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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Transporttider för vatten i närområdet till en vattentäkt : spårämnesförsök i en isälvsavlagring

Enquist, Jonas January 2006 (has links)
<p>When establishing a groundwater protection area it is of great interest to be able to estimate the transit time of the groundwater from different places of the aquifer to the withdrawal well. These estimates can be uncertain due to heterogeneities in the aquifer. As a part of the work to develop methods for a more certain delineation of protection areas, a tracer test was performed in an esker located 25 kilometres NW of the town Uppsala.</p><p>The purpose of this master thesis was to perform, describe and evaluate the tracer test. Travel times from the tracer test should then enable comparison against stochastic simulated travel times of the groundwater in the area.</p><p>Three dyes (rhodamine WT, uranine and naphtionate) and a salt (NaBr) were used in the tracer test. The tracers were injected in four different wells located 25 meters from a pumping well. The pumping well was pumped at a rate of 1.7 L/s and water samples were collected from the pumped water. The calculated mass recovery was large for bromide (101 %) but considerably lower for the dyes rhodamine WT (70 %), uranine (61 %) and Naphthionate (19 %). The low mass recovery for the dyes is probably due to degradation and maybe also adsorption.</p><p>An analytical solution to the advection – dispersion equation in one dimension for radial converging flow was used for the interpretation of the breakthrough curves. Smallest and largest transit time that was received from the model fitting was 1,9 days and 5,1 days respectively and without exception large longitudinal dispersivities (9-35 m). Point dilution tests were performed in the injection wells in order to determine the ground water flow at these wells. The tests gave information about the magnitude of the ground water flow, differences between the wells and the flow change at pumping.</p><p>Travel times were estimated from the received breakthrough curves and the travel time distributions can be used for comparison against stochastic simulated travel times of the groundwater.</p> / <p>Vid utformningen av skyddsområden för grundvattentäkter är det av stor vikt att kunna uppskatta grundvattnets transporttid (uppehållstid) från olika partier av akviferen till uttagsplatsen. Dessa bedömningar har en tendens att bli osäkra på grund av heterogeniteter i akviferen. Som ett led i arbetet att utveckla metoder för en säkrare avgränsning av skyddsområden genomfördes ett spårämnesförsök i en isälvsavlagring (Järlåsaåsen) belägen cirka 2,5 mil nordväst om Uppsala.</p><p>Syftet med examensarbetet var att genomföra, beskriva och utvärdera spårämnesförsöket. Bestämda transporttider från spårämnesförsöket skulle sedan kunna användas för jämförelse med stokastiskt simulerade transporttider för grundvattnet i området.</p><p>Tre färgspårämnen (rhodamin WT, uranin och naphtionat) och ett salt (NaBr) användes vid spårämnesförsöken. Spårämnena injicerades i fyra olika grundvattenrör belägna 25 meter från en uttagsbrunn. Pumpflödet ur uttagsbrunnen var 1,7 L/s och med en automatprovtagare togs vattenprover från det uppumpade vattnet. Resultatet från massbalansberäkningarna visade på att all injicerad bromid återfanns i uttagsbrunnen, men andelen återfunnen spårämnesmassa var betydligt lägre för färgspårämnena rhodamin WT (70 %), uranin (61 %) och naphtionat (19 %). Den låga andelen återfunnen massa beror troligtvis främst på nedbrytning och kanske även på adsorption.</p><p>En analytisk lösning till advektions- dispersionsekvationen i en dimension för radiellt konvergerande strömning användes vid utvärderingen av genombrottskurvorna. En minsta och största uppehållstid på 1,9 dygn respektive 5,1 dygn och överlag oväntat stora dispersiviteter (9 – 35 m) erhölls från kurvanpassningen. Den första ankomsttiden till uttagsbrunnen hade ett minsta och största värde på 3,8 respektive 13 timmar. Utspädningsförsök genomfördes också för att bestämma storleken på flödet vid injektionsrören. Dessa försök gav en bild av flödets storlek, skillnader mellan de olika injektionsrören och flödets förändring vid pumpning.</p><p>De bestämda transporttiderna visar på relativt stora tidsskillnader och ett heterogent försöksområde. Transporttidsfördelningarna utgör också ett underlag för en jämförelse mot stokastiskt simulerade transporttider av grundvattnet.</p>

Áreas de Proteção Ambiental (APA): conservação e sustentabilidade - o caso da APA da Baleia Franca (SC / Brasil)

