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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Rahman, Rengina January 2008 (has links)
Protection of groundwater sources has become an important issue in Canada. Over the last decade many approaches to the protection of groundwater sources have evolved. Some approaches provide qualitative information while others give quantitative values with respect to protection measures. The objective of the thesis is to examine the existing approaches of source water protection (SWP) using a complex geological setting, and introduce new methodologies towards the quantitative measurement of the various steps of SWP. The information obtained from the studies can be used to set up future guidelines for SWP. The first step in SWP is to assess the vulnerability of an aquifer. In this thesis, we compare three approaches for evaluating aquifer vulnerability: the Index Approach (Intrinsic Susceptibility Index, or ISI), the Hydraulic Resistance (HR) Approach (similar to the Aquifer Vulnerability Index, or AVI) and the Travel Time Approach (Surface to Aquifer Advective Time, or SAAT). The ISI approach uses the thickness and vertical hydraulic conductivity of the layers overlying an aquifer, and the vulnerability is expressed as a numerical score which is related to these parameters but is not physically based. The HR approach is physically based, uses the same parameters as ISI with the addition of porosity, and results are in the form of travel time under a unit gradient. SAAT extends the physically based approach by including the unsaturated zone and using the actual downward gradient; results are given in terms of advective travel time from surface to aquifer. These three approaches are compared, using two different aquifer systems. The second step in SWP is the delineation of wellhead protection areas (WHPAs). The WHPA delineates the area within which a source of contamination could have an impact on the well. The actual impact on the well depends not only on the source, but also on the characteristics of the groundwater system. Important considerations include the dimensionality of the system, the uncertainty in the system characteristics, and the physical processes that could affect the impact. The conventional approach is to define different time of travel (TOT) zones based on backward advective particle tracking. An alternative approach is to apply backward advective-dispersive solute transport modelling, in which dispersion can be taken as representing the uncertainty in defining the hydrogeologic characteristics (e.g. hydraulic conductivity) of the aquifer. The outlines of the TOT zones in the backward advective particle tracking approach is obtained by drawing an envelope around the respective tracks, which may require considerable guesswork. In the backward-in-time transport modelling, the outline of the TOT zones are developed using mass balance principles. The third step is the assessment of well vulnerability. Well vulnerability is based on the source-pathway-receptor concept which analyses the transport and fate of the contaminants along its path from the source to the receptor, and the interaction of the well itself with the flow system, and thus determines the actual impact on the well. The impact can be expressed in terms of the contaminant concentration in the well water. The mapping of the impact can be carried out by using a standard advective-dispersive transport model in either a forward-in-time mode (for a known contaminant source) or in a backward-in-time mode (for unknown sources). Thus, the well vulnerability concept goes beyond the conventional approach of WHPA, which is based solely on advective transport, neglecting dispersion and chemical processes. For any known point or non-point time-varying contaminant sources located arbitrarily within the well capture zone, the expected concentration at the well can simply be evaluated by convoluting the source mass with the results of the well vulnerability without further use of the model. Convolution is a well-known and effective superposition method to deal with arbitrary inputs in time and space for linear systems. The information of the contaminant concentration in the well water can be used to quantify the risk of a well becoming contaminated. Risk can be expressed in terms of the exposure value of the contaminant concentration exceeding the allowable limit and the time frame within which the well becomes contaminated. The exposure value can be integrated with the time element to set up a ranking of priorities, or to calculate the investment that must be made today in order to have the required funds available for remediation at the time it becomes necessary. The concept is applied to a well using hypothetical contaminant sources located arbitrarily within the capture zone. Well vulnerability maps can be used as a powerful tool to identify the optimal locations for Beneficial Management Practices (BMPs). A case study addressing the problem of elevated nitrate levels in a drinking water supply well is used to demonstrate the principle. The reduction of nitrate input concentration within the most vulnerable areas shows the largest impact at the well.

Pol?ticas p?blicas florestal e de prote??o ? biodiversidade em prol da APA do Alto do Mucuri

