers, inner tepal width, outer filament width, leaf cross-sectional area, palisade tissue area, the cross-sectional area of palisade cells, height and width of palisade cells and epidermis percentage. The most distinct group among three ploidy levels were diploids and could be distinguished from tetra- and hexaploids by outer and inner filament width, the cross-sectional area of palisade cells, the width of palisade cells, the height of palisade cells and palisade tissue area. Tetra- and hexaploids differed mostly in floral characters: open flower diameter, outer tepal length and outer filament width. For taxonomic purposes, the level of overlap indicates that the ploidy levels could be regarded as showing intraspecific variation.</p>
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De Paul Groussac a Richard Morse: apropriações e releituras de A Tempestade de ShakespearePereira Neto, Daiana 28 August 2013 (has links)
Submitted by isabela.moljf@hotmail.com (isabela.moljf@hotmail.com) on 2016-08-04T18:39:27Z
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Previous issue date: 2013-08-28 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O objetivo dessa dissertação é historiar o uso das personagens Próspero, Ariel e Caliban, provenientes da penúltima peça de Shakespeare, A Tempestade, na América Latina, desde o final do século XIX até fins do século XX. Para alcançar tal objetivo o trabalho foi dividido em quatro capítulos. O primeiro busca analisar as características mais marcantes da peça A Tempestade, bem como seu autor, Willian Shakespeare. O segundo capítulo analisa a interpretação de três autores: Paul Groussac, Rubén Darío e José Enrique Rodó. Esses autores foram os primeiros a utilizar as personagens em solo americano a partir da Guerra Hispano-Americana de 1898. O terceiro capítulo tem como objetivo compreender a diferença no uso das metáforas shakespearianas nas décadas de 1960 e 1970. Elencamos novamente três autores para historiar essa nova percepção: George Lamming, Aimé Césaire e Roberto Fernández Retamar. O quarto e último capítulo analisa a obra O Espelho de Próspero, do historiador norte-americano Richard Morse / This essay aims to record the use of the characters Próspero, Ariel and Caliban, from the penultimate Shakespeare’s play, The Tempest, in Latin America, during the century XIX and XX century. In order to achieve this aim, it was divided in four chapters. The first one intends to approach the main characteristics of The Tempest, and of its author, Willian Shakespeare. The second one analyses three authors’ interpretations: Paul Groussac, Rubén Darío and José Enrique Rodó. These thinkers are chronolycaly the first to use the characters on American land, which is marked by the Hispano-American War of 1898. The third chapter aims to understand the differences in the use of the Shakespearians metaphors in the 1960’s and 1970’s. Again, it selects three authors to record this new perception: George Lamming, Aimé Césaire and Roberto Fernández Retamar. The fourth and last chapter analyses the essay O Espelho de Próspero, by the North American historian Richard Morse.