Prestes, Laura Dias January 2016 (has links)
As unidades de conservação (UC) são vistas como o principal instrumento de conservação diante da perda de biodiversidade e estudos afirmam que os remanescentes de ambientes preservados pertencerão apenas às UCs. Porém, mesmo com o respaldo jurídico e científico da importância das UCs para a conservação, elas enfrentam inúmeras dificuldades de implementação e gestão. Em particular, as UCs de uso sustentável, como as áreas de proteção ambiental (APAs), enfrentam dificuldades ainda maiores em decorrência da presença humana em seu interior. Infere-se que o desenvolvimento sustentável, objetivo das APAs, apresenta limitações como ferramenta para a conservação e a efetividade da gestão dessas áreas depende de uma maior compreensão do contexto social no qual estão inseridas, pois os territórios dessas UCs constituem-se em mosaicos de áreas públicas e privadas. Percebe-se que as APAs nem sempre são vistas como UCs eficientes do ponto de vista da conservação. A APA da Baleia Franca é uma UC Federal de ambiente marinho-costeiro localizada no litoral sul de Santa Catarina (SC). Possui uma área de 154 hectares e foi criada em 2000. Tem aproximadamente 130 km de costa marinha e 80% da área é marinha. Partimos do fato que manejar eficientemente a UC não garante a eficiência na conservação da biodiversidade, embora vigore entendimento contrário. Dessa forma, nem todas as formas de gestão resultam na proteção da biodiversidade. Esta pesquisa investiga, portanto, a efetividade da APA da Baleia Franca como instrumento voltado à conservação da espécie alvo, à regulação da exploração dos recursos naturais e a ordenação do território. Para tanto, foi aplicado o método RAPPAM adaptado para a categoria APA Também foi realizado o levantamento da cobertura e uso da terra com a produção de mapas de 2000 e 2015 para observar se ocorreram pressões de uso sobre os ambientes naturais provocados por atividades humanas; acompanhamento das reuniões do Conselho da APA; e a análise as atas e pautas das reuniões do Conselho. Para analisar a compatibilidade do Zoneamento Ecológico Econômico Costeiro e Planos Diretores com as atividades desenvolvidas na APABF realizou-se a análise dos mapas e diretrizes do Zoneamento Ecológico Econômico Costeiro de SC e Planos Diretores do município de Imbituba e Garopaba. A pesquisa mostrou que a APA da Baleia Franca apresenta uma eficiência de gestão e conservação de 49,4%, considerado minimamente satisfatório, isto é, a UC é altamente vulnerável e seus objetivos de conservação não estão garantidos. Corroborando com isso, verificou-se através do mapeamento 2000-2015 que existe uma grande dinâmica no uso e cobertura da terra na APABF, e a UC perdeu 2145,04 ha de áreas naturais, pressionadas, sobretudo, pela atividade de silvicultura e invasão de vegetação exótica em áreas de restinga. Entretanto, é possível inferir que a APABF se faz presente no território, principalmente através do seu Conselho Gestor e a gestão participativa se mostra um processo, lento, porém gradual. Outra característica é a diversidade de conflitos presentes no território da APABF, estes têm sido negociados dentro do conselho caso a caso, pela falta do plano de manejo da unidade. A governança, nesse sentido, tem sido um instrumento amplamente utilizado pela APABF no processo de gestão do território. / Conservation units (CUs) are seen as the main conservation tool in the face of biodiversity loss, and studies claim that the remnants of preserved environments will only belong to CUs. Despite the legal and scientific support of their importance for conservation, the CUs face numerous difficulties in implementation and management. In particular, the CUs of sustainable use, such as Environmental Protection Areas (APAs), face even greater difficulties due to human presence. It is inferred that the sustainable development - objective of the APAs - has limitations as a tool for conservation, and the effective management of those areas relies on a better understanding of the social context which they are part of, since the territories of CUs constitute themselves a mosaic of public and private areas. APAs are not always seen as efficient CUs regarding conservation. The Right Whale Environmental Protection Area is a Federal CU of marine-coastal environment located on the southern coast of Santa Catarina (SC). With an area of 154 hectares, the APA was established in 2000. It has about 130 km of seacoast and 80% of the area is marine. We start from the fact that efficiently manage a CU does not guarantee the efficiency in biodiversity conservation. In this way, not all forms of management result in biodiversity protection. Therefore, this study investigates the effectiveness of the Right Whale Environmental Protection Area as an instrument for conservation of the target species, regulation of natural resources exploitation and land use planning. To this purpose, the RAPPAM method adapted to APA category was applied A survey on cover and land use was also carried out rough production of maps of 2000and 2015 in order to verify if use pressures on the natural environment caused by human activities occurred; follow-up of APA’s Council meetings with further analysis of their agendas and minutes. The compatibility of the Coastal Ecological Economic Zoning and Master Plans with the APA activities was assessed through analysis of maps and guidelines of the Coastal Economic Ecological Zoning of SC and Master Plans from Imbituba and Garopaba municipalities. The research has shown that the Right Whale Environmental Protection Area presents a management efficiency and conservation of 49.4%, which is considered minimally satisfactory. In other words, the CU is highly vulnerable and their conservation goals are not guaranteed. Corroborating this, it was found by 2000-2015 mapping that the land use and land cover dynamics in the APA is huge, the CU lost 2145,04ha of natural areas, mainly due to forestry activities and exotic vegetation invasion in of restinga areas. However, it is possible to infer that the APA is present in the territory, mainly through its Management Board and participatory management, in spite of being a slow process, it is gradual. Another feature is the diversity of conflicts within the APA territory, which have been negotiated by the board case by case, as a result of the lack of management plan. Governance in this sense has been a tool widely used by the APA in the land management process.