Pereira, Janaina Mendon?a 18 October 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Raniere Barreto (raniere.barros@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2018-04-13T18:54:46Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) janaina_mendon?a_pereira.pdf: 5685433 bytes, checksum: e0beea54bf71016f5159bbeb314bd3d2 (MD5) / Rejected by Rodrigo Martins Cruz (rodrigo.cruz@ufvjm.edu.br), reason: Verificar keywords e ag?ncia financiadora on 2018-04-20T15:04:26Z (GMT) / Submitted by Raniere Barreto (raniere.barros@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2018-05-15T18:58:49Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) janaina_mendon?a_pereira.pdf: 5685433 bytes, checksum: e0beea54bf71016f5159bbeb314bd3d2 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Martins Cruz (rodrigo.cruz@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2018-05-15T19:47:05Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) janaina_mendon?a_pereira.pdf: 5685433 bytes, checksum: e0beea54bf71016f5159bbeb314bd3d2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-15T19:47:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) janaina_mendon?a_pereira.pdf: 5685433 bytes, checksum: e0beea54bf71016f5159bbeb314bd3d2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016 / A ?rea de Prote??o Ambiental (APA) do Alto do Mucuri apresenta consider?veis remanescentes florestais de Mata Atl?ntica e tem sofrido intensa press?o antr?pica, principalmente por desmatamentos e queimadas. Esse conflito florestal poder? ser equacionado e atender aos interesses da sociedade atrav?s da implementa??o de eficientes pol?ticas p?blicas. Neste trabalho, objetivou-se sistematizar informa??es ambientais e correlacionar as mesmas com as pol?ticas p?blicas florestal e de prote??o ? biodiversidade. No estudo foram considerados para an?lise multicrit?rio o uso e cobertura do solo, a declividade, a densidade de drenagem, o tamanho de fragmentos florestais, dist?ncia dos corpos d??gua e crit?rios hidrogeol?gicos, que foram analisados atrav?s da metodologia de combina??o linear ponderada. Os crit?rios foram correlacionados com as pol?ticas p?blicas florestal e de prote??o ? biodiversidade propostas pela lei estadual, associadas ? restaura??o ecol?gica, conserva??o e prote??o ? biodiversidade, e produ??o sustent?vel. A utiliza??o de crit?rios hidrogeol?gicos no presente estudo ? uma inova??o em an?lises multicrit?rios para defini??o de ?reas priorit?rias para a conserva??o e recupera??o ambiental. A an?lise multicrit?rio realizada no presente estudo, atrav?s do m?todo de combina??o linear ponderada, permitiu a integra??o de diferentes crit?rios, que em conjunto, podem ajudar na tomada de decis?o de institui??es relacionadas ao ordenamento desse territ?rio. Muitos desses crit?rios se analisados de forma isolada, podem levar a a??es e pol?ticas que n?o correspondem a complexidade da regi?o e consequentemente podem n?o ser t?o efetivas quanto o necess?rio. Constatou-se que a regi?o possui alta sensibilidade ambiental quanto aos recursos h?dricos, por apresentar ?reas com altas declividades e alta densidade de drenagem, distribu?das em todo o territ?rio. Al?m disso, apresenta ?reas com ?guas e pacotes sedimentares superficiais que necessitam de cobertura florestal para manuten??o da estabilidade. Em conjunto, esses fatores indicam baixa capacidade de infiltra??o da ?gua e favorecimento ao escoamento superficial, prejudicando o balan?o h?drico da bacia hidrogr?fica. Desta forma, conclui-se que a regi?o possui alta depend?ncia de vegeta??o nativa e, portanto, demanda a??es que potencializem o aumento da cobertura florestal e a produ??o sustent?vel. Atrav?s da implementa??o de pol?ticas p?blicas adequadas ? realidade deste territ?rio, com plena participa??o social, ser? poss?vel proporcionar uma chance de real concilia??o entre a conserva??o das esp?cies, habitats e servi?os ecossist?micos, e o desenvolvimento econ?mico e social, numa das regi?es mais fr?geis do Estado de Minas Gerais. As estrat?gias de conserva??o e restaura??o ecol?gica, bem como de produ??o e uso sustent?vel, devem buscar abordagens integradoras, atrav?s da articula??o de iniciativas j? existentes, assim como do desenvolvimento de novas solu??es, adaptadas ? realidade local e regional, sobretudo com vistas ? prote??o dos recursos naturais e produ??o sustent?vel na APA do Alto do Mucuri. / Disserta??o (Mestrado Profissional) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Tecnologia, Sa?de e Sociedade, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2016. / The Environmental Protection Area (APA) of Higth Mucuri River presents considerable forest remnants of the Atlantic Forest, and has suffered intense anthropic pressure, mainly by deforestation and fires. This forest conflict can be equated and serve the interests of society through the implementation of efficient public policies. In this work, the objective was to systematize environmental information and correlate them with forest public policies and biodiversity protection. In the study, the use and coverage of soil, declivity, drainage density, size of forest fragments, distance of water bodies and hydrogeological criteria were analyzed using a weighted linear combination methodology. The criteria were correlated with the forest public policies and biodiversity protection proposed by state law, associated with ecological restoration, conservation and protection of biodiversity, and sustainable production. The use of hydrogeological criteria in the present study is an innovation in multicriteria analyzes to define priority areas for conservation and environmental recovery. The multicriteria analysis performed in the present study, using the weighted linear combination method, allowed the integration of different criteria, which together can help in the decision making of institutions related to the planning of that territory. Many of these criteria, if analyzed in isolation, can lead to actions and policies that do not correspond to the complexity of the region and therefore may not be as effective as necessary. It was verified that the region has high environmental sensitivity regarding water resources, since it presents areas with high slopes and high density of drainage, distributed throughout the territory. In addition, it presents areas with water and surface sedimentary packages that need forest cover to maintain stability. Taken together, these factors indicate low water infiltration capacity and favoring surface runoff, damaging the water balance of the watershed. In this way, we conclude that the region has high dependence on native vegetation and, therefore, demands actions that increase the forest cover and sustainable production. Through the implementation of public policies appropriate to the reality of this territory, with full social participation, it will be possible to provide a real reconciliation between the conservation of species, habitats and ecosystem services and economic and social development in one of the most fragile regions of the State of Minas Gerais. Ecological conservation and restoration strategies, as well as production and sustainable use, should seek integrative approaches, through the articulation of existing initiatives, as well as the development of new solutions, adapted to the local and regional reality, especially with a view to protecting the Natural resources and sustainable production in The Environmental Protection Area of Higth Mucuri River.