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Les Cahiers de Prospero (1991-2002). Une revue d’auteurs de théâtre / Les Cahiers de Prospero (1991-2002). A publication by theater writersGavalda, Elisabeth 21 November 2017 (has links)
L’histoire de la revue Les Cahiers de Prospero est intimement liée à la Chartreuse de Villeneuve lez Avignon et à la double naissance en 1991 du Centre National des Écritures du Spectacle et de la revue Prospero, son aînée. La recherche décrit et analyse les conditions et les enjeux politiques, patrimoniaux, culturels et éditoriaux qui ont construit leur avènement et dont les deux étapes principales sont la réhabilitation du monument en un centre culturel de rencontre à visée européenne et le Compte rendu d’Avignon, vaste enquête dirigée par Michel Vinaver au sein du Centre National des Lettres. L’étude se concentre sur le passage d’une revue institutionnelle et spécialisée (1991-1992) à une revue conçue uniquement par des auteurs de théâtre (1994-1996) qui se transforme en une « carte blanche » confiée à un seul auteur - concepteur par cahier (1999-2002). La recherche se resserre sur les périodes qui anticipent la création de Prospero et des Cahiers de Prospero, l’étude de leur contenu, et la période charnière qui modifie la ligne éditoriale et ouvre un espace de confrontations auctoriales, recentré autour de l’écriture théâtrale. Michel Azama, rédacteur en chef de la revue, en accord avec les dirigeants de la Chartreuse, rassemble un comité d’auteurs : Eugène Durif, Roland Fichet, Didier-Georges Gabily, Philippe Minyana, Jean-Marie Piemme et Noëlle Renaude pour réaliser Les Cahiers de Prospero. Plus qu’un objet littéraire, la revue Les Cahiers de Prospero donne à lire le portrait de l’auteur de théâtre à l’aube du XXIème siècle et contribue, par la richesse de son contenu et l’invitation d’un peintre auteur par cahier, à inventer un objet unique. / The history of the periodical Les Cahiers de Prospero is closely related to La Chartreuse of Villeneuve lez Avignon and to the birth, in 1991, of both the Centre National des Écritures du Spectacle (The National Playwriting Centre) and a former periodical named Prospero.This research describes and analyzes the conditions and the various contexts and issues (political, patrimonial, cultural and editorial) underlying the birth of Les Cahiers de Prospero, the two main steps being the rehabilitation of the monument into a cultural center with a European aim and the Compte rendu d’Avignon (Avignon’s Report), a wide study directed by Michel Vinaver within the Centre National des Lettres. The research will focus on the transformation of a specialised and institutionalised periodical (1991-1992), into a periodical conceived only by theater writers (1994-1996) then into a « carte blanche » given to a single author-designer for each publication (1999-2002).A modification of the editorial line allows the authors to find a space of communication and confrontation, centered around theater-writing issues. Michel Azama, editor-in-chief of the magazine, in agreement with the direction of the Chartreuse, gathers a commitee of authors: Eugène Durif, Roland Fichet, Didier-Georges Gabily, Philippe Minyana, Jean-Marie Piemme and Noëlle Renaude to realize Les Cahiers de Propero. More than a literary object, Les Cahiers de Propero offer a portrait of the theater writer at the dawn of the XXIst century. The richness of its contents and the collaboration of a guest painter author per issue turns it into a unique object.
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“One of the Most Intensely Exciting Secrets” : The Antarctic in American Literature, 1820-1849Wijkmark, Johan January 2009 (has links)
This study examines a small body of 19th-century American literature about the Antarctic: Adam Seaborn's (pseud.) Symzonia (1820), Edgar Allan Poe's "MS. Found in a Bottle" (1833) and The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym (1838), Peter Prospero's (pseud.) "The Atlantis" (1838-39), and James Fenimore Cooper's The Monikins (1835) and The Sea Lions (1849). These were written in a transitional phase in the history of the Antarctic. At the start of the period, the region was almost completely unknown. Towards the end of the period, however, the region had been mapped in its essence, and the existence of an Antarctic continent had been verified. For complex reasons, the region came into cultural focus in the U.S. during the 1820s to 40s, culminating in the first major American scientific expedition in 1838-42 to explore the South Seas and the Antarctic. The study is primarily historical, tracing ideas to their historical contexts in order to determine what these authors used the unknown space of the Antarctic for. These texts were written in imaginative response to contemporary notions of the Antarctic, which is reflected in the mode of representation. The literature is in the mode of speculative fiction-most of texts imagining a tropical, inhabited Antarctic-up until the region is explored, at which point it turns to realism. The texts fall into three categories: the utopian, liminal, and realistic. The utopian texts-Symzonia, The Monikins, and "The Atlantis"-are works of social criticism, using the blank space of the Antarctic to treat a diverse range of issues, including politics, evolutionary theories, race, and gender. Poe's "MS" and Pym represent the liminal category; they dramatize the anticipation of an imminent Antarctic discovery, narrating up to a point of revelation, only to stop short. The Sea Lions is the only realistic text, coming after the Antarctic is explored. Here the knowledge of the Antarctic has solidified into the environment we know today, but with religiously symbolical overtones.