A study for PengHu of teacher in elementry school contribute ecological protection education

Hsu, Yu-Chen 26 July 2005 (has links)
In Penghu, there are natural areas of ecological protection which are spectacular in the domestic environment and rare in the world. And it is possible in the future for these areas to be developed into national geology parks or world heritage areas of ecology. Thus, the issue of establishing ecological protection areas in Penghu is quite often presented and quite appealing to the public. This research is being underway by inquires with the help of teachers in Penghu elementary schools, studying the value recognition, care attitude, willingness of participation, and levels of participation toward the issue of establishing Penghu¡¦s ecological protection areas. Next, this research is related to study the motives, methods, contents, and influences of teachers in Penghu elementary schools, who are assumed to carry out the task of ecological protection. At last, this research includes the effective methods of how to improve the teaching of ecological protection and presents the solutions of how to deal with the difficulties, which teachers in elementary schools have encountered. Through the computer¡¦s statistic analyses, the effective surveys can be generalized as the findings below: 1. The current major problems of ecological protection in Penghu are the unestablishment of ecological concepts and consensuses as well as the serious damages and changes of the wild inhabitants of animals and plants. Thus, how to place equal emphasis on the continuing development of economics and the island¡¦s ecological protection will become the future common direction of efforts for the various administrative agencies. 2. The attitudes and behaviors of the teachers in the county toward the public affairs are mostly conservative and passive when they are implementing the task of ecological protection. From the results of the surveys, most teachers agree that if schools can work with the organizations or groups of ecological protection, which will contribute to the teaching task of ecological protection. Thus, it seems necessary for schools and the educational agencies concerned to combine the work of ecological protection units and that of the teachers. 3. Most of the tasks of ecological protection by the teachers of this county are focused on meeting the needs of school curricula, which are influencing to the studying interests and concerns of students and to the interactions between students and teachers. Thus, it is obviously necessary for the agencies concerned to well arrange the related ecological curricula, such as the choices of teaching places, methods, strategies, contents, manpower resources, and the frequencies of teaching activities. 4. Most of the teachers agree that it is more effective for students to undertake ecological protection activities in the ecological protection areas than any other forms of teaching activities. Thus, it is worthwhile for the school authorities to deal with difficulties and to offer effective situations for teachers and students. 5. To the teaching of ecological protection, the major problem which most of the teachers have met with is the inadequacy of professional know-how in ecological protection. On the other hand, there are many teachers who have the same idea that teacher¡¦s professional expertise is the key to the success of undertaking ecological protection. Therefore, it is without doubt very important for the county¡¦s educational units to think of how to enhance teachers¡¦ reeducation, to cultivate their professional know-how about ecological protection, and to solve their teaching difficulties. 6. It is indeed a great help to the teachers¡¦ tasks on ecological protection that if schools can put emphasis on teachers¡¦ work, if communities can give them support, and if school administrative measures can be more enhanced. Thus, it is necessarily important for the school authorities to seek the communication and cooperation between the parents and the residents of the communities as well as to get more resources to help the teaching activities. 7. County administrative policies influence a lot on the undertaking effectiveness of ecological protection. Thus, it is an important objective for the county authorities in charge of ecological protection to meet with educational authorities to promote the county¡¦s ecological protection environment. At the same time, the various school units should establish a comprehensive teaching network on ecological protection in accordance with its own natural environment, human resources, and needs of curricula to compile the curricular materials of ecological protection.

Riskklassning av tre civila skjutbanor inom vattenskyddsområde : Inventeringar och riskklassningar enligt Naturvårdsverkets metodik för inventering av förorenade områden

Nordbrandt, Filippa January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate whether water protection areas with nearby shooting ranges could be polluted by lead from ammunition or not. The goal was to make a risk assessment of the hazard for human health and the environment. The risk assessment leads to a classification of the shooting ranges. The work of the inventory was done according to the method developed by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, called “Methodology for Inventory of Polluted Areas”. The report contains two types of studies: one literature study and one practical study where interviews were conducted along with a visit to one of the shooting ranges. The results show that one shooting range was considered to be of high risk to the environment because of the high activity that accumulated several tons of lead and the shooting range’s nearness to a water treatment plant. The other two shooting ranges were smaller and not too close to a drinking water source. Therefore the risks were moderate. Conclusions drawn from this report is that water protection areas within nearby shooting ranges are exposed to potential pollution from lead, but the risks aren’t immediate. Probably will time play an important role to prevent lead spreading to the ground water. Because of its attributes, lead has low mobility under normal conditions.  The vertical transport in the ground is considered slow and it could take hundreds of years before it reaches ground water.