Transporttider för vatten i närområdet till en vattentäkt : spårämnesförsök i en isälvsavlagring

Enquist, Jonas January 2006 (has links)
When establishing a groundwater protection area it is of great interest to be able to estimate the transit time of the groundwater from different places of the aquifer to the withdrawal well. These estimates can be uncertain due to heterogeneities in the aquifer. As a part of the work to develop methods for a more certain delineation of protection areas, a tracer test was performed in an esker located 25 kilometres NW of the town Uppsala. The purpose of this master thesis was to perform, describe and evaluate the tracer test. Travel times from the tracer test should then enable comparison against stochastic simulated travel times of the groundwater in the area. Three dyes (rhodamine WT, uranine and naphtionate) and a salt (NaBr) were used in the tracer test. The tracers were injected in four different wells located 25 meters from a pumping well. The pumping well was pumped at a rate of 1.7 L/s and water samples were collected from the pumped water. The calculated mass recovery was large for bromide (101 %) but considerably lower for the dyes rhodamine WT (70 %), uranine (61 %) and Naphthionate (19 %). The low mass recovery for the dyes is probably due to degradation and maybe also adsorption. An analytical solution to the advection – dispersion equation in one dimension for radial converging flow was used for the interpretation of the breakthrough curves. Smallest and largest transit time that was received from the model fitting was 1,9 days and 5,1 days respectively and without exception large longitudinal dispersivities (9-35 m). Point dilution tests were performed in the injection wells in order to determine the ground water flow at these wells. The tests gave information about the magnitude of the ground water flow, differences between the wells and the flow change at pumping. Travel times were estimated from the received breakthrough curves and the travel time distributions can be used for comparison against stochastic simulated travel times of the groundwater. / Vid utformningen av skyddsområden för grundvattentäkter är det av stor vikt att kunna uppskatta grundvattnets transporttid (uppehållstid) från olika partier av akviferen till uttagsplatsen. Dessa bedömningar har en tendens att bli osäkra på grund av heterogeniteter i akviferen. Som ett led i arbetet att utveckla metoder för en säkrare avgränsning av skyddsområden genomfördes ett spårämnesförsök i en isälvsavlagring (Järlåsaåsen) belägen cirka 2,5 mil nordväst om Uppsala. Syftet med examensarbetet var att genomföra, beskriva och utvärdera spårämnesförsöket. Bestämda transporttider från spårämnesförsöket skulle sedan kunna användas för jämförelse med stokastiskt simulerade transporttider för grundvattnet i området. Tre färgspårämnen (rhodamin WT, uranin och naphtionat) och ett salt (NaBr) användes vid spårämnesförsöken. Spårämnena injicerades i fyra olika grundvattenrör belägna 25 meter från en uttagsbrunn. Pumpflödet ur uttagsbrunnen var 1,7 L/s och med en automatprovtagare togs vattenprover från det uppumpade vattnet. Resultatet från massbalansberäkningarna visade på att all injicerad bromid återfanns i uttagsbrunnen, men andelen återfunnen spårämnesmassa var betydligt lägre för färgspårämnena rhodamin WT (70 %), uranin (61 %) och naphtionat (19 %). Den låga andelen återfunnen massa beror troligtvis främst på nedbrytning och kanske även på adsorption. En analytisk lösning till advektions- dispersionsekvationen i en dimension för radiellt konvergerande strömning användes vid utvärderingen av genombrottskurvorna. En minsta och största uppehållstid på 1,9 dygn respektive 5,1 dygn och överlag oväntat stora dispersiviteter (9 – 35 m) erhölls från kurvanpassningen. Den första ankomsttiden till uttagsbrunnen hade ett minsta och största värde på 3,8 respektive 13 timmar. Utspädningsförsök genomfördes också för att bestämma storleken på flödet vid injektionsrören. Dessa försök gav en bild av flödets storlek, skillnader mellan de olika injektionsrören och flödets förändring vid pumpning. De bestämda transporttiderna visar på relativt stora tidsskillnader och ett heterogent försöksområde. Transporttidsfördelningarna utgör också ett underlag för en jämförelse mot stokastiskt simulerade transporttider av grundvattnet.