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Μελέτη του ρόλου του αυξητικού παράγοντα HARP (Heparin Affin Regulatory Peptide) στην αγγειογένεση in vivoΔρόσου, Γεωργία 21 April 2008 (has links)
H HARP (heparin-affin regulatory peptide), γνωστή και ως πλειοτροπίνη (PTN), είναι ένας 18 kDa αυξητικός παράγοντας, ο οποίος έχει υψηλή συγγένεια για την ηπαρίνη. Η HARP έχει πολλαπλές βιολογικές δράσεις, όπως συμμετέχει στη ρύθμιση του κυτταρικού πολλαπλασιασμού, στη μετανάστευση και τη διαφοροποίηση. Επιπλέον η έκφραση της σχετίζεται με την φυσιολογική και καρκινική αγγειογένεση in vitro και in vivo. Στην παρούσα εργασία μελετήθηκε η έκφραση της HARP και των υποδοχέων της, ALK και RPTPβ/ζ, στις διάφορες ημέρες ανάπτυξης της CAM εμβρύου όρνιθας. Επίσης, μελετήθηκε η μείωση της έκφρασης της ενδογενούς HARP, με πλασμίδιο που φέρει την αντινοηματική αλληλουχία (AS-HARP), στην αγγειογένεση in vivo, στη φωσφορυλίωση των Εrk1,2 και στη λεμφαγγειογένεση της CAM εμβρύου όρνιθας. Ανάλυση κατά Western και RT-PCR στις διάφορες ημέρες ανάπτυξης του εμβρύου έδειξε ότι η έκφραση της HARP συμβαδίζει με τη δημιουργία νέων αγγείων στη CAM, ενώ η έκφραση των υποδοχέων της HARP στην CAM φαίνεται να είναι αυξημένη στα πρώτα στάδια ανάπτυξης του ιστού. Επίσης, η μείωση της έκφρασης της HARP μετά τη χορήγηση του πλασμιδίου AS-HARP, μείωσε τα επίπεδα της πρωτεΐνης, το μήκος των αγγείων και τη φωσφορυλίωση των Erk1/2 στο in vivo μοντέλο της CAM εμβρύου όρνιθας. Αντίθετα, η μείωση της έκφρασης της HARP μετά τη χορήγηση του πλασμιδίου AS-HARP, δεν επηρέασε τη λεμφαγγειογένεση της CAM εμβρύου όρνιθας. Σαν τελικό συμπέρασμα προκύπτει ότι η έκφραση της ενδογενούς HARP στην CAM εμβρύου όρνιθας είναι σημαντική για τη φυσιολογική αγγειογένεση in vivo. / Heparin-affin regulatory peptide (HARP), also known as pleiotrophin or heparin-binding growth-associated molecule, is an 18 kDa growth factor that has a high affinity for heparin. HARP is involved in the control of cellular proliferation, migration and differentiation. Moreover, there is a strong correlation between HARP expression and tumor growth and angiogenesis. In the present work, we studied the expression of HARP and its receptors, ALK and RPTPβ/ζ, during development of the chicken embryo chorioallantoic membrane (CAM), in relation to angiogenesis. By western blot analysis and RT-PCR, it was shown that HARP, ALK and RPTPβ/ζ expression increased at days of on-going angiogenesis and decreased at later time points. Transfection of CAMs with an anti-sense HARP gene construct led to a significant decrease in HARP amounts compared to vector control transfected CAMs, a significant decrease in the length of CAM blood vessels, and a decrease in the phosphorylation of Erk1/2. Contrary, transfection of CAMs with the anti-sense HARP gene construct had no influence in lymphangiogenesis of the chicken embryo chorioallantoic membrane (CAM). These data suggest that endogenous HARP is involved in angiogenesis in vivo.
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