Áreas de Proteção Ambiental (APA): conservação e sustentabilidade - o caso da APA da Baleia Franca (SC / Brasil)

Prestes, Laura Dias January 2016 (has links)
As unidades de conservação (UC) são vistas como o principal instrumento de conservação diante da perda de biodiversidade e estudos afirmam que os remanescentes de ambientes preservados pertencerão apenas às UCs. Porém, mesmo com o respaldo jurídico e científico da importância das UCs para a conservação, elas enfrentam inúmeras dificuldades de implementação e gestão. Em particular, as UCs de uso sustentável, como as áreas de proteção ambiental (APAs), enfrentam dificuldades ainda maiores em decorrência da presença humana em seu interior. Infere-se que o desenvolvimento sustentável, objetivo das APAs, apresenta limitações como ferramenta para a conservação e a efetividade da gestão dessas áreas depende de uma maior compreensão do contexto social no qual estão inseridas, pois os territórios dessas UCs constituem-se em mosaicos de áreas públicas e privadas. Percebe-se que as APAs nem sempre são vistas como UCs eficientes do ponto de vista da conservação. A APA da Baleia Franca é uma UC Federal de ambiente marinho-costeiro localizada no litoral sul de Santa Catarina (SC). Possui uma área de 154 hectares e foi criada em 2000. Tem aproximadamente 130 km de costa marinha e 80% da área é marinha. Partimos do fato que manejar eficientemente a UC não garante a eficiência na conservação da biodiversidade, embora vigore entendimento contrário. Dessa forma, nem todas as formas de gestão resultam na proteção da biodiversidade. Esta pesquisa investiga, portanto, a efetividade da APA da Baleia Franca como instrumento voltado à conservação da espécie alvo, à regulação da exploração dos recursos naturais e a ordenação do território. Para tanto, foi aplicado o método RAPPAM adaptado para a categoria APA Também foi realizado o levantamento da cobertura e uso da terra com a produção de mapas de 2000 e 2015 para observar se ocorreram pressões de uso sobre os ambientes naturais provocados por atividades humanas; acompanhamento das reuniões do Conselho da APA; e a análise as atas e pautas das reuniões do Conselho. Para analisar a compatibilidade do Zoneamento Ecológico Econômico Costeiro e Planos Diretores com as atividades desenvolvidas na APABF realizou-se a análise dos mapas e diretrizes do Zoneamento Ecológico Econômico Costeiro de SC e Planos Diretores do município de Imbituba e Garopaba. A pesquisa mostrou que a APA da Baleia Franca apresenta uma eficiência de gestão e conservação de 49,4%, considerado minimamente satisfatório, isto é, a UC é altamente vulnerável e seus objetivos de conservação não estão garantidos. Corroborando com isso, verificou-se através do mapeamento 2000-2015 que existe uma grande dinâmica no uso e cobertura da terra na APABF, e a UC perdeu 2145,04 ha de áreas naturais, pressionadas, sobretudo, pela atividade de silvicultura e invasão de vegetação exótica em áreas de restinga. Entretanto, é possível inferir que a APABF se faz presente no território, principalmente através do seu Conselho Gestor e a gestão participativa se mostra um processo, lento, porém gradual. Outra característica é a diversidade de conflitos presentes no território da APABF, estes têm sido negociados dentro do conselho caso a caso, pela falta do plano de manejo da unidade. A governança, nesse sentido, tem sido um instrumento amplamente utilizado pela APABF no processo de gestão do território. / Conservation units (CUs) are seen as the main conservation tool in the face of biodiversity loss, and studies claim that the remnants of preserved environments will only belong to CUs. Despite the legal and scientific support of their importance for conservation, the CUs face numerous difficulties in implementation and management. In particular, the CUs of sustainable use, such as Environmental Protection Areas (APAs), face even greater difficulties due to human presence. It is inferred that the sustainable development - objective of the APAs - has limitations as a tool for conservation, and the effective management of those areas relies on a better understanding of the social context which they are part of, since the territories of CUs constitute themselves a mosaic of public and private areas. APAs are not always seen as efficient CUs regarding conservation. The Right Whale Environmental Protection Area is a Federal CU of marine-coastal environment located on the southern coast of Santa Catarina (SC). With an area of 154 hectares, the APA was established in 2000. It has about 130 km of seacoast and 80% of the area is marine. We start from the fact that efficiently manage a CU does not guarantee the efficiency in biodiversity conservation. In this way, not all forms of management result in biodiversity protection. Therefore, this study investigates the effectiveness of the Right Whale Environmental Protection Area as an instrument for conservation of the target species, regulation of natural resources exploitation and land use planning. To this purpose, the RAPPAM method adapted to APA category was applied A survey on cover and land use was also carried out rough production of maps of 2000and 2015 in order to verify if use pressures on the natural environment caused by human activities occurred; follow-up of APA’s Council meetings with further analysis of their agendas and minutes. The compatibility of the Coastal Ecological Economic Zoning and Master Plans with the APA activities was assessed through analysis of maps and guidelines of the Coastal Economic Ecological Zoning of SC and Master Plans from Imbituba and Garopaba municipalities. The research has shown that the Right Whale Environmental Protection Area presents a management efficiency and conservation of 49.4%, which is considered minimally satisfactory. In other words, the CU is highly vulnerable and their conservation goals are not guaranteed. Corroborating this, it was found by 2000-2015 mapping that the land use and land cover dynamics in the APA is huge, the CU lost 2145,04ha of natural areas, mainly due to forestry activities and exotic vegetation invasion in of restinga areas. However, it is possible to infer that the APA is present in the territory, mainly through its Management Board and participatory management, in spite of being a slow process, it is gradual. Another feature is the diversity of conflicts within the APA territory, which have been negotiated by the board case by case, as a result of the lack of management plan. Governance in this sense has been a tool widely used by the APA in the land management process.