AlteraÃÃes morfolÃgicas e capacidade de suporte ambiental da lagoa costeira do catÃ, Aquiraz, CearÃ, Brasil / Morphological changes and environmental support capacity of the coastal lagoon CatÃ, Aquiraz, CearÃ, Brazil

Lysandra Guedes Fontenele 06 January 2014 (has links)
A utilizaÃÃo dos recursos hÃdricos em suas mais distintas formas vem acarretando sÃrios impactos negativos para os reservatÃrios, tanto na exploraÃÃo de suas Ãguas quanto na ocupaÃÃo dos seus entornos. A lagoa costeira do Catà està localizada no municÃpio de Aquiraz-CE, caracteriza-se pela elevada beleza cÃnica, pelos atrativos turÃsticos e pela crescente especulaÃÃo imobiliÃria. A ocupaÃÃo indevida das Ãreas de ProteÃÃo Permanente (APPs) vem acarretando uma sÃrie de impactos ambientais negativos para a lagoa. O presente estudo teve por base estudar as alteraÃÃes morfolÃgicas e sedimentolÃgicas associadas aos impactos ambientais da Lagoa do CatÃ, em decorrÃncia do uso e ocupaÃÃo da sua bacia de contribuiÃÃo, verificando as mudanÃas ao longo dos Ãltimos 10 (dez) anos (2003 - 2013). Para tanto, utilizou-se mapeamento de imagens dos anos de 2007 e 2012 para a identificaÃÃo das atividades de uso e ocupaÃÃo da lagoa e de sua bacia de contribuiÃÃo direta, estimativas de contribuiÃÃo de sedimento das diversas atividades econÃmicas e da cobertura do solo e procedimentos de batimetria atual e comparativa ao ano de 2003, caracterizaÃÃo sedimentolÃgica de 49 amostras do fundo lacustre e relacionamento dos dados de contribuiÃÃo de sedimento com a ocupaÃÃo das APPs. Verificou-se que a bacia de contribuiÃÃo da lagoa à uma Ãrea fortemente influenciada pelos fatores naturais, a exemplo do Ãndice pluviomÃtrico da regiÃo e das atividades exercidas no seu entorno. Quanto a comparaÃÃo do relevo submerso atual com o ano de 2003, observou-se a variaÃÃo do nÃvel das profundidades, identificando um decrÃscimo de 2 metros, assim como a pontualizaÃÃo das maiores profundidades na porÃÃo ao norte da lagoa e das menores na dimensÃo mÃdia e nas suas margens, fato explicado pela constante movimentaÃÃo de sedimentos provenientes das mais diversas atividades. Por meio do mapeamento da regiÃo em anos distintos verificou-se o acrÃscimo e decrÃscimo de diversas classes de usos a nÃvel de Ãrea. Para as estimativas de sedimento as principais atividades que contribuem sÃo: Ãrea descampada, Dunas-paleodunas-planÃcie de deflaÃÃo, faixa de praia e Ãrea urbana. Quanto as caracterÃsticas sedimentolÃgicas hà uma predominÃncia da classe arenosa, principalmente de sedimentos finos e em seguida pela fraÃÃo lamosa. O sistema lagunar possui baixa energia ao norte, e de sul à porÃÃo mÃdia da lagoa hà considerÃvel energia. A geoquÃmica para o ambiente indicou valores baixos de carbonato de cÃlcio no geral, com picos em Ãreas com atividades urbanas intensas. Para os Ãndices de matÃria orgÃnica foram encontradas as maiores quantidades na porÃÃo ao sul, regiÃo caracterizada pela forte aÃÃo antrÃpica. Notou-se a supressÃo de grande parte da APP, sendo possÃvel relacionar os pontos com mais contribuiÃÃes de sedimentos e cargas geoquÃmicas em Ãreas desprovidas de vegetaÃÃo peculiar. AlÃm das vulnerabilidades sujeitas ao ambiente, como as ameaÃas de cheias quando em perÃodos chuvosos, assoreamento em diversas porÃÃes dado as atividades urbanas com contribuiÃÃes para os processos erosivos por meio das diversas construÃÃes e aterramentos. / Hydric resources using in it most different ways have been causing serious negative impacts for its depots, not only in its water exploration, but also in its borders occupation. Catà coastal lake is located in the city of Aquiraz, CearÃ, and itâs characterized by elevated scenic beauty, touristic attractives and increasing real estate speculation. The incorrect occupation of the Permanent Protection Areas (PPAs) is causing a series of serious negative impacts to the lake. This research has in its base the study of the morphological alterations in Catà coastal lake in recurrence of its contribution bay using and occupation, and also verifies its environmental support capacity by using its invested sediment cargo, verifying its changes by the last ten years (2003 â 2013), by image mapping of years 2007 and 2012 for identification of using and occupation activities of the lake and its direct contribution bay, sediment contribution estimation of various economical activities and soil covering and actual and comparative bathymetry procedures in the year of 2003, sediment characterization of 49 samples of lacustrine soil, and data relation of sediment contribution and with PPAs occupation. The identified characteristics belong to the bay as a natural factor influenced area, as instanced by the region pluviometric index and the man-made activities by the borders. As for the comparing of the actual submerged relief with the year of 2003, the biggest observed alteration was the deep level with the decreasing of 2 centimeters, as well as the pointing of the deepest areas in the north of the lake, and the smallest in the medium dimension and its borders, fact explained by the constant sediment moving originated from the most different activities. By the region mapping in different years, it was verified the increasing and decreasing of several using classes in an area level. For the sediment estimate, the most contributing activities are: wildness area, deflation-planed-paleaodunic Dunes, Beach Stripe and Urban Area. As for the sediment characteristics, there is a dominance of sandy class, mostly thin sediments, followed by muddy fraction. The estuarine system has low energy by the downstream, and upward at medium portion thereâs a considerable high energy. Geochemistry for the ambient has indicated low calcium carbonate values in general, with peaks in intense urban activities areas. For organic material index, the highest quantities were found by the south portion, a region with strong man-made action. It was noted the suppression of a biggest area of the PPA, being able to determine the points with more sediment contribution and geochemical cargos in areas without peculiar vegetation. Aside the environment vulnerabilities, like the floods in rainy periods, aggradations in different portions caused by urban activities with contributions for erosive process by different buildings and aggradations.