Áreas de Proteção Ambiental (APA): conservação e sustentabilidade - o caso da APA da Baleia Franca (SC / Brasil)

Prestes, Laura Dias January 2016 (has links)
As unidades de conservação (UC) são vistas como o principal instrumento de conservação diante da perda de biodiversidade e estudos afirmam que os remanescentes de ambientes preservados pertencerão apenas às UCs. Porém, mesmo com o respaldo jurídico e científico da importância das UCs para a conservação, elas enfrentam inúmeras dificuldades de implementação e gestão. Em particular, as UCs de uso sustentável, como as áreas de proteção ambiental (APAs), enfrentam dificuldades ainda maiores em decorrência da presença humana em seu interior. Infere-se que o desenvolvimento sustentável, objetivo das APAs, apresenta limitações como ferramenta para a conservação e a efetividade da gestão dessas áreas depende de uma maior compreensão do contexto social no qual estão inseridas, pois os territórios dessas UCs constituem-se em mosaicos de áreas públicas e privadas. Percebe-se que as APAs nem sempre são vistas como UCs eficientes do ponto de vista da conservação. A APA da Baleia Franca é uma UC Federal de ambiente marinho-costeiro localizada no litoral sul de Santa Catarina (SC). Possui uma área de 154 hectares e foi criada em 2000. Tem aproximadamente 130 km de costa marinha e 80% da área é marinha. Partimos do fato que manejar eficientemente a UC não garante a eficiência na conservação da biodiversidade, embora vigore entendimento contrário. Dessa forma, nem todas as formas de gestão resultam na proteção da biodiversidade. Esta pesquisa investiga, portanto, a efetividade da APA da Baleia Franca como instrumento voltado à conservação da espécie alvo, à regulação da exploração dos recursos naturais e a ordenação do território. Para tanto, foi aplicado o método RAPPAM adaptado para a categoria APA Também foi realizado o levantamento da cobertura e uso da terra com a produção de mapas de 2000 e 2015 para observar se ocorreram pressões de uso sobre os ambientes naturais provocados por atividades humanas; acompanhamento das reuniões do Conselho da APA; e a análise as atas e pautas das reuniões do Conselho. Para analisar a compatibilidade do Zoneamento Ecológico Econômico Costeiro e Planos Diretores com as atividades desenvolvidas na APABF realizou-se a análise dos mapas e diretrizes do Zoneamento Ecológico Econômico Costeiro de SC e Planos Diretores do município de Imbituba e Garopaba. A pesquisa mostrou que a APA da Baleia Franca apresenta uma eficiência de gestão e conservação de 49,4%, considerado minimamente satisfatório, isto é, a UC é altamente vulnerável e seus objetivos de conservação não estão garantidos. Corroborando com isso, verificou-se através do mapeamento 2000-2015 que existe uma grande dinâmica no uso e cobertura da terra na APABF, e a UC perdeu 2145,04 ha de áreas naturais, pressionadas, sobretudo, pela atividade de silvicultura e invasão de vegetação exótica em áreas de restinga. Entretanto, é possível inferir que a APABF se faz presente no território, principalmente através do seu Conselho Gestor e a gestão participativa se mostra um processo, lento, porém gradual. Outra característica é a diversidade de conflitos presentes no território da APABF, estes têm sido negociados dentro do conselho caso a caso, pela falta do plano de manejo da unidade. A governança, nesse sentido, tem sido um instrumento amplamente utilizado pela APABF no processo de gestão do território. / Conservation units (CUs) are seen as the main conservation tool in the face of biodiversity loss, and studies claim that the remnants of preserved environments will only belong to CUs. Despite the legal and scientific support of their importance for conservation, the CUs face numerous difficulties in implementation and management. In particular, the CUs of sustainable use, such as Environmental Protection Areas (APAs), face even greater difficulties due to human presence. It is inferred that the sustainable development - objective of the APAs - has limitations as a tool for conservation, and the effective management of those areas relies on a better understanding of the social context which they are part of, since the territories of CUs constitute themselves a mosaic of public and private areas. APAs are not always seen as efficient CUs regarding conservation. The Right Whale Environmental Protection Area is a Federal CU of marine-coastal environment located on the southern coast of Santa Catarina (SC). With an area of 154 hectares, the APA was established in 2000. It has about 130 km of seacoast and 80% of the area is marine. We start from the fact that efficiently manage a CU does not guarantee the efficiency in biodiversity conservation. In this way, not all forms of management result in biodiversity protection. Therefore, this study investigates the effectiveness of the Right Whale Environmental Protection Area as an instrument for conservation of the target species, regulation of natural resources exploitation and land use planning. To this purpose, the RAPPAM method adapted to APA category was applied A survey on cover and land use was also carried out rough production of maps of 2000and 2015 in order to verify if use pressures on the natural environment caused by human activities occurred; follow-up of APA’s Council meetings with further analysis of their agendas and minutes. The compatibility of the Coastal Ecological Economic Zoning and Master Plans with the APA activities was assessed through analysis of maps and guidelines of the Coastal Economic Ecological Zoning of SC and Master Plans from Imbituba and Garopaba municipalities. The research has shown that the Right Whale Environmental Protection Area presents a management efficiency and conservation of 49.4%, which is considered minimally satisfactory. In other words, the CU is highly vulnerable and their conservation goals are not guaranteed. Corroborating this, it was found by 2000-2015 mapping that the land use and land cover dynamics in the APA is huge, the CU lost 2145,04ha of natural areas, mainly due to forestry activities and exotic vegetation invasion in of restinga areas. However, it is possible to infer that the APA is present in the territory, mainly through its Management Board and participatory management, in spite of being a slow process, it is gradual. Another feature is the diversity of conflicts within the APA territory, which have been negotiated by the board case by case, as a result of the lack of management plan. Governance in this sense has been a tool widely used by the APA in the land management process.

Estrategias de reprodução da agricultura familiar na area de proteção ambiental de Guaraqueçaba - litoral norte do Parana / Strategies of family farming reproduction in the protected area of Guaraqueçaba - coastal north of Parana state

Sampaio, Claudia Pereira da Silva 26 February 2004 (has links)
Orientadores: Sonia Maria Pessoa Pereira Bergamasco / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Agricola / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-05T14:05:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Sampaio_ClaudiaPereiradaSilva_D.pdf: 7434767 bytes, checksum: 1c5e3486a5920b05f48c18d0d5d2a981 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2004 / Resumo: O município de Guaraqueçaba, localizado no Litoral Norte do Estado do Paraná, tornou-se Área de Proteção Ambiental no ano de 1985. Os agricultores locais que se dedicavam à agricultura de subsistência, à pesca e ao extrativismo, enfrentaram a limitação da legislação ambiental restritiva que se-impôs como uma situação de suspensão dos seus direitos. Além disso, a apropriação de terras, inicialmente por fazendeiros e, a partir do ano de 2000, por Organizações Não Governamentais Ambientalistas, para execução de projetos de seqüestro de carbono, reduziu a produção voltada para a subsistência. O objetivo do trabalho foi estudar as estratégias adotadas pelos agricultores frente a esta situação com a utilização de uma metodologia quantitativa e qualitativa. A redução da oferta de trabalho e a crise econômica, no período de 1994-2000, fizeram com que aumentasse o extrativismo do palmito, passando a ser a atividade principal em muitas comunidades rurais, nas quais ainda existia. Outros optaram pela clandestinidade através de roças escondidas no meio da mata, o que aumentou a dificuldade do trabalho e escondeu uma agricultura voltada para a subsistência, a qual é bastante intensa em algumas comunidades, especialmente as mais distantes. A lei ambiental e a redução das áreas disponíveis para o plantio tornou necessária a adoção de estratégias produtivas, sociais, econômicas e demográficas, observadas na comunidade de Potinga, as quais demonstram a capacidade de adaptação e de reprodução desses agricultores, evidenciando que a agricultura familiar é bastante resistente. A maior parte das estratégias adotadas significaram a intensificação das redes de parentela, de compadrio, e maior cumplicidade, principalmente nas ações clandestinas, sendo que tal fato causou uma ¿aparente¿ redução da agricultura de subsistência. No entanto, até o início do ano 2000, as políticas e propostas para o desenvolvimento rural não se direcionaram para a sustentabilidade, especialmente com um maior vínculo entre a dimensão econômica, a social, a fundiária e a ambiental. A realidade e a diversidade locais não foram consideradas nos programas propostos, freqüentemente excludentes e que apresentaram conseqüências que afetaram e reduziram as possibilidades de um desenvolvimento social e ambientalmente sustentável. A proposta de alternativas sustentáveis, voltadas para a sustentabilidade econômica, teve início no ano de 2000, porém ainda são iniciativas isoladas e que beneficiam poucos agricultores / Abstract: The town of Guaraqueçaba, located in the northern coast of Parana State, became an environmental protection area in 1.985. The local farmers, who made their living out of fishing, minor agriculture and harvesting the natural grown trees, faced the limitations of tough environmental rules that restricted or canceled their rights. Nevertheless, the confiscation of land, initiated in the year of 2000, first by outside farmers, then by Non-Governmental Environmental Protection Agencies to execute projects of carbon oxide capture, reduced the area local farmers had available to plant. The decrease of job offers and the economy crisis, during the period between 1.994-2.000, made locals increase the extraction of the local plant life heart of palm (palmito) plant, which became the main economical activity in many communities, the ones that still had that plant around. Some locals chose the illegal agriculture inside the protected woods, hiding from inspectors, what made it very harsh, and hid an agriculture designed for survival, very common in many communities. The environmental laws and the reduction of available land for planting made primordial the adoption of economical and social strategies as seen in the community of Potinga. We have observed that family planting occurs more often than it was thought, as most of the main adopted strategies meant strengthen the relative¿s bonds, the god fatherhood and consequently, the social life. Although, until the beginning of the year 2.000, the policies and proposals for rural development didn¿t aim maintenance, specially with a greater attachment to economical, social, land ownership and environmental dimensions. The local reality and diversity were not considered in the proposed social programs, which frequently exclude some inhabitants and showed consequences which affected and reduced the possibility of a social development that could be environmentally correct. The proposal of alternative policies, that aim the maintenance of locals had a start in 2.000, but still they¿re not in great number and benefit only a few of the local farmers / Doutorado / Planejamento e Desenvolvimento Rural Sustentável / Doutor em Engenharia Agrícola