Právní úprava ochrany volně žijících druhů ptáků / Legal regulation of protection of wild bird species

Kubešová, Jana January 2021 (has links)
Legal regulation of protection of wild bird species Abstract This thesis deals with legal regulation of protection of wild bird species at the international, European and Czech level. The aim of the thesis was to provide an overview of legal regulation of protection of wild bird species, and to evaluate whether this legal regulation is an effective means of achieving objectives which led to its adoption. The thesis consists of an introduction, three main parts and a conclusion. The first part of the thesis describes protection of birds in international law. In this part of the thesis there are first introduced international organizations important for protection of birds, in particular International Union for Conservation of Nature and BirdLife International, and then in the author's opinion the most relevant international conventions to protection of birds, namely the Ramsar Convention, the Bonn Convention, the Bern Convention and the Convention on Biological Diversity. The following second part of the thesis focuses on protection of birds in European law. In this part of the thesis legal regulation of protection of wild bird species in Directive 2009/147/EC (the Birds Directive) is described in detail including the related case law of Court of Justice of the European Union. The author pays attention...

Monitoramento de áreas de proteção ambiental através de indicadores de sustentabilidade / Monitoring of environmental protection areas through sustainability indicators

Gonçalves, Diego Lustre 19 November 2014 (has links)
O sucesso da gestão de uma Área de Proteção Ambiental é algo impreciso e de difícil classificação. APAs são Unidades de Conservação de Uso Sustentável que integram tanto áreas públicas quanto privadas em seu território. Visam tanto à conservação e manejo de seus recursos naturais como melhoria da qualidade de vida da população que ali vive. Além disso, trata-se de UCs carentes de mecanismos de monitoramento e relativamente desvalorizadas no âmbito científico e da gestão pública. Entendendo que as APAs seguem os pressupostos do conceito de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (DS), buscamos nos chamados indicadores de sustentabilidade uma possibilidade de mensuração de sua gestão. Tendo a Teoria Geral dos Sistemas como principal embasamento teórico, procuramos analisar as APAs sob um olhar sistêmico. Utilizando como procedimentos metodológicos a pesquisa bibliográfica e a pesquisa experimental, buscamos exemplos sobre modelos existentes e integração destes com as características singulares às APAs. Assim, foram obtidas variáveis de análise sistêmicas e estruturais com as quais foi possível definir forma, estrutura e processos do Sistema APA. Como resultado, construímos um modelo prévio ou esboço metodológico para o monitoramento da gestão de APAs com vistas em atingir o DS. Esse modelo faz uso de indicadores de sustentabilidade que abrangem as dimensões ambiental, econômica, social e de gestão. Através de pesquisa empírica procuramos testar o modelo na APA Capivari-Monos, localizada no extremo sul da Cidade de São Paulo, na qual foram construídos indicadores de forma participativa através do Conselho Gestor da APA. Os resultados obtidos, embora com certa carga de subjetividade, apontam tendência preocupante, cujas causas extrapolam a própria gestão recaindo sobre as responsabilidades dos órgãos públicos executores de políticas públicas. Espera-se que o modelo proposto possa ser testado em outras condições e reproduzido em outras APAs. / The successful management of an Environmental Protection Area is somewhat unclear and difficult to classify. APAs are Conservation Units of Sustainable Use comprising both public and private areas in their territory. Target both the conservation and management of natural resources such as improving the quality of life of people living there. Furthermore, it is deprived of CUs monitoring mechanisms and relatively undervalued in the scientific and public management. Understanding that EPAs follow the assumptions of the concept of Sustainable Development (SD), we seek the one called sustainability indicators measurability of its management. Having the General Systems Theory as a primary theoretical basis, we analyzed the EPAs under a systemic perspective. Using as methodological instruments the literature and experimental research, we seek examples of existing models and integrating these with the unique characteristics to EPAs. Thus, systemic and structural variables were obtained in which was possible to define the form, structure and processes of the \"EPA System\". As a result, we construct a prior model or methodological outline for monitoring the management of APAs with a view to achieving the SD. This model makes use of sustainability indicators covering environmental, economic, social and manegement dimensions. Through empirical research attempted to test the model in EPA Capivari- Monos, located at the southern end of the City of São Paulo, in which indicators were constructed in a participatory manner through the Management Council of the EPA. The results, though with a certain load of subjectivity, point worrying trend, the causes go beyond the management itself falling on the responsibilities of public agencies executing public policy. It is expected that the proposed model can be tested in other conditions and reproduced other EPAs.