Vattenskyddsområden i Sverige inrättade 2013 - 2019 : föreskrifter och ersättning / Water protection areas in Sweden established between 2013 and 2019

Johansson, Hanna January 2019 (has links)
För att säkerställa nuvarande och kommande generationers tillgång till rent vatten behöver vattentäkter skyddas med områdesskydd. När vattenskyddsområden bildas delas området in i skyddszoner beroende på behovet av skydd. Vid inrättande av vattenskyddsområden meddelas föreskrifter för vilka restriktioner som gäller inom skyddsområdet. Restriktionerna kan medföra rådighetsinskränkningar som kan innebära exempelvis förbud mot hantering av kemiska bekämpningsmedel. Sådana rådighetsinskränkningar ska enligt Sveriges grundlag ersättas, om pågående markanvändning inom berörd del av fastighet avsevärt försvåras. Sker dessa inskränkningar av hälsoskydds-, miljöskydds- eller säkerhetsskäl gäller dock vad som följer av lag i fråga om rätt till ersättning. De allmänna hänsynsreglerna är sådana regler som varje fastighetsägare ska underkasta sig och därmed är rådighetsinskränkningar som sker med hänsyn till dessa inte ersättningsberättigade. Föreliggande studie inriktar sig på att utreda i vilken utsträckning beslutsmyndigheterna vid inrättande av vattenskyddsområde föreskriver förbud eller tillståndsplikt med stöd av miljöbalkens allmänna hänsynsregler och därmed undviker sin skyldighet att betala ersättning. De föreskrivna åtaganden som främst har undersökts är hantering av bekämpningsmedel, hantering av växtnäringsämnen samt upplag av skogsprodukter. Studien har också ämnat utreda ifall kommuner respektive länsstyrelser agerar olika vid inrättande av vattenskyddsområden och ifall skyddsföreskrifterna meddelar olika beroende på vilken skyddszon det gäller. I denna uppsats tillämpas den kvantitativa metoden. Undersökningen av föreskrifterna för urvalet av vattenskyddsområden gjordes kvantitativt. Som ett komplement tolkas text kvalitativt. Studien utreder olika juridiska rättskällor som berör vattenskyddsområden och rådighetsinskränkningen de kan innebära. Rättskällorna som undersökts är författningar, förordningar, en SOU och rättsfall. Utredningen av dessa har gjorts för att få klarhet i den praktiska funktionen av lagen och för att säkerställa vad som gäller. Studien visar att beslutsmyndigheterna i stor utsträckning meddelar den föreskrift som kan medföra skyldighet att erlägga ersättning till fastighetsägaren. Detta fastän det enligt praxis är godtagbart att meddela föreskrifter som innebär att beslutsmyndigheten kan kringgå sin ersättningsskyldighet. Skyddsföreskrifterna i den primära skyddszonen sammanfaller i de flesta fall inte med skyddsföreskrifterna för den sekundära zonen. Enligt studien har vilken myndighet det är som inrättar vattenskyddsområdet inte har någon inverkan på hur föreskrifterna utformas. Kommunen och Länsstyrelsen agerar alltså lika vid inrättande av vattenskyddsområden. / To ensure the current and future generations' access to clean water, water supplies need to be protected with protection areas. When the water protection area is formed, the area is divided in different protection zoned depending on the need of protection. When establishing water protection areas, regulations are issued for which restrictions apply within the protection area. The restrictions may result in restrictions on availability that may, for example, impose a ban on the management of chemical pesticides. Such restrictions on access shall, in accordance with Sweden's constitution, be compensated if ongoing land use within the affected part of the property is made considerably more difficult. However, if these limitations are for health protection, environmental protection or safety reasons, what follows from the law regarding the right to compensation. The general rules of consideration are such rules that each property owner must submit to and restrictions that take place in consideration these are not eligible for compensation. The present study focuses on investigating if the decision-making authorities, when establishing a water protection area, prescribe a prohibition or a license requirement under the general rules of consideration and thereby avoids their obligation to pay compensation. The prescribed commitments that have primarily been investigated are the management of pesticides, the management of plant nutrients and the storage of forest products. The study has also intended to investigate whether municipalities or county administrative boards act differently when establishing water protection areas and if the protection regulations indicate different depending on which protection zone applies. In the present study, the quantitative method has been applied. The examination of the regulations for the selection of water protection areas was done quantitatively. As a complement, qualitative text has been interpreted. The study investigates various legal sources of law that concern water protection areas and the restriction of access they may entail. The sources of law examined are statutes, regulations, an official investigation and court cases. The investigation of these has been done to clarify the practical function of the law and to ensure how it works. The study shows that the decision-making authorities to a large extent announce the regulation that may entail an obligation to pay compensation to the property owner. This, although according to practice, is acceptable to issue regulations that mean that the decision authority can circumvent its obligation to pay compensation. In most cases, the protection regulations in the primary protection zone do not coincide with the protection regulations of the secondary zone. According to the essay, it is concluded that which authority it is that establishes the water protection area has no impact on how the regulations are designed. The municipality and the County Administrative Board thus act equally when establishing water protection areas.