Cosmovis?es da Natureza: Um estudo sobre as Representa??es Sociais de Natureza envolvidas na prote??o da Lagoa de Cima Campos dos Goytacazes RJ. / Cosmovisions of Nature: A study on Nature Social Representations involved in the protection of Lagoa de Cima - Campos dos Goytacazes - RJ.

Costa, Klenio Veiga da 28 August 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:12:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2008 - Klenio Veiga da Costa.pdf: 7891107 bytes, checksum: 3e4217cfa8e086ea66617df8f762ed21 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-08-28 / This study focuses on the relationship between Men and Nature, emphasizing the issue regarding the protection of Nature. Therefore, it is based on the Nature s Social Representations concept, in order to analyze the different use proposals and biodiversity meanings in Lagoa de Cima, Campos dos Goytacazes RJ, which are material and symbolically disputed among Artisanal Fishermen and by the Municipality Public Power. In this sense, it is one of the main objectives to think how the distinct Nature appropriations performed by these social actors are related to their specific Nature Social Representations. They also reflect their world standpoints and, overall, their perception regarding Nature. Nevertheless, the study also aims to evaluate the reach of the Nature conservation project formulated by the Public Power the creation of Environmental Protection Area of Lagoa de Cima regarding the representation of natural resources, mainly, the one designed by the Artisanal Fishermen. The methodology of this thesis is inserted in a qualitative analysis of the social phenomena, using both the unstructured interview and participant observation. The choice of this approach is necessary once it better suits the study, because, it makes possible the analysis of issues that can not be quantified, which are sentiments, motivations, values and attitudes, which compose the Social Representations. From a theoretical standpoint, there is a brief review regarding the concept of Social Representations, based on authors like Durkheim (1983), Mauss (1974) and Moscovici (2003), also the concept of Social Representations regarding Nature is analyzed from Godelier (1981). In the sequence of the study, an analysis on the environmental preservation practices was conducted, mainly about the conservation units, aiming to the understanding of the relationship among these units and the population that historically inhabited the protection areas, supporting this analysis on authors, such as Diegues (1998) and Acselrad (2001). / A tem?tica tratada por esta disserta??o ? a rela??o de grupos sociais distintos e a Natureza, com ?nfase na quest?o relativa ? prote??o ambiental. Para tanto, este estudo baseou-se em uma an?lise, sob o prisma das Representa??es Sociais da Natureza, das distintas propostas de uso e significa??o da biodiversidade da Lagoa de Cima, Campos dos Goytacazes RJ, local este que ? disputado material e simbolicamente por Pescadores Artesanais e pelo Poder P?blico Municipal. Assim, um dos objetivos ? pensar como as distintas apropria??es da Natureza feitas por estes atores sociais est?o relacionadas ?s suas espec?ficas Representa??es Sociais da Natureza. Soma-se a tal anseio, observar como as propostas de preserva??o constru?das pelos atores sociais envolvidos com a Lagoa de Cima refletem suas vis?es de mundo e, sobretudo, as suas percep??es sobre a Natureza. N?o obstante, ? tamb?m objetivo desta disserta??o avaliar a abrang?ncia do projeto de conserva??o da Natureza formulado pelo Poder P?blico a cria??o da ?rea de Prote??o Ambiental da Lagoa de Cima frente ? representa??o dos recursos naturais formulada pelos Pescadores Artesanais. De modo a alcan?ar tais objetivos, este estudo lan?ou m?o de artif?cios metodol?gicos inseridos em uma perspectiva de an?lise qualitativa dos fen?menos sociais, a saber: a entrevista aberta e a observa??o participante. A escolha desta abordagem se fez necess?ria por ser esta a que se ad?qua de modo coerente com os resultados buscados por este estudo, pois, tais ferramentas metodol?gicas possibilitam a an?lise de quest?es que n?o podem ser quantificadas, a saber, anseios, sentimentos, motiva??es, valores e atitudes que comp?em as Representa??es Sociais. Do ponto de vista te?rico, a princ?pio, empreende-se uma brev?ssima revis?o acerca do conceito de Representa??es Sociais, baseada em autores como Durkheim (1983), Mauss (1974) e Moscovici (2003), feito isso, aprofunda-se o conceito de Representa??es Sociais com rela??o ? Natureza, a partir de Godelier (1981). Na seq??ncia, buscou-se empreender uma an?lise sobre as pol?ticas de preserva??o ambiental, cristalizadas nas unidades de conserva??o, com intuito de uma reflex?o sobre a rela??o entre estas e as popula??es que historicamente habitam tais ?reas, apoiando-se, sobretudo, nos escritos de Diegues (1998) e Acselrad (2001).