An analysis of the problem of developing environmental education in Brazilian federal protected areas

De Carvalho, Cristina A.R., Filho, Walter Leal, Hale, William H.G. January 1998 (has links)
No / This paper describes the problems encountered in developing environmental education in Federal protected areas in Brazil. Results of a survey on the current status of environmental education in four categories of Federal protected areas; namely national parks, biological reserves, ecological stations and environmental protection areas, are described and discussed. The study suggests that the development of environmental education in protected areas in the country has several limitations: financial resources, lack of training, material resources and a lack of policy on environmental education. It also identifies that some of these problems seem to be inter-related with those of the National System of Conservation Units of the country which may result in a retarding of the development of environmental education in such areas.


Rahman, Rengina January 2008 (has links)
Protection of groundwater sources has become an important issue in Canada. Over the last decade many approaches to the protection of groundwater sources have evolved. Some approaches provide qualitative information while others give quantitative values with respect to protection measures. The objective of the thesis is to examine the existing approaches of source water protection (SWP) using a complex geological setting, and introduce new methodologies towards the quantitative measurement of the various steps of SWP. The information obtained from the studies can be used to set up future guidelines for SWP. The first step in SWP is to assess the vulnerability of an aquifer. In this thesis, we compare three approaches for evaluating aquifer vulnerability: the Index Approach (Intrinsic Susceptibility Index, or ISI), the Hydraulic Resistance (HR) Approach (similar to the Aquifer Vulnerability Index, or AVI) and the Travel Time Approach (Surface to Aquifer Advective Time, or SAAT). The ISI approach uses the thickness and vertical hydraulic conductivity of the layers overlying an aquifer, and the vulnerability is expressed as a numerical score which is related to these parameters but is not physically based. The HR approach is physically based, uses the same parameters as ISI with the addition of porosity, and results are in the form of travel time under a unit gradient. SAAT extends the physically based approach by including the unsaturated zone and using the actual downward gradient; results are given in terms of advective travel time from surface to aquifer. These three approaches are compared, using two different aquifer systems. The second step in SWP is the delineation of wellhead protection areas (WHPAs). The WHPA delineates the area within which a source of contamination could have an impact on the well. The actual impact on the well depends not only on the source, but also on the characteristics of the groundwater system. Important considerations include the dimensionality of the system, the uncertainty in the system characteristics, and the physical processes that could affect the impact. The conventional approach is to define different time of travel (TOT) zones based on backward advective particle tracking. An alternative approach is to apply backward advective-dispersive solute transport modelling, in which dispersion can be taken as representing the uncertainty in defining the hydrogeologic characteristics (e.g. hydraulic conductivity) of the aquifer. The outlines of the TOT zones in the backward advective particle tracking approach is obtained by drawing an envelope around the respective tracks, which may require considerable guesswork. In the backward-in-time transport modelling, the outline of the TOT zones are developed using mass balance principles. The third step is the assessment of well vulnerability. Well vulnerability is based on the source-pathway-receptor concept which analyses the transport and fate of the contaminants along its path from the source to the receptor, and the interaction of the well itself with the flow system, and thus determines the actual impact on the well. The impact can be expressed in terms of the contaminant concentration in the well water. The mapping of the impact can be carried out by using a standard advective-dispersive transport model in either a forward-in-time mode (for a known contaminant source) or in a backward-in-time mode (for unknown sources). Thus, the well vulnerability concept goes beyond the conventional approach of WHPA, which is based solely on advective transport, neglecting dispersion and chemical processes. For any known point or non-point time-varying contaminant sources located arbitrarily within the well capture zone, the expected concentration at the well can simply be evaluated by convoluting the source mass with the results of the well vulnerability without further use of the model. Convolution is a well-known and effective superposition method to deal with arbitrary inputs in time and space for linear systems. The information of the contaminant concentration in the well water can be used to quantify the risk of a well becoming contaminated. Risk can be expressed in terms of the exposure value of the contaminant concentration exceeding the allowable limit and the time frame within which the well becomes contaminated. The exposure value can be integrated with the time element to set up a ranking of priorities, or to calculate the investment that must be made today in order to have the required funds available for remediation at the time it becomes necessary. The concept is applied to a well using hypothetical contaminant sources located arbitrarily within the capture zone. Well vulnerability maps can be used as a powerful tool to identify the optimal locations for Beneficial Management Practices (BMPs). A case study addressing the problem of elevated nitrate levels in a drinking water supply well is used to demonstrate the principle. The reduction of nitrate input concentration within the most vulnerable areas shows the largest impact at the well.

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