Ocupação irregular e regularização fundiária de interesse social em áreas de proteção ambiental : o caso da Ilha Grande dos Marinheiros, Porto Alegre / RS

Pessoa, Mariana Lisboa January 2014 (has links)
A ocupação irregular em áreas ambientalmente protegidas é um problema inerente à urbanização e está cada vez mais presente no espaço urbano brasileiro. Esse tipo de cenário se forma, de maneira geral, porque a população de baixa renda, sem condições financeiras de se inserir formalmente no mercado imobiliário, acaba ocupando áreas impróprias e que apresentam restrições de uso, seja por definições legais ou então por possuírem algum grau de risco à saúde ou à segurança da população. Tal situação gera uma série de impactos negativos ao meio ambiente e à população residente nesses locais. Com o objetivo de minimizar esses impactos o poder público desenvolve e executa processos de intervenção, como a regularização fundiária, por meio de ações de implantação de melhorias urbanísticas e habitacionais que acabam por gerar, também, melhorias ambientais. Esse processo, porém, é bastante complexo, pois envolve uma série de atores com interesses sociais, econômicos e políticos bastante diferentes. Diante desse contexto, o presente trabalho tem por objetivo problematizar a possibilidade de efetivação de um processo de regularização fundiária em uma área ambientalmente protegida, conciliando a inserção da população na cidade formal com a proteção ambiental. O objeto empírico é a Ilha Grande dos Marinheiros, Porto Alegre/RS, que foi escolhida por se configurar como um mosaico de ocupações de alta e baixa renda em áreas de proteção ambiental, com distintos graus de restrição de uso e ocupação. Os resultados apontam que a população de baixa renda residente na ilha é consciente e favorável a um processo de regularização fundiária, desde que possam permanecer em seus locais de moradia. A partir das análises e dos resultados obtidos nessa pesquisa espera-se auxiliar na elaboração de ações de regularização fundiária que garantam a manutenção dos moradores de baixa renda nas áreas ambientalmente protegidas, buscando melhorias nas condições de vida e de bem-estar da população e a proteção do ambiente natural. / The irregular settlements in environmentally protected areas are an inherent problem to the urbanization and it is increasingly present in the Brazilian urban space. This type of scenario is formed, generally, due to low-income population that have no financial position to formally achieve the property market terminate to occupy unsuitable areas which presents restrictions on their use, either for legally definitions or else by having some degree of risk to the health or safety of the population. Such situation generates a lot of negative impacts to the environment and the local population residing in these spots. Aiming to minimize these impacts the government develops and implements intervention processes such as land tenure regularization, through actions of deployment of urban and housing improvements that eventually also generate environmental enhancements. This process, however, is quite complex because it involves a number of actors with social, economic and political rather different interests. Given this context, this paper aims to discuss the possibility of effecting a process of regularization in an environmentally protected area, accommodating the insertion of the population in the formal city with environmental protection. The empirical object is the Ilha Grande dos Marinheiros (Big Island of Sailors), Porto Alegre / RS, which was chosen for configuring a mosaic of occupations of high and low income population in areas of environmental protection, with varying degrees of restriction on use and occupancy. The results show that the low-income residents on the island is conscious and favor a process of regularization, provided that they can remain in their places of residence. From the analysis and the results obtained in this research are expected it to assists in developing action for land tenure regularization, which ensure the maintenance of low-income residents in environmentally protected areas and seeking improvements in living conditions, well-being and protection of the natural environment.

Análise da Percepção ambiental de universitários na APA Petrópolis (RJ): estudo para uma proposta em educação ambiental para o Ensino Superior / Analisis on environmental perception of graduate students in APA Petropólis: study for a proposition of an environmnetal education for the graduation

Marco Pinheiro Gonçalves 15 September 2011 (has links)
Unidades de conservação da natureza sofrem historicamente de problemas envolvendo, por exemplo, administração pública e legitimação popular, o que reflete quadros de ineficiência e conflitos locais em vários níveis. Nesse contexto, a Área de Proteção Ambiental de Petrópolis (APA Petrópolis) é abordada, com o objetivo de se prover um quadro analítico sobre a sustentabilidade regional e a percepção popular acerca da proposta de da APA Petrópolis, usando métodos em percepção ambiental focada nos segmentos universitários. A tese se divide em três momentos analíticos: primeiramente, são apresentados os contextos históricos, sociais e políticos locais da paisagem, no âmbito da criação da APA Petrópolis e das contradições acerca do funcionamento do modelo, sob um referencial teórico que engloba políticas locais, manejo de unidades de conservação, conflitos ambientais e participação social. Em segundo lugar, analisou-se a percepção ambiental de 606 alunos universitários (por meio de questionários) e sete professores e gestores das universidades participantes (por meio de entrevistas) na APA Petrópolis, buscando fenômenos e características específicas das subjetividades inerentes a tais grupos. Por fim, apresenta-se concepções úteis para a organização de alternativas teóricas e práticas para uma educação ambiental emancipatória e transformadora voltada para a realidade dos segmentos universitários da APA Petrópolis. Os resultados envolvem a exposição de um complexo contexto histórico e político que traduz a parca funcionalidade deste modelo de conservação da paisagem. O planejamento territorial da cidade, o próprio contexto de criação da unidade e o cenário político regional são aspectos que contribuem para a baixa funcionalidade da APA. Os questionários evidenciam uma percepção superficial dos problemas ambientais de Petrópolis, assim como um baixo reconhecimento da APA. As entrevistas, de outra maneira, evidenciam dois fenômenos: a naturalização das questões sociais e a invisibilização das questões ambientais. As alternativas teóricas e metodológicas apresentadas para abordar as questões ambientais da APA Petrópolis para os universitários envolvem o conceito de alfabetização ecológica e a formação de sujeitos ecológicos, como diretrizes para uma educação voltada para a sustentabilidade regional. / Nature conservation areas historically suffer with problems involving, for example, public administration and popular legitimacy, which reflects inefficiency boards and local conflicts at various levels. In this context, the Environmental Protection Area of Petrópolis (APA Petrópolis) is approached with the aim of providing an analytical framework on regional sustainability and the popular perception about the proposed APA Petrópolis, using methods in environmental perception focusing on university segments. The thesis is divided into three analytical moments: first, we present the historical, social and local political contexts of landscape, in the aim of the creation of APA Petrópolis and contradictions regarding the model, under a theoretical framework that includes local policies, management of conservation units, environmental conflicts and social participation. Second, we analyzed the environmental perception of 606 college students (through questionnaires) and seven teachers and administrators at the participating universities (through interviews) in APA Petrópolis, seeking phenomena and characteristics of subjectivity inherent in such groups. Finally, we present useful concepts to the organization of theoretical and practical alternatives to an environmental education aimed to the emancipation and reality transformation to the university segments at APA Petrópolis. The results involving the exposure of a complex historical and political context that reflects the low functioning of this model of landscape conservation. The territorial planning of the city, the establishment context for the APA, and the regional political scene are aspects that contribute to the low functionality of the APA. The questionnaires showed a superficial perception of the environmental problems of Petropolis, as well as a low recognition of the APA. Interviews, otherwise, show two phenomena: the naturalization of social issues and invisibility of environmental issues. The theoretical and methodological alternatives presented to address environmental issues to university in APA Petrópolis involve the concept of ecological literacy and training of ecological subjects, such as guidelines for an education directed to regional sustainability.

Áreas marginais a corpos hídricos urbanos: delimitação e zoneamento ambiental. Área piloto: Bacia do Córrego Santa Maria Madalena em São Carlos, SP / Areas adjacent to urban water bodies: environmental zoning and delimitation. Pilot area: Santa Maria Madalena stream watershed in São Carlos, Brazil

Felicio, Bruna da Cunha 26 July 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:58:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 6446.pdf: 11130211 bytes, checksum: 632fbc7b67f6bbf4ffb13e6938458d11 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-07-26 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / This research seeks to meet the demand for information assisting public administrators in making decisions about urban development. Along these lines, this case study on Santa Madalena Stream watershed (SMSW), São Carlos, Brazil, aims to supplement Federal Law No. 12,651, of May 25, 2012, which establishes permanent protection areas (PPAs) adjacent to water bodies. To this end, it considers local specificities and provides a tool for protecting watersheds and improving the quality of life of surrounding populations. The main objective of this study is to develop and propose criteria and guidelines for the protection of urban watersheds through an environmental zoning (ZA) process conducive to establishing land occupancy modes and priorities as well as drawing up legal regulations on a local scope. This study indicates that the aforementioned law should take into account local demands and specificities while abiding by its fundamental principles. The procedure presented herein may ultimately contribute to public administrators‟ strategic planning for land use and occupancy and supplementing Federal Law no. 12,651 in order to promote environmental protection and urban development consistent with preserving PPAs. In carrying out this study, the researchers aimed to contribute to public administrations‟ urban planning and environmental management. In this manner, it provides a basis for establishing priority areas for environmental protection and improving public policies on this subject / Este trabalho de pesquisa foi fundamentado na necessidade de produção de informações para subsidiar o poder público no processo decisório para o desenvolvimento das cidades. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho visa trazer subsídios complementares à Lei Federal nº. 12.651, de 25 de maio de 2012, que define as APPs marginais a corpos d'água, por meio de um estudo de caso da Bacia Hidrográfica do Córrego Santa Maria Madalena (BHCSMM), em São Carlos - SP, considerando as especificidades locais e buscando atuar como um instrumento para proteção ambiental da bacia e melhoria da qualidade de vida da sua população. O objetivo principal do trabalho é elaborar e propor critérios e diretrizes para a proteção de uma bacia hidrográfica urbana, por meio de um Zoneamento Ambiental (ZA) que contribua no estabelecimento de prioridades e modalidades de ocupação, bem como na elaboração de regulamentações legais de âmbito local. A elaboração deste trabalho evidenciou que a referida lei necessita ser complementada, de acordo com as especificidades e necessidades locais, sem ferir ou perder os seus princípios fundamentais. O procedimento ora apresentado pode vir a contribuir para o planejamento estratégico municipal de uso e ocupação do solo, no sentido de complementar a lei federal para maior proteção ambiental e desenvolvimento das cidades, compatível com a conservação das suas APPs urbanas. Com o desenvolvimento deste trabalho espera-se contribuir tanto para o planejamento urbano quanto para a gestão ambiental do município, fornecendo subsídios para a definição de áreas prioritárias para proteção e também para a elaboração de políticas públicas municipais.